The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, April 14, 1966, Image 7

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Anne Schoell was the top
scorer Thursday when she led
Monk Plumbing to a 4 point
win ever Bolton’s. Anne spilled
176-165 (487) pins while her
team mate, Libby Cyphers,
tured in 172 (474).
‘Whiting's took 3 from Duke
Isaacs. Top scorer for the winners
was Betty Lou Risch with 167 (454).
Other high scorers were Ann Cor-
bett’s 161 and Toots Langdon’s 179.
Sally Roberts’ 168.
Things were shaken up a bit Fri-
y day night when the girls got through
~ bowling. The girls were shaken be-
cause of a misunderstanding, and
because so many of their team
mates were absent; and the team
positions were shaken up because
of absentees which caused two
teams to forfeit. My opinion, which
wasn't asked, is that the league
should not have bowled in the first
place. The same thing happened
last year. Many go away over the
long Easter weekend, a few feel
that, being Good Friday, it is wrong
to bowl and others work part time
at stores, florists and other places
that are extremely busy over the
holiday weekend. I make a motion
that this league does not bowl on
Good Friday next year.
O’Malia, although they won 3
points, had to- forfeit 4 to Gordon
because only two of their bowlers
were on the line: Citgo had only
one bowler present and had to for-:
Nobody But NOBODY
Market and Second
Bowling News
by Doris R. Mallin
feit 4 to Goodman. This brought Alice posting 161-167 (469). Ruth
Goodman up from fourth place to| Newberry hit 179. Al Coury set the
a tie in second with 29 points. Gar- | pace for Finishing with 201 (584).
rity lost 3 points to Elston’s, ut John Reish led Supply Room to
is still in first place, tied with El-! 5 3 point win from Tubing as he
ston’s, 31 each. Garrity had only toppled 203 (521). Helen Bialogo-
three members present. Apex cop-| wicz hit 167 and Arvie Reish had
ped all 4 from Meneguzzo. Now, | 169. Jewell Thompson hit 177 for
Meneguzzo is tied in second place | the losers. 2
with Goodman. Apex has 26, O’-| Machine Shop won 3 from Rubber
Malia has 25, Gordon 19 and Citgo Trim; Shipping, took 3 from Prod-
18. | uction Planning; Maintenance and
Top scering honors wemt to ‘| Compound Room split up 4 and
Barbara Egliskis when she piled Press Room copped all 4 from Mill
up 177-171-183 (531) for Room, Boiler Rcom won 3 from Buf-
/(0’Malia. Helen Bonomo toppled fing Dept.
202 (514) for Goodman. | Charlie Higgs led Boiler Room
Single games over 160 were post- | with 564. Joe Wentzel rolled 222
ed by Evelyn Kamont 163, Jane | (565) for Production. Rita Pilger
Cornell 164, Ruth Elston 172, Mari- | hit 160, Dee Oravitz 168, W. Hoover
lyn Morris 168, Edie Shaffer 178. | 218, G. Groff 204, Marie Ritts 168,
| Ginny Rodriquez 167.
Top scorer of the night was
Joe Merc with 223 (590) for
National Cash Register still holds |
the top position with 40 points after |
taking all 4 from A&P. Ranch Wag- |
on Won 4 from Tim's Atlantic and |
is in second with 35.
Steele’s took 3 from Adams; Par-
ker won 3 from Harveys Lake |
Legion; V-8's copped 4 from Lads. |
Rich Bonomo was high scorer |
with 221 (558) for Ranch Wagon. |
T. Gabel hit 220, C. Kazokas had | 72
| 176 (499) for Compound. Mary A.
Buffing. |
The week before, Jane Bicking |
won scoring honors with 161-162-
‘Whitesell had 176-166 (491) for
Bosses. Single high scores were
chalked up by Tony Bonomo 217,
Marie Ritts 163, Al Coury 204, Jule
Yascellis 162, Helen Bialogowicz
buy with confidence at Motor Twins.
Milage Guarantee
attached to all of our used cars
mileage registered on this car when
received by us.
Ave., Kingston - 229 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre
202, and D. Wickard 209. |
Linear , |
Bosses piled up' the most pins |
last week as they spilled 2363 while |
they took 3, from Fiinishing De- |
partment. Mary Alice Whitesell and |
[Alice Miller. led the winners: with |
| Mary - Alice hitting 208 (539) and |
This week, Charlie Nafus
with 235 (577) led Buffing to
a 4 point victory over Tubing
and John Reish set the pace.
for Supply’s 8 point win from:
Maintenance. Johm posted 213
Dot Lucas had 161-176 (491) for |
Buffing and Ruth Newberry: led
Bosses with 170-161-160 (491).
Bosses won 3 from Mill Room. |
Helen Bialogowicz rolled 164-169 ;
| (488) for Supply Room and Dee |
8 | Oravitz hit 171-160 (474) for Main- |
| tenance. Marie Ritts led Compound |
Room to take 3 from Rubber Trim
as she rolled 197 (482). Millie
Baker hit 180 (472) for Boiler
Machine Shop won 4 from Finish-
ing, Press Room took 3 from Pro-
duction and Boiler and Shipping
split 2-2.
| Singles were posted by Millie
Schuler 161, Alice Miller 166, Jane
Bicking 169, Meba Webber, Peg
Johnson 169.
Men hitting over 200 were Miner,
Bedford, Berti, Yuscellis.
Ladies’ Country
8 Brothers 4 won team: honors with
#2165 total pins and a single game |
nother - reason. why you always
your assurance of .the actual
Michelangelo Films Are Available
To Local Schools And Colleges
Special arrangements have been
made by the Pennsylvania Gas and
Water Company to make available
to schools and colleges in this area
the recent two-part television spec-
tacular -- “Michelangelo ... The
Last Giant” for free showings.
Michelangelo - the man of the
Renaissance ... “The Last Giant” -
is one artist who consistently has
been acknowledged ‘the master of
the ages” by critics, art teachers,
and the general public.
Each part of Michelangelo is ap-
proximately one hour in length. It
is on 16 mm. film, in color - and
each part will be supplied on two
30-minute reels. Two one-hour or
John Jacch Wormeck
Is On Presidents List
John Jacob Wormeck, son of Mrs.
Elizabeth B. Wormeck, Shavertown,
has been named to the President's |
List at the Indiana Institute of |
Technology. John, a sophomore in
aerospace engineering, is among 67
students at the Institute who re- |
ceived the honor in recognition of
high academic achievement during
the winter quarter.
Scarlet’s = Lounge. Bernie's Pizza
took 3 from Bocar and Forty Fort |
Lumber won 3 from Joe's Pizza. |
Top scorer was Evelyn Rob-
erts, hitting 207-192 (556) for
Bocar. Lila. Lozo led Brothers
with 172-180 (498) and Mary
Ann Considine, her teammate,
hit 164-173 (495). Helen Bo-
nomo posted 173 (475) for Ber-
mie’s, Marie , Bellas with 201
(466) and Marilyn Morris, 160-
168 (462) led Joe’s. Top scorer
for Forty Fort was Tooties Den-
men with: 165 (463).
Single games over 160 were post-
ed by Rose Novroski, Janice Blight,
Carol Hadsel, Viola Harris, Mary
Sunday Night Mixed
Sherwood Wilson won honors last
week when he piled mp 204-207
games and totalled 581 for Rowdy
4. His team lost 3 points to Lacers.
Bob Maturi had the highest single
game when she hit 224 and had
578 total pins for Sharpies. Sharpies
took 4 from Caddies Kids. Grace
Wilson turned in. 186-160 (484)
for Sharpies. Ed's Bar took 3 from
Hares Dorothy . Huston. hit 179
(471) for Ed's.
Jack Stanley had a 203, Jane
Maturi hit - 160, Eleanor = Moyer
® | of 788. They took 4 points from | posted a 179, Eloise Titman had 160.
| Jose Ferrer as the narrator high- |
| and some of his poetry and letters.
Two Bloomsburg Coaches
To Hold Summer Camps
Two Bloomshurg State College
coaches will conduct two of the
four 30-minute classes could be| most successful of the nation’s sum-
scheduled to view both parts. Study | mer camps for young athletes fea-
materials have been prepared for | turing outstanding college and high
distribution to students to accom- | School coaches.
pany the film showings. There is; Head Basketball Coach Earl Voss
no charge for either the films or| will hold his fifth annual Diamond
the study materials. | State Basketball Camp at Sanford
Two years of production were in- | Prep, in Hockessin, Delaware for
volved for this program, with the | three one-week sessions, July 3rd
major filming accomplished in|through July 23, while Head
Rome and Florence, where Michel- | Wrestling Coach Russ Houk will
angelo spent most of his life. How- | conduct his well-known wrestling
ever, producer Lou Hazam even camp in the beautiful Endless
traveled behind the Iron Curtain to Mountains near Forksville, Penn-
photograph one of the artist’s pieces sylvania for five one-week sessions,
of sculpture for the first time on | July 24th through August 26th.
motion picture film. The voices of| Voss’ camp will feature famous
Peter Ustinov as Michelangelo and | basketball coaches.
. > Appearing also will be: Neil
light the presentation. | Johnson, one of the alltime greats
This, truly a comprehensive por-| of the former Philadelphia War-
trait of a very special artist, in-| riors, presently coaching the Wil-
cludes nearly all of his sculpture, mington Bombers, in the Eastern
paintings and architectural work | professional League; Steve Honzo,
often referred to as “Best Basket-
Dallas Boys Ready For Season
Of Golfing, Baseball And Track
Dallas Senior High School are | low hurdles and leading
underway for the 1966 season. The | relay team to a 60-yard win.
Track League schedule began last]! Dallas met GAR last night and
week with a meet against Coughlin | will take on the Kingston team
at home. Coughlin defeated the | next Tuesday. -”
Mounaineers, 81-64. | The Dallas Golf team played its
Top scorers for Dallas were Roy | first game Tuesday afternoon at,
Supulski, a junior, winning the 100 | home (Lehman) against Exeter,
yard dash, the 440 and long jump; | The golfers will meet Crestwood at
Mike Wilkes with the discus and | Hollenback today at 3 p.m. and
javelin. | Coughlin at the same place next.
Chip ‘Sinicrope came in second in | Monday. Dallas will also come up.
the high hurdles; Labar was second | against GAR at Hollenback next
in the mile. Schell, Wagner, Hess | Thursday. 2 7
and Wormeck of Dallas placed in| The Dallas baseball team started.
that order in the half mile relay. | off the 1966 season against Kings=
Also for Dallas were Schell, second | ton on their field Monday. They
in/the 220 yard; Swingle, Alters will travel to Meyers tonight and
and Faegenburg, first, second and |to Plymouth on Monday, finishing
third in the pole vault; Seeley, sec- | off the three exhibition games
in the triple jump. | . i
| Schultz starred for the Coughlin 'ersville on Thursday, April 21.
Spring sporting events at the|team, winning the high hurdes,
the mile
ond in the high jump; Alters, first | scheduled. Their first official game
{ will be played away against Swoy=
Asses nl RS
Whitesell Bros. on’ the Lehman | University, three time N.C.A.A.
| Highway has staged a great sale the champion and member of the
| past month with much activity on United States Olympic Team, two
| the part of customers trying to win time outstanding wrestler of the
| a trip to Acupulco and a variety of | United States; John Johnson,
| other valuable prizes. | Princeton University, former N.C.-
| Fiesta Month ends Saturday and | A.A. champion at Penn State; Bud
| it behooves all residents of the area | Whitehill, Lycoming College; Ron
{to make a trip into the store and | Pifer, West Point.
{ become eligible to share in the ex-| In addition to a number of high
citing event. { school coaches, Houk will also fea-
Values featured throughout the | ture Dean Lahr, who was twice
month have been definitely worth | voted the outstanding wrestler in
| while. Ladies. who have become | the United States, and Harry Hous-
| aware of the shortage that is soon | ka, 191 Ib. N.C.A.A. champion from
| to be felt in the supply of sheets, | Ohio University. :
owing to armed services demand, | Houk, three time NA.LA. Wrestl-
will want to take advantage of | ing Coach of the Year, and Voss,
the low prices they have been of- | astute interpreter of all phases of
fering on one of the leading quality | basketball, will also take active
sheets. This has been just one of | parts in each week’s instruction as
the many special items offered to | well as supervise the overall ac-
| the folks who shop at Whitesells. . . | tivities.
during the “Fabulous Fiesta Sale.” | Houk’s camp is open to boys from
Get in before Satur day: ~ o> WIN | 10 years old up through college stu-
yourself a trip youll never forget. | dents, while Voss’ camp is for boys
| 11 years through 17 years of age.
Fnnual Awards Dinner | years an outstanding professional
At Bloomsburg Tomorrow | football player for the Philadelphia
| Eagles, will be the featured speaker
Palmer “Pete” Retzlaff, former |at the ninth annual Athletic Awards
college Little All-American at South | Dinner to be held at Bloomsburg
Dakota State and for the past ten' State College tomorrow night at 7.
i of Mo dern
trical excellence — awarded to homes
ing the wonderful joys of modern livin
“Lighting The Back Mountain Area Since 1922”
DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA 18612 o 717 — 674-1071
. Certification mark — NEMA
The GOLD MEDALLION on a home is the hallmark of elec-
highest standards of Total Electric Living. You, as proud
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flameless appliances, climate controlled Electric Heat, Full
Housepower Wiring and planned Light for Living. It sym-
bolizes comfort and convenience... right at your fingertips!
Reddy says—whether you're planning to build, buy or
‘modernize, look for the GOLD MEDALLION—your guaran-
‘tee of better living electrically now and in the yearstocome.
designed with the
g with step-saving,
Please stare at this circle
until you: are HYPNOTIZED
(“How'd We ever
“get along without
this barn
Thoughtful, careful farmers know a good thing
when they see it. That’s why more and more
farmers are installing barn telephones. Have
one installed in your barn. It will pay for itself
| many times over in time and money saved
| for you.
\ Se (eT _R
| humerous! - ;
I'1 said, “Have a nice Christmas and
Teachers wishing to obtain this| ball Official in America’; plus a | C 11 B d
should contact the Pennsylvania from the Middle Atlantic States. 0 ege oun
Gas and Water Company. | Houk’s camp will have such not- | : 2
| Campbell,” Y ale University: Rex| What Wag That You Said? (er.” Well, lots of people do know!
| Peery oersth of the United Siatesi Did you ever say something that | my brother, and he’s a nice enough
Ends Saturda | time NCAA. champion at Okla. | Made absolutely mo sense whatso- he's exactly what you would want
Y ' homa State; Bil Koll, Penn State |©ver? Well of course you have. I|% call a celebrity It just so haps
one has at one time or another. | known my brother when he was
The thing about me is that on very | at Bloomsburg, and he got this
film for viewing by their classes number of high school coaches |
Fi t M : : "| able wrestling coaches as: Red | BY. BRUCK. HOPKINS
1e8 a on [Foy oon oF Sn rit? tates | was really stupid? Something that | guy and all, but I don’t know as
think I'm safe in saying that every- | pened that my speech prof had
rare occasions I find myself saying | rather funny erpression an his face
Most frequently, I say things that |a celebrity?”
make absolutely no sense at all.| At any rate, I am really trying
There are people in the world who; to overcome this knack for saying
have to try very hard to say some- | stupid things. 1 try to say logicallys
had that operation. It. happened | Monday, April 18 at 8:00 p.m. in
of lollypops as a gift, and early one | ditorium. .
morning (before breakfast) I took | Program for the evening will be
| two lovely green: lollypops and, be- | a round table discussion of “Morals
ing a very generous soul, I gave one! For Today's Youth”, Discussion
to the kid in the next bed who, | participants will be Rev. John S.
just the day before, had scribbled | Prater, Prince of Peace Church,
over. my Big ‘Book About Trains.| ns Geraldine Wall, Lake-Lehman
| Anyway, there we were licking | High School faculty, a local parent;
[away at these lollypops when his Miss Jeanne Kern, Lake-Lehman
| nurse came: in and practically faint- | High ‘School student. Anthony Mar=
{ed because we were having these | chakitus, assistant supervising prin,
| pops before breakfast., She took the | cipal will be moderator. -
| other kid's lollypop and wrapped it| The audience is urged to question
| In a piece of paper. Then she head- | the panel following their presenta-
{ed for me. Now you've got to un- | tion.
| Serstan ra = 2 ay quick | Election of officers for next year
i to AHR tha = es site| will also take place at this meeting,
{dumb that T-didh’t kaow that 4] installation will take place at the
| was dangerous to ‘eat lollypops be- | May meeting.
fore breakfast; so I willingly handed !
| mine over to her smiled (revealing | sists of Sam Davenport, represent-
| my mouth which was green from ing the faculty, Mrs. Irene Zaleskes,
| the lollypop),” and said the first: representing the P.T.A. board and
| logical thing that entered my mind, : :
Viernes AT Mrs. Jean Marie Pall,
{| “I just took mine out to look at
lit.” : 77 4 the P.T.A. members.
Now, for some reason, since I've
| gone to college, my ability for say-
[ing stupid things has increased. For
' example, there was the time Mrs. |
Doris’ Mallin' was. visiting’ her son
| Jack on: campus. I had ‘stopped to
| talk. to. Mrs.’ Mallin, and. she was
| telling me about how there were
| over forty girls® out for Keyettes
this year. Just then a couple’ of guys
walked by and. I spoke. to ‘them for |
a ‘moment. I then turned -back ‘to
Mrs. Mallin and ‘non-chalantly said, |
| “You ‘were- saying .that there were
| over forty girls.out for soccer this
year, ”’, For some reason this
struck- Mrs. Mallin as being rather |
Find out where the field is
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Find out, before you're a day
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Mutual's ‘Blue Chip’ insur-
ance. It helps you retire com-
For more enlightenment on
the subject, just call me. No
oblization to talk...
Then there was the time when |
Lew wag’ leaving for Easter vaca- |
tion a day early. I passed him in the |
hall as he was leaving, and he told
| me to take it easy. “Yeah, you too,” |
I hope the Easter Bunny comes to |
your house”,
“Thanks, and the same to you— |
I guess,” Lew. replied with this odd |
expression on his face! i
Last’ week my speech prof was |
giving us the details on our tribute
speeches, and he told us that they
should be ‘on someone we had met,
even if just for a short time. He
then proceeded to ask several of us
if we had ever met a celebrity.
When he asked me I couldn’t think |
of any particular celebrities that I
had met, so I said, “Just my broth-
Jerry Gardner
Kirkendall Music Studio
will accept
beginners and advanced
students in Guitar
Call 696-1129
something that DOES make sense! |as if to say, “That's what you call :
thing stupid, but with me it comes| what I'm going to think before §
{ think it, and it usually outcomes
The whole thing started when I|2pproximately exactly the wanted J
had this hernia operation at. the|l way it too! . ?
age of four. Before that time, I| SEE YA! »-
can't remember having ever said : a
anything particularly illegible. Now, | 4 *-
I don’t mean that it’s the doctor's | Lake Lehman PTA 3
fault or anything, but it does seem | Plans Round Table A
strange that I. started saying. all . : 4
jof these ridiculous. things ‘after I, Lake-Lehman P.T.A. will meet
representing 3
like this: I had received this box | the Lake-Lehman High School au=
The nominating committee con-