The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 02, 1965, Image 4

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    Roo ON
Fo Ta
| Mrs. Thomas Mahoney
Is Honored At Shower
A bridal shower was held Novem-
| ber 20 at the home of Mrs. Thomas
Perkins, Hunlock Creek, for her
daughter Marion who married
New members will be initiated | Thomas Mahoney on November 26.
Dallas Junior Women Ready
Holiday Schedule, Projects
Executive Board of Dallas Junior | meeting.
Women’s Club met recently at the !
home of Mrs. Stephen Vrabel. Mrs. | |
Kenneth Hunter acted as co-hostess. | Club. table holding the gifts. Party favors
Plans were announced for, a| The Club has decided to give were made of hankies and shaped
Christmas dinner meeting to be held | baskets of food to the needy in the | like umbrellas. Those present: Mrs.
at Aldino’s Manor, Tuesday, Decem- | Back Mountain area. Members are | Dorothy Laurence, Mrs. Robert E.
ber 7, at 6:30 P.M. Mrs. Joseph | asked to donate canned goods, flour, | Jones, Roberta Perkins, Mrs. John
Borton announced that reservations | sugar, coffee, tea, etc. The Christmas | Roskoski and Erica, Mrs. Wilson
must be in before December 4. Welfare Committee will contact Mahoney, Mrs. Marvin Evarts, Mrs.
{and welcomed formally into the | A large umbrella hung over the |
Dallas Woman's Club Chorale Ready For Christmas Program
Three Junior Club members members and arrange to pick these : Cora Kulp, Gladys Mae Evarts, Ber-
known as the “Dallas Trio” will sing | items up. New or used toys will be
the Club Collect. They are Mrs. welcomed. Any donation from the
Evan Bonawitz, Mrs. Joseph Kam- general public would be appreciated. |
Tnski and Mrs. Paul Lauer. The | Welfare checks will be used toward |
Choral will entertain at th. dinner | He Birshse of mens and poultry,
Hospital will be collected by the |
Christmas Welfare Committee at the
same time.
Mrs. Barbara Bartolacci an-
nounced the need for clothing and
shoes at Retréat State Hospital. In
particular, the patients are in need
of dresses in sizes, 14, 16, 18, 20,
| 14%, 22%, and one size 44; and |
| shoes in sizes 5n, 6B, 6 wide, 9n |
and 9b. Magazines would also be |
appreciated. The Christmas Welfare
Committee wil collect these items
from any members wishing to do-
nate them.
A meeting of the welfare Com-
mittee for the Christmas Baskets
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Ludwig Pasquini, Chairman, in Ap-
plewood Manor. Mrs. Pasquini re-
sides at the corner of James Street
and Orchard Road. Committee mem-
bers expected to attend are: Mrs.
Stephen Vrabel, Mrs. Kenneth Hun-
ter, Mrs. Joseph Merton, Mrs. Henry
McCain, Mrs. Dean Casaday, Nancy
By Jean Kinkead, Women's Consultant,
The Travelers Insurance Compunies
Home Vacations
One of the keys toc leading a
healthy — and a long — life is a
real, annual vacation.
Ww hat is a vacation? Depending
2 uponyour point
of view, it
might he a fam-
ily fishing trip
to the wilds of
Canada, or a
plush second
% 5 honeymoon in
still, when Cok or unavoid-
able conditions make a vacation
away from home impossible,
women in the know can arrange | Meyers, Mrs. Gunther VanElden,
an altogether delightful vacation { Mrs. Merton Jones,. and Mrs. Paul
right at home! Lauer.
There are two baste musts fer
‘home vacations: a complete
change of routine and a tempo-
rary respite from responsibility.
There are all sorts of ways to
change your routine. First, vary
your eating habits. Have a late
brunch and an early gourmet
supper. Or, enjoy a meal a day at
a restaurant and have fun dis-
covering a different place each
Take up something entirely
new during your vacation. Learn
how to play tennis or golf or be- |
gin studying French. And, you'll
have all the time in the w orld for
that nearby summer theater, out-
door concerts and sporting events
that you ordinarily just read
about in the newspaper.
To lighten your responsibili-
ties, hire temporary help to cock,
clean, baby-sit and cut the grass
Export the small-fry ‘to ¥ind
grandparents or make reciprocal
agreements with good friends. If
you're really brave, you won't
even answer the telephone!
A backyard vacation will make -
you feel so refreshed and healthy
that you’ll want to keep up the
system on all the lovely summer
and Indian summer weekends to
A Christmas Party will be held
for the patients at Retreat. All
members desiring to work may con-
tact any member of the Christmas
Welfare Committee. The date and
time will be announced.
Mrs. Evan Bonawitz, Music Chair- |
man, announced the heavy schedulé
| of the Chorale during the holiday
| season. They will appear through-
cut the Valley at civic, service and
fraternal organizations. as well as
the hospitals, almost nightly begin- |
ning December 2. Their program of
| music at the Miners National Bank
of Wilkes-Barre on. December 16.
at 12:30 p.m... will’ be broadcast
over local radio.
It was announced that contri-
butions were made by the Club to
the United Nations Organization,
The William Penn Museum and the
Congressional Medal of Honor
Grove, Valley Forge.
The ‘Board members voted upon
and passed two amendments to the
by-laws which were posted by Mrs.
C. Edward Johnson. They will be |
read at the December meeting. The |
age limit of the Dallas Junior Wo- |
men’s Club is changed from 35 to
40. Membership is open to women
from 18-40 who reside anywhere
in the Back Mountain area.
Teachers in the junior and senior
high schools in the Back Mountain
area will be contacted by Mrs. Rob-
ert Stair, Home Life Chairman, in
regard to regulations and rules for
the sewing contest to be sponsored
i by the Club.
EE a)
ev h Ee
No Board meeting will be held
in December. The Executive Board
will meet on January 20, 1966.
Home From Hospital
Andrea Maher, daughter of Mrs. |
and Your gift Elizabeth Maher, Demunds Road,
and the late Richard Maher, re-
problems turned home on Wednesday after
having been a surgical patient ati
General Hospital. Andrea is al
es at Dallas High School.
are all wrapped up!
TWO- 3 worm
“The Gift of Good Taste”
For All Occasions
| John Evarts, Mrs.
| Pr
Seouts To Sell
| the-clock for
| youngsters’ hospital stay. How has
{ this unusual arrangement worked .
| for my wife and myself,” comment-
: Gifts will be exchanged, and dinner | and Peggy Turner, 17, Media, Dela- |
Sandra Hill, Mrs.
John Gmitmr, Dorothy Gmitmr,
Irene Stawicki, Mrs. Robert Greg-
ory, Coleen, Robert and Joseph, Mrs. !
William Owens,
Mrs. David Carroll, Mrs. Fred Wil-
liams, the hostess and the guest of
nadine, Rusiloski,
Christmas Trees
Boy Scouts of Troop 231, Shaver-
town, will again sell Christmas trees |
this year, beginning December 12
and continuing until the holiday.
The lads and their leaders will
be on hand every evening gad) Rosary Society of Gate of Heaven
9 pm, to accommodate customers. i Church, Dallas, which will be held
This year the troop will have a Wednesday evening, December 8
the 14th An-
nual Christmas Tea of the Altar and
gather among themselves but will “bring | Schiwall, Mrs. James Barlow.
useful articles to make up Christmas Favors, Mrs. Edward Wilson,
baskets for the needy. Ladies are | William Wallo; programs,” Mrs. Jo- |
asked to have. the articles gift | seph Turpak; Cookies, Mrs. Donald |
wrapped and tagged. | Fannon, Mrs. Frank: Savage, Mrs.
Assisting committee chairmen are Henry Dudek, Mrs. Hans Menzel;
complete plans for
ew Ione bag tik Plgwine the Evening Mass in the Reception. committee, Mrs. Franz | sandwiches, Ms. Raymond Jacobs,
trees will also be available for those | 9 ren Rie Lo ~ | Scholl; _ auditorium decorations, | Mrs. Peter Pillets, Mrs. Peter Kaye, |
who like a good sized pine in their | 1 £t rr a So 34 Pitas ares Mrs. Philip Ansilio, Jr.; table dec-| Mrs. James Bolger.
living room and for. outside dec- | le es Tight Wi rancis ane, orations, Mrs. Leonard Dougherty, | Kitchen, Mrs. Joseph Gerchak,
iT fons rator of t 8 Scie: he Jos Mrs. Henry Dudek, Mrs. Jay ‘Young. | Mrs. Joseph Zabinski, Mrs. Mike |
+ Colorado blue spruce, Norway | Se ee eT ge ° » e |'Mrs. Leon Chase, Mrs. Edward Wil.) Passarella, Mrs. Robert Crawford,
spruce, Spanish pine, Scotch pine PS Tancs erry; M13. son, ‘Mrs. "RAY Jacobs, Mrs. Matt Mrs, Earl Lozier; publicity, Mus.
| Ted Popielarz, Mrs. Peter Kozacholk, Evans, Mrs. Popielarz, Mrs. Franz Francis Barry.
and Balsum will be among the var- |
ieties offered. Orders may be placed | Mrs Sovmond ducchs, Mrs, ‘Joseohy goholl ‘Mrs Ann Boyle, Mrs. G. A.
Mrs. Gries invites all women of
ith Mat: Kiichen, lealter or Te Ee Tae Glare Ys Faerber, Mrs. Hans Menzel, Mrs. | the society and friends to attend |
of the troop members. PANGS AXON, S/S. Pans avage. | Gries, Mrs. Douglas Lamoreaux, | the Christmas Tea and begin their |
Mrs. Matt Evans will act as toast- | nrg Howard Johns, Mrs. Dixon, | holiday season with the true spirit |
the affair.
pot exchange
This year
gifts |
mistress for
; Mrs. John McAndrew, Mrs. Ray | of Christmas.
members will
Mother In Room Helps |
Hospitalized Child |
For the past two years a Sospital|
in Scotland has permitted mothers |
to stay with their ill children round- |
the duration of their
| Leon Sidorek
Guest At Party
Start Your Child's School Day
‘With A Well Balanced Breakfast leon Sido wn of aod
vattern includes a glass of milk, | Fernbrook, was the honored guest
fruit, protein food and some energy | at a birthday party given to cele-
food. The glass of milk may be con- | brate his eighth birthday on
sumed plain or as cocoa or poured Wednesday evening.
over cereal. Energy food can be | Decorations were in yellow and
any kind of cereal, roll or bread. | white with streamers and balloons,
Breakfast protein usually is thought | and a large decorated three tiered
of as eggs or cereals, but it could cake.
just as easily be cheese, fish or |
hamburger. Breakfast does not need
to be a routine meal. Combine the
egg, milk and energy food in French |
Toast ‘or pancakes. Fruit can be|in Mrs. Blanche
eaten whole, drunk as juice, or | Reese, Paul Sidorek,
served on cereal. Variety should | gest and his parents.
be a part of breakfast.
The ring of the school bell meant.
out? Splendidly, according to par- the finish of summer's carefree
ents, children and physicians. | habits. Now is the time for change,
“It meant absolute peace of mind | start the school year right by giv-
ing the children (and your hus-
band) breakfast every morning.
Breakfast may be hit or miss
during the summer, but hungry
children can always open the re-
frigerator or the cupboard door and
find a snack. This is not true in a
classroom. There, a hungry child is
dren adjusted to hospital routines often a tired and cranky child. No
more readily and that ‘treatmentione can concentrate on lessons
of the patients was no more dif- | with an empty stomach. Often chil-
ficult and was in some cases easier’. | dren miss part of their lesson be- |
The system reportedly reduces the | cause they have not had breakfast. | So let’s take time and start each |
sometimes severe and prolonged A chocolate cupcake or a dough--| school day with a nourishing break- |
psychological damage young chil- | nut is not enough. A good breakfast | fast. /
dren suffer because they cannot un-| ————————— r
derstand the reason for the separ-
ation from their mothers.
Children with sericus illnesses, |
such as meningitis and respiratory |
infections, and even those under-| Four Pennsylvania 4-H Club mem-
going major surgery, were treated bers today know how it feels to
ed one satisfied father. “It was of
great value to my child, as she talks |
of what she did in the hospital,
and seems to have forgotten every-
thing she suffered,” reports another
parent. :
The physicians found that chil-
Those attending were. Mr.. and
. Mrs. John .Sidorek, sons, Johnny
and Jimmy; Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Crispell, = Judy
Mrs. Sophie Hackling
Hostess To Family
4-H Members Receive John Lewis Is 16 | Mrs.
| had the following guests for Thanks-
[Nations Recognition | John Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. |
| Ralph Lewis, Ferguson Avenue, |
| Shavertown, was honored at a T. Huston Craige,
party, Saturday evening, November
III, Bunny and
Tommy, alisbury, Md.; Rev. Harold
of pregnancy. Honored were: Sharon Boyer, 18, S & H Foundation, Inc., New York; |
RD 1, New Brighton, Beaver County, | health, Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis,
a es Auxiliary | winner in the clothing category; Ind., and leadership, Soars Roebuck |
; | Beverly Cochran, 16,,RD 1, Beaver | poundati Chi
will hold its annual Christmas | | Falls, Beaver County, home i mao 19020.
party at 6 p.m, Monday, Decem- | , vement; Beverly Steeley, 18, RD |
Noxen, Pa.
Save On Your Printing
~The Dallas Post
ber 6, at the Methodist Church. |
| 1, Perkasie, Bucks county, health, | by McFeattors
will be served by the ladies of the |
| ware county, leadership.
church. |
Carroll L. Howes, assistant State
4-H Club leader at The Pennsylvania
| State University, says these four
| winners were selected from the
My, 8nd Ms, Pred Howell, Sheed Commonwealth’s 43,000 4-H mem-
erpown, had asirecgnt house guests bers for their outstanding 4-H work
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Gotdfring, led participation in many local,
formerly of Shavertown. now of | county, and state activities.
Escondido, California. Mr. Gotd- Ee 4,4 cod slate winner
tg Dried Gl { and received an expense paid trip ,
sit : | to 4-H Congress which began Nov.
Former Residents Visit
[Eritrea ms
98 and runs through Dec. 2.
Thirty-two Pennsylvania 4-H del-
egates, all state award winners,
| are attending Congress which is de-
signed to give members broadening
| experiences in leadership, character
| development, and personal improve-
| Sponsors of the four scholarships
are: : clothing, Coats and Clark, Inc,
“Have you finished proof-reading my speech?”
In Various Assortments
Attractively Packed
Place Your
Order Early
15-1b. carton $5.95
4 25-b. carton $7.95
OTHERS $2.95 up
of Paper Mate pens for
men, women, everybody.
Even pen and pencil sets
Prdtriotion Pharmacy—
Special Gift Baskets
Made To Order
SHAVERTOWR Thomas C. Thomas Co.
N. Pa. Ave. and Union St.
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
PHONE 822-2101
674-3888 or
with Free :
Instant Gift-Wrap
Just slip the decorated |
sleeve over the box... lick it
..and seal. Your Paper Mate’s
gift- -wrapped. Instantly!
Choose from a wide range
®. ARLEERG Dainty Pastels
1 ® MERCURY ® FUJI ® HANOVER and White
| ® KASTLE ® FISCHER © MILLER with Pastel
| @ KOFLACH Ski Trim.
® NORDICA i Wonderful
® HUMANIC : Chri
bi 4 Repair Brit
o pass Service [| sc oq 4 57 og
LEWIS-DUNCAN sporting oops
Back Mountain Shopping Center
Sidorek, Mrs. George Rice and Rob- |
the honored
Sophie Hackling, Beaumont, |
giving Dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Huston |
| Craige, II, Meshoppen; Mr. and Mrs. |
Narrows Shopping Center, Kingston
Charles Hosler Retires
Feted By Associates
Charles L. Hosler,
Dallas, was honored by a group of
about fifty of his associates and
representatives of local industries |
upon his recent retirement. The |
party was held at the Kings Inn,
Kingston, on Friday evening, No-
vember 19.
Mr. Hosler has been the Branch
Manager of the Northern Branch
Services, with headquarters in the
Kingston Post Office Building. Prior
| to his tour of duty in this area,
| he held similar positions under the
| Inspector of Naval Material in
| Coatsville, Lancaster and Harris-
| heirs, over a period of approxi-
| mately twenty years. Represent-
atives from the Reading, Allentown,
|Harisburg, Williamsport and
| Northern Pennsylvania areas at-
George Shavers
| Fete Sen-In-Law
Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver, Sr,
| 243 Mathers Drive, entertained last !
Saturday in honor of their son-in-
law, Charles Conklin, Sr., of Beth-
lehem, who celebrated his birthday.
Those enjoying the party were,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conklin, Jt.
Miss Mary Knorr, Wilkes-Barre; Mr.
{and Mrs. George Shaver, Jr., and |
sons, George, Tom and Alan, Fern-
| brook; Mrs. Charles Conklin, Sr.,
| Bothichem, the honored guests and |
joe host and hostess.
Activity A Boon
For The Heart
| Ladies, lead your husbands to the
| golf course!
| . A recent report from the Ameri-
can Heart Association indicates that |
| physically active men get fewer
heart attacks than their desk or
| TV-bound brothers. They also have |
| a two or three times’ better chance
‘of surviving a heart attack than
their less active counterparts.
Dr. Charles W. Frank, of the Al-
bert Einstein College of Medicine, in
| New York City, who directed a
study of 55,000. men between the
ages of 25 and 64, explained that
the leisure activities of men, as well
as the kind of work they do, were
| graded. “With reduction in work
hours and increase in leisure and |
. vacation time,” the doctor said, “‘off- |
. job activities are becoming an in-
creasingly important: fraction of the
total life pattern.”
Automation, the automobile, |
power tools, elevators, even electric
tooth brushes all conspire to cut
down on physical activity, says. the
physician, and ‘the resultant. phys-
ical inactivity may be a significant !
factor in the currently high in-
cidence of and death rate from
heart attack.”
Daughter Born
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krainz, R. D. 1,
| Dallas, - announce the birth of a |
with their mothers at their side. be winners. Each was named a nat- | ; a z :
The only time a mother was not ional winner in the 4-H National | 22 cushy im birth- Craige, Scranton; Mr. and Mrs. Al- |
permitted to remain wih her child | Awards Contest and received a $500 | Yd © 2a : 2 | bert Hackling, Vestal, N. Y.; Mr. |
was when she herself was ill or educational scholarship last night | - | and Mrs. Roy Blake, Plattsburg,
when she was in the early stages at National 4-H Congress in Chicago. | New York; home improvement, | N. ¥.; Mr. and Mrs. John Hackling,
| Groveville, N. J.; Paul ‘Palmer,
daughter, Jill Ada on November 26. |
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Aton, Tunts-
| ville, Alabama, are spending the
week with her sister, Mrs. Rhoda |
Bartell, eMmorial Highway, Dallas.
Sales Slip Pads
The Dallas Post
Parrish Street, |
of Defense Contracts Administrative |
and daughter, Tamra, Fountain Hil}; |
1 674-4781
Mrs. L/ Jordan Hosts
Executive Board Meet
The executive board of Dallas
| Senior Woman's Club met Monday
night at the home of Mrs. Lester
Jordan. Mrs. Henry Moyer served ]
js co-hostess. i
| Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. 4
| Robert Van Horn, read a letter an- i Treo
| nouncing the National Convention stu
will be held in Chicago June 5th Wi
| to June 10th. This will the 1 EF
Diamond Jubilee of the “$gani- s
| zation.
| Mrs. Moyer, Fine Arts Chairman,
| reported that the Slimnastics Class
is discontinued until after the holi-
days, but that a papier macha class
| is in progress and plans are under
way for the Hallmark Art Contest.
Mrs. Ralph Fitch, Musie Chair-
man, reported that the Chorale will
sing for the Harveys Lake Woman's
| Club, General = Hospital, Miner's
| National Bank, and the Wyoming
| Valley Woman's Club.
| Mrs. White gave a detailed re-
| port on “Asia Day’ which she at-
| tended, accompanied by Mrs. Vern
| Groff and Mrs. Granville Sowden. rac
| It was announced that the next I
| regular meeting of the club would Kin
be held at Prince of Peace Church, \ of
December 15th, and the Dallas Wo- IB Cat
man’s Club Chorale will present a J v
| program of Christmas Music. Fifty- Eo
cent gifts will be exchanged and E102
members are requested to bring Th,
| . €
| unwrapped gifts for the patients at Leo
Retreat State Hospital. ¥ Mr
It “was reported that a basket of v He
| food was given to a needy family at oy
Thanksgiving time. 5
Present at the meeting, avere: - 4
| Mesdames John Williams, ira 8
| Ratcliffe, Henry Moyer, George hi
Focvne, Leonard Cowett. Jack Stan- or
ley, Harold LaBar, Ralph Fitch, /% «3
Granville Sowden, Robert Va form it oN
| president, Boyd R. White a the 1 >
| hostess. £4 oF
8 tier
as wa
Entertains Family Wis. 2
Mrs. Ethel Cooper, Centermore- Pp
land, entertained at a family dinner, fan
on, Thanksgiving Day. Dir
Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ral
Clarence Jackson, Sheryl and Dale, Ew
Levittown; Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Ell
Jackson, Richmond, Va., Mrs. day
Marion Reed, and John, Vienna, Str
Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Roger Jackson, Eo.
Kent and Bruce, Batavia, N. Y.; 3
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Greenley, Lynn A
and Pam, Centermoreland. 2D
While they were enjoying their Ee che
dinner, Mrs. Cooper's daughter, io wel
| Ada Hess called from Knohdg , | Mr
| Hawaii. ; A 3
| Mrs. Cooper accompanied Ar.
| and Mrs. Roger Jackson and «8
| home to Batavia, where she , i
| visit for a week.
Karen Culver, Boston, Mass.,
spent the holiday weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Culver, | Church Street, Dallas.
| | BETTER a
Memorial Highway
| Pallas
Sr in “Da
Main Street, Dallas,
Open Daily 8 to 2 Friday
Nights 5 to 8
; since
W. 42nd St., Idetown
| Hartman Insurance Agency
: goo. 2a
, P.O. Box 95, Datla