hgh a [+] » fF: va Ap hE A Aw BSBA AN HA DR a BAR RRIH BBE RRR ES RSE BEAR Leswwe srr esl » ¥ & AEE a i an vrong dE PE ea Ee ER § I Ie tA FSR FFA NSF ERE RS erat re EINE . a ER FESR TNC RON TRATESEDIST PES AEE LE Bh ‘son have SECTION B—PAGE 4 NEWS F ROM POST CORRESPONDENTS BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin DALLAS, Carol Ann Williams FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage IDETOWN, Bess Cooke JACKSON TWP., Richard Holodick MT. ZION, Rev. Charles Gilbert 639-2544 NOXEN, Mrs. Elida Beahm Kelly 298-2149 674-4109 : RUGGLES, Mrs. Glenn Kocher y 639-5618 674-5460 ® SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. F. W. Anderson 675-2001 639-9531 ® SWEET VALLEY, Mrs. Thomas Sayre 477-3731 639-5137 ® TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert 696-1689 696-1294 ® EAST DALLAS, Mrs. John Konsavage + 675-3087 388-7261 ® KUNKLE, Mrs. Clyde Hoyt “675-2971 THE DALLAS POST. THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1966 — Truck Trucksville Fire Company will meet in the municipal building to- morrow night at 8. Sp.4 Lloyd Hoyt and’ PVT First Class Wayne Hoyt, brothers of Mrs. | William Coolbaugh, S. Lehigh St. met recently while on duty with the U.S. Army in Cameron, Lloyd entered the army May 19, 1964. Wayne entered March 19, 1965. This was their first meeting since entering the Army. ~ Mr. and Mrs. John Nekrasz, who were recently married, have taken! up residence at 391 Harris Hill Road. Mrs. Nekrasz is the former “Barbara Horwatt. Mrs. Alfred Martin and infant returned to. their home .at 146 Meadowcrest from Nesbitt Hospital. ~ Jessie + Conynghan, ‘Wheelock College, Boston, and her brother, William H.' Con- .yngham, a student at the Tilton | “School Tilton, N.H.,. will, “return, to ‘their respective schools jon Monday after spending some time with their ‘parents, Mr. and Mrs. William , L. Conyngham, Chase Road. Robert Billings, a student at who has the sixth fleet in the Mediterranean area, will return to Charleston, N.C. 4 wae ON April 7. Robert, son ‘of Mr. sands * Mrs. Frank H. Billings, Harris Hill Road; was recently promoted : to Petty Officer Third - Class. Mr.. and Mrs.. Chester Adams Cliffside Avenue, attended the mem- orial services conducted by Post 52, ‘Society “of 28th Division, Artillery at Allentown. on Sunday, March: 20. : Cynthia Harris, daughter of Mr. ‘and’ ‘Mrs. Jacob Harris, Cliffside Ave- ‘nue, was confined to her home sev- ‘eral‘days last week by illness. © Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dymond and . New Dallas - Shopping . Center Centermoreland 333-4500 DALLAS 675-1176 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED CONTACT LENSES DR. I. BERGER OPTOMETRIST 27 Machell Ave, Dallas Phone 674-4921 Vietnam. | Mass. | ; been | aboard the U S § McDonaughs with | 109th | "EAST DALLAS | Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Nappi and Avenue, have family, Laurelton, N.Y., were recent sville family, S. Pioneer "moved to a home at 36 Carver to weekend guests of Mr. and Mus. | Road. | Hans Menzel, Applewood Manor. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ireland, Mr. Nappi was the confirmation | | Long Island, N.Y, confirmed Mr. and Mrs. James Ire- | Church. land, Bunker Hill Road, | Mrs. Theresa Sedlak and daughter Irene Wolensky, daughter of Mr: | and Mrs. Joseph Wolensky, Hillside Street, celebrated her. eighth birth- | at Gate of | Heaven | ter-in-law, patients in Nesbitt Hospital, were both seriously injured held at her home. Ten: guests were munds Road last week. present. Girl Scouts Meet, Girl Scout Troop 634, met in the | Trucksville. Methodist Church. on Tuesday afternoon. at 4. The group | , enjoyed a talk by Mrs. Betty Tur- ner, who is the author of the book “The ‘Story Behind The Park’. hold a Merchandise Party Eighteen girls were present. | Jackson’ Fire Hall‘ on "April 29, at Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Lary, Cape | 8 pm. Public is invited, a Land- | Elizabeth, Me., spent several days | scape painting by Sheldon Ehret recently with Mr .and Mrs. Floyd | | will be’ “chanced off”. Dymond and family, ‘Carverton . . The ,Band Sponors will « hold Road. The Larys are former resi- second auction on June 18, at Our dents of S. Pioneer Avenue. | Lady: of Mt. Carmel Church grounds | at Lake. Silkworth,: needed - i goods, old goods, antiques, ‘| baked goods, glassware. Think of Drawn for Common Pleas jury | the. Award. Winning Band as your duty are these residents from the | SPring Clean and make the auction Back Mountain: ; Ia success. Call Sheldon Ehret or "Week of April 25: Charlene Ed- | Edward Niezgoda for pick up of wards, .Oak Hill; Mrs. Mary Las- | goods. | kowski, Shavertown RD: 5; Dana | Next Band’ Sponsors Meeting will | Lord and Torrence Naugle, Sweet | be’ held” on April 12, in the high Valley; Mrs. Jennie Morgan, Lake | school. All band Darenis are urged | Silkworth. to attend. May 2: Cora Finn and Marion Thomas, Dallas; Amy Scott, Leh- |'man; Regina Inman, Kingston | Township. ; May 9: Ann M. Edwards, Oak Hill; Cora Gates, Shrine View; Clara | | Kitchen, Idetown; Mrs. Elizabeth | Roberts, Ralph Smith, Dallas; Edgar | Hughes and John Pancoe, Lake : | Township; Levi Updyke, Shaver- under iw Elst Pe | La : B | gram a e Army Artillery an | town; Mrs. John Pall, Pikes Creek. | Missile School here March 24. Spencer was trained ag .a,can- noneer in field artillery.’ Lehman Merchandise. Party new Drawn For Jury Duty Pvt. Harden L Spencer Completes Training Army Pvt, Harden L. “Spencer, | son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjaman Spencer, Route 5, Shavertown, ¢om- | pleted advanced , artillery training | spent a recent sponsor for Robert Menzel who was | » | week end with his brother and sis- Linda, Applewood Manor, are both’ They | in aj | day on Friday. A family party was head-on-crash. on the Upper De-| Lake Lehman Band Sponsors will | at” the al jewelry, | Sweet Valley | ~ Paul Clemow, son of Mrs. Dennis Mahoney celebrated his 17th birth- i day on March 22nd. A family supper | was held in his honor. Rev. E. Kipe is the new minister Jackson T wh. Richard Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Wagner, has made the honor roll at Lake-Lehman for the second time this year. In seventh | grade, Rick has been on the honor roll for the last three years. A mem- . | ber of the Junior Fireman's Associ- ation, the small freckle-faced boy | has a personality twice his size. He { | is an excellent ping-pong player and at | gives the firemen a hard time the sport. In sixth grade jhe took the Metro- politan achievment test and receiv- ed the top grade in, the Lehman jointure. Jackson Township Say are proud of Rick's accomplishment. | The Wagners were also glad to! at Assembly of God Church, Moore- Northeastern. Bible Institute Green Lane, Pa., from where he will | will take up residence at the par- sonage at Mooretown. Charles Masters Jr., student at Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, spent| With such a large family to care! elected for ‘the Shavertown WSCS. the weekend with his parents, Mr. for, to take active part in fire com- | Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Masters.: Mr. and ‘Mrs. Lester ‘Lynn* ac- | ! companied : Mrs: Robert « ‘Wallace’ to | Allentown: last weeks Mrs. Wallzee is moving there soon..:«: Mr .and' Mrs. Wilbur. Shay and family spent Sunday at ‘Snowshoe visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gary Shaw. Wilbur Shaw celebrated” his. ‘birth- day on March 21. ' Rev.: and Mrs. ‘Kirby Jones are spending the week in South - and North Carolina, while. there.. They will visit the Bob Jones: University where they will attend a: Bible. Con- ference. Mrs. Mary Frantz, Irving Schooley Mr .and Mrs. Ralph Schooley .Tren- ton, N.J., visited Mr .and’ Mrs. 'Wil- liam Sayre on Wednesday. Lenten Services will be held at Maple Grove Church tonight at 7:30. Basil Masters who is spending the winter in Florida, "spent ‘the week | at ‘his home her. | Mr. and Mrs.” Carl Remley and | | family spent the weekend ‘in New | | visiting Mr. and Mrs. Her- | bert Brumbach and daughter. Evadne Ruggles, Pikes Creek, re- | cently returned from a month's tour | Y of Florida. While “there: she. visited | a cousin in Orlando, friends in. Ft. Pierce and spent a week in Miami. town. He and Mrs. Kipe are former- | : ly’ of Chambersburg. He is attending | at | hear from their son, Gerald Wagner | SWSK, who has just returned from a tour of duty with the Navy. He served on the USS procyon which | toured Japan, the Philippines, and ! | Naval Base. Mr. and Mrs. Wagner have twelve | | children, but still have time, even {pany and auxiliary. Lake-Lehman band will hold their | annual concert Friday and . Satur- | day, April ‘15 and 16, under di- rection of John Miliauskas, at Lake- Lehman gym. On the bowling scene, tsar A has finally taken the ‘lead on. the three Jackson teams. Due to a hot night by Pete Yascur,. who hit a 200-205. for: A-538, and a new ring- er, Steve Krupinski, who. hit his first 200 for a’ 497, Jackson A was able to take 4 points to. lead: over € by on game. Jackson B is still 21% | games’ behind C, The ladies of the township will not be working at the firehall to- night because of a special cub scout event. Pennsylvania Gas To Conduct Classes Sol W. Weill, Director of Con-. sumer Relations for the Caloric Sales Corporation, will conduct a | demonstration “of unusual cooking techniques before the student as- | semblies. of : 20 “area. schools during’ | the next two weeks. His appearance is sponsored by the Pennsylvania | Gas and: Water Company.’ | | snow. Freddie was Sea but there, was | like a winsome . child" to a wide variety - of’ weather, one could’ not help but marvel at the bright crocuses peeking out of the so impressed “with the beauty ofl the morning on Friday that he was out bright and early ‘to snap. some scenes before the winter vanishes and: spring time | is here to stay. March: winds, ‘were evident on Joe Allen peddling his son's bike up Pioneer Avenue and ‘in’ right good shape too. Oh, to be young again. NO: ACTION YET The committee on Evergreen Cemetery is perturbed over the long delay in'seeing Mayor Slattery on the matter, but apparcntly he has not seen ‘fit as yet to grant them an audience. The nicer | plots and the grounds. A new president will soon be John Rogers has done a | magnificent job for the past four years and is to be -highly com- mended. The ‘new Cherub = Cheir at St. Paul's Lutheran Church under the direction of Mrs. “George” Voorhees made a charming appearance on Sunday morning. “There is nothing bring © a. touch ‘of gladness to'ithe soul. HERE AND THERE Little Wendy Wadas, youngest | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank | Wadas, celebrated her ist birthday | on Saturday ‘with: all ‘members of | her family ‘in attendance to help| baby sister enjoy. : the cvent. by Mrs. Do: you know. what the FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY ' ASSOCIATION is? It is, simply, a group of people who believe “in libraries, want to help the one in their -community, and werk for-its benefit should the need’ arise. In the: ‘Back Mountain their homes. perating + at her The homes of Mrs. Carlene Carey, Robert Domnick and the Walter Andrews. are already decorated for’ Easter and most attractive. A. A. Sinicrope was breught home on Saturday from Palmerton Hospital. He was admitted to Gen- eral Hospital upon arrival. - We hope he may soon return to his home. That versatile gentleman, Tommy Andrews has now embarked on a photography career in addition to his teaching duties. 3 Mrs. Ray Malkemes was feted at a birthday dinner by most of her: sisters and brothers last weekend. The entire family has been here to see her son: Chuck, who: is making progress but will have to wear that body cast for three months. graduate in May. At that time they | Viet Nam. He is now at a California | months are ahead and there is | home on Friday, after spending = | much work to be done there on the | Mrs. Walter Shaver ‘returned delightful two month stay in Florida, during which time she visited Cape Canaveral and many points of interest. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Ernest Whipp and family in their recent bereavement. Robert, Voelker, and Tommy Borthwick were among. those students at Penna. State. Uni- . versity who spent a week! Ss leave at | Mrs. Raymond Chappell is regu-. home following surgery several weeks ago: at Nes-- bitt Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shaver A Mrs. Herman Van Campen: returned home last week after touring Florida and many points of interest. It was in this southern pleasure re- | I'sort . that Dan and Vonnie spent’ Friends Of The Library Association 5 Rsks Added Support For Program Richard Dale £3 5 solicit membership. More than ‘ever: is their support needed if the library is to continue to meet the demands of this fast-growing community in rapidly changing times. Are you a member ? Show your interest ; i your library by joining now. ! Walter Gosart ‘DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA SHAVERTOWN With the end oft March bringing | their honeymoon and they noted many ‘changes on this last trip. They traveled :down the East Coast and, up the West Coast encounter- ing cold weather in Jacksonville but’ nicer ‘temperatures as they | neared Miami. Their southernmost point was at Homestead where they visited: Earl Van Campen, Miss Candy Poad, Lancaster, will arrive next week to spend her Easter recess with Mr. Sheldon; Evans. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Clark Diltz in her recent loss. _ What a nice honor Mrs. Edward Gilroy received for her many years of service to the Red Cross. No oné was more deserving. Notgenly has she been most successitl in “| procuring needed blood, but she has given innumerable hours to making life a little happier for our disabled .war veterans, who are | hospitalized. | Miss Marsha Sowden left this { week for Pennsylvania State Uni- versity. where she has transferred from Syracuse University. Everything is ready for Easter at f the shops in our community. Evans | and Hall's Drug Stores have the choicest: candies and Back Mountain Lumber and ‘Coal Company Gift : “Shop is’ just: bulging with. gorgeous centerpieces, even special ones for I'the. kiddies, ' stuffed toys, candles, cards ‘and | sgifts. Your Easter ham the ‘Acme and McCrory’s, Henry's; | Eyet's: ‘and the clothing stores are “well supplied with everything ‘else syoulll need for the holiday. Patron- ize your own merchants. Nogon ? Fire Co. Anailiary ~ Noxen Fire Company Auxiliary will" meet ‘Monday. evening at 7:30 {in the fire ‘hall, to be join at “8 by members of the Fire Com Hany for. discussions of plans for" the Hosen Horse ‘Show. ‘Omitted From Honor Roll * Inadvertently omitted from Dallas Senior ‘High School Honor Roll were the names of Bonnie Mahler, twelfth grade; and Carol Mohr, eleventh. in ! iz & p= READ THE TRADING POST Ea and Mrs. awaits you at Wally Gosart’s and Mr. Weill is nationally famous for | Coftymunity thers Bs. sucha” grown. a a on Among the highlights of her trip | his entertaining and humorous ap- | was attending a Sunday evening | proach to new methods’ of cooking, | { Bast year it had" 345 members who | were entitled to: attend the annual fi Legal Notice — Sealed bids will be accepted | through April 14; but not after, for | one 1948 Superior Caddillac ambu- lance, owned by Noxen Community | Ambulance Association, Noxen, Pa.. | Company imposes no minimum bid, | | but reserves the right to reject any | or all bids. Ambulance is available’ | for inspection at Ear] Crispell’s Ser- | vice Station, Route 29, Noxen, Pa.. i VOLKS WAGEN NEW and USED CARS and TRUCKS All Years and Models Fully Guaranteed SALES PARTS SERVICE Goodwin Auto Co. 651 Wyoming Ave. QD Kingston, Pa. Corner Rt. 11 & 309 AUTHORIZED DEALER Call Coll. 288-6426 That's what you get when you contract for MoBil Heating Oil. services plus guaranteed prices! Phone— \ 287- THE KIND OF HEAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT!! You get many: extra’ 1117 HOME FUEL CORP. 324 DENNISON STREET Swoyersville His training ance and firing of artillery guns, howitzers ‘and’ heavy machineguns. Instruction was also given in am- | munition handling] and communica- tions. ? The 20-year- oh collier graduate of Lake Lehman High School, will return to his tillery “in Kingston, tour of active duty. ASPHALT PAVING Driveways Parking Areas CRUSHED - STONE “Meeting Pa. Dept. Highway Specifications.” American Asphalt Paving Co. | 696-1114 Plant and Quarry — Chase of included mainten- | a 1963 Army | National Guard unit, the 109th Ar- | Pennsylvania, | at the completion of his six months | | performance of “The Passion Play” at Lake Wales: “She also Shareed | | the launching of both ‘the Agena | { and Gemini 8 at Cape Kennedy. | Mr. and Mrs. Myron Trumbower, | South Williamsport, had dinner on | Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ‘Williams and Byadne Rug- gles. Mr! and Mrs. Robert Visnisky have moved to New ‘Jersey. where | Mr. Visnisky is employed: Mrs. Vis-: nisky is the former Rosanne Harry. She was previously a“second grade teacher at Ross Elementary School. Harold Cornell Sr., has. been a patient at General Hospital. : | Freda Graham, Lake: ‘Silkworth, has returned’ after ‘being a patient at Nesbitt Hospital : | Young Adult Class of Maple Grove | Church ‘will hold a ham and pan- | cake supper on April 23 at the Church Hall. | Edith Gregory isa patient at on | eral Hospital. | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walsh, Clif- ton, N.J., spent the weekend with | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walsh. and | family. Sympathy of ' the community. is | extended to' Mr. and Mys. Ernest | Slocum in the ‘death of their: in- | fant son. : : Mr. and Mrs. John Hall of, Hawleyton, New York, were ‘guests | recently ‘of Mrs. Mabel Lamoreaux. | Rev. Oscar Kulp, former resident of this area and now residing at Forkesville, ‘is: a Datient; at “Veter- ans Hospital.:. Mr.. and Mrs. Albert t Ferrey spent FUNERAL . DIRECTORS SHAVERTOWN 140 North Main Street Serving the entire Back Mountain area A) “oe “4s | utilizing many favorite American | recipes. He has presented demon- | Library Association meeting, hear strations on the fun of cooking to | | the reports ofithe, Board of Trustees humerous local, regional, state and | and the librarian; on ‘the year’s | Jack Winter's national audiences, stressing ° ~the | work, and “to: votei.on any action | | modernity and convenience of gas | taken: Their: membership. dues help- cooking. . |.ed support the" library. The schools which will hear: Mr. Weill are located in Wilkes-Barre, | Ashey, Pymouth, Nanticoke, Forty- | Fort, South Williamsport, Montours- | | ville, Wyoming, Scranton, Clarks | Summit, Dunmore; South Saranton| Throop, Old Forge and West Scran: ton. The .Parent-Teachers Associ- | ation of some of the schools also! will attend ‘the sessions, along with. | the student body. | Mr. Weill ‘is. a tnember. of the American Gas: Association and: the | Pennsylvania Gas ‘Association; and) lives in Melrose Park, Pa. Sunday Tat Trenton, New Jersey visiting the latter's daughter and | family, Mr. and Mrs. James Stein- | ruck. : : : Mrs. Caroline Ferrey has re-'| turned after spending two weeks visiting her sister Mrs. Margaret Aton, Binghamton, N. Y. Mrs. Luther Hunter is a patient | at General Hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Barry Engleman | and’ daughters Pam and Cindy, | Waverley, N. Y., visited the latter's | ; ‘parents Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Britt | on Sunday. Richard Bronson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hale Bronson, is spending a two week leave with his parents. Richard whoj is ini the Nawy will return to Treasure Island, Calif. at the end of this time. The annual Easter egg hunt .of the Maple Grove Methodist Church will be held. on April 9th at the, church hall, and Dean. At this time of ypar. the FRIENDS | SPORTSMANS CORNER ‘by Jim. Hopple 4 From, basketball to wrestling, that’s right, last week I interviewed | | Dallas High. School's "prize basket- | | ball: player, this’ week Dallas’ prize mat champion, Sather (Steve) | Kashenbach. i Born in’ Wikes-Barre on July 11, | 1948, Steve is five feet nine inches | tall, ‘weighs 145 1bs., and hag bug] : Leyes and brown Hair. He is a _ senior at Dallas High School and | club, school news PT, wrestlin Steve lives wi and Lois Kash Avenue, Dallas: | ] ers,” Carl Jr. age eleven i a's ster, "Karen age fifteen. s Steve's favorite otord is ‘“Walk- ing ‘My Cat Named Dog” and re-| | cording artists’ ‘most liked are Jan aper committee, nd track. i is. parents: Cavl | ach Jon’ Yeager as, two broth- His hobbies are stamp and coin collecting. He plays the trumpet, this being his ‘fifth-year of playing. When asked what one thing an- noys. him most, he- said, “Stubborn people.” - | His favorite _ radio station is WARM and favorite: TV show Man. From Ui N.C. L. E. Sportswise he likes: track and wrestling. When asked what he would like to do in life, Steve said, “become a teacher.” Steve has, been wrestling for six years. This year he is district 2| champion and was third place | winner of the George Hooper Me- | morial Wrestling Award. is Now you for$20 a lar monthly payment plan Stock Fund. term capital appreciation reasonable income. Fund and: the new Invest cH, CALL YOUR 27) 1075 MAN 674.5231 3 ze, R08 ay Investors Stock Fund Now youcanaccumulate mutual fund shares on a regu- With payments of $20 a month— after an initial $40 payment-—you can acquire shares of Investors This is, a mutual fund designed to provide long- For full details (prospectuses) of Investors Stock Thomas N. Kreidler, Jr. 26 Division Street, Shavertown, Pa. zone manager can buy month!* to fit your family budget. possibifities as well as a ors. Accumulation Plan— TODAY! is; active in the key | ZANT Main Highway C astom ‘New igh airmermante Tread a ng Wheel Balancing ¥ 4 McCREARY IRE DSTRBUTIR 673-2 2036 will be sold at ‘ of Tunkhannock on Glass, Bowl and Pitcher Set, Sleigh and Buggy restored. Charlotte Ide Including — Sofa and Chairs, 2 Rugs — ware. TERMS — CASH A ve Due to extensive remodeling the Contents of Peg’s Swap Shoppe Located on Route 309 at Eatonville, 2 miles south Saturday, April Ind, 1966. ER 0’Clock Sharp Antiques. and Used ‘Furnitore. Cut Glass, School Masters desk, Penbrook Table, 2 Fire Screens, Ironston Old Pressed Glass, Door Stops, Gin Bottles, Car hS o ings, Old Doll Carriage, Maple Cradle, Pot Belly Stove, Dressers, Set of 4 Maple: Ladder Back Chairs, Milk Glass, Also several Rooms of Furniture Belonging to Mrs. Edge Large Mirror, Hollywood Bed, Dressers, Odd Beds, Typewriter, Adding Machine, 6 Dining Room Chairs, Lawn Furniture, Odd Dishes and Pine Cupboard, Cook- CLIFFORD SANDS—Auctioncer. Public Auction. 1 Kitchen, Set, Reverse Paint- L Dinette Set, Living Room 9X15 and 9X10v%, Beveled PEG and. TED BROWNING Owners } ARNT CN SHE RR GN, EE SA Sl EE FA he en AR ho FAR WE ET A ab Ee a SEIT TPN a TE PTAA Ce ni E J m3 EAE 50 oy to RR EH SAR TA TTR 50 ATI SH <4 no