The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 01, 1966, Image 10

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    EE —
cS ae
BEAUMONT, Mrs. William A
DALLAS, Carol Ann Williams
FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver
HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage
IDETOWN, Bess Cooke
MT. ZION, Rev. Charles Gilbert
NOXEN, Mrs. Elida Beahm Kelly
RUGGLES, Mrs. Charles Williams
SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. F. W. Anderson
SWEET VALLEY, Mrs. Thomas Sayre
TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert
e Moore 675-3080
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rozelle,
Orange, entertained at a surprise
party Monday evening, August
22nd., in their home, with a gather-
ing of friends to wish Elaine and
her three sons well in their change |
of environment.
Guests were Mrs. Fred Dymond
Sr., and Vivian; Mrs. Ruth King,
Lillian Evans, Gunda Perry, Mary
Mitchell, Joyce Sickler, Althea Dy-
mond, June Alling, Mimi Phillips,
© Marian McHenry, Florence Weaver,
Ruth Montross. |
Florence Montross,
The Rozelles had Elaine, sons Ho-
ward, Mark and Douglas; also sister
Vivian as dinner guests before the |
party, so to be sure of their pres-
ence later. Foxy wasn’t Glenna?
Mrs. Arline (Rozelle)
children Jerry and Elloise, Philadel-
phia; Mrs. Wanda (Rozelle) Vople-
us, two sons Bobby
the Rozelle homestead, Orange, in
order to attend the Evang Reunion
at Lake T.J.
Mr. Wilfred Moore, Hunlock
Creek, is spending a few weeks with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Moore, after being a patient in the
Veteran's Hospital two weeks. His
son Charles is also vacationing at
Grandpa Moore's.
Miss Enola Gay, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Gay, Ransom Road,
enjoyed last week at Sky Lake,
Windsor, N. Y., but home in time
to have a good time at the Mt. Zion
auction, which
These numerous Back Mountain
Barbecues, dinners, and suctions
are like reunions of friends from far
and near. Such happy joyous
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Moore,
Ransom Road, will celebrate their
rN Le as Bs
5¢ ea.
Trucksville Snack Shop
Lehman, Pa,
property at Public Auction
road known as the Outlet
31 Registered
~ Holsteins,
~ Guernseys And
Jerseys 31
with 18 Reg., 7 Guernseys with
7 bred for late fall. Several bre
Burke, Woodbourne Inka Reflec
Pabst Jess Burke.
This is a good, all year aro
creamery herd test of 4%. In
John Deere No.
elevator, JD 10 ft. harrow, A-1
Massey Ferguson side rake, new
Jamesway 400 Gal. Bul
Surge 6 unit milker pump
Simplicity garden tractor with
, golden wedding anniversary, Satur-
been in since July, and expects to
day, September 10th. More about be home in the middle of Septem-
the celebration will be in a later ber, from then, WHERE? Joseph is
issue, but thought perhaps friends married to the former Kay Ann
would like to acknowledge it with
calls or cards.
| Mark Dymond recently spent a
| week in Wildwood, N. J., with
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, West
Hartford, Conn., spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eu-
gene Miller, Sr. They attended the
Harvey of Bunker Hill, where she
is residing with her parents during
his tour of duty.
Fred Risch Jr., Orange, remains
a patient in Nesbitt ‘Hospital.
Mrs. Ralph Murdock has returned
home from the Nesbitt Hospital.
Back Mountain is well rep-
resented at Nesbitt. Mr. Evans
| Mr.
Crispell-Bean wedding Saturday London is a surgical patient there
evening and reception at the Coun- also and would enjoy hearing from |
Evans, '
and - Donnie, |
Long Island, spent last weekend in|
try Club. Henry and wife left Tues-
day to return to their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller Sr.,
left Wednesday of last week for | family of New Milford, - recently
| Canada, (Valley Field) to visit Mr.
expect to stay a week or two.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Solonick
(cousin of Mabel Wilson) from
Tunkhannock; Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Miller, Conn, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
his many friends. Dan Dymond, !
t00, jis ‘a surgical patient.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wilson and
spent ‘the afternoon at’ Lake T-J,
and Mrs, Albert Quevillia, friends | With: his aunt and uncle, Mr. and
whom they met in Florida, They Mrs: Ted ‘Wilson.
Mrs. Jack « Beagle and daughter
Jean; ‘recently spent.a
Bloomsburg visiting her siSter-in-
law. si;
Miiss' Sharon Morris has returned
Miller, Ransom Road, all visited. Mr. | to her “home on lower Demund’s |
and Mrs. Giles Wilson a. week ago
Sunday. Hindle 3
Bonnie and Tommy Moore; chil-
i dren of Mr. and Mrs. ‘Shep Moore,
spent last week with their grand-
parents, Tom: and Jessie Moore,
| lower Demunds road. Sheps ‘new
home in" Lanoka Harbor, ‘N:.: J., is
expected to be completed by Octo-
road, ‘after a two week's vacation |
withe her ‘aunt Mrs. Robert Wil-
liams, Hatfield, Pa. :
My. and Mrs. Dana Brace and
family’ of Binghamton spent the
weekend with his mother Mrs. Bes-
sie Brace./
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bloomer. West
Chester, have moved into the home
of Mrs. Ben (Viola) Brace, lower
| comparison.
we all enjoyed. |
ber. Shep and Eleanor were to come | D & d last Lor
last weekend to take their children | © CrhHR€§ road, ‘ast weex. —tvery-
; ; | body" welcomes them back into our |
home. Vacations end too soon. blog ny
> neighborhood. thanks to a transfer |
; Mr on Mrs. En oa | with: his employment. Mrs. Bloomer |
our chil on rom Rha lo Is 91 is the former Peggy Martin, daugh- |
Be a ens, : — | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin.
ES «haymondg Moore 10or 2 eel. Miss Lauren Kintzer is spending
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller, Hil- | two weeks in Long Beach, N. Y,,
| debrant Road, celebrated their | and in Washington, D.C., with her |
20th wedding anniversary -August | sister Beverly. She is sure getting
5th.; with a family dinner at home. | to be a globe trotter, having been |
Lehman Twp.
I, the undersigned, will sell the following: personal
between Harveys Lake and Lehman, on the macadam
Arrows at Lehman on Pa. Rt. 118, & 6 miles W. of Dallas.
{1:00 A.M. Sharp
All 30 day & TB and blood tested free herd. Calfhood vac-
~ cinated. Local & interstate health charts on day of sale. Pregnancy
This Luzerne Co. herd consists of 32 milch cows. 22 Holsteins
. fresh recently of which 5 are Holsteins, 2 Jerseys and 1 Guernsey.
The herd was founded almost entirely from Hillside Farms
stock & Neba sires such as Big Rock Burke Teddy, Weber Sensation
Guernsey sires are Villa Crest Kings Honor,
Yellow Creek S Superior and McDonald Farms S Mister.
records and selling: Gwen 15,495 M, 562 F, just fresh; Dixie 16,872
M, 631 F; Fern 14,272 M, 522 F; Fiana, Guer. 10,251 M, 472 F.
Your personal inspection invited.
Plan to attend this fine dispersal.
wide front end, low hours, good rubber
John Deere No. 6 field chopper, A-1, with direct cut grass
and corn head, JD 3 pt. hitch corn planter, JD 50 ft. silage & grain
new Nov. 1964; Massey Ferguson 3 pt. hitch, 4b 14 in. tractor
plows, nearly new; JD 2b plows, Cunningham hay conditioner;
pickup baler, Grove ST farm wagon, good tires; lime spreader on
SS double wash vats, 50 gal. Elec. water heater, milking utensils,
Surge 2 unit milker pump, 1958 Ford 11, ton stake body truck,
1 ton of 5-10-10, 24 Jamesway comfort stalls, 24 in. barn fan,
220 Ft. Cornell Barn Cleaner With (6 Ft.
Chute and Motor .
TERMS — Cash or Good Check on Day of Sale
MERTON L. BUNNELL, Auctioneer.
They were married inthe Holy Trin-
ity Chureh; Swoyersville,
by the | also.
late Rev. Andrew Kalobusicky. Five |
children blessed their union Joseph; | mund’s road, is visiting her daugh-
Robert, Ann’ Marie; Susann’ @nd | ter ‘in Philadelphia and at the]
ther of Mrs. Miller, was an: honored
guest at the dinner.
Mrs. ‘Susann Steve, mo- | beach.
in foreign. countries this summer |
Mis. ‘Elva “Miller, lower De-
There will be a fried chicken din-
Joseph is in training in the Naval | ner ‘served at the East Dallas |
| Station at: Great Lakes, Ill He has
on the farm, located halfway
Road. Watch for Auction
And Hi-Grade
4 Reg., 3 Jerseys with 2 Reg., 8
d for Dec. & Jan., 5 head young
tor, Kenevelyn Silver Rocket and
und milking herd with an average
1962, on DHIA are the following
620 Tractor, A-I,
; 145 bu. Hawk manure spreader,
1964; New Holland Super 66 PTO
& motor, 2 Surge SS milker units,
all attachments, Elec. fencer.
Springville, Pa.
Dallas, Pa, R. D. 4
Church Saturday October 15th.
Serving from 5 p.m.; until all are
served: :
Mr... and. Mrs. Hamilton (Porky)
Mokychick have moved from | the
Roushey Plot, East Dallas, to a
home: in. Chase, where they will all
Church is
Show, ‘September 20, 7:30 p.m. at
Penna. Gas & Water Co., 425 Wyo-
ming Avenue, Kingston.
may be purchased from any mem-
ber of the class.
On Friday of last week, August
26, Matthew Higgins, observed his
97th birthday. While. he has some
difficulty getting around, he does
very well for almost 100 years old.
Higgins was born in Ireland,
and spent his early years in Scot-
land. T »
Paul Faison, of Foleroft, Penna.
spent a week's vacation with his
cousin, Ruth Higgins. This has be-
come an annual affair, but as usual
he found August quite chilly by
‘When asked how he
liked it’ around here, he said, “I
love it.” a
Ruth Higgins and Elaine Guilford |
returned with = Paul "and spent a
week in the Philadelphia’ area, di-
viding their time between Ruth's
two. aunts, Mrs. Eugene : Frank,
Havertown, and Mrs. Lloyd, Faison,
Foleroft. They had some new: expe-
riences, like riding on street cars
{and the’ elevated train which winds
up in the subway. They enjoyed a
day in Clementon, N. J., and visited |
with Ruth’s grandparents, Mr. and |
Mrs. F. H. Field. : af
On Sunday night a special service
was held at’ the Glenview P. M.
Church in honor of two of their
teenage members who will be-leav-
ing for Bible School in the’ next
week, Elaine Guilford will enter
Columbia Bible College in Columbia.
S. €. and Ron ‘Moss has transferred
to Nyack Missionary . College in
Nyack, N. Y. , ;
Harveys Lake
Mrs. Stella Enders entertained |
| over the weekend Mrs. Louise’ Roes-
sler and Mrs. James Cleary of Phil-
adelphia and West Palm Beach:
Mrs. Stella Enders spent a day
recently with Mrs. Ethal ‘Harrison
at Benton. : 2
\ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gebler and
sons of New York spent ‘several
days with his father Harold Gebler.
Mrs. Arthur Austin of Highland
Lake, Pa.," and’ Kissimmee, Florida
| had Junch with us on Friday. Mrs.
Clemow, and family and Mrs. Nettie |
Austin has recently returned: from
a trip to the West Coast.
Last Thursday was 1a beautiful
day and we enjoyed “a ride to
live tegether.
There will be a SPECIAL MEET- |
ING ‘of the 'Edst Dallas 4-H sewing
classé. Saturday, September 10th.
1:30 .pim. in the home of Lorraine
Moore, All. girls are urged to
attend. /
of East Dallas
friends Mr. and Mrs. ‘Joseph La-
Velle and their grandson Mark Bar-
low ‘of Dallas. 7% ity
| Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Yellalonis
| and’ family of Baltimore spent the
| weekend with Mr. and -Mrs. Michael
' Clark. ik
Ela Moore Class
pletely. It goes further,
Get more out of your
ing us today!
heating costs two ways
First, a revolutionary new invention for oll burn-
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Secondly, Gulf Solar Heat® drives down heat-
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drogen to burn hotter—cleaner and more com-
LAR i : IT
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yet costs no more.
heating dollars by call-
sponsoring a Cooking |
Tickets |
Sweet Valley
| 1 rucksville
Trucksville Fire Company
| meet in the municipal building to-
will | George Zich, Mrs. Robert
| Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith | load after yellow truck load of
Mount Zion
Perry sitting in their car at the
Last week it was the sight of Tn Thos 2
| edge of e crowd. ut erry’ has
| morrow night at 8. Members will | are spending some time in Cleve- | gravel rumbling up our road and | not been well for some time and it
| meet there again on Tuesday night |
for practice in the handling of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyers and
{ family, New York City, will spend
| mer Nancy Zich, Chase.
ton, N. J., visited relatives at Pikes
| the Labor Day weekend with their | Creek and Lake Silkworth on Sun- | places in Exeter.
| parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Meyers, | day.
| Lehigh Street, and Mr. and Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. William Ferrey Jr.
John Crawford, Hillside Street. Lancaster, visited relatives here
James T. Nixon, Todd Richards, over the weekend. 3
Donald Rood, Thomas Rewett, and| Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Britt spent
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sayre, Tren- | Hicks River road.
Raymnd McClary spent the weekend | the weekend at Sayre, Pa., visiting |
at Bridantine, N. J. | their daughter and family Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Crane and | Mrs. Barry Engleman.
| family, Meadowcrest, have moved |
to a home on Crane Road. | patient at Nesbitt Hospital.
Mrs. Mame Dymond, Carverton | Sheryl Whitesell, daughter of Mr.
Road, celebrated her birthday on and Mrs. Sharon Whitesell, Loyal-
Friday. A family gathering marked { ville, celebrated her 6th birthday
the occasion. | on” August 19th with a party at her
Harry DeWitt, S. Pioneer Avenue, | home. Thé cake was heart-shaped
who suffered burns while burning | and decorated with “Little Bo-
brush in his back yard several| Peep”. She received lovely gifts.
weeks ago, is improving at Nesbitt | Games were played and prizes
Hospital.- Cards will be appreciated. !
awarded. Present: Cathy Sayre,
and a visit with our
Britt Reunion
The - Britt - Family, held their re- | age, Valerie Stefanowicl, "Mary Ste-
| union’ at’ the home of Mr, and Mrs. | fanowicz,” Lauri'e ! Thomas, Jodie
| Where bears roam’.
Albert Ferrey has been a surgical | SEEN AT THE MT. ZION AUCTION River road.
| pleasure to see her
; ' Helen had told me how
| A10y. Jy Donsavage, Beth, Donsev | mother had been and had more |
Donald "Britt: - and family, Ather- | Thomas, Debbie Piatt, Terry Judge; |
'holdt. ‘Drive: on. Sunday, August 21. Darlene Whitesell, Elaine Hoover,
| Twenty eight ‘members attended. | pe id i Mrs. lay
. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thompson | Thomas, the guest of honor and her
land family, Edgewood Heights | mother, “Sheryl is going to be a 1st
spent. some time recently with his | grade student at Laketon.
| brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and | "EIGHT YEARS OLD
| Mrs. John Tasker and family, Cathy Ann Sayre, daughter of
| Philadelphia. | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sayre, “Chase,
| Catches Large Fish | celebrated her 8th birthday August
| Wilfred Anderson, Sri, Holly | 25 with a party:at her home on
| Street, caught a seven pound bass | Saturday. She had a circus birth-
| while fishing near Norwich, N. Y., | day cake with animals. Games were
| recently. The fish was the largest | played’ and prizes - won, ‘ Present:
ever caught-in the area. | Donna Bertram, ‘Jo’ Ann-Weaver,
Jessie * Conyngham, daughter of | Florence Hospedor, Ber n-i ce Man-
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Conyng- | zoni, Francis Manzoni, ‘Ann. Marie
| ham, Chase Road, will resume her Fielding, Diane Manzoni, the guest
studies at Wheelock College, Boston, | of ‘honor and her mother. Cathy is
Mass., on September 18. | going to be a 3rd grade student at
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roberts, Lehman. >
Sutton - Road, will entertain at a |
| cocktail party at their home Satur- Mr. and Mrs, Carl Remley enter-
day from 5:30 to 7:30 p. m. tained at a. cook-out at their home
Sheila Maxwell, daughter of Mr. | on Sunday. Attending: Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs. Kenneth Maxwell, Atlan- | Walter Gordon, Cathy and Becky,
tic City, is spending the week with My and Mrs. Charles Chapin, Janet
her grandmother, Mrs. Johanna | and Susan, Mr. and’ Mrs. Paul Selt-
Rydzewski, Staub Road. | zer and Lisa, Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mrs. Herbert Brum-
who were recently married, are re- bach and Sherry, Mr. and Mrs.
siding at 560 Swallow Street, Ed- | Gerald: Naugle, Sherry, Gerry and
wardsville.' Mrs. Mazur is the former | Lori, Carol, Carl, Jay and Denise
Linda Brown, daughter of Mr. and Remley, Ricky,” Robbie and Douglas
Mrs. Sterling Brown, Chase Road. | Agnew and the host and hostess.
Mr: and Mrs. Thomas Groff, Lex- |
ington, Ky., spent last week with Tewis Ferrey recently spent Satur-
Mrs. iGroff's mother, Mrs. Helen | day in Reading with Mr. and Mus.
Vivian, ‘Stafford Street. Mrs. Groff | Ralph Raysor.
is employed’ by the National Bank |
of Lexington. Mr. Groff will enter
the senior class at the University
of Lexington this fll P. F. C Mitchell Allen is home
Mr: and: Mrs. Joseph Scott and | leave from Fort Benning, Ga.
family, Metuchen, N. J., spent Fri- He is son of Mr. ‘and Mrs. Albert
day with her brother-in-law and Allen ;
sister; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Har-| A
rison ‘and. family, Staub Road.
Mrs. Herbert R. Williams,
Street, is. visiting her son an
daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Lor- |
en Williams and family, Chicago, T11. |
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Groff and
son, Charles, Harris Hill Road, have |
returned from a week's vacation
in the Poconos.
Mazur, | Naugle Sr.
Mrs. Margaret Aton, Binghamton,
N. Y., is spending some time with
her sister, Mrs. Caroline Ferrey.
Hill South Bend, Indiana, is spending
g some time visiting the latter's
sister, Mrs. Grace Goodwin.
Sympathy of the community is
extended to the family of the late
Alva Case who was buried last
week from Bronson's.
Danny and Roxanne Williams,
Endicott, N. Y., spent the week with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pall. Roxanne
NN : also visited: another aunt, Mrs. Vir-
ginia Hoover.
Leona ‘Moore, Simsbury, Conn.,
visited at the Elmer Wolfe home
Marlene and Ann Wrubelsky, Le-
vittown, had supper recently at the
‘Walter Pall home.
Phone 675-1155
Legal Notice —
NOTICE is hereby given that
Letters Testamentary . have been
granted in the Estate of Elizabeth
CONTACT LENSES E. Brader, late of the Borough of
; Dallas, Pennsylvania, who died Aug-
4 ust 2, 1966, to Nancy B. Marshall,
All persons having claims or de-
mands against said estate are re-
quested to make known the same
and all persons indebted to said
estate to make payment to said
Executrix without delay.
27 Machell Ave., Dallas
Phone 674-4921
“Family Security is built of
Four Cornerstones ... not
Life Insurance alone!”
Imagine a Life Insurance Man
talking like this!
An Investors Man does. That's
why it is worth your while to con.
sult him. « « For sound financial
planning, call your INVESTORS
Man today! i,
674-5231 |
Thomas N. Kreidler, Jr.
96 Division Street,
Shavertown, Pa.
Zone manager,
of 4 Birch Hill Lane, Dallas, Penn-
‘here it is in “my” paper!
| extended the 2% discount collec-
| reception at the ‘Short Hills Coun- |
Mr. and Mrs. -Thomas Sayre and |
Mr. ‘and Mrs. W. L. Kettner, | friends at Pittsburgh this week.
| Sunday she will join her parents,
| Penn State University to attend the
land, Ohio, visiting Mr. and Mrs. | around the corner toward Wyoming | was good that she could get out to
Jack Picicci, Mrs. Picicei is the for- | plus the smell of hot tar that told |see friends and neighbors at this
us the State was resurfacing the | annual get-acquainted event. Get-
That will make | ting in the car to visit with them
a smooth driving cut off to some | was Howard Perry's sister Marion
How that road McHenry of Orange whom I almost
got its name is a lost story to us. don’t recognize any more except in
There is no river near it, and no =z Valley Crest nurse uniform!
hicks live on it. It is the top ex- | Minnie VanTuyle was there. And
tension of Exeter's Schooley Aven- | Lowell and Alice Lewis with their
ue running from Wyoming Avenue | baby, from Riverside California.
to Shoemaker Avenue and thence Ang Paul and Myrtle Smith who
across the road up into these hills. have fixed up the house where the
| late Lewis Rozelle lived on Hicks
From only a few minutes visit at | Then Alma Woolbert from Nich-
the auction I spied through the olson was there. She was all smiles
forest of faces and figures Mrs. | telling me about her new position
Kenneth Jenkins, the former Mary | she will begin on September 14 ¥&s
Jane Thomas. Visiting with her | receptionist and secretary to Wide
was the former Helen Harris Saun- | dean of admissions at Keystone
ders about whom 1 wrote last week. | junior College in Factoryville. It
Her mother, Mrs. Hiram Harris was | il] not be far for her to drive and
with her. Tt was an unexpected 1 am sure she'll make good at the
inasmuch as | pew work.
sick her LAST SUNDAY
Tt was my last date to supply at
| Huntsville. We had a service of
| dedication of the new Methodist
WAY | Hymnals, Cathy told a hymnal
Te | story to the children and then
|i talked to the hymnal. Everybody
surgery since I saw her some time
ago. But Elsie was looking remark-
ably ‘well and smiley. BY THE
Said Elsie Harris to mer: “1 Ny was very friendly and we wish the
you to put in your paper (get that 100 ville people » happy and fruit-
YOUR!) som ¢ expression of i ful year ahead with a new minister
henlis to » i 4 lends whe bY , soon coming to be their pastor.
= 4 a: 1CK . .
got wey hi bi ot So |= In the evening I went with Cathe-
0 ? : | vine to the Wyoming Camp Ground
So be | :
: 3 f the sum-
re Hinled e and all of Elsie where the last service o ag ime
re! 3 : . | mer was to be held.
Harold od friends at i Do th | Ralph Weatherly was to be the
3 50, 1 enw ‘Hloward a Fun | speaker and he had asked Cathe-
| rine to provide the music. When
| Mr. Weatherly began his seri
| on the word “Ephphatha” whiC
means “Be opened” I knew I was in
| for a helpful sermon’ — and won-
Alden Dietz, tax collector, has | dered ‘how in all my more than
forty years I never thought to
preach on that story in Mark's g@s-
pel. You should have been t .
tion period from .August 31 to.
September 7 in order that he and]
Mrs. Dietz may attend the gradua-|
tion of their daughter Carolyn at |
the Hinsdale Hospital and Sanitari- | William Coover Wins
um, Hinsdale, Illinois. Carolyn plans: Scholarship For Wilkes
to continue her nursing career by
obtaining her college degree. William G. Cooper, Jr., 20-year
old ‘son oof Mr. and Mrs. William
G. Cooper, Sr. Shrine Acres, has
been awarded a scholarship to
Wilkes College by the Beneficial
Foundation. z
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Goodwin
with Sandra. and Curtis attended |
the wedding of Vicky LaBruno and |
Larry Hunt at First Presbyterian’
Church, ‘Avenel, N. J. Sunday,
August 21, at 4:30 pm. and the
Bill's father is Field Supervisor for
the Wilkes-Barre Division of the
| Beneficial Finance System.
Bill: attended General Motors In-
stitute in Flint, Michigan, where he
was ‘a member of the Firebirds, an
auto club. He has also spent
‘tone year at Wilkes College, and
will therefore be entering his Soph-
Miss LaBruno is the
of the former Gertrude
try Club.
Support the local 4-H Girls’: Club:
and help to beautify this part. of
America by buying tulip, crocus,
and daffodils to plant this fall.
The Richard Lutes family of Pal-
myra is vacationing with the Ralph
Luteses this week.
Mary Ann Johnson
Bill was a member of the Debating
team and swimming team. Other
| interests are golf aand automobiles.
This is one of the scholarships
established by the Beneficial Poup.
: dation for the specific purpose ©
gradution of her ule, Me. Mor 0h sons nd dangers of
oetordte An : cholodd: | Beneficial employees who are either
i Dy id planning to attend college or &
presently enrolled. 5
is visiting
and Mrs. Warren Johnson, at |
Piease Use Our Coupons
Wien You Buy of Our Advertisers |
The Snack Shop
Carverton Rd., Trucksville
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Call .fnoewdon . Have them take charge.
Then you know that everything will be done prop-
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nowdon costs no more than an ordinary funeral,
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The Beneficial Finance System. '
omore. year this: Fall. At Wilkes,
© most
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