The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 04, 1966, Image 10

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Mrs. William Austin 639-2544 @ NOXEN, Mrs. Elida Beahm Kelly 298-2149
rol Ann Williams 674-4109 ® RUGGLES, Mrs. Charles Williams 639-5422 |
, Mrs. George Shaver 674-5460 ® SHAVERTOWN, Mrs, F. W, Anderson 675-2001 |
AKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage 639-9531 ® SWEET VALLEY, Mrs. Thomas Sayre 477-3731
Bess Cooke 639-5137 ® TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert 696-1689 |
Rev. Charles Gilbert 388-7261 ® EAST DALLAS, Mrs. Irene Moore 675-3080
eal it was last week | The men liked the collection of | HERE AND THERE
fall. After a long coins and these dated from the| TI was most sorry to hear that |
here was respite for Sixth and seventh centuries when Mrs. H. H. Rymer, one of the most!
J. for the suffering, man decided on some form of talented ladies 1 have ever met
too late to do any | monetary exchange. The first re- passed away from a severe blood
can be questioned. | corded coins were struck in the clot. Just a short time ago she
4 1 ancient kingdom of Lydia between | had celebrated 50 years of married
DE a i | G85 to 632 BO. | bliss with her husband. I am told
veled, conditions are | EARLY OFFSET | that they were early sweethearts
e, the burnt sod and | Being interested in Graphic Arts, joe DE hive to
ly a quarter of their | I was surprised to see an old off- | Jis’em amom Gus Joreavement:
| set machine, the first commercially | Fogetherness was most exemplified
'H AGAIN successful model built in 1906 by | by this cong a Sow ee when
v daughter took us| the Harris Automatic Press Com- | one fon da Bit of Dotty to fnis
a : : grim old world when passing
e weekend to Mary- | pany at Niles, Ohio, and ' shipped Shocushe Mo tainly did
fl Capitol and we were to Republic Bank Note Company in | : Tu TS Symer Corny >
vag the coolest week- | Pittsburgh. | i ” i 2 Sp
time. I had wanted| One hundred and eighty two of | gone = - AD
= y { i ev. and Mrs. Frederic Eidam at-
ricksburg as Bill and the machines were manufactured | tended Wha: Sterner. Helnbach Re.
a trip to that historic and even at this early date three ‘uhion at Macungie on Sunday.
vastly enjoying the | colors could be produced. To any- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Evans and
ary chop, the mag-| one in the printing business it was | Mis Newson Nas rotarned home
of George Washing- | a most interesting exhibit. ‘One on. Frida v after spending two weeks
Ind the delightful tesa could .spend a week here at the 1h Sahin
lhe was served ginger- | Smithsonian and not see all that is | Billy EF redirol oame. Kome on
| aie > Eo Ci id goes | Sunday after spending a delightful
3 : | week at Camp Achela. Billy says
sgenda. ; 1 .... he looks forward to this trip every
2 bit Jred % Toul Bh |-year and we oe happy he enjoys
winds along € susquehanna, | geouting sa much.
which seems endless, we took the | Mrs. oh Schooley spent. part
turnpike to Allentown then to. 22 to | of her vacation at Leraysville with’
he American, home where it joins with’ Interstate 83. hey daughter, Mrs. Archie Williams
¢ humble beginnings | Fred enjoyed driving this way much “and family, bringing four of her
0 the glass and china more. and it-took us through Penn- | grandchildren home with her for
interesting to note | sylvania Dutch Country ‘and only | a brief stay and then taking off on
lown in early Rome, seven miles off the highway was Saturday for four or five days re-
|. revived and carried | Hershey. * Thinking ‘we had some ]ixation in Vermont.
the centuries. I think | time coming home. I had to see the | Mrs” Gertrude Ritter, Texas,
Fas Venetian glass, 'so Rose Gardens, which due to the dry | spending some time with her bro-
sign and what 2 mag- | hot weather were not as vivid as | ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
fling of colors. Steuben usual but still blooming in a de- | Thomas Andrew. FR
Ld in great quantity, | lichtful setting. intersperced with| Just @s Mrs. Marcus Ludt re-
struction but so very little ponds where stately swans | turned home from the hospital, her
ct. | eniled about to the delight of the hyshand was admitted to the same
aid there is so much | children. | institution.
at it is difficult to de- | The Zoo and candv makine plant! Despite the dry spell, Mrs. Gladys
articles to be shown. | were nearby and a huge influx of Martz continues to maintain a
ony spectators: were | visitors were enjoying the park and lovely assortment about her home
age the magnificent | rounds set up bv the late Milton and Myrtle Major's petunias "are
we ended up at the
Institute of History
HZ, where the men |
for the antique: cars|
botor while Susie and |
hi the first ladies’
he replied in the |Her<hey. philanthropist. | blooming in profusion.
commented that the| Of course the ston over made us| Pvt. Elmer Lamoreaux, who is
of Art had suf-|late in arriving home and it didn’t | stationed at Langley Air Force
the amount of help any to have the muffler blow Base, came in for a short leave
pme visiting youth | on the turnpike. ? ’ i with his parents last week.
the canvases of the| THE AQUATIC GARDENS | Lovers of the seashore, Mr. and
i i > 1s oe . . 1, il
f art. Although there ‘was much to. do Mrs. William Eicke and family wil
hae been added for lat” home the only way 1: am vol lave Shorr for a vacation at Ship
¥ old wooden carvings Freq to relax is to coax him off to | © ayo a® :
the 17th century, gift| Maryland and here we found peace. | Mv. and Ms Robe Shoswoll
y | 2 ‘land Mrs. Charles Hoffman, Sr.
who spent 40 years : . Soe
old oe | One SXDeowonce he missed due to were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
ts origi AL ic b [the weve of figs BW end 2 | Charles Hoffman, Jr. Binghamton,
ts original music DOX | neighbor have become paddle boat !
| as i echoes through | enthusiasts and our husband was, “'m.. John Marshes who had a
| all set to try one out on 2 nearby 1,0 trip to Nova Scotia were
| lake. This perhaps was his only 6" intrigued with the Magnetic
Ch on the triv since it took time |p .9 and the Tidal Boor at New
| to assemble and we had’ dallied in| Brunswick. If you get up that way,
| other areas, going that morning to | oi
{the Aauatie Gardens which the Na- |. 1... news on Verne Pritchard
| tional Park Service has transformed | { jicate he may be returning home
{into a veritable bower. Building | from, Philadelphia this week.
| attractive walkwavs among the a eb a SS
| trianeular ponds where water lillies |
| end lotus bloom in profusion as the |
by Jim Hopple
| ~ Continuing our featured inter-
| banjo twang of the frog signifies |
a his supreme contentment, it was |
| worth stopping for an opportunity’ :. i
|to commune with nature and to Sy IR TW Taney
guitarist, Larry Wesley.
Larry is 22 years of age, born in
| catch some pictures of the gorgeous
| hibiscus blooming near the water's
aid Sweet Valley on Jan. 15, 1944, He
| is five feet, six inches tall, weighs
| Legal Notice —
ing Areas
HED STONE 1130 1bs., and has black hair and
Pa. Dent. of | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hazel eyes.
2 av ep s | Letters Testamentary have bgen is- He lives with his mother Claire
' Specifications.” sued by the Register of Wills of Wesley and has four sisters, June
| Luzerne County in the Estate of age 26, Lois, 21, Mary Claire, 17,
| Phoebe M. Henderson, late of the and Beverly, 13. He also has four
| Township of ‘Dallas, who died July | brothers Don, 33, Harry, 28, George,
117, 1966. All persons indebted to | 25, and Wart, 24. Larry is a 1961
| said decedent are required to make graduate of Lake - Lehman High
| payment thereof to said Executor, School.
| Carl M. Henderson, 79 Hilldonia | He has been playing now for one
| Avenue, Dallas, Pa., and any per- year His favorite record is “Little
| sons to whom any debt is due from | Red Riding Hood’. His favorite ra-
decedent to file claim therefore with | dio_ station is WARM and favorite
arry Chase I | said Executor at said address. | TV shows are Bonanza and The Big
PCP ATI | ‘Rosenn, Jenkins & Greenwald |. Valley. : :
: |! Sportswise, Larry likes all sports
| and while in schol was a wrestler.
When asked what one thing annoy-
ed him most, he said, ‘punks’. His
hobby . is. girls and cars. When
asked what is his ambition in life,
he said, “to be in a movie’. Larry's
favorite recording artists ‘are the
Beach Boys, favorite magazines are
‘| hot rod books. His favorite DJ is
Tommy Wods. :
Larry hds one pet, a collie dog.
He works at Don Wesley's Body
alt Paving
turkey supper.
every one is looking forward to this
Jackson Twp.
ently planning for their annual
After the bazaar
dinner which has for the past 18
years made the Fire Company fam- |
Lou Wilcox, one of Jackson Town-
ship No. 1 residents is now ‘con-|
valescing at the Nesbitt Hospital, |
after having had surgery. Mr. Wil- |
cox is doing fine and will be home
soon. |
Richard Holodick President of |
the Fire Company, who six momths
ago started a exployer- group re-|
ports that the group is doing’ fine. |
Mr. Hdlodick is the advisor and Ed
Harvilla is associate advisor.
They just came back from a|
weekend trip to Worlds End. Be- |
sidesr Harvilla Holodick and the ex- |
plorers, Mr. Steve Krupinski, Com-
mittee man ‘for“the group ‘and. vice
president of the Fire Company at-
tended. The boys attend the
WMCA in Wilkes-Barre once a
week. > :
+ Mr. Harvilla is presently recover- |
ing from a broken foot which he re-
ceived while playing soft ball with |
the boys. ’ {
Ed tried to stretch a single into a
double and as a result spent the
next two weeks on crutches. :
Jackson Township now has three |
Police Officers under the leadership |
of Chief Robert Copper. Many |
people have noticed ‘the fine job |
being done by the law officers in |
keeping the speeding through the |
township to a minimum. :
Good Hunting In Canada
Figures just released by the De-
partment of the Interior's Bureau of
the hunting success experienced by |
American hunters in Canada during |
the year ending June 30.
Through ports of entry in only
four border states — Maine, New
York, Vermont, and New 'Hamp-
shire — nearly five thousand hun- |
ters imported 4,234 ducks, 1,409 |
geese, 15 snipe, 1,259 woodcock, 866 |
other game birds, 1,297 moose, 84
bobcats, 1 lynx, 2 elk, and 783 mise
cellaneous game animals (rabbits,
squirrels, raccoons and foxes, ete.)
to talk and pass away a few hours
at the “home of Mrs. Carrie Hum-
mell, Harveys Lake, Sunday July 24:
| Mr.
| wicky, Mr. and Mrs. George ‘Swire,
| Broadway; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hum-
| mell, Mary Beth, New Jersey; Mr.
| and. Mrs. Glenn Frantz, Glenn, |the home of Mrs. Charles W. Pal-
| Thomas, Idetown; Mr. and Mrs. | mer, Orchard Street, on Wednes-
Jackson Fire Company is pres- Frank Hummell, Angela, Trucks-| day night, August 10.
ville; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Scott,
Alan and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
| Jones, Tracey, Ray Jr. Noxen; Mr.
Sport Fisheries and Wildlife reveal |
| little bait cages from which the
caribou, 3,257 deer, 372 bear, 10 |
\ ~
‘Mrs. Carrie Hummell |
Has Weekend Of Guests
Trucksville - Fire Company will |
meet in the municipal building to-
morrow night at 8. They will meet
there again Tuesday night for prac-
tice in the handling of equipment.
‘Reynolds Class
Reynolds Bible Class of Trucks-
ville Methodist Church will meet at
The following people stopped in
Mrs. Edith Steltz, Sweet Valley;
and Mrs. Herbert Boston, Ber-
Sheryl Marie Jones, Emmaus, is
spending the week with her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W.
3 Liddicote, Carverton Road.
and Mrs. Daniel Grey, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Edwaid. Thompson
Son Harry came mn from Jersey and family, Edgewood Heights, re-
and * spent the weekend with his| turned Wednesday “from Coopers-
mother, Mrs, Carrie Hummell, andi town,’ N. Y., where they visited
niece Lorraine Hummell of Jersey, | haseball’'s “Hall of Fame’.
who is spending the summer with | Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Searfoss,
her grandmother. | Piscanaway Township, N. J., spent
A few stayed and had spaghetti| 5 few days recently with Mr. and
supper with her. : [ Mrs. Marvin F. Scott and family,
On Monday Mrs. Bessie Frantz, | Sr -
daughter Edna and two boys, New |
York, visiied_ her Harveys Lake
GRASSHOPPERS BAIT | vistors at the home of br and
Hi : Hs .. ., Mrs. Raymond Garinger on ‘Thurs-
h Wher 16 comes to live bait W'S day were Mrs. ‘Arnold: Garinger and
ard ‘to. ‘beat ‘grasshoppers. Nearly; pildren, Mrs. Sue Lubking and
all fish like them -- bluegills, sun- | : a ; .
fish, ~ patch. crappies, trout, bis] three children of -Berwyn ‘and Mr.
Fook base and othore |'and Mrs. George Derk and daugh-
To catch the hoppers first locate | dor.
a weedy place where they are plen- | Linda Gebler of Lansdale spent a
tiful. ‘Return early in the morning. | week with her father, Harold Geb-
%ay, Stanley, Leroy, Judith, Janet, |
Sutton Road. | turned Friday from a visit with her
Honored At Dinner brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Ronald Prutzman, Maple Street, Mrs. Howard C. Wiener, Jr, High-
was honor guest at a dinner party |land Avenue.
celebrating his eighteenth birthday | James Duffy, Oak Street, has
on Sunday, July 24. Eleven guests | been named an account executive
were present. | by WARM Radio. Mr. Duffy held
Janet Evang and her mother, Mrs. a; similar position with VINER TY.
Bertha Evans, Holly Street, re- | Wr. and Me Arnold Cool wa
turned last weekend from a two! loughby, Ohio, are guests this week
week stay at’ Ocean ‘Grove,-N. J. | of Mr. and Mrs. James, Trebilcox,
Richard Montgomery, Hickory | 8; Memorial ‘Highway,
| Soldier Marries
Street, is spending the week at Ros- |
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- | married over the weekend, July 26,
lace Perrin, Jr. | to Norene Phelps of Louisville, Ken-
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carle and | tacky. The' couple will reside in
family, Huston, Tex., returned Wed- | Kentucky. :
nesday after spending several days | He expects to come in on leave
with his mother, Mrs. Thomas Carle | sometime in August or the first
Jr., Lewis Avenue. | part of September. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williams and Diane Miller, North Little Rock,
family, Skyline Drive, recently ro. [Arkansas ls siting Mr. and Mrs.
turned from Atlantic City, N. J., | Richard Staub, ‘Staub Road, Diane
where they spent several days |is a student at Arkansas State Col-
Robert and Bruce Griffiths, sons | loge, Her futher, George Z Mille
former resident, is superintendant
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffith, |? on :
Clearview Avenue, are visiting their of schools the Lite Bock Schoo!
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Distries.
liam Griffith and family, Reading. |
Mrs. Donald Harris and = infant
son -have returned to their home
on Chase Road from General Hos-
pital. : |
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prutzman, |
Maple: Street, recently entertained
her brother aand sister-in-law, Mr."
and Mrs. John Rydzewski, Messana, |
Registration Now
Three, Four and Five Year Olds
9:30 to 12
You will find that the hoppers, still | er. ;
groggy from the previous night's| Mr. and Mrs. William Richards,
sleep,’ can be picked right off the | New York State, spent several days
weeds sas easily'd pick a with her father Frank Jackson.
huckleberry from a bush. Or you| Sterling Kitchen, Shavertown,
can do the same after dark with formerly of Alderson and Philadel-
the aid of fa ‘flashlight. phia, stopped by for a visit on Fri-
There are. several ways to keep day. Ster] 5. young man of 69
them from escaping. One 38 to put and keeps in good health by riding
them in a pop bottle as you catch
them. Close the bottle with a wood-
en stopper that has a slice cut from
each side to allow air to enter. The
hoppers are easily ‘‘poured” from
the bottle one at a time as needed.
You can also place a discarded
ladies’ nylon stocking on the bot-
tom of your bait can or box. The
spurs ‘on the grasshoppers’ legs be-
come entangled in the mesh and
prevent the lively insects from leap-
ing out. Then too, tackle stores sell |
' than a car.
spending the week with her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hig-
The Gleaners Class of the Alder-
son Methodist Church met at the
church on Wednesday night. « Mrs.
Ida ‘Allen and Mrs. Alfred Rogers
were hostesses. : Eleanor Humphrey
presided. Reports were ggiven by
Mrs. Raymond Grey treasurer and
Mrs. Albert Armitage iass’t.: secre-
hoppers can be removed one at a
merged, whichever you prefer. To |
float the smaller ones use light wire | B
hooks, the kind used in tying trout |
— | eaumont
Most anglers merely hook these |
insects ‘through the middle of the |
body. "Those who insist upon heal- |
thy,, lively bait make their own
hopper hooks by fastening two thin;
Christine = Frantz
vacation in ‘Atlantic City, N. J.,
and also went to Washington, D.C.
Hunters from: 26 states — New
York leading with 1,411, Pennsyl-
vania second with: 673, and Mass-
achusetts third with 625 — totalling
4.951, checked in their bag at ports
of entry in the Northeast.
The Bureau's records indicate
that in recent years approximately
the same number of. hunters have
bagged about the same amount of
game north of the border.
Attempted Robbery
At Williams Store
Williams Economy Store at
Centermoreland suffered another at-
tempted robbery recently, its second
in recent months.
Would be burglars smashed the
plate glass window in the front
’ [fe from cane pole to bait cast-
before returning hore. They stopped
on the way home to visit her
brother Henry Dendler and family
' soft wires: to the hook shank with |
| liquid * solder. Wire from a win- |
er EEE
I a 26d twist the ends 0- | Stehty In Danevills,
| To fish grasshoppers under water | :
| it will be necessary to pinch a split
| shot or wrap-around sinker on the
| leader, a foot or so from the hook. |
Hoppers can be. fished with any
Hoppers are great bait for farm
pond fishing -- both bass and blue-
gills will take them eagerly. Fish-
ing ‘the, creeks with these insects
is equally enjoyable. You never
| know what will hit next. Big fish
ing rig. A fly rod will handle them or little fish, they all like the taste
| nicely, as will a spinning outfit with of grasshoppers.
| a plastic bubble or a lead sinker. | Liner le
| A clincher sinker makes them easier | OFFSET PRINTING
|'to cast with a bait casting rod and In Many Designs
‘reel. The Dallas Post
his bicycle, which he thinks is safer |
Peggy Shepperson of Danville is |
time. tary. “Home Missionary = Projects |
Grasshoppers can be fished on were discussed. There were 12
the surface of the water or sub- | Present.
and grandson
Norman Steidinger spent a week’s
For Information Call oF
Mrs. Judith Wolfman
State Licensed
N.Y. !
| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffith,
Highland Avenue, have purchased
| and ‘moved to a home on Clearview |
Avenue. |
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Myers |
and family, Chattanooga, Tenn., re- |
“Helps Remove Ulgy Teeth Stains”
Removes Tobacco Surface Stains,
Food and Beverage Stains
Harveys Lake Highway, Shavertown
674-3888 — Two Phones — 674-4681
door at 3:30 a.m., but were scared |
off. At 4 a.m. they returned again; |
but, Leland Gay, who lives nearby, |
heard them and came out on the |
face a blast, the culprits took off.
Williams who runs the local Post
Office suspected they were after
money order blanks.
All Years and Models
Fully Guaranteed
Goodwin Auto Co.
651 Wyoming Ave.
Kingston, Pa.
Corner Rt. 11 & 309
Call Coll. 288-6426
Shop. .
Gall Chnowoelon.. Have them take charge.
in you know that everything will be done prop-
in strict accordance with your wishes . . . and
Snowdon costs no more than an ordinary funeral,
—_QQ 0
orth Franklin Street 420 Wyoming Avenue
140 North Main Street
15 So. Franklin St. -
Member of the New
‘May | Help You With Your
‘Investment Program?
Call or Write
J. H. Brooks & Co.
since 1905
Phone 823-3131 or 675-1265
Wilkes-Barre, Penna.
York Stock Exchange
porch with a shotgun. Rather than |
~~ Beat down
are a MUST
~~ for a “GOOD DEAL
heating costs two ways
First, a revolutionary new Invention for oll burn-
ers, the Gulf Solar Heat ECONOJET, beats
down costs by giving you more heat from less
Secondly, Gulf Solar Heat® drives down heat-
Ing costs because it’s scrubbed clean with hy-
drogen to burn hotter—cleaner and more com-
pletely. It goes further, yet costs no more.
Get more out of your heating dollars by call-
ing us today!
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