The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, October 06, 1966, Image 11

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It must be that pheasants have | program was good.
been released up in our country. |
Twice on my walk with Tuffy over |
the cross-road a cock pheasant one |
time and two of them the second |
time flew cackling across the road
in front of us. Tuffy wanted to
chase but I said no. What an en-
‘viable collar that
wears! Beats any of my neckties.
One morning I saw the full wing-
spread of the great blue heron tak-
‘ing him low across our pond. I wish
he would come more often. The frogs
don’t! The book says he has a T0- |
inch wingspread.
front yar
Bhear anyway!
Our Feeding Station
pagoda. Don’t know how
@missed a trip.
Morning Callers
It was a pleasant morning last was among these I greeted at East |
@Thursday when Rev. and Mrs. Roy | Dallas church. Then for the quick
Another morning a brown horse
came galloping down through our
and low meadow to the
Brpond, took a drink (ugh!) and went |
Decided to overhaul the feeding
I ever
managed to get that boosted up top
of the pipe, it was so heavy. Must
have been back in my younger days!
Anyway the birds could hardly keep
out from underfoot while I was
working at it. How. Sir Chickadee
scolded! Now it is| all together and
Rup again and the hardly |
Valley Crest
fore was 89. I was glad
| have my pastor with me.
little past noon.
World Wide Communion
| would conduct the
churches of the
I had seen Mr. and Mrs.
Last Friday being near to ‘World |
Wide Communion Sunday I planned of
| to give communion to my Protestant |
| people there. My census was 113.
| This time I asked my pastor Rev.
William Reid to help me. Together |
| we gave communion to 103 of the
| residents besides one nurse and two
| visitors. The most I had given be-
of . the
higher percentage and especially to
| patients enjoyed him very much.
| We began at 9:30" and finished a
| beautiful custom of honoring a tiny |
Harveys Lake
Don’t forget the Sauerkraut and
| child this time was a rose on the | Pork Supper at the Lutheran
for Timothy (Considine,
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Considine
| altar
I help you?” I didn't
Twenty Fifth Anniversary
Coming Up 4
Mr. and Mrs. William LaBar ‘of
Apple Tree Road will observe their
twenty fifth wedding anniversary on
Mrs. LaBar is the former Marion
| Dallas Post I'm sure he'd be delight- is {10 son of Mrs. Laura LaBar and
ed to know that his grandma Moore i}, jate Timothy LaBar of Dallas.
They were married in the Car-
verton Methodist Parsonage by the!
Beane of West Wyoming, retired, trip over beautiful hills to Dymond Rey. Charles H. Gilbert. Attendants
came for a friendly visit. We had Hollow to meet Mrs. Dan Dymond, | were Mrs. Kenneth Disque of Hyatts-
a lot of reminiscing to do for our Mrs, James Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs. |
P®ministry was quite contemporary.
ville, Maryland, and Clarence LaBar
Harold Davenport, Dick Dymond’s | of Dallas:
| mother, Mrs. Jean Rice (whom Li
The couple has one daughter,
j Projprom Laymen Meet
Last els Monday night Nelson knew less than a century ago at gusan, a student at Lycoming Col-
| lege, Williamsport.
| Open house, honoring the occa-
| urday, October 15, from 6 p.m. to
10 p.m.
Another one of my nice couples!
| God bless them.
Many times I have made the pre-
| diction that some day Susan LaBar
would make a wonderful woman's
| eociety president. She has a poised
presence, a pleasant voice to listen
| to and a friendly way. And brains!
| Legal Notice —
| Annie Bugel and to Her Heirs, Per-
| sonal Representatives and Assigns
| generally, and to all persons who
| claim to have any right, title or
| interest whatsoever by or through
t said Annie Bugel in and to All That
| Certain lot or parcel of real estate
| situate in the City of Hazleton,
| County of Luzerne and Common-
| wealth of Pennsylvania, being Lot |
‘No. 4 in Sq. 1165 on the plot of
the Diamond Addition to said City,
| bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the
Easterly line of Vine Street thirty-
| two (32) feet southwardly from the
| southeasterly corner of the inter-
| section of Vine and 17 Streets and
| being in the southerly line of Lot
i No. 5 in the same square; thence
| extending southwardly along the
easterly line of Vine Street a dis-
| tance of thirty-two feet to
| the northerly line of Lot No. 3 in|
| the same square; thence extending
{of that same thirty-two (32) foot
| width cor breadth (between the
| southedly line of Lot No. 5 and the
| northerly line of Lot No. 3 in Squ.
{ 1165) in length or depth eastwardly
| and at right angles with saia Vine
| Street a distance of Two Hundred
| (200) feet to the westerly line of
Sherman Court.
thereon erected.
| jetta Senape, his wife, and Senape’s
| Bakery, Inc. have commenced an
Title said
| Action to Quiet to
| 1966, in the Court of Common Pleas
of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.
You are hereby further notified
to appear and defend this Action
within twenty (20) days from this
man but I was willing to be helped.
| My jack wasn’t enough so he got
. his and got the tire changed. I'm
| When Mrs. Howard Hockenbury | not sure I caught his name right but
{@off the other side to the road and phoned to tell me of her husband's | I thought he said “Hardik.” He was
up around the corner. It wasn’t a hospitalization and to know if I| from Binghamton and was visiting
World Wide relatives in this area. An unnamed
| Communion services in the three man in the Bible who did things
Centermoreland | like that has gone under the name
Charge I was glad to be able to do of Good Samaritan for 2000 years!
it. Those are fine people all the |
way from East Dallas to Dymond |
Hollow and around to Centermore- |
land. It had been some time since
Eyett, (one of “my” couples!) and Octeber 18.
their two tall lads. And Mrs. Freda
Snyder Hughey. If my young neigh- | gnmith daughter of Mr. and Mrs
bor Howard Krum could read the’ Merle Smith of Mt. Zion. Mr. LaBar |
improvements |
That Charles G. Senape and Con- |
| premises against you, as defendants, |
filed to NO. 268, December Term, |
son | Church, Laketon, on Saturday Octo-
-| ber 8, served by the Ladies Society
On my way home as I neared | of the church. Everyone is wel-
Memorial Shrine a noisy right hind | come. Serving begins at 5:30.
| wheel and an awfully relaxed thud |
| told me I had a blow-out. How home on Thursday were Mr. and
quickly flat a& tire can get when it
wears through all the threads to
the air itself! IT went to the Shrine |
office and phoned home I'd be de-
layed until I changed the tire which
I began doing. A car stopped near-
by and a friendly voice said, “Can
know the the children at home. |
The following members of the
| Mrs. Loren Keller,
{ Mrs. Z. E. Garinger.
Mrs. Richard Rank, who gave
and Mr.
birth to a daughter recently under- |
went surgery at Wilkes-Barre Gen-
| eral Hospital on Friday. Mr. Rank
had a week's vacation to care for
Alderson W.S.C.S. attended the Fall
meeting of the Wilkes-Barre District
Church on Wednesday evening:
Eleanor Humphrey, Mrs. Ida Allen,
| Mrs. Theodore Heness,
mond Grey, Mrs. Alfred Rogers, and
Mrs. Albert Armitage.
The condition of Walbridge Lein- |
thall is good. He will come home |
from the hospital this week.
The Traver reunion was recently |
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. |
- | Voyle Traver, Noxen.
Present: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hana- |
del, Fred, George, Jackie Ann, Mr. |
| wail with his wife on their 40th | patient in the Nesbitt hospital, al-
and Mrs. Larry Traver and. Vicky,
Richard Traver, Millie, Janice.
Ricky. Kathy and Gary, Mr. and
| Mrs. Emory Traver, Mark and Len,
{ Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Whispell Sr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Whispell Jr.,
| Debbie, David and Johnny, Mr. and
| Mrs. Voyle Traver and Dennis Tra-
ver, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Patton,
| Dottie Ann, Nancy Lynn and Law-
| rence Scott;
| Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rought,
| Ricky, Pam, Keith, Kevin, Mr. and
| Mrs. Miner, Bill, Bob and Mary
Lynn, Mrs. Katie Ayers and Denise
Fay, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Traver,
{ Jane and Steve, Mr. and Mrs.
| James Hettesheimer, Jesse Geral- |
| dine and David, Mrs. Alice Ed- |
| wards, Linda, Brenda, Cheryl and |
| Bobbie, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Miller and |
| Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. James Traver, |
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Traver and |
Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. |
| Traver, Mr. and Mrs. Willam Traver, |
| Dale and Terry; !
| Mr. aand Mrs. George E. Traver, |
' George, Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- |
ard Ladner, Richard, Bobbie and |
| Billie, Mr. and Mrs. George Shef- |
| fler, Nancy and George Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. Don Cook, Cindy, Leland and
Donnie, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lat-
| Mrs. Cecil Traver, Kelly, Eric, Tina |
and Beth, Mr. and Mrs. David
Weaver, David Jr, Patty Ann, |
| Janice, Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Harry |
Traver and Lori Ann, Mrs. Donald |
Traver. |
Pvt. Thomas L. Space |
Is “Expert” Rifleman |
Army Private Thomas L. Space, |
19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J.|
Space, Noxen, fired ‘expert’ with
the M-14 rifle September 5 near
completion of his basic combat
training at Fort Campbell, Ky.
The expert rating is the highest
a soldier can achieve on his rifle
qualification test. |
Pvt. Space graduated in 1965
from Lake-Lehman High School.
In default of appearance and de-
| fense of such Action, a Decree of
| Court may be entered holding that
plaintiffs have valid and indefeasible |
| title to said premises and that you |
will be perpetually enjoined from |
| setting up any title or claim to
said premises or from impeaching,
| denying, or in any way attacking
{ plaintiff's title to same unless you |
| bring an Action in Ejectment to!
recover said premis 3 within thirty
(30) days last following the delivery
| of such Decree of Court.
Roy N. LaRocca, Esq.
| Richard I. Bernstein, Esq.
| 3 ¢/0 1100 Northeastern
| Building,
| Hazleton, Pennsylvania.
ewis took Brainard Daniels, Ed- Dimock Camp Ground.) Then
pos Bard Miles and me to Pittston to through colorful woodlands to Cen-
ne | lh supper under the auspices of the | termoreland where William James sion, will be held at the home of
ooe reater Pittston Protestant Lay-| was ready to begin the service if | zr. and Mrs. Merle Smith on Sat-
+ poi bnen’s Association. It was an en- I didn't show up. But I got there |
nS : husiastic Frowd of men and the just in time to do it myself. Then
2 XH en FRR : : >
Mr. B
ster a
last | s ;
i i
5a omsm—— mr -
: Piano - Theory - Organ
hat Instruction
een .
wn- iH y .
nia, )
de- a
ay- ; 283-2839
PL 2 ) 4
pre- E e Member National Guild of Piano Teachers
4 to J / ¢ Graduate of St. Louis Institute of Music
zes- ’
rket ¢
nia. 44 a
re f \ wil
: = . ® A ° 0
un ="
= 1&8 Gruphic Aris Services
] w
3 Offset Negatives and Platemaking i;
! ia Screen Prints, Art Work oe
+ : =
ot B
ig Phone 825 2978 z
"HB Rear 29 North Main Street Wilkes-Barre, Pa. B
i ld
{ Dr. Aaron S$. Lisses
£3 Optometrist
38 Main Street, Dallas Professional Suite
1 674-4506 Gateway Center
wa DALLAS HOURS: Edwardsville
To Tuesday = = 2to 8 pm. 287-9735
BISA 7 0.3 pm. Daily 9:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Friday - - 2 to 5 pm. Evenings Thurs. & Fri. to 8 p.m.
Fowler, Dick and Walker
and you reach
Centermoreland Dial 674-1181
In Wilkes-Barre — NO TOLL .
Harveys Lake, Sweet Valley and
erly, in strict accordance
64 North Franklin Street
140 North
Call «Snowdon . Have them take charge.
Then you know that everything will be done prop-
«Cowden costs no more than an ordinary funeral.
nit Co chviindom
with your wishes . . . and
420 Wyoming Avenue
Main Street
Callers at the Raymond Garinger |
and |
at Shavertown Methodist |
Mrs. Ray- |
| of Exeter Lions Club,
| and Mrs. Lewis B. Wilson, Mr. and
' Mrs. Ross Kimball,
| Z. Belles, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark,
| sell Transue, Richard Womer, Mr.
| and Mrs. Calvin Strohl, Jack Hiller.
Marie Klein, Susan, |
same without delay to Ruth Lamor-
| eaux and Miners National Bank of |
| Wilkes-Barre, Executors, 8-18 West
| Market Street, Wilkes-Barre, Penn- |
timer, Chris and Stacey, Mr. and | gylvania.
| When You Buy of Our Advertisers | Mr .and Mrs. Davis Hopkins,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engelman eral Hospital after being a patient | Vienna, N.Y., spent the week end]
Lions District 14-H. and ‘a member | 2nd Mrs. Minnie Cook, Vestal, N.Y., |
was main | Mrs. Felir Feroni and Mrs. Farr, |
speaker. Earl Crispell showed films | Tunkhannock.
which were taken on g trip to Ha-| Mrs. Gomer
Thomas remains a |
wedding anniversary. Present were | though she slowly recovering
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Bean, Mr. and | from broker bones which she re-
Mrs. Gilbert Boston. Frederick, Earl, | ceived in an automobile accident.
Roger, Laura and Elegie Boston, Mr. | Birthday Party
The following attended a birth-!
Mr. and Mrs. | dav party in h f Sh
Osmand Casterline, Brent and Dar-| .. Dares In hanon of iheny Suh)
ny {at her home on Sunday: Karen
lene, Mr. and Mrs. William Evans | Weaver, Geraldine Hettes, Cindy
and Dennis, : ;
Mr. and Mus. Robert gople, Joe Nalbone, Thelma Sue
| Engelman, Roxanne Keefe, Terry
Shalata, Susan Jones, Danny Scout-
en, Patty and Bobby Brody, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Keller,, Brenda. |
Laurie and Howard Jr. Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Leach, Dale, Susan and
Berdine. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Schoo-
Jey, Dick Jr.. and Gary, Mrs. Cora
Dougal, Sharon Dougal. James and |
Herbert Strohl, Mr. and Mrs. Cal- |
vin Strohl. i
‘Sherry was nine. |
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hansen and |
: Barbara Ann, Miami, Fla.; returned |
zerne County, Pennsylvania. who | n wyiday to the home of Mr. and
died September 12, 1966. All per- | Ms Fred Case and family.
song indebted to the said decedent | Mrs. Earl Richards returned from |
are requested to make payment and |
: ; General Hospital, on Monday.
those having claims or demands y
against the estate to present the Mr. and Mrs. John: Hansen, John
Jr., Debbie and Steven, Mr. and |
Mrs. Robert McGovern, Cindy Lou, !
Canandagua, N.Y., spent the week-!
end with Edgar Engelman and |
Cathy. |
‘ Recent visitors at the home of
Hourigan, Kluger and Spohrer | py and Mrs. Jesse Benjamin were |
700 Miners National Bank \pg Mack McCullough, Vienna, Va.,
Building i and "Mrs. Ben Winogrodski, Kings-
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania | ton.
Tr a anh | Mrs. Albert Casterline is seriously
| ill. at her home.
‘Warren Johnson, Jay Elston, Rus-
Lewis Wilson presided at the
business session.
Roy Newell returned from Gen-
Legal Notice —
Letters Testamentary have been
granted in the Estate of Bertha
Anderson, late of Shavertown, Lu-
Piease Use Our Conpons
Whatever the weather, day or night, your
electric clothes dryer is always ready to dry
all your laundry quickly, safely, gently, and
economically. Electric dryers are faster than
sunshine... and laundry comes out soft,
fluffy, and almost wrinklefree. Many pieces
ter Joan spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vilosi and | the Barry Engelmans and the Dale
Engelmans. Mrs. Engelman remain-
with her son Dale and. family
for the week while he is at school ay
| in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. :
Mrs. Myrtle Williams, Mehoopany,
| family, Binghamton, N.Y.
weekend at
Haugh, Almedia, Pa.
Mrs. Miles Kibbler, Lebanon, Pa,
recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray- is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Willard
| mond Gunton. Bender for awhile.
need no ironing
“Lighting The Back Mountain Area Since 1922” /
: DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA 18612 @ 717 = 674-107}
| announce the birth of a daughter | for a week and is somewhat im-|with her father, Harry Siglin. from Bolivia, will be at the Meth- zh
| = Shh 1h at General id proved. Birthday aPrty | odist Church on Friday evening, at ii
Dal 3 a Od : -. Weekend guests at the Elvin The following attended a birth-|8 p.m. She will give an interesting wy
: ey ye daughter | €M3 | Beans were Mrs. Joseph Kern and|day party honoring six year old|talk and show films on Bolivia,
oo e new baby’s name is Robin | son Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bean | Brian Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. | Anyone interested, is invited to at-
. | of N. Brunswick, N. J., Mr. and! Paul Thomas at his home in Hun-| tend this meeting.
{ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beahm an- | Mrs. Mike Bean and Mr. and Mrs. | lock Creek, on Sunday afternoon:| Weekend guests at the home of
| nounce the birth of a son on Sep-| John Quirk, Harrisburg. | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shalata Sr. Mrs. Joseph Hackling and Carl
| tember 21st at General Hospital. | Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crispell and and Mrs. Joseph Shalata Jr.,| were: Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Gold-
They have two daughters, Kimberly | Mrs. Elvin Bean spent Wednesday | and family, Tunkhannock Road, Mr. berg, Willington, Del, Mr. and Mrs.
Sue, two yours and Don Ann, | and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. | and Mrs. William Shalata, Billy and Bill Mason, Johnson City, N.Y., Mrs. i
oy [he new baby's name Tom Bean at New Brunswick, N.J.| Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Daley | Millard Pegg and Mr. and Mrs. Alan
is William Brian, i i 7 rs 3 i 2
Mr .and Mrs. Richard Boice an- br on sR The By nr on 44h
nounce the birth of a daughter, | day leave with his parents, Mr. | Creek, Mrs. Jerry Bidding and fam- | Shannon and Sharon, and Beverly
Lisa Ann, on September 18th at| and Mrs. Paul Space. He will re- | ily, Pringle, Pa. Lord, Vestal, spent Sunday with the An:
General hospital. The mother is the | port to Fort Belvoir, V., at the end Earl Richards wishes to Lewis Lords. : ;
| former Sharon Brody, - daughter -of | of his leave. | thank everyone for their cards Mrs. William Munkatchy spent =
| Mr. aand Mrs. Michael Brody. This| Mr. aand Mrs. Sterlyn May, Sid- | flowers ete. while she was a patient | Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. al
is their first child. Mr. Boice is ney, Valerie, Debbie and Jeff spent| the hospital, They were much George TFleth at Dunmore. The i
spending an eight day furlough Saturday i the home of Mr. andj precited and enjoyed. | occasion was the celebration of their Bi
Fai army base at Fort Rucker, Mrs. Jerry Boine, Eyersville, Pa, | Rummage Sale mother’s (Mrs. Gabriel Kalmar’s)
. Guests at the home of Mrs. Ber-| Classmates of the Methodist birthday. ay
Lions Club Cookout tha Schenck over the weekend were Searth 91 hold 2 rummage sale at Mrs. Paul Space was taken to the
Bowman's Creek Lions Club held | Mr. and Mrs. Nelson O'Brian, Mr. | the A, at Shavertown, on the, General Hospital this afternoon by hi
| a meeting and cook out at the home | and Mrs. Albert Morrison, Chester, | 5th and 6th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Noxen ambulance. i
{of Mr, aand Mrs. Earl Crispell on | Pa, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley O'Brian, | Most items have been washed and Mr. and Mrs. Sterlyn May and
September 20th. Angelo Russo, | Pompano Beach, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. | : family, Mrs. William Engelman, advise.
past deputy district governor of | Forest Randall, Mrs. William Traver = Mrs. Jeddie MacMillan and daugh- | Sheila and Sharon drove to Sayre ar
William Butler
the home
spent. the | ed
of Ruth
Vacuum Bottle
by Thermes
Pt. - 159
Handle Cup
Harveys Lake Hwy., Shavertown -
Enjoy “Storm Free”
Washdays with a
- Flameless Electric
Clothes Dryer
- —-
Emily Herron,
on Sunday -to spend the day with
at all. Join the thousands
who can now enjoy rainy washdays . . . and
who can forget trips to the clothesline on
windy and snowy washdays. Buy a flameless
electric dryer and do your wash the low-cost,
no-care way. ...TODAY,
missionary 5: elu