| { | ) Ay a. gy a A AURIS we a a i or SECTION A — PAGE 6 _ SPORTSMANS CORNER by Jim Hopple NET: dip your new net in linseed oil and let it dry. Net will last three times longer. SHARP HOOKS: glue a piece of emery cloth to the inside of your tackle box. Hooks can be sharpened anytime on it. TEEN TALK — Ee Bd - ROY SUPULSKI “I think Plymouth Area will be our toughest game this season.” That was the answer I got when I went to. interview ‘one of Ccach Eddie Brominski’s prize football players, ROY SUPULSKI. Roy is ‘seventeen years old, born in Kingston on March 21, 1949. He is six feet, two and a half inches tall weighs 184 lbs. and ‘has brown hair and blue eyes. He lives with his parents Ernest and Bertha Supulski, R. D. 3, Wyo- ming, Carverton Road, Trucksville. Roy has two sisters and two broth- ers, Cindy 17, Bertha 9, Ernie 22, and Jeff age 7. He is a senior Dallas Senior High School and is active in football, basketball, Key Club, was on the student council, and dramatics. Roy was also chosen for the Boys’ State Representative. He is a member of Carverton Meth- odist Church. ? He has been playing the, guitar for the past two and a half yenrs. his favorite record is “Dirty Water”, favorite recording artists are the Beatles. He likes radio station WA ot al ~ BC and favorite DJ is Murray The K. TV-wise he likes Soupy Sales and Batman. Sportswise, Roy likes football, basketball, track, tennis, bowling, golf, swimming and hunting. His "Dallas High School News _ | By Kim Roddy and Virginia Glemny | On Wednesday, September 14, {the Dallas Senior High School senior class elected its officers for the year 1966-67. Mr. Hughes, sen- ior class advisor, presided over the meeting. Officers elected were presi- dent, Scott Fry; vice-president, Greg Hicks; secretary, Ronald Pietraccini ' and treasurer, Steve Townsend. Congrtulations are extended to the following girls who have been selected to serve as ma- jorettes, replacing those who graduated: Carol Crawford, Phyllis Hanna, Suzerne Joz- wiak, Nancy Love nnd Susan Sipple. Rosellen Klaboe has been elected head majorette. The Senior class elected Beverly Peirce and Rosellen Klabhoe to rep- resent , Dallas High at the recent annual Rotary Fall Fair on Sep- tember 17 and 18 at the Lehman Hor=eshow Grounds in Lehman. Rosellen won. * The girls’ hockey team, under the extremely cavable leadership of Miss Mabel Jenkins, began practice on Monday, September 12. The girls are working ‘hard to: get in day, September 29, at Lake-Leh- man. : A warm welcome is extended | to thé new exchange students: [Anna Fahlen from Sweden, and | { College shape for their first game on Thurs- | * Yoichi = Wakabayashi from Japan. Dawn Hanson from Aus- tralia is back for another se- mester. She plans to stay until Janupry. Congratulations to the girls who have been selected to represent our school as cheerleaders for the , 66-67 season! They are: varsity, | Ruth Besecker, Marla Cloak, Nancy | Crispell, Abby Jones, Cory Jordan, Patti Larson, Barb Lohmann, Jane Mitchell, Susan Moore, Sharon Yal- ick. Junior varsity, Judy Stasko, Anna Marie Arcurie, Patty Corbett, Sally Harter, Kathryn Munnell. Mol- have their pictures taken as secon as possible, Welcome back to Miss Sliker. Last wveor, Europe on sabbatical leave to tour | France. She was missed by every- one. Comgratulations Helen tn our ter- rific football team in their vie- tory over Carbondale. 29-6. It’s {" "An enthusiastic pep rally was ‘held in the auditorium last Friday | afternoon. ‘September 16th. “just: be- fore the Plymouth game. The new cheerleaders. were the student hody. Bound | BY BRUCE HOPKINS The Old Grind The dance was packed. I'm tell- ing you, there were so many kids at that dance that you could walk around the gym four times and never see the same person once.(?) But then, it big dance of the year, and it was the night before classes started, so nobody had anything better to do! anyway. We pushed, shoved, and pardoned our way through the wall of people seeing kids we haven't seen since May, talking to them about their summer, and walking nway trying desperately to remem- ber their names. As we got to the | middle of the gym we were bogged by an unmoving mass of bodies in front of us. We stood there waiting for the crowd to digperse a bit when cuddenly the most awful thing hap- pened: the band started playing. The unfortunate part of this was | | that the song was ideal for that | There we were, gan slow fizzing without regard to wag the first really | ancient ritual dance, the Slow Fizz. | centralized be- | | tween 2000 kids al! of whom be-! look as though you've got to be somewhere by yesterday.” Ancther thing that we think are] a waste of time are lines. Lately | fifteen minutes early so that we teen mnutes. (Well, we may not | save any time. but at least we feel better about it). | Yes. it’s back to the old sched- | ule. Studying for a couple of hours, taking a coffee break, and follow- | ing this with a two minute Yoga headstand. I do the headstand in order to slush my brain out a little | before 1 start studying again, You'd be surprised how well slushed my | bmin is! It's nice having things back to | normal. As a matter of fact, the other day ‘I went out in the hall and passed a bleary - eyed buddy who ran up to me excitedly and | said, “Do you realize that, there re only 60 more days until Thanke- giving vacation!” As a matter of | fact. I had just. that minute fin- | inished counting them! lie Townsend. Alternates, Peggy Bavliss, Suzanne Kozick, Diane | Thier. x All seniors are urged to she traveled to! going to be another great vear. '| introduced to we have been going to meals about | don’t have to wait in line for fif-! __THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1966__ Misericordia Alumnae Plan For Home-Coming Many present and former Back Mountain residents are involved in| planning the Ninth Annual Alum- nae Homeceming of College Miseri- | cordia, to be held September 30, | October 1, and October 2 on the | Dallas. campus. _ Pictured above from left to right are: (1st rew) Mother Miriam The- rese, RSM, former President of Col- lege Misericordia; Marlyn’ Stron- goski Zlotek, Chairman of Honre- coming; Sister M. Florita, RSM, new | president of College Misericordia. 2nd row: Sarah Wagner, | dent of the Alumnae Association; Alice Ide Hudak, Homeoming, and Hilda Garey, Executive Secretary of the Alumnae Association. Janina Kle- mek is also a co-chairman of Home- | coming. | Homecoming will begin Friday night with an executive board meeting. Saturday there will be the annual meeting at which officers the next two will be elected for years and achievement awards will | Joins Commonwealth | Presi-- co-chairmen of | Staub favorite hppa il Bro avi ' whom or what might be in their | His hobbies are guitar playing Ap experience such ms this and sports. He likes folk rock music might ve considéred aulte similar | ; and when asked what one thing findine * I x | 4 Tar g oneself on the Los An- | annoys him most he said, “to lose | gales Freeway at the rsh hour -» 1 Robert Schooley SEE YA’ ¥ be presented. A luncheon will be held followed by a Fall Fashion Preview. Saturday afternoon will be de- voted to a classroom project, ‘“‘De- partmental Changes on Campus’. Speakers will be Sister M: Ferdi- nand, RSM, Librarian, M. Manus, RSM, Art Dept. Chair- man. s 3d & ; © One of the main events will be the annual dinner: Saturday night honoring ' the reunion closes. The Most Rev. J. Carroll McCormick, D. D., Bishop of Scranton ‘will be the honored guest. Sunday a Memorial Mass for de- ceased faculty and alumnae will be followed by the annual Communion Breakfast at which the Sisters of Mercy will be guests of the alum- | nae. Rev. William -Osterly, S.J. of Scranton University will speak on “The Christian Faces the 20th | Century”. i Marlyn Strongoski Zlotek is chairman of Homecoming and Alice Ide Hudak and Janine Klemek are! Trucksville Elementary PTR First meeting of the Trucksville Elementary PTA will be held Mon- day, October 3 at the school, 7:30 is “Education Pavs it Wisely”, according to Mrs. Rob- ert Vail, program chairman. Listed below are programs and speakers for the year! October 3. “The Mrs. © Alvin Rothstein, Guidance Connselor Dallas School District. November 7, “The Spiritual Divi- dends of Education” - Speaker. Mic Dorothy Cohen, Director = Family Service Valiey. March .6, “Aesthetic Dividend of Education” - Speaker, Marcella Nagorski. Sivth Grade Teather - Around the World Trip with slides. and Sister! p.m. The theme of the school year | Dividends. Use | Ocetirational | Dividends of Education” - Speaker,’ Association of Wyoming Seaman Albert Phillips To Leave Great Lakes Seaman Recruit Albert P. Phil- Albert R. Phillips, 91 W. Mount Airy Road, Shavertown, has been graduated from nine weeks of Navy basic training at the Naval Training Center at Great Lakes. In the first weeks of his naval and lived and worked under condi- counter on his first ship or at his first shore station. In making the transition from civilian life to Naval service, he re- ceived instruction under veteran Navy petty officers. He =z‘udied sen- manchip, as well as survival tech- niques, military drill and other basic subjects. Marine Kenneth Orkwis | cochairmen. Other committee chair- | 1 3 men are: registration, Sadie Morris! In Graduating Class i Magu Corrigan; al Marine Private Kenneth A. Ork- Pp: o . ions, Noreen Reisinger Dennis and (is con of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mary Moran O’Connoor; Hospitality, Orkwis, of 148 Hemlock Drive, Elizabeth Letndet Stelaoone and Dallas, was graduated from eight Julia Wallace; Entertainment, Mir- weeks of recrait taining 4t the iam Howells and Elizabeth Ins:laco’ z ve Brogna; Decorations, Thalia Ann Thmas, Housing, Jane Lambert Kilduff; Publicity, Joan Costello; Coffee] Hour, Betty Roberts and Dolores Covle; Reception, Susan Harcha- rufka ‘Elias and Marilyn Flynn. | Reunions, Alice Ide Hudak; Luncheon, Theresa Henry Blaum and Mary Ann Henry Shaskas; Classroom Project, - Josephine De- | Simone Palumbo and Joan Krause; Dinner, Grace Ann Ardeline Cola- russo and Alice Klockgether Teufel; Communion Breakfast, Mary Dwyer ing in his military job field before Curley and Ann Shovlin Hawkins. being assigned to a permanent unit. Pre-paid reservations must be re- | — = — a ceived by Wednesday, September | ounces the following committee 28. | appointments: Membership - Mrs. Charles Siegel, chairman; Mrs. Robert Hislop, co- chairman: Budget and Finance, Mrs. | Joseph Perry; Pablicity, Murs. | Charles Rattigan; Hospitality, Mrs. |" May 1, “Social Dividends of Edu- George W. Gaylord and Mus. Rich- ! cation” - Film “Dance Little Chil- ard Gregory; Blood Bank. Mrs. Rah- dren Dance” which discusses the ert Chamberlain; Devotions, Miss moralistic attitude of today's vouth. | Georgiena Weidner; Safety, Herbert Officers for the yeor are: Robert Updyke: Procedure Book. Mrs. John 8. Vail, President; Mrs. Robert S.| Petro; PTA Magazine, Mrs. George | Vail, Vice-president, Mr. Charles Kapral; Council ‘Rrepresentative - Rattigan, Secretary. and Mrs. Lloyd Marian E. Young; Legislation, Mrs. | Anaire, Treasurer. The president an-' Vincent McGuire, Island, S. C. Under thé supervision of veteran non-commissioned . officer structors, he learned small arms marksmanship, bavonet fighting, and methods of self-protection. He also received instruction in military drill, history and traditions of the Marine Corps, and other academic subjects. of individual combat training and four weeks of basic specialist train- Piano - Theory - Organ Instruction IN YOUR OWN HOME JOAN I. MINIER 288-2839 : ; lips, 18, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. opened service he studied military subjects tions similar to those he will en-| Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Drill .In- « He will now undergo four weeks a game’, | Roy has one pet, a cat named | Sam. His ambition in life is to be- come a biologist. He plays offensive split end and | defensive safety. He's been playing | high schon] football for four years. He said that Dallas is in good . shape and has some good future players coming up. When I asked | Roy what kind of person coach Ed- | die Brominski was, he said, “He | teaches us good fundamental foot- on the wrong side of the road. We | Joins Sea Scouts had no choice excevt to fizz IT] wasn’t at all sure that I was going Robert Schooley, son of Mr. and to remember how to do it. After | Mrs. Harold Schooley, Davenport. all, T hadn’t done it all sumer | Street, Dallas, now stationed at long. ‘But actually it's sort of like | Norfolk, Va. has joined the Sea swallowing: even thongh you may | Scouts in that area. Over Labor not do it for a while, you never | Day weekend, they traveled on an forget if. Every time the music| LST to Richmond with twelve boys starts, you begin swallowing auto- | and other advisors. They left Fri- matically! | day evening at 5 and arrived at Too bad studying doesn’t work | Norfolk, Monday evening at 7. PoE : | JAMES T. MORGAN | James T. Morgan has joined the | Dallas-Shickshinny District Com- | Telephone Company as Commerical | Representative. He has recently | completed a sixteen-week training | program in all phases of the tele- # ‘mercial Staff of the Commonwealth ! , pect to visit her in the near future. J ———— SIRE | phone commercial operation. the same way. With studying, the | Robert was very active in Troop | My. Morgan received his basic longer you're away from it, the, 281, in Dallas, being Senior Scout!| education in the Shavertown and could be mada safer in the future. harder it is to get back in the | and Chief of Order of the Arrow | Tyycksville Schools, attended Wilkes He. said. ‘yes”. 1 “also asked his groove. I mean, classes have been | of this district. advice for a youngster who is look- in session for a week now, and | already everybody 1 know is about | pr four. weeks behind in their work. | ball, and is verv close to his team”. I asked if football in hich schools ine forword to plavine high school esent Assistant Skipper, by taking | Sharon, make their home at 212 fotball “Take in football games, try me’ = a" 40 cs 4 that with atl over that position. | North Pioneer Ave, Dallas. to learn the moves of older and| "5 Fo 0 oC de we're | sn EE EARS] better players. | going to have to make some oes | ! \ Roy plans on going into college ifices somewhere, We started by | football or basketball. By the way cutting out dating on Tuesday, | he said that he thought .that Wednesday, and Thursday nights Spor , . | Sportsman’s Corner and Teen Talk (we never did much dating on those | are good and interesting. Ai 3 | nights. anyway). But “even after | c Vv ! | t Good luck to ROY SUPULSKI and that drastic step, we decided that | the whole Dallas football team this | Re, won EY { more had to be done. Next we | seasn! { | gave up talking at the dinner table | Reunion With Folks | in order to save some time there. | Also, we gave up shuffling the | rds duri inochle g: that | Mrs. Arja Brown, Ferguson Ave- cards -quting, pinochle games (that nue, Shavertown, recently had, a saves almost 20 minutes per game). | : s | In addition, we've practiced walk- reunion with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William Pritchard, | ing a+ a1 very rapid rate of speed. | Actually, it's a kind of a slow run. Villas, N.J., whom she hadn't seen gaye 2 ang on : odes ; . hire As a matter of fact, the other day, | in thirty years. While visiting them, i ; vo they snent some time at Cape May J: passed a friend of mine who said | and Wildwood. The Pritchards ex-|as I whizzed by, “You know Bruce, | 4 | everytime I see you anymore you “ATLANTIC” SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE Rt. 309 Shavertown Shavertown Shopping Center 3 ; il | | ® EXCELLENT LOCATION | ® MODERN 3 BAY STATION ® STATE INSPECTION FACILITIES “Its the talk of the town” J | ® FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE (...and it's coming from | . the telephoné company) PAID TRAINING PROGRAM Gruphic Arts Services INCORPORATED PHOTO-ENGRAVING Offset Negatives and Platemaking Screen Prints, Art Work For Confidential Interview PHONE: John Spellman 287-9661 THE ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO. { College, and is a graduate of Mans- | In November he will relieve the field State College. He and his wife, | April 3, “Psychological Dividends of Education” - Speaker, Dr. K. W., Scott, Acting ‘Superintendent, Re- e Member National Guild of Piano. Teachers ¢ Graduate of St. Louis Institute of. Music treat State Hospital, Hunlock Creek, ry CR ACK |B | 8 i | | | t is TRUCKLOAD MT. SHOPP CENTER SHAVERTOWN ELVA) ING ~ DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Karen Faux Opens New Beauty Shop Karen. Faux, Centermoreland, last week an attractive | beauty shop in the center of Dal- | las across from Towne House Res- | taurant. ° | Daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Don- | ald Faux, Centermoreland, she was - | i graduated from Empire Beauty School and has been employed by a local beautician for the past year. Horse Show fans will remember Karen as the first Rodeo Queen | chosen at the Lehman Horse Show in 1961. SYMPATHY EXTENDED | Sympathy is extended to Stephen | DeBarry, Oak Hill in the death of his brother, Robert C. DeBaxry of | Forty Fort, who died Ra | September 7. 3 Accutron. ‘World's most precise timepiece. ACCUTRON “214” Stainless Steel Case. Waterprooft, Alligator Strap. $125.00 HENRY'S JEWELRY CARD - GIFT Memorial Highway Shavertown Come in and we'll make an’ Accutron fan out of you. Accutron by Bulova, When case, crown and Erystal are intact » THIS SALE WILL BE HELD IN BACK MOUNTAIN STORE ONLY! ~ Thurs., Sept. Sat, BLANKET SALE 29. Fri., Sept. 23 Sept. 24 | f Thermal ALLAIRE BLANKET Gives you comfort without weight - Winter & Summer 72X90 Bed Size 3.77 Assorted Colors Single 72X84 SIZE 72X90 6" NYLON BINDING Assorted Colors Electric BLANKET, Control 'Q.77 Assorted Colors PERMANAPPED BLANKET | ~~ Cotton Chenille BEADSPREAD Lin am ! FULL SIZE en or 2D 77 | nll TWIN SIZE "4 : All Colors PERMANAPPED BLANKET Solid Colors Size 72X90 $3.77 ea. Assorted Colors Stripe Blanket SIZE 72X90 Gold - Green - Blue Red Plaid Blanket Blue - Red - Brown $3.77 ea. Phone 825 2978 " Rear 20 North Main Street .. .... NEHER RRNA pitt SIZE 72X90 Print Blanket SIZE 72X90 Pink - Blue - Gold SL oa, ii Si : Mohawk Indian Blanket | SIN ea wSZESOT SCRE Sas ORRR =