The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, January 27, 1966, Image 5

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; Purely
‘wé#alth Telephone Company.
* * *
Mrs. George Trudgeon, Yeager
Avenue, returned home on Monday
after having been a patient at Nes-
bitt Hospital.
El # *
Mrs. Kenneth Calkins, Idetown,
has returned home after having
been a patient at General Hospital. |
Mr. and Mrs. Roland E. Koeb,
Montrose, will move into the Paul
Gates home on Sterling Avenue
ghortly. Mr. and Mrs. Gates will
reside in Forty-Fort. Mr. Koeb is
neg District Manager of Common-
Miss Florence Frantz, R.N., Pio-
neer Avenue, is back at her job at
Carpenter Convalescent Home after |
having been ill for several days.
Mrs. Edwin Roth
Hostess To Board
Mrs. Edwin Roth entertained
members of the Executive Board of
Dallas Senior Woman’s Club at her
home on Monday evening. Mrs.
Kenneth Bayliss was co-hostess.
Mrs. Boyd R. White, president,
presided and announced the names
of those who will serve on the nom-
inating committee. Mrs. L. L.
Richardson, Chairman, Mrs. Ken-
neth Bayliss, and Mrs. Lester Jor-
dan will serve from Executive
Board. From the membership will
be Mrs. Raymond Elston, Mrs.
Charles Mahler, Mrs. Raymond
Jacobs and Mrs. Warren Taylor.
Mrs. Robert VanHorn read cor-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bradshaw,
Wellingboro, N.J., have moved to
Haddonfield Hills, Dallas.
Mrs. Edith Daubert, Cliffside Ave-'
nue, is a surgical patient at Gen- |
eral: Hospital.” © 10 Sag
A ‘ow * * s
~~ Mrs. Leighton Scott, ‘Sr,, under-
went surgery at Easton'Hospital on
Wednesday. -morning. Her * sister, |
Mrs. Myra Risley, is” with her. .* |
Dr. John H. Doine, Idetown, is a
patient at Wilkes ‘Barre Veterans
Hospital. Ry
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rosencrans, |
Sweet Valley, are now residing at
27 Carverton Road, Trucksville,
; acknowledging
respondence from the Girl Scouts
the Campership
given by. the Club and an invitation
from the West Side Junior Woman's
Club to its card party being held
February 2nd.
Mrs. Edwin Roth announced that
-reservations. for the February din-
ner should be made by Monday,
February 7th. Dinner will be at the
Irem Temple Country Club.
Mrs. Howard Wiley reported on
the progress of the dance and .stat-
ed that. patriotic theme will be
carried out. Reservations are to be
made with her or Mrs. Dan Rich-
ards. :
Mrs. Lester Jordan, Junior Club
Mrs. James Lord, Ferguson Ave.
ng Shavertown, underwent sur-
g at Mercy Hospital on Wednes-
day. Ys ; 3
| Advisor, extended on invitation to
attend . the next meeting of the
Heads Dance Committee
The annual dance of the Dallas
Senior Woman's Club, “The Rail-
Splitter's Ball” will be held at Irem
Temple Country Club,
will be served from 8:00_to 9:00 and
dancing to Bobby Baird's orchestra
from 9:00 till 1:00.
Wednesday, February 9th by calling
evening, February 12th. Cocktails |
Reservations should be made by
Kd ‘eceived word from Mrs. Geneva
RR ARS SPT or ae
eral Hospital: =
Mrs. Marrt Harding and daugh-
Have Son
~~ Mother is the former Jane Lewis,
Trucksville before moving to Tunk-
: Y Ey SOE GT >
* # 0
* Charles Boland, Philadelphia, was
the guest of Jack Mallin; Pinecrest
Avenue, during the Exam recess at |
Bi@¥amburg State College. Both boys
are classmates there. |
Miss Judy Bergstrasser, daughter.
of Mr. 4nd Mrs. Henry Bergstrasser,
Water Street, will return to Millers-
ville State College on Monday after
spending the mid semester recess
with her parents. :
Also home for a short vacation
Robert Anderson, Trucksville
Gardens, who is a student at Ly-
coming College.
Mrs. Richard Strosahl, Dallas, is
a patient at Wyoming Valley Hos-
pital. ~ : :
® - oe
Levi Updyke, Mt. Greenwood |
Road, will return home this week- |
end after spending some time with
his: daughters in Maryland.
‘Airman 2nd Class Charles R.
Raver, who was formerly stationed
in California, has arrived at North
Vietnam. '» re
Mrs. Mary Connolly, Pioneer ‘Ave-
nue, has recovered from’ an illness
of some duration..
Mrs. Emerson Veitch, Center Hill
Road, is a patient at Nesbitt Hos-
pital. To :
oa =
‘Mrs. Helen Balliet, Chase, recent-
Brown, former Overbrook Avenue
resident, that Mrs. Louis Brown is
a @atient in the North District
HJspital, Sample Road, Pocono
Beach. . Mrs. Brown slipped and,
fell; breaking her left leg in two
places, necessitating surgery. Mrs.
Balliet nursed Mr. Brown .for. a
year before the Browns went to
Florida. : :
. Miss Judy Stanley, daughter. of
Mr. and Mrs. Michael. Stanley, !
Pioneer Avenue, Trucksville, will |
arrive Friday from : Washington. |
.D. C., to spend the weekend with
her parents. . Also: accompanying | the son of Mr. and Mrs. George |
Miss Stanley will be Miss Lorraine
Stash, Overbrook Avenue.
girls are employed in the U. S.|
i f Health, Education and Wel-
fare. Ens te a y :
, Dallas, is a patient in Gen-
ter Susi, Herndon, Va., arrived on
Sunday to spend several days with
‘the former’s mother, Mrs. T.M.B.
Hicks, Pioneer Avenue.
i & & *
Mr. and Mrs. William Dorn, At-
lanta, Ga., have moved to 53 Mill
Street, Dallas.
- Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mineo, New |
York City, have moyed to Pine
Street, Oak Hill with their daugh-
ters. Mr. Mineo is associated with
Topps: Chewing Gum Company.
z { * * 2
Mrs. John Girvan, Lake Street,
had not expected guests for her
birthday but on Saturday, two of
the far flung family dropped in
Mrs. David Girvan, Nanticoke, still
hale and hearty at 88 and her
aghter, Mrs. Arthur Westerhof,
Blisle, Towa. Mrs. Westerhoff,
‘connected with a health clinic in
Des Moines, had flown East to at-
tend a conference in New York.
T * * *
James Inman, Summit Street,
Shavertown, has returned to his
home to recuperate after under-
going surgery at Geisinger Medical
Center. Mr. Inman was a patient
three weeks at the Danville in-
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sherry,
Avery Street, Tunkhannock, an-
nounce the birth of a son on Jan-
uary 23 at Tyler Memorial Hospital.
The baby weighed eight pounds
at birth and joins two brothers and
a sister, Thomas, Robert and Donna.
Kingston. The Sherrys lived at
ope re
rs! Henry Moyer, Mountainview |
the ‘Forefathers of the Valley”,
prior to the business meeting.
Mrs. Leonard Cowett, program
chairman, announced that the Feb-
ruary meeting: will have an Inter-
national Program with Miss Mary
Glowacki of Wilkes-Barre speaking
of the history, culture and customs
.of the Polish people.
Attending meeting were:
Mesdames Darrell Crispell, Vern
Groff, Edward Ratcliffe, Howard
Wiley, Lester Jordan, George Payne,
Granville Sowden, Leonard Cowett.
Lewis Reese, Robert VanHorn, Har-
old LaBar, Ralph Fitch, Jchn Wil-
liams, Boyd White, Kenneth Bay-
liss and Edwin Roth.
Michele Lamoreaux
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamoreaux,
R. D. 2, Bradley Creek, Endicott,
New York, announce the birth of
their first child, a daughter, Mi-
chele Joy, on January 19, in Ideal
Hospital,» Endicott, New York. The
baby weighed in at seven pounds,
three ounces. |
Mrs. Lamoreaux is the former El-
lie Faatz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Faatz, Plains. Her hus-
‘I band is the son of Mr. and Mus. |
Fred Lamoreaux of Demunds Road.
. Michele is the first grandchild of
the Lamoreaux’s and the third for
the Faatzes. She also makes the
eleventh great-grandchild for Mr.”
and Mrs.
George Belles of Fern-
Debra Ann Stuart
Mr. ‘and Mrs. Robert Stuart, East!
.|‘Orange, New Jersey announce the
birth of their second child, a daugh-
ter, Debra Ann, on January 7 in
East Orange Hospital.
Mrs. Stuart is the former Cathy
Bossert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Bossert, Dallas. - Mr. Stuart is
Stuart, Fernbrook. There is an-
two and a half.
Debra makes the second grand-
child for the Bosserts and number
eight for the Stuarts. !
: : ; Mrs. D iel Richard + Mrs.
| Junior Woman’s Club at which time Se La ily oo : rs Sa:
| Mrs. Annette Evans will speak on company reservations. The public
is cordially invited and a pleasant
time is assured all who attend.
Mrs. Howard Wiley is chairman
of the affair and Mrs. Henry C.
Moyer, co-chairman.
This year’s social event, a high-
Club agenda was given its original
title in memory of Abraham Lin-
coln, the Great Emancipator, whose
birthday falls on the date of the
Former Grace Bachman
Mother Of Daughter
Mr. and Mrs.
Swarthmore Avenue, Swarthmore,
Pa., announce the bitrh of a daugh-
ter, Kimberly Ann on Friday after-
noon, January 21 at Nesbitt Me-
morial Hospital, Kingston.
The new arrival, who weighed in
at six pounds, thirteen ounces, is
the first child of the couple.
Mother is the former Grace
Bachman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Bachman, Demunds Road,
Dallas. The little girl is the first
grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Bach-
i man. L
| Mr. Pesikey is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Pesikey, Memphis,
Joseph Kubasti
| Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Kubasti,
| Demunds Road, announce the birth
| of a son, Joseph, on January 21 at
| General Hospital.
There are two other children,
Barbara and Michael. Mother is
! the former Louise Brzyski, daugh-
ter of Mrs. Walter Brzyski, De-
| munds Road, and the late Mr.
| Brzyski.
James Inman, Shavertown, wishes
Both | other daughter, Donna Marie, age | to thank his neighbors and many
friends for their prayers and cards
while he was hospitalized at Gei-
singer. Their kind thought is deep-
ly appreciated.
set aside for just plai
girl” your sentiments
Store of Shavertown.
to choose from
package that suits
Store right now and
“pure sweet talk.
Mounta in.
| 674-4681
SA pa
Valentine's Day, February 14th, is a day
what better way is there to tell your “best
FANNY FARMER Heart from Evans Drug
‘Evans has many FANNY FARMER Hearts
. all filled with candies
made with loving care.
Satins in Red, Blue, Azalea, and White or
the popular FANNY FARMER old-fashioned
hearts. The prices are old fashioned, too,
starting at $1.00. Stop in at Evans Drug
FANNY FARMER hearts that are filled with
is the exclusive distributor of
famous FANNY FARMER Candy in the Back
Harveys Lake Highway, Shavertown
; SHAVERTOWN | 674-3888
n sweet talk . . . and
than with a beautiful
You can pick the
her personality, too.
let him show you the
light on the Dallas Senior Woman's !
Thomas Pesikey, |
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Clark,
Beaumont, announce the approach- |
ing marriage of their daughter,
Karen S. Clark, to Reed E. Balewski, |
son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Balewski, |
also of Beaumont.-
The ceremony will be performed |
by Reverend Ruth Underwood, Dur-
yea, on Saturday, February 12, 1966
at two o'clock, in the Noxen Meth-
odist Church. Reception will fol-
low immediately in the church par-
lors. $
Miss Clark has chosen as her at-
tendants, Miss Carole Gulla, Ver-
non, maid of honor, Miss Bethanne
Clark, her sister as junior brides-
maid and Miss Judy Balewski, sister |
of the groom, bridesmaid. i
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bachman,
Demunds Road, Dallas, will cele-
brate their 25th wedding anniver-
sary on Monday, January 31.
The well known Back Mountain
couple were married at the Little
| White Church on the Hill, Trucks-
ville, by Rev. J. ‘Savacool. Mrs.
Bachman ig the former Gnace Louise
Morris, daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Leroy Morris, Trucksville.
She is a graduate of Wyoming Sem-
inary and Traphagen School of De-
sign, New York.
Mr. Bachman is the son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bach-
man, also of Trucksville. He is an
alumnus of + Westmoreland High
School and Pennsylvania State
University and is associated with
Harrington, Walker and Strickland
Advertizing Agency where he serves
as vice president of the firm.
A popular ‘auctioneer at the Back
Mountain Library © Auction each
year, he is a member of the Board
Off To Nassau |
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Faegenburg, !
Applewood Manor and Mr. and Mrs. |
William Guyette, Pioneer Avenue, |
will leave Friday for New York,
where they will embark for a cruise
to Nassau. While the Faegenburgs
are away, her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Patrick Mangan, Ashley, will |
stay at their home.
Mrs. Donald Smith Is
Chosen State Officer
Mrs. Donald Smith, West Dallas
was elected recording secretary of
the Auxiliary of Professional En-
gineers at the January meeting of
the association held in Harrisburg
over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith left Friday to
attend sessions. The meeting was
held at the Harrisburger Hote! at
which time staté officers were
chosen. i Big
Pack 155 To Meet
Monthly committee meeting of
pack 155 will be held in the edu-
cational building of the Trucksville
Methodist Church January 27. The
meeting will start at 8:30 rather |
than the usual 8:00. :
Miss Karen S. Clark To Wed
Teacher At Noxen On Feb. 12
| mont, cousin of the groom will be
| mont, also a cousin of the groom
Mr. Robert Belles, Jr., of Beau- William Street, Geneva, N. Y.
Mr. And Wire: Robert Buches
To Mark Silver Anniversary
| was
'at Nesbitt Hospital. Mrs. Spudis is
best man, Mr. Terry Belles, Beau-
will be junior usher, and Mr. James
J. Sloan of Smithtown; N. Y., cousin
of the bride will be usher.
Miss Clark is a graduate of Tunk-
hannock High School and Wilkes-
Barre Business College. She is em-
ployed by Pennsylvania Millers Mu-
tual Insurance Company, Wilkes
Mr. Balewski is a graduate of
Tunkhannock = High School and
Wilkes College and is teaching in
the Geneva Junior High School,
Geneva, N.- Y.
The couple - will reside at 16
of Directors of the Library, Dallas
Lodge, F & A M, Caldwell Con-
sistory and the Shrine. As a hobby
he turns to golf for “relaxation,
while Mrs. Bachman: enjoys nothing
better than her favorite pasttime
of painting. For a number of years
she served as asst librarian in the
Children’s Division = at the Back.
Mountain Library. .
The entire Bachman: family looks
forward to the annual auction
where Mrs. Bachman: adds yearly
to her collection of antiques. The
couple are members ‘of Kunkle
Methodist : Church.
There are two children, Mrs.
Grace Ann Pesikey, Swarthmore,
Pa., and Sumner stationed with the
Air Force at Pope Air Force Base,
N. Carolina. Last week Mrs. Pesikey |
presented her parents with their
first grandchild - making the little
girl a perfect’ anniversary gift.
A family dinner is planned on |
Saturday, January 29. |
Mrs. Montgomery
Hosts Committees
Mrs. George Montgomery was
hostess on Friday at’ her home in
New Goss Manor ‘to.-officers and
heads of standing committees of the
Book Club.
A business meeting ‘at “11 ‘a.m.
followed. by a buffet-style
The April meeting on the third
Monday will start at. 1:30 instead’
of 2 p.m. -
Guests were Mesdames Ornan
Lamb, Raymond Flick; W. B. Jeter, ,
Williard © Seaman, Albert Jones,
Lyman, Lull, James Alexander, Her- |
man Thomas, Richard. Dale, George
Jacobs, Dana Crump, Ray Turner,
and Robert Weaver.
Robert Michael Spudis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spudis,
Harveys Lake, announce the birth
of their first child, a boy, Robert
Michael, seven pounds, seven and
three quarters ounces, January 18
the former Carolyn Dickson, East
Dallas. i Piha
Payments May
the ring that means so much - should have the beauty
that only diamonds impart to it. Whether she wants to
wear it with her engagement ring or alone - whether her
preference is for simplicity or elaborateness - our wide
selection is sure to have the glamor one of her choice.
Jeweler : |
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STORE HOURS 10:00 to 5:25 — THURS. 10:00 to 8:45
rE, CAN? LL Pmt oA op TH
Be Arranged |
New Worthy Advisor
At a brilliant ceremony held Sat-
urday evening at Trucksville Metho- |
dist. Educational Building, Miss Deb- |
bie Savickas, daughter of Mr. and |
Mrs. John Savickas, Hillcrest Drive, |
Dallas, ‘was installed as Worthy Ad- |
visor of Charles James Memorial |
Assembly, 144, Order of Rainbow. |
Miss Verna Miers, Past Worthy
Advisor, installed Miss Savickas.
The new head of the Rainbow
School and has been active in the
order for some time, holding a num- |
ber of offices. For outstanding serv- |
ice to the Assembly and her com)
munity, she recently received the
Grand Cross of Color and a White |
Bible, both top honors.
Debbie is a member of Dallas |
Methodist Church. Her mother is |
ass’t chairman of merits and awards. '
wedding anniversary
To Celebrate 25th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. James Kozemchak,
Huntsville, will celebrate their silver
on Wednes-
day, February 2.
The couple were married in St.
Peter’s and Paul's Church, Wilkes-
| Barre by the late Rev. John Kutzky.
| Mrs. Kozemchak is the former Ann
Wasnick, daughter of Mrs. Lillian
Wasnick and the late William Was-
nick, Wilkes-Barre.
is the son of Mrs. Rose Kozemchak, |
i Overbrook Avenue and the late Ro- |
| man Kozemchak.
Mr. Kozemchak, who has gained
| renown as a fine photographer in
this area, has produced many out- |
standing + composite. pictures for
special issues of the Dallas Post
which has evoked much favorable
comment from its readers. A family
man, Mr. Kozemchak shares with
his wife a love of beautiful things |
and his Christmas decorations each |
year have brought him numerous
Her husband |
awards. During their 25 years of
residence at Huntsville the couple
| has continued to add improvements
to the home they purchased from
| the Wallos prior to their marriage.
Mrs. Kozemchak, a fine home-
maker, is a culinary expert and
many a friend has copied her fav-
orite recipes and guests are en-
thusiastic over the repast she
Three children complete the fam-
ily circle, Mrs. Elaine Roberts,
Broomall, an art teacher in the
school district there; James, Jr.,
student at Wilkes College and
David, - a ‘senior’ at Dallas High
| School.
Mr. Kozemchak is a long time
employee of. American Chain and
Cable Company, Wilkes-Barre. The
family are members of St. John's
Russian Orthodox Church, Edwards-
hd 5c Ib.
Cor. Main and Center Sts.
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Neighborhood News And Notes Of Personal Interest
‘Mr. And Mrs. James Kozemchak