The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 05, 1965, Image 10

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BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin 639-2544 NOXEN, Mrs. Elida Beahm Kelly 639-8522 | try will hold wn Toe rears Sociol |
DALLAS, Carol Ann Williams 674-4109 ® RUGGLES, Mrs. Glenn Kocher 639-5618 on July 31 at the Fire Hall. Serv-
FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver 674-5460 ° SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. F. W. Anderson 675-2001 | ing will begin at 5 p. m. Homemade
HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage 639-9531 ® SWEET VALLEY, Mrs. Thomas Sayre 477-3731 Ice Cream, Pie, Cake, Coffee and
IDETOWN, Bess Cooke 639-5137 @ TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert 696-1689 | Boda will be on the PO 5
JACKSON TWP., William Hughes 696-1005 o EAST DALLAS, Kenn Higgins T0001 ro Bo ee SoMa
LEHMAN, Mrs. Morton Connelly 674-2488 ® OAK HILL, Mrs. Stephen L. DeBarry 639-5242 fri nly y y
MT. ZION, Rev. Charles Gilbert 388-7261 o |
MOUN T ZION Trucksville
: Trucksville Fire Company will
The other day Ruth and I (with | Ruth brought out a cup of milk for |still is Ruth, only her last Name | yieot in the municipal building to-
Tuffy) drove to Oakland to pay a me to take down to the kitten I| changed! How many lines of n= morrow night at 7:30. The auxiliary
visit to her sister living there. It paused, for I did not want to feed | fluence pour into a person’s life, | ii] meet there on Monay night at |
was a beautiful trip over Pennsyl-| the old mother cat. I said, “Wait | while fields are being ploughed, |§
vania’s Endless Mountains on the! until she goes away.” But while we | cows milked, parsnips being weed-
Northeast Extension and route 81.| watched, the mother cat came to!ed, and men talk together about
We got back at five o'clock and | her former child, touched noses, did | God and chickens and hay!
phoned Cathy to meet us at the| not cuff it this time but gently | When we got back home a little
Orchard Farms restaurant for sup- | chewed its ear! Ruth exclaimed, | tio. six we thanked God for send-
per. Whenever we eat there we | «Look! The mother cat is biting the | ing such a rain. The pond level
usually see someone we know. This | baby!” But she was telling it some- | was raised and made clean looking.
time it was a former Carverton| thing, For ‘she turned toward the The rain .gauge outside our window
resident, Sally Dawn Edwards who | pond jungle and the kitten went | registered one inch for the day.
came in. I knew of course she was| along as if told to do so. I think Catherine says that means 113
married some time ago but this was | “Come on, kit, | tons of water on our acre!
: : | the mother said,
the first I remember meeting her and Tll show you where you can | VALLEY CREST
Now that I make Friday one of
Jerome Kundrat, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Kundrat, Harris Hill]
| Road, will receive a degree in sec- |
| ondary education from Bloomsburg
State College today at the annual |
summer commencement exercises |
of the college.
Reverend Wesley Crompton will
| preach at the 9:30 worship service
Sunday morning in Trucksville
| Methodist Church.
Evelyn Orchard, Holly Street, is
spending the ‘week in Florida: En |
route home she will stop in Wash-
husband, Mr. Shaver. They had the | make a good living without just |
Sweetest Ile. durkhubied phi); ! hanging around ‘the back door wait- | my calling days it is there that I
couldn't resist stopping to ask her: ing for a handout. You want to be| first see The Dallas Post and hear | ington D. C., where she will visit |
name. Her name is Dawn! She |; dependent, don’t you? Then come | ,hout the Mt. Zion column. Some | her sister Elsa. a government em-
flashed me all sorts of smiles and | along with me.” Kit went along! | one is sure to say, “I've just been | Ployee in the Capitol.
finally when 1 went won- and seid | That evening when she returned | reading your column in The Dallas Mrs. Robert Spence and infant
>. 1 1 x 4 .
g00d bye she’ puckered. up her Jipal) she had never a word to say about | Post!” I hope the staff at Dallas | SOR 'thave ined to hel home
where she had been, what she had | post get to know how much pleas- jon ig Hi I e Avenue from. Gen-
learned. Just danced and capered.| ype that | eral "Hospital.
weekly paper gives to | Th Cc ; d Mis |
She was out painting part of whe Last Sunday I didn't get much many readers at our County Home. | nomas Case, son of Mr. and Mrs.
age! She had it nearly all paint. | chence to. gather week-end news And it isn't just the Mt. Zion Donald Suse Gone, ik has |
Sa finishing righ Aer FEA of the countryside. I did hear that | column, for many tell me they read | *4rB€ ome after spending a week |
raja t 2
That Lind of paint (for ender] Lena Hastie is home from the hos- it all through. One arthritic lady re Be randpnoRs 3 5h Mee
blocks) soaked in as fast as one Pital feeling much better, for which in 5 wheel chair remarked “They Patricia Carle daughter of Mr. |
could put it on. So she was having
(all her friends are glad. And also | have a lot of accidents over around | GN ars
fo 1 A y | and’ Mrs. Phillip Carle, graduated
to brush it, brush-full after brush- | that Wesley Lewis’ name was on Dallas.” (Which could be said of Allen-
full. T admired her persistence. But
One day I went out searching for |
news. Nobody home. So I stopped |
to chat a minute with Jane Lloyd. |
|the ‘Methodist Church bulletin | the news from any of our dailies). io aL in
then, Jane knows how to complete ' board’ up at Tunkhannock. And Another . who reads and likes to nursing. ‘Mrs. Thomas Carle, Lewis |
a job once begun. Then Tommy | Tommy Marcy sang a solo at Mt. | discuss it with me is one bed Pa- | Avenue, her grandmother, attended |
came out and I visited with him. | Zion church. I left home at nine tient by name of Catherine Ford ype graduation exercises.
Then the tiny yellow kitten came [in ‘the morning to go to Russell | from Nanticoke. She is one of the | mrs Edward Segar. Davis Street, |
along and rubbed against Tommy. Hill to preach at 10:00, same as best cheerer-uppers you could find Hog returned from Nesbitt Hospital. |
Then I came away without getting the Sunday before. And at Me- in spite of her crippled body. She | Evel Scott. Sutton’ Rod 1
any news! ! shoppen at 11:00. Then by pre- was a school mate of Nora Dymond | yn Scott, Sutton Road,
THE POND i arrangement Catherine was to in “Normal School” days. Most of | Drembe it Coverlet 400 Ob Te
31 - | turned Friday from Camp Brule, |
The pond is little more than mud bring mother (and Tuffy) after our people at Valley Crest have | p,1sville.
3 n: Sunday School to meet me in plenty of aches, pains and disabili- | a?
i a Si RE > Tunkhannock. Just as I drove to | ties to complain about, but over| M* Ce ma
shore to go out to the middle! | & stop on one side of the street in and over again when asked “How's Atlantic City. N. J |
Sounds like some big animal! We Tunkhannock Catherine drove on everything going today ?” I get the sl TE gy Ny i ie
saw a deer edging its way down! the other side, pretty accurate (answer, “Oh I can’t kick!” or “No | ky ay yo Fa infant
the south corridor but did not see timing. Then we left the '53 Chevy ' yge complaining!” Another answer | ri i es io ? i! ti os
it. go to the pond itself. How a On the street and transferred dog, |into-which one has to read whatever | ahd ee ne ig .
good rain would be appreciated! | Cathy and mother over to the '59 he can find, “Just so-so!” Sadly 7 Ir. an rs. i) ells, =
THE WAY WITH CATS [and we drove up to Springville, had enough there sometimes comes the | - SIrace, spent severa ays recently
| dinner there and in the pouring | answer, “No good, I just ain't no Yih his son-in-law and daughter,
Never saw this happen before. = ” Mr... and Mrs. Herbert Turney,
The mother of the kittens we have rain drove on to Kirkwood. We | good!” And I have to gulp and | Rochester, N.Y
pv i _ | visited’ the old farm where so many say, “You are too some good or the |
i 3 ar od > ey She of our interests and past history Lord wouldn't keep you Boro | Mr. Be Ms use ver a]
was “concerned. For. with: the. in--are. centered. “Leslie Andrews was | Someone needs your smile today!’ son. So , Oa a ge i oo
crease soon due she couldn't ibe | the ‘market gardener back in the | Pardon me if I often write about | Sov Jars oe is mol = rs.
bothered with her first litter. So Years of my late teens when I Valley Crest, but you are the ones 22008 d en Pom in e 2 d.
she cuffed this last one and told it Deeded such work fo toughen me! who pay taxes and you ought to] oem bh oh be ys op gi
to go get lost. This lone child just up, and to learn a great many | want to hear about it. Go pay a lu rat Tor the iid two
stayed around here while the moth- things about Methodist theology — visit there sometime. David Werts | = ~~
er wandered. This morning while | and farming practice — from this | of Carverton hag charge of the Sun- | a c to. daughter of | d
inda Carle, Tr Of . an
- stalwart, Methodist. Incidentally, | day afternoon = services there for!
Andrews’ wife had a little sister like him very much — and he likes [is reetiperating. at home following
children, Ricky, Arnold, Joy and | 3 lis = id ‘
2 Ad | pending several weeks with Mr.
Clayton, of Main Road, have moved J ack SON Twp. | and Mrs. Bat Hows Carverton Rood.
| accidentally or providentially Leslie | August and September. The guests | Vrs: Lyle Carle, Harris Hill Road,
. . visiting there. Her name was, and |'¢; surgery in General Hospital.
My znd his. Rolph syeuss ond 2 jan) | Miss Edna B. Reese, Philadelphia,
into their newly purchased home| : Id etouwn | Cathy Walters (and tor zeand:
i Carverton, Mr. and Mrs. Malvin Wagner, i mother, Mrs. Bessie Olsen, Terrace
Mr. thd Mrs, Melvyn : Comptos | op, cq Corners had as recent guests, | Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton recent- | Avenue, are spending the summer
and son, Harry, Levittown spent Mr. Wagners' brother and sister-in- ly entertained Mr. and Mrs. Theo- | in Buffalo, N. Y., where they are
the weekend visiting relatives 1 law, Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Wagner dore Frankenfield, Philadelphia, Mr. | the guests of Mrs. Ida Stout.
the area. Cond |of Albemarle, N. C., who are tour- and Mrs. Sam Traver, Bowman| Mr. and Mrs. Laing Coolbaugh;
The teachers and officers of they, ope northern section. of the | Creek, Rev. Rolland Updyke, Sweet | Huntsville Road, have returned
Glenview P. M. Church will meet | country. | Valle and Nathan and Sharon (from Canada where they spent
in the church on Saturday evening," Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hughes | Se High Falls, N. Y., who have Several days. The couple celebrated
August 7 at 7 P.M. Trustees will | . 3 : Ye their thirt venth wedding anni-
; + BK th d- | their. thirty seven g
meet at 8S PM. a al ay bat as Sunday | been on vacation wit eir gran | versie of ‘the Hineteonth of Joly.
ran rimble, ) . .
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. | parents. - Edward Th on
Levittown visited her parents, Mr. i Sherwood and children, Denise and | Mrs. Lee Honeywell and family, | Wr. ong Mes an ps
i , Cliffside A y: Vise
and Mrs. E. H. Rogers, Maple St.| Scott, Florence A. Keefer and An- Philadelphia, spent a few days with | Sad gen one ths
over the week-end. Their son, Billy | thony Bartkas of Wilkes-Barre. her father, Harry Rossman of Trox- they. visited the Baseball Hall of
attended the Chrisittan Day Camp | a (ell Switch recently. { Fame in Cooperstown.
at Melody Park last week and stay- | Legal Notice eu Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stehman, ;
Sealed proposals will be received | Bruce Williams last week.
ed with his grandparents. Another , | Lancaster, visited Mr. and Mrs. 3
daughter of the Rogers, Janet, Mel DD air De oe Lake-Lehman News
and Mrs. Robert Sorber and family, 0y the Dallas 00! District for | oir. and Mrs. James D. Corhér o Ti
. ; oy i , : 2 . Lake-Lehman High School Can-
Middlesex have moved to Wilkes- | One Used Public Address School | and Paul, Detroit, are vacationing | ee for football i receive par-
Barre. | System Installed in the Dallas | | :
: : with his mother, Mrs. Pearl Connor. | cnt .. physician certificates at. the
Mrs. Clem ZKuras,” Dallas and! Junior High School. Specifications Other visitors at the Connor home | frigh Sa office between 8 and
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred may be secured at the office of the |
a ! | were Mr. ‘and Mrs. Bob Robinson day through Friday.
Tinklepaugh, ; Shaver Street, is a Secretary, Dallas Senior High School | of Detroit. $ Ba a for football will y ve
patient in Wills Eye Hospital, Phil- | Building, Dallas, Pennsylvania. bia and Mrs. Jesse Boice, Mr. | place at 9:00 A.M. on Friday Aug-
adelphia where she underwent | All bids shall be in the hands and Mus. Herbert Moyer, Herbie ust 13 and Monday August 16 in
Sweet Valley
The Sweet Valley Ladies Aux-
Richard Bronson, son of Mn.
and Mrs. Hale Bronson who has
been stationed at the Great Lakes, |
Ill., is spending a 30 day leave
with his parents. When he re-
turns he will attend Nuclear School.
W. 8. C. S. of Maple Grove
Church will hold a Dutch Maid Par-
ty on August 10 at the Church Hall.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Mark, Clark and Johnny Miles,
Philadelphia, spent two weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. Hale Bronson.
Mrs. Samuel L. Wilson, Blooms-
burg, recently was a Sunday dinner
| guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long,
and family. Other visitors at the
Long home were Mr. and -Mrs.
Richard ‘Britt and family, Shaver-
| town.
The Harmonettes, a vocal: trio,
gave ‘a, concert at the "Christian
Church on Suday evening. =
The Maple Grove W. 8. C. S. will
hold an Ice Cream Social on‘ August
7.. Everyone is welcome; :
"Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Britt spent |
last’ week. visiting Mr. and ‘Mrs.
Ralph Raipor, Reading, ‘and - also
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Engelman, Pam
and Cindy, Waverly, N. Y.
Don’t forget ‘the dance at De-
Luca's Lakeside Park, Lake: Silk-
worth, every Friday night at 9. It
is sponsored by Rescue Squad No. 7,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schweitzer,
Donald, David and Deanne, Harris-
burg,” spent a few days ‘last’ week
with Mr. and Mrs. William Sayre
and : family. ;
Mrs. Lois Raspen, Tommy and
Tammy, Mrs. Clare Wesley ‘and
Beverly recently spent a few days
in Atlantic City.
2... a Dogs
2 Life
By Bob Bartos, Manager
Friskies Pet Foods Research Center
There are some traits coni-
mon to all dogs, that are not
what you might expect of a
supposedly civilized pet. Yet
for each of the traits therels
a justifiable explanation
which can be traced back to
| the days when dogs were
wild. - ;
{Take for example the un-
Plensans habit of rolling de-
rlightedly in anything: dead.
The wild dog did this out of .
‘necessity to camouflage his
-own odor by covering:it up
| with one that was stronger
and + non-doggy. He could
thus hunt his prey without
being detected.
Then there’s the habit of
burying bones. The wild dog,
when unable to eat what he
killed at a single session,
wisely hid the leftovers for
2 day when hunting was
Circling several times be-
fore finally lying down goes
back to the need to trample
{down the grass to make a
| bed and to check the resting
(spot for any alien residents.
| "Then there’s the custom of
‘tucking his tail between his
‘legs when scared. The wild
| dog was not only a hunter, he
was also the hunted, and if
this tail was down instead of
‘up when being pursued it
was mot such an easily
| grabbed target,
| While not all dogs bolt
‘down their food as if it's
| their last meal, many still do.
Missionary Society of Glenview
P.M. Church will meet at the home
of Mrs. Roy Moss, E. Dallas on
Thursday evening at 7:30 P.M.
Farewell Party
Den No. 5, Pack No. 233, Shaver-
town had a going away party last
week in form of a wiener roast at
the home of their Den Mother, Mrs.
Audrey McGough. Kenny Stolarick, :
a member of the Den is moving to.
Pine Grove, Pa. sometime in August.
Hot dogs and marshmallows were
roasted over a wood fire made by
the boys. Games were played and
prizes awarded. ’
Attending” were: Harold Evans;
Richard Harrison; Jimmy McGough;
Billy Rice; Gary Rice and Kenny
Stolarick of the Den. Also, Mrs.
Jean Harrison, Assistant Den
Mother, David Harrison; Jayne Ann,
June Ellen and Kevin McGough and
the Den Mother, Mrs. McGough.
The boys recently enjoyed a field
trip to the Martz Trailways Garage
in Wilkes-Barre where Mr. Me-
Gough is employed. The boys en-
joyed seeing the newest modern
bus, but the highlight of the trip
was a ride on an old-timer bus.
27 Machell Ave. Dallas
Phone 674-4921
| of Mrs. Harriet Stahl, Secretary, not |
later than 3:00 p.m., D.S.T., August
10, 1965. Bids will be opened at
the regular meeting of the Board to
be held at 8:00 p.m., D.S.T., Tues-
day, August 10, 1965, in the library
of the Dallas Senior High School.
The Board reserves the right to
accept or reject any or all bids or
any part thereof of any bid.
By order of the Board of Di-
rectors of the Dallas School District,
Dallas, Pennsylvania. Sr
Harriet Stahl, Secretary
Sales Slip Pads
In Many Designs
Lowest Prices
The Dallas Post
recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Boice in Harrisburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Harrison
| with Gaile and Gary and Elizabeth
Anne Shaver spent several days
in Atlantic City recently.
Phone 674-0316
ry BL
since 1923
Hartman Insurance Agency
W. 42nd St., Idetown, P.O. Box 95, Dallas
and Connie, with Mrs. Floyd Hoover |
the Health Suite at the High School.
Candidates are requested to be
prompt and to be sure to bring
their permission papers with them
| for the scheduled - physicals.
Thank you,
Stanley J. Gulbish
Director of Activities
In all likelihood this is be-
ieause their ancestors often
‘did not have a square meal
for a number of days. An-
other possibility is that his
habit may stem from an in-
herited fear that some other
bigger and stronger animal
‘Would come and take if.
those arriving at
Richard H. Disque
Funeral Home
Consideration is the
keynote of service
All-encompassing is the consideration
given here to every detail of a funeral
service , . . for every faith. The
provision of ample parking space. for
For 25 years, our aim has been to
render the finest service to all . . .
with financial hardship to nome.
the chapel by “car.
672 Memorial Highway
man: 674-3806
2 ae i
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyers, Hins-
dale, Mass., spent the weekend at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
| Schenck and also attended the |
| Young family reunion, with them,
| at Drums, Pa., on Sunday.
Mrs. Lawrence Race, Bingham- |
ton, Sue and Susan Shoemaker, |
| Kunkle, visited the Ray Kellys, on |
Tuesday. :
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keiper,
| Debbie and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs.
| Russell Traver and family, Mr. and .
| Mrs. Lee Mintzer and family, spent |
| the weekend at White Birch Camp, |
| Red Rock.
Mr. and Mrs,
| family, of Eyers Grove, Pa., spent
Wednesday = with Mrs. William |
| Engelman and family.
| The Dendler family had a get-
| together at “the State Park on
| Tunkhannock Highway on Monday.
| Present were: Mrs. Rolland Lillie,
| Mr. and Mrs, Walter Dendler and
| Sandy, Bristol, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. |
Ernest Dendler, Buckwheat Hol-
| low, Philip Dendler, Jill, Joy and
| Phylis, - Rochester, Minn., Mr. Ber-
Jerry Boone and |
| nard Dendler., Mark ‘and Kathy,
| Noxen, Mrs. Jack: Holdredge and
son Scott, Dallas,” Mrs. "Eleanor
: Dendler’ and Caroline," Dallas, Mr. |
cand Mrs. "John © Szela, Eva Sue,
| Becky. ~~ ny
| Kathy : and Barbara: Engleman |
| and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGovern,
| daughter Cindy ‘Lou, are spending
| their vacation at Cayuga Lake, N.Y.
| Mrs. Willard ‘Bender wishes to!
| thank all their neighbors for their |
| visits, cards and food which was
{ brought ‘in’ to them; since her acci-
ident. Tt is very much appreciated.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hileman and.
| Bernard Obert, Dushore, ' visited
| the Benders, on Sunday. Gladys
| Hileman, “Wilkes Barre, called on
| Monday. Pan |
Visitors at the home of Mr. ‘and |
Mrs. Ray Kelly, on Friday were |
‘Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Keiper, Mrs. |
Edward Storm and Robert, Endi-
cott, Mr. and :Mrs. James Kelly and |
son James, Milnesville, Pa., and
| Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Keiper, Oneon- |
| ta, Jack Kelly and son John, on |
| Saturday. : |
Junior and- Cadette Scouts are |
going Troop camping -at Onosrands, |
| Tunkhannock, on August 12; 13,4
14. Leaders are Mrs. Welford |
Scouten and Mrs. Richard Smith.
| The “following girls went day |
| camping. .at' Wildwood, Harvey's |
| Lake for : the past two weeks:
| Marlyn Macialek, Doris Parrish, |
| Dorothy: Weaver, Diane Johns, |
{ Paula Smith, “Millie' Traver, Linda
| Swire, Rose: Marie ‘Biggs, Debbie |
and Patty Goble. Part of: the ex- |
penses were met by the profit that |
the girl scouts. made at the Noxen |
Horse Show, in May. |
Miss Linda Evans spent the past |
| ence’ May at Pierce, Idaho.
| Harvey's
| Shalata °Sr.,
week at the home of her grandmo-
ther, Mrs. Alfred Keithline,
Tunkhannock, R.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne .Swire left
for a vacation in Maryland, Virgin- |
ia, and Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lerch and |
family, Gary, Ind., are visiting, Mr. |
and Mrs. Thomas Swire. Mrs.
| Lerch is Mr. Swire’s sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shook,
Terry, Carl and Kurt, returned on |
Thursday from a trip to Idaho.
They visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford |
Mansfield and family, and Mr. and |
May and family at |
Mrs. George
Lewiston and Mr. and Mrs. Lawr-
report having a good trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Patton
and family, Newburgh, N. Y., are
spending a week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Voyle Traver.
Mr. and Mrs.
Whoppinger Falls, is spending a
week’s vacation at the home of his
parents Mr. and Mrs. James Wyant. |
While here they attended the
funeral of Wesley Miller, Spring
Brook, Pa., Mr. Samuel Humphrey,
Lake, and Mrs. Emily,
Lyons, Noxen. 3
A stork shower was held in hon- |
or of Mrs. Dana Field, Jamestown,
| N.Y. at the home of Mrs. Joseph
Shalata Sr., on Saturday night.
| Hostesses were Mrs. William Sha-
lata" Sr., and Mrs. Ernest Daley.
Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
: Mrs. Ernest Daley,
Mrs. William Shalata, Mrs. Alton
Field, Mrs. Ray Gorton, Mrs. Fran-
cis Thomas, Mrs. Paul Thomas, Mrs.
Elwin Cragle, Mrs. Carl Bush, Mrs.
Philip Shafer, Mrs. Joseph Shalata
Jr., Mrs. Elsworth Field, Mrs. Doro-
i thy - French, Mrs. William Macin-
tosh, Mrs. Joseph Nalbone, Mrs.
Albert Jones, Mrs. Leo Lord, Mrs.
Donald Meeker, Dorothy Keiper,
Christine Blizard, Mrs. Ronald Hop-
James Wyant, |
| fer, Mrs. Dana Field and infant
| daughter Denise Renee.
Mr. and Mrs. George Jurista and
| family of Eatonville, spent Sunday
with her parents, the Jeddie Mac-
| Millans.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hopkins,
Vienna, N. J., spent the weekend
with her father, Harry Siglin.
Marcella and Pamela Blizzard and
| Linda Weaver spent a week with
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sutliff, at
| Brooklyn N. Y. Mr. Sutliff brought
them home on Saturdaygywnd Julie
Ann Lapp came to spend two weeks
with the Arthur Blizzards.
Janet Turner .is spending & week
at P.S.E.A. Workshop, at Chambers-
Mike Bean spent a three day pass
from the New Cumberland Army
Depot; this week, at his home here.
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Montross on Wednesday
were Mrs. Harold Curtis, of Lehman
and Mr, Harold Belles, Trucksville,
called on them, on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Mason,
Johnson City, spent the weekend
with Mrs. Joseph Hackling.
John Honeywell, employed at
| I.LB.M. Endicott, visited his parents
Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell, on
Sorber Mountain and also called on
| David Fritz, on Sunday.
These members of Noxen Ambu-
lance Association attended dedica-
tion of the New Tyler Memorial
Hospital, on Sunday afternoon: Al-
bert Goble, John Lyons, Bill Lyons,
Dave and Nik Fritz and Howard
Keller. Noxen Ambulance was on
display. Edgar Engelman represent-
ed the Endless Mountains Associ-
ation, ‘at the ceremonies.
Visitors at the home of ¥&§% James
Pattons - on Sunday were Mr. and
| Mrs. Richard Patton and famiy, Pat
Wilds, Joan Mann and a
kins,’ Athens, Pa.
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