+ SR uCTION B—PAGE 1 HEHE Kate Richards Top Scorer Kate Richards led DALLAS WOM- AN’S CLUB last week with 179 | (460) while Allspice was taking | team honors with 467 (1632). ; Theresa Graham piled up 174 | (464) and Jeanne Richards hit 182. | Thursday, Paprika took over | the top spot with 20 points. | Ginger has 18 and Caraway 17. Paprika had the most pins, 616 | (1677). Ann Jordan took honors with | 182 (469); Adele Peterson hit 180 ‘and Bette Hanna had 178. ARich Bonomo ‘fakes H:nors i Top scorer in BACK MT. NEIGH- | BORHOOD League was Rich Bono- mo as he spilled 256-213 (655) for Henry's. C. Ehlinger led Radar Squadron with 213-225 (616) and | Harold Kocher, Jr. piled up 216 | (602) for Bill's Diner. Tom Appel | Legal Notice — NOTICE is hereby given that the | Supervisors of Dallas Township will consider enacting the Ordinance set | forth below at a special meeting on | Monday, the 21st of November, | 1966, at 7:00 p.m. EST, at the Dal- las Area Senior High School in Dal- las Township: DALLAS TOWNSHIP ORDINANCE NO. 1966-3 LAYING OUT AND OPENING OF ASTER ROAD AND JAMES STREET Be it ordained and enacted by « the Board of Supervisors of Dallas Township as follows: "¥ # Section 1. Aster Road and James Street, both as shaded in red on the map of Applewood Manor attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof, are hereby laid out and opened as public roads, a petition of interested citizens for such action "having been received. : Section 2. The said Aster Road begins at a point on Upper Demunds Road (Legislative Route No. 40053) in Dallas Township, said point be- ing 3550 feet in a southerly direc- tion from the junction of paid Upper Demunds Road and Lower Demunds Road. Aster Road extends therefrom South 82 degrees 30 minutes East 327.14 feet to a point in the center | line of James Street. James Street | extends in the said line North and + South from said point the following courses and distances: South 7 de- grees 30 minutes West 237 feet and North 7 degrees 30 minutes East 524 feet. Aster Road and James Street each have a width of 25 feet on each of the center line described above for a total width of 50 feet. = Section 3. The Secretary is di- rected to file a copy of this Ordin- | ance, together with the attached sketch, in the Office of the Clerk | of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Luzerne County and to file another copy with the Pennsylvania Depart- ment of Highways. “The map to be attached to said | Ordinance may be inspected at the | ¥ home of the Secretary. | : All parties interested may attend such meeting and be heard. DALLAS TWP. SUPERVISORS Glenn Howell, Secretary Demunds Road, RD #3 Dallas, Pa. Frank Townend, Solicitor 1 193 (500 for Adams. | { i RCT pa you ' with the’ finest.in drycleaning ond : give you. o' great cards ‘in’ the bargain | Sanifone Certified Maslcr Drycleaner 0’MALIA Laundry Company DALLAS-LUZERNE HIGHWAY Free Pick-up and Delivery 288-1496 ENTERPRISE TEHEEECA I VHC REIMIHICTHIN REIN HIM HHReY Bowling News id from NCR. Tim's Atlantic took Amos as she piled up 165-165 (484) ‘Stair 186 (468), Lil Trudnak 163- 1-0843 : by Doris R. Mallin hit 243 (581) and Frank Kundrat had 246 (570). Steve Bonomo chalked up his first 500 series of the season. (That's what I was told). He hit a 207 (520)! Harold Kocher, Sr. piled up a triplicate series of 179 games. The week before, C. Ehlinger led the scoring with 224° (605). Joe Kravitz toppled 223 (579), Rogers hit 213 (565) and Tony Bonomo rolled 211-212 (572). First Report From Industrial : The INDUSTRIAL League turned in its first report with a record of six teams. High scorer last Wednes- day was Tony Bonomo, Sr. with 214 (557) for Parker as it took 3 from A&P as L. Lynn posted 189 (531) and L. Kogler hit 190 (532) for the losers. Luigi's Pizza, led by Rich Bonomo with 190 (543) took 3 from Adams. G. Boston hit Whiting’s Takes 4 Whiting’s Parts, with Betty Lou Risch out in front, won 4 points | from Duke Isaacs in the BOWLER- ETTES League. Betty toppled 181- 160 (483). i Ann Corbett hit 176 For Isaacs Toots Langdon hit 172 for Bol- ton’s and Betty Mokychic had 160 for Monk's. Bolton's took 3 from Monk's. The week before, Joyce Bevan won honors when she spilled 173 (490). Kay Kalafsky had 186 (466). Marge Hislop hit 165 and B. L. Risch had 169. Doris Amos Cops Honors ' Friday night honors in IMPERI- ALETTES League went to Doris | for Gordon’s Insurance. Helen Bon- | front ? A determined Knight grabs Dallas quarterback Steve Townsend from behind as he heads for paydirt in Saturday’s game between the two local schools. Townsend did score a touchdown in the game, a thrilling (7, back, a junior on the varsity THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1966 | climax to his high school career. | Also pictured are Carl Zimmerman, | 5, back, who had a terrific season | with Dallas, scoring 20 out of 23 | attempts at PAT, and Bob Parry, College BY BRUCE HOPKINS A Typical Letter Home | doesn’t like me a heck of a lot, | Dear Homelys, i Well, how are things on the home | two of them together everyone is well, | uglier, and he gets bigger. Besides, | Hope happy, and congenial. As for me, well I'm not too bad. I've been having a problem with my throat— it’s sore an awful lot. Then there are these headaches I keep getting: | Everytime I they start at the back of my neck | i and work their way up and around | | to my eyebrows, and then they kind | that girl I've been dating steadily | Bound Everytime I see the she gets | you know? | that redhead I had out last weekend [is coming on stronger all the time. | | She's a real doll, and I don't think | she even knows any wrestlers. | see her she looks better. By the way, tell what's-her-name, | omo chalked up 178 (470) and the | of throb—kthwang, kthwang—and i at home, that T'll write as soon as | team won 4 from Apex. I can never study. It's too bad I! I get the chance but that I've been | O’'Malia, led by Marilyn Morris had to have one every night last|just SWAMPED with work, like I with 170-164 (481), copped 4 from | week when we were having all those | mean up to’ my left nostril—or | Meneguzzo's. Doris Mallin hit 167. | exams and everything, huh? But, | something convincing like that, | Lil Trudnak with 176 (473) and | listen, don’t worry or anything, | okay? Carolyn Purvin with 182. (469) led Goodman's to a 3 point win from from Elston’s.. Della Belles, with 170 (470) led Garrity as they took 3 from Citgo. The week before, Helen Bonomo piled up a beautiful 167-172-178 (518) series. Mari- lyn Morris had 193 (497) and Jean Agnew rolled 162-192 (491). Others with top series were Barb | Berti hitting 165-181. (485), ' Ruth 173 (465). B. Roan, R. Mizenko, R. Bennett, L. Weale, A. Miller, .C:-Purvin all | had games in the 160’s." Helen Scores Again Helen Bonomo was also top scorer two weeks ago as she toppled 197-182 (524). Jewell Thompson spilled 184-171 (504). Lil Trudnak rolled 179- | | 182 (499). Gloria Grant posted 165-160 | (471) series and Doris Amos had | 161 (460). Dot Jones hit 186. Single high games were posted by J. Agnew 169, C. Purvin and A. | | Miller 165, J. Piech 162 and B. | Berti 160. i | Majors Feature Kamont ! | Paul Kamont made big news Friday in the CROWN MAJOR | | League when he swept 675 pins | | from the lanes in three games. He |'piled up scores of 205-259-211 fo: | Birth’s as the team won 4 from | Wesley's. | Tony Bonomo, Sr. with 201-224 | (598) and Bill Michaels hitting 225 (576) led Wesley's. i | Frank Kardell paced Meneguzzo’s with 215- 253 (625)). but his team |lost 3 to Automatic Cigarette. | Charlie Williams was high for Auto- | matic with 247 (597). Al Wendel, | with | 209-221 (602), topped : the! | scoring as his team won 3 from | Shavertown Lumber. Ben Krajew- I ski set the pace for ‘lumbermen” | | with 203 (569)). fi West Side Novelty took 3 from | Shopping Center led by Dave Zim- { merman hit 227 (593) and Nick | Stredny had 200-200 (569). The | losers had Art Zimmerman with | 204 (561). Charlie Nafus with 202 | (593) and Jack Trudnak hitting 1232 (589) piled em up as their | Dallas Dairy team copped 3 from | | Guild Homes. Frank Michaels hit 211 (597). Ed Carreiro had 209] | (563) for the Legion, as it took all | 4 from Monk Plumbing. The week before, high scorers | were Gerard Harris 210-210- | | 202 (622); Dave Zimmerman | 229-201 (608); Dick Ide 205- 213 (600); Jim Lohman 234 | (599); Frank Kundrat 231. | (599); Kocher 215-201 (588); | | (469). will you? | Boy, there sure have been a lot | of epidemics flying around here. The guy down the hall went home with mono, and this girl I took out | last week has it now, and her room- | mate has hepetites or something | with her liver. I guess you guys | are lucky I'm so physically stable | and all. Hey, remember that really gor-| geous: blond with the terrific. per- | sonality that I told you about? Well | I don’t think I like her. I've about decided she’s not really my: type. I mean, she IS going pretty steadily | with this gigantic wrestler, and I | sort of get the feeling that he, Bennett 211 (575); T. Bonomo 574; Kamont 213 (570); Wil- lims_ 569; Carreiro 210 (568); R. Bonomo 560. | S. Wilson Top Scorer Sherwood Wilson, of 3 Strikes | and a Spare, took scoring honors | in SUNDAY NIGHT MIXED League | when he toppled 212 (583). His | team split with I Presume’s which | was led by Allie Heffernan hitting | 170 and Jack Stanley with 185 (69) | Betty Stanley hit 180 but! her Hanky Pankies lost 4 to The Sparklers. BobCATs won all 4 from the Rat. Pack as Tom Heffernan hit 207 and Bob Maturi chalked up a 194. The week before, Pete Arnaud hit 209, Ed Roth had 202, Bob Maturi posted 204. Eleanor Moyer led the - girls with 163-174 (460). ! Frank—600 Almost Frank Kardell came close to a 600 last Monday but—He led the scoring in the COMMUNITY SERV- | (596) | ICE League with his 208 series for Beseckers. Besecker’s lost all 4 to Stanton’s, led by Bob An- derson with 206 and G. Shuleski hitting 218. Dick Demmy hit 210 (561) for | Harter's but they lost all to Guy- ette’s. P. Arnaud hit 202 for the victors. Boyd White's team took 3 from Automatic. ; The week before, single high scorers were Harter, Maturi Stanley, hitting 212 games, Lawler and Stan- ton with 200’s, Kardell, 205, and Ambrose, 210. SORRY I'm sorry I could not get all the news in this week. With the football season in full swing, I have had to make room quite . often for news of the local games, but, since the last game was played Saturday and this week’s ‘writeup winds it up, I will try to bring all the leagues up-to-date in next week’s col- umn. — Look: IT'S FOR YOU ! ! — ART’S ONE STOP SERVICE THAT'S DIFFERENT!! ~ R.D. 1, (route 29) Harveys Lake, Penna. (Just South. of Greenbriar Lodge) HAIR CUTTING—FOR MEN—WOMEN and CHILDREN BY APPOINTMENT — PHONE 639-5786 Also JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OFFICE | I extend to you and your friends this personal invitation to take advantage of this one stop SERVICE, at your most favorable time. ART SAY’'S: “ITS RIGHT IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD” OPEN—WED., THURS. and FRIDAY, 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. SATURDAY HOURS, 9:00 AM. to 6:00 P.M. | Be Seeing You— Sincerely, Arthur G. Engler P.S. SAVE TIME — PHONE 639-5786 for APPOINTMENT Well, you should be getting that | little pink slip with my nine weeks | grades. on 'it in the mail anytime | now, heh, heh. But listen, I want | to tell you not to worry if they | aren’t quite up to par or anything. | I have a whole 9 weeks to raise | them . again. Just let me know | whether. or . not. it would be ad- | visable to come home for Thanks- | giving vacation. A bunch of us were goofing [children of Mr .and Mrs. Charles | around with this ‘Ouija board the | other night at Rosie and Larry's | house (they're married) (to each! other). = It was really flakey. Ex. Seat Equitation. Amy is the daugh- | cept that they don’t have a par-| ticularly intelligent "Ouija board. I | | mean first of all it told me I was | going to get married when I was 24. Then it told me I was going | to die, when I was 22. Well, need- | { less to ‘say this confused me a bit, ! so I asked it how this could possibly | Muffin in the Senior Grooming and | happen, and it said, “Never under- estimate the power of a woman.” Horse-Shoe 4-H In Harrisburg Determined Knights Fight In Battle Against Mountaineers Saturday squad, with another promising sea- | son ahead of him. In the photo at right, Lake-Leh- man’s Terry Jones heads off Parry as he moves for yardage. Both boys played this scene many times in Seven Members of the Mountain Horse-shoe 4-H Club will travel to Harrisburg on Thursday to compete with other State 4-H ers, at the Penna. State 4-H Horse Show, | which is held in conjunction with’ the Pennsylvania Livestock Expo- sition. Members to be eligible for the State Show for the ‘‘Ride-off”’ for State Champion, must have won at the County and District Levels. Showing her Thoroughbred Tiki | Goddess in the Yearling Class, will be Tona Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Taylor of Beau- mont. Robbie Spencer will show his Quarter Horse Mare Duchess, in the Western-Pleasure under 14 hands. Robbie will also show in the Junior Stock ‘Seat Equitation. Robbie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Spencer of Lehman. : Peggy Winner will' show Princess Kiyeula, in -the Western Pleasure 14 hands and under. Chuckie Winner will show Just Equitation. Peggy and Chuckie are Winner of Noxen. Amy Robinson will show Pippy Longstocking, in the Junior Hunt ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson of Dallas. Debbie Mekeel will ride Cindy in the Hunter Hack under 14 hands. Debbie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dorrance Mekeel of Lehman. Connie Bogdon will show Miss | Showmanship and Hunter Hack over 14 hands. Connie will also compete Somehow ‘I can’t bring my’ self to in the Senior Division Hunt Seat completely believe in Ouija boards, you know? ! | Well, I guess I'd better get back | to some diligent . studying, i Oh, I just happen to: think of | | something—money. Now I hate to | “=” | bring this up but you know I only | | spend it on the necessities of life— | . | food and girls. So if there happens | Ito be a little: money lying around | that nobody knows what to do with, send ‘it’ to me and I'm sure I'll b& | able to find something. i At any rate, I'll see’ you all at Thanksgiving, and until then, ! MAHAFFEY FREE SaH GREEN STAMPS With Every Purchase Of OIL From The YOU SAVE 2 WAYS When You Call 20-3636 | Equitation. She is the daughter of Dallas. The group will be accompanied by their Club Leaders, Parents, Rel- atives and Friends. “chew” (or is it “chow” ?) Unfortunately yours Sibling : SEE YA’! The younger generation, God bless them, doesn’t understand what the word “work” means in most cases. OIL CO. 24 HOUR SERVICE UNION STREET Quality Products Quality Services Budget Plan “No Carrying Charge’ Automatic Delivery Burner Service Plans ’ LUZERNE, PA. Burner Sales Radio Dispatched Fleet Meter Printed Tickets S&H Green Stamps Plus many other exclusive services Back | | i | | | { —photos by J. Kozemchak, Jr. Saturday's contest. Also pictured are Lehman players 49, Carl Brobst, tackle; 33, Robert Slimak, back; | Dallas’ 63, Barry Noon, guard; 5, | Carl Zimmerman, back. Dallas player on ground is unidentified. LAKE-LEHMAN TO TEST SEMINARY ‘SATURDAY AT 2 Ooops! excuse the goof in last week’s Lake-Lehman-Dallas article | that said—the Lake-Lehman senior gridders were closing out their high school careers. That was a big mis- take since they have one more con- test coming up this weekend. The Knights will travel to Kings- ton Saturday afternoon to meet the Knights of Wyoming Seminary at 2 pm. Lake-Lehman goes into the fray with a 2-5 record and hopes to emerge victorious to finish with a 3-5 slate for the season. { = Wyoming Seminary on the other hand has a 1-4 record and this is their final game. | Main offensive threat for the | Knights of Wyoming Seminary is Bob Burnside. Thanks Youth Chief Russell Honeywell and his officers wish to thank all the chil- dren of Dallas Borough for their | Baldy, in the Yumior ;Stock’ Seat good behavior during Halloween. No vicious pranks were reported in this area. 3 Ng! ‘Legal Notice — JACKSON TOWNSHIP EARNED INCOME TAX {NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that | the Supervisors of Jackson Town- | ship intend to enact an ordinance { imposing a tax of one per cent (1%) | on the total earned income of res- idents of Jackson Township and on all income of non-residents earned within said Township, effective Jan- wary 1, 1967, pursuant to The Local | Tax Enabling Act approved Decem- | ber 31, 1965 (Act No. 511 of 1965). In the judgment of the Supervisors | | Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bogdon of | of said Township, the imposition of | said tax is necessitated by (1) the | need to provide more ample rev-| enues for maintenance and improve- | ment of roads and highways within | | said Township, (2) the general in- creased costs of operating the Town- ship Government, and (3) to lessen the tax burden on real estate in said Township. The amount of rev- enue estimated to be derived from said tax is $6,000.00 for the fiscal year 1967 and $6,000.00 for each fiscal year thereafter during which said tax may be continued in effect. A Special Meeting to consider enacting such ordinance will be held at Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Company Hall, (Chase, Jackson Township, on Tuesday, November 29, 1966, at 7:30 p.m., E.S.T, If such ordinance be not adopted at said meeting, action may be taken at any regular meeting or another Special Meeting called for said pur- pose. Supervisors of Jackson Twp. Edward Jeffrey, Secretary Jonathan C. Valentine, ‘Solicitor A.A.A. | visitors Dallas Mountaineers closed out their season Saturday after-* noon by trouncing neighboring Lake-Lehman 35-14, on the: It was the second meeting between the’ | two schools this season, Dallas also winning the initial meet- ling, 18-7. The win gave Dallas a 6-2 record for the season. winners gridiron. Carl Zimmerman was the chief point-getter of the after- noon for both teams as he registered one touchdown and split the uprights on five PAT’s in five attempts for a total of eleven points. He finished the season with 20 for 23. However, Lake-Lehman’s Terry Jones was the top ground gainer of the afternoon as he chewed up the turf for 176 yards on 26 carries from scrim- mage. He tallied eight points in the game. | Supulski Scores First Lake-Lehman received the open- ing kick-off and after picking up a first down at midfield were held in check and forced to punt with Dallas’ Roy Supulski gathering it on his own 15 and, behind a key block by Jim Carey, streaked 85 yards down the sidelines for the score. Zimmerman booted his first of five straight PAT's to make it 7-0. | Parry Tallies Melvy Morris setup Dallas next score, early in the second period, when he dropped Lake-Lehman quarterback Ed Dubil for a 20-yard loss at the Knights 37 late in the! pack into action to stem the tide opening period. With Bob Parry, Greg Hicks, Steve Townsend and Carl Zimmer- man moving the ball Dallas drove | to the Knights one from where halfback Bob Parry skirted end for the tally. Zimmerman again added the extra point. Lake-Lehman tried to dazzle the Dallas defense following the Moun- Dallas Finishes With 6-2 Record On 35-14 Win Over Lake-Lehman i minutes. " taineers second score as they went to a variation of wide-spread for- mations and moved to the Dallas 26-yard. line before being stopped. This was the deepest penetration by the Knights in the opening half! On an exchange of punts midway in the period, Dallas’ Greg Hicks returned one from midfield to the 33 to setup the Moun- taineers next six-pointer. Cheney Tallies period. Dallas having stayed on the ground | up to now decided to keep the Lake- Lehman defense honest and went to the air from here. Passes to Greg Hicks and Roger | yards of the 205 gained by Lake | Lehman. Cheney placed the ball at the 7 before a 15-yard penalty moved | the Mountaineers back to the 23. | Steve Townsend then hit wingman Roger Cheney with another strike at the two and -the end stepped into the endzone for the marker. Zimmerman made it 21-0 with his placement. Take 28-0 Lead Dallas put the second half kick- off in play on its own 40 and drove 60 yards in six plays for its next score with Carl Zimmerman going over from the two. He also added the PAT. £3 A 43-yard pass to Roger Cheney at the two was the key play in the drive. Morris Recovers Offensive center Jeff Morris setup the final Dallas score by recovering a Dallas punt that touched a Lake- Lehman back on the Mountaineers 38 yard line. This time the Mountaineers used thirteen plays to go 62 yards with quarterback Steve Townsend going the final eight yards behind key blocks by Kevin McGuire and Jim Carey. This was Townsend's first touchdown while playing var- sity ball as he never ran too much in the role of quarter- back. It ended his high school career in a blaze of glory. He also tossed eight touchdown passes this season. Kern Intercepts 7 With the Dallas reserves now seeing action the Lake-Lehman of- fense began to jell and it scored Tabloids = / Girculars In Many Designs The Dallas Post Ce | You may be one of The LUCKY WINNERS of a THANKSGIVING TURKEY! You get a ticket with each $1.00 Purchase - - - good until The BIG DAY - - - so check each week ! BIRTH'S DALLAS ESSO SERVICENTER WINDOW--- | 118 - 309 DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA - “ IE EEE two touchdowns in the closing five. Freshman Carl Kern setup Lake-, Lehman's first’ score of the after noon by intercepting a Dallas pass, on the Knights 38. » A 50-yard jaunt by the versatile, Terry Jones moved the ball to the Dallas 12 where three plays later, Terry Jones moved the ball to the Dallas 12 where three plays later? Terry Jones carried it in from thes one yard stripe. He added the PAT* on a placement. > Cipolla Intercepts Marty, Cipolla setup the nexte Laké-Lehman score shortly as he picked-off another Dallas aerial and returned to midfield, but a clippings penalty moved the ball back to the 35 from where the Knights moveds 65 yards in five plays for a score” Terry Jones carried twice to reach midfield before Kent Jones hit end Carl Kern at the 35 of Dallas. After, a long toss to Cipolla was incom= plete, Kent Jones and Kern teamed’ up on a 35-yard scoring pass-play. Terry Jones again kicked the PAT. Lake-Lehman was on the move again just before the finish but coach Brominski sent his varsity: and the game ended with the Knights on the Dallas 12. ’ Statistics . Dallas notched 13 first downs while gaining 134 yards on the ground from scrimmage and com- pleted six of twenty passes for an additional 116 yards. . Lake-Lehman chalked up 15 first, downs netting 205 yards on the ground from scrimmage and com- pleted eleven of twenty-four passes for 81 yards. : Dallas intercepted one Knights pass, while Lake-Lehman grabbed- off three Dallas tosses, two by. freshman Carl Kern. . Dallas was setback 75 yards in penalties, Lake-Lehman 55 yards; the Knights all coming in the final As mentioned earlier, Terry Jones was the top ground gainer, for the Knights and both teams, with 175 Carl Kern caught two ¥ passes for 50 yards to lead Lake- Lehman in this department. v Bob Parry, Steve Townsend and Carl Zimmerman were the top ground gainers for: Dallas, with Roger Cheney the top pass receiver in the game with five receptions for’ 103 yards. 00TS FOR ALL ® HUNTING BOOTS For Men ® WORK SHOES ® ARCTICS : Large selection of boots and shoes for women, boys, & girls. FREE CLEATS On All Loafers. FAIRVIEW Shoe Store DALLAS SHOPPING CENTER Expert Shoe Repair cof S&H AT THE *Y”