VANIA - William Harry D. nd John gh Y ST 1 UG y ts reg. 4.39 axall "$s y le VY. B83 631 ton, her home, on Tuesday evening: Mrs. | Melvin Hopfer, Mrs. Elmer Lyons, | Warren Montross, Mrs. mond Kelly, Mrs. John Lyons, Mrs. Robert Clark and Claire, Mrs. El- vin Bean and Mrs. Howard Shook. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newell, Fort Mrs. Lagierdale, Fla, announce the birth Richard Keiper on Friday night. and Mrs. Alpha Dymond for several| of officers. Present: Mrs. Joseph would be glad to have your help. | of a daughter, Lucinda May, on' Mike Bean, New Cumberland, and days. } | Dotter, Mrs. Howard Engelman, | That number again is 675-3087. | January 4th. (Miss Dianne Fralinger, Steelton,| Myr. and Mrs. Lee Spaulding and Mrs. Clark Oliver, Mrs. Guy Fritz, | dn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Butler, spent the weekend with the Elvin son Stewart of Johnson City, N. Y.,| Mrs. Gomer Thomas, Mrs. Roy | R. D. 1, Noxen, announce the birth Beans. | spent Sunday with Mr. and ‘Mrs.| Dendler, Mrs. Albert May, Mrs. | Property Award of a daughter at- Nesbitt Hospital,| Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Territo, Lester Crispell. Robert Clark and Mrs. Clarence | Property taken from the Orchard ' on January 12th. | West Wyoming, spent Sunday with Pat Newelll and |. Mrs. = Grace Turner. Mrs. Joseph Dotter Was p,m Restaurant tract. at intersec- DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA ‘Mrs. School. 1 Mrs. Amelia Donovan entertained @t a party in honor of her an Robert’s fifth birthday on Sunday, Jan. 9th. Attending were: Linda Patton, (Charles Patton, Dick Pat- Ambor and Shawn Murphy, Mrs. ‘Margaret, Arnold and daugh- ter Cristy, and Mrs. Laura Carey. | Osmand Casterline tained the following at a party, at P.T.A. meeting was held Monday, January 10th. at Noxen Elementary | Refreshments were served by the room mothers, ithe refreshment committee. ‘man wag Engelman, Engelman and Nellie Scouten. Louise THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, JANUARY 'E. Dallas: East Dallas NOXEN Speakers were: Carol Bridger, Mrs. Albert Jones is spending a) days with her father, George Fritz. | Robert Harding, John Carr, Irene week with her son Theodore and David Fritz and George Tomlin- | Mykowycz, Arlene Andrecko, Bill family at Warwick, N. Y. sen visited at the home of Jack Pinkowski. The subject was a step| Mrs. Harry Bigelow accompanied Messersmith, Endicott, on Sunday. | by step explanation of “New Math” | the young people of the Bowman's William Race and Nelson Cargill, | pany got it wrong. enter- Spent the weekend with his par- She also visited Mrs. Dendler who | for a visit with Mrs. Lawrence Race ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Butler, is a patient there. and. William, Stull. | Mrs. Willard’ Bender is on the Mrs. Anna Kanouse, Bloomsburg Mr. and Mrs. Barry Engelman, sick list, at her home in Noxen. | has spent some time with her sister, Ray- Pamela and Cynthia Sue, Waverly, !| N. Y., spent the weekend with Mrs. William Engelman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Derby, Shickshinny, called on Mr. and Mrs. Warren Montross returned to his Mrs. Joseph Hackling. home, from the Veteran's Hospital,| Ladies Society of St. Luke's Lu- | Bronx, N. Y., on Friday. theran Church met on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dymond and night at the Parish Hall. The regu- son Billy, of Langhorne, visited Mr. | Jar meeting was held with election , oblige our aspring | Konsavage ! Keiper went to Albany, N. Y. on Sunday where they met her mo- ther, Mrs. Oscar Patton and brought the Leonard Territos. Miss Peggy Coole, N. Plainfield, N. J., spent the weekend with the re-elected as president, Mrs. Ho- ward Engelman, 1st vice president, Mrs. Robert Clark, 2nd vice pres- Boston, Lois and Mark, Waverly, Pa., visited Mr. | Burtell and George and Mrs. Ray Kelly, on Sunday. Philadelphia, are spending several Mr. Tomlinsen, | were dinner guests at the home of and Mrs. Theodore Polk, at Wyoming, on Sunday. 675- subscribers, and neighbors, we finally have you | a columnist, Mrs. John Konsavage, Dallas RD 1. Her number is 675- 3087, which is a number to write| Mrs. Howard Perry is a patient down because the phone book com- |in General Hospital. tion. from September 20, 1966 3087 friends, the ' for the parents of Elementary, Creek Free Methodist Church on Endicott, visited the Elmer Races, | Mis Konsevage is Willing (Pupils, : ySundey to visit the patients ation Saturday. Mr. and Ms Ray | column starting this week, while | Claude Sorber, Arlington, Va.,! Carpenters Nursing Home, Idetown.| Wilson returned home with them | ’ ? journalist - by phoning items of interest until Mrs. | learns the ropes, be mighty appreciative. we'd And she tion of Routes 309 and 118, Dallas, owned by Michael Ferraro, for con- struction of new highway brought who were Fred Cooles. | her to her home here. She had ident, Mrs. Clark Oliver, secretary, a board of review award of $24,000 b Chair- day. ‘spent seven weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fritz, Treasurer. plus interest of 6 per cent deten- Lucille Blizzard, Carol Mr. and Mrs. Nick Novak, Nik Mrs. Harry Wells, Rockland,” Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shalata 20, 1961. rw) utomatic a SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES v NC DOWN PAYMENT v4 CC PLETELY INSTALLED pr LL "NO COSTLY 3-WIRE SERVICE NECESSARY WITH GAS DUET Only a Gas Water ‘Heater can recover its capacity, or more, I : every hour. : Only a Gas Water Heater lets you wash load after load of clothes, and still have plenty of hot water for other house- hold uses. Only a Gas Water Heater supplies instant hot water... without bothersome waiting. Only a Gas Water Heater guarantees that you'll never run out of hot water again. x * x * i (PTE oy. (he for reliable, low-cost water heating yawn can depend on! SEE YOUR GAS APPLIANCE DEALER-OR PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR-OR THE GAS COMPANY Rammer sacar savin oe GAS WATER HEATER PENNSYLVANIA GAS and WATER Company ky Re fs ra SECTION B — PAGE 5 MOUNT ZION Mrs. Tree Road is a patient under ob- servation in Nesbitt Hospital. { Mrs. Wesley Lewis is continuing | Dr. Stroh thought if I would come ‘her stay in Nesbitt Hospital. house last Tuesday evening I showed some Dottie’s slide pictures | had to pause every once in awhile to make some corrections in the interest of the progress of history William ZLaBarr of Apple | | Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Collins of | psychological value might help. So Irene Moore is away on vacation.| Wyoming visited our Writing a column from scratch | week. | is no easy job, because people get | used to telling things to the same people from week to week, so if | Wyoming church for the W.S.C.S.| | Irene’s old stand-by tipsters will | ag I went through the pictures I | at the | since the slides and Dottie’s com- | ments were prepared back in 1964. For instance, the slides showed pic- tures of President Kasavubu and of Prime Minister Moise Tshombe. But now the president army chief Mobutu and of course he was not in the pictures. So changes do come in so-called back- ward countries, now moving ahead! FROM VALLEY CREST plan of the management at Valley Crest to place Valley Crest resi- dents in private. Foster Homes whenever such resident becomes able to take care of himself or her- self in a private home. These Fos- | ter Homes, however, have to meet certain requirements and are under the supervision of the from Valley Crest is in residence. ‘There are now 32 pa- tients in such Foster Homes, the | highest number since the beginning | of the program in 1962. Many are | in the Dallas area. | | | Idetown { | { | { patient Mrs. Leslie Sabo and Mrs. Frank Lenygel and Mrs. Alfred Hadsel | were hostesses for the W.S.C.S. | meeting held in the churchouse on | Wednesday night. Mrs. George May | led the devotion while Mrs. Bruce Williams presided. Letters were | read from Dorothy Gilbert and | Esther Russell. Present: Mesdames | Alfred Hadsel, Emory Hadsel, Frank | Lenygel, Hope Ide, Dean Shaver, | Grace Knupp, Bruce Williams, Ros- | well Frederice, George May and { Claire Mckenna; Ben Cooke; Rev. and Mrs. Winfield Kelley. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boice, Beth- esda, Md., with. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boice, Buffalo, N. Y., spent several days during the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Boice. Confidence Class Mrs. Jerry Brown and Mrs. Char- lotte Calkins were assisting hos- tesses for the Confidence Class meeting at the home of Bess Cooke recently, Mrs. Calkins led the de- votions. Mrs. James- Barrall pre- sided. Several thank you notes were read and Bess Cooke was asked to send for dish cloths. Present: Mes- dames Al Rinken, James Barrall, Dean Shaver, George May, Roswell Alfred - Hadsel, the hostesses; Rev. and Mrs. Winfield Kelley. “The Miners.” JHE LARGEST PUBLIC UTILITY WITH HEADQUARTERS IN. NORTHEAST RETA RT, GN FNSIUNA LTE TAG is the former | | Medical Director’s extension of this { Hill. | | when singing serves As many people know it is the | an SINGING TO SAVE A LIFE One of my friends at Valley Crest has been near the edge several times. The other day I had a call from one of the supervisors that up and sing for ‘this patient the I went and did. Later 1 wanted to let Dr. Stroh know how much I ap- preciated his calling me. I spoke of it as something beyond the call of his medical duty. Which he denied. He said something to the effect that such a psy- chological and spiritual need as it apparently did in this case it was within the scope of medical treat- ment. Anyway, 1 appreciated this] form of treatment. improve.! DESCENT FROM HAPPY HILL Our place is two or three hun- dred feet more or less lower than | the location of the Rev. Ralph Weatherly’s place known as Happy | So when he comes over with | arm load of reading matter | gravity helps him make the journey. Certainly not “gravity” in the emotional sense.. More like! levity! Does the soul good—mine, | The patient did | |T mean. Along with The Episco-| { palian, The Witness, Look, Life, Newsweek, Saturday Review, the | Post (not Dallas) there was a book Luzerne | County Institution District while a | Frederici, Roger Whitesell and son Matthew, Grace Knupp, Hope Ide, | Don't let them get ahead of you! Pay them off with a Personal Loan from That way you keep your eredit good and have just one convenient payment to make each month, Come in and let us help yeu. MEMBER FEDERAL «1 calling Living Prophecies, being “The Minor Prophets Paraphrased ! with Daniel and The Revelation “by Kenneth Taylor, a special edition for The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. It may be exciting Jackson Township Plans Arnual Fireman Dinner Jackson Township Firemen and members of its Auxiliary met Wednesday night to discuss the an- | nual banquet to be held at the Fire Hall February 19 at 6:30 p.m. Res- ervations can be made with any of the above members. Judge Bernard Brominski will be guest speaker. Music for dancing! will follow the dinner and the talk. Committee members: = chairman, | Richard Holodick, Steve Krupinski, Bob Allardyce, Frank Fabian, | Marion Holodick, Carcl Maskaluk and Marjorie Zbiek. A final meeting of firemen and auxiliary will be held February 2 at 8 p.m. There will be no regular meeting of the Auxiliary in February, New Dallas Shopping = 1 Center aa | Centermoreland 333-4500 DALLAS 675-1176 At The Friendly “Miners in Dallas” MINERS NATIONAL BANK Main Street, Dallas, Pa. NAA pr | ing him a full recovery. | ton Hospital to see him. reading, I'll see. Also friend Wea- therly told me that during the Christmas season he had a visit from ‘his son Bruce Weatherly and wife and children John, Christo- pher, Margaret, Mark and Peter. They are from the Trinity Church in Moorestown, N. J. Also daughter Carol who is the wife of Henry Hobart Tallmadge of Glen Ridge, N. J. with their daughters Lynn, Suzanne and Phoebe. All these next of kin brought the usual sun- shine to those on Happy Hill. SENIOR CHOIR PARTY Mrs. Ralph Weatherly who was the former organist and choir di- rector at Grace Church Kingston had played recently at a morning choral service. In the evening the Senior choir came up and had a party at Mrs. Weatherly’s home. Mrs. Ray Goulstone of Kingston and her daughter Mrs. Daniel Char- ney of Allentown were recent visitors at the Weatherlys. SUFFERS STROKE Last Saturday morning Louis Bell suffered a severe stroke paralyzing his speech and his right side. Louis is our church custodian and every- body feels quite concerned about him. The Bells live over next to Edward Miles on the dirt road near where we had a summer playground before we bought this place. When we were ready to move our few goods from there over here Louis Bell backed his truck up and leaded it up and moved the goods here. He was that kind of neighbor to us. He has a nice family too. We join with many others in wish- Sunday afternoon I went down to the Pitts- 1 took his left hand and spoke to him telling him who 1 was. He opened one eye and looked at me but whether he recognized me or not I not know. over do LEGAL NOTICE! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held on February 7th, 1966, at 7:30 p.m. at the Lehman Township Fire Hall by the Lehman Township Planning Commission concerning the sub- mission to the Township Super- visors of a proposed zoning ordin- ance. A copy of the proposed or- dinance has been posted at the above place fer public inspection. BEN R. JONES, III, ESQUIRE See me for top-quality protection at low cost § 74 CLAUDE ST. - DALLAS RALPH N. FITCH, JR. lL You're in good hands with ALLSTATE INSURANCE 675.1901 DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION “a = I aT ——e——D