i» nt ars sed ing ris in- a] f- ur- ton or- ns, & ¢e 8 i i | I I 1] - DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Game Protectors’ Land Manager William E. Ful- mer, Bloomsburg, Pa. Area 3. While transporting farm equipment from Hoovers Island through the Susque- hanna River below Selinsgrove, Her- bert Thomas a member of the Food & Cover Corps, saw what he thought might be a mink swimming across the river ahead of him. After reaching shore the animal shook itself and headed for higher ground. Herb then saw that it was a large Weasel. Continuing on his journey to State Game Lands No. 226 near Millville, he passed a farm pond and observed a large red cat sitting at the waters edge with a very large fish in it’s mouth that looked like a rainbow trout and that was stillaalive. This same cat has since bee’ “observed at the same pond with other fish in it’s grasp. Who knows, maybe the landowner has found a new way to get his fish, in or out of season. Land Manager John A. Booth, White Haven, Pa., Area 4. With the relatively open winter with an abundance of mast the recent snows have not been too hard on the deer as all road kills continue to carry a heavy fat layer. Should result in a busy summer picking up road killed deer and another large kill in deer season. ‘ District Game Protector Philip S. Sloan, Tunkhannock, Pa., Wyo- ming County. The heavy snows may have caused some difficulty to the deer herd, but it may have been ‘the prime factor in saving some of their lives; for no deer were killed on the highways in Wyoming Coun- ty, to my knowledge, in Febtraury. “ Digrict Game Protector, Daniel S. ‘McPeek, Matamoras, Pa., Pike County. Several people in various parts of my district have reported seeing bucks still carrying their antlers during the months of Jan- unary and February. : pferict Game Protector George A. Dieffenderfer, Milton, Pa., Montour County. During the past month I have had numerous reports of deer being seen in all parts of the dis- trict. I have also seen more this year than in any previous February in the past five years. District Protector Edward R. Gdosky, Dallas, Pa., Luzerne County. Highway killed deer have been Field Notes indications of malnutrition. All deer bone marrow condition for this late in the winter. Two female deer were carrying twin fawng indicating good production. The deer examined were in good flesh indicating good browse condition are available in the county. District Game Protector Richard W. Donahoe, Troy, Pa., Bradford County. Troy High School FFA Stu- dents again placed winners in the FFA Wildlife Habitat Improvement Project. They dominated the North- east Division by taking all the prizes and placed a runner-up in the state wide contest. Congratulations to all the winners and especially to Sam Davey, Vo-Ag teacher at Troy High School. Mr. Daveys interest in con- servation on the farm is recognized each year when one or more of his boys makes the winners list on this Commission sponsored project. District Game Protector A. Dean Rockwell, Sayre, Pa. Bradford County. Although I have often seen | summer birds in the winter such as robins and mourning doves I was very surprised the other day to see three meadow larks. This is the only instance I have ever known of their staying during the winter. District Game Protector Donald E. Watson, Towanda, Pa., Bradford County. A recent check of turkey feeders in this district revealed that all feeders are being used by tur- keys despite the fact that we have had a relatively mild winter. Many deer, squirrels, grouse and song birds are also taking advantage of the corn filled feeders. District Game Protector Howard W. Bower, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Lu- zerne County. Reports from trap- pers, deputy Game Protectors and personal observations indicate that our otter population in this district is quite stable. During the month of February two otter, were taken by the same trapper in Bear Creek Township. Smorgasbord Woman's Society of Christian Service, Lehman Methodist Church, will sponsor a smorgasbord in the | chtirch dining room on Wednesday, | March 23, serving to begin at closely examined this month for any | 5 p. m. a Dr. Aaron S. Lisses Optometrist 38 Main Street, Dallas 674-4506 DALLAS HOURS: ‘Tuesday - 2 to 8 pm. Wednesday vilintes p.m. 7 ‘Friday - 2 to 5 pm. : ATIC ACES EIR EEE CS EC AE Professional Suite Gateway Center Edwardsville 287-9735 GATEWAY CENTER HOURS: Daily 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. Evenings Thurs. & Fri. to 8 p.m. iinet ier pte titi e811 AX "GREENWALD'S IN LUZERNE SE FU PLENTY OF FRES PARKING I I I 1 | | That's what you get when you contract for MoBil Heating Oil. services plus guaranteed prices! Phone— * 287-1117 NITURE. *» GIFTS + 'HOUSEWARE EAA A AA LLA A P AIC) A \ Aaa RRQ A AP ANIY OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS "ONE STOP + SHOPPING ' fai 10 AANA RL AAS AAA I & ey PARRIIOROVVOOOOO0 THE KIND OF HEAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU You get many extra HOME FU 324 DENNISON STREET Swoyersville EL CORP. examined have been shown good! THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1966 better Christian living and love one : T another in the brotherhood of man. | As I awoke this morning, I found to my surprise that it had snowed | £ Lets gichange the word hate : : | for the word “love, again. I began to think that God | th orth does not, and will not ever forget on wor ie i the world he created for his human 0% eure, family. My only thought is how we for- get, and that only for his love from his great heart could he ever for-i give us. Understanding Needed Legal Notice — Sealed bids will be received by! | Lehman School Public Notice thirsty bodies and the heavenly | A public meeting will be held at Word for our souls. | the township building on April 5 J HT » pulski property, So instead of finding fault we|1966, at 8 p.m. a distance of ap- The purpose of] P- | | proximately 6/10 of a mile, and | Legal Notice — and prove the Supply Committee of the Lake- | Letters Legal Notice — Sealed proposals will be received NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that | by the Dallas School District for Testamentary have been | District, Lehman, | granted in the Estate of Ida Grey, | SUPPly and delivery of GENERAL, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, until | deceased, late of Lake Township, by Corinne Jones. | 7:30 p. m., E. S. T., Monday, March | (died February 14, 1966), to Clar- | AL ARTS, ATHLETIC AND 1 28, 1966, for general, art, ditto, and | ence Grey, RD 1, Noxen, Pennsyl- ( mimeograph supplies. Specifications vania. All persons indebted to said | and instructions to bidders may be estate are requested to make pay- To the residents of Kingston Obtained at the Office of Adminis-| ment and those having claims are . i | Township, Luze County, Penna.! yma Tmo... |directed to present the same with- He sends to earth rain for our iD; fueerne y at Bunker Hill Road and running jout delay to the Executor above , northeast to and including the Sul-| named Robert L. Fleming, Attor- | ART, JANITOR, MEDICAL, INDUS- | PHYSICAL EDUCATION supplies and FURNITURE for the 1966-1967 { school year. Speicifications may be | secured at the office of the sec- | retary, Dallas Senior High School building, Dallas, Pa. All bids shall be {of Mrs. in the hands Harriet Stahl, Secretary, | ney-AT-Law, 807 Miners National| ot ater than 4:30 pam. April 12, should let God know that we can the meeting it to consider rezoning | .ytending back from Carverton | Bank Building, Wilkes-Barre, Penn-| 1966. Bids will be opened at the and will try a little better along: from A-1 agricultural to R-1 ges) Road 300 feet." | sylvania. a sometimes trying and lonely road. | dential the following piece of land: God does not forget, and as we that piece of land on the southern | sow, so shall we reap. Let's all try | side of Carverton Road opposite during Lent to get on the road to Frances Slocum State Park starting Kingston Township ! Planning Commission George M. Jacobs, sec. rN Because you cook the fish. It takes no longer than heating pre-cooked frozen fish...only 20 minutes. ¥ You see, we're sort of fanatics about fresh fish flavor, ] So we refuse to pre-cook the fish, Here's what we do: : We dip the fillet in milk batter, Bread it. Top it with butter. i We blanch the peas. Partly cook the potatoes. So everything’s done at once (in only 20 minutes) when you cook it. The result. : A fish dinner that tastes like the fish is fresh-cooked, It should. Because it is. One important tip. Be sure the oven is really pre-heated to 400° F, Are our Cap’n John’s Frozen Fish Dinners a good reason for shopping A&P? tration, Lehman, Pennsylvania. | regular meeting of the Board to i be held at 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 12, 1966, in the library of the Dallas Senior High School. The Board reserves the right to Boneless ELEANOR HUMPHREY Secretary SECTION B — PAGE 3 | Legal Notice — { ESTATE OF THEODORE R. THOMAS, (Died January 6, 1966) late of Wilkes-Barre City. Letters |of Administration having been granted, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims to present the same to IRENE THOMAS, ADMINISTRATRIX, c/o | JONATHAN C. VALENTINE, ATTY. [35 N. FRANKLIN STREET, | WILKES-BARRE, PA. i { accept or reject any or all bids or | any part thereof of any bid. : By order of the Board of Di- rectors of the Dallas School District Dallas, Pa. Harriet Stahl Secretary ROUND ROAST Round Steak Lb. gge Cut From Beef Round Sirloin Tip Roast Fresh Ground Round..... - 8g wc ’ CUT FROM BEEF ROUND GENUINE EYE SWISS STEAK --"99c Round Roast * *1.1% SUPER-RIGHT STRAIGHT CUT Lb. 75¢ H Front C Corned Beef Brisket = +635 CENTER CUT ; Smoked Pork Roast n 89° ALLGOOD LEAN 3 i. 1 RB NONE PRICED 1-Lb. 69° iced Bacon "ii 5 : FRESH FRYING FRESH Large Link a 5 Chicken LESS% ......» 59c Pork Sausage ..... ..™ 3% . FULLY COOKED SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY = Smoked Hams evr nace ™ 79¢ Fresh Picnics .... ... 49] EF SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY Frozen a Shank Beef 0% .....» 75¢ 1urkey Breasts .......» 85¢c 5 SUPER-RIGHT SUPER-RICHT SLICED i 2 Liverwurst &.2F .....» 49c Bologna ...........» 59¢] @ FRESH FRESH £ Spare Ribs ..........~ 69c Pigs Feet ...........»25c} ¢& A&P’S FINE SEAFOOD SELECTION! ® EXTRA LARGE 16 TO 20 COUNT | IN COCKTAIL SAUCE A Eg Jumbo Shrimp ......» $1.29 | Shrimp L835: 89c g Shrimp Dinners 5: o- 59g | Haddock Dinners $3» Li 45¢ = TAS no . p or: 3 Le vy py EY i = =e ERR ATT (WW eTale AA Te] po herders £ LIQUID CLEANER SAFEGUARD ( °i™ ) 2°52" 43€| uo pg in, i 5, SPIC & SPAN CLEANER vee. 27c Rs Off) ie Off) QUIK re 34C ore COLE SLAW DRESSING 37c Orange 8-0z. Bot. 1-Qt., 14-0z. 2 J NT INE They’re one of many. FLORIDA FRESH CALIFORNIA ! 5 : E \ COPYRIGHT © 1966, THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO., INC. /~ STRAWBERRIES NAVEL ORANGES 2 i int 39¢ rue 1b, B9¢ iw 3 a ™ i | ’ Basket Cc HIGHER! R Bag HICHER! @ err 3 . ea Dependable Groceries! Eoaili Fs rh = vy A EXTRA FANCY WESTERN RED FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS £ ream Style Iona y r Soot Corn. 17%. | 4 CANS Tomatoes - 4 CANS DELICIOUS APPLES GRAPE? RUIT i A&P Fn Sire lpi Nos Beans “50% 2 Lbs. 39 5-Lb. 4 PRICED 2 Green gans = Cc Iona Cut bi 4 Cc R Bag Sc HIGHER! g Wax Beans “Za” h ) Green Beans “4 \ wt / g AgP Cut fons Lh, 101. *r25¢ Avoc » Pears 2™29 g B 15:02, Sweet Peas "M0 Green Peppers 3 ~ ¢ zg Sr eam yr : _r" Fresh Green Onions 3 25¢ Red Radishes ron 19g 5 JANE PARKER SAVE 106 ANN PAGE SPAGHETTINI % i 29 Fresh Mushrooms 2 1 Tomatoes Riened © 29¢ 2 : 1-Lb. i ons Fresh Coconuts 2 35¢ Red Potatoes '..,' 5 Bhg Potato Chips CR 49c. Spaghetti rae lo Pies ¢ DAIRY VALUES! BAKERY BUYS! AUNT BELLE’S ) EATWELL Cheese Bars A&P 8-0z. 35¢ JANE PARKER . t. 6-0z. Mild pass . Lb. Pickle Spears .. 5 29¢ Grated Tuna 4 <2 89C | cheese Wedges 2 ™ 79¢ | | Cherry Pie .. 1% 43c Cream Cheese “i.” 2 5... 23¢ ANS PARKER JacKasee 1-Lb., 13-0 Aly Gane 1-Qt., 1-Pt ra Angel Food Ring: 0 45¢ -Lb., -0z. ° -¥r., 1-FT, ~ -0z. Clam Chowder ~~ cen 29c Mayonnaise wrr-19¢ .- FROZEN FOOD BUSS! JANE PARKER FRANCO-AMERICAN ANN PAGE o Fruit Pies Ha. So 89g Rye Bread .o, 23% ° 15V4-0z. ° t. 10-02. ane 1014-0z. Spaghetti0’s soz 070 Salad Dressing 3% 49¢ | A&P Sweet Peas 2 1 29 | Hot Cross Buns rac: ri or 5 Soe | | Burry’s Gaucho Cookies ne. 39¢ Pet Evap. Milk 0. 35¢ uso. 89¢ Keehler’s Pecan Sandies so 49g Mrs. Filbert’s Margarine oi: ti. 53¢ (Green Giant Peas co-33¢ 2. 4lc Sunshine Krispy Crackers ne 33e River Brand Rice te 16c +e 3lc Green Giant 5. Beans 2 cn 45¢ Glad Sandwich Bags ive ogg Kraft Mayonnaise %. 69¢ Green Giant Zi: Beans cans 47¢ Scottie’s Facial Tissues .., 2 = 45g Metracal S'iimen chon vs 89¢ Nabisco Fig Newtons ree. 09€ Cut-Rite Plastic Roll mr. 9Qa Pillsbury som. * Biscuits ro 19€ Scot Towels zw snes Rol gaa JOY Li UiD Pillsbury ce Angel Food Mix “ne 57¢ Waldorf Toilet Tissues ~~ o, «5 34c Lipton’s Instant Tea sons 5c S16 Scot Tissues Tome ses 3 34e c 0 Lipton’s Tea Bags oan 671¢ «1 *1.03 Soft-Weve Toilet Tissue 2, >: 25g 1-Pt., 6-0z. Quart : : Bottle 54 Bottle 82 CHEF BOY-AR-DEE PIZZA CONTADINA RICE-A-RONI MIX FROZEN TOMATO TOMATO BEEF & CHICKEN i ASH DETERGENT Sousage—17 oz. .5..55¢] (Sheets Sausage SAUCE PASTE Pepperoni—17-o0z. ....67¢ 3-0z. 6-02. 874-0z. Cheese—15%;-02. 45 | = DSC 63c cus 698 6 cons 790 re. SIC 1-Lh., 8-0z, C 3,202 c . . : Pig. Pie. LESTOIL NESTLE'S PFEIFFER’S BLENND : & Lemon Drink el Cans Blan Li rset ott tae AAA meer eat meta Rn Pre rere sts tA —— a LA. J go SA FTN