\ # 9 Rao GOD IS ALIVE Casualty lists are depressing but we ought never get used to them. Death is horror. It aboundsin war and traffic news and even in entertainment. It ought not be headlined in theology. The tragic death in the gospel has a sequel. We sing about an old rugged cross but make it of polished brass for our altars. Realism is indelicate. We don’t talk of a man with a ‘scourged back being spiked to a cross-beam, bleeding, writhing, oisted up with his weight on the nails, left hanging and noaning to die in the blazing noonday sun. I can’t imagine ary, or John, or Peter saying, “I love that old cross!” The tomb was not lovelier than the cross. None of the dis- ciples lingered near it but fled until they met the Lord Himself ve, bearing wounds but walking and talking. It was then t lillies bloomed, that courage to live and die was given ‘intravenously to the band of men and women whose hopes had been long deferred until their hearts were sick. Whatever coherence may be in the four differing stories f the unwitnessed disentombment something comes to our pirits that finds voice in many-noted Alleluias of Christian ongregations. Mortal bodies continue to be terminal. But the good mews that God is alive will bounce from earth to elestar across the world and back to lift us out of our feeble s to triumph through our everlasting spirits. Rev. Charles H. Gilbert Rev. Gilbert, who served Carver- ton Methodist charge from 1936 to 1946, has made his home in Mount Zion since retiring in 1959. 2 is Protestant Chaplain at Valley rest. Easter Sunrise services help the Couples Clubs of several Back orshiper to remember the first Mountain churches will sponsor a aster, when the women went to 6 a.m. service at Dallas Outdoor tomb of Jesus “very early in Theater. Carverton Methodist ? Charge will worship at the same While many churches have their hour at Memorial Shrine, Carver- wn Sunrise services, others find it ton. Everyone is welcome at both n appropriate time to join in wor- these services. ORCHIDS Cash & Carry BP Hi The Florist PIONEER AVENUE 675-1188 Peat JESUS, PETER AND JUDAS Crises do not make the man but they do reveal him. Jesus, Peter and Judas fell into three classes when they faced the cross. Going up to Jerusalem Jesus was popular and Judas clung to him to claim the advantage. Butwhen the tide turned Judas forsook Jesus and took care of Judas. Tradition says Judas hanged himself with his moneybelt. Whatever he used broke and his body plunged down into the Vale of Hinnom which was the garbage dump of Jerusalem. How fittingly later scriptures said “He went to his own place.” But Peter knew his Lord. He wept bitterly and he also returned to his Lord. Peter’s conduct in the face of the cross was shameful, but his Lord, when he called him from his boats and nets said “I will make you.” On Pentecost the same Peter who lied, swore and disowned his Lord was the preacher under whose apppeal the church started at none, and by night counted in its membership three thousand. The third of this group was Jesus himself who “set his face steadfastly to go to Jerusalem.” As the world again walks up the deepening shadow of the cross we all know well we are a part of one of these groups. : Charles H. Frick Rev. Frick served Huntsville Christian Church for thirty-five years. Now retired, he lives in Benton. At the age of 88, he still enjoys working around the yard. SORURRREERRRRRRRTR ROR ERR A RORETERERU RRR UROURORTOTERARURURTRTET INU OORU ROTOR OVINE R HEROD ORONO RUOURORRREEREOURERNRDOROR HERON A Special Easter Gift NJ Their Own “Y’’ Membership BOYS or GIRLS $ 5 per year £() Privileges of swimming at Central “Y”’ Basketball — Archery — Gymnastics Games — Softball League Girls’ Club on Saturday Morning Day Camp — Indian Guides plus many other short term activities Contact! BACK MOUNTAIN YMCA 25 W. Center Street 674-6901 = HOLE OOPREAITETDRE NORD ERD RTE ODDDOO RTO POOR ROOM ARORRRARRRDR STE TA . Lawns . Shrubbery . Fruit Trees . Evergreens COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE NICK STREDNEY - Proprietor | ai ewes, S| {a sap se se” cnt EE, SEES Te np ET} EASTER ;- AND YOU The Resurrectiorn: of Jesus Christ from the dead pletion of the Great Act of God’s, Love for man, experienced it, share of it, with each other, in s taneous way, at Christmas time, in the Incarnatio It is an extension and accomplishment of the Gr it was so dramatically exemplified on Calvary’s the Redemption of all mankind, of each race, creec Living our lives, one day at a time, in that Him in Bethlehem, gaining strength, through Hist and Death on the Cross, to carry our own dail suffering, misunderstanding, anxiety, uncertain and the jumble of other discouragements, we agai at Easter, with NEW HOPE, new courage in ou souls, new joy and happiness, through God’s ( continue to share ourselves with God and man, ci very image and likeness of God. In that thought, we pray and wish each and Blessed and Joyfully Happy Season of Easter Da Father A Father Albin has b as priest in charge of i X. Cabrini Roman Cat i Jp \ in Carverton. hy N oe HE LIVES “He is risen, He is not Mark tells for all time the end of time. They j These same words procla tomb, the resurrection of lives forever. It is witnes the God of power and God, the God of Love. All the cunning and h could not defeat God. Tt Cross could not destroy guard could not keep Hi and death. The whole co truth these words declare. after this Act of God. Gc His universe. God is livin On that first Easter Day The resurrection of the de fact of all who believe in ] Not only the fear of death taken out of life. Had the no Christianity, no relig Christ loose in the world lives of men. What jo; nothing can separate us Christ Jesus our Lord. \ us because the message is not here’’. What might for our world today. ( declares it anew. I Se Josep Iseel And ir His bc His te: Estimates Isee 675-1152 All pa His str His cr His cry x The th Are bu Rocks