The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 17, 1966, Image 12

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    ra —— Ee —— -
a . a ——————————————————— a TT.
S H A Vv E R T oO W N |Legal Notice — | Legal Notice — Legal Notice —
Notice is hereby given that letters NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that | FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP | residents earned within said town-
; | testamentary have been granted in| Letters Testamentary in the Estate EARNED INCOME TAX i ship; that in the judgment of the E
Hicks gave me for Christmas and| 4, estate of Eva Sott A/K/A Eva of EMILY COOPER, late of the| NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that | | Supervisors of said Township, the | hospital patient at Largo, Fla. ;
which xan from Hilts by house | Sott, late of Wilkes-Barre City, died Township of Kingston, Luzerne | Franklin Township intends to enact | imposition of said tax is necessitated | where he suffered a severe henrt
st plonaing ey ay November 1, 1964. All persons in- | County, Pennsylvania, who died on under the authority of The Local by the need to provide more ample attack. Mr. Wheeler previously had
P 1966, | Tax Enabling Act (Act. No. 511, | revenues for maintenance and im- had a heart attack while visiting
h to have been 3
ia 2 CWE | to make payment, and those hav- granted to HERBERT COOPER, 110 approved December 31, 1965), an provement of roads and highways his son at Buffalo but recovered i
y | ordinance Imposing a tax of 1% on | within said township and the gen- | sufficiently to fly to Florida where
lv d Sunday t _ ing claims or demands present | . ; i
antly suprised on Sunday to re; James Street, Shavertown, Pa., and | —— | eral increased costs of operating | he hoped to sell his home. He
[ll In Florida
James Wheeler, former resident ’
of Davis Street, Trucksville, is a
the total earned income of its ron
dents: and on all income of non-|
DRIVE NOW ON My hat is off to you,
The combined Fire Company and
Ambulance Drive is now underway. |
Mal Kitchen who heads the cam- |
paign here, a busy man who won't
say no to anyone who needs a good
job done.
| ficer to do?
| Jim Sisco.
It is interesting to note that few
of these drivers are insured but
they can always find the where-
withal for booze. It was just such
| a character that ran into the Ted
| debted to said estate are required January 14,
hesitate giving to. What would we!
ever do without these volunteers?
sponsoring the Concert Sunday |
| afternoon of the Lycoming College | ; or to their attorney.
| Choir at Dallas Senior High School. | TTT | Notice is hereby given that let- : : | of fiscal year 1966 that said tax
OFFSET PRINTING | ters testamentary have been grant. Executrix, 110 Wall Sheet, Dan- | B. B. LEWIS, Atty. |may. be in effect and $8,400.00 for
The Dallas Post ed in the estate of Mary Jane Clune, | ville, Pennsylvania. ? Dallas, Pa. each fiscal year thereafter during |
| due to the snowstorm. TR EET ei : pm _ ; Loa) : in 1 Si
to make payment to said Executors (to be derived from said tax is
| $700. 00 per month for each month
i " = injuri vi lovel t f same to Joseph Sott, tor, 232 — — CX i
: Coin cards are a bit late getting | Woolber ts-some. weeks ago ‘injuring ove — a Spies a la Re ? i » 2 a | late ‘of Wilkes-Barre City, died. | Fonsi COOPER, Robbins Rd. | the township government and to planned to return to Buffalo, to a
! out so please fill the slots already | Flossie. Te hase wth thol : ar Re) venue, ilkes-Barre, | March 31, 1965. All persons. ine frre gsville, Pa. Cr editors are Hof | lessen the tax burden on real estate | ive. : |
| past due. This is one real worth | LYCOMING CHOIR _ | flower arranging course she is! ennsylvama. | debted to said estate are required €¢ gshe, Snowy their claims | in said township. | His address is 8411 109¢h Street #8
: while drive that mo one should | Shavertown Methodist Church is taking, made up a most colorful one | to ‘make payment, sand those hav- and those indebted to said estate | The amount of revenue estimated North. a
Legal Notice —
| ing claims or demands present
| same to Mary Evelyn Kuprevich,
for her mother. > -
which tax may be continued in
f A new ambulance appears to be | The original date of January 31 was
¢ the ‘otder of the day. Repairs have | cancelled for their appearance here |
Maude Schultheis,
been put on the present one to the
extent that the boys feel a new one |
The WSCS invites the public to]
? | is much the sensible alternate, With) Fiend” "An Soil Teraning X: ©
ten years of hard service, one can | is anticipated from this outstanding 4
hardly complain. The Association is group of young singers. }
| trying to acquire another ambu- | HERE AND THERE
. lance out of present funds they| Byron Kitchen returned home | Zz
have thriftly set aside for just such | last week after spending several |
. an expenditure. ~ weeks in California and Hawaii. At
i Well, the rain came and it should | Santee, Cal., he visited his son, Ar- |
raise those reservoirs a little. It |thur and in Hawaii, he was the
§ is also doing a good job of taking | guest of hig hiece. He made the | i
away. the snow piles and erasing | ‘entire trip by air.
~ the last vestiges of many a snov- | Airman 2nd ‘Class Stuart Stahl is}
. man‘swhich the children gleefully | | now at Little Rock, Arkansas, |
b shaped several weeks ago. where he > ta Special nn Rig : Whole « or
{ rnest angel = 1s ome «after ! Either 3 :
; ii DESERVED PRAISE | having ‘been a patient in General | PORTION 5 Half» ’
; It was a nice gesture to thank | penta] for some weeks. - We wish | 7 FULL. RIBS ——
. Lawton Culver for a job well done | | him a speedy recovery. Michael (Not Just 4 or'5) io i No
£ at the recent supervisors meeting. | j.¢ Leen: staying with his brother, | (Sliced. : Chops ]
Lawton works ‘as hard as his men | | Jerome at Runnymede, N. Ji dur- | io. “ih Removed!
} and without respite. It was a pleas- | ing: Ernie’s hospitalization. > 3
i ure - to get about out here in con- |'\* Mr, and Mrs. Charles Gosart, Sr., ] yp. or
£ , z he Doo p Jone er He have returned home : after vine | i ?
i neighboring towns o sald the .t the home of Charles Jr., Sweet : :
| Back ° Mogutsin has many incon: | valley while the, young couple were : | / CENTER CUT (THIN, Lb. 94c) | CENTER CUT
; verinces lin the Southland. Mrs. Gosart is | k L : In 0 v
DEADLY DANGER | now ill ‘with the virus. Pork C ops ...... 89¢ Pork Roasts -89¢ %
z It: is rather frustrating to a con- Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Borthwick | : . 9 to 11 :
. scientious police officer to cope | are spending some time in Florida, | i 0 -Q . k ° ; i
t sometimes with the law. When a giving him a chance to recuperate | = i ne varter Por Loins Chops os Sliced oie 79¢
© fellow insists on drinking to the|in the sunshine and warmer cli- ; Nn / 7
i extent ‘that he no longer cares|mates of the South. 5 :
~ whether any other lives may be | Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Columbo, | | ALLGOOD LEAN SLICED TENDER BEEF \ %
{ endangered or not by his inebria- | New Jersey, have moved to Spring : 1-Lb. u Lb a
{ tion and no one will help the situa- | Street. | acon Pk C : : Liver 3c
| tion by declaring him in a state of | = Mrs. Andrew Witalis, Oo g. £8 /
{ drunkeness, what is the solution? |N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. Richar ’ ; FRESH FRYING L i EXCELSIOR =
§ : ™ egs or Breast BUTTERED BEEF
| Saturday night a young father of | J0¥, Peapack, N. J. came in for the If you're an A&P custome, 5 g 3 easts
{ five ‘children became a real hazard | | shower of Carol Pope Martin on | h Sy L d £ th Chicken . 9c Steaks T-0x. $4.00
: on our highway. Loaded to the Sunde. 3M Aria B . t eres no reason 0 rea ur er. % . pkgs.
§ gills ihe had smashed into “one! + Mr. and Mis. Ana Urown iemtey- ) fe or SUPER-RIGHT PORK
. vehicle, injuring the occupants of | tained her mother ~ Mrs. Ethel You already know about Ann Page Foods. BONELESS. SMOKED ON
. that other car. He was hauled in hots Coudale at a birthday | » 1 Lb. ¢ Sau a a 1-Lb. Ze
: and fined for Reckless Driving. A |dinner on Sunday. wil Ich CS : [ ¢ : 2
§ short time later he was buck on the | Mrs. Peter Lukasavage and chil You know they are made by A&P...sold only at A&P. | Roll JUG =
f highway with more intoxicants Seon a Pray to sent Pe : hock 19 She oy B ¢ =
{ under his belt and again reeling his | Weekend wi er parents, Mi an C uc oast . wn. f9¢ an ee 1b. 49 =
8 vehicl here other. motorists: must | Mrs. John Butler. Mrs. Butler re- 2 5 CEC Cy SH sry C &
a a iE, as Sager | You know about the quality of Ann Page Fine Foods. a Style Sone : -
¢ to | Falls, N. Y., to spend several weeks. | Ib. 2 4
Fe Tl fe aT TE They're better than or the equal of nationally-famous brands. Spare Ribs . .. . 59¢ Plate Beef SI LT
3 gain he was pulled in by an | + § fhe % ol vhat | a e
: alert :officer who was extremely | Ty heging to wish = fone Kissling L 2 29 Ens ke Li ke’ ¢i12-0x. S %
| fearful of the deadly toll he might a You know there are more than forty items in the Ann Page line. Sauerkraut Pkg. Cc mokie Links J bSc| =
v take:dn, innocent lives, This time | oi By is ue ° t er ) ‘Super-Right Sliced Oscar Mayer Js N
"the charge was “Disorderly Con- | climes, one gets in a rut. However, 5 i Aah | ; 30x. a a Ne : i 9.00. Z
duct” and since he was now out of | the days are getting longer: and Everything from mayonnaise to macarens, Smoked Beef oo Pkg. 29c Liverwurst is du Pre 39¢ i
1 funds. he was. lodged for the might [one a while the sun peeps from pepper to preserves. Super-Right Quality : . 1 Oscar Mayer : Ga
© in the county jail, keeping him out | throug . ro 3 None Priced 8-0z. oe
§ of touch until the morning hours | Nineteen inches of new snow is 2 : Ducks Higher! SEN 49¢ Sandwich Spraad Roll 39¢ g
{ and giving him a chance to sober | predicted for next Monday, T am ’ ; =
lw J told; so we will have a bit of, win- « | You know they cost you less than comparable brands. eps VINE SEATOOD SELECTION! 2
: Why these charges? Because ter with us for a while yet. Fancy Sea Box. 2.99 Vita Lungh 13-02 Fresh Shucksd 12-0 -
© drunken driving could “not be “It is great fun to look through . . -OZ, B5 I -0x. 15 =
i charged as no hospital or M.D. the seed catalog and Tony Moreck We know, that like all A&P exclusives, Scallops HE In 69c Herring Jar C C ams Can c s
§ would examine him. Is this the way | is! among those who has already : - :
i to maintain safety on our : high-| placed :an order. Incidentally the they re our best values, your best buys. : & : Ps ° i : Ta I 3 Wh :
Irs 50 wick mee oiflowy Join peat Toe ii — a RAL BE (ele [= I — A
Are Ann Page Foods a good reason for shopping A&P? pe TTT
{ ®
| ANNIPASE Shave Whole Beets .. 4 ed8e) =
§ . Cans ¢ >
i They're one of many &
§ J . NESTLE’S a
| Candy Bars 3 «.. *1.00|
: i 2 ; Ts an y ars Bars » =
: ky Frui s an V egeta 3 c HOLLYWOOD x!
«HE 1} 41d 0] i ® SE 2-Lh. : 4 Pkg. 19 5
‘ 4 pi Jar Can y Bars of 6 Cc =
] ! } Fresh Pkg. ; HUNT'S ®
{| INDIAN RIVER SEEDLESS elery Hearts om 2% | — Tomato Sauce 4:°=45¢| ©
; & ans
i Calif. Navel Oranges an Bog | sutana g
GRAPEFRUIT : PeanutButter >":.5°" 95¢ ;
i one : Vine xi... Tomatoes “0p [LY or — DEL MONTE SALE! — 5
y ixie Belle ‘
1-1b, 1-oz. Eo
§ For C Emperor Grapes Swe 2 Lbs, 39 ? 1-1b. Sweet Peas cans 67c <
: ot ¢ Faia wie i hPa Pi le Jui ig 69c g
1 US. No. Ann P (Imitation Maple) inedappie Juice Fd
rr Apples Wesiern Red Seheions 2 Yas 39¢ mn rage Pancake & T= oh A n° Pp cans Th
Cooking Onions
West. Fresh Broccoli Bunch 35¢
Sweet Potatoes
Fresh Cole Slaw
ms. 296 Fresh Mushrooms wu.
35. 23¢
7 09c
10Y2-o0z. 29¢
Syrup Waffle
Orchard Queen Maraschino
Cherries ....
Prune Juice .. ..
Pineapple “ern
> 39c
2 Dairy Foods E38 Frozen Foods! £2
ih C 15%5.0z. 1074.01. st12 3-Ib. 3-Ib.
ECONOJET Veg. 43% bl Fruits 42 oz. Cr 85¢ Pra 49¢ ee $1 29 Can 85¢ Can 89c
477-2211 £3 5-01. 37 ~ 3.87-01z. 33c 3%4-o0z. - 4 3Y2-o0z. oes < 2-1b 83c
Bars w Cc Bars : Bars 3c ' Bars . 38c 2 bars 39¢c Pkg. c
ERR ou
dares. mi SA
heating costs two oF = Leon Pie [5 iia
Ha g | JANE PARKER » Fane Lb. Silverbrook A&P Frozen
Hot C Buns Pumpernickel Bread .:::.2 i: 39¢ | BUTTER ......... . 271g Orange Juice .... 6:2: 89¢
i First, a revolutionary new invention for oil burn- Oo FOSS as a vg $7lvan Seal os
3 ; ers, the Gulf Solar Heat ECONOJET, beats Pkg Cracked Wheat Bread Parker ve 39¢ Cream Cheese ASE Pkg, 29¢ A&P Sweet Peas Be vi 29¢
i g . A&P arp
1 flowy costs by giving you more heat from lose 4 of 8 30¢ 1015-0z. Angel Food Ring uc, i» 45¢ | Cheese Bars ....... Se 39¢ A&P Cauliflower o- 45¢
| Secondly, Gulf Solar Heat® drives down heat- : Hay : 2.Lb, : Snot ATES WT \ r : IR Vik £
Hi ing costs because it's scrubbed clean with hy- Pillsbury i” Pancake Mix re 47€ | Pillsbury °c Biscuits 2 Rats 19¢ | Nabisco Premium Saltines ne 31€
| drogen to burn hotter—cleaner and more com- Prime Dog Food 5; 49¢ 0; 95¢ i.“ *1.69 | L&S Sweet Gherkins or cus > 47¢ | Sunshine Hydrox Cookies rie. 396
1 plese. i goes oro yet Sone ho ors: i” French's Garlic Powder %>29¢ | Sanka Instant Coffee or *1.39 | Burry’s Su.‘ Cookies Vie 39¢ Xe
| Savin alain hid di Picase “ii Cream uo 794 | Nescafe Instant Coffee io 83¢ | Sego “si Liquid neasiggs |
° 1-Lb., 4-0z.
¢ CONTADINA | MAXWELL HOUSE | Heinz Tomato Ketchup ...'";.°*29c¢c BLUE BONNET RAGU
py 2-Lb. $ On : 1-1b. 2
5... 25 6:10] Can 1:71 | Heinz Beans 2¢ 370 29¢ 2 1 33c| 24% 61¢ & | [-43¢c %: 75¢