Vl NW - UY, DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA (i Advisors For VERNA MIERS . Verna Miers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Miers, Perrin Avenue, Shavertown, new Worthy Advisor of Charles James Memorial Assem- bly, No. 144, International Order of Rainbow for Girls, will be in- stalled tonight with her fellow offi- cers at the Trucksville Educational Building at 7 p.m. Verna an active member of her assembly, has held many offices and served on many committees. Because of her outstanding service work she was awarded the Grand Cross of Color. at last summers Grand Assembly Session. This: is the highest honor that a Rainbow Girl can receive. She has also been awarded her - White Bible. Mary Ann Johnsun, - retiring Worthy Advisor, is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Johnson, Beau- mont. - She has also received her hite” Bible and Grand Cross = of Color. During her term a’ picnic was held, also a dance and the as- sembly sold candy at the Eastern Star Auction. Mary Ann and. seven- teen of her officers attended Grand Assembly in August, where they won a trophy for highest percentage in membership increase in Penn- sylvania.. She is a freshman at Mansfield State College but will be home: to ‘attend tonight's installa- tion. Fill up your coal bin and beat the coming coal price increase... Rainbow Girls MARY ANN JOHNSON During the summer term the girls have been active in service work. Among their services were helping at the Plant and Produce booth at ‘the Library Auction, working one day a week as volunteers at the Veterans Hospital, and working at the migrant day care center to help with the children. Sandy. Tait, a member -who now ‘lives in Rochest- er, N. Y. was able to spend three weeks here this summer. - Installing officers will be: Worthy Advisor, ‘Barbara’ Hopkins; Marshal, Donna Smith; Chaplain, Gail Kelley; Musician, Mrs. Betty ‘Meeker; Solo- ist, Miss" Diane Myers; Installing Pages, Susan Owens and - Sandy | Metzgar. The invocation and bene- diction will be given by Rev. Ken- neth Bombert, pastor of the Qld Forge: Methodist’ Churches. Other officers to be installed are: Worthy «Associate © Advisor, Debbie Savickas; Charity, Nat Nixon; Hope, Dottie Philo; * Faith, Linda: Howell; Drill Leader, Eleanor Jones, Chap- lain, - Sara ‘Peters; ' Love, Bonnie Long; Religion, Suzanne Messick; Nature, Judy Allen; Immortality, Linda Finn; Fidelity, Vera Cave. Patriotism, Donna Niekam, Service, Debbie Tanner; = Confidential : Ob- server, Karen Fisk: Outer Observer, Joan Nelson; Choir Director, Bever- ly Whiting; Musician, Debbie Klein- and at the sume time get yourself a free bonus SzH GREEN STAMPS WITH EVERY TON OF DEEP-MINED GLEN ALDEN/HUDSON COAL... You have a great advantage over the squirrel . . . Green Stamps with his acorns. But don’t let him get ahead of you when it comes to stocking up for winter! Order a supply of top quality GLEN ALDEN anthracite from J. B. Post today. . . then sit back and paste up those bonus|S & H Green Stamps. J. B. Post Coal Budget customers take up to 10 months to pay. No down pavment and no bank charges. y THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1965 ] oss Pageant West Side Junior Chamber of Commerce will conduct its: annual “Junior Miss Pageant” on Saturday night, October 9, at 8 p.m. at Irem Temple, Wilkes-Barre. Edward Corcoran, Shavertown, contestant chairman for the event, is hoping to have senior girls from both Dallas High School and Lake- Lehman Area Joint Schools as con- testants. Preliminaries will be held in the various high schools throughout Wyoming Valley to select each schools representative for the final judging at Irem Temple. The Junior Miss Pageant is not a beauty con- test, but its purpose is to choose the outstanding senior girl in Wy- oming Valley. Girls who are inter- ested may contact their high school or any Jaycee for an entry blank. They will be judged on their particular talent, scholastic achieve- ment and personality. There are several awards for the winner, including a partial scholar- ship. Winner will also. compete for Pennsylvania Junior Miss at Read- ing. The winner of this contest re- ceives a full paid scholarship. All senior girls who have a talent of any sort are invited to compete in the preliminaries held at their in- dividual school. er; American flag “bearer, Jennifer Torr; Rainbow flag “bearer; Judy Blase; Page 1, Joan ‘Lawson, . Page 2, Anne Moyer; Official Substitutes, Barbara Daubert, Sharon Smith, Miriam Mohr, and Betty Oatridge.. Chairmen are: Telephone, Dottie Johnson; Refreshments, Margie Mc- Carty; Publicity; Cathy - ‘Swingle; Birthday, Gail Telford; Guest Book, Suzanne Moen; Flower. money, Bar- bara Daubert. > Mother Advisor of the Astembly} .: Ig is Mrs, Mildred Smith... Mrs. Evelyn Hopkins ‘is Grand. Deputy. of Dis- trict 6D and Mrs. Betty Meeker is chairman of the advisory board. Barbara: Hopkins is Jr, Past. Grand Fidelity of the State of Pennsyl- vania, and Donna - Smith is Grand Lecturer of District 6D. This is an open installation. Re- freshments will be served. he getsno S& H (TV. VEY VN .\ 1]. HEATING SERVICE “Cor. Stanton & Empire Sts., 825-3401, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. | Fresh Nectarines In | Bartlett Pears |New Cabbage ‘Cider Vinegar 0’ Cut Frem Bee? Round Sirloin Tip Roast «79° BONELESS ROUND STEA SIRLOIN TIP Swiss Steaks FRESH GROUND Beef Round ., 79¢C Cut From L Beef Round LI: Lh. LLL VT TAIT "TTR BACK IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED IN EVERY WAY! All A&P Meats are always sold with a money- -back guarantee, but this week we will giv DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK if our meat fails fo please you in every way. Select ge beef, lamb, pork or veal; prepare it your favorite way. Then, if you don't agree that it is as tender, juicy and delicious as meat you have been buying elsewhere at higher prices, A&P Super Markets will cheerfully refund double your purchase price. So, come to A&P . poultry or fish and get quality we dare to back up with so amazing a guarantee! CUT FROM BEEF ROUND or C Cubes 98° GENUINE EYE OF Round Roast , *1.09 SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY Country Style Spare Ribs un 49¢ CHUCK STEAKS ......: 49° Boneless ; Stewing Beef . Save money on meat, any cut of Fully Cooked Smoked HAMS I Whole Lb. o 5 nl 7 C Removed! (Over 12 LBS.) Either LU Half teaks Shank Portion Lb. 49c¢ SUPER-RIGHT CORNED BEEF BRISKET (Front Cut) (Straight Cut) 29c¢ 45¢ Ih. 4c 2 Ibs. Kissling Sauerkraut i 29¢ |Ground Chuck ih, 75¢ : 69" ’ 79° Fresh Sausage iis Lo 63c |Boneless Chuck Roasi » 69¢ —_— Ee . : : I SEAFOOD VALUES! Boneless Shank > Beef = 67c¢ |Frying Chickens Breie Dovivn 2 SPC | Erm" Skinless Franks oc ne. 00C [Pressed Ham = Gove we 49¢c [Oysters oo 13¢ | “1All Beef Franks So: ns. 69C [Cooked Hom Sm = 5c Sea Scallops “ 99% i | ws : Haddock Fillet * 69¢ | E | ¢ JUMBO Br ok i Wn HONEYDEWS Bn RED TOKAY . | Calif Clams ..... : de | GRAPES 2:29" Oranges & = 69c Rte or] |MacIntosh Apples wv. : 49¢ | Fresh Yams 3 = 29¢ reg Fav dd nh 49 Cr en P rod 3 JANE PARKER Italian Prunes C e eppers 4 + 19¢ Marshmallow Egg Plants fe, Pascal Celery 2 = 35¢ a Brussel Sprouts pi. Bskt. 29c iss. 99° PUFFS mas BAKERY FEATURES! JANE PARKER PEACH OR Cherry Pie «39° Jane Parker Angel Food Ring .. ™ 39¢ Jane Parker Donuts ruin. sur br BE a Whole Wheat Bread Le, Lh. 390 Sandwich Cookies va, su 3g WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED i 13FL.0z. 81 c Milk | Cans AGP Apple Sauce 4: 59 Sugar Wafers 3 Pie Crust sis "3 2% ge ga A&P YELLOW CLING Peaches Slicd or wim § ge Ann Page Tomato Soup Ann Page Noodles . . . . Libby’s Tomato J Gelatin Desserts Kosher Pickle Spears Saltines Dixie Belle . Fruit Drinks weer Ann Page Salad Dressing Juice 95¢ Nabisco 6-0z Can TOF JOB CLEANER 1-Pt., 12-0z on 1 c Bottle 1-Lb. 5 A&P FROZEN Dash Dog Food a 6 Gon 05 ; O AIA Pizza oi 39¢ yn U={Qe r ange Greenwood rei Beets 2 i 4Bc Niblets Sweet Corn ¢ Keehler's Burry’s c.. cw Cookies °k“ 39¢ Te. 104-0z. Can 1-Lh. Pkg. 2-Lh., 14-0z. Cans 10°] 29° "a = ® = uice Ann Page ® = 3-0z. Pkgs. Quart Bottle 1-Lh. . 18 4 Hn Oget i 49° Aunt Belle’s Soy 2+ 37¢ “sn Cookies 49 ene Cookies 30! T Pillshury “iwi Biscuits g~19¢ WISE CHEESE QUAKER GRANULATED Gold Medal rv. Flour == bic PIXIES $239c [SUGAR ees BTC Lh: #113 Cut-Rite Plastic Bags Je 20c Lady Scott Facial Tissue of 400 IC MRS. FILBERTS Scotties Facial Tissue or 00 45€ 2, si Aga y| Scott Family Napkins on afc ee. >" 1 Kotex Feminine Napkins aa 1.29 DETRGENT AJAX Armour’s Beef Stew ee b3c Tae eT Armour’s Corned Beef Hash ""Z.°* 45¢ gb, G se 63¢(ari) | Nine Lives All Tuna Cat Food 6 £2 79c Tyee, AJAX VEL FAR. | Floor & Wall Cleaner LIQUID DETERGENT DETERGENT Lge. Size 21 {Se Bot. 1-Pt., 6-Ox. 59c¢ Bit Seon. 1 5c SARAN WRAP AJAX AJAX CLEANSER 14-0x. 2ic (& Ze Cans CLEANER 46¢ =) 50-Ft. 100-Ft. LIQUID Roll Roll 1-Pt.. 12. 29c¢ 46¢ aes | 5. Jal] } Surg pus seppeq ut SpYELRANG gy. ur ‘RT Jequioydog ‘Kepamug qinoayy 2an0aN9, PY Siyy. ul sa0rag