The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, July 14, 1966, Image 10

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erin es TT Tr pk
BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin
DALLAS, Carol Ann Williams
FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver
HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armifage
IDETOWN, Bess Cooke
MT. ZION, Rev. Charles Gilbert
m=" pi DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1966 _
639-2544 * NOXEN, Mrs. Elida Beahm Kelly 298-2149
674-4109 @ RUGGLES, Mrs. Charles Williams 639-5422 ; ;
674-5460 ® SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. F. W. Anderson 675-2001 | Last weekend holidays were like
639-9531 . SWEET VALLEY, Mrs. Thomas Sayre 4775731 "|S Home ee LY esl
639-5137 o TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert R6:1689 {Een Me and Me. iy Peed
388-7261 * EAST DALLAS, Mrs. Irene Moore 675-3080. |
Spencer, Shavertown.
Speaking of Warren Stanton, |
made me think of his business, |
radios, etc., I hear tell that the
Moore and family, Passaic, N. J. drove back to California. : John is
Barry Baird, working in Oak | employed as a civil engineer for
Ridge, Tenn., spent last weekend | Los Angeles County, California.
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mal- | July 12, 6:30 p.m.; ~All Charge
dentown, New Jersey, spent last radio was first invented in the gar-
week with the latter's parents,| den of Eden, when God took the
The Library Auction is over for |
another year, 20 memorable events
having been recorded to date.
Everyone looks forward to it and
there is a definite regret (Except
for those who are responsible for
its success) when the date has
come and gone.
Summer seems to. have reached
its peak with the busy three days
of Auction time. As usual many
Most of us cannot afford them but
it is an interesting show.
This year a baby lamb joined our
barnyard, a delightful little crea-
ture who will help to keep the
fields mowed down and snuggle up
to Fritzie as he toddles after
newest playmate.
As usual Fred was a bit perturbed
over the purchase but he has mel- |
lowed (also as usual) and adapted |
quickly to the newest addition, en- |
joying it just as much as Susie and
the rest of us. An incident. which
occurred several auctions ago’ still |
brings a chuckle when a‘ baby goat |
was smuggled home one evening
with Fred Jr., throwing up a con- |
crete block addition - in the wee
hours of the morning, and’ Susie
getting .a baby bottle warmed.
Everything went smoothly as we
three laughingly crawled into bed.
Man's $50.00
Lady’s 50.00
Trade-Mark Reg:
Man's $25.00 Lady's
Rings enlarged to show detail.
Always timeless in beauty,
distinctive in styling.
his |
|| people worked harder over the
At last
Mr. and Mrs. William Glahn.
! Non
Next morning no one said a word |
the garage. ?
by a little creature who soon made |
known his presence.
where that animal came from. |
Alsy visiting from Philadelphia
and Fred sat peacefully eating his | was Mrs. Robert Daniels and daugh- | Jr., New Cumberland, arrived Tues- | home in her trailer on lower De-
breakfast as we awaited his trip to ter Eden, who attended the Auction | day to spend several days with rel- | munds Road, where it is a little
{ with her and Mrs. atives here.
All of a sudden he was greeted | Thomas Andrew.
parents, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Knorr,
) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Evans, Miss She had visited with her daughter
and Mrs. Roy Elliott came | Anne Joseph, N. Pioneer Avenue, there, the last two weeks.
Our husband | home on Saturday after spending a | and Mrs. D. J. Joseph, Norton Ave-
| and father came rushing back into delightful week with the Shrine at |nue, returned Sunday from a motor
| the house, demanding to know [San Francisco.
Mrs. Joseph Baganski spent the |
| trip to Williamsburg, Va.
Mrs. Bessie Olsen and grand-
Frank and Elva Wagner, on Lower rib from Adam and made a “loud
Demunds Road. Mrs. Forman is speaker.”
the former Carol Wagner. | Mrs. Arthur Magee, Ryman Road,
(Ralph Kauff- |
| with her this week. Other cousins,
| Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Place, Schooley
| Lake (near or between Springville
| and Nichelson) took Mrs. Magee to
| odier than it was in Philadelphia.
Our sincere sympathy is extended
| to Robert Pickett and his mother,
| Mrs. Mary Valentine, (who is a
| Sunday evening. It was the first
| meeting of the season and she was
| so pleased to be able to attend it.
Mrs. Elva Miller, spent last week with her cousins, |
man’s sister) is glad to be back Mr. and Mrs. Alton Small, in
Springville. They intend ‘to visit
Dimock camp meeting. a week ago |
| subscriber to the Dallas Post, living
Everyone said he was too delightful | weekend in Allentown, where she | daughter, Cathleen Walters, Terrace in Auberndale, Fla.) in the death of
to convince but Billy gave us hours |
of fun as he followed the youngsters |
| about and bounded along with Fred- {
| die as he took to the woods for a
Eventually he grew up and we |
had to let him go to a farm nearby |
where all of us went quite regularly |
to see him as he acquired a family.
| Some folks might wonder but it is
all part of this family growing up.
Going back to the Auction, Jim |
and Emily Hutchison had a fine |
idea. © As they busied themselves
amidst the” plant booth, they sug-
gested that the barren corner where
Phil . Walter's Gas Station once
| stood could be madé into a most
| attractive spot if residents took an
interest and planted flowers; there:
to brighten it up. i
| Sounds like a right good idea and
| everyone has something they: can
spare from their garden. What an |
| improvement. it ‘would make and
| the state highway should approve.
| © Dan Shaver interested foria long
| time in Evergreen Cemetery is
pushing for a meeting soon of com-
| mittee members with Mayor - Slat-
| tery to work out some agreement.
| * How nice it was of Fred and ‘Alice
| Howell to donate back that
| the 20th Auction and how pleased
| we all were that it brought the fine
price to aid the Library. No two
years to continue this successful
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hontz, Jr,
and family of Pittsburgh, came in
last weekend to visit his parents
and see his mother, Mrs. Thomas
Hontz, Sr., who had just returned
‘home from General Hospital.
Donald Marth, student at Milton
Hershey - School;® will return this
weekend after spending a month's
vacation with his mother, Mrs. Ei-
leeri Marth. They visited Ryder’s
Lake at Thompson, Pa., last week.
Visiting the Marths this week is
Richard. Tinsley, a classmate of
Donald Marth.
Mr. and Mrs. George Walter and
son ‘George, Oyster Bay, were re-
cent guests of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. ‘Daniel Shaver. The menfolks
enjoyed’ some fishing along with
little George. .
Mrs.” Henry Metzger, Donald
Metzger ‘and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Cobleigh returned after visiting Mr.
and Mrs: Alfred Metzger and family
at Schenectady, N. Y. During their
stay the area had an all night rain
and on their way back near Mon-
trose the downpour was such as to
make their. windshield wipers use-
less. ’
And here we are, dry as a bone. |
Billy Glahn came in for the week- |
i end from Philadelphia to wisit the |
| Library Auction and his parents, |
| Witt Yost.
l'after two delightful weeks together, |
| mother, Mrs. Ethel Shorts, Court-
with relatives in Buffalo, N.Y.
Entertain At Cottage
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Croom, Car-
her sister-in-law’s wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. James Olenick, East
Hartford, Conn., were holiday week- | C
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Michael | verton Road, entertained at their
Olenick, his parents. | cottage at Sugar Run on Sunday.
Talk about a delightful vacation. | Su ye “Ad MS Faved
Patty Olenick left last week for! TOOM, MI, & Tf Way Shei »
| Sr.,, Mr. and Mrs. David Mathers,
Hawaii ‘where she will spend a] :
month relaxing aand exploring this Mes and Mrs. Eugepe Thomps, Ger.
ee hs ald Thomas, and Mr. and Ms. |
charming isle in the Pacific. 5 :
v ’ family, Linewood Road, spent a re-
Amgng the most interested spec-| oypoom.
tators at the Auction from this area |
were Mrs. John Rogers, Mrs. Ed-|
ward Ratcliffe and Rey. Robert De-
Mr. and Mrs. William Kelley and
¢ent week end with his brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John
Kelly and family, Philadelphia. -
Incidentally if you want to catch Cookout
an early worker, Rev. Yost takes
beautiful” cdre of the flowers and
shrubs about the church, delighting
in their beauty and growth. “At. St.
Paul's, it is Mrs. Eidam who grows
a mighty pretty flower garden. |
Another dedicated soul is John |
Funke, Kingston Township Super-
visor, who I am told! stops early on
his way to work to water the
flowers and hill near the township |
building. |
The family is now separated again |
side Road, entertained. at a cook
out’ last night. Guests were: Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Watts, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles’ Conklin, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Long, and the Morgans.
William H. Dimmick, Skyline
Drive, is convalescing at home after
being a medical patient in Nesbitt
Harrie Hill Road, entertained at
dinner on Tuesday night. Guests
were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller,
Susie and Bill having returned Sun- | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hanson, Mr.
day to Maryland. Little Fritzie al. and Mrs. Thomas Ellis, and ost
; it ied »d ‘and hoptess. :
ways enjoys their visits and we had | 2™ I j ;
hoped for a time that they. might | Mr 2 Bea
a here will | Staub Road, spent |
return to this area but there wi uO andes. N. . “wHote thes
be interesting places to visit again
Core ne Py 2 | were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
. ' Manganello.
Mrs. Brad Blaine and son, Brad, | Bl, .
have returned to Allentown after | Janet and Jill Chernin, Carverton
visiting with. her parents, Mr. and Road, are spending two weeks at
Mrs. Algert Antainitis. | Wildwood where they are attending
i | gir] scout camp.
Mr. and Mrs. Arja Brown and | Mr. and. Mrs. John: McBride,
son Bob, Ferguson Avenue, and her, pochester, N.Y., have returned
home after spending several days
with Her brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Jchnson, S.
Memorial Highway.
dale, spent Sunday at Knobles Park,
Eleysburg. : |
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morgan, Hill- |
Mr. and Mrs. William Darling, |
items have gone over the block. | to pass up and Papa was a bit hard | went to assist in arrangements for| Avenue, are spending the month brother-in-law and son-in-law, Mr.
Walter Bauchman, Long Island,
IN. Y. He was the husband of Evelyn
| Pickett.
Inez Ryman is glad for the nice
| long weekend, to spend the holiday
| with her’ family, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
| son Ryman. She is a student at
| Penn State College.
{ Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Moore,
children Keith, Patti and Holly;
| cousing Nancy and Edward Gross
| from Wilkes-Barre, enjoyed a day
| of picnicing' with Mr. and Mrs.
| Sob Helmer and son Bobby,
| White-Haven on Sunday, July 3rd.
i Grandpa Gustave Ehrgott accom-
| panied them. Mr. Ehrgott makes
his home with his daughter Mrs.
| Ralph (Ann) Yeust, Carverton.
Grant and Lois Croman visited
the Thousand Islands last week,
| (just another honeymoon); then to
| Passaic, New Jersey, to visit daugh-
| ter Joan Moore and family for a
few days. They returned home
| bringing two of their grand child-
| ren, Kim Ann and David Jr., with
| them for their vacation. They will
| ma. Moore) too.
! The temperature on their back
| porch at 10 p.m. — was 114 de-
| grees in Passaic. .
| Mr. and Mrs. Warren Stanton,
cons Bobby and Carl; Bob's friend
Donald Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Jay
Bloomer, West Chester; daughters
| Brenda and Melinda, were all guests
| of Warren's mother, Mrs. Pearl
| Stanton, in her cottage at Rays-
| town Dam, near State College last
| week. Leh
Jay returned to his employment
lin West Chester but Peggy and the
girls stayed a week to visit with
| her parents, Florence and Harry
Martin ‘and Jay's’ parents, Herman
| spend a part of it with me (Grand- |
{1 workshop at Penn State University |
| Emil Balewski family, and the War-
bank job. Congratulations, Carol!
-stop plowing
| and Alice Bloomer, Kingston.
"ne Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin Jr,
° | children = Billie, Jimmie and Judy,
spent last week at Youth Camp,
W. Herbert Dimmick, Jr.,
Ine Drive, has returned from San
B eaumon l a Francisco, Cal., where he attended
{he ‘Shrine Convention; | Maranatha, Worthington, Pa. They
William Pulsifer ! | planned to visit Niagra Falls if pos-
Bev. wd Mos. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoover and | Able.
with sons Mark and Bille visited
friends and relatives before return- din Deborah end Rumer Mrs. George (Jea Moore) Sals-
ing to the Omaha, Nebraska Air | Humisville, “Ala... ate: visting = bu Rhode Island, visited her
g ne x | uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob ry, and,
Force Base where Bill, Sr. is an | parents Mr. and «Mrs. Raymond
Inctracton | Harrison - ,Carverton Road.
: : . : | Vivian Cobb, daughter of Mr. and
Miss Sandra Goodwin enjoyed her | Mrs. Raymond, Cobb, Bunker Hil
is attending graduate summer |
school at Penn State University. |
| Moore, along with brother Charles
| and family over the weekend of
’ | the fourth. Other guests were Mrs.
Moore's nephew Ellwood Montanye,
Johnson City, and ther aunt Agnes
with the 4—H Clubs.
* Mr. and Mrs. George Sestrap and
Mrs. Margie Moss drove to Sum-
merset, N. J., to spend five days
with her daughter, Louise Souder, |
and family, over the holiday week-
end. Her two grandsons, Mark and
Charles accompanied her back to |
her home on Upper Demunds Read
on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Souder
and daughter Donna drove up Fri-
day evening to take the boys home |
on Saturday.
M/Sgt. and Mrs. John Krause and
family, Dean, Donna and Dennis |
who have just returned from four |
years in Okinawa, spent July 4th,
with Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wilson, |
Demunds Road. John Krause is
formerly from Dallas, son of the
late William: Krause and Mrs. Ber-
tha Cyphers, who lives in Florida.
He is also a cousin of Mrs. Giles
He has already spent fifteen years |
in service and expects to spend five |
more years. He is a supervisor of
mechanics on Jet planes and will be |
stationed in Tucson, Arizona, after
July 15th. .
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller Sr;
Ransom Road, have been vacation-
ing in Connecticut, visiting their
[two sons, Henry and Eugene Jr,
‘and families.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller Jr., |
are now visiting Mrs, Miller's folks, |
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brace in|
Orange, On the 4th of July they!
called on Mr, and Mrs. Giles Wilson. |
Well, well, I no sooner get the |
previous news typed up, when I got
word that Mr. and Mrs. Ernest |
Krause, and children Kathy, David |
and Stephen, from Addison, Tl, |
were guests also of Mr. and Mrs. |
Wilson. By the way, Mable (Mrs. |
Giles W.) is a niece of Mrs. Bertha |
(Krause) Cyphers and Ernest |
her oldest son. He and his family
had been visiting other - brothers |
and sisters in New Jersey before
their stay with Wilsons last Friday
and Saturday. Giles has been more |
“or less ‘house bound” for quite |
some time, so they were very happy
to have all these loved ones visit |
them. Fe]
Bob and Hilda Moore, children
Keith, Patti, Holly, and 1 (Irene
M.) attended the Shutt reunion at
Sister Ethel Krick’s—home in Read-
ing. Thirty four relatives certainly
had a grand happy time together.
Mary from Jersey, Bill and family
from Lancaster, Raymond's family
from . Abington, Mr. and Mrs. David
Mrs. Pearl Kitchen, Milwaukee, |
daughter Lola of Clarksburg, W. Va., : EE Yt 3 |
were recent visitors with the Clar- Wisconsin, ‘is ‘spending: some time
ence Besteders and the William |
Arch Austins. |
The Richard Lutes family of Pal-
myra, spent last weekend with the
Ralph Luteses. $
The Robert Belles family,
with her brother and sister-in-law,
| Mr and Mrs William H' Dimmick,
| Sr., Skyline Drive. ; {
Fred Greenley, Harris Hill Road, |
returned Wednesday to his home |
from Geisinger Medical Center, Dan- |
ville, where he was a surgical
patient. [
“WALLY” has
the |
ren Johnson family are treking to
N. Y. State Parks weekends.
Mrs. Earl Johnson is with her
son Jack's family at Buffalo, N.Y.,
where she learned her granddaugh-
ter Carol had a promotion in her
To Train In Philadelphia
Ronald Grant, RD. 2, Dallas,
Richard Williams, Main Street, Dal-
las, and Timothy Grey, R. D. 1, and — — —
Harveys Lake, left recently for |
training aboard the USS Barton, at | HOMEMADE
| the U.S. Naval Base, Philadelphia,
| for two weeks active duty. They |
Two Local Boys Leave
are among seventy seaman appren- |
tice Naval Reservists, most of them |
recent high school graduates and |
have completed recruit training at |
| the Naval Reserve Training Center.
The group departed by Martz
Trailways buses from the Naval Re- |
serve Training Center, Kingston. |
| They will participate in the regular |
procedure aboard ship. I
any KIND SHAPE yg.
. ; . .
in your stoniest fields
Automatic - Reset beams, another tions—no stopping, no gear shifting,
Oliver first—hydrauliccylindersreturn no backing, no wasted fuel, no time
bottoms instantly—bottom yield only lost—plowing is faster and better,
to extent required to clear obstruc- easier on you, on your equipment.
Semi-mounted or pull-type. Revo-
jutionary, Automatic-Reset beams are
available for new Oliver 575 semi-
mounteds (4 to 8 bottoms) and for new
475 pull types (5 to 8 bottoms). Both
convertible in size and cutting width.
elem mitt Lr smn Ta 4 bn LE
Willard Benscoter, Inc.
Harold W. Benscoter
RD #1, Hunlock Creek, Pa. - 18621
Tele: 256-3221 If No Answer Phone 256-3238
Tw 25 bet i 7
again !
Name and Address
Get Tickets To Fill Out
Open 24 HOURS 4 Day!
_ __ " "
| College.
| July 18 to 22, 9 am.
| speedy recovery, Bea.
| where he met a friend and both |
colm Baird, Ransom Road; also his | Softball Team, of Centermoreland
wife Beverly and year old son who | Charge, will play a game against
are staying with her parents, Mr. |the Orange Firemen They are look-
and Mrs. Bennie in Dallas. ling for other teams to play. If you
Sunday dinner guests of the know of any, please contact Mr.
Bairds were, Mrs. Florence Hughes, : Philip Culver, E. Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gay, Marjorie | Ay Charge First Quarterly Con-
and Bill Mead, Arthur Baird, Mr. |. .ance SA the rat Dr.
As :
and Mrs. Barry Baird and son. | Lyon the new District Superintend-
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gay enter- 3
; rn | ent, will be held in the East Dallas
tained the latter's sister Jean; hus-
A ¥ | Methodist Church, July 2%, 1:30
band Bob and their son Leigh, Long |, 1, An official board meeting will
Island, over a weekend recently. |
’ Een (Mariette) 1G d preceed it at 7:30, {
rs. Ernest (Marietta) Gay and | 5 .
son Ernest, drove to Ashland, Ohio, | CHECK THE TIME ABOVE #
last weekend to complete arrange- | Mrs. Nora Dymond and’ Ms.
ments for him to enter Ashland | Myrtle Miller attended the wedding
| of Miss Anna Pappus and Barry
Vacation Bible school will be held | Robbins, Saturday evening lat 6
in East Dallas Methodist Church, | o'clock in Mt. Zion Church. Myrtle
to 11:30 a.m. then spent Saturday night \awith
A strawberry and ice cream | Nora and both attended church’ and
social will be held Saturday evening, | Sunday school in Orange, Sunday
July 23, on the East Dallas Church | morning. It was a treat for Myrtle
lawn. Please bear this date in as she belonged there before mev-
mind. | ing to East Dallas. GG i \
Mr and Mrs. Gerald Culver and | I am happy to say that “Libby”
son .. Eddison, Wallingford, Conn, | Cyphers has returned .to: her homie
visited the former's parents, Mr. | on - Ransom Road Saturday, afters
and Mrs. Thomas Williams and his | having been a patient: in General
brother Philip Culver, Lower De- Hospital last week. f
munds Road. Hig | If T may say a word about ‘the
Mig Beatrice Moore is ill at her | Library ‘Auction; it was wonderful
home, suffering from a heart spasm | : :
last Saturday. We wish you a |S always. But Mrs. Anderson and
3 Hix do a better job than I. can, so
1 will leave it’ up to them to write
about it. I never witnessed such a
Mrs. Blanche Sholtis, lower De-'
munds Road, traveled by bus to
New. : York, Saturday, June 25,
where she was met by her son
John who came in from California |
the next day. She visited a friend ;
over night. Blanche and John |
boarded the new ship ‘‘Oceanic” |
for a seven day cruise to Nassau.
She said they had a marvelous time
on and off the ship. All meals |
could be eaten on board and at all |
hours. How I would love a trip
like that. They were scheduled to
sail at 1 am. for New York but
storm’ warnings were issued coming |
in from Cuba so they did not get |
under way until 6 a. m, storm |
passed by for which they were |
grateful. |
John spent five days at home |
here, “visiting family ‘and - friends.
He ‘was happy to have time to yisit
his special pal from school days,
Danny Richards, Jr., and family in |
Philadelphia. He flew to Pittsburgh |
huge crowd.
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