SECTION A — PAGE 2 THE DALLAS POST Established 1889 Entered as second-class matter at the post office -at Dallas, Pa. under the Act of March 3, 1889. Subscription rates: $4.00 a year; $2.50 six months. No subscriptions accepted for less than six months. Out-of-State subscriptions, $4.50 a year; $3.00 six months or less. Students away from home $3.00 a term; Out-of- State $3.50. Back issues, more than one week old, 15c. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member National Editorial Association Member Greater Weeklies Associates, Inc. Editor and Publisher Managing Editor Associate Editor Social Editor Pabloid Editor: . ... ce. 00 aes Advertising. Manager". .. ua iki Louise MARKS ° Business ‘Manager... . oils on Doris R. MALLIN Circulation Manager Mgrs. VELma Davis Accounting... voak SANDRA STRAZDUS Single copies at a rate of 10c Thursday morning at the follow- sy oe BEAL. 1 i pet Re MyRrA Z. RiSLEY LeicaroN R. Scott, Jr. RRR Mrs. T.M.B. Hicks Mgrs. DoroTHY B. ANDERSON CATHERINE GILBERT 6 3 AA ° *, Member Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers Association S/T © < ing newstands: Dallas — Town House Restaurant, Daring’s Market, Bill Davis Market; Shavertown — Evans Drug Store, Hall's Drug Store; Trucksville — Cairns Store, Trucksville Pharmacy; Luzerne— Novak's Confectionary; Beaumont —' Stone's Grocery; Idetown— Cave's Market; Harveys Lake — Javers Store, Kocher’s Store; Sweet Valley — Adam's Grocery; Lehman — Stolarick’s Store; Noxen — Scouten’s Store;- Shawaneses — Puterbaugh’s Store; Fern- Editorially Speaking LAST DAY TO SIGN Today, March 31, is the last day for those of sixty- five or older, to sign for Medicare. As other citizens reach the age of sixty-five, there will be opportunity for them to register. But for those who are already of this age, today is the deadline, and there will be no further opportunity for over a year. Many people viewed with alarm when Social Security was first projected.