> DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA = a= Sunny Skies Spurring Clean-up Drive In Kingston Township This weekend three judges will visit the yards of contestants who have filed entries in the Clean-Up Drive being sponsored in Kingston Township. Purpose of the campaign is not to laud garticularly those who have spenifigreat sums to add shrubs and floral arrangements to their resi- dences but rather to encourage those who have had an accumul- ation of debris lying about for some time. Really a tidying effort, resi- dents are urged to help in making the area a neater place in which to live. Following the pattern set ‘by Wyoming Valley towns, Kingston Township Supervisors are the only governing body among local munici- palities, to join in the ambitious program. Two gardening experts who de- light in working in their own yards are responsible in promoting the drive. John Funke, Trucksville, and Edward Hall, Shavertown, can be seen any of these nice days or early evenings planting, weeding and ar- ranging their bulbs or plants. Both men, members of the supervisory boar @are responsible for promoting the “campaign. in their own com- munity. In an effort to spur greater in- terest, Mr. Funke has offered several prizes to be awarded. Chairman LaRoy Ziegler named him campaign chairman, To date many entries have not been received and with Friday set | as the filing deadline, those in- terested are asked to leave their name and address at Evans or Hall's ‘Drug Stores in Shavertown, Cairns or the Economy Store in Trucksville, Sutton’s Store, Carver- ton, or the Kingston Township Mu- nicipal Building. Telephone entries will also be accepted. Everell Chadwick, Mrs. Jane Schooley and Mrs. Pat Baird, all well versed in garden care, are the judges. The three will again tour the township after June 11, clos- ing date and select the winners. Final decision will rest entirely upon the three judges. Mr. Funke states that the supervisors will have noth- ing to do with this part of the campaign but have furnished town- ship trucks and crews to assist in hauling away trash. The men were on the job early this week and will pick up again on June 6 and 7. If you have not yet entered the contest, be sure to join your neigh- bors before the weekend. If you have an empty lot make it a little more presentable too. Kingston Township’s municipal able expansion and contraction noises! Be first in your neighborhood to enjoy the fabulous benefits of this latest advance from Flexalum! Ordi- nary aluminum siding becomes obsolete! The pat- ented Lok-On Stringer is .a special component nailed vertically ta the house wail which automat. _ ically levels it. You get perfectly even” panels — arrow-straight walls—and since there are no nails” In any panel, your house is free from any objection 259 OLD RIVER ROAD, WILKES-BARRE CALL 824-3535 DAY OR NIGHT FLAWLESS NEW BEAUTY NEVER BEFORE POSSIBLE! Patented LokOn Feature gives | ‘your home new, flawless beauty and improved insulation! - »* > - BLANKET-OF-AIR" fcLusIve! ty, | Let mia pei) | Trproved insuatiost § AT-NO- EXTRA COST! | . { WATIONALLY ABYERTISED ! { | | IN LEADING MAGAZINES! | | | to help? Read Before Spraying Read the label first! This simple rule is basic for safe, effective use of chemical pesticides in the gar- { den. Since all chemical pesticides are poisons, and some are fatal, they must be used with care. Read the entire label thoroughly, then follow all directions exactly. All-purpose mixtures are satis- ! factory for much pest control, but sometimes a specific chemical for a specific pest is more efficient. In any case, use only on plants and for pests listed on the label. | Since many poisons can be ab-| sorbed through the skin or inhaled, always wash off immediately any | that spill on ‘the skin and avoid breathing in the fumes. Don’t smoke while spraying and wash hands wit soap and water after spraying. Lock up chemicals to protect children and pets. Guard against air and water polution in disposing of left-over chemicals and mepty containers. \ Natural controls will keep pests at a minimum in a clean, well-cared for garden. When chemical help is needed, choose the right one for the job, and READ THE LABEL! building will also be a bit more attractive with plantings donated by Paul Rutkowski and top soil given by Bernard Banks and the Girl Scouts of Trucksville are beautifying the surrounding hill. ; A beautiful area can always be improved upon. What will you do Latticework Revival In Weatherproof Materials Latticework, which enclose thou- | sands of back porches, is gaining new popularity in decorative con- | struction, both indoors and out. Lattice designs range from the | basic criss-crossed slats to ornate | combinations of patterns. “New | weatherproof preservatives make | wooden latticework more durable, ‘and "modern plastics and steel allow for greater flexibility of design. Latticework can give privacy and at the same time give an airy, spa- cious! iappearance to the enclosed space. In the garden it provides support for climbing plants and pro- tection from wind, without cutting out sun and air. The new popularity of latticework is reflected in its use in fabric designs, wallpaper, and open-work ceramics. \ Cinnamon-Cider Glaze Cinnamon and cider give a dis- tinctive flavor to baked ham. For a 7 to 8 pound ham, make a paste of , cup of sugar, 1% teaspoons cinnamon and 1 tablespoons pre- pared mustard. Spread over the ham in a shallow pan, add 3 cup of cider, and bake at 375 for one hour, basting every 15 minutes. Add more cider if needed. Yes . . . forget summer's heat! Be calm and . comfortable with wonderful air conditioning! You—and all of your folks from baby Sis to Grandad—will feel better and look better when I'm on the job to bring you cool, filtered air, ‘round the clock, all through this hot muggy weather. tion, wiring, etc. LIVE BETTER ... ELECTRICALLY HARVEYS LAKE Sighting The Back Mountain Area Since 19220 DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA 18512 @ 717 == 741072 Ask your dealer about air conditioning. He can give you the story on cooling your whole house—or just a room or two. He can also advise you on installa- LIGHT COMPANY See him today. May Is Building Her House May is building her house. With apple blossoms She is roofing over the glimmering rooms; Of the oak and the beech hath she builded its beams, And, spinning all day at her secret looms, With arras of leaves each wind-sprayed wall She pictureth over, and peopleth it all With echoes and dreams, And singing of streams. May is building her house of petal and blade; Of the roots of the oak is the flooring made, With a carpet of mosses and lichen and clover, Each small miracle over and over, And tender, traveling green things strayed. Her windows the morning and evening star, And her rustling doorways, ever ajar With the coming and going Of fair things blowing, The thresholds of the four winds are. May is building her house. From the dust of things She is making the songs and the flowers and the wings; From October's tossed and trodden gold She is making the young year out of the old; Yea! out of the winter's flying sleet She is making all the summer sweet, And the brown leaves spurned of November's feet She is changing back again to spring's. Ri1cHARD LE GALLIENNE. YOU CAN _ | of colors including yellow, rose, | Gas Range SALE _ SAVINGS ARE ASTRONOMICAL WITH ALL THINGS GASTRONOMICAL... When You Cook With Gas! STILL SAVE upto Have A Hearth? Whether you hire a contractor or | | do it yourself, you can add new | beauty and distinctiveness to your home with a hearth! Long a symbol of hospitality and family life, the hearth also repre- sents a very modern way to en- ‘hance a home's attractiveness and | resale value. and traditional, as well as easy to install and keep clean. And because quarried stone offers a wide range | beige, deep purple, charcoal and jet black, researchers at the Build- ing Stone Institute advise that the | fireplace may be the best place to begin your decorating, niture, drapes and decorating ac- tastefully planned hearth. While fireplaces are often found in living rooms and dens, modern architects and decorators don’t limit themselves to these two areas. kitchens, where waist-high rotis- series and barbecues are the order of the day. And they have been installed in master bedrooms for the sheer luxury of fire-watching while in bed. A popular new way to use a hearth is as a free-standing room divider. Because the divider-hearth is open on both sides, :t can be en- e FREE INSTALLATION o NO DOWN PAYMENT ® 3 YEARS TO PAY e NO COSTLY 3-WIRE SERVICE NECESSARY WITH GAS PLIANCE PENNSYLVANIA GAS 3 and WATE R Company THE LARGEST PUBLIC UTILITY WITH HEADQUARTERS IN NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA since fur- | cessories often blend easily with a | Hearths have also been designed for | *100 . ON SOME MODELS... IF YOU SEE YOUR GAS AP- GAS COMPANY THIS WEEK. joyed from any point in the room., Control Rose Blackspot A fireplace is an attractive, in- | expensive and durable way to in-| crease the value of your home. Ac- cording to real estate men in the know, a home with a hearth not only brings a better resale price, but may even help to sell your house more rapidly. But whether you see it as a good investment, or as comfort and enjoyment for the entire family, chances are you'll ting fired up about! Blackspot on roses, which can make the leaves turn yellow and drop off, can be controlled by regu- lar care. Remove spotted leaves as they appear and spray weekly with folpet or maneb. Avoid overhead and late-day watering. LIMERICK There was a young lady from Clyde, Who of eating green apples she died; Within the lamented The stone fireplace is handsome agree that a fireplace is worth get- | The apples fermented, Leaving cider inside her insides. included 1 | Plenty of Free Parking Phone 287-9953 | Don't miss out on the lowest prices of the season on automatic Gas ranges. The sale ends this week. DEALER OR THE wy Bolen, She 270 § WYOMING AVENUE, KINGSTON, PA. Transform Your House Into A Gracious Home! Every detail contributing to gracious living is in our decorating service. carpet, rugs, lamps, furniture as well as custom made draperies, slip covers and upholstering. See us now for your spring and summer decorating. OPEN THURSDAY NIGHTS y you can depend on? We sell SECTION B-PAGED 1 . PPL SECS SCS TAPIA: ARLE YY TIT et Re ET cr so Ere A ng an