The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 29, 1966, Image 2

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THE DALLAS POST Established 1889
Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Dallas,
Pa. under the Act of March 3, 1889. Subscription rates: $5.00 a
year; $3.00 six months. No subscriptions accepted for less than
six months. Out-of-State subscriptions, $5.50 a year; $3.50 six
months or less. Back issues, more than one week old, 15c.
Member Audit Bureau of Circulations
Member Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers Association Q
Member National Editorial Association 4
Member Greater Weeklies Associates, Inc. vat
Editor and. Publisher =... c.avihiiiviii cits Myra Z. RisLEY
Associate Editor :..... 080 00000 Mrs. T.M.B. Hicks
Social Editor. ...........
Fabloid Editor ...... vesab bu sis
Advertising Managers... =. 000 idos Louise MARKS
Business Manager: ....c 00 20000000 Doris R. MALLIN
Circulation Manager ......... Mgrs. VELMA Davis
A mon-partisan, liberal progressive mewspaper pub-
lished every Thursday morning at the Dallas Post plant,
Lehman Avenue, Dallas, Pennsylvania, 18612.
“More Than A Newspaper, A Community Institution’
We will not be responsible for large ‘‘cuts.” If your organization
wants to pick up its cuts, we will keep them for thirty days.
One-column cuts will be filed for future reference.
We will not be responsible for the return of unsolicited manu-
scripts, photographs ard editorial matter unless self-addressed,
~ stamped envelope is enclosed, and in no case will this material be
held for more than 30 days.
The Post is sent free to all Back Mountain pationts in local
hospitals. If you are a patient ask your nurse for it. :
We can give no assurance that announcements of plays, parties,
rummage sales or any affair for raising ‘money will appear in a
Editorially Speaking
Setback To The Community
A serious setback to the community is the abandon-
ment of adult education classes at the Dallas High School.
It is a matter of dollars and cents, depending entirely
upon millage. If the program cannot be financed, it has
to go by the board. Area school boards are up against
stone wall.
When the adult evening school was first projected,
it was an outgrowth of a PTA project launched by the
Dallas Borough, and housed at Dallas Township high
An earlier evening school sponsored by the Recrea-
tion Department had fallen through after a trial run. It
was housed at the present Westmoreland building.
With the adoption of an adult educational program
by Dallas District, people who had very little outlet for
their desires to improve themselves, found themselves
hobnobbing with folks who worked during the day but
‘seized the chance to learn a language, paint a picture,
or improve their typing at night.
Interchange of ideas was valuable.
We know one person who embarked upon a career,
entirely based on impetus gained from an evening class.
~ Many former typists polished up their work.
Many women discovered the delights of sketching in
black and white, or translating an autumn hillside into
a riot of color on canvas. !
Dozens learned how to turn a length of material into
* a modish dress.
Education, we believe, is not entirely for the young.
It is for people who really WANT to discover and create,
folks who are anxious to learn, and willing to share their
dearly-bought wisdom with others.
The adult education program was something to which
a resident could point with pride, a come-on for potential
future residents, a step toward a far-seeing community.
Too often this area has not been able to see the forest
for the trees.
We have passed up chance after chance to preserve
some small area of park space within our crowded areas.
We are now passing up an opportunity to make our
area outstanding in another way.
Education costs money. Schools cost money. Custo-
dians cost money. Teachers cost money.
It is going to skyrocket. It is skyrocketing now.
It is going to cost more and more, because the de-
mands are greater and greater.
Considering the overwhelming total bill, can we
afford to abandon a proportionately minor cost, when
the cost will render a needed service to the community?
There are plentv of people who think that anything
beyond the classic Three R’s is a waste of time and the
taxpayers’ money. They will tell you: “Well, look at ME.
I never had nuthin dona for me when I was a kid. J got
. ont and'duo for it. And I'm makin’ more than any of them
high priced teachers.”
There is no percentage in arguing the point.
The fact that the uneducated are invariably jealous
of those with a diploma, is completely natural.
There was a lot of sane and sensible education to be
obtained in a one-room school. The small ones learned
from the older pupils. Many presidents of the United
States started their careers by learning their spelling
lessons in a one-room school.
One-room schools were what we had. And the idea
of a grown-up going to school would have been laughed
Education never ceases. It requires an open mind.
It is a great advantage if there is a community focus
where people who want to learn, can go and do so, meet-
ing with other peonle who have the same desires.
We feel that this area should not satisfy itself with
education which ends with graduation from high school.
It should offer open doors to those who are eager to
keep their minds alert and growing.
“It's the talk of the town”
(...and it's coming from
the telephone company)
| thirty years from now,
It Happened
30 Years Ago
So, there were more cute hee
at the top of the page, but the
| deadline was drawing near. We can
see it now: a grizzled grandparent
trying to
explain to his grandchildren that it
wasn't his fault his picture was
taken in Buster Brown collar. The
grandmothers wil have easier sled-
ding, Winners next week.
In these days of hormone pills
and multiple births, quintuplets are
not the front page news they used
to be in the time of the Dionnes.
The report from Mrs. Emma Shaver,
who made a special trip to see them,
was that they were just like any
other youngsters, only more So.
Senator Sordoni added to ‘his
Lake holdings by purchase of the
Sheminski farm, bringing acreage to
around 1500.
Local option was on four ballots:
Lake, Borough, Dallas and Kingston
Townships. WCTU all shook up.
Dallas Junior Woman's Glee Club
made its initial appearance. PTA |
meeting. |
Supervisor Bruce Long was re-
pairing on Lehigh Street.
Rash of buglaries locally, same
MO as burglaries in the Valley:
Student government was being |
tried at Dallas Borough School.
Connie Hislop was star performer
as rider in the donkey baseball con-
test sponsored by American Legion.
Bob Hislop, over six feet, had
trouble not dragging his heels.
Walked off the burro without dis-
Less milk given by Luzerne Coun-
ty cows than by those in Wyoming.
Luzerne County had 2,120 dairy
Married: Marion Virginia Mills to
Walter Steelman Jr.
Eggs were 29 cents a dozen, pork
shoulders 21 cents a pound, butter
two pounds for 75 cents. And you
could get bacon for 35 cents, all
wrapped in two half-pound. pack-
ages. Less, if in a pound box.
It Happened
20 Years Ago
Francis McCarty was honored by
| Back Mountain firemen for twenty
| years of service as chief in Trucks-
| ville.
| Dallas-Shavertown Water Com-
| pany turned on its new well at the
Zinn Plot, serving 100 families 'in
Summer home of John S. Mitchell
at Orange was completely destroyed
by fire. Five children to safety at
5:30 a.m. Parents were at a con-
Heir apparent to Dean
under-secretary of State.
NEW YORK gets five inches of rain.
on water shortage.
MARCOS SPEAKS to United Nation, says Asian
peace for Asians.
MOON MISSION a failure, surveyor spins toward
crash on moon.
WALTER RUETHER advises investigate price in
labor-management tilts. Who started this thing,
No effect
* * *
September 22: ARTHUR GOLDBERG speaks before U.N.
Theme, Vietnam.
INVESTIGATION OF Adam Clayton Powell, repre-
sentative from Harlem.
GOLDBERG, GROMYKO meet at private dinner
followed by private talk.
York, largest since Appalachia.
GENERAL MOTORS price increase less than Ford
and Chrysler.
* * *
September 23: HURRICANE INEZ brewing.
much of rice crop destroyed.
COSA NOSTRA members bail set at a million
in years,
September 25: WO TYPHOONS in Japan leave 67,000
homeless, landslides bury villages on dopes of
Mt. Fuji.
; * * *
September 26: COSA NOSTRA questioning starts, bomb
scare, hearing curtailed. 5
followine Mao's lead.
EHRHARD CONFERS with Johnson on support of
troons in West Germany.
MASSIVE UPHEAVAL in Red China, book burn-
ing, graves desecrated. Red Guards resemble Brown
Shirts under Hitler.
McNAMARA RETURNS from Rome with ideas of
sharing Nuclear planning with NATO.
INEZ THREATENING West Indies, suspicion of
Judy arising.
SUPPLY DEPOTS bombed again.
FORD CUTS BACK increase in prices to meet
competition of GM and Chrysler.
September 27: LBJ *AND ShARD at Cape Rénnedy.
JAPANESE ROCKET launched, goes off course.
LBJ SIGNIFIES INTENTION to meet with other
leaders opposing Communism, in Manilla, at Pres-
| ident Marco’s invitation. Top brass from Australia
and New Zealand will also attend.
NATIONAL GUARD called out to quell riot in
San Francisco, stemming from shooting of a negro
boy by a policeman.
NOT GUILTY says prodominantiy neero jury in
trial of a white man accused of murder.
* * *
September 28: SAN FRANCISCO quiet after night of
VIET CONG nuts out peace feelers.
FHRHARD FTIES home to Germany.
INEZ LASHES islands in Caribbean, menaces
Dominican Republic.
Jackson took Dallas 9 to 3, a
ninth inning bringing in seven runs.
| prices were rising, costs rising.
| Donald Grose was
| mander of the Legion.
Overbrook Gun Club wanted curb.
on gun-toting youths.
Mrs. Daniel Shaver raised $205
for purchase of intruments for King-
ston Township High School's new
ing its verdict on war criminals
| Ribbentrop and Funke. ;
Kermit Sickler was with the
forces of occupation in Japan.
brook. Theodore Swartwood,
| formerly of Centermoreland.
T. Thetga. Ruth M. Hackett to Har-
old A. Brown.
| Anniversary: Mr. and Mrs. Sherman
| Wardas, 51st.
It Happened
1 0 Years Ago
Sandsdale and Hillside cattle won |
firsts in the Black and White Show |
in Harrisburg.
| Doc Jordan took 22 ribbons for
| dahlias
Lehman-Jackson-Ross and Lake- |
{ Noxen, both in need of additional |
| school space, felt their way toward |
Lehman Methodist marked
| centennial.
| Rev. Russell Lawry was new min-
ister at Dallas Methodist.
Chief of Police Coslett withdrew
charges of drunken driving against
Walter Donnelly of Bunker Hill.
Donnelly had appeared before J of
was posted. Withdrawal of charges
was made in Mrs. Williams’ absence.
| Heavy equipment arrives at Jack-
son Institution, 80 employed.
Mrs. Daisy Cease Wint, 86, Sweet
Valley. Clarence C. Neely, 83, Lake
Silkworth.. Jacob Traver, 81,
Married: Bette Marie Montross to
Robert Statnick.
OPA price lines were not holding, |
elected Com. |
band. Verus Weaver was conductor. |
‘A military tribunal was prepar-'|
William L. Reese, 76, Fern- |
{ Married: Wilma D. Gay to John
in the New York Dahlia ber 7
P Beatrice Williams and $500 bail |
Died: G. L. Dodson, 61, Shavertown.
| Medical Scholarship
John N. Landis II son of Mr.
Mrs. John Landis, Oak Hill, is the
recipient of a $400. 00 medical
scholarship from the Wyoming Val-
ley Chapter, National Foundation -
March of Dimes.
He is ‘a 1961 graduate of Lake-
Lehman High School, Pennsylvania
State University, class of 1965; and
is currently enrolled as a sophomore
at’ Temple University < School = of
Medicine, He is a member of the
Phi Beta Pi Professional Society and
the Student American Medical As-
This past summer he has been
a member of a Research project and
has worked under Dr.' DeAlveraz,
chairman of the Obstetrics and
Gynecological Department. His work
has been on serum and tumor lipids
in’ gynecological malignancies.
This year his courses of study
will be pathology, microbiology, sur-
gery, medicine, pediatrics and phys-
ical diagnosis.
Speaks At Convention
“Ted R. Johnson
Pillar To Post...
by HIX
So many people have inquired about that dog-bite, that it seems
timely to state that nothing happened, and that the dog, so far as
we can determine, is doing well. :
It was a spectacular looking wound, but. unfortunately it could
not be put on exhibition. Social usage forbids.
Three weeks later it is barely visible, the black and blue fading
into green and finally into a pale yellow, whence it just sort of dis-
appeared into the surrounding scenery.
It was interesting while it lasted, and made a rip-snorting col-
umn at a time when columns were hard to come by.
Lucky it didn’t happen last year, on the brink of a trip to Eng-
land and Ireland. ;
It wouldn't have made sense to take off by plane while still
nursing a reminder of what it feels like to win an gropalanty con-
test with a police dog.
That trip I still can’t believe that it happened. Every
step that brought it nearer was a milestone. Badgering the State
Department into admitting that if I hadn't been born I was a very
lively sort of a non-ghost; making connections with a passport, losing
the passport along with a wad of cash and a round trip ticket to
Shannon Airport, finding the items after a somewhat sleepless night,
that was only the beginning.
The real bang was mounting the ramp to the plane at Kennedy
International Airport, and hearing the jet engines scream as the
big bird took off.
Out over that wide dark ocean, high above the clouds.
And dawn meeting the plane, pink clouds beneath, with a tiny
shadow of the plane riding along, down under, microscopic in soace,
and nothing, absolutely nothing else in all the circle of the horizon.
Not exactly frightening, but remindful of how. small we are in
relation to the universe.
A swoop down through the clouds, and there we were at the
Shannon Airport, no prevue of the landing except for one split sec-
ond of bog land rising to meet the plane.
Going by sea is far longer, in point of time, but there is that
long, leisurely voyage, where you can’t be reached by telephone
unless in’ dire emergency, where you can sun yourself in your deck
chair, where there is a comfortable cabin awaiting you for an after-
noon nap. ;
Absolutely nothing to do, and what a delighitil, change if it
doesn’t last too long.
The blue of the Gulf Stream, with the propeller churning up
what looks like Monday morning suds with plenty of bluing, the
white wake stretching back as far as the eye can reach.
Flying fish, and golphins breaking in formation through the bow
Days and days of it. Too much to eat, too much time to rest
and read, too much sunshine, too much breeze. ;
And then that never to be forgotten landfall.
It is only a smudge on the horizon at first, maybe only a cloud.
But as the hours pass it takes shape, and it is the White Cliffs of
Dover, or the port atLeHavre, in France.
And nothing has ever been more beautiful than the sight of
‘land after days at sea.
That is what you miss in a transatlantic plane trip, that first
ecstatic feeling that you are actually going to set foot on solid earth
A long plane trip leaves you tired, your own personal inner clock
either too fast or too slow. You are not raring to go, as you are
when you walk down the gangplank of a ship. Your own clock
tells you it is five hours earlier, and that instead of eating lunch,
you ought to be dithering over a cup of coffee at breakfast.
But it’s something you wouldn't miss, and something you will
always remember.
Riwanis Club, i a trustee of inter-
national Kiwanis. |
Some 234 clubs with a member- |
{ Hite Lefko, Leo Corbett and
| John: Blase, representing Dallas
| Kiwani Club, heard Ted R. John-
son, Denver Col., speak at the Ki-
Sterling the beginning of the week.
Mi. Johnson, a member of Denver
as Kiwanis trustee.
and elect a district
is serving his fifth term
Cocoluschu Craftsmen
‘See Decorative Pieces
|. Cocoluschu Craftsmen toured the | free,
| home ‘of Mrs. Paul Gross on Sutton | no takers.
It Pays To Advertise
offered for
A litter of puppies,
in the Dallas Post,
ship of over 11,000, were represent-
ed at the convention. Principal busi-
ness was to make plans for
| coming year
wanis convention held at Hotel | governor and other officers of 1967.
the |
Johnson, a Denver banking —
Offered again, for five:
Road ‘September 18, gathering basic | bucks apiece, dog-buyers stood in
infermation in ‘the workshop, then line,
and the entire litter
| being introduced to various types | snapped up.
of ‘decorating, Coutry Tin, Pennsyl-
vania Dutch, and early American.
“Mrs. Gross, a master craftsman,
is nationally known for her fine
touch in decorating, and ‘the skill |
30, taking. as her subject
was |
| Our Craft Heritage be Preserved?” |
| The lecture is open to the public.
A week later, Mrs. Crosson will |
and designs,
| piece: ;
Eighteen members enjoyed the
| tour through her home, starting at
| 2:20. Not only Back Mountain wo-
| men were present, but women from |
{ other counties and ‘sections repre-
| sented by the four-county gigans
| ization.
The Cocaluschu Craftsmen ‘mark
| their first birthday this October,
though an actual program was not
| laid out until April. The organiza-
| tion now numbers 150. Key mem-
| bers. met in Hazelton September
| 20 to discuss further plans.
| A visit to New Hope is plannad
for. October 21, either by chartered
| or by private car.
Mrs. Robert Crosson, a charter
| member and leader, will speak at
| college Misericordia October 5 at
to fit a pariioulany
Craig Douglas Rome
| Craig Doglas Rome, ,weighing in 675: 1 167
| iat seven pounds twelve ounces at
| Nesbitt Hospital, was born ‘Septem-
His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Don-
| ald Rome of Huntsville. There are
two other children, Linda, 3, and
i Erie, 2.
Made To Your Design
In Many Designs
Our telephone number has
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Your Quality Investment Program
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Henry H. Otto, Jr.
your local
Registered Representative
15 South Franklin Street
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