The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, May 05, 1966, Image 10

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SEC110N B — PAGE 2
+ News Of
Rev. John P. Walsh, Pastor
Rev. Vincent Langin, assistant
Sunday Masse~ 7:30; 8:45 and
Rev. Francis A. Kaue, Pastor
Assistant Pastors
Rev. Michael Rafferty
Assistant Rev. John A. Bergamo
Sunday Masses at 7:30, 9, and
1 am.
Sunday Masses at 7:30 and 9:30.
Rev. Stanley Kolucki
Sunday Masses, 7:20, 9 and 11
The Churches A
FELLOWSHIP Rev. Fred Eister
Sunday services at YM-YW,|ALDERSON: S.S. at 10, worship at
Wilkes-Barre: [11:15 .
: 19.0 am. service and Chirch| Myve 6 p.m.
chool. | EVANS FALLS: S.S. at 10, worship
ER Lat 11:15.
| KUNKLE: S.S. at 10 a.m.; worship
> UN: Worship a am. 1 88
CHARGE lat 11.
Rev. Wm. Rosser, Pastor MYF 6 p.m.
MAPLE GROVE CHURCH: | RUGGLES: Worship 8:45, S. S. 9:45,
Sunday services: Sunday School |
at 9:45, Morning Worship at 11. |
Tuesday: Junior Choir at 7.4
Senior Choir at 8.
LOYALVILLE: Morning worship at|
Sund ice m=
9:30, followed by Sunday School, | ® i Sida hat
EN oWEORE 11 a.m.
| Wednesday Even ing 8
FREE METHODIST CHURCH | Voinesday Evening Meeting
Rev. Grove Armstrong, Pastor
Sunday: 8:35 a.m. Radio Program ASSEMBLY OF GOD
| Just one word spoken alone
Rev. R. W. Edmondson, Pastor
WBAX. Sunday School 9:30; Morn- MOORETOWN
ing Worship 10:30.
Sunday evening service at 7:15.
ship at 11 a.m.
Sunday School - 10:00 AM.
Morning Worship - 11:00 A.M.
Evening Evangelistic Service 7:30 |
Wednesday, Ladies Prayer Meet-
ing - 1:30 P.M.
Pioneer Girl's - 7:00 P.M.
2 Thursday, Mid-Week Prayer and
Praise Service - 7:30 P.M.
Rev. Andrew Derrick 18:15 p. m.
Sunday Services: Morning Wor- | DYMOND HOLLOW: 11:15 a. m.|
ship Services, 9:45;°S.S., 11; Young !
People, 6 p.m.; Evening Service 7.!
Wednesday evening: 7:30, Prayer
and Bible Study.
Sunday Morning Broadcast over |
WNAK at 7:45.
24 Lehman Avenue, Dallas
Sunday: Sunday School 10 am.
Sacrament Serviee 11 a.m.
Wednesday evening at 7:30, sec-! 7:30 Evening Worship. ; {Bore Bs 2 Nr Chis
ond and fourth of each month, Choir practice Tuesday evenings | :30 p. m. ance
a Thursday: 6 p. m. Boy Scouts
-Mutual Improvement Association, | st 8. pm Clete 1
; : i i Thursday, 7:30! my 5 ;
hen ilo Fung Doople hom ge lef Awe Services Wea Friday: 4 p. m. Aldersgate Choir |
—— ns
: Harveys Lake
Rev. Forest Nelson
Sunday services: Sunday School |
at 9:45; church service at 10:45,
~ Evangelistic service at 7:30.
Wednesday at 7:30, Bible Study
_and prayer.
} "Rev. Donald Keller
“Sunday: Church School 9:45 a.m.
Morning * Worship at 11.
= FMY 7:15 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:45
Tuesday; 4 p. m. Christian Youth
* Crusaders. \
. Wednesday: 7:45 p. m. Prayer
| EAST DALLAS: 10:15 a. m. Church | at
| Official Board fourth Mondays at |
| years of age during the 11 o'clock : N
Sunday services: S. S. at 10, wor-
‘Wednesday 7:00 Family Prayer; 7:30, evening worship.
Night. ! Tuesday, 7:30, Bible Studv.
There is a well staffed and equip- |
ped Nursery for all regularly sched- |
uled services.
Rev. Howard E. Hockenbury
| Rev. C. F. Gommer, Jr., Pastor
Sunday, May 8: 9:30 and 11 am. |
| Worship Services. There will be a
CENTER MORELAND: 10:00 a. m.| Sacrament of Baptism
Church School; Worship, 11:15. | 9.30 a. m. Church School |
Official Board, First Mondays, 11 a.m. Youth Department Church |
| School
6:00 p.m. Mid-Teen Fellowship
Ciiurch Scheel; Worship 10:15. 6 p.m. Senior M. Y. F.
Official Board, Third Mondays, 7 pm. Junior High Fellowship
8:15 p. m. | Monday: 1:30 p. m. Mary Circle
home of Miss Ruth Merrel
4 p. m. Girl Scout Troop 630
8 p. m. Official Board
Tuesday: 9 a. m. Quilters
4 p. m. Girl Seout Troop 634
4:15 p. m. Youth Membership
8 p. m. Friendship. Class
8 p. m. Dallas Junior: Women’s
Fashion Show
Wednesday: 4:15 p.m. ‘Wesleyan |
School; Worship 9:00 a. m. i
| 8:15.
Sweet Valley
Rev. B. Kirby Jones |
sunday Services: Sunday School
t 10; morning worship at 11.
Saturday: 6:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. |
Rev. Robert H. Sheehan. Pasior
i Amdrew Pillarella, Pastor
Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Worship Borys)
ice. ¢
9:45 a.m. Church School with
classes for all ages. |
11:00 a.m. Worship Service.
Nursery for children under
‘Sunday, 9:45 a.m. Church School |
6 and Nursery. :
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship and
: ursery.
service. 7:3 i . 1
6:30 p.m. PARENT NIGHT for all|’ (20. Pm. Young Adult
5 | Monday, 8:00 p.m. Christian Edu-
Parents and Friends of M.Y.Fers.' cation Compitice.
(to help us understand the M.Y.F. Tuesday, 7:30. p.m Session Meet- |
better) 2h .
omy 4:00 p.m. Brownie Troop, Thursday, 8:00 p.m. Choir rehear- |
: sal.
en 1:00 p.m. W.S.C.S. Meo Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Communi-
Les lass.
3:15 pm. Girl Scout. Troop 639. jeans Olsss
Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Chancel
7:00 p.m. Webelos. | William * Reid, Pastor
| 8:0 p.m. Senior Choir rehearsal. |
Gate Of Heaven
| and Mrs.
| man of this® Highlight of the: Socie- |
| Kern. :
{ Mrs. John Maniskas - Mrs. William
revue of summer fashions for wo-| Mr. Wertman, 60
by Mrs. Charles Long, Sweet Valley
| Mother, it is spring now, and my thoughts turn to you
| As I walk through my yard, just as you used to do
| Searching for signs of renewed life in your many bulbs and plants
| That you'd lovingly placed in the soil many months — perhaps years
| in advance
| Most always you would walk in the early part of the day,
| And as you saw the new growth, you would tenderly brush away
| The leaves — so that the sun might -
Reach and warm the shoots before the coolness of night
{1 also recall with humor that your jaunts quite often would end
| Beyond the border of flower beds, to chat with a neighboring friend
| There you would be when I missed you, not meaning to cause alarm,
| But I'd search both the garden and yard—sometimes as far as the barn.
| After awhile I'd call “Mother”—soon you'd answer with a mischievous |
“yes,” |
| But I knew with much satisfaction
That you meant “Yes, I'm coming home.”
It will soon be a year since you left us
| After years of suffering with pain,
Life seemed hard for you many times, Mother,
| But in death you had Heaven to gain.
| Many tears I have shed in secret, nursing your dear sweet face
| Wishing you were here with us now, filling your own special place.
Then with comfort I recall your last moments ; |
We would not leave you alone, ; y :
We were all near by, when ‘you answered His Call
Saying “Yes, I'm Coming Home.” v
' Altar And Rosary
Plans Annual Birthday Tea May 19
The Altar and Rosary Society of. March Mrs. John Hulhern.
Gate of Heaven Church will hold! April Mrs. Gus Faerber and Mrs.
| their "Annual Birthday’ Tea: Thur- Leon Chase.
day evening May 19: in the .church | May, Mrs: Raymond McDonald
| auditorium following the Evening and Mrs. Marvin Elston.
Mass for Ascension Thursday. June Mrs. Francis Dixon.
Mrs. Edward Wilson is chairman |.
William Wallo co-chair- Raymond Andes. :
August Mrs. Bruno Marracio.
ty’s Spring Social Season. September Mrs. Sam Stiles and
Program will be an original Mus- Mrs. Jay Young.
ical playlet written by Mrs. Matt | October Mrs. Charles Glawe.
Evans. | November Mrs. Joseph Turpak
Mrs. Joseph Gries will be nar- 2nd Mrs. Andrew Honko.
ralor = | December Mrs. Raymond Jacobs.
Mrs. Williams Carrol is the di-| Hostesses for tea tables for the
rector. i cicasons are: Winter Mrs. Jon F. Mc-
Accompanist will be Mrs. John : Andrew and Mrs. Francie J.. Barry.
Summer Mrs. Leo Moen, Mrs.
Ralp Godleski and Mrs. Fred Hosle.
Spring Mrs. Edward Rees, Mrs.
John Martin and Mrs.
Musical selections will be render-
ed by Mesdames William Wallo,
Loretta Harvey, George = Decker,
Sandy Kabeschat, Maureen. Lavelle, Carthy.
Paula Scott and William Carroll. Fall Mrs. John Gallagher and Mrs.
Tweleve tables will be decorated Phillip Jones.
one for each month of the year. Al- | ' Handling the kitchen preparations
=o, four additions] tables, one for are Mrs. Mike Polacheck and Mrs.
each of the seasons. = =. *. Ed Gilmer.
In charge for January are: Mrs.
James Dick - Mrs. Peter Kozachock, Table Hostesses.
Zahler. :
February Murs. Hans Menzel and ing Mrs. Edward Wilson or Mrs.
Mrs. John Konsavage. ? ' William Wallo.
YMC N Services Today For
A ANEWS charles W. Wertman
Mrs. Frank: Parkhurst IIT, Fashion | Services for Charles W. Wertman
Committee Chairman. for the: Back are scheduled for this afternoon at
Mountain Y.M.C.A., announces an 2 from the Disque Funeral Home.
afternoon of “Summer Fun”, — a Burial will te at Fern Knoll.
0 ? 0 resident of
men and children.’ The event will.
be Xeld at the Valley Swim
Tennis Club’ on Tuesday, May 24 Hospital after an illness,
Lee Mec- |
Kunkle for the past thirty years, |
and gieq Tuesday morning at General |
Rev. Winfield Kelley
JACKSON: Sunday worship 8:45;
*S.S.. 9:45.
IDETOWN: Sunday worship at 10;
S.S. at 11; MYF at 7.
LEHMAN: Sunday worship at 11:15; |
S.S. at 10; MYF at 6.
At Lehman, May 10, Tuesday, 8
‘pm. Wait and See Class.
May 11, Wednesday 2 p.m. Lou-
ella Needy Class.
At Idetown, May 7, Saturday, 8
p.m. Official Board.
May 11, Wednesday 7:30 p.m.
: Beaumont
Elder Roger H. Clamsen
Saturday services: Sabbath School,
30; church services at 11 a. m.
Noxen Independent Bible Church
Rev. Warren Hathaway, Pastor
Sunday, S S 10 a.m.; Morning
Worship at 11.
Evening Worship 7:30.
Wednesday, Rible Service 7:45 p.m.
Rev. Henry E. Westfield
Sunday services: Morning worship
at 10; Sunday School at 11:10.
Nursery during church service.
MYF at 7 p.m.
Tuesday at 8,
Quilting, all day.
Second Thursdays, WSCS dinner
served to public at noon. Study
group second Wednesdays, 7:30.
Two-fold Club, first Fridays at 8.
B. A. Class third Saturdays.
C & U Club third Sunday 'eve-
choir practice.
Rev. Frederic H. Eidam, pastor
bir Sunday Worship Services at 8:30
Hg and 11 a.m. Sunday School at 9:30
Second Tuesdays
Dorcas Society.
Fourth Thursdays at 8 p.m. —
Men's Brotherhood.
Every Thursday at 6:45 p.m. —
Youth Choir; Senior Choir at 7:30
pm. 3
Friday — Cherub Choir at 6:30
p.m.; Chapel Choir at 7:30 p.m.
at 8 p.m. —
a.m. hearsal; 4:15 Youth Choir; 7:30,
, First Tuesdays at 8 p.m.—Church Senior Choir and Quartet.
| Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout. MOUNT ZION: 9 a. m. Worship;
Troop 281. Topic: Their Rightful Heritage: Read
8:00 p.m. Cub Scout Committee yr Timothy 1:1-7
Meeting. | iis
Friday, 7:30 p.m. Durbin Class 10.5. m. Sunday. School ey
Mother and Daughter Tea. CARVERTON: 10 a. m. Worship
11 a. m. Sunday School
ORANGE: 10 a. m. Sunday School
11 ‘a. m. Worship
| Rev. John S. Prater
i Thursday, 4:15 p.m. Junior Choir |
Rehearsal. | . . |
Friday, 8 p.m. Senior Choir Re- George W. Crispell Dies
In St. Petersburg, Fla. |
| Friday, Saturday, Diocesan Con-
vention in St. Luke’s Church, George W. Crispell, 85, passed
| Scranton. | away April 19, in St. Petersburg, |
| Sunday, 8 a.m. Mother's Day Fla., where he had lived for twelve
Breakfast given by the Men's Club. i years. He was a life long resident |
| 9:30 a.m. Family Service and of Noxen. He was a farmer, worked |
Church School. for Armour Tannery, and was a
11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Ser- caretaker on the road for the State.
mon. The ‘United Thank Offering He drove school’ bus before mov-
of the Women of the church will be | ing to Florida in 1954, He was
received. > a member of the Free Methodist
ednesday, Annual peung of Church in St. Petersburg.
ny) Cane pi] Surviors include his wife, the for- |
Stephen's Church, Wilkes Barre. mer Marian Waltman, 3 sons,
Registration 15. ot 0 An : Lawrence of St. Petersburg, Carl |
® 2 and Lester of Noxen; six daughters,
y Mrs. Hilda Shupp, Mrs. Alta Den- |
| dler, Mrs. Lillian Boone Noxen; Mrs. |
| Mildred Matthews, Harveys Lake;
Sunday, 9:45 Church School with Mrs. Esteher Turner, St. Petersburg,
Classes for all ages. | Fla. Mrs. Velma Martin of Largo,
11:00 Nursery during Church for | Fla. A brother Elmer of Noxen and
pre-school children. [a half brother Floyd, Ocean City
11:00 Morning Worship Service - J
Mother's Day. | Noxen and a step brother William
11:30 Junior Church in Chapel Roce, Noxen. Twenty two grand-
Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost. Pastor
Room. ! children and twenty great grand-
4:30 Junior M.Y.F. in Social children.
Rooms. | Entombment was Saturday at 1
6:30 Senior M.Y.F. in. Chapel o'clock, Memorial Park Mausoleum,
i St. Petersburg, Fla.
Monday, 4:00 Brownies, Troop 626 nt EE
from. I to 3. pm; Ly
Bergman's Department Store, Ed-
wardsville, will furnish the’ fashions
and models for the occasion.
Tickets may be purchased from
the committee chairmen assisting
Mrs. . Parkhurst: Mrs. Eugene Gil-
martin, tickets; Mrs. Raymond Mar-
tin, : refreshments;
Native of Kingston, he had lived
there and in Nanticoke before mov-
ing to Kunkle. He attended Kunkle
| Methodist Church. His occupation
was truck . driving.
He leaves his widow, the former
, Vera Devens; two sons, Austin of
Kunkle. and Herbert, Levittown;
las. Mr. Kabeschat's mother, Mrs. |
| Maturi, publicity. For any additional of Jim Thorpe; and stepsister Mrs.
| information, call the Back Mountain ‘William = Carichner, Lehman.
Y.M.C.A. — 674-6901. ol
All proceeds will benefit. the Back |
Mountain YYM.C.A., a’ member of |
the United Fund. :
To watch over you when a
ea baby,
2 Rl | To sing to sleep with her song,
Community Sympathizes I To try to be near you,
Emm To comfort and cheer you,
Community sympathy is extended | To teach you the right from
to Gustav A. Kabeschat Jr. of Dal-| the wrong.
To do all she can
To make you a man
And over a million things
Martha M. Kabeschat, ‘lifelong resi- |
dent of Plymouth, died early Fri-|
day morning, suffering a fatal heart | more —
| attack at her home on Main Street. | To sigh’ for you,
Burial was on Monday morning in | Cry for you,
Yes even to die for you
That's why God made manthers.
Andy Preslopski, East Dallas,
St. Stephen’s parish cemetery, fol- |
lowing a Mass of Requiem.
Mr. Kabeschat'ss father died ten!
years ‘ago.
po ® | Dallas Post last week.
| on Mother’s Day, which he suggest-
Dallas WSCS
| ed we publish.
‘Dallas Methodist WSCS will meet| Ag it is the right time and sea-
Tuesday. at 7:30 p.m., Mrs. Joseph | gon, we herewith comply.
Mrs. © Ronald three grandchildren; a brother John, | meeting will be held at Gate of
paid his semi-annual call on the,
He had with him a set of verces|
Willard Sutton Jr.
Dies In Crash ¢
. Willard F. Sutton Jr., 24, Out-
let Road, was the victim of a tragic
accident early Saturday morning,
when the car in which he was driv-
ing alone left the highway opposite
Crown Imperial Bowling Lanes, and
crashed into a utility pole.
The young man apparently fell
asleep at the wheel, within a five
minutes drive of his own home.
Pronounced dead on arrival at!
Nesbitt Hospital, he had been so |
tightly wedged in the wreckage that !
| it took Dallas Ambulance attendants |
land police fifteen minutes ‘o ex- |
tricate him.
Mr. Sutton was a lifelong resident
of the area, a graduate of Lehman
High School before the present |
jointure was formed. His father, |
Lake-Lehman School Board. His
mother is the former Grace Worth-
| ington. There is a brother David, at
| home, and a paternal grandmother,
{ Mrs. Harvey Sutton, of Lehman.
| The young man was employed as |
a supervisor at the American Tobac-
co Company at Mountaintop. He
| was furthering his education hy at-
| tending evening classes at Wilkes |
| College. He was a member of Leh-
man Methodist Church. ,
| For three years.after graduation,
{he served in the United States
| Burial was Tuesday afternoon in|
| Lehman Cemetery. Rev. Winfield
| Kelley, pastor of Lehman Methodist
Charge, conducted services from ‘he
| Disque Funeral Home.
Rev. Robert Sheehan To
‘Observe Anniversary
| Rev. Robert H. Sheehan, pastor
| serving his twenty fifth anniversary
| this week.
Agraduate of Wyoming Semin-
| ary, W. Virginia Wesleyan College
| and Westminster Theological Sem-
inary, Rev. Sheehan began his min-
| istry ‘at Thornhurst, then to Volga
Circuit, near Buchanan, Houston-
town, Littletown, Connyngham, Wy-
alsaing, Cooperstown, NY. 5t.
| Paul's Church, Endicott, and Dallas.
i Six weeks after starting at Thorn-
"hurst, he married the girl from
home, the former Clarissa Treat.
| There are three children, Barbara,
,a student at Lycoming College, and
| Beth and Stephen at home. ;
'Mother-Daughter Tea
| A Mother and Daughter Tea spon-
{ Methodist Church, will be held Fri-
| tire ‘Church ‘membership.
General Chairman is Mrs. Harry
| Edwards. Committee: Mrs. Earl
Brown, refreshments; Mrs. Graydon
| Mayer, decorations; Mrs. Thomas
Cease, entertainment; Mrs. Robert
| Fleming, telephone; Mrs. Welton
Farrar, publicity. Mrs. Robert Flem-
|ing and daughter Lucy will pay a
| tribute to mothers.
A tour of Hayfield Farm, Lehman,
{will be the program for the May
meeting of the Holy Name Society
of Gate of Heaven and Our Lady of
Victory parishes ' Monday evening,
May 9th. All men of the parishes
and their wives are invited. Buses
will leave Gate of Heaven parking
lot at 7:30 p.m.
| After the tour a short businecs
auditorium and refresh-
ments will be served. Ed Wilson is
| Program Chairman for this event.
| Heaven
| Grace Church Chancel Guild’
| The Chancel Guild of Grace
Episcopal Church, Kingston, will
hold its Annual Tea and Bake Sale
in the Wallis Room at the church
on Wednesday, May 18th, 3-5 Pp. m.
An ‘innovation this year will be
the addition of a Curio Table. Mrs.
Joseph Bedner is in charge of this
project and has announced that
there will be several choice and
unusual. items for sale.
Mothers are irreplaceable, one to
a lifetime.
Sending a card and a potted plant
does not take the place of the letter
which you do not take time to write
and the phone call which you are
too busy to make.
She will not be here forever.
Marsh, © presiding. Mrs. Sheldon | -
present a program.
| New members will be taken in
and a memorial service observing
8:00 Deborah Group Meeting with
Mrs. Robert Deeble. :
8:00 Kings Daughters Meeting in
Social Rooms.
Tuesday, 4:00 Girl Scouts, Troop
632; 4:00 Girl Scouts, Troop 633;
7:30 Boy Scouts, Troop 231. i
Wednesday, . 3:30 Girl Scouts, '
Troop 631; 4:00 Girl Scouts, Troop
629. .
Thursday, 4:00 Junior Choir Re-!
Sunday services: Sunday School |
at 10, Morning Worship at 11.
Young People’s service 6:30 p.m.
Evening Worship at 7:30.
Choir practice at 8:30.
Tuesday: Prayer Meeting at 7:30
N.J. A step sister Pheobe Wilson, | Mosier and Mrs. David Evans will SEEN EIEN ERAN NEN EINE EERE ENE
Graphic Arts Services
: :
the memory of deceased members. INCORPORATED 5
| Mrs. David Evans asks that any- »
| bri them. ; | 2 3
TE ; | Offset Negatives and Platemaking
Screen Prints, Art Work i
a Phone 825 2978 f
‘HE Rear 29 North Main Street Wilkes-Barre, Pa. §
= E
Dr. Aaron S. Lisses
essio it
88 Main Street, Dallas Prof nl Sulte
Gateway Center
674-4506 Edwardsville
DALLAS HOURS: 287.9735
Tuesday - 2 to 8 pm. cuppwAY CENTER HOURS:
Wednesday - 2 to 8pm. Daily 9:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Friday - 2 to 5 pm. Evenings Thurs. & Fri. to 8 pm.
Jots From Dot
Dearest Family,
This weekend I went to Matadi
with Ede and Margaret Davis, a
Methodist lady pediatrician here
with CPRA. Went shopping, rested,
mended clothes. Sunday after
church I took them for a ride to
| see all the beautiful views around
and above the city.
Be Careful Of The Mirror!
It isn’t often something happens
in disciplining students that turns
out funny, but we have been in
hysterics this week, though of
course keeping a straight face be-
fore the student -- with great dif-
ficulty. He is one who is always
in trouble over something, the last
thing being that during a football
game he threatened a member of
| Willard Sutton Sr. is chairman of the opposing team by saying if he
ever came as a patient he would
| give him a bad injection. I had
just announced a very severe pun-
ishment to the student for that and
| he was moaning about “Why does
nobody like me, why do you al-
ways find fault with me?” I said
that among his many bad habits
1, Thou no God shall have but me.
2. Before idols do not bow the knee.
3. Take not the name of God in vain.
4. Nor dare the Sabbath to profane.
5. Give to thy parents honor due.
6. Take heed that thou no murder
7. Abstain from words and deeds
8. Steal not for thou of God are
9. Tell not a willful lie nor love it.
10. What is thy neighbor's, do not
Memorized and copied from a
Sunshine Magazine April 7, 19686,
which are given to the home. This
book 1 copied from was printed
October 1964.
Mary H. Dendler
Loyalville Methodist Church will
serve a ham supper May 11 starting
at 5:30.
he had one of curling his upper lip
in ‘a: very unpleasant. expression
{ which “impressed. people very un-
a pretty. face if he'd. only smile
more, and suggested he go look inf
| a mirror to see if I wasn’t right.
Next thing I knew he comes car-
rying a broken mirror and.a note
from the dispensary nurse saying
he had broken the mirror, from the
| eye examining room and he couldn’t
| understand what the student was
doing with it. -Well, I could! For
jonce in his life the kid had nothing
to say excent that he had taken |
{ the mirror down to look in it and
| the hook broke. After ‘I explained |
July Mrs. George Bone and Mrs. | of Dallas Methodist Church, is ob. [© the dispensary nurse and we
l got over laughing we put on a
| solemn face and said “of course he
{would have to replace it. which he |!
i did the same day. for 750 francs,
(a lot of money for him, and he
| went off with the broken one which |’
{ was still a mighty nice mirror anv-
"way. I don't know which is the
| funnier part of the story -- that |:
| the student broke wn mirror by!
| looking in it or that the Directress
caused this by trying to use psy-
chology! ;
‘Fellowship Supper
| Huntsville Christian Fellowship
| Serre has been moved up to to-
| night because of the unexpected ar-
| rival of Mrs. Norwood Tye. Discinle
{of Christ Missionary to the Phil-
Refrechments will be served by' sored by the Durbin Class of Dallas iPpines.
| Mrs. Tye and her husband. who
All women are invited to attend.., day, May 13, 7:30 p. m. at the have spent the past 19 years in the
Reservations may .be made by call- | Church. It will be open to the en- | Philippines, are home on furlough,
during = which time Mr. Tye is
working on his Doctorate. This will
{be a covered-dish meal served at
' 6:30. Woman’s Missionary group is
in charge of the program.
Miss Alma Major will lead devo-
tions and Mrs. Tye will speak on
her missionary work.
Woman's Missionary workshop
will be held at this church Satur-
day and is for the entire area.
Women are asked to bring a light
Mt. Carmel Sodality
Elects Officers
The Blessed Virgin Sodality of
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church,
Lake Silkworth, elected their new
officers for the 1966-67 season.
Karen Young, Lake Silkworth,
Prefect, Janice Niezgoda, Idetown,
Vice-Prefect, Linda Roginski, Sweet
Helen Urbanc, Lake Silkworth, Roll
Call. Mary Ann Kuchemba, out go-
ing Prefect will be the Sodalities
Adult Advisor. ;
The new officers will be honored
at a Mother-Daughter Tea, Sunday,
favorably, that he really. had -quite [1
Valley, Corresponding Secretary,
June 12 at 2 p.m. on the church
from our
of fine
Bulova excellence is outstand-
i ing. A Bulova is something spe-
| cial, Precious jewelry that tells
| perfect time. Bulova puts more
; lasting beauty into watches.
| More quality. And — Bulova
makes more different watches |
than anyone else in the world.
You can find exactly the watch
you want, in our extensive
Bulova Collection of fine
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