hs TT Mi EAE A IR GTN RR TA a oe Sa wR era A SECTION B — PAGE 6 THE DALLAS POST, NEWS FROM POST CORRESPONDENTS BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin 639-2544 @ NOXEN, Mrs. Elida Beahm Kelly 298-2149 DALLAS, Carol Ann Williams 674-4309 ® RUGGLES, Mrs. Charles Williams 639-5422 FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver 674-5460 ® SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. F. W. Anderson 675-2001 HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage 639-9531 ® SWEET VALLEY, Mrs. Thomas Sayre 477-3731 IDETOWN, Bess Cooke 639-5137 ° TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert 696-1689 JACKSON TWP., Richard Holodick 696-1294 ® EAST DALLAS, Mrs. John Konsavage 675-3087 MT. ZION, Rev. Zharles Gilbert 388-7261 ® KUNKLE, Mrs. Clyde Hoyt 675-2971 MOUNT ZION It was last week Wednesday that at Pastor Reid’s request, I took charge of the funeral of Mrs. An- drew Patrick of Carverton. Because she was born in Washington Town- ship up where flats down near Me- hoopany are called Carney Flats (and she was known to me back when 1 was her pastor at Russell Hill as “Sue Carney’) her funeral was held in Tunkhannock. Vestal. I pen, Lawton ete. to planned to come to the Endicott Methodist Church, the seat of Wyo- ming Conference, by way of the new McKinley Avenue Bridge but lost my way and went to Bingham- ton instead. That was all right for I had an invitation from my brother Don to be his guest during Conference. He wrote, “Thinking about your visit reminded me we used to go to the station and meet a train when any of our relatives visited us. Times have changed!” In another sense times had not changed, for he seemed as glad to meet me at his door as I was to unload there and both of us enjoyed ourselves. Truth is, I staid with him some of the time instead of taking in all Conference sessions. But that whole section of country has been so roaded and clover-leaved and exit- ted, right-laned and left-laned, ur- ban-renewaled that my old home town is a strange section to me. CONFERENCE ACTION By this time all will know about the removal of our District Super- intendent J, Rolland Crompton to the like position in the Bingham- ton District. Also the coming of the Rev. Roswell Lyon from the Sarah Jane Johnson church to the suverintendentcy of Wilkes-Barre District. Dr. Lyon is no stranger to the Back Mountain, having been at one time pastor of the Shaver- town Methodist Church and also a former superintendent of this dis- trict. I will welcome him at the same time I regretfully see Dr. Crompton leave our district for Binghamton. And the last 1 knew our own pastor is to remain with us. At Conference I struck up an acquaintance with John Henninger of the Dallas church — about birds! And a conversation with our friends Mr. and Mrs. Zel Goeringer whom we have known for some time — and liked! There are some resem- blances between a Methodist Con- ference and the Back Mountain Library Auction: the people we meet are often the same. Friendly folks. ABOUT POETRY One Back Mountain friend had From | there I went on by way to Meshop- the | from. Mrs. Hicks referred her to me as one who might know. (That's a dangerous thing to do!) It just happened. that the lines about “Speak to Him, thou, for He hears’ etc. ‘are among favorite limes from Tennyson. In order to be sure, I looked up the poem in Tennyson titled ‘The Higher Pantheism” to write her about. In the course of leafing through my volume I ran across one of Tennyson's “Early Sonnets” which I don’t remember ever seeing before — and wished | it were familiar to me. So I have { underlined the part which begins— “Mine be the strength of spirit, full | and free, Like some broad river | rushing down alone . ... — ”. Think Tll try to memorize that. TUFFY’S BIRTHDAY Last Sunday was our dog Tuffy's | fifth birthday. Along the road on | his and Catherine's walk they ran| | across neighbor Howard Krum who | ' recently had his third bithday,| | Catherine told Howard that this] was. Tuffy’'s birthday. ‘Did Tuffy | | have a birthday cake with candles lon it?" “No,” said Catherine, | ' “Birthday cakes aren't good for | Taffys, just for little boys.” (That | reply was not Tuffy’s idea at aly ! Said Howard, “When I had a birth- | day my momie gave me a birthday | cake with candles!” EATING. OUT | We did go out for dinner — and | put some meat scraps into a waxed | bag for Tuffy to have after dinner. | We