ie SCHED were eague 1e on- Park- imber bo get yhman i Ad- doing year's yerard | 4 and JOG ith 5. Len s 504 stmen, How- Merri- swept nn as nd Al Tony ey’s. scoring Kra- nd Joe from 17558, (ravitz 5 over amont 10-543, udnak Klass ( 0 9.00 ks has mission wever, to be ducks ay not species 0 can- , duck > than cluding species d four cese is County is one n limit 1d pos- not in- 3 limits 1 and > daily ot that two in "gaSers. ily and of io - scaup rT com- tted ul Novem- nt. ke te. RS S SEER REE ws ge ———— en coy DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Purely THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1966. SECTION A — PAGE 5 Neighborhood = And Notes Of Personal Interest Personal Donald Milbrodt, Lehman, is re cuperating at his home after Reving been a patient at eNsbitt Hospital, Miss Nancy Sieber | Guest At Shower surprise bridal shower was ¢ 1 held in the American Legion Audi- following an accident. | torium at Mt. Carmel, Pa., recently Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Evans, in honor of Miss Nancy Sieber, RB. Shavertown,. had as a guest last N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | week her sister, Mrs. Mary Reese, | Charles Sieber, Chase, who will be- ! Rochester, N.Y. | come the bride of John J. Mena- Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Johnson, Pase, Natalie Road, Green Ridge, | Carvverton Road, had as weekend Pa. on September 10 in Gate of guests, Mr. and Mrs. William John- | | Heaven Church, Dallas. | son and daughter Jackie of Wayne, | The mother of the bridegroom | Pa. and his two aunts, Mrs. John Shim- | M&/rwis Wilcox, who has been a Ock and Mrs. Joseph Buchkowski pavient at Nesbitt Hospital, has re- Were hostesses. turned to his home at Chase, His! Attending the affair from this friends will be happy to know that area were Mrs. Charles Sieber, | he is coming along nicely. | mother of the bride-elect; Mrs. Paul | Mrs. Mary Glahn and daughter Menapase and daughter Coulette, | Marjorie. Bunker Hill, have returned A Mrs. Dorothy Kennedy, Allensville, | home after spending a three week Pa., grandmother of the bride- elect; | vacation in Rochester. N. Y. They Mrs. Thomas Sieber. Lewistown, | were ‘the guests of Mr. and Mrs. | sister-in-law of the bride-elect. | Frank Vollrath and on Aueust 6 | There were- 5 ‘other guests at-| attended the wedding of Patricia | tending, relatives and friends of the | Prynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | bridegroom- elect’s family. Glendon” Prvnn, who became the bride of Edward James Jarot at | St. Thaddeus Church, Joliet, IIL Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hartman, 42nd St., Dallas, returned home on | Sunday after spending their vac: tion in Canada. { | | Mrs. Winnie’ Hover | Leaving For England Mrs Winnie Hoover, buyer i in the | lovely gifts department of Back Bernarn Dendler, Albany, N.Y. | Mountain Lumber and’ Coal Com- | will spend the Labor Day weekend | | pany, wil] leave September 8 for al with his mother, Mrs. Eleanor Dend- | three week ‘trip to the British Isles: ler, Wellington Avenue, Dallas. Mrs. Hoover ‘and .a long-time iss Frances Dorrance, Church | friend, Mrs. Clyde Gruver, will fly ®ict. has ‘returned home after from Kennedy Airport landing in sending . the summer at Pocono Dublin, Ireland. They. will tour Preserve. - | Soottand. Wales, Ireland and Eng- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Horton and ‘land, visiting the birthplace of their Lorie, Elmira, and Mr. and Mrs. mothers in Bath.” England, and Car- Edward Moore, . Miami. Fla, recent- | diff, Wales, aand taking in many Forrest points of interest during their stay Iya visited Mr. and Mrs. Ha Sweet Valley. Mrs. Paul Walter, Machell Ave- | nue. recently had as guests. Mr.! and Mrs. Raymond Zick. davohtars Keith M. Joiies | abroad. Betty, Gail and Doreen, Betlin, | Conn., Misses Nancv and Anna Mr. and Mrs ‘Robert W. Jones, Harvie, Farmington. Conn, Reservoir Drive, ‘Dallas, announce Mr. and Mrs. William Albers. Phil- | the birth of a son Keith M., who | adelvhia, and Dr. Willinm Lanvon | weighed in at nine pounds. one | and daughter, Judv. Gloversville, N. | | ounce on August ‘30 ‘at Nesbitt | Y.. sent the weekend with Mr. and Hospital. | Mrs. Carl Hoffman. Druid Hill Drive, There is an older hrother and Judv is enroute to Hood College. jose Robert, “Jr., and “Valerie. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Daubert, Par-| Mrs. Jonen is ‘the former Beverly rich Street: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dan- | Hoffman, ‘Wilkes = Barre. Her hus- bert, Jimmv and Linda. R. D. 3. [band is emvloved by Penna. Power | Dallas; Carl Daubert. Jr. Parrish and Light Company. Street, and Miss Gertrnde Carhohn | The new father came in with the | Wilkes-Barre, ment last weekend followine ad which he wished to visiting Mr. and Mrs Ed Mihalchil | insert: “Well Done, Beverly, Love. | and family. Bella. Laka. Blaclewond. | Bob”, bunt the Post staff thought it | N. J. Thev alsa visited Atlantic Was such a thoughtful gesture that | City. Mrs. Mihalehik. Ronnie. Rob- | we' included it in with the birth | bie. Jimmy. Linda and Claire. re- | Announcement. turned home with them to spend twn weeks in the area. P. F. C. Rodney E. Weiss, Orange, has returned #n his new Marine | Mrs, G. S. Williams and Carol, : 3 Pls. igre. enending. this week in {2 29 Tment al Fall River. N, C.. after | Re Std ralntives spending ten davs visiting friends Mrs. Dorald Paeolow . Pawich | and relatives in’ the:area. Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald | and Jerry, Mt. Zion, snent Sundav | in Selinsgrove. where they enjoyed | a anokont with ‘friends: Mrs. Aria Brown and. Bob, Fer-| Street, visited her «ister, Mrs Law- ce Farnum, Great Bend, on prredav, : Fred Roth and his wife and two ions. Clearwater, Fla.. ave cnending J A > Mrs. Ethel | week with Mr. and Mrs. William | £501 Avenue. and Moss, Carverton Road. | Shorts, Courtdale. returned home Mr. and Mrs. Harold Anderson, + : + , | Y i ‘DI t k d At- Pittsburgh. have returned home on in at ‘Brigantine an after visiting Mr. and Mrs. John | R % | Anderson, Jr., Red Ledge Drive,’ - . | Dallas. While here the Andersons | On Labor Day. ...Enjoy An {| also visited her relatives in Berwick. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hummel, Me- INDOOR PICNIC tuchin, N. J., came in 'to attend the JUNIOR SMORGASBORD : funeral ‘of the late .Raymond Scott, At | Noxen. : 5 Mr .and Mrs. Bruno Marascio and § HOTEL STERLING : ‘family, have moved from Elm Street | 12 to 8 p.m. $2 “All you can eat” || Dallas to Butler Street, Kingston. I! For _ Prompt, Efficient, Clean : GARBAGE & TRASH SERVICE Tree Removal | Call BERTI « SON | 674-¥731 You bring the Boys, | and Mrs. | double ring’ ceremony before an | carried a cascade bouquet of white | roses, | Soltis and Mrs. Marvin Holmes was | bridesmaid. Both are sisters of the | bridegroom. They were attired in | Mrs, John Isaacs, Kunkle. WE'LL DO THE REST and give you " § & H GREEN STAMPS with your purchases! BUDDIES MEN'S SHOP MAIN STREET | LUZERNE ‘Mr. And Ms. Joseph Rauch To Mark 25th Wedding Anniversary Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rauch, Har- | sons, Bradley L., MR3, aboard the | veys Lake, will celebrate their;U. S. S. Cadmus, stationed at New- | silver wedding anniversary on Sat- | port, R. I., and Kendall, a member urday, September 3. of the sophomore class at Dallas The couple was married in the | Senior High School. parsonage of the Huntingdon Meth: Mrs. Rauch is the organizer and odist Church. Mrs. Rauch is the' first president of the Harveys Lake former Elsie Garinger, daughter of Woman's ‘Service Club and presi- Mrs. Jessie Garinger, Harveys Lobos ders of the Joy Class of Kunkle (and the late Herman Garinger. Her | Methodist, Church. Both Mrs. Rauch husband is the son of the late Mr. | and her husband are life members Edwin Rauch. Wedding | of Alderson Methodist Church. attendants were Miss Electa Felton Mr. Rauch operates his and George Smith, Jr., Reidsville. | truckiing business. The couple are the ‘parents of two Doris Olenick Nafus, Shavertown Weds Teacher In Wisconsin The congsin own Methodist Church of Wis- Dells was the setting for the _corsages of pink carnatiions. William Marose- and ‘Sid Soltis, recent wedding of Doris Olenick | brother-in-law “of the bridegroom, Nafus, daughter “of “Mr. and Mrs. | were best man and groomsman re- | Michael Olenick, Lincoln Drive, | spectively. Ushers ‘were David and | | Shavertown, to Herbert 'L. Soren-| Sid = Soltis, Jr., ‘and. Robert and son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert | Richard Holmes, nephews of the W. Sorenson, Lyndon Station, Wis- | bridegroom. consin. The * bride's aunt, Mrs. Andrew Olenik ¢elected a blue gown and’ white accessories. The mother of the bridegroom wore a gold suit and white accessories. Both wore i matching carnation corsages. A reception followed at Kozy's Wisconsin Dells, The couple are residing at 2105 Highland Avenue, Janesville, Wis- consin, The bride is a graduate of West- moreland High School, Kingston Township. Mr. Sorenson received his Master's Degree from Stout Uni- versity and is boys’ counselor at Rev. David Sharp performed the altar decorated with pink gladioli and white carnations. Alice Mora- vek was organist. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her uncle, Andrew Olenick, Detroit, Michigan, wore a white lin- en suit trimmed with rose appli- ques. Her hat was of white tulle flowers with matching veil and she carnations and stephanotis. Matron of honor was Mrs. Sid ville. He is also director of the Youth Job Corps of Rock County. two piece white metallic dresses | with pink tulle headpieces and wore Mr. And Mrs. Ralph Elston, Kunkle ‘To Observe Jlst Anniversary Date Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Elston, | Kunkle. Prior to retirement, he was Kunkle, will observe their 51st wed- | engaged in farming. ding anniversary Thursday, Sep- They are members of Kunkle | tember 8. | Methodist Church, where Mrs. Els- The couple was wed in Luzerne | ton has been active in the WSCS. Methodist Church, | There are six children: Mrs. Dor- Mrs. Elston is the former Agnes |othy Dodson, Mrs. Lana Birnstock, | Isaacs, daughter of the late Mr. and | Gomer, Gene, Marvin and Wayne; all of this area. Also twenty-one Mr. Elston is the son of the late! grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin x Elston, } SUSAN FRITZINGER’S BEAUTY SHOP 95 MIDLAND DRIVE DALLAS OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT 674-7053 BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW What Is a “Graduate, Licensed, Registered Pharmacist?” 1. Graduate: One must graduate with a B.S. Marshall Junior High School, Janes- | sponsoring a on Tuesday, returning students. Harold Bersen Lewis Rogers, is III, { O'Malia, | lage Museum freshment committee, Scovell, invitations; Mrs. Charles B. Shafer, decorations and Mrs. John Vivian, freshman booklets. Jerry Zimmerman as chairman of the student committee will be as- sisted by Judith Robbins, Deborah Rogers, Richard Gable and John Hosts Syracuse Sendoff MRS. LEWIS L. ROGER, III The University Alumni Luzerne County Syracuse} his 80th birthday ‘anniversary on | Association is “Freshman Sendoff” September 6 at the {home of Mrs. L. L. Rogers, III, Shavertown R. D. 5, who is past president of the association. Dress will be “casual and: a he, son. of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ben | time is in store for both new and | Dymond. He is married to the for- | were Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost is pres- iden of the Alumni Committee, Mrs. | treasurer. heads Mrs. | the re- Mrs. Frear Weekend Festival Endless Mountains Folk Festival! will be held at Old Mill Village near ' New Miford, Pa., on Friday, Sat-| urday, Sunday and Monday, Sep- tember 2, 3, 4, and 5. The Annual Festival is presented by and in Old Mill Village Museum, a non-profit, educational and historical tion. The entire public is invited. The purpose of the Old Mill Vil- is to recreate the background of the mountain region of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Sus- quehanna County is one of several regional counties within the Endless Mountains Association. Craftsmen of many various skills | will' be working continuously from opening time until five p.m. day. There will be exhibits and available for sale on the grounds. institu- each Mrs. Annie A. Winter Is Feted On 89th Birthday Anniversary | Mrs. Annie A. Winter was feted | Hennish, Virginia Beach, Va., Mrs. | © recently at a birthday supper and| Joan Rogowski, Pikes Creek. Also party held at the family home. | 18 grandchildren and five great- Mrs. Winter celebrated her 89th | grandchildren. birthday on August 18. She was| Attending the party in her honor born in Harveyville, daughter of| were her sister, Mrs. Claudiine | the late Mr. and Mrs. John Miner | Daily, Loyalville; Mrs. Rosie Taylor, | | Taylor and is the widow of Jacob | Harveys Lake; S/Sgt. andMrs. Ben- | Winter. | jamin Moku and son Robert, who In good health except for’ arthri- | recently returned from Germany; | tis, Mrs. Winter lives with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor and | | Fred Winter at Meeker and indulges | Ralph, Idetown; Mr. and Mrs. John | | in flower raising as her chief hobby. | Alles, Debbie, John and Peggy, Mr. She is | dren, the mother of three chil- Fred, Meeker, Mrs. Hilda | and Mrs. Fred Winter and family. Fred Dymond, Sr., Orange. Honored By Family On Eightieth Birthday Fred Dymond, Orange, celebrated | grandchild. ! Mr. Dymond: is a retired treet | August 23 and was honored at a | but remains very. active helping his | cookout at the home of his daugh- | son Fred, Jr. in the tomato busi- | ter -and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. | ness and planting and caring for | : Raymond Rozelle, 3160 of Orange. | his own garden. He and his wife | | A native of the Back Mountain | are members of Centermoreland | all of his life, Mr. Dymond is the | Methodist Church. | Attending the party in his honor Fred Dymond, | mer Vana VanTuyle and the couple | Jr., Teddy Dymond, Elaine and are the parents of five children, { Douglas Dymond, Vivian, Grandma | Fred, Jr., Vivian and Glenna Ro- | Dymond, Connie, Dale, Becky and | i zelle, Orange; Gerald and George | | of Homestead, Fla. There are ed 15 grandchildren and one great- Robin Rozelle and the host and | hostess. Mr. And Mrs. Paul B. White Mark 49th Wedding Date On August 28 Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. White, Wil- ford Stree, Upper Pittston, will celebrate their 49th wedding anni- versary on August 28. They were married. by the late Reverend Rich- ard D. Jordan on August 28, 1917, at "St. Cecelia’s Church, Wyoming. Their attendants were Mrs. John J. Hughes, sister of Mrs. White and the late attorney, Leo W. White, brother of Mr. White. Mrs. White is the former Mary Mr. and Mrs. William J. O'Connor { of Wyoming. They have one son, fcHILD HOSPITALIZED | William, at home. | | | | the Lehigh Valley Railroad for 27 | years. He was also a shop foreman | for the Keroe Berge Coal Co. He | taught Vocational Training Scchool | in the Pittston High School, and in | the Vocational Training School at | Nenticoke High School during the | Second World War. He accepted a position as a government mechan- | ical inspector at the W. L. Maxson Corp. Plant, Old Forge, fetiring in | 1960. Mr. White was shop foreman for | Little Jerry Domnick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Domnick, Pioneer Avenue, ‘Shavertown, in Nesbitt Hospital, is a patient | where he was demonstrations of arts and crafts. Among the craftsmen there will be soapmaking, candlemaking, weav- taken Monday. evening after be- | - 28 | ing, pottery ‘making, chaircaning, coming quite ill at his home. a3 - g a —— painting, leathercraft, and “I WE RATE A FOR SCHOOL others. Handcrafted items will be WE Degree in Pharmacy from any accredited Phar- macy College in the U.S.A. 2. Registered: One must pass a rigid exam given by the Penna. State Board of Pharmacy. 3. Proof: Every Graduate, registered phar- macist has a license (similar to that of nurses, dentists, doctors) usually displayed prominently in his place of employment. HALL'S PHARMACY SHAVERTOWN, PA. 675-1191 674-9161 675-1192 Side view of . Concord's $200 wafer-thin pocket watch. How do you like it? All right. It doesn’t disappear entirely when viewed from the side. But this is a very skinny dress watch, 14K, Swiss precision movement, and so beautiful that ‘No man can resist referring to it a dozen times an hour. This may well be the timepiece which breaks America’s wrist watch habit. Brave words from us, who also sell magnificent Concord wrist watches. See our Concords, for pocket or wrist, today. * f CLERK'S Another view of the watch. MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY Payments may be arranged | FRANK CLARK Jeweler 63 SOUTH MAIN STREET, WILKES-BARRE | hio; Mrs. | Socity at. St. RATE A’ FOR SCHOOL ‘Mr. Bnd Mrs. Dito} ‘To Mark Wedding Date Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dorosky, | 146 W. Airy Road, ‘Shavertown, will observe their 24th wedding ah- niversary on Saturday, September 3. The former Alice Rynevich and | Mr. Dorosky were married at Camp Forest, Tenn., Rev. Vincent Hart. They by are the parents of three children, Thomas Jr., Medway, O- Alice Macieko, Wilkes- Barre, and Kathleen at home. There are also three grandchildren. The couple are members of St. Therese’s Church, Shavertown. Mr. Dorosky is employed as Supt. of Kingston Excavating Company. | Both Mr .and Mrs. Dorosky are ac- | tivev in Shavertown Fire Company | and its Auxiliary. Mr. Dorosky is also a member of the Holy Name Therese’s Church. | This Emblem Identifies Your, Welcome Wagon a Sponsors Firms of prestige In fhe business and civic lite of your community. MRS. FRANCES IVES Phone 287-4467 MRS. JAMES DUFFY Phone 696-1379 WELCOME WAGON 36 5c PENCILS $1.80 Value FINE 99 c Theme BOOKS 2 for 98c QUALITY School Mate All-in-One NOTEBOOK e Cover ® Binder ® Paper by .19 eo Dividers PAPERMATE Reg. $2.44 Val. PEN PLUS A FLAIR PEN (Porous Point) 31.95 Nylon Tip Both for 675 FINO'S PHARMACY Main Highway -1141 Dallas SHO FAMI THE LY! +/ LOAFERS +/ STACKED | | STORE HOURS 10 TO 5:30 — THURS. 10 TO 8:45 +/ HUSH PUPPIES Expert Shoe Repair FAIRVIEW SHES Dallas Shopping Center HEELS