-—- Fo gay) SECTION A — PAGE 2 THE DALLAS POST Established 1889 Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Dallas, Pa. under the Act of March 3, 1889. Subscription rates: $4.00 a year; $2.50 six months. No subscriptions accepted for less than six months. Out-of-State subscriptions, $4.50 a year; $3.00 six months: or less. Students away from home $3.00 a term; Out-of- State $3.50. Back issues, more than one week old, 15c. Member Audit Bureau of Cireulations Ia Member Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers Association ID: Member’ National Editorial Assaciation A =| Member Greater Weeklies Associates, Inc. Cyiat’ Editor and Publisher i'..... oil Gia Myra Z. RisLEY LeicaToN R. Scorrt, Jr. x el wie ey AOA LT Mrs. T.M.B. Hicks Mgrs. DoroTHY B. ANDERSON CATHERINE (GILBERT ANNI EAT Louise MARKS Doris R. MALLIN Verma Davis Managing Editor Associate Editor Social Editor... ...niiinsiks Tabloid Bditor .. obi. iad ining, Advertising Manager Business Manager .... cou. doen. Circulation Manager Accounting May 18: STOCK MARKET RALLIES after heavy slump. CIVIL - WAR in Da Nang, South Vietnamese against South Vietnese. * * * May 19: BRITISH SEAMAN’S STRIKE continues, Eng- land feels food pinch; idle ships stand at docks. BUDDHISTS STAGE hunger strike, threaten to immolate themselves. FAMINE IN INDIA. INVESTIGATION SHOWS Atlas-Agena booster engine malfunctioned. LOST IN TYPHOON, at least 100 persons when ship sinks in Philippine waters. MONSOONS HOLD DOWN air action in Vietnam. TSHOMBI UNSEATED from House of Deputies. RACE VIOLENCE erupts in Los Angeles. CASSIUS CLAY walks and talks softly in London. Says he’s a new man. * * * May 20: OPERATION A SUCCESS, second. patient with implanted heart dies. COST OF LIVING spirals up, up, up. increase. rocket Car sales dex * May 21: KIDNAPPED GIRL still in shock, says little: about her abductor, killed when surrounded. CHAMPIONSHIP AGAIN for Cassis Clay. * * * May 22: McNAMARA DEFENDS student protests, as evi- dence of free speech, Javits proposes universal military service for all young men. RACE UNREST at Bakersfield, Calif. U. S. MARINE shoots Cuban guard at Guan- tanamo. Says man was climbing fence, had no choice. * * * May 23: STOCK MARKET climbs as three auto manu- facturers report increased sales. BRITISH GUIANA emerges as a nation, now called Guyana. BUDDHIST REVOLT in DaNang collapses, revolt continues in Hue as university students march. ; * be * May 24: DEAN RUSK upholds Vietnam policy. PREMIER KY says there will be elections. * * * : May 25: MEDICAL STUDENTS lead bitter anti-U.S. dem- onstration in Saigon. CUBAN REFUGEE rescue-planes from U.S. halted, last one from Cuba came back empty. WHAT COOKS, if Vietnam has full-blown civil war? Country inquires. * * x alter. before. | | | | | neared completion, was expected to Only Yesterday 30 Years Ago| Dallas Township's $40,000 annex | be in service for graduation of 16 | seniors. Late frost destroyed: 50 to: 90% | of orchard crops. Hard hit were: the | Gay, | Frantz, on higher, FEggleston, Lewis, Wiyda, Ro and Schoonover orchards. Ira dryer ground, es- caped serious damage. Fernbrook Park, nat one time valued at $140,000, was gold for zelle | $5.600. Two nuns from College Miseri- | cordia left to work with the lepers | in British Guiana. + KEEPING POSTED =» | Princess Comes Across” | coffee, 18 cents; Glendon Johnson, 17,; Noxen, died when his car overturned. The Dallas Post was printing ‘The on the in- stallment’ plan. ed Prunes were . 5" cepts a” pound; | round steak, 29; Eggs: were 24 cents : | Kitchen. | | a dozen, clams 100 for 27 cents. Large double lcaf of bread, 10 cents. Back page filled with sheriff sales. Died: Marie ‘Adelman, Frank Chief Ira Stevenson pledged him- | self to stop Sunday liquor sales at the Lake and arrest violators. Les Warhola was elected Dallas | Fire Chief. | marked its | 20 Years Ago It was the Memorial Day Issue. A picture of the Library, a memorial to men in the services; topped the front page. Under it was a picture of the Shavertown Honor Roll. At the left, was the list of dead killed in World War II, ‘a’ fixture since 1942 when the toll cf dead began to mount. The community honored its dead in small country ‘cemeteries and throughout the Nation. Inside pages showed many of the boys who gave their lives, headed by Richard. Wellington Cease, the first to. die,. [ second. Both boys were’ killed short- {.ly after the entrance of this country’ into the War. Richard, January 29, 1942; Keats, March 3, 1942. X Happy, ¢miling, or with lips grim- ly set, they look from the pages. It was the first ‘real Memorial Day since the beginning of the War. Those men who escaped death were | at home again, for the most part., some. Some were in : hospitals. were limping about’ the old home town. Life went on. Kingston National “Bank, with many area residents on its board, ! fiftieth birthday. Seniors were preparing for com- mencement. The State needed 3,000 more teachers. A ‘granite shaft | in memory was dedicated in Trucks- ville. Ralph Eipper and his road crew were cleaning ‘gutters and carting away debris after a week of steady downpour. Misericordia crowned a May Queen. Life went on and the dead rested quietly. How come we're showing the AFTER before the BEFORE ? To remind you that AFTER you're involved in an accident it’s too late to wish that everything was just like BEFORE. FREE: Send far “Life Saving Tips on Safe Driving” Room 301, Finance Building, Harrisburg, Pa. >. ~ COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Theodore B. Smith, Jr. Secretary of Revenue 3 id William W. Scranton Harry H. Brainerd Commissioner of Traffic Safety pork: shoulders 18;" and Keats Poad, the THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1966 x I That mark our II We are the Dead. Short Loved and were III War L. FA friend in Noxen gained some reknown in this column several months ago as a. student and ex- pert of the whys and wherefores: of bats. As a result of this fame, he has fo called to a home in Dallas Borough (of a well-known political | personage, incidentally) to analyze a similar ‘problem. He foresees a speedy end to the bats. Inevitably, his. own son is calling him “Batman’. from your phone company to the bearing: advertisements, are not permitted by law. It is probably not a coincidence | that several months ago a gentle- man from Dallas Township, now residing in Florida, sold advertis-. ing for such a cover to a number of Back Mountain businessmen, re- so far has failed to deliver the goods. In Flenders Field In Flanders Field the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, The larks still bravely singing fly, Scarce heard amid the guns below. We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, In Flanders Field. Take wp our quarrel with the foe, To you, from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die, We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders Field. . Editorial note: This is perhaps the most poignant piece . of writing which was forged out of the crucible of World Its author, John McCrae, was killed shortly after he composed the heartbreaking verses. “Better Leighton Never VERDE DE QE VERE RDI RE RQ EL VDERVEL DEDEDE RDE You may have received a memo effect. that covers for phone books, portedly for over $100 a shot, and | ~ THEIR LAST FULL MEASURE RR 7 Safety Valve A LAUREL WREATH May 24, 1966 Noxen, Pa. Dear Editor: Speaking for the firemen, ambu- | lance: crew, civic leaders and others, | Noxen is losing a true friend when | your managing: editor leaves his pest this week. We: say, sometimes, | out here that it takes about twenty | years to become a native of Noxen, i but it took 6 Leighton only a few | visits to be completely accepted. | The “little: red bug” was always eyed with instant theughts that a little. cheer would be exchanged when he chose a place to stop for | conver:ation. or business. Most of | all; the folks will miss the cenfidant | who could be trusted with all the | facts in a controversy. I never knew him to be indiscreet with them. If Leighton has gone (to Mex- ico?) before this is received, please convey our thoughts to him. We wish him well in his educational pursuits, We'll bet on his being an even greater asset to society with a top seeurity risk clearance. Sincerely, David D. Fritz SO, IT'S DISGUSTINB Editor: It's disgusting. We now have in | our Township a nice new park. It | will. soon become known all over | the State as Frances Slocum Park, | which: my brother William J. Rob- | bins named, and it will add to our | Township's beauty and a supply of | water if needed . / But already some people have found a place to throw their garbage. Is this fair? I wonder who could be so stupid. I am of the opinion that it is not anyone intelligent, but they say ignorance is bliss. | “I wonder what the reaction | would be if these same people found | trash on their lawns. We all as | tax-payers hold a share in the Park. | Let's all protect our investment. ! Corinne R. Jones j 5d Note: Folks are pretty sloppy. | Ive picked up waste paper from | my own fence-row, and one of the show- -places on Pioneer Avenue | gathered to itself a sack of beer- | cans the other day. It is not lack | of intelligence, it's: lack of pride, Dear place; and in the sky, days ago loved, and now we lie * * * | something which has to be taught - : | in early childhood. HIX. May 17, 19686 MORE SKIN-GRAFTS NEEDED Dear Mrs. Risley: way through Trucksville, you can’t | 1 “vould Like tor exiondt sincere help noticing the ‘enormous old thanks to my many friends of the hook-and-ladder fire truck at Tiny Back Mountain who sent cards and Gould's. | flowers and had special prayers for Never a dull car lot by anybody's | me during my accident in February standards, Tiny's place really gets|1965. It was those prayers and my the attention with this latest addi- wonderful friends and the Lord that tion, a 1910 American LaFrance I am able to be with my family horse-drawn rig, converted in 1914 today. to a motor-driven. It was, until a | I must return to the hospital in few years ago, still in Service in | three weeks for more skin grafts the fire company of West New York, | | and an operation but I know mv N.J. | friends will be thinking of me and I want to especially thank you for The first-stage of the 74-foot lad- sending mi. the Fost der is spring loaded for instant : : snap-up action, but Tiny isn’t about SY ows to pull the trigger until he can Tommy Evans get an expert to help. After She | : = | engineer pulls the trigger he’ holds | YWCA Benefit F ashion onto a strap brake for dear life | 1 and stays out of the way of the) Show Well Attended crank of the rewind winch.. There The attractive Valley Tennis and is such an expert in Wilkes-Barre, | Swim Club in Kingston Township a retired fireman whom Tiny ex- proved a delightful setting for the i pects will help him set up. | Back ‘Mountain YMCA Benefit Our well-known antique and Fashion Show held Tuesday after- classic car dealer doesn’t plan on noon. From— . = Looks like a full house for screened porch. I can see it now: . ‘where can we put our Pepsies?” ice cubes. supper tonight. lemonade in a little while.” After a bit, the small fry will to the suppert of the Library. should do a thriving busipess. the twins were teething. and another clamped down over fleas, or gets car-sick. after the Library Auction. him company with its ticking. We almost got a small pig on the price was too high. Everybody will bring guitars, know what a recorder is, look it organs. lock by remote control, level. juice department. been extended to May 31. illness. sity. backlog of savings could be illness. and for some other costs. eventually it will. In the meantime, if you elderly people. DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Pillar To Post... HIX the Library Auction. Kids in sleeping bags on the floor, kids upstairs, kids on the And undoubtedly the smallest electric’ refrigerator in: captivity, the pint-size model that replaced the faithful old Frigidaire when it finally conked' out last fall’ after thirty years. of care-free service.. “Nonnie; can’t we have gome ice-cubes? ‘and \ The answer to the first query will be a firm “There aren't any See that small cubicle? There isn’t. any r To the second query, the standard answer: nice drink of cold water, straight from the well. feet down, drilled right through solid rock, and the water is superior. A mite hard, maybe, but no: chlorine.” If there is too much deflation on the faces of the inquirers, Nonnie will probably add, “But I’ the ice machine down thataway, and make everybody gallons of That's full of hamburger for oom for ice-cubes; nor for bottles.” “Have yourself a That well is 155 m going to get a sack of ice from discover that cokes, nice and cold, may be purchsased at the Library Auction, with the revenue going With the thought of the ee- rlesy ice-box, the soft drink stand One of the families has: been coming, up every year, ‘ever since ¥ Fo The other family saw the light! Bist year when two small mem- bers arrived unheralded, and found skate-boards for sale. There was a horrid moment when it looked as if one of the puppies offered over the block was going to find a happy home in the arms of a small boy, but afirm. hand grasped him. by the rear his mouth, open for the final bid. That was the only bit of restraint laid upon the bidding . . . buy absolutely NOTHING that eats; howls with’ ‘homesickness, has We have pursued pigeons. all over the back porch the morning We have bedded down a Shier PUPPY, wrapping him snugly in a’blanket and putting an alarm clock in the box to keep one occasion. We were a saved from providing bed and board for a lamb, but solely becaus It looks like a clambake “this July 7-2 and 9. accordions, recorders (if you don’t up in the dictionary), and mouth Everybody will get locked out when the front. door snaps its untouched by human hands. This will lead to illicit entry through a screen on the back porch, in search of the spare key. The slit in the screen will not come to light until two weeks after theAuction. The mass consumption of chile will skyrocket to an unheard- of 0 The dairy will do a Wirioing business, likewise the frozen orange Everybody who is in the skate-board class now has a skate- board. and has worn the wheels off of it by now, so it will be possible to enter the living roomin the dark without inviting disaster. That is, it will be possible, if somebody isn't lying there; com- pletely comatose, in the middle of the fly- “way. Medicare Deadline Medicare deadline, sriginally set for March 31; has Medicare is not the panacea for all ills, but it will go a long way toward easing the strain of an expensive For those of retirement age, unless there are large X. resources in the family background, it is almost a neces- Hospital costs have: skyrocketed. A family’s entire 4 wiped out by one disastrous So, Medicare does not pay for siibsexiption drugs There is reason to believe that are in the Fetivement bracket, keep up the Blue Cross, using its: reorganized plan for And sign up for Medicare. . There will be no further chance for many months. Mrs. R. Spencer Martin in charge. assisted by Mrs. Lester Jordan and "selling ‘this baby, but will merely | Bergman's Department Store pre-|gr. Craig Aicher. The problem is under scrutiny of | add it to his. collection. In the township and state police, who no | meantime it is a real curiousity by doubt will come up with something, | the wayside, and has a lot of people | sented a charming prevue of ladies’ and children’s summer styles. Mrs. Juanita Miller was commentator. Mrs. Eugene Gilmartin was ticket chairman and Mrs. Robert Maturi in charge of publicity . ALLEN GILBERT | . Insurance Broker and Consultant “A Tax-Free Life Insuran » but it looks as though the business- men may have to wait a while for performance of contact, which in fact is prohibited by law anyway. ' As you drive up Memorial High- ' High- School Delegation At Classmate’s Funeral The account of the death of an eighteen-year old Lake - Lehman High School student following a car crash, had gone to press in the first saw an official delegation from | Lake-Lehman school in attendance: | Jeanne Kern, Thomas G. Brown, | Robert. Disque, Sherry Piper, Thom- | {as Stager, and Elwoed Ide. Richard J Hynick, tenth grade class advisor, | represented the faculty. Robert. Broody, and Gerald Evan. St. Paul’s Brotherhood erhood will hold a Special Covered ‘Dish Supper this evening in the church eocial rooms at 6:30 p.m. ing from A te D are asked to bring baked beans, from E to H coleslaw, from J to M potato salad, from N to S Sheet Cake, and T to Z, do- nate small amount toward mear and assist with clean up. Following the supper a World Series film will be shown. OFFSET PRINTING Made To Your Design The Dallas Post Please Use Our Coupons | commenting, here and down at the | Adult models were from Berg- section of the paper before addi- tional information was obtained from the undertaker, Harold Snow- | don, Jr. Wednesday afternoon services Pallbearers were Thomas Newell, | Edward Higgins, Robert Halowich, David Mulligan, Men of St .Paul’s Lutheran Broth- Those having last names begin- fabulously well attended antique .and © classic car, show this past ‘weekend. ! “I has. beén nearly two years since I. dropped in ‘at Tiny's, one of very few dealerships’ of this kind in the county. He now has a Duesen- | bérg, an Auburn roadster, a Cadillac phaeton, a Mercedes SS, a Bugatti roadster, an Indianapolis racer (Be- | langer Special, 1st place in '51), and many others] in fest sondition. Pet'm Liquid If You Love Your Pet . . . Pet’m! Pet'm Flea and Tick Spray Pet'm Flea and Tick Powder Pet'm Shampoo Bars Pet'm Shampoo Kits i man’s and juvenile fashions were | displayed by Sandra Perry, Megan | Davis, Barbara Johnson, Lisa Wil- liams and Elizabeth Siegel. Mrs. Leonard Adamshick demon- | strated the making of floral ar- rangements. The lovely centerpieces | were then awarded to Mrs. Joseph ! Conaway, Mrs. William Barber and | Mrs. Samuel Tonkin. | Mrs. Frank Parkhurst II was general chairman. Tea table: was festive with pansy. centerpiece with Shampoo PET'M COAT and caused by dry skin FOOD SUPPLEMENT — A unique product that helps pets a smooth lustrous coat. SKIN stop the itching and gives . - . EVANS DRUG STORE Harveys Lake Hwy., Shavertown Phone — 674-3888 or 674-4681 Proceeds will go Mountain YMCA funds for its - ac-~ tivities. The Board of the Back Monten YMCA wishes to thank the follow- ing individuals and organizations for | | their contributions: Snowdon Funer- | al Home, Rave’s Nursery and Old River Road Bakery. Ya ‘Bald the Tittle ol lady, “I never vote. It just encourages them.” toward Back! Trust Estate for F Your Family” is ‘their best pro- tection against ‘the problems f created by infla. “tion, and federal income and estate taxes. 288.2378 ) — keynote (674 Sl pa Sw Richard H. Disque funeral Home Consideration is the All-encompaessing is the consideration <5 given here to every detail of a funeral ; service . . . for every feith. The provision of ample parking space for For 26 years, our aim has been to render the finest service to all t with financial hardship to none. of service 672 Memorial Highway Pass PA... =. LARS ¥ i b NL