me. ain. ne. lue. der eds are it. not a 66, “his ted p pment DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Retirement In Paradise Bay, Florida, Is A Busy Time For The Howard Ides by Lena Ide | Will review for you our most re- cent busy week, starting with Palm Sunday. Pdlm ‘Sunday was a beau tiful day, temperature was 62 when we got up in the morning, then went up to 78 during the day. We attended the 11 o'clock service at our church, taking with us our three nearby widows, Mil, Liz and Gertie. After church we ate at Mor- rison’s Cafeteria “where we laiched onto a line about 150 feet long. and slowly approached the food area. This is the peak of the tourist season and. every: eating establish- meint in Bradenton has long lines of people waiting to be served. It appears these lines seem to move faster than at restaurants, there- fore we prefer cafeterias. After eating on Sundays we usu- ally take a drive of forty-five min- utes to one and on-half hours, so Howard took us to ‘the Lambkin rose garden at Palma Sola. Mrs. Lambkin is the president of the local Rose Society and ‘has many beautiful roses, some bushes’ being. six feet ‘high- and. six feet. broad, with ‘wood that is one. and :one-. half to two: inches thick at’ the bases of the plant. She has roses. of every, color, shape and: size, and. they are a joy to behold. On the. ground among ‘the bushes are several bird | feeders and we saw. six or seven. grouse scamper ‘away : from the feeders . as we ' approached. These grouse are the same as you have up north and we see them occasion- ally in our own Park. ‘We came home by way of Anna Maria Island and Long Boat Key and ‘arrived - here ‘about 3 p.m. There were many shufflers on the courts, so we changed clothas and joined them for an hour or two of fun. The next day, Monday, April 4, was a rainy day. Temperature was 70 in the ‘morning and we needed the rain. It was a good rain - not too heavy - just mice and steady. | We were busy catching un on little odd jobs in the a. m. and at noon time, while eating dinner, we turned on the NEWS program. ‘With a- | mazement we listened to reports | of the tornado that had swept through Florida at 8:30 a. m., all] the way from St. Petersburg on | the West Coast, across the state to Cape Kennedy on the East Coast. bringing death to 10, and injuries to 196 persons, with property dam- | age estimated to be about six mil- | lion dollars. The rain continued all day here and quit sometime in the night. Wa | heard no complaints about the rainy | weather because: we all felt very | fortunate that we had heen:in Par- | adise Bay instead of being in the | ‘duct have: less “of the: bittér flavor | |.into- 100 1b. bags and stored in a | then packed them into cartons. There were huge mountains of these | cartons stored ready for use. We | left this building and went to the | loading platforms where nine cars | can be loaded at one time for ship- | ment by rail. TROPICANA products | ave sold in every state in the na- tion. We wene given a cup of or-| path of the tornado. The next day, Tuesday, was cool | and cloudy, with a temper ature | range of 64 to 66. 1 went to the | ange juice and our trip. was com- | Euchre party at the Recreation Hall | pleted. in the afternoon, then we both went | We returned to our home about to the Whist party at the Hall in|4 p. m. and in the evening attended | the evening. | our weekly Pinochle party at the On Wednesday I shuffled with the home of a friend in the Park. ladies of our Park from 9:30 to 11 | The next day, Thursday, Howard a. m. After lunch our neighbors, I stayed at the Topliffs of Michigan, invited us to go with them to visit the TROP- | ICANA plant at Bradenton. These | are guided tours and are booked months ‘in advance, so we were | very fortunate that Mr. aand Mrs. | went fishing with Liz. home to do the family They caught four sheepshead while fishing on the City Pier on Anna | laundry. THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY MAY 3, 1966 Marie Island and were home by |The Park owner supplied the hot- | noon. That is where I was from 1:30 noon. After lunch Mr. Topliff came | and asked Howard to go fishing | with him, so again he went fishing, | this time in a boat in Sarasota Bay. | They caught three sheepshead and | one amber jack. So we ate fish for | two days and had some to freeze for later use. This being Maundy | | Thursday, we took the three widows | and all went together to Holy Com- munion at 7:30 p. m. at the Wegt- | minster United Presbyterian Church. The next day being Good Friday, we all attended a beautiful service at our Recreation Hall at 10 a. m.! where we “broke bread” with our fellow Park members. The tables were formed in the shape of a huge cross the full length of the building. | cross buns and :coffee.for the 225 persons present. After we had eaten, | we ‘listened to a reading of ‘The Robe” given by Mrs. Carson Prizer, | who presented it in a most charm- | ing manier, Later that same evening there were six of us got together for a friendly game of Pinochle. Saturday is cleaning day at our with the vacuum and the mop. In the afternoon’: there is | partner, plays” one - game, then draws for. a second partner, and so on for three games. It is much fun and there ‘are wsually 16 or 18 Clarke left that morning for their | home in Michigan and we were able to take their place in the group. TROPICANA is one of our larg- | est industries and is expanding very | rapidly. They process oranges into juices, both fresh and frozen, and | various other concentrates. Oranges | are unloaded at the rate of two trailer loads every. 15 minutes. | From the trailer these oranges go on a belt: through a washer, then a scrubber, then up .an elevator to the processing rooms. These oranges | are reamed. -instead of squeezed, | ‘which makes the TROPICANA pro- A of the rind. Huge blocks of fresh orange: juice are frozen then stored for later use when oranges are not in season. | We were allowed to walk into the | interior of this wast’ freezer and see the blocks of frozen juice, each | block equivalent to 20 gallons. The cold -air felt like. needles piercing | my arms and legs. Needless to say | we didn’t stay long in that atmos- | phere, but turned and. ran out through the falling frost which | seemed like snow. : The oils that are extracted from the rind and the ground pulp are processed for flavorings and molas- ges. The remainder of the rind is cut up aand dried in kilns for dairy feed. From the kilns it is aereated in revolving -tubes that are larger than a box car. Then it is bagged | huge warehouse 800 x 800 feet. TROPICANA also makes the bot- tles for their juice products, so we next visited the glass-making de- partment. Here we saw large kilns of molten glass: being made into To her family, she’s special. She’s understanding, a banquet chef, a short order cook, a fountain of love, a chauffeur, warmth and security. bottles of different sizes, such as | half-pint, quart and half-gallon. The | a mender of hurts. temperatures in this department | were to the other extreme. It was | She's serubbed ears, | very, very, HOT! We were required to wear a mask over our eyes From these machines the bottles went on’ assembly lines to numer- ous inspection stations where girls inspected them for cracks or flaws, WHITMAN'S says if best on Mothers Day Every Mother Loves WHITMAN'S SAMPLER! ! Our Choice of CANDY is VERY SPECIAL. > a tender nurse, a maid, a queen. Yes, she’s very, very special. iA Am She's clean socks, starched dresses, She deserves a day of honor and tribute. She deserves the love of those she loves. This Sunday, you'll tell your mother how much you care. We'dlike to tell all mothers, “We Care; too)” COPYRIGHT © 1966, THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO., INC. r house; so we spent the forenoon Pot-luck | shuffling in which one draws for a courts in, play each Saturdey after- | to. 3:30. In the evening we played Canasta | with a grand old couple from Can- ada. Mr. Austin is 83 years old and his wife is 79, but they are as spry {and full of fun as many others in their fifties or sixties. Then came Easter Sunday. We went to church with Gertie and three other widows, six in all. We did not want to wait in line to eat at a restaurant as the lines are twice as long on a holiday, so we phoned our order to Col. Sanders Chicken House for a ‘barrel’ of Kentucky Fried Chicken. We picked it up at 12:20 along with mashed potatoes and gravy, rolls and cab- bage slaw, took it to Gertie’s home and had a delicious Easter dinner, with ice cream for dessert. In the middle of the afternoon we came home and found some visitors from Pennsylvania sitting on our porch waiting for us. It was Frank and Leona Jenkins of Dor- rance Street, Kingston, also Mrs. Ernest Wood of Dallas, and Mrs. Willard Saxe of ‘St. Petersburg, for- merly of Wyoming, Pa. The former are friends of my brother, Bob Greg- ory of Dorrance Street, Kingston, and he had asked them to look us’ up while in this vicinity. We were very happy to talk with these pleasant folk, and we soon found that we had many mutual acquaint- ances throughout Kingston, Lehman, Dallas, Shavertown and Trucksville, and thus learned the latest news concerning many of them. SECTION B — PAGE Before they departed, Howa took them to the back yard to his tomato plants. He has three them growing in large pails, ai they are 12 to 14 feet tall. Th are tied to large trellises and ha now outgrown the trellis, so ties them to a tree. He has pick 280 ripe tomatoes since Christma He also has a geranium that is § feet tall and it is loaded with r4 blooms. All in all it was a most interes ing week and is typical of the b and happy life in Paradise Ba Y'all ¢’mon down and see vy’ hear ? Fiease Use Our Coupons When You Buy of Our Advertise I SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY NONE PRICED HIGHER! CUT FROM BEEF ROUND Swiss Saks FRESH GROUND x BONELESS ROUND LEA, ENDER STEAK ROAST A CUT FROM BEEF ROUND “79¢ Cube Steaks ....." 98¢ GENUINE EYE Beef Round .....» 79¢ Round Roast . CUT FROM BEEF ROUND SIRLOIN TIP Steak & Roast »79¢ x] $1.09 ’ FRYING Chicken BONELESS OR ROUND BONE Legs or Breasts 1p. HALIBUT Zh Steaks .....» 79c FRESH Shad HICKORY SMOKED 49¢ SHOULDER Chuck Roast .........» 69¢c Veal Roast ..........» 49¢c SUPER-RICHT THIN SLICED ALLGOOD LEAN ickle imento 11b. 11b. Bologna "%'5r text...» 59¢ Sliced Bacon .......% 69c SUPER-RIGHT : TENDER Cornish Hens 2.” ....» 45¢ Beef Liver ..........» 49c FRYING CHICKEN FRESH Quarters 5. ........»47c Pork Sausage 5x ....™ 59c SUPER-RIGHT : DOMESTIC Skinless Franks ......» 59¢ Canned Hams J» ....» 89c Sauerkraut «issings . .... %G 25¢ Turkey Breasts ‘i: *“.... n 85¢ — AGP’s FISH & SEA FOOD SELECTION! — CAP'N JOHN Ih. 10¢ w 33¢ Seallop gone. BUCK ROE PORK ROAST Lb. 89¢ Pork Chops .89c BONE IN 39¢c 9, | AMERICAN BEAUTY Butter Beans Bo AMERICAN BEAUTY Pork & Beans ig AMERICAN BEAUTY RED Kidney Beans ' AMERICAN BELLE : Spaghetti Bio % SPECIAL CANNED GOODS SALE! AMERICAN BEAUTY GREAT Northern Beans ':o- AMERICAN BEAUTY Lima Beans Jor AMERICAN BEAUTY Sliced Carrots “50 AMERICAN BEAUTY SHREDDED 10° A&P Grape Drink Sauerkraut hy Stock Up! ; r Al Tropical 1-Qt., 14-0Oxz. yr ronice 3 Hale : 89¢c 12-Oz. Jars 69c¢c Ann Page Peanut Butter... Sultana Apple Jellies SULTANA Pork & Beans El 1-Lb. Cans All Varieties 3 Sizes § to 11 GLAMALON 25¢ Nylon Hose hi *1 .00 Pair 39¢ APUDIA puke sefeq ul Sov Jedng ppv qe ur 4 Ae) ‘Aepanjeg ySnoay) JAIRO PY STY) UT SOOTLY rr FRESH TENDER ‘Family Security is built on Four Cornerstones. .. not Life Insurance alone!’ Imagine a Life Insurance Man talking like this! An Investors Man does. That's’ why it is worth your while to cons sult him. . « For sound financial planning, call your INVESTORS Man today! 674-5231 Thomas N. Kreidler, Jr. 26 Division Street, Shavertown, Pa. zone manager, 822.3266 SULTANA Meat Pies FRENCH’S Green Beans .........» EY Frozen Foods! == “|| Fruit Drinks Asn Cube Steaks FRESH 19¢ West. SENECA CONCENTRATED Beef Chicken 8-oz. 89¢ & Turkey Pkgs. 6-oz. CT Cans C Also Breaded 1-1b. Veal Steaks Pkg. 19¢ i of LARGE SELECTION 7 ROR ; ana Vegeta 3 es! i COSVEIICS 7 CALIFORNIA 7 CALIF. RED RIPE TOO ! : ° Navel Oranges Strawberries = 69° No Dry Pint 39¢ Jone ne Higher! Basket Higher! FINO’S gh. DRUG STORE A | Black Grapes .........~45c Pineapples .......3 = $1.00 Main Highway CALIF. P FRESH PP $ Dallas Iceberg Lettuce ... "asi 19¢ Sweet Peas ....... 0.2 m. 29¢ ra 25c Carrots . ... NEW YORK STATE Sharp Cheese .. A&P CREAMED Cottage Cheese Eggs © Grade — A te Eo FYE Sunnybrook Medium Size JANE PARKER LAYER Mowers Cakes 89¢ Coconut 1-Lh. 8-0z. A&P INSTANT Coffee 20c ced Beverages 1 ye H.08 YUKON CLUB CANNED 12-0z. Cans 6c) ier 000 = ec doz. 85 2 « 85¢c | Lge. & Small Enriched Bread GIT Foods! Jo JANE PARKER Lemon Pie Tu ..... JANE PARKER Pound Cake Sic... JANE PARKER Made With Buttermilk 1-Lb., Lvs. SAVE 6¢ 43c 49¢ 1-Ib. 8-oz. 1-1b. .3-o0z. 6-oz. 49¢ Ze Kleenex Facial Tissues 2 Prey oe 43¢c Alisweet Margarine .......... .2 5. 59e 15%4- 0Z. DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES Kleenex Dinner Napkins asa) ries 49¢ | Calo Cat Food ..... coronene 8 Tom 79¢ Xe ite, Wows” uit; Chorsisre nd Kleenex Paper Towels = crew “5 41¢ | StrongheartCatFood ......... cu 10¢ | ; 2:5. 1-Lb., 2%2-0z. yy Delsey Bathroom Tissues ....... neo: 96g | Pard Dog Food cv, .......... 67.99¢ Pkg. 35c¢c Pho, Ann Page Tomato Soup ........ A4c:46¢| White House Evap. Milk ...... “ane 87¢ | DUNCAN HINES Blue Bonnet Greenwood Sic? Beets .......... 2%. 43¢ | Star-Kist Tuna Fish on ...... 2°C0 i ANGEL FOOD MIX “SOFT” MARGARINE Kotex Sanitary Napkins .,....... . ut'1.29 | Deep Blue Tuna Fish ©. ..... cans 15€ 15-0. 1-Ib. a: Sunsweet rs Prunes ae 41¢ 7.2 69¢ | Hearts Delight Apricot Nectar o> 374 Pkg. 59c¢ Pkg. 45¢ SYNDICATE LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPA Yuban INSTANT COFFEE 51 57 Yuban COFFEE 1-1b. 93¢c Can Maxwell House . COFFEF a Ib. e171 Chase & Sanborn COFFEE 2-1b. Can Ha 57 o off ORANGE & LEMON DRINK Blennd 1-qt., 14-0x. any 69c |. Ragu SPAGHETTI SAUCE 43c %75¢ 1