PAGE TEN My Typewriter Talks by THE REV. CHARLES H. GILBERT by The Rev. Charles H. Gilbert The beginning of April called for more meetings to attend than I am in the habit of attend- ing since I retired. Not that I was required by law of the church to attend. Friday night at First Presbyterian in Wilkes-Barre was the final organ recital of a series, most of which Catherine and 1 did attend. This was a special because we remember the performer Mr. Edwin Clark from about 30 years ago when we knew him at Carverton where he lived. There were oc- casions when he played on our organ and also he gave organ lessons to Henrietta Bodle and to Dorothy Gilbert. On those oc- casions I sometimes operated the lever that pumped the organ. He was and is a most gracious person to know, with a smile that 30 years has not worn away. At the recital I forgot to tell him what people always do tell a guest organist, that I en- joyed his recital. But I was too busy recalling the days when we knew him at Carverton and telling him what Dorothy was doing now, for he remembered her and wondered about her. One number of his program that I liked especially was St. Francis Preaching to the Birds. The way it began I thought it should have been titled The Birds singing for St. Francis! But later in the piece it was clear that we were hearing the sermon ‘by St. Francis. The voices of the birds began up in the higher frequencies of sound and I think a few notes I did not hear at all. Those that did come through to me were high and light and lovely. I think St. Francis was telling them thank you for their songs and that their heavenly Father enjoyed them too. Harveys Lake Rod and Gun Club / The regular monthly meeting. of the Harveys Lake Rod & Gun Club was held at the clubhouse recently with 90 members present. Four prospective members names were presented: Leo Milbrodt, John E. Masloski; Robert K. Mathers and William Sims. : Ed Manhart, waterways patrolman, noted that the Fish Commission has been having problems with their stocking program because of the snow this year. The annual fish pole event was held with winners as follows: Allen Wents, John P. Haver and John Corbett. Following the meeting a movie, ‘Newfoundland Trophy Trip.” was shown and refresh- ments were served. Ron is six Ronald Lee Swire, son of Mrs. Claude Neifert and the late Jack Swire, Harveys Lake, celebrated his sixth birthday March 20, with a party at his home. Guests were, Mrs. Palmatier, kindergarten teacher at Lake Elementary School; Mari Borton, Sharon Spencer, Jean Zaleskas, Cynthia Rood, Charles Austin, Tracy Slocum, Mark Evans, Mark Dropko and Bobby Garinger. A second party was given which was attended by mem- "bers of the family including Mr. and Mrs. Robert Traver, grand- parents; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sorchik, aunt and uncle; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Slocum and family, aunt and uncle, and his mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Neifert. St. Andrews observes Easter Easter will be observed by the congregation of St. Andrew’s Eastern Orthodox Church of Dallas, according to the Julian calendar, April 26. The Rev. Father Elias Kre- nitsky, pastor, has scheduled the following services: Holy Thursday at 6 p.m., the Passion of Our Lord and the reading of the 12 Gospels; Good Friday, 3 p.m., the burial service with vespers; Holy Saturday, mid- ‘ night services begin at 11:30 p.m. with Resurrection Matins followed by Divine Liturgy and ending with the blessing of the paschal food baskets. For those desiring to receive holy communion during the Divine Liturgy, confessions will be heard before 11:30 p.m. The summer schedule begins May 3. Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at 9 a.m. each Sunday until Oct. 18. Then Monday morning the regular monthly meeting of the Wilkes-Barre District Metho- dist ministers was convened at Wyoming Seminary. Catherine has been going with me to these meetings in place of the minis- ter's wife. It had been years since my late wife Ruth was able to go and I got so I did not care to go without her. Now Catherine goes and enjoys meeting with the ministers’ wives and doing what they do. The theme which was pertin- ent to the ministers was having to do with explaining why - churches had to have apportion- ments, benevolences and so on. I remember how many laymen used to be concerned with this “load” and often wondered why they had to pay them. For many years it has been my feeling that ‘missions is people’, for I had two or three cousins who were missionaries and later I had, and still have a daughter since 1952 who is part of this a- portionment expense to the churches. I know how grateful the people are to whom she min- isters as a missionary. Missions is people! The subject of appor- tionments just did not fascinate me very much and the meeting to me was boring. But it was nice to meet and mingle with all these ‘‘boys” who are doing the work! Then came a different kind of meeting that I was under no ob- ligation to attend but there have been few of these annual affairs that I have missed since they began about 27 years ago. I re- fer to the annual clergy institute sponsored by Temple B’nai B’rith now of Kingston. It used to be in Wilkes-Barre until about 11 years ago when the present beautiful temple was built not far from Nesbitt Hospi- tal. This time Catherine was with me too. The new spiritual leader is Rabbi Arnold M. Shevlin. The guest rabbi was delayed in his arrival by air travel troubles. So the tempie Rabbi began giving a lecture all by himself. It was so wonderful in content and his voice was clear and enunciation so good that to my ears it was a delight to hear. He began by telling us there is no clear definition of what a Jew is. And mostly he told what a Jew is not: not a religion; (for there are atheistic Jews), not a nation, nor a race. He quoted a verse from Deuteronomy which comes as near describing a Jew as any: chapter 14:2 “The Lord hath chosen thee to be a pecu- liar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the face of the earth.” The Jewish religion has no creed other than that—‘‘Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God the Lord is One.” The purpose of the Jewish law lies in the training it gives him to say ‘‘no!’’ He has many rules governing the details of his life which he learns from child- hood. He learns to take a posi- tive stand regarding every situ- . ation. He can say ‘no’ while others are saying ‘yes’. Yet the Jew who has strict rules to govern his own life does not insist that these rules apply to other people. He feels that others may have perfectly valid rules to govern themselves. Because of the rich heritage I feel has been handed on to me through the Old Testament and which is entwined all through our New Testament I could never side in with those who are always blaming everything on “the Jews’! In my Bible study I have Found one book that keeps me amazed at its value. It belonged to my grandfather Gilbert who was a Presbyterian minister. He used it in his studies. My father was not a minister but was a Bible student and used this same leather-bound volume. Other members of our family made use of this Concor- dance by Alexander Cruden. And it has been on my shelves actively during my life and ministry. The covers are get- ting loose. It has to be handled carefully now. For this book is 132 years old! But it was in this old volume that I found the jus- tification for a certain transla- tion of a verse in the Book of Psalms which is in this newest translation of the Bible called The New English Bible. This is probably a mere coincidence because 1 doubt if the transla- tors of the Bible into the newest English style would have con- sulted such an ancient concor- darice! Well the skunk cabbages are poking their pretty heads up through the mud of the swamps. They deserve prettier names than skunk cabbages! Crocuses are up and daffodils. The mer- cury is not up very high in the thermometer yet but time is moving in that direction. THF DATT.AS POST. APRIL 23. 1970 cut FROM FRESH YOUNG CORN FED PORKERS PORK LOINS WHOLE LOINS RIB PORTION EVERYDAY LOW PRICES Pkg. of 48 TETLEY TeaBags ....... 75¢ | Pkg. of 100 LIPTON Tea Bugs sd $1.33 1-Lb. Can... -GHASE & SANBORN] Coffee vacvcx 89c}| 2-Lb. Can MAXWELL HOUSE Coffee VAC.PACK $1.69 10-Ox. Jar ~~ MAXWELL HOUSE Instant Coffee . $1.69 8-0z. Jar TASTER’S CHOICE Freeze Dr. Coffee $1.99 8-0z. Jar 97% . SANKA Decafe Coffee ..$1.89 30-0z. Can DEL MONTE Fruit Cocktail .49¢ 17-0z. Can DEL MONTE Fruit Cocktail . . 2/65¢ 46-0z. Can DOLE Pineapple Juice .2/79c¢ 46-0z. Juice DEL MONTE Pine. Grapefruit 2/77¢ 1-Lb. Can DEL MONTE Peaches zo" . . .2/57¢ 29-0z. Can DEL MONTE Pear Halves . . . .. .57¢ TEA & COFFEE PRODUCTS S) a ANN PAGE 59¢ 16¢ ANN PAGE $1 09 24¢ ATP '83¢ 6c A&P $1.59 10c AGP $1.49 20¢ A&P $1.83 16¢ AGP $1.59 30¢ EVERYDAY LOW PRICES S CANNED VEGETABLES ps A&P 43¢c “6c AGP 2/55¢10¢ 8-0z. Bot. PFEIFFER Cole Slaw Dressing 39¢ 8-0z. Bot. 1000 Island KRAFT Pourable Dressing 41c 8-0z. Bot. KRAFT French Dressing ..37c¢ 12-0z. Can WELCH’S Grape Juice . .... .45¢ 10-Oz. Pkg. in Bu./Sce. GR. GIANT Orange Juice ....53c LOOK FOR THESE SAVE SIGNS WHEN YOU SHOP BEY AT I AL a a S ROT Ave Mixed Vegetables 35¢ 10-0z. Pkg. BIRDS EYE Spinach &ies . . .. .23¢ 10-0z. Pkg. BIRDS EYE Broccoli Spears .. .37¢ 10-0z. Pkg. BIRDS EYE Cut Corn ........23c 10-0z. Pkg. BIRDS EYE Cauliflower . ... . .35¢c 12-0z. Florida MINUTE MAID A&P 2/74¢ 5¢ A&P ; 2/66¢11¢c AGP 2/53¢ 4c A&P 51c 6¢ EVERYDAY LOW PRICES SALAD DRESSINGS ANN PAGE 35¢ 4c ANN PAGE ° 35¢ 6¢ ANN PAGE 35¢ 2% A&P 43c¢ 2c AGP 33¢c 2c A&P / 20c *3¢ A&P 29¢ 8¢ AGP 20c *3c AGP 29¢ 6c AGP , 37¢c 16¢ Lid SIGNS CAN SAVE YOU MANY DO] HI. EVERYDAY LOW PRICES DAIRY PRODUCTS '1-Lb. Pkg. FLEISCHMANN’S Corn Oil Margarine 47¢ 1-Lb. Pkg. CHIFFON Soft Margarine ...51c 1- Lid Solids MRS. FILBERT'S Margarine :...2/71¢ 1- Lb, Qtrs.” PARKAY Margarine . iv. Ile 3-0z. Pkg. Past. PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese ..2/29¢ 8-0x. Pkg. Past. BORDEN’S Cream Cheese 38¢ 2-Lb, Pkg. Past. Process VELVEETA Cheese Spread . .$1.35 EVERYDAY LOW PRICES CANNED FOODS 17-0z. Can DEL MONTE Whole Kernel Corn 2/57¢ 8-0z. Can BUTTER KERNEL Whole Kernel Corn 2/39 17-0z. Can GREEN GIANT Cream Style Corn 2/55¢ 8-0z. Can GREEN GIANT Cream Style Corn 2/37¢ 17-0z. Can ; DEL MONTE Sweet Peas ....2/57¢c 8-0z. Can GREEN GIANT Sweet Peas .. . .2/39¢ EVERYDAY LOW PRICES HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS Bot. of 100 Bot. of 100 BUFFERIN Buffered Aspirin $1.39] 59c¢ AGP 43c Ac AGP 43¢ 8c NUTLEY 2/50¢ 21¢ NUTLEY 2/50¢ Ne AGP 2/27¢ 2c A&P 33¢ 5¢ CHED-O-BIT $1.19 16¢ AGP 2/45¢12¢ AGP 2/31¢c 8¢ AGP 2/45¢ 10¢ AGP 2/29¢ 8c AGP 2/51¢ 6¢ AGP 2/37¢c 2 is / ONE-A-DAY ; AGP Vitamins with Iron 2.98] 99¢ 1 99 80¢c AGP Er LOW PRICES SN MORE MONEY-SAVFRS fs 15-0z. Pkg. SUNMAID Seedless Raisins . .39¢ 6Y2-0x. Salted PLANTERS Peanuts "5:5"... . .43¢ 18-0z. Pkg. KELLOGG’S Corn Flakes ... .. .41¢ 5-Lb. Bag GOLD MEDAL Flour PURPOSE | | | 69c¢ 10-Lb. Bag PILLSBURY Flour =i: |. $1.33 25-Lb. Bag LING MIDAS Flour ris: $2.69 18%: -0z. Pkg. Asst. DUN. HINES Cake Mixes .... . .43¢c 1-Lb. Can KEN-L-RATION Dog Food .....6/99c 25-Lb. Bag CAINES Dog Meal .... $3.49 A&P 37¢ 2c A&P - 37¢ 6¢ SUNNYFIELD 37¢ 4c SUNNYFIELD 53¢ 16¢ SUNNYFIELD 95¢ 38¢ SUNNYFIELD $219 50¢ -ANN PAGE 3c 12¢ AGP 6/89¢ 10c DAILY $2.59 90c for easier comparison. “This item multiple-priced at the store for even greater savings. Single unit price used CENTER CUT CHOPS - 99° FRESH LEAN bs 59° LOIN 5. 09° PORK CHOPS END cuT END cuT 3 es os 8 » CAKE MIXES JANE PARKER—ALL NEW ENRICHED WHITE BREAD oe eo eo oo 8 o 6 eo ¢ oo 0 oo 3 J Pkgs. 22-0z. Loaves we, le eile ie Te A&P FRESH CUSTOM GROUND EIGHT O'CLOCK 3-Lh. 1 99 Bag RED CIRCLE 9s 30: 5 Vs \ HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS COUNTRY STYLE VACUUM PACK 2.0b uf 28-0x. br. + gm SPARE RIBS , 55¢C | SAUERKRAUT > 29C y a C : C ! Spray Cleaner ... .69¢c| 39¢ 30c - a V2 Gal. : CLOROX | AGP ou Lan wut Liquid Bleach ... 33¢| 32¢ Tc Semi-Boneless HAMS Pad Vz Gal. Bot. ~~ STA-PUR.| AGP ; Food Costs | Soft Rinse ....... 83c| 53c¢ 30c | WHOLE 7 5c EITHER HALF oe eo. 14-Oz. Spray Can PLEDGE| A&P Lb ; hC ° 9 ° 3 Lb. } ; | Furniture Polish $1.45] 59¢ 86¢ 79 : Qt. Bot, IVORY {: Asp HYGRADE—STORE SLICED gil WITHOUT SACRIFICING QUALITY, | Liquid Detergent . .85c| 59% 26c BOILED HAM in $30¢ ie 84-0z. King Size TIDEf SAIL. 2 OPiS HN EMIVE ..... Pile WITHOUT RISKING A PENNY | powd.D . Detergent $1.491$1.29 2 Pod. Detergent $1.49/8129 20c BREADED VEAL STEAKS ...... u 99 | Plastic Wra 35¢| 25¢ 10¢ over who : es wiles | ver Whole or Lh. There are about 124 Comparative items: listed: 12”x25 Ft. Roll P ALCOA | A&P SMOKED HAMS 16 Lbs. "Either Half: * * * ¢ : 59¢ on this page. Half of them are popular National “| Aluminum Foil ... .33¢' 27c 6c SKINLESS acer FRANKS S548 Li 89c¢ Brand products. They represent a fraction of the ET y ANY many National Brands we sell. The other half A | NCY are famous AGP Brand products. Nhat Baa elon ye TE Ve STEAK SWORDFISH SLICED 99¢c No matter what you buy on this page, you can. Shortenin ie a .99¢ 69c¢ 30¢ CAP'N ERG under 10-0z. 49¢ Sea Seale = 8- 59¢ be sure of getting a quality product and an ex- Qt. Bot. HEINZ | ANN PAGE DINNERS sea Food ... 55c Shrimp -0z. Bou cellent value. We at AGP guarantee your com- | (Cider Vinegar _...3%0¢|31c 8c 2 plete satisfaction without reservation. The. Qt. Bot. " HEINZ ANN PAGE A choice is ons 3 fmt National Brangs ef White Vinegar . . .31c| 27¢ 4c AEA, FRESH PRODUCE — prices we believe will save you money or quality J ; AGP Brand products at prices we know will save’ Zl Jor Il weLH SANA PAE CALIEORNIA FRESH RIPE : v, you money . . . meaningful savings without ask- Grape Je y ..65¢c] 59¢ bc = ka i ing you to sacrifice quality. 12-0x. Jar SIF 1 ANN PAGE Faw erries BASKET Wo o ar Peanut Butter ... .55¢/49¢c 6¢c Ve feel a responsibility to remind you of this 12-0Oz. Bot. LOG CABIN | ANN P J i IFORNIA choice .. . . this significant way to cut food costs. Pancake Syrup 45¢ 39¢ ie NAVEL ORANGES LARGE SIZE 36: . 6 For ye think knowing this is important to you... 24.0z. Bot. VERMONT. MAID ANN PACE : SLICING TOMATOES $ileT wei sini ig lalieny ETE 3 t ; : Say Pancake Syrup ...77¢|69c 8c |BARLINKA GRAPES ............ , 49c 14-0z. Pkg. MINUTE AGP : T «pn -Lb. Instant Rice ..... c|3% l4c RED POTATOES unto tues sss DOC EVERYUAY LOW PRICES ANN PAGE—ASSORTED FLAVORS 181-02 19° 89° COFFEE SALE! BOKAR COFFEE 1-Lb. 73¢ 1-Lb, 83¢ 1-Lb. 85¢ SWEET PEAS ............ fp [T= 51 GREEN BEANS ........ an 996 TOMATO PASTE... 6 i= 99¢ i 0 LD DETERGENT I Al B DETERGENT DASH ao IVORY LIQUID *3.* JOY LIQUID Bot. 22-0zx. Bot. 87c 59¢ 59¢ 3-Lb., 1-02 Pkg. 3-Lh., 1-0z. Pkg. 2-Lb., 14-0z. Pkg. SALVO THRILL LIQUID 2° CASCADE oie iy 89° 89° ie 75¢ TIS ® SAVE 10 WITH THIS COUPON TOWARDS THE PURCHASE OF ONE 10-LB. BAG KING MIDAS ALL PURPOSE FLOUR COUPON EXPIRES 4-25-70 5 5 | EB ; : IES BE ETO BEE WITH THIS COUPON | TOWARDS THE PURCHASE OF ONE JUMBO ROLL ai VIVA TOWELS 3c OFF LABEL WITH THIS COUPON TOWARDS THE PURCHASE OF ONE 14-0Z. CAN . WITH THIS COUPON TOWARDS THE PURCHASE OF ONE 10-0Z. JAR MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE IN FREE STORAGE JAR ure) COUPON EXPIRES 4-25-70 COMET CLEANSER COUPON EXPIRES 4- WITH THIS COUPON LADY SCOTT FACIAL TISSUE COUPON EXPIRES 4 WITH THIS COUPON OF ONE 8-0Z. JAR MAXIM (MFG.) CouPoN | EXPIRES S & | : FREEZE DRIED COFFEE ol 25-70 TOWARDS THE PURCHASE OF ONE PKG. 200 2-PLY | S -25-70 © sue 25 | TOWARDS THE PURCHASE 2570 i CC