SECTION E — PAGE 6 Lake-Lehman Registration | Registration of kindergarten and teacher loads in first grade. Trans- | portation would be furnished. It should also be remembered: 1. That a child will be refused ad mission unless properly vaccin ated according to the rules es tablished by the State Secre first grade students will be held in Lake-Lehman School District ac- cording to the following schedule: + Lake Township - Lake Elemen- ary Building, Monday, April 18, 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, | April 27, 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Lehman & Jackson Townships - Lehman Jackson Elementary Build- ng, Wednesday, April 20, 12:30 to $:30 p.m. Monday, April 25, 12:30 to :30 p.m. Noxen Township - Noxen Elemen- tary Building, Tuesday, April 19,! 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday, April 28, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. tary of Health. the law. . That once a child is enrolled in the public school, he then | falls within ‘the provisions of | Compulsory Attendance | . Parents of kindergarten stu- dents will be responsible for transportation of their chil- dren. No kindergarten students THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1966 {New or Used Items will be { Ross Township - Ross Elementary Building, Thursday, April 21, 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 26, 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m i Please bring with you the Child's Birth Certificate and Vaccination Certificate. If the child has not been | Ing ‘this time; the vaccination cer- tificate may be presented at a later late. i Age of admission at the begin- ing of the school term: Kinder- arten - Any child who becomes ive years of age before February 1, 1967, must be admitted for the 1966 +67 school term; if the parents so esire. { First Grade - Any child who be- omes six years of age before Feb- pe please register him dur- | | | will be transported by bus. John Smith, Honored By Chester Shoe Co. Mr. John W. Smith, of Bunker Hill, was elected today to the Pres- ident’s Club of Charles Shoe Com- pany, Brockton, Mass. : > | In announcing this honor, Pres- ident Charles Chester Eaton, Jr. | said: “Mr. John W. Smith is the kind of man we're proud to have as our representative. He's salesman.” Membership in the President's Club is an honor reserved for men who turn in outstanding sales rec- | ords -as authorized Charles Chester tuary 1, 1967, must be admitted for representatives. the 19-66-67 school term, if the ‘parents so desire. school district and the Board re- + Please remember that this is one erves the right to assign children to different buildings. At this time, might be necessary to equalize IDETOWN COUPLES CLUB Annual AUCTION JUNE (1, 1966 i LEHMAN HORSE SHOW : GROUNDS J appreciated. Call 639-5338 or 675-1214. Mr. Smith, as owner of his own! shoe-store-in-a-catalog business, has built up, according to home office sources, a fine record. Motor Truck Courtesy, For Easter Holiday The Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association hag urged the operators of Pennsylvania's more than 631,- 000 trucks to curtail truck oper- ations except for emergency serv- ice over the Easter weekend. Professional truck drivers were urged to extend every possible cour- tesy ‘to other highway users dur- ing the holiday period. “Everyone should be a Gentle- man of The Highway at all times, but especially for the Easter holi- day.” x ' 88 Main Street, Dallas B Friday - 2 to 5 pm. A JOYOUS NERS CS ECE MCSE I CRISES Dr. Aaron S. Lisses Optometrist : 674-4506 Edwardsville EE DALLAS HOURS: 287-9735 B Tuesday - 2 to 8 pm. GATEWAY CENTER HOURS: E Wednesday - 2 to8pm. Daily 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. 3 AE 3H C3 CE SA CBS CA CIEE 0 EOE EASTER Professional Suite Gateway Center Evenings Thurs. & Fri to 8 p.m. a fine, : | 3 | | | | | | | | | | Tt’s “Fiesta Month” at Whitesell] In addition to featuring extra | Bros. Building Supplies and Hard- | special prices on many fiesta items | ware Store and a good crowd was Whitesell Bros. is giving away a on hand to kick-off the event. In| Portable TV set, Black & Decker the picture above you can see’ Bill | tools, Weldwood Paneling and 20 Niedjaco waiting on customers and/| other prizes when the event is over. another man doing his best to guess A feature of “Fiesta Month”, the number of Mexican jumping | which ends Saturday, April 16, is beans in one of the prize contests. On Dean's List » £1 ans So RR Mrs. John S. Fine held a coffee Slocum, Breeze Hill, Dallas, RD 4, | hour at her home Monday morning, has been named to the Dean’s List | ts gt Penn. ‘inte Unive: {in the Back Mountain Area. Barry graduated from Penna. | State on March 26 and began his new job with the Aetna Insurance March 28, where he is working out of the main office. A graduate of Dallas High School, Mr. Slocum moved recently with his wife and son to Connecticut. | of Back Mountain Area presided at the meeting. She was assisted by co-chairman, Mrs. Sheldon Preiffer. Mrs. Denton Durland, community. Idetown Auction Fiesta Month At Whitesell Brothers YWCA Campaign Members Meet | April 4th for workers of the YWCA | Clifford Mansley, Henry Peterson, | Supporting Membership Campaign | Charles Maxwell, Mrs. Williard Seaman, chairman | Thomas Graham, J. Trever Noble, General Mesdames Frank Townend, Gerald Chairman of the drive outllned the | Bango, Hans: Dreher, Lewis Anesi, purpose of the campaign and some | John Davis, Michael Bucan, Harry of the pertinent facts concerning Davenport, Pete Williams, the YWCA and its function in the Pakorney, | Turner and Merle Gerdes. an opportunity to win a nation-wide | contest for a free week in Acapulco, ! Mexico. There will be six lucky, winners. | Also Leadership Brands Fiesta | Holiday at Whitesell Bros. offers customers a $1.00 off coupon with purchases of ten dollars or more. Prospect cards were given to the following women present: Mesdames Raymond Flick, Robert Carey, Clyde Davis III, Arch Hutchison and John Marsh. Also working on the drive, but not present at the meeting, are: Frank Leonard Cowett, Ray June 11 Couples Club of Idetown Metho- dist Church have selected June 11 as the date for their annual auction. The affair will be held on the Leh- man Horse Show grounds where there will be plenty of baked goods, candy, hot lunches and soda for sale. Robert Wilson will act as chair- man. Other members of the class will serve as committee members. Use common sense and you'll have no power lawn mower acci- dents. Robert S. Horn of the Depart- ment’s Division of Environmental Safety said a large majority of pow= er mower accidents are a result of carelessness on the part of the op- erator. By following a few simple rules most of these accidents can be prevented. Horn offered these suggestions for a summer free of power mower accidents: . Read the operating procedure manual for the mower. . Keep mower in top operating condition. : In this modern age men who die with their boots on usually have one of them on the accelerator. — READ THE TRADING POST — Pend 3. Fill gasoline tank out-of-doors : go ; and away from any possible x TO ALL AaTIONWIDE sources of fire. Never fill tank 1 ; A when engine and exhaust are Not? ny om tee ey hot. im 4, Stand away from mower when ERNEST starting; be sure it is on level ground. = U D D i Fo G AY 5. Mow during daylight hours and New Dallas when grass = or. Sed i 6. If mower is self-propelled, keep ® MEN’S SHOP Shopping in step with it. Don't let it 8 { Center i A pull you along. F Centermoreland 333-4500 7. Never walk in front of a grass Main Street —— Luzerne DALLAS ne discharge chute when mower i is running. ¢ = ” po | 8. When mowing an incline, move SATURDAY 1s Tue BIG DAY! Drawing will be held for | 1. G.E. Portable Color 2. 50 Gallons Gas 3. 2 Tires AT CLYDE BIRTH'S 10th ANN at the “Y” - - - Dallas Highway CLAIM YOUR HAM CHECK TICKETS! Se TY IVERSARY $1 Purchase entitles you to a ticket. 674-4571 Power Lawn Mower Cautions along the face of the slope, never up and down. . Never take passengers on a riding mower. Don’t leave mower unattended if it is running . Never attesipt to clear blades or do any work on the mower until it is shut off and the spark wire or power cord is disconnected. Store fuel in approved safety cans in an outside location. Before mowing, check the lawn for objects that could be thrown by the blades. Keep children and others away from the mowing area. 10. ga 12. 13. 14. ASPHALT PAVING Driveways Parking Areas CRUSHED STONE | sylvania National Guard SPORTSMANS CORNER by Jim Hopple 1966 SCOUTING SPECTACULAR. What is it? A live, action type show consisting of booth, stage and other types of demonstrations of various Cub, Scout and Explorer skills, achievements, hobbies, hand- crafts, and specialties. : | Band Concert The Band Concert was held on Friday, April 1st. The concert was a big success and featured such selections as Glow Worm, Stars and Stripes Forever, and Help. Our sin- cere thanks go out to Mr. Camp The show marks 50 years of majorettes who made this wonder- scouting in the Wyoming Valley | t,1 ovent possible. Council of Boy Scouts of America | March of Dimes “Fum Night” and will be held at the 109th Penn- Armory, The March of Dimes games were ] "| held on Saturday, April 2nd, at the Market Street Kingston, Pa. Fri-| gopioy High School Auditorium. The day May 13, 7:00-10:00 p.m., Sat- | female and male teachers from Leh- | ogi May ay pao om All| man and Dallas played in two sep- Scouts in uniform and children un-| + Due to th 4 der 12 years old will be admitted | 29a games. Due to We press Lime { and the members of the band and | | against the “Meeting Pa. Dept. of Highway Specifications.” American # Asphalt Paving Go. 696-1114 Plant and Quarry — Chase free .All others must pay 50c. of this paper we are unable to give | the actual score. The teachers that | ; | The local soldier, who hag b Little Theatre performances are | participated from our school were: 5 to 10 minute live acts demonstrat- | My, Rybak, Mr. Cicon, Mr. Bauer, ing the skills, adventure and fun of | cubbing, scouting or exploring. A challenge arena will be in action throughout the show with scheduled competition on the half hour. Knot tying, fire starting, wood chopping, log sawing, physical fit- ness, tug of war, rope climb, ban- dage relay, pole lashing. A portable pool will be erected at the Armory for demonstrations in swimming strokes, lifesaving techniques, log rolling, canoeing, skin diving, apd many other ideas. A shadow | theatre performance will be on stage behind wa large cloth which |permits the audience to large figures silouetted doth. see Model campsites with patrols giv- | . ) ing brief demonstrations in camp, ~~. seem old-fe ashioned singing, codking, cheers, : lashing, | Po lm — ground beds, ect. dE ~ Troops, packs, and .posts from exall “HAS 7 Dallas, Shavertown, Trucksville and Harveys Lake will put on dem- | IT FAYS TO ADVERTISE | GROWS HAIR ON HEADS AS BALD AS BILLIARD BALLS AFTER BEFORE Why be bald adding years to your appearance ? Stop baldness today. We are no longer in the horse and buggy age. Today's scientific developments bring your relief from nature. Now medical science has discovered the new relief from baldness FORMULA 1966. Try this for- mula today on our guarantee that FORMULA 1966 must grow hair te your satisfaction or your money promptly refunded. "FREE TRIAL COUPON NEWARK RESEARCH BOX C410 51 WEST 35 ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. Rush FORMULA 1966 to me at once, I must be completely satis- fied in only 10 days or you guar- antee refund of my money upon my return of FORMULA 1966 and unused portion. Nane eee “esse secon [Enclosed find $3 send postpaid [Enclosed find $1. I' will pay postman $2 plus postal chgs. [jSend triple size for $7 ($2 saving) ® Baskets ® Ribbons CHURCH STREET Shopping At The ® Grass ® Candy 5-10 BEN FRANKLIN STORE 5-10 FRANKLIN IN DALLAS ® Cards ® Toys DALLAS Mr. Petrenchak, Mrs. Sigworth, Miss Lawrence, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Davis, Mr. Case, Mr. Brominski, and Mr. Glogowski. | Dance A dance, sponsored by the Stu- dent Council will be held on Friday, April 15th. The “Shady Ones,” a school group composed of Ron Cir- ko, playing lead guitar, Ernie Evans, guitar, and Gene Rymern, drums, will play for the evening. Welcome DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Dallas Junior High School News We extend a hearty welcome to Easter Vacation A short, but welcome, vacation has come at last. There will be no school on Thursday, April 1th and Friday, April 8th due to the coming of Easter. William Ryun is a new 9th grade transfer student. Bill, before moving to Dallas lived in Westfield, Massa- chusetts. We hope he enjoys our school and makes many new friends. Sgt. Wm. Schoonover With Army In Korea Sgt. William Schoonover, Dallas, RD 3, is now stationed in Korea. Nin 2 the service for 22 years was st&tion- ed at Fayettsville, N.C., prior to be sent to the Orient. ‘Mr. Schoonover’s address is R A 12107599, 512 HV Equipment Main- tenance Company (65), A P O San Francisco, Cal. His mother writes that Bill en- joys the Dallas Post so much, read- ing it over three times in order to cover all the news of home. He would appreciate hearing from his friends. PERM Gi ith New Pink Creme Lotion and All-In-O is wi ew rin reme Lotion an -in-Une oR lg ion NEUTRALIZER - SHAMPOO - CONDITIONER 674-3888 MoBil Heating Oil. “Makes all other permanents|; A FAST permanent is for moderns. No pre- shampooing. The ready-mixed neutralizer acts as a shampoo-conditioner which re- moves all traces of wave odor. Your fin- ished hairdo will show off _the long-lasting waves... so natural-looking that no one will dream you’ve just had a permanent! SUPER, REGULAR, GENTLE or ume crs Now $i EVANS DRUG STORE Harveys Loke Highway, Shavertown Two Phones — services plus guaranteed prices! Phone— 287-1117 ENT reg. $2 674-4681 THE KIND OF HEAT « YOU WANYF WHEN YOU WANT IT!) That's what you get when you contract for You get many extrg HOME FUEL CORP. 324 DENNISON STREET Swoyersville MA yng y ing from 8 to Pla pa : i 7 ; i ek i { pm. EASTER SUN HANSON'S AMUSEMENT PARK WY HARVEYS Lake, Pa. featuring “The Fabulous Starfires’ JE ADMISSION—T5¢