ni AER SA sm SE NE a a GS Pp iti a — Ne ~r were, Mr. , Fort, Friday. Mr. field and family, S. Pioneer Avenue and graduated from Beaumont High | mage sale and bake sale in the SECTION B — PAGE 4 THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1966 NEWS FROM POST CORRESPONDENTS | BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin 639-2544 NOXEN, Mrs. Elida Beahm Kelly 298-2149 DALLAS, Carol Ann Williams 674-4109 : RUGGLES, Mrs. Charles Williams 639-5422 FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver 674-5460 ® SHAVERTOWN, Muss. F. W. Anderson 675-2001 HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage 639-9531 ® SWEET VALLEY, He Thomas Sayre 477-3731 IDETOWN, Bess Cooke 639-5137 ) TRUCKSYILLE, Nellkon Woolbert 696-1689 | JACKSON TWP., Richard Holodick 696-1294 ® EAST DALLAS, Mrs, John Konsavage 675-3087 MT. ZION, Rev. Charles Gilbert 388-7261 ® KUNKLE, Mrs. Clyde Hoyt 675-2971 | ——— East Dallas ANOTHER MEMORIAL DAY has come and gone. A day to pay hom- age to our loved ones who have gone on ahead of us, those in the armed forces and those in civilian lives. Living families get together, coming from far and near; Then to the last resting places to place floral memorials on their mounds. How beautiful the cemeteries looked! Wedding Anniversary Jay and Peggy Bloomer, daugh- | Twelfth Birthday Debby Newberry, daughter of John and Diana Newberry, Ransom Road, was a very lucky young lady to be feted twice last week in hon- or of her twelfth birthday. Saturday evening, 21st. Mostly oldsters gathered at her home to celebrate; Uncle Bob and aunt Jerry Morgan, | children Debby, Doris, and Robert Jr., Aunt Helen Bell; daughter Gladys and Husband Buddy Wheel- | ters Melinda and Brenda, drove] er and baby Gladys, all from Wilkes from West Chester, .to spend the | Barre; John and Diana Newberry week end with parents, Mr. and the guest of honor, Debby and sister | retary Mary Goble. Sweet Valley and Helen were, Charles Siley, | Caroline Ferrey and family. Plainfield, N.J.; Jimmy Kenver, New | Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sayre and Market, N.J., Harry and Elly Siley, Mrs. William Naugle Sr., spent Bernerdville, N.J., Steve and Janice | Thursday in Philadelphia visiting Siley, Philadelphia, Mary | Morgan | their sister, Mrs. Raymond Marso, and family. who is a patient at Temple Univer- Children’s Day sity Hospital. Annual Childrens Day program Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long re- was held Sunday, in Fast Dallas | cently spent a few days in Nassau | Church, Miss Emily Weaver, one cf | on a trip sponsored by the Purala- the many teachers announced the | tor Company. program as she introduced the chil- Mrs. Mary Craig spent some time | dren. “Tell me the story of Jesus”, | with her daughter and son. in law. | Mrs. Harry Martin, Harry and Flor- { JoAnn. | was the first song by the congre- | Mr. and Mrs. Ord Trumbower. ence celebrated their 43rd, wedding | Cook Out | gation and children. “Welcome”, by Dean Long, teacher in Philadel- | anniversary on Tuesday 31, but | Sunday afternoén, Debby ‘was Dorothy ° Kintzer. ' “Food”, "Holly phia, spent the weekend with his | their children, Harry Jr. Marilla, | | again made happy with a cook out | Peggy, Priscilla and their families | with her youthful friends to help | made it a week end celebration. | celebrate her big’ day. Guests were They presented the happy parents | Clifford Shields, Barry Reese; Mark (I almost wrote the old folks) with | Kunkle;. Richard . Yeust; Kenneth | a luxurious glider and a reclining | Eaton; Mona Rice; Holly Risch; Re-| chair for the veranda. The Martins | have our heartiest congratulations. Convalescing From Fall Mrs. Myrtle Miller, Road is convalesting after having to feed their out door appetites; | had a fall in her home. She was of course it would not be a party fortunate to have had only a bruised with out games, prizes and gifts. I] side, but that was too much for a Was born fifty years too soon. Shaw! woman her age. She now has a| "Mrs. Jean Somers, Harding, (sis- bad case of bronchitis, which causes | ter of Jessie Moore), and Mr. and a lot-of pain in her side when she | Mrs. Robert Hislop, Mehoopany, coughs. She is happy though to have | formerly of Dallas, attended the had friends visit her; among whom | I'graduation exercises at Loire Ryhne and Mrs. Frank Janidng, | College, Hickory, North! Caroline, Kingston, last Wednesday; Mr. where Harold Hislop was a member | Hilbert from Beaumont, ot on of the graduating class on Mem- daughter Mrs. Francis Higes, Forty | orial Day. Hilbert and Mrs. | The Cheerio "Class of Orange Miller were childhood neighbors | Methodist Church will hold a rum- the guest of honor. All had a won- School. Myrtle said their visit was | Orange Church Hall June 23. Hours a ‘“refreshener” of past events. She | 9 to 5, Thursday, 9 to 9 on Friday. al welcome any of her friends | Kenneth, gon of Mr. and Mrs. who would care to call on her, as Nelson Dymond, Orange, has been |. son City, and Aunt Agnes Spencer, | she is confined in these days. | accepted” in Community College, Friend Hildebrant and wife Mavis, | Williamsport. He will - enter June Apalachin, N. Y., also their daughter | 20 to learn Offset Printing. Marie Short, Endicott, N.Y., spent Official Board three days Mother's Day week end,| Offical Board of East with his sister Myrtle Miller. | Church, met in hall] Curtis F. Bynon, Fernbrook, | Monday evening, 23 to conduct a seems to be going far. He not only | business meeting. Present were Rev. is the commander of Dallas Amerian Legion but he has been promoted | Mr. Howard Hockenbury; Russell Ockenhouse; Harry Martin; Robert to the new manager of Philips Sea | M. Moore; Mary Ryman; Jeanette |"Moore; “Love again”, Patti Moore; becca, Stuart; Jo Ann Newberry and | Culver, Patti Cool and Barbara Mil- | derful time, stuffing hamburgs, hor] John Mason; “I Like To Think Of Hildebrant | dogs, potato chips, sodas and candy, | Jesus” | Masters use” Roger Howell, | ert Krick: and daughter Sharan, | of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas |. ' the week end with the latter's par- parents. Wilma Long is home from Lock Haven also. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ray attended “Those I Love” by Patti Culver; “Give to Jesus’ First were sung by John Cook with the children join- ing in with the other verses; “My Prayer” bv Sharon Morris; Bonnie Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kuczawa,| Grey, Richard and. Judy spent the | ler: “All The Happy Children” bv William Naugle Sr. and family. by Cindy and George -Cob- Sweet Valley Cub Scouts held liegh; “Every Little Flower” son by | their monthly pack fngeting on childrens chorus; “When I Grow | Tuesday evening. Up” by Jack Cobleigh; “My Best” | by John Cool; “Prayer” was offered | family, by Sharon Carkhuff; “Thank You” | Kocher, by Connie Miller; Roaring Brook, Larksville, “God's | last week of Mrs. Lucille Lanning Messengers’, . Hazel Ockenhouse; | and family. | “Jesus loves even me” Congrega- pr | tion: Linda Cook was their pianist. . . Week end guests of Irene Moore Harveys Lake a were Mr .and Mrs. David Moote |/ v ( and family, Passaic, N.J. Sunday 1. 1 afternoon and evening Bob Moore] Mrs. Naomi Gosart. has returned and . family and Miriam Dymond | from the Mercy Hospital. She Is) joined in the festivities. Merorial recuperating at home. ! Day guests were Mr .and Mrs. Rob- Mr. and Mrs. Charlesi W.* Jenkins | and son, Fairless Hills, spent a few | days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | John Gosart. ‘Mrs. Naomi Gosatt wishes to thank all those who sent cards and | flowers while she was hospitalized | at the Mercy Hospital. Mrs. Fred Eister and. son, John, are spending the week in Georgia | visiting Mr: ‘and Mrs. Fred Eister | Jr. and family. Reading, Pa. Mrs. Mussiettia Montanya, John- Shavertown, were week end guests Raymond Moore, Ransom Road. z Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Dickson, now residing with parents, Mr: .and Mrs. Nicholas Dickson, Martz Read, spent | Marines [life blood the | we have long been so very proud. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Raysor, Read- | Week end guests of Russell Siley | ing, spent the weekend with Mrs. | I hold dear, | front. | actions but. there. is only one Chief | who can lead us out of the mani- | your | who serve around ithe globe and by | your actions, .show unto those wha | would destroy our. very foundations, the navy. dinner dance récently in | holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. | | ito a fellow worker, SHAVERTOWN Lest We Forget The other night as I listened to a radio program, I was touched by who begged Americans to show their flags and more respect for those veterans, Soldiers, Sailors and who were serving their country, protecting with their very Freedom of which the It that forces, would seem very have insidiously cast their poisons among us. Do we have to be re- minded ‘of such a: precious birth- right of liberty, justice and love of our native land when the sly en- | emy who would wipe out all we surrounds us? It is time that we show a united We may not approve many | fold dangers which confront us. In prayers, remember the boys that every man, woman and child in the United States stands solidly be- hind ‘them ,and abqve all that we | are proud of this great nation blest | | with every conceivable gift be-: stowed by a most benevolent] Father. Meeting Sunday | do and as I sit at my desk this | | Memorial Day, T feel just a tinge against which we have | pledged to fight to the bitter end. It was a good rainfall which fell | as the Memorial Day’ holiday ap-, | proached. It restored the parched Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lanning and | ground but most of all it brought Theresa | water to brighten the many plants | Mr. and Mrs. | “Gifts to the | Joseph John, Noxen were visitors | of loved ones. At Evergreen. Cemetery it was a | blessing for the many visitors who | | came to my door to obtain a con- and flowers placed upon the graves tainer full of the precious stuff so that their offerings would not im- mediately wither * grave site ito accommodate those who visited here. Another sad situ- ation which has plagued plot holders. On Sunday a. meeting has been called at the Snowdon Funeral Home when Atty. Mitchell Jenkins will again attempt to bring some action to bear on the matter. Plot owners will meet at 2 p. m. If you are interested, please be there. A Friend Departs Over the weekend I said ‘goodbye one whom I aand die. There! "was no water anywhere on that »Marines. ents in New York. Leslie’ has ‘fin-. ished “his tour of duty with the Mrs. Ruth -Sardoni,and her sister, {had come to know pretty well dur- Helen Speece opened their summer | | ing the past several years. We were home this week. They .ave .residents | friends as well as co-newshounds ily, Limewood Road. Mrs. Laing Coolbaugh, Huntsville | Food Store, on Cedar Avenue, Scranton. Congratulations Curt! TR Trucksville Fire Company meet in the municipal building to- | morrow night at 8. Members are asked to meet there again Tuesday | night for practice in the handling of equipment. Friendship Class of Trucksville | Methodist Church will hold a birth- | day tea in the educational building | tomorrow night - at 8. Public is| invited. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Guyette and | family, Williston, Vermont, spent the holiday weekend with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Guyette, Ciffside Avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Huray, West Franklin Street. | Mrs. Herbert DeWitt, S. Pioneer | Avenue, is recuperating at her home | following surgery at Nesbitt | Hospital. Reverend and Mrs. Henry West- have moved to Hopbottom, where Reverend Westfield was transferred by the Wyoming Methodist Con- ference. Mr. and Mrs. John DeMartino and family, Reading, were holiday guests of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Schutter and fam- Road, is spending the week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Plummer and fam- | ily, Valley Forge. Mrs. Plummer re- | cently returned from the hospital where she was a patient. will | | | Dickinson; Myra Carlin; Dorothy Hislop and Irene Moore, and sec- UCKSVILLE and family, Maple Street, spent the | James Trebilcox, S. Memorial High- | holiday weekend with his uncle and | way. aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Orch} Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rice and hill, Butler, N. J. Mr. and Mrs: - William Roberts, Entertain Mothers | Northampton; Stephen Konek and Girl Scout Troop 705 entertained | Helen Bloss, Walnutport, spent’ | their mothers at a dinner on Wed several days recently with Mr. and nesday : night in the educationa building of Trucksville Motodiot | M5 Nicolas Konely pnd. fall, | Church. On Wednesday, June 8 they | Hellers Grove. | will meet at the municipal building | ree —————— | after school for a hike. They are | ‘Pamela M. Natus to bring permission slips and their | supper. ‘Then again on Saturday,| Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nafus, R. June 11 they will participate in a |. D. -1, Dallas, became the parents Penn's Woods Council sponsored |.of a six pound, four ounce daugh- Gypsy Day at Camp Onawandah.| ter, Pamela Margaret, May 14 at They will meet at the municipal | General Hospital. There is also a building-at 9 a. m. and return by | son, Charles Dwayne, aged four. 3:30 p. m. They are asked to bring | Mrs. Nafus is the former Delores permission slips and a nose bag | Jean Saraka, Trucksville, Mr. Nafus lunch. is employed at: Linear. Mrs. Rachael Dymond, Collings- wood, N. J., spent the weekend with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Crane and family, {| Meadowecrest. Mrs. Ann Davis returned to her home on Maple Street from Nesbitt Hospital on Thursday. Mrs. Davis is the mother of Mrs. Wilbur Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. William Scott and family, Milford, spent a few days recently with her sister, Mrs. Shel- don Hoover and family, Maple Street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trebileox, Demarest, N. J., will spend the week Legal Notice — NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters of Administration in the Estate of JOSEPHINE S. HIM, late of the Borough of Dallas, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, who died on the 19th day of April, 1966, have been granted to AGNES H. SWEE- | ZY, RD 1, Dallas, Pa. Creditors are notified to make known their claims and those indebted to the estate to make payment to said Administra- trix or her attorney. B. B. Lewis, Atty. Mr. and Mrs. BUT... Let us BRAKES “hit the road” BIRTH’ A.A.A. Harry D. Bwens We’re Open 24 HOURS A Day! end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas, Pa. Vacation Time Is Here! ... DRIVE SAFELY check your TIRES.... ... LIGHTS before you S DALLAS ESSO SERVICENTER sa AT THE “Y” Slams. ‘and Mrs. . Albert , Armitage. Others ‘| of Hotel Sterling. Mrs. Florence + Gonden is home from General Hospital. -Gleaners Class ‘The Gleaners Class of Alderson | - Methodist Church: enjoyed a lovely dinner party at Franklin House, Shavertown on Wednesday evening, Games. and door prizes were won by Mrs. Raymond Grey, Mrs. Ted | Heness, Mrs. ‘Ruth Williams, Mrs. | Ida Allen, Mrs. Arthur Wagner, Mrs. | Ann Snow, Mrs. Amos Hunsinger, attending were Rev. and Mrs. Fred Eister, Mrs. Howard Higgins, Mrs. Sam Humphrey, Eleanor Humphrey, Mrs. Ida Rogers; Mrs.’ Robert Wil- | and the association was most pleas- ant indeed. To Leighton, as he tries his wings at new ventures, go my best wishes for Mis, Grover. “Anderson Jr. Regan Mary Reighter Mr. and Mrs. K. William: Reighter of New Jersey, announce the birth | of ‘a daughter Regan Mary, their fourth daughter. Mrs. Reighter is the former Judy Kuchta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lake are the great grandmothers. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kuchta of Clarks Summit visited Mrs. Mary Kuchta ‘on ‘Sunday. success in anything he might, Peter Kuchta of] Harrisburg. Mrs. John Kuchta and | Mrs. Jessie . Garinger of Harveys | of envy as he travels down the | the eloquent plea of a young man East Coast to Florida, enjoying a brief vacation before he beging his course of study. It was really good to know you, friend. { Deserve Compliment Hats off to the township road crews. What a magnificent job they did last week in picking up old trash about the area. Jim Devlin joins me in complimenting Lawton Culver, road supervisor and his | men. They are doing their share in the Kingston Township Clean Up Drive. Here And There Supt. of Mails Richard Griffith and family will leave June 10 for a trip to California. They expect to make a number of stops and see many points of interest in their leisurely tour as relatives abound throughout the route planned. It sounds delightful. Luther Hontz, Philadelphia, came infor the holiday to spend Memori- al Day ‘with his mother, Mrs. Anna Dressel. Mrs. Charles Hoffman, Bingham- ton, N. Y., spent the Memorial Day weekend with ‘her sisters, Mrs. John Stahl and Mrs. Frances Williams. Bob, Voelker came in from Penna. i State University to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert: Voelker and family on Saturday and Sunday. Susan Karl student nurse at Geisinger Medical Center, who is finishing a month's vacation this | week, spent some of the time visit- ing relatives and friends at Altoona. Little Christine Jenkins is recup- erating from many ‘lacerations of the face suffered early last week when she was bitten by a neigh- bor’'s dog. Thanks to the quick ac- tion of Mrs. Gunther Vian Eldon the child was saved from greater inpury. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walp and infant son, came in from Metuchin, N.J., to spend the holiday weekend ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walp, Sr. : Marilyn Eck graduated with hon- ors from Susquehanna University on Monday. Her parents, Mr. and | | Mrs. Fred Eck went down to be present at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. William Tippett spent the weekend in the Poconos where Bill got in some fishing in nearby streams. 3 Brenda Chimp who transferred to a new home last week refused to eat and just moped around until her old mistress called begging me to take her back. How happy she was to return to her old haunts. Animals know. Susie and Bill came in from Mary- land for the long weekend and was it pleasant to have them with us again. Petty Officer Joseph Bagan- ski, who is stationed at Norfolk, met them in Washington and rode home with them. It was a real family weekend for the Ted Woolberts and Mr. and READY-MIXED CONCRETE Phone 675-1155 liams, Mrs. Helen Hartman, and KUNKLE MOTORS KUNKLE Just off Route 309 13 North of Dallas In the spring, a young man’s fancy. 4 turns to Yamaha It figures! Once you ride the Yamaha Rotary Jet 80, the fun comes naturally. This snappy performer features Yamaha's Revolutionary Oil Injection System, Rotary Valve Engine, and big dustproof, waterproof brakes for safety. The Yamaha Rotary Jet 80 is race-bred, tracing its ancestry to the 250cc World Grand Prix Champion Yamahas. And, this champion has a heart of pure GO. Price? A real winner. Mrs. Fred Malkemes. Mr. and Mrs. | Walter Mahoney and children, Syos- set," L.IL, brother, Fred. Mr. Woolbert, Youngstown, Ohio, made the rounds between families, while Mrs. Ruth Mack, Jersey City, and Mrs. Claire Foley, Palisades Park, N.J., were guests at the Woolberts. To highlight the get together, a letter arrived from Judy Woolbert in S. America and Fred Malkemes showed - slides of his many points of interest on return irom the African continent where he had taught for two years. The John Clause family taking advantage of nicer weather and the long weekend packed their car with ed for their cabin at Red Rock, the food supplies and bedding and head- first stay there this year and how | John looked forward to the enjoy- | able commune with nature in the | mountains. ily came in for the holiday from Aberdeen, Md., to spend some wel- come time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. “Johnson : Miers, "Sr. Mr. “and . Mrs. Louis Elchuck, Whitehouse, ''N.J., have moved to Center Street. Jay C. Hill, that avid little fisher- man, hooked some more fine speci- mens last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gosart are now settled in their lovely first floor apartment on Kirdendall Road. Mom’s ‘many friends can now reach her at a mew number and rot at the store as ‘previously. Mr. and Mrs: Edward Hall took off for Pittsfield, Mass., on Friday for a visit ‘with. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall “and family. ‘Just by coincidence little Fritzie will ‘be home on his birthday June 9. Freddie's vacation was changed to August and he will make a quick trip” to Michigan via Canada early next’ Sunday to bring back his wife and’ son. So the dear little fellow will’ soon be with us again. Those first steps which he took to his Aunt. Susie some weeks ago I am told have fast disappeared and Dot- tie ‘writes that he is almost running these days. so happy is he to be up and about. Legal Notice — Notice is hereby given that ap- plication has been made -to. the Pennsylvania Public Utility Com- mission, under the provisions of the Public Utility Law, by Anthony Wisnewski; t/a Wisnewski Water Company, for an order evidencing the Commission's approval to be- gin ito offer, render, furnish: or sup- ply water service to the public in a portion of Dallas Township, Lu- zerne County. (A. 92982) Notice is thereby also given that this application may be considered by the Commission without a hear- ing,‘ provided that no protests are filed: with the Public Utility Com- mission, Harrisburg, on or before June 10, 1966. “_ ANTHONY WISNEWSKI t/a joined her parents and | and Mrs. Jack | Specialist Johnson Miers and fam- | " DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIE Legal Notice — | | SEALED PROPOSALS Sealed bids will be received by | the Borough of Dallas, Pennsylvania, | on or, before 7:30 P.M. Thesday E. D. T. June 14, 1966. For Heating Alterations for: Dallas Borough Building. Bids will be received at the office of the Borough Secretary. Bid forms, Specifications and Drawings may be obtained at 95 Columbia | ‘Avenue, Dallas, Pa. Bidders are required to make a deposit of $10.00 for each “set of Drawings and Specifications: which they obtain from the Secretary of the Dallas Borough Council. = This deposit to be returned to the bidder upon return of the set of Drawings and Specifications which shall ac- company sealed proposal. The Borough reserves the rirhat to accept or reject any or all ‘biaé or any parts therof. : Walter T. Rowett Borough Secretary FOR ALL TIME A Barre Guild Certified Monument is.carved from Select Barre Grams RA and guaranteed for all time. It is s yol assurance of a beauti- - ful and fitting monu- ment to those you love. 4 See our fine monument display. Mona Carvertons Monument Co. Orange Road - Carverton 3%- aE Driveways Parking Areas CRUSHED STONE “Meeting Pa. Dept. of Highway Specifications.”: American Asphalt Paving Co. 696-1114 8 Plant and Quarry — Chase WISNEWSKI WATER CO. oil. pletely. it goes further, Get more out of your ing us today! | ¥- ~ SWEET | Beat down. heating costs two ways First, a revolutionary new invention for oil burn- ers, the Gulf Solar Heat ECONOJET, beats down costs by giving you more heat from less ECONOJET CHARLES H. LONG i Smonita -~ ir at Secondly, Gulf Solar Heat® drives down heat- Ing costs because it’s scrubbed clean with hy- drogen to burn hotter—cleaner and more com- yet costs no more. heating dollars by call- \ ~N VALLEY I i, SA EE FGETS E—