ee PO reciss Na a Slater SECTION B— PAGE 4 BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin DALLAS, Carol Ann Williams FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage IDETOWN, Bess Cooke MT. ZION, Rev. Charles Gilbert ~ THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER B, 1066 NEWS FROM POST CORRESPONDENTS 639-2544 ® NOXEN, Mrs. Elida Beahm Kelly 298-2149 674-4309 ® RUGGLES, Mrs. Charles Williams 639-5422 674-5460 ® SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. F. W, Anderson 675-2001 639-9531 ® SWEET VALLEY, Mrs. Thomas Sayre 477-3731 639-5137 @ TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert 696-1689 388-7261 ® EAST DALLAS, Mrs. Irene Moore 675-3080 NOXTE Mr. and Mrs. William Hollos and son John recently made a trip through the New England States and stopped off to visit their son, Edward and family at Boston, Mass. ‘Dick Richards spent last week in Canada, on a fishing trip. Helen Williamson, Philadelphia, spent the past week visiting rela- tives and friends in this area. Helen would enjoy hearing from folks around here. Her future address will be Lycoming House, 3005 West Schoolhouse Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. 19144. Mrs. Oscar Fish returned on Sat- urday after spending ten days at the home of her sister, Mrs. Alfred Backus, ‘Binghamton, and caring EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED CONTACT LENSES DR. I. BERGER OPTOMETRIST 27 Machell Ave, Dallas Phone 674-4921 sc a Sn re Aw SAVE | MONEY Cg CANE BOILER RIGHT go NOW? —o: we for her in her illness. Mr. and Mrs. David Coole, Knox, Pa., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coole. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ruff Sr. Mrs. Barney Cooke, Judy and baby | went to Trenton, N. J. on Sunday WHO NEW FURNACE « NO MONEY DOWN! | + NO PAYMENT OF ANY KIND to visit Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shil- anskis and family. Judy for a week’s stay. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Macintosh were Mr. and children, Roselle Park, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pas- cucci and Cindy of Philipsport, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bigelow, Pottstown, visited the Harry : Bige- lows on Thursday and Friday and Mr. family, Barker, N. weekend with them. Stork Shower Dianne Blizzard entertained the following at a stork ‘shower in hon- or ‘of Mrs. Richard Boice at her home, on Saturday night: Mrs. How- ard Engelman, Mrs. Howard Boice Sr. and ‘Mrs. Howard Boice Jr; Mrs. William Belles, Mr. ald Crispell, Mrs. Michael Brody Jr:, Ellen Ide, Anne Gush, Pamela and Y., spent’ the and. Mrs: Don-, N | and | remained | r | Harveys Lake Harveys Lake Firemen and their weekend at the home of Mr. and |i2milies held Family Night Covered Mrs. John Sorber and family, Can- Dish Supper at Old Sandy Bottom, dor, N. Y. recently. Mr. and Mrs. Vogle Traver, Mr. Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Lawrence Patton and fam- | Carleton Kocher, Tanya Xocher, ily attended the Wallace Traver re-; C. Don Kocher, Norman McCaffrey, union at South Gibson, Pa., on Sun- Bernard McCaffery, Mr. and Mrs. day. James McCaffrey, Williams Hoblak, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hackling, | Blanche Hoblak, Lillian Yellulonis, | David aand Ronald, Belleville, N. J., | Joan Yellulonis, Annette Yellulonis, and Mrs. Robert Stimson | and Mrs. Charles Bigelow and | (in Noxen on Saturday. Mary Ann Blizzard and the ‘hostess; { Dianne. Mrs. Henry Lane, Mrs. Albert CAN - | Jones and Mrs. Leo Lord spent the Jo- | Terri Yellulonis, Michael Yellulonis, spent several days with Mrs. | Leonard Yellulonis, Michael Clark, seph Hackling and son Carl. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Cahill and |Mrs. Michael J. Clark, Arden Koch- family, Wiest Pittston, spent - ail er: Bernice Kocher, Susan Kocher, couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. | Gary Kocher, Michael Tomshaw, Fred Schenck. Francis and Charlotte Mrs. Charles Casterline, Cindy Cast- Cahill, remained for a week’s stay. ,| °rline, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones, ; ‘| Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Engler; Mr. Mr.” and Mrs. James Dymond, Willoghby, Ohio, . returned home and Mrs. Fred Merrill, Brenda, Fred- alter: a ovaok Spent with MF. a | die, Jane, Larry Merrill; John Za- Mrs. Alpha Dymond. | leskas, Irene Zaleskas, JoAnn, Irene Mr, and Mis! Harry Osborne and | Ir Jayne, Jackie and Jean Marie daughter cof “Illinois visited friends | Zaleskas; Josephine Myers, Joyce and “Fay Williams, Danny Williams, Mr. and. Mrs. Edward Henderson, Timmy Williams, Terri Williams, Indigna, Pa. and’ Bruce Fritz, Pine Joy Williams, Beatrice Schreiner, Grove. Pa. visited Mr dnd Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schreiner, Frank Guy Fritz: on Thursday. Schreiner, Mr. aad Mrs. Thomas ‘The : sympathy of the community | Garrity, Christine Garrity, Michael is extended to the family of the | Garrity, Helen Hartman, Mr. and late Raymond Scott, who died very "Mrs. Edward Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. suddenly on Friday. | John Stenger, Danny Jackson, Jim- Mr. Willard Bender remains a pa- | my Jackson, Nancy Jackson, Alice tient in ‘the General Hospital and | Brennan, Jay Stenger, Pat Stenger, is enjoying the cards #and letters | Annmarie. Stenger, Mrs. which ‘he has "received. Stenger, Myra Davis, Wood Davis, ‘Oakdale Mr. and Mrs. Oscar ‘Whitesell | spent two weeks at their cottage | Camp | was . Anna at Patterson Grove and attended Meeting, Mrs. John Austin their guest during the two weeks. Mr. family visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Goodlo and of Washington, D. C., are and Mrs. Grant White- | sell. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Kocher and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Wright- er Benscoter over the weekend. Denise Whitesell returned with them to spend this week in Batavia, N.Y. Mrs. John Austin, Stuart, Fla., who is visiting in and around here, is leaving Tuesday to visit relatives in Middletown and also Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Bonham at Benders- ville, Pa., for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kocher of Kingston spent Saturday evening at Oakdale. ‘Kunkle Ladies To Hold Picnic On September 14 Kunkle Methodist Church W. S. C. S. will hold its annual picnic at the Kunkle Fire Hall September 14 at 6:30 p.m. Members are asked to bring a covered dish and their own table . setting, also a twenty five cent prize. Hostesses for the dessert will he Madeline LaBarre and Irene Tran- sue. Jack bine, Davis, Jim Davis, Sue Long- Dave 'Longbine, Sharon Lein- thall, Wally Leinthall, Hilda Lein- thall, Mrs. Eva Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Mal Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Williams, Pat, Judy and Tom Wil- | liams; Bill Kelley, Gail Kelley, Lina Garinger, Mrs. Jo Morretti, Lynette Morretti. Arthur E. Coombs J. E. COOMBS PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. 7 Alden Place, Nanticoke 3 Phone 735-2990 YOU ON A OR Pat Hogan HOGAN PLUMBING AND HEATING 602 North Washington Wilkes-Barre Phone 823:6797 E. J. ADAMITZ 132 Pioneer Avenue Trucksville Phone 675-1620 or 696-2615 ANDREW KARAFFA R.D. No. 2, Westminster Wilkes-Barre ; Phone 655-0953 ° LEWIS T. DAVIS 108 Wood Street Wilkes-Barre Phone 824-5171 MONEY SAVING 13d | ; FOR MONTHS! | “+ UPTO 7 YEARS TO PAY! BA Gas Heat; CALL TOMORROW! CALL NOW FOR SPECIAL OFF-SEASON LOW PRICES! Phone the Gas Company or your Plumbing and Heating Contractor. Enjoy low-cost, warm, clean PEN NSYLVANIA GAS and WETER Company THE LARGEST PUBLIC UTILITY WITH HEADQUARTERS IN NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA L Monday night at the of the group will serve as hostesses. | the municipal building. Thirty Fifth Anniversary Sweet Valley Thomas Creasing is a patient at | General Hospiital, where he under- went surgery on Thursday. Mrs. Margaret Aton, Biisghamton. two ld with her sister, Mrs. Caroline Ferrey. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Remley and | ing, wvisiting Mr. and Mrs: Thomas Kuczawa aand family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mattia, Jo- | anne, Jimmy, Tina and Karen, ! Washington, D, C., spent last week | with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Shaw | and family. Their grandmother, Mrs. Fanny Sutton, Harveys Lake, also spent a day with them. Mr, and Mrs. and Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, Joleen and Gail, spent ‘Mon- day in. Philadelphia. They’ visited Marineland during the day and at night enjoyed the ball game be- tween the Phillies and the Giants. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Post and family enjoyed a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lynn | ‘Mrs. George Allison; Detroit, Mich- | igan. Other family members present | were Mr. and Mrs. Nescopeck. Brent Post celebrated his seventh | birthday recently with a family din- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Post. Cub Scouts Camp Out ‘Grove Methodist Church, camped Pikes (Creek, ‘Cub Master Carl Remley was with the group. Boy Scouts who assisted were: Stuart Thomas, Allan Stroud, George Haines Jr.,. David Haines and Ricky Agnew. Cubs who were ert Agnew, Robert Barski, Cornell, Harold Cornell, Haines, Gene Holcomb, Larry Mor- ris; Robert Morris, Gary Naugle, Craaig Sayre, Chris Swartz. tween the ages of 81% to 10, are welcome. Meetings will be held at the Maple Grove eMthodist Church Hall. Delegates Meet Five delegates selected from the tended the 3rd National Explorers Delegate Conference at the Univer- sity of Indiana, Bloomington, Indi- ana, met at the home of Howard Post on Saturday afternoon. How- ard was chosen as their leader. Each one of the boys took notes and the group will write up the itinerary on the trip. The boys who attended were: Timothy Carroll, Dallas; Dan Davis, West Pittston; Frank Weiss, Gene Stilp and Tony Torio, Wilkes- Barre. Afear the meeting the group en- joyed water skiing, Fresh-baked ITALIAN PIZZA Made Daily Call 1639-5971 WaHoo INN — MAIN ROAD — HARVEYS LAKE An indoor picnic will be held by | ton Road, members of Trucksville Fire Com- | | fifth wedding anniversary on Sun- ceptance Corporation. pany Auxiliary at their meeting on | day, September 4. The couple are | building, beginning at 6:30. Officers | Cicer, On Saturday, October 15 the group | children. Mrs. will sponsor a chicken barbeque at Margaret { Mr. N. Y., has returned after spending daughter family spent the weekend in Read- | and family, Berwick, recently, the | occasion being the visit of Mr. and | Gerald DeFrain, | fo good enough to lend the boys | of the fire company members ¥ | his tractor and hay wagon. ‘ner at his home, He is the son of | Cub Scout Pack 444 of Maple out ‘over night at the Steltz home, | last, Friday evening. | present were: Douglas Agnew, Rob- | Danny Joseph | Den meetings will begin the first Tuesday in September. All boys be- | | Wyoming Valley Council, that at-| | Mrs. Harry D. Owens, Maple Street, ff | celebrated her | Publishing Company plant on Fri- | visited ‘her Clayton Edwards | law, Mr. Wilbur | family, Norfolk, | playing football on Sundays. | Jackson Fire Company's Country | Style ~ DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA TRUCKSVILLE celebrated their thirty- | sociated with General Motors Ac- Mr. and Mrs. David Mather, Staud municipal | the parents of two sons, Donald of Road, recently returned from a mo- N. Y., and James of Linden- | tor trip: to the Thousand Islands. | Bare, N. Y. There are three grand- En route they visited friends in Og- Case "is the former densburg, N. Y. and relatives in Pembleton of Lehman. Massena, N. Y. Case is associated with the Mil-| Capt. Harold C. Birth and -chil- ler Casket Company in Kingston. | dren, Cynthia ‘and Bradley, recently Mr. and Mrs. Fred Case, Carver-| | They are members of Trucksville ‘spent several days with his parents, | Methodiss Church. 4 | Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Birth, S. Pioneer Eleventh Birthday |’Avenue. Birth, who was on leave Ruth Owens, daughter of Mr. and ‘after completing his tour of duty in South East Asia, has left for eleventh birthday England on his new assignment. | on Wednesday, August 31, An out- | Family Party | dor picnic was enjoyed by gal Cathleen Walters, daughter of Mr. group. Eleven guests were there ‘and Mrs. Robert Walters, Tondfs Mrs. Hugh Gallagher and infant Avenue, was honor guest at a fa have. returned to. their ily party marking her fourteenth | home on Harris Hill Read from Nes- birthday on Monday, September 5. | bitt Hospital, | Five guests were there. Tour Newspaper = | Mr. and Mrs. Russell West and Fifteen members of | Girl Scout family, Midwey Manor, have moved | Troop 630 toured the Wilkes-Barre to Chambersburg. Mr. West was | recently transferred by his’ com- | day afternoon. The tour was cne of | pany, - Nationwide Insurance Com- ‘the requirements for My Community | pany. ! ; Badge. Mrs. David Phillips is leader! Mrs. John Welker and family, | of the troop. | Highland Avenue, recently visited Mr. ‘and Mrs. Richard Montgomery | The Hall of Fame at Cooperstown, {and family, Hickory Street, recently | N. Y. En route they visited West brother and’ sister-in- | Point, N. Y. and Mrs. Wallace Perrin | Birthday Party and family, Roslyn. En: Toute they | “Michael Mathers, son of Mr. and visited Dutch Wonderland in Lan- | Mrs. Frank Mathers, III, Carverton caster. | Road, was five years old on Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Owaris and -day, August 22. A party was held Va., have moved | at his home in celebration of the to the formed Snowdon home on | day. Twenty one guests attended. Highland Avenue. Mr. Owens] is as- | % Jackson “Township % On September 2nd the Jatheon) first started this fabulous event. Township employers had ‘a hayride | The first dinner was held at Trucks- and corn roast. Harold Bertram | ville Fire Company and a handful 7 In those days the farmers would | donate potatoes and produce and Ed | on there feast. ‘Harvilla drove the tractor while Dick Holodick chaperoned the | group. : | the newly formed firemen went The exployers a new group in| through the township door to door Jackson are very active. Besides and took.anything the townspeople would donate, pies, butter, eggs, | milk, apples, and pumpkins. They refused nothing. The volunteers worked hard and enjoyed every minute of it. Over the years the experience the fire company has the hayride this year they went on a weekend camping trip to | Worlds End, made ‘a visit to the | Civil Air Patrol headquarters at | Wyoming Air Field and they at- tended the YMCA in Wilkes-Barre | Thursday night where they partici- | received shows in the fine meal pate in basketball, handball and | and the way it is presented, The swimming. Under the direction of | Ladies’ Auxiliary takes pride in the Gerald Bernstein this summer the | turkey supper and the reputation boys played baseball and are now | they have established over the -The | years. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snyder explorers are not only active in|who worked on the first turkey the recreational activities but in | supper and every one since recall community affairs also, They are | that when they first started the important to the fire company at | kitchen was too small and they of-- the Jackson Fire Company Bazaar, [ten had to cook in outdoor fire- they were a great: help in’ setting | places and carry the food in. Some up the booths and cleaning up. | of the women brought pots from They also ran two of the stands. home. This was a good time for In the Fire Company itself they | the Snyders to reminesce for they help set up tables for dinners and | celebrated: their 38th wedding an- keep the new truck clean: : niversary September 4. Krupinskis Tour West In the coming months the ex- ployers will help in the | turkery supper. Steve Krupinski will ar- range a trip to the Red Rock Ben- ton Air Force Base. : ski Jr., and children Gary and Ki Marie of RD 2, Follies Road, Dallas, recently returned from a 16-day; trip to the Western States. Theil vacation itinerary included stops at San Francisco, , Yosemite National Park, Hollywood, Disneyland, King's Canyon National Park, Sequoia Na- tional’ Park and Death Valley Na- tional Monument, all in the state. of California. After leaving Cali- fornia, they drove to Las: Vegas, and Hoover Dam, in Nevada. Other points of interest included the North and South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks in’ Utah. While in Utah they tour- ed Temple Square in’ Salt Lake City. The trip west was made via More social and i ac- tivities are planned as well as a membership drive. Men like Mr. Bertram, -Krupin- ski, Bernstein and many others who are interested in helping’ the ex- ployers are doing a great service for the youth of Jackson. It is a pleasure to read that there are teen- agers doing the type of thing in this day and age. i Any one who wishes to help the exployers, who range from 14 years to 18 years, should contact one of the two advisors, Mr. Helodick or Mr. Harvilla. The ‘boys are presently trying to raise money for uniforms. Help improve your youth and you are helping to improve the future of your community: return trip home via United Je Airlines. Save On Your Printing THE DALLAS POST It's harvest time which means the Turkey Supper is darwing near. One of the biggest turkey suppers in the Back Mountain held for the past 19 years, it is scheduled for October 15 this year. Serving will start at 4 p.m. This is the VISIT . . Dr. Abe Finkelstein’s New Optometry Offices 466 BENNETT ST., LUZERNE 3/2 Weeks Supply 24 FREE with purchase of 100 time of the year when some of the |§ For Your - = old fireman talk about when they EYE EXAMINATIONS iE NEW FRAMES OPTICAL REPAIRS Located Over 56 Years 72 Main St. — Luzerne For Appointment Call 288-1147 287-1811 PARGAS Unicap M 30 FREE With Purchase of 90 Excellent for DIETERS ! Metered Bulk or “Bottled Gas LP - Gas Motor Fuel and Carburetion Equipment Complete line of modern GAS APPLIANCES FINO'S PHARMACY Main Highway 675-1141 —Space Heating— Contractors— Salamander Service “Gas Service Anywhere” Dallas t For Service Call 674-4781 Memorial Hwy., Dallas— Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. pd i California Zephyr Railroad and the ¥ t Vy nn =