SCION B—PAGE 1 SPORTSMANS CORNER by Jim Hopple Well over ten percent of the bear harvested during the 1965 hunting ‘season in Pennsylvania were taken by nonresident and junior huntings, a Game Commission survey shows. Out of state sportsmen bagged 26 bears in the state last year, while youths 16 years of age or under | took another 19 bruins, Hunters were most successful on the opening day of the season, bag- ging 149 bears. On the second day 29 were harvested, while only 16 were taken on the third day. On Thanksgiving Day hunters bagged 62 bruins, but the hdrvest dropped to 24 the following day. The final day of the season saw 67 bears taken. f More than $2,300 was raised by - hunters at: their Annual shoot for the retarded children of Montgomery County. Australia can credit or blame Pennsylvania if it develops a racoon | population. The Taronga Park Zoo at Sydney recently asked the Game Commission to provide a male rac- coon to mate with the only female coon know to be in Australia. The e Keystone Federation of Bow- | Charity Dallas PTA Planning November Book Fair Dallas Elementary PTA Executive Board met recently at the home of Mrs. Louise Colwell with Zane Heffner presiding. Plans were made for the coming year with a Book Fair scheduled for November. a popular event with books on dis- play prior to the sale. Present were Mesdames Lewis Reese, Bruce Slocum, H. R. Mec- Cartney, Charrles Lemmond, Harry Edwards, Ray Parsons, Stephen Crispell and Kenneth Hunter. female at Sydney came from Penn- | sylvania several years ago. Taronga is the biggest zoo in Australia, and racroons produced there will be dis- tributed over the continent. TEEN TALK— The Monkeys are taking the area with their records and TV show on NBC at 7:30 p.m. every Monday night. Their record |' Last Train to Clarksville is going big also. The Grooovy Blues are now being featured at the Friday night dances at St. Therese's Church auditorium, Shavertown by the scout explorer post. » Tust Received Large Shipment of GOLF CLUB'S ‘We Know It's Late in The Season—But, Just in time for Xmas Reg. $79.00 Sets 72.00 Sets 61.75 Sets Reg. Reg. / {Buy Now and Save 50% or More on Famous Northwestern Golf Clubs. Men's and Women's Full Sets—5 Irons and 2 Woods $72.00 SEY OF “8am ‘Snead Woods $3900 INDIVIDUAL WOODS $11.50 T0 14.50 VALUE 34.95 to $7.95 INDIVIDUAL IRONS $7.75 TO $10.00 VALUE 33.95 to 56.95 ALL NUMBERS PLUS . .. GOLD PUTTERS, CHIPPERS, WEDGES, ETC. All Term’s Cash $39.00 |SWEET VALLEY GOLF COURSE SWEET VALLEY, PA. — 477-4761 This proves to be hy ks THE DALLAS POST, 4 Bowling News Community Service Harter's Dairy took another 4| with Dick Demmy leading the win- nerrs on 203(561). Jack Landis had top score of the evening when he set the pace for a 3 point win by Automatic Cigarette over Boyd ~ White. Jack posted 235(575). Ed Roth led White's with 214. Besecker’s with J. Bolton hitting 204 and Leo Corbett piling up 203, copped 3 from Stanton. Ladies’ Country Top scorer last Tuesday was Evelyn Roberts as she led Bo- car with 192-179(52%). Her team lost 3 poimts to Pine Brook as three girls wound up in the high scoring group. Mary Ann Consid'me rollled 171-179 (497); Anita Matte had 178 (464) and Moma Dymond hit 160. Fashion took 3 from Brothers 4. | Helen Bonomo set the pace for the | winning team with 169-171(478). ‘Mamie Eisenhower had (469) and Jane Zimmerman hit | 1164. Liz Weale had 162 and Lila Lozo 160 for the Brothers. Bernie Pape topped the scor- ing of the Joe's Pizzn and Forty Fort Lumber contest. Bernie spilled 166-186-(521) pins for Joe’s Her team mates, Eleanor Olenick and Carol Hadsel had 175 amd 167 respectively. | Arllene Hospodar led Forty Fort with 168-175(483); Rose Novroski had 161-168(477) and Peg Wil- | liams had 171. | Forty Fort took team honors | with 784(2261). George Shupp { Harold Kocher took the top scoring honors Monday night when he piled up 203 (586) | and led Sportsmen Bar to a 4 | . point win from Fino's Phar- macy. 3 E | «+ Ed Carreiro with 202 (579) and Jack Trudnak with 201-213 (576) { led Parkhurst but their team lost 3 points to Town Hous2. Bob Moore | with 201 (574) and Bob Fallon, | hitting 206 (570) set the pace for, | the winners. | Cook’s Excavating copped all 4 | from Surburban Dairy. Bonomo led | the victors with 204 (571). | Merrimakers won everything from | Natona Mills, Howard. Ehret did the | scoring for the Merrimakers with | | 206 (562). Check hit 200 (567) for | the" Mill. Reese led Hill Top to a 4 point victory over Davis’ Market | when he chalked up 201 (561). . Bowlerettes i “Whiting's won 4 points from = | Monk Plumbing. Betty Lou | Risch was top scorer when she toppled 167-182 (489). Ruth Nygren hit 170 (463). Ellie Anderson led Duke Isaacs to | a 3 point win from Bolton's with 166 (467). : Single games over 160 were post- ed bv Lois Hopkins 162; Marie Heidel 162-165; Sally Roberts 178 and Donna Kaye 160. Turkey Shoot Sunday The Harveys Lake Sportsmen Pistol and Rifle Club will hold an old-fashion Turkey -Shoot, October 9. The Shoot will be held on the club grounds located on Route 29 between. Harveys Lake and Noxen. Shooting will start at 10 a.m. and continue until dusk. Feaured will be trap, running deer, and standing deer. Winners of trp events will be awarded prize certificates or turkeys. depending on the type of shoot, Winners of the deer events will be awarded turkeys. "Beginning with this shoot, tele- scopic sights used for events will be limited to four power. Refreshments and shotgun ammu- nition will be available on the club grounds. The public is most cordially ‘ invited to. participate in all vents. Going Out Of Town Or On A Nacation? then you should know about our exclusive ~ HOUSE WATCHING SERVICE FREE TO ALL OIL BURNER SERVICE CONTRACT CUSTOMERS HERE'S HOW Here ‘at J. B. Post Company - value our customers and, to provide even more complete service, we have “House-Watching Every day, your family is out of town we will . dispatch one of our drivers in a radio- controlled truck to check your this for devised Service” new you. we inside, and out while of the year . . home \ at our office . . . us whenever you Watching Service.” IT WORKS: to see that all is in order and particularly to make sure your furnace is operating properly. This no-charge service is available any time . just leave your Key we do the rest. Call wish our ‘‘House- ONLY A. J. POST OIL BURNER SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE CONTRACT OFFERS COMPLETE PROTECTION AT SUCH LOW COST! A J. B. Post Company Oil Burner and Maintenance guarantees complete oil burner clean- up, check-up and service all year! We give more than anyone else . . . Service at less cost too! For FREE! 2,000 S&H GREEN Contract terruption and only $24.00 per STAMPS year ‘this contract provides complete service including labor parts. worry about big in heating comfort call us today for the best oil burner protection plan in this area. WITH CONTRACT No more repair bills or in- ~ J. B. POST COMPANY 825-3401 em Corner Stanton ‘and Empire Streets, Wilkes-Barre 164-161 | | the | (601). | (592) for | High the deer by Doris R. Mallin | Sunday Nnght Mixed The regular old Mixed league that points last week from Guyette’s bowls every Sunday night is back and this year, they have no names. The one that was suggested for Bob | Maturi’s team seems like a winner. With Bob on the top, and Carol, i Ann and Tom on the team, Bob- | CAT fits like a glove. Well, Maturi’'s team lost 3 to Ed Roth’s. Sherwood Wilson's four bowlers took 3 from Ed Ratcliffe’s and Henry Moyer’s big four copped all 4 from Jack Stanley's team. Top scorer for the night was Henry Moyer with 194-195 | (557). Ollie Heffernan led the | girls with 160 (444), while | bowling for Stanley. | Eleanor Moyer had 162 for Rat- | cliffe; Betty Stanley hit 163 and Doris Maturi had 165 for Moyer. Back Mt. Neighborhood Rich Bonomo was the top scorer Thursday night when he piled wp 207-222 (618) for Stonehurst. Stonehurst also fea- i Ed Carreiro with 210 579). So team won 3 points from All Stars. | Frank Orkwis had the highest | single game of the evening, at 245 He had 612 total pins and led Wil-! liams Atlantic to a 4 point win from Klass. Tis teammate, George Hrycyk had 200 (565). Gavy’s | 4: Sheldon’ won 3 from Dondson’s: Pavne’s took 4 from Shady Side nnd | Bill's Diner and Village Tavern split | 2-2. Crowm Majors | Al Ciccarelli made big news last Friday night when he scat- tered 691 pins over the lanes while bowling for Birth’s Esso. Al's big series topped ome of €78 recently rolled by Tony Bo- | momo. Al's series included | games of 278 and 234. Birth's |" won 3 points from Meneguzzo. Team mate John Kriel hit 563. Fremk Kundrat with 207-210 (592) and Fred Stevens hitting 201 (565) led Meneguzzo’s Guild Homes and Dallas Shopping Center split 2-2. Dale Zimmerman | hit 215 (567) and Art Zimmer- | man had 200-202 (588) for the Shoppers. Wesley Gulf copped all 4 from Elston and Gould. B. Michazl’s pac- ed Wesley's with 222-210 (621). Dallas Dairy and West Side Nov- elty split 2-2. Val Zieminski topped West Side's scoring with 234-205 (618). Jack Trudnak, rolling 267 | (633) and Steve Andrasko hitting | 203 (566) led the ‘“‘dairymen’. ling outside. I mean, | been here (as of Saturday), | rained copped 4 from Brothers THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1966 College Bound BY BRUCE HOPKINS When It Rains, It Pours! 1 actually saw the sun the other | | day. Believe me, it was a real shock. I hadn’t seen the sun in so long | that T had almost forgotten what it looked like. But by golly there it was, up there in the sky where | it always used to be. Quite a few of us were a little wary about go- so long since we had been exposed to the sun's rays that we were afraid we might be damaged if we weren't careful. For the past ten days it has either rained or drizzled, and out of the nineteen days that we've re sixteen of them. My pro- fessor of Western Civilization is of | the theory that history repeats it- self, and he has already ordered the lumber for his ark. Everytime I walk around campus I get the | feeling that I have been living under water for three weeks. Everytime I { go outside a building I hold my breath until I get to the next one. If it keeps up much longer, I'm | going to have to buy a scuba diving | outfit, But there is one thing that I | really like about the rain—I get | to use my umbrella. IT have, with- | out doubt, the neatest umbrella in the entire world. It’s the kind that has the little button on it that you press causing he umbrella to open up all by itself. And it’s absolutely gigantic. I think it would cover me | and four other people plus one or two little kids, and still maybe have room for a head or two more. Anyway, I have the greatest time with this umbrella. For example if a couple of us are going to class, | and we step outside in the rain, everybody else has to fumble with their books while they try to get their plebian manuel umbrella up. ! But I just stand there, point my | | umbrella skyward, push the button, | | and thwwapp, up goes my umbrella! It’s terrific for your ego. You feel it had been! it has | | Bloomsburg State College. | almost as superior as Mary Poppins. | Back Mountain grid teams are But the thing I love most is zap- | hopeful of swinging back into action ping people. I'll be walking down the | hall with my trusty umbrella at my | | postponement of the Dallas-North- side, ‘when suddenly some dastard- ly friend of mine comes toward me. 1 stop suddenly, point my umbrella | "| at them like a gun, and yell, “Zapp! Then I push the button, thwwapp, my umbrella opens up into a protective sheild. It's just beautiful. Of course, it’s not nearly as much fun when I do it to some- body who knows me, because they just say, “Oh hi Bruce, how are you?” But when 1 start zapping people I don't know, then it's a panic because they think I'm de- mented, and they kind of walk | around me with their lower lip] | quivering. It makes me feel kind of James Bondish. As a matter of fact, | I have received the honaray title of | Phantom Umbrella Zapper of body calls me PUZ for short. Well, damper on things, but 1 just looked out the window and it's raining again. It certainly is different from | last year when it was scorching hot | for the entire month of September. Our room is situated right above the fountain in the Waller Hall Courtyard, and it used to be that guys would come into the room, hear the fountain and say, “Gosh is, it raining out?” “No” TI would reply, “That's just the fountain.” Now they come into the room, hear the rain and say, “Oh, 1 guess that's just the foun- | sity. He has produced and directed tain running, huh?” At any rate, we're all weathering the situation as well as we can. There's nothing to do except make | the best of it. And if you'll excuse me now, I've got to swim over to my first class. SEE YA! OFFSET PRINTING The Dallas Post It’s Good. Business To Eat At The TOWN HOUSE American Tegion and“ Shavertown Lumber with Dale Zimmerman hit 226 the “lumbermen’. Automatic Cigarette won all 4 from Monk Plumbing and Heating. scorer for Automatic Charlie Williams with 216 Dallas Woman's Club Sage and Ginger are tied in first “legionnaries”’ place with 8 points. Caraway has 7 | | and Parpika has 6. Cinnamon with | | 3 and Allspice with 2 are on he { bottom of the lineup. Sage led the scoring last bd] with 1688 total pins. Ginger single game high of 601. Eleanor Moyer was top im- dividual with 195 (515). Mary Reese had 178 (486). Theresa Graham hit 168. TEACHERS... split 2-2. Ed Carreiro led | 205-203 | was (567). | had Lake Street ® FOOD IS NEVER REPROCESSED., WOMEN COOKS FULL COURSE DINNERS DELICIOUS HOME MADE SOUPS DAILY SPECIALS SPECIAL ‘SUNDAY. DINNERS - COLLEGE STUDENTS... HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS... We have recently installed a STUDY-MASTER display of paperback books which literature, recent best-sellers, famous and American literary | “ereats’ and biographical sketches. include classical imglish and their works, An excellent assortment of great help to the classroom teacher; also to college and high school students in preparing literary assignments by reading vo these unabridged selections. SEE THEM NOW AT EVANS DRUG STORE SHAVERTOWN 675-3366 and | Every- | 1 don’t want to put the | this weekend following the incle- ment weather last week that caused west game, while Lake-Lehman had an open date. The Dallas-Northwest game scheduled for the Dallas field last Saturday will be played, Saturday, October 29 here. Both teams originally had an open date. This week's action gets under- way Friday night when the Dallas Mountaineers tangle with the new- ly formed Wyoming Area Jointure at West Pittston stadium under the lights. Saturday afternoon finds the Rangers of Northwest furnis shing the Lake- Lehman PTA Monday, October 10 Lake-Lehman School District PTA will meet Monday October 10, 8:00 p.m., in the Lehman High School. | Robert Disque will preside. Program for the evening will be Bruce Davis, Film Supervisor of | Channel 44, speaking on Northeast- | ern Penna. Educational T-V Associ- | ation. Mr. Davis most recently held the position of Director of Instruction and Supervisor of the Audio Visual Center Hunter College, City Univer- sity of New York. He has a Bach- elor of Science from University of Florida, Master of Arts in T-V. Production from New York Univer- from WAST T-V and WRUFFM. Mr. Davis resides in Wilkes Barre. Mrs. Edward Jones and Mrs, Carl Schreiner Hospitality Chairman are asking first and eleventh grade mothers to serve at this meeting. ‘Roast Beef Dinner The Women's Society of Christian Service of Lehman Methodist Church will serve a roast beef din- ner in the church dinning room on Wednesday, October 19. Mrs. R. E. ‘Wright is general chairman. LUZERNE THEATRE Tonight - Friday - Saturday HELD OVER ‘Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf?” Sunday (Continuous from 3 p.m. Monday and Tuesday Hugh O’Brien Mickey Rooney in “Ambush Bay” DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA [Dallas vs Wyoming Area Friday Nite; Lehman Hosts Northwest Seiriey action for Lake-Lehman on the Knights field at 2 p.m. DALLAS-WYOMING AREA During the past few seasons Wyo- ming and Dallas were the two powerhouse in the new defunct West Side Conference and the game usually had a bearing on who would cop honors. Wyoming Area under new head- coach John Henzes, is comprised of players from Wyoming, West Pitts- ton, Exeter and West Wyoming. Wyoming Area enters this contest with a 1-3 record having been up- set 20-7 last weekend by Myers, who the week previously had been humiliated by Forty-Fort Area 55-0. Dallas will be aiming to bring their record to three wins against one setback in this tilt. Both teams depend mainly on the aerial game so this contest could develop into a free-scoring affair. NORTHWEST-LAKE-LEHMAN Head mentor of the visiting Rangers is Joe Charney, West Wyo- ming native, and one-time West Wyoming standout. Northwest, rained out last Sat- urday against Dallas, rolled to a 26- 7 victory over Newport in its last outing as John Sirak tallied twice for the Rangers. Lake-Lehman will be seeking their first win of the season in this contest and hope that their good fortune will continue against North- west, having edged the Rangers in most contests played between the two schools. , The Knights will depend mainly on the running and passing of all- around halfback Terry Jones since they will probably go without their number one quarterback, Charlie 3 Kern, who was injured in the Dallas encounter, Ed Dubil will most likely get the starting assignment at the signal-calling. spot. FORTY-FORT THEATRE Tonight - Friday - Big Double Feature Saturday Academy Award Best Actor Lee Marvin in “Cat Ballou” Co-Hit Hayley Mills Rosalind Russell “The Trouble With Angels” (Con’t. from 2 TWO THRILLERS “Rasputin — The Mad Monk” Co-hit “The Reptile” Sunday p.m.) get AAI tT I7e il “service for pr SHIRTS LER ECC AT EE * OCR pressed on special SE FC ICR ERIC FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ¥ 288-1496 Enterprise 1-0843 MAIN PLANT and NARROWS SHOPPING CENTER BRANCH STORE ga / sof O'Malia’s Laundry & Dry Cleaning * Me LusemeDalas Highway SRO £4 GT RA Li MSI CR hota Sop randy i Ol UL LL li il lili iii a