The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 12, 1965, Image 11

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r Police
14s an-
1klin is
vo chil-
U leave
s, Long
1e time
1d the
Ir. and
Jf the
Barbecue will be held
and ~ Saturday evening,
Centermoreland Church School
grounds. This is
that the three charges, under one
Pastor, Reverend David Glahn,
have worked on this large project
Werybody is as busy as bees
and just as hapy, working at such
a worthwhile project.
Five women from East Dallas
and Mrs. Ruth W. Schoonover from
Centermoreland, mixed; let rise,
and baked 1940 rolls, 9 loaves of
bread, and 7 round pans of rolls,
a week ago Tuesday for the EN:-
becue Dinner. The rolls’
on the!
the first year
Nancy Tkatch, Allentown, is visit-
ing her aunt and uncle, Helen and ' packing should be in full swing by ' their
Tom Dickinson, on Ryman Road.
East Dallas, Centermoreland, and
Dymond Hollow church Auction-
| ther’s tomatoes. Picking and
inow. I am writing this’ Sunday
[and children, have returned to
parsonage in Factoryville,
after vacationing two weeks at
| Mrs. Jeanette Dickinson enjoyed evening and it is pouring rain so | Lake T. J., their favorite spot, as
a weekend recently with her sister
and niece in Pittston. She re-
turned home loaded with beautiful
items to be sold at the “Three
Church’s” auction.
Friendship Class of East Dallas
Methodist Church met at the home
of Mrs. John Cook. Devotions
‘were by Mrs. Russell Ockenhouse.
were |
stored in Harry Martin Jr's deep |
freeze. The bread was .sold hot. |
Each church is responsible for so
many — our surplus (our share
1600). will go in the baked goods | r :
| Cobleigh, Priscilla Coolbaugh, Ma-
Women who baked in the church
kitchen from 7:30 am. till 8:45
p.m. all cleaned up by then, were
Florence Martin (Chairlady), Myra
| rilla
Carlin, Ruth W. Schoonover, Mary |
Ryman, Jeanette Dickinson and
Irene’ Moore. .
Jerry Morgan was honored by a
dinner party to celebraté his third
birthday, at ‘his grandma Siley’s
home. Present were uncle Bill,
Joe and Chet Brennen;
| Brown
Mrs. Warren Stanton presided over
a short business meeting. The girls
were reminded to turn in items for
the auction.
a corn and Weenie Roast, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Moore, August 29 at 3 ‘p.m. The
next meeting will be the first Tues-
| day in ‘September at the home of
Helen Dickinson.
Members present were = Reba
Stanton, Frances Cybulski,
Beatrice Ockenhouse, Hilda Moore,
and Alberta Cooke, the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morgan en-
tertained at a cook out Saturday
evening, for Mr. and Mrs. Larry
and - children, Larry Jr,
Susan; Judy, and three month old
mother |
Mary - Morgan, sisters Hazel, Shar- |
on, ‘Brenda, brother David and his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell |
Siley. i
eo Dallas Methodist church
s®ool picnic will’be held at Lake
T. J.; August 22nd. A vesper Serv- |
ice will be held in the evening and
i Eck, exchange student, will
Basket lunch for noon and eve-
ning. meal should be brought by
each family.
Inez Ryman returned home two
weeks ago bringing two year old
Christopher Potter with her. Mrs.
Richard Potter drove up to Ry-
man’s from her home in Towson,
Maryland last weekend, to take.
her son home. Inez is staying here |
another week and then will return |
to Potters.
Lois Ryman, her aunt
Isaaes, and cousin Marilyn Isaacs,
Wilkes Barre,
slides taken while in ‘Africa. |
Jane | What?
| (I think) Birthday today, August
went to Atlantic | 12.
Nancy. - Mrs. Brown (Former Ada
Morgan) and family, Clifton
Heights, Pa., arrived Friday eve-
ning to spend the weekend.
Arthur's nephew, Ed Derby. wife
Doris, children Nancy and Michael,
Baltimore, were also guests, along
| with aunt Lucy Morgan. ii
We welcome into our neighbor- |
hood, Sharon Ann, new daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kasmark Jr,
who live next to Myra Carlin.
Myra says she is a darling. T must
walk up and see her. (Have to
steal the time.) fs
A “Welcome home” to Mary
Valentine, is extended to her. She
traveled alone by train from Au-
burndale, Florida, to Philadelphia,
Sunday August 1, where her son
Bob Pickett and family met her
and brought her ‘“home’”.:- The
train was two hours late so they
improved their time by visiting the
zoo. Mary plans to stay here a
month at least, and do you'know
She is celebrating her 78th
I wish you many happy re-
City last Tuesday. They expect to| turns of this day, Mary.
visit Aunt Esther Lewis and fam- |
The migrant workers arrived
ily ‘of Presidential Lake, N. J.,| Friday; a bus load and many cars
today. ‘full to harvest the Dymond Bro-
E Dr. Aaron S. Lisses :
BR Optometrist 8
E 88 Main Street, Dallas Professional Suite i 3
g 674-4506 Gateway Center 8
E DALLAS HOURS: Edwardsville E
g iv ty 3 E
E Tuesday 2 to 8 pm. 287-9735 = EB
E Wednesday — Closed from GATEWAY CENTER HOURS:
E June Ist to August 22 Daily 9:30 to 5:30 pm. £
£ Friday 2 to 5 pm. Evenings Thurs. & Fri. to 8 pm. ©
now. Save all winter.
heating costs
with a tune-up now
Our service experts are standing by to adjust
your burner and furnace to peak operating
efficiency. The charge for this service is so
low that it will pay for itself many times over
in lower heating bills this winter.
We're the company that delivers Gulf Solar
Heat®, the world's finest heating oil. Call us
MVE 19.1
heating oil
Plans were made for |
am wondering how it will be by
Thursday when you read this.
| Willard (Siley, Plainfield, N. J.,
"spent the weekend with his par-
| ents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Siley.
He brought Chet and Joey Bren- N. J. They also visited her niece |
! Jane (Ruth’s daughter) Mrs. Bar- |
in Carteret, |
nen, 10 and 12 year old friends,
along for a visit.
| Helen and Russell also had
i daughter Frances Harrison: and
family, Stroudsburg, visit with
them last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Siley drove to
Shickshinny one day last week, to
| visit Helen's brother, Arthur Scott,
| who is in poor health.
The 54th Reunion of the James
{and Oliver Evans family, will be
| held Sunday, August 15, at Lake
T. Jd.
| “Wag 1 ever surprised Thursday
| morning (last week) to receive a
| phone call from Marjie
| That is, Mrs. John E. Lewis from
Sarasota, Florida, former residents
She and Johnnie |
of East Dallas.
— son Charles’ and his son Carl
drove up to Herb Downs’ in Beau-
mont last Tuesday = where
they left ‘to return to Fla. 1 was
so happy to have them come over
{and enjoy lunch at least with me.
| Their time was “limited.
| Johnnie’s friends around - here
{ will ‘be glad to know he is greatly
improved but ‘still under doctor's
| care — says he is a walking drug-
| store.
| Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Williams,
| Linda, Lauren, Bobby, and Johnny, |
| from Hatfield, are occupying one
of Ted Wilson's cottages at Lake
| T. J., for this week. Mrs. Williams
lis the former Daisy Bellas.
Mr. and Mrs.
from New York are also spending
a week at Lake T. J. A daily visi-
tor is their sister Mrs. Lewis Isaacs.
Today the Dallas Senior High
School Key = Club
picnic with their parents at Lake
T. J. There will be wa softball
game between fathers and sons;
also. a Volley ball game between
mothers and daughters. These
games should be interesting and
| entertaining. There will be slides
shown of past parades.
spending a week with Mr. and Mrs.
Martin = Quinn (aunt Ruth)
White Haven.
Reverend - and Mrs. Ned Lintern
Lewis. |
they |
hung their hats until Friday when | of Al Cheskiewitz, with a game. Al's |
Glen Schwartz'|
and Keyette |
marching units will hold a basket |
Teddy Wilson and Earl Monk are |
in |
| this is their third or fourth year
| there. '
my visited her sister and family,
Ruth and Russell Swartz, Linden,
i torillo and family
N. J. Gert and Timmy visited
there the last two weeks in July,
with Nesbit spending the last week
with them. Gert, Neb, Timmy,
and his cousin Mark Bartorillo, en-
| joyed one day at the World's
| Fair before returning home. = They
| brought Mark along up to spend
| the summer here.
Boys’ Club of Orange played the
firemen on the new Orange bal
| field, August 3, losing 19-15. Joe
| Perry was winning pitcher for the
| firemen. Series is now tied at one
game each. Another game will be
played August 17 - same place. I
wouldn’t mind witnessing it. Their
previously planned swim party will
| finally take place August 13,
Carl's, at Demunds. The regular
| meeting was held August 6 at home
team beat John Oliver's team 10-9.
Dale Rozelle had 5 hits for winners,
{ Jim Smith, 5 hits for the losers.
| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morgan en-
tertained at a party, Saturday eve-
ining, August 7, in honor of their
| son Robert. Jr.'s first birthday.
Guests were Grandma Lucy Mor-
‘gan, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morgan,
| sons Dick and Billie, Mr. and Mrs.
1 John Newberry, daughters Debby
and Jo Ann; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Kozak, sons Frank, Keith and Neil; |
sisters Debby Sue and Doris; Mother
| and Daddy Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Howell en-
tertained Bernice’s niece and hus-
band Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Felger,
Bradenton, Fla., recently.
Mrs. Fred Myers (formerly Lois
, Howell), New Brunswick, N. J., and
her daughter Mrs. Walter MacTeek,
(Sharon), Mt. Pleasant, Mich,
spent the past weekend vyith her
| parents.
They attended the wedding of
Miss Lola Baer of Kingston, and
the Dymond reunion at Harveys
Lake, August 7.
Hazel Ockenhouse was enter-
tained Saturday, August 7, with a
party to celebrate her 9th birthday,
which will be August 14th.
| cause her parents, Bea and Russell,
will be terribly busy at the “All|
Is Now Accepting
Penn State Center, Wilkes Barre
Mrs. Nesbit Moore and son Tim- |
at |
Her party was a week early be- |
| A Back Mountain Calf Club mem-
Recent visitors at the home of
R For Football
X E N Report or footha
Friends and co-workers from |
| ber, Warren Sutton, walked off with | pp. and Mrs. Charles Womer were | Ann Will Garment Company, Kings- |
top honors at the County Dairy |
| Show held last Saturday in Conyng-
ham. He won the Breed Champion
| trophey in the Holstein division. ‘
| The cow Warren exhibited was
| Hillside Superb Rose, a three year
| old from Hillside Farms.
In‘ addition to his Breed victory
| Warren placed first in the Senior
Calf division. and third in the fitt-
ing competition.
Jessie, Will, and Frank (Parky)
| Conyningham also raked in ribbons
| for the Calf Club. Will placed
[first in the 2-year-old Holstein
| class and Jessie followed suit in
| her division.
| Jessie also placed second, behind
Michael Miller of Mehoopany, Mr. |
iand Mrs. Richard Moore and Bar-
| bara, Elmira Heights, N. Y., Tom-
| my, Vicky and Urban Womer, John
| Mann,
Pat Wiles, David Walkins
of Athens.
Visitors. at the home of Christine
and Delbert Blizzard are Miss Affie
| Blizzard and Douglas Vanderhoff, |
| Metuchen, N. J. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Boone, Mi-
hele and Michael, spent Wednes-
day with her mother, Mrs. William
Engelman and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dendler and
| family, of Rochester, Minn., left on
| Thursday morning for their trip
1s | it 7
| brother Will, in the 2-year-old class. | home after two weeks here with
Frank picked up a third in Junior
; Yearling.
| The Baker boys were also out-
| standing in the chow. Brent, hav-
ing won a blue ribbon in the Guern-
sey Calf Class. went on to win Re-
serve Breed Champion. The Fitting
{ Trophy went into. Brent's bag, too. |
| Brother David took first place in
| the 2-year-old Guernsey class and
| won the Showmanship Trophy. : He
| placed fourth in Fitting.
| Calf Club. placed
i Senior Calf Class.
Michael won a blue ribbon in the
2-year-old class and second in
| fitting.
David Baker, of the Calf and
| Cloverleaf Clubs, and Pat Holdridge
of the Cloverleaf Club, traveled to
| Penn. State last Monday for State
| 4-H Days.
David went as a member of the
| four-man Luzerne County dairy
| judging team that competed against
teams from almost every county in
| the state.
! Pat, having. won the Public
| Speaking competition at the County
and District levels, competed in that
category at the State show.
David, who has won the County
Outstanding Boy awards and is
| County Achievement winner, also
had interviews with ‘state judges
{while at the University. He is in
competition for state honors
| those fields.
Date change: the County Festival
second in‘ the
{will be held August 28 at Hobbie :
| instead of August 20 at Conyngham
| as previously planned.
Coming Events
| August 16-18: Junior Achieve-
| ment,
| August 20: County Home Econo- |
| mics Judging.
| August 28: County Festival.
| chbrge Barbecue and Auction.”
| That will be like another party for
| her. Right ?
| Guests were Jean Dickinson,
| Linda and Mark Houck, Patti Me-
| Michael, Connie and Gale Edwards,
| Nancy Tkatch, Ann Marie and Su-
san Miller, Michelle, Marian and
| relatives and friends.
Frank Mikoleichich also of >the.
in |
Dendler Sr.
| Church. were entertained by
Christine Blizzard entertained the
following at her home on Thurs-
| Miss
IN. J., Mrs. Clayton Keiper, Doro-
thy Keiper, Mrs. Richard Keiper,
Nancy and :Debie, Linda Evans,
Marie Blizzard, Mrs. Ray Kelly,
Noxen, and Mrs. Freeman.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Phoenix
celebrated their thirty sixth wed-
ding anniversary Saturday, August
7. They are presently ‘at their
own. home in Noxen and Mrs.
Phoenix's sister, Mrs. Henry Man-
| ganella, Kingston, is staying with!
| them. :
I would like to correct an error
in last week's item about the |
| Dendler get-together.
| of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dendler and
Mildred Jane Case, Noxen, and
Judy, Tommy and John Jr. Szela,
Dallas, were omitted.
Albert Keiper, who is a patient
|in General Hospital,
signs of improvement.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ruff Jr. and
family, Baltimore, Md., spent part
| of their vacation at the home of
| the Albert Ruff Srs.
Mrs. Paul Thomas and family,
Hunlock Creek, visited the Joseph
Shalatas, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly and
son James, Milnesville, visited the
Ray Kellys, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bailey and
family, Hartford, Conn., spent the
weekend with her father, Harry
| Siglin.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Newell,
Kingston, spent Sunday with the
Leonard Territas.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dendler !
and family, Masena, N. Y., spent
| the past week with Mr. and Mrs. |
and Mrs. Bernard |
Fred Schenck
| Lake Nuangola, on Saturday after-
| noon and evening.
| Dorothy
Present were:
French, Mrs. Elsworth
{ Mr. and Mrs.
The names |
is - showing
| Field, Mr.
and Mrs.
Vane Race,
ton, enjoyed a day’s outing at the |
home of Marie MacMillon, on |
Saturday, August 7th. Attending
were: Mrs. Harriett Bednar, Lois |
Diane, Mrs. Monica Uurban and
and David Mrs. Mary Opsitas and |
Marion, Mrs. Marion Culver and |
Michael, Mrs. Victoria Przyby, Low- |
ski and Ronnie, Mrs. Ruth Gassen,
Robin and = Kinberry, Mrs. Mary
Banas, Mrs. Mary Thomas, Mrs.
Mary Corneglio, Mrs. Wanda Pal-
cavek, Mrs. Helen Homza, Mrs.
Helen Warnick, Mrs. John Watkins,
Mrs. Natalie Mahalley, Mrs. Helen |
Stella Kasasak and
Stephania Pasiej
Berlew, Mrs.
Linda, Mrs.
Richard and Mrs.
Vane Race, Wal-
lingford, Conn., are spending sev-
eral days, visiting among friends
| day afternoon: Mrs. Ward Vander- and relatives here.
of Metuchen, N. J., |
Affie Blizzard, Metuchen, |
Visitors at the Loren Cases, on
Tuesday, were Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
| iam Inman, Kingston, and Mr. and
| Mrs. Kenneth Stout, Queen’s Vil-
| lage, Long Island, N. Y.
| Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Crispell and
Terri Lynn and Eileen Crispell are
spending ten days at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Crispell and
family at Delavan; Wisconsin.
Eileen ‘expects to remain with
them for a longer stay.
Crispell | family reunion will. be
held on Saturday at Dymond’s
| Grove. Please be there atten a.m.,
we can have dinner at noon.
Mr. and Mrs. Alpha Dymond at-
tended the Frempter reunion which
| was held in Dymond’s Grove, on
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Summerson
and family, Plains, visited the
Howard Engelmans, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Space Sr.
| and Mr. and Mrs: James Wyant
Sr. attended the Wyant reunion at
Mehoopany, on Saturday.
| Mr. and Mrs. Archie Space and
| Arthur Space and Mr. and Mrs.
Carl” Jolly and boys, and Jimmy
« Philip's visited at the James Wy-
ant home on Sunday. Jimmy
| Philips is staying two weeks with
| his aunt Mrs. Carl Jolly, Court-
| dale while his mother is in General "
| Hospital with her new son, who
| was born on August 6th. His name !
| is Ray Charles.
John Hackling, Binghamton,
| visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Fritz.
and |
Dallas Senior High School foot-
ball candidates will report for phys-
ical examinations on Tuesday, Au-
gust 17, at 8:30 a.m. at the Senior
High School.
Man's $50.00
Lady's $50.00
Perfectly matched wedding rings by
Keepsake . . . styled in timeless
beauty. The name Keepsake in the
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Rings enlarged to show detail.
Prices include Federal Tax.
3? 5 B ra : 4
Jewelry - Cards - Gifts
Memorial Highway
The classmates of the Methodist
Ray Guntons at their cottage, at
Registration are now being ac- knowledge of electrical machinery !
cepted at the Penn State Center of and its control. Objectives of the |
‘Wilkes-Barre for the 1965 Fall Term program in Surveying Technology |
which will begin with Orientation | are to provide a knowledge of the!
Week September 20-25 with classes
starting September 27th. Members | construction, land, topographic, geo-
of the faculty ‘are at the center | detic, city and photogrammetric
daily, to interview prospective stu- | surveys.
dents who wish to work toward| A new one year program leading
Associate Degrees. The Wilkes- | directly to employment is Funda-
Barre Center offers Drafting and | mentals of Design.
Design Technology to prepare |
young men and women for employ- | Center is a High School Diploma
for counseling now with a view to
entering the Fall class.
die design, or structural layout.
Electrical and Electronics technol-
ogy courses provide a practical | — SUBSCRIBE TO
dint sted Acts letetitmmilicititditiedbcctieiadh
esate cslncttetiectiiicitlined ian dititiustbicthdd Py
REMEMBER: To Do It Right.
Dodson & Hudak
New Homes — Remodeling — Excavating
Septic Tanks Roofing
Fill Dirt Siding
Top Soil Concrete Work
Phone 674-4886
Graphic Arts Services
Offset Negatives and Platemaking
Screen Prints, Art Work
Phone 825 2978
5 Rear 29 North Main Street Wilkes-Barre, Pa.™~
AA le atte cobs tinal
lst testi tet alicssiscatieali lbs dc
A a a a a
elements of surveying as applied to |
Prerequisite for enrollment at the |
ment in machine design, tool and |and any recent graduate is eligible |
Johnny Cybulski, Sheila and Renie
Kulick, Keith Morrow, Frances Cy-
bulski, Mary Morrow, Beatrice and
Russell Ockenhouse. Highlight of
the party was an outside picnic,
complete with hot dogs, wimpy
burgers, chips ete, to birthday
cake, ice cream and candy. Hazel’s
dad thrilled them with an open
truck ride, but was cut short by
showers, which failed however to
dampen their spirits. -
Because of interest shown the
three churches on Centermoreland
charge were open for prayer and
meditation last week Thursday
evening from 9 to 12 p.m. They
will be open this week, Dymond
Hollow, August 10th, 9 to 10 p.m.,
i Centermoreland, August 11, 9 to
110 p.m., East Dallas August 12 (to-
i night), 9 to 10 p.m.
"Atlantic City Trip
The annual Atlantic City bus trip
will be held August 28 and 29. Bus
will leave Fernbrook at 6° am.
Reservations must be made with
Mrs. Andrew Roberts, 674-0459.
| Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schenck, Mr.
‘and Mrs. Oscar Fish, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Miner, Mrs. Elwood Patton
and Mary Marie, Mariel Lutes. Mrs.
Albert Casterline, Mrs. William
Butler, Mrs. Laura Jones,
Henry Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Denmon, Mark, Ricky and Pamela,
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Holmgren,
Cheryl, Cindy, David and Char-
| less Gunton. The Guntons, Holm-
| grens and Denmons remained for
the weekend.
mer Lyons, Francis Schenck, Fred
Schenck, William - McKenna,
cer Holmgren Sr. and Spencer
Holmgren Jr., Jacob Miner.
Parks, of Carbondale. |
Lae] 8
OOCO00000000 OOOO
ES e
[a2 Ni
Zo nowy
Mortgage Loans
Member FDLG
$5,000 OF RHA
Mrs. |
Methodist Men’s Club met at the
church basement recently. Present
| were. president Elmer Race, Pas-|
| tor Fred Eister, E. R. Kerlin, Ken- |
neth Denmon, Oscar Fish, Franklin |
Patton, Lowell Paton, Fred Clark, !
Allan Kitchen, Charles Womer, El-
Spen- |
Substitute minister at St. Lukes |
Sunday morning was James |
for the following courses:
Dr Tprai S