Hill ecame d, one ptem- There Nancy tes is DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Dallas Senior Women To Hold Fall Dance The annual Fall Dance sponsored by the Dallas Senior Women’s Club will be held October 1 at 0’Con- nell’s Twin Lakes with dancing from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. to the music of the Parker Pens. Mrs. Henry Meyer is General Chairman. Theme of this year’s semi-formal will be “Indian Summer Ball”. Pro- ceeds from the dance each year are applied toward community projects sponsored by the club. Members and gueste are urged to make early reservations by calling Mrs. Peter Arnaud 674-4491 | or . Mrs. Richard Myers 675-2906. Eptertain Neighbors "Mrs. Andrew Pillarelln and Mrs James Kenney were hostesses te the'r neighbors at Faddonfield Hille on Mondav when they enjoyed a coffee klatch. Cuest of honor was Mrs, William Kyle. whois moving to York with her family. Present were Mrs. Sterling Wag- ner. Mryr~ Stephen Morenko, Mrs Russell Par