The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, July 07, 1966, Image 7

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Local Scouts On Hand
When Swimmer Arrives
Back Mountain Boy Scouts and
‘Cub ‘Scouts were on hand last week
tc greet Susquehanna River swim-
mer Russell Chaffee as he stopped | bright and blazing, and the pave-
over in Wilkes-Barre. ment was like the top of a red
Meeting Chaffee at Kirby Park | hot coal stove but the four teams
were Billy Frederick, Chuckie Rob-| that make up the Dallas Marching
erts and Jimmy McGough of Troop Units went on.
231, Shavertown. Gary Roberts and
Richard Harrison, Cub Pack 233 al- for the Same day and young and
so attended the event.
were accompanied by Arthur Rob- hot day. The bus trip to Jersey
It was hot! The sun was as
erts, Fernbroock, and Wayne Har-! Shore was not too bad. The two!
The lads old alike were prepared for a long k
Mr. Chaffee is on his way to’
Havre DeGrace, Md., from Otsego,
N.Y., to prove that the river can
be used for more recreational pur-
The above scouts were part of
the Welcoming Committee.
Rural Boys Low, 54
To Hunlock Creek Team
The Rural Boys League of Sweet
Valley lost another close game. The
boys lost a well-played game to
Hunlock Creek, 5-4. Ronnie Hart-
man pitched all six innings. Um-
pire was Don Scavone. :
Manager Ed Kalany had this to
say about his team. “The boys play-
ed a hard-fought game. Tt might |
buses pulled out early Saturday
morning from the Suburban Rest-
aurant accompanied by the Ellis
Swingles, the James Nixons and Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Belles. Three for-
mer Rifle Team : members went
along-Jim Nixon, Don Rood and
Paul Campbell. We had Key Club
Rifle Team, Keyettes, Falconettes
and a handful of Colorettes on
We all stopped over at the Har-
vest Moon just this side of our
Dallas Marchers Spend Hot Day
In Jersey Shore, Renovo Parades
| Everyone piled back on the buses,
| which were well-heated by that
time, and we pulled out for Renovo.
We parked along the river in back
of the school and everyone scram-
| bled for eating places. If any were
There were two parades scheduled = air-conditioned, we were bound to
find them.
One group of Keyettes came upon
the same cool spot we advisors did
and we all spent the hour before
parade time there sipping cold
drinks and eating salads. But, 5
o'clock came around fast. We lined
up for another long parade. This
was one of those that dragged out.
We marched and stopped, marched
and stopped, and we all complained
of the heat and sore feet. The pave-
ment burned through the soles of
our shoes. The Colorettes had a
rough time of it. The big American
Flag is heavy and it was quite a
burden for the few girls who car-
destination and everyone got out ried it, but there were few com-
for a mid-morning snack and plaints. 9
stretched their - legs. The whole! The citizens of the town were
gang got to Jersey Shore at 11 a.m.
so we had plenty of time to walk
around the town and watch the
committees set up the carnival.
Members of the units changed in
i Colorettea
kind and considerate. One family
poured pitchers of lemonade for the
and Falconettes while
they waited in line to begin the
parade. The Keyettes, just when
have taken us out of the champion- j the beautiful cool locker rooms of |
ship, but I'm proud of our team. |the modern high school building. |
They're still our ‘Golden Cowboys’. ; Never has a changing place been |
‘We lost on a couple of errors.” rere appreciated than those rooms.
The boys were sparked by the! qpu¢ parade was short and it
‘wonderful turnout of spectators | moved swiftly through the streets,
last week at the Hunlock Creek! gins on an athletic field where
game. The rooting Sooum was real- | gach team went through its drills.
ly apprecioted jand the managers The youngsters had time to re-
things we all appreciate.
We loaded up again and pulled
out for home, and made another
stop at Harvest Moon on the way
back. We spread out on the lawn
in our bare feet and enjoyed the
2 to has Special Shanks lax a little afterward. The girls es-
0 : . ; : : :
The Sweet Valley boys will travel | pecially enjoyed cooling their feet
tonight to play Huntingdon Valley.! under the showers in the school.
Holders of the following Ticket Numbers |
are the Winners of |
Door Prizes |
of the. |
© 480479 © 897492
* 868271 * 702
Between 8 A.M. -
5 P.M.
night air which was beginning to
feel a little cooler.
| These are some of the people who
{ will sell you plants and flowers and
|iris corms this weekend at the Li
they needed it most at the end of brary Auction. They are all expert | Mrs.
the parade, were offered pitcher | gardeners as well as enthusiastic Williams, Mrs. Arthur Engler, chair- | Jane Schooley was absent, too.
after pitcher of ice cold water chock | salesmen. If you need tips on how | man Mrs. Harvey
full of ice cubes. These are the to make your garden grow, the en-| James Kozemchak, and Mrs. Row- |
| Seniors Are Reminded
To Apply Immediately
‘For State Scholarships
Dallas High School Seniors of
1967 who took College Boards in
Plants And Produce Committee Braces For Auction Action %
In an interesting diary of their ad- |
ventures, Scoutmaster John Butler
captures the highlights and thrills |
of Explorer Troop 232 as they test
their strength and brawn im buck- |
ing the river currents on the 10th |
trip, made annually in June. ..._.
As usual our canoe trip started |
weeks before the actual starting |
date of the 19th. ‘We had canoes |
to repair, paint and wax, jobs as- |
Explorers Paddle
Oswego To Laceyville By Canoe
De Car, Tim Carroll and Mr. B. in
the Pioneer 3
Mr Dyer walked down to camp to
say hello and wish us a good trip.
They were at the boat races yester-
day and we didn’t get to see them.
We left word to thank the Fitts’ and
Dyers’. After caying a prayer at
the river edge we started our trip
down the river at 8:10.
tire Plants and Produce section is land Ritts Sr.
ready to offer constructive advice. The men on the committee, Loren
Reading from left to right are| Keller, Doc Jordan, and Jim Hutch-
Taft Truska, Mrs. Charles ison, left the picture to the ladies.
Kitchen, Mrs.
« | We reached our halfway point
signed, food to buy, menus to make | at a little store on the river bank
and packs to pack. We picked out|at 10:30, an hour ahead of time,
| all the things we thought we would | We ate our lunch
| : : , bought sodas
need on the trip then tried to cut | and So img i i
it in half. : y
LR ’ Tim and Mr. B. were leading
The week before the trip Steve! when they had a close call with a
Silic and Bill Carroll had the new | Pier. The left channel was the
loa, Gene Pryor and Robert | logical one to take but there was
chilling along with the experts|, rope stretched across the riven
on hitting rocks, Dan McCoog and | from the bank to the first pier. Mr.
Jim Gates, along with Tim Carroll | B, thought it looked dangerous so
our Medic on the trip, out on the he elected to take the second chan-
river at Falls to teach them how | nel. The water in the second chan-
To paddle the canoes and in case | nel was swift and travelling down
of capsizing, to stay with the canoes | stream and crossing to the first
33 the best possible life preserver. | channel. They were caught in cross
We had an overnight camp at Ruck- | current and being swept toward the
no's. Lake to induct the new Explor- | pier. Tim put out his hand to pre-
fers inte the White Hats. | vent the canoe from hitting it, by
| We started the eventful day with | the time we came close the front
going to Mass and Receiving Holy was past the danger point but the
Communion. Then after Mass Father | stern wasn’t. Mr. B. swung his feet.
Langan gave us the Travellers Bless- | out of the canoe and braced thenr
Off The Cuff Stuff
Up On The Lump
In this column a few weeks ago,
We pgettled back on the buses May are reminded ‘that applications I wrote about how we sold our
figuring ‘the “kids” must be tired
these youngsters seem to have an
endless supply of energy. They sang,
rived home at 11:45 p.m.
There was no official word at
the time of this writing as to
| whether /we took any first prizes,
but we know we did take something
| at Jersey Shore. A full report will
be given in next week's Post.
Trade, Tech., Business
Scholarships Available
Students: who have enrolled or
plan to enroll in an approved course
of study in Trade, Technical or
Business Schools within’ the Com-
monwealth of Pennsylvania or in
a’ diploma program for registered
nurses in a Pennsylvania: hospital,
should be applying now for State
Scholarships. Course of study must
offer at least 1800 clock hours of
instruction on a fulltime basis, re-
quire a High School diploma for
admission and be a course of study
approved by the Higher Education
| for State Scholarships must be sub-
by the Pennsylvania Higher Edu-
| cain Assistance Agency, the stu-
| laughed and shouted until we ar- | dents must have scored between 800
rand 1200 in the College Boards.
Keyettes To Practice
Tuesday Nights At 6:30
The Keyette Drill Team will meet :
| at the Dallas Senior High School
| every Tuesday evening throughout
the summer. The girls must be
| there at 6:30 and they will be fin-
| ished at exactly 7:30 p. m. There’
| should” be present at those two
| practices unless excused. by Mrs.
Assistance Agency.
Students ‘may ‘obtain an appli-
cation from their High School. of-
fice. The application ‘must be post-
marked no later than July 15.
will be two practices the week pre- |
ceding ‘a parade. Girls will. be no- |
tified -at practice or. by telephone. |
To ‘perform in a parade, members |
| Glerida Davies or Mrs: Doris Mallin. |
{ bathroom and about how I had had
{out by now and would probably be | mitted by July 15, 1966. In order | hopes of making a planter out of
| very quiet on the way home. But, | to qualify for the scholarships, given
| the commode. Well, for those of
{ you who have expressed your con-
i cern over how bereaved I was at
the loss of our beloved commode,
8! want you to rest assured—I got
| another one! Yes, just by coinci-
| dence, ‘this very nice friend of my
[ mother’s happened. to have a couple
fof commodes sitting around, and
she told Mom that if I really wanted
to make a planter out of one, I was
welcome to it. It's just beautiful!
The white porcelain base has all
these neat designs carved in it and
everything. It's one of those real
| antique kind, like the ones Marie
Antoinette used to have to reach
up to flush (I didn’t really under-
stand that either, but that's what
| my mother told me.) The first
| thing 1 did was paint the toilet
| seat gold. Then Mom and I filled
| it with flowers, and I'm telling you,
| it’ looks. just lovely. I wanted to
| put sweet peas in it, ‘but decided
| against ‘it! Anyway, we've got it
| sitting there in the yard between
the pool and the pink-and-white- |
striped outhouse, which is a perfect
spot for ‘it. It looks so natural
| there.
| ing.
what are YOU doing this summer?
You may not want to go all the way to the North Pole to keep |
cool this summer. So like other smart summer stay-at-homes, you
depend on an Electric Air Conditioner to keep your home cool and |
comfortable on even the hottest days with Reddy's help. i THT |
“Lighting The Back Mountain Area Since 1922”
DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA 18612 o 717 == 674-1073
7 | Our house is situated on a lump |
| If you would like to - see
| it just drop by anytime—and be
sure to bring your bathing suits
| (not for the commode, of course, |
| but for -the pool.)
Now just in ‘case you should hap-
.| pen to drop by, and you've never |
| been here before, Iought to 1V€ | house cat named Samantha, and | Thanks Sheriff.
this stray cat who just dropped by
| you a little preview of the Hop-
| kins’ Palacial Estate so you're not
| too surprised.
| off of the Lehman Highway (ac- |
| tually it’s a hill, but I refer to it |
] as the lump.) Anyway, if you |
| make a right. turn off of the high- |
| way and on to a dirt road it should
| take you up to the top of the lump
where “you ‘will find two houses. |
Ours is. the pink’ one. Yes, ‘it's |
|'pink: Not that having a pink house |
| is. particularly ‘unusual or anything;
| you see them every so. often these |
days. One thing you .don't.see very !
| often though are pink barns, but |
| we have one of those, too. Last |
| summer Dad told me he thought |
| it would be a nice idea if I painted |
| the house and barn, so on a sudden
Over twenty million people
| of chronic headache problems.
headache drugs and continue to
national health problem .. . a
| ache victims could be helped with
spend millions of dollars purchasing tons of potentially dangerous
| . . . though chronic headache is not a potential killer, it is a serious
solved with prompt chiropractic care.
estimate that at least 80% of the twenty million chronic head-
If you are constantly suffering with headaches don’t continue
to take medication that only gives you momentary relief. There is
a cause for that headache, try to find that cause.
chiropractor, you have nothing to lose but that headache.
Photo by Kozemchak
Dallas Booster Club
| Meets Tonight At 8:30
| ‘Dallas area Lettermen’s Booster
| Club will meet tonight at 8:30 at
| the American Legion Home in Dal-
las. Jack Porter will preside at this
organizational meeting which be-
gins the Club’s fourth anniversary.
Plans will be completed for a
clam bake, Robert Hislop, ' Chair-
man, reporting. 1966-1967 member-
Voluntéers are needed to fill the
many committees so ‘please plan
nice color.
a barn-type everyday, ordinary
barn. It's really a sort of old
house-shaped ediface that we use
in the summer as a sort of rumpus
| room or what have you. In the
| winter we use it as a sort of col-
| lection post for the Salvation Army. |
Then next to the barn is that pink-
and-white-striped outhouse that I
mentioned before (well, you see I
had a half a can of pink and a half
la can of white paint left, so I
| figured I might as well use it up).
| Now between the outhouse and
{ Esther's swimming pool (Esther
| Williams, that it- is this quaint little
| commode which is used as a plant-
"er (but that’s another story!) Else-
! apple to plum and peach and pear
| and maple and evergreens. Then
| of course we have yards and yards
| of lawn.
In the way of livestock we have
| a Dalmation horse (he hates dog
| food but goes crazy over slippers |
and linoleum), a canary who only
sings when he’s in the mood, a
one day and stayed. I named the
stray cat Carlisle so we could have |
our own ‘Kitty Carlisle.”
Well, that’s the situation up on
the lump. I hope. you people don’t
| get to feeling sorry for yourselves |
because you can’t live there. But
I. want you to .know- that you're
| welcome to- visit the place anytime.
You'll excuse me now, I've
got to go water the commode!
. The Dallas Post
Uses The famous
ATF Chief
Offset Presses
in the United States are victims
These twenty million Americans
suffer with recurrent headaches
health problem that could be
Chiropractic researchers
chiropractic care. (Health Briefs)
Consult your
Phone: 674-3756
ships will begin with this meeting. |
to attend and offer your services. |
whim we decided pink would be a |
Actually our barn isn't |
At one o'clock we started to]
| gather at Mr. Butler's and load the!
| canoes on top of the ear racks. Mr.
| McCoog carried two canoes, Mr. |
| Silic carried one, Mr. Gillis carried |
| two, Mr .Gates carried one and
| Mrs. Williams carried some of the
Explorers and Packs. vid
| By 2 we started for OSWEGO.
| arriving there without incident. We |
[unloaded at Mr. Fitts residence,
| carried our canoes and packs back |
{to Dyers property, where we pitch- |
ed our camp. We all went over to
the A.-& W. for Mama & Papal
| Hamburgers, Root Beers and Milk
| Shakes, allowing each one $1.00,
(anything over that they had to
pay themselves).
Some of the boys walked over to |
| the Community pool and it was
| crowded. Back to camp to change
into our swimming trunks. Mr. B.
{met Ki Fitts at her house and she |
mentioned that Wakefields had a |
| swimming pool. We asked and Mr. |
Wakefield said we would be wel- |
come to use it. We were living. The
pool was heated to 80 degrees, it
had a sliding board with water run-
ining to prevent leaving some of
| your hide gn it on the way down.
| We certainly enjoyed it. After the |
| swim we made up our beds and |
| straightened up our camp. We walk- |
led into town to see Sheriff Paul |
| Paylor for a tour of the county jail.
| The Sheriff opened a cell block and |
were locked in. They can pay they |
(Now they have a record). We all |
{had to sign the register before we |
| were locked in jail for four minutes. |
| were admitted. The Sheriff told the
| Explorers of the workings of his
| office and many of the experiences
{ he and his men have had. The boys '
were impressed and were once again |
{ happy to be on the canoe trip in- |
! stead of being locked up in there.
Madam X was playing in the
| show. We didn’t. know if it was]
an acceptable picture so we found
{ St. - Patricks Rectory and Church,
| and asked the priest to check it.
It was alright. We had a pint of
ice cream and went to the show. |
| To bed by 11:30, but everyone |
| was alittle too excited to sleep
{ very well.
| Monday, June 20: ‘Bill and Steve
| arose about 6:00 am. and put the
| water on for coffee. It was cold and
| the mist from the river was mov-
ing in, it was so thick that in a
| little while we couldn't see the |
| river. Mr. B. awoke and the three |
had coffee before awaking the rest. |
| At 7:00 we awoke the rest of the
explorers and had breakfast of |
cereal, milk and coffee.
The group were paired off as
follows: Bill Carroll and Steve Silic
in The Rockin Robin, Jim Gates and
| Dan McCoog in the Ibex or Mud |
| Turtle, Jay Borton and Gene Pryor |
| in the Tiger Shark, Al Williams and |
| Bob Schilling in the Yellow Jacket, |
| Ed Friar and Matt Gillis in the Nan
| some of our explorers went in and |
where on the homestead are var-| BD
{ious trees ranging from cherry and |
| against the pier. It was just a glanc-
ing blow but it was enough to pass
the pier. Then they shot into somé
| white water and bounced off some
rocks, it was only a glancing blow
since the water was so swift that
it created a cushion. Mr. B. then
waved to the others to take the left
channel. They did and rose right
over the rope without any trouble.
It was exciting while it lasted. =
(To Be Continued) >
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