VANIA St in wan delight- \d many ade. Ac- 1s were y Bartz, - grand- | ) Cherry vertown. through | 1tinental gina. On wishing way of and said d, crops nd even t strides t. up from a mile- ogether. y — ‘Waters, | Marcia, | Waters, | snd with | , Hunts- | ite their | ry. | in the t Church #4 n. Mrs. h Kline. § Oy Le- | “his re- In 31 f Dallas Eastern | July 31, | Grounds | 1 tables, a watch mangle, | , a four | laundry | age size 1 dining ases are ns to be Patron, airs the hy Ma- bd the Bethia §.: her ill serve , + ham- d cakes. id Mrs. an the | d Mrs. nterest- | or. their | "DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Willis E. Ide Heads Family Clan As Many Gather For 62nd Meet Willis E. Ide was elected pres- ident at the 62nd reunion of the Ide family, held Saturday June 26 at Wolfe's Grove, Sweet Valley. W. Russell Ide was chosen vice president, Alfred D. Bronson, trea- urer; Mrs. Marian Ide Cook, Mrs. Elmer Hoover, Mrs. Clifford D. Ide and Miss Grace A. Ide, secretaries of the organization. resident Russell Ide, presided at the business session and Rev. Ro- land Updyke offered prayer. Time and place of the next reunion will be decided by the committee. Awards were presented to the fol- lowing: Robert Hoover, 81 years, oldest man; Mrs. Raymond Spencer, 79 years, oldest woman; David and Betty Smith Hall, newly-weds; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ide, married 50 years; Deborah, 7 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ide, young- est child; largest family, Mrs. Mary R. Ide, Philadelphia; Jack Appel, traveled the greatest distance. Mr. Robert Hoover, 81 years. gave two readings, and Mr. William R. | Thomas reviewed some of the his- attendance for many years, in fact | we missed all of you that were not able to attend. ’ Eighteen births, 15 deaths and eleven marriages were reported dur- "ing the past year. Births: Guy Glenn to Peter and May Carey, July 21, 1964; a son to the Ernest Londons’; Deborah Sue to Willard and Wilma { Lansberry; November 1, 1964; a | daughter to Frederick and Iva May { London, Nov. 2, 1964; Deborah to | Roland and Mary Ann Ide, Nov. 3, 11964; Patricia Ann to, Walter and | Gloria Bronson, Nov. 27, 1964; Stephen Ross to David and Roxid Haines December 13, 1964: Joan Lisa to John and Alice Paul, Jan. 22, 1965; Marsha Lynne to Charles and Mary Lou Cook, January 29, Ide, March 27, 1965; a daughter-to Frank and Dorothy Wadas, April 8, 1965; Ellen Kay to Clinton and Kay Hess, May 16, 1965; a son to James Howell and Ida May Ide, June 1, 1965; Jeffrey Allen to Carl and San- dra Ide, June 15, 1965; Teresa Ann | to Carl and Edith Johnson May 26, 11965; John Charles to Frank and 1965; Tammy to James and Carol ; tory of our earliest settlers, em-| Audrey Kocher May 4, 1965; Alan phasizing the integrity of the Ides. Keith to Alan and Pheobus Oberst, | We missed several of the larger November, 1964. families that have been regular in| Marriages: Gerard E. Ide to’ Pa- “ei tricia I. Brown, August 5, 1964; Ed- COME IN FOR A win R. Ide to Barbara Rodger, Aug. FREE “MULTI-CHECK” . 8, 1964; Janice Rose Ide to James - Ray, Stiefel, August 9, 1964; Carolyn Ide to George Butwin, September 19; 1964; Richard Monroe, October 17, 1964; William W. Meade tc Mar- jorie . Louise Baird; November 28, 1964; Richard D. Ide to Judith ! Jones, June 26, 1965; Carol Sutton LT | to John Sickler, June 19, 1965; | 562 Juss St. (at the bridge) | Bradley C. Ide to Ruth Beagle, June ~ NGSTON. 288-6613 25, 1965; Betty Lou Smith to David stn sn ol Re, nina 200807 > - 6 p.m. Mon. Thru Fri. THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1965 Rotary Leadership Camp Selectees Chosen 1 i At the Dallas Rotary Club’s reg- ular Thursday night meeting, July 1, the Rotarians heard from the three ii students sponsored by the Club to i the Leadership Camp at Camp Brooklyn. : ; den ‘Above from left to right are: John August 16, 1964; Walter Neely, 66, September 23, 1964; Benjamin Ney- hart,. 75, November 13, 1964; Ethel { A, MeGuire, 70, November 13, 1964; | : . “son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis ‘Shields, | Elizabeth Brown Smith, 76, Novem- | ber. 10, 1964; Rinta. Booth Nafus, | 87, November 26, 1964; Stephen F. | Rogers, 72, January 31, 1965; Hazel i King ‘Nichols, 68, February 1, 1965; ! Bertha A. Smith, 80, February 28, | | 1965; Mae Goodrich Ide, 76, March 10, 1965; Dreher D. Whitesell, 76, 8 a.m. - 12 Noon Saturday. G. Hall, January 16, 1965. | March 15, 1965; Harry B. Allen, 77, Deaths: Charles I Sutton 92, 5p) 24, 1965; Jeffrey L. Paul, 5, | January 21, 1965; Ruth Whiteman Brey medical Artificially 45¢ a . ~ DIABETIC ICE CREAM intended for use by diabetics under EVANS DRUG STORE Harveys Lake Highway, Shavertown ® 074.4681 — Two Phones’ — 574-3888 . Walborn, 75, May 3, 1965; Blanche | E. Ide, 76, June 10, 1965. i er's {the initial starters of this Camp. : | Konsavage, Chairman of Dallas Leadership Program; John Ruff, Noxen; Barry Ray, Sweet Valley; Stanley Dorrance, Dallas; and Jack €vening and officers were élected. | lon Field, Kingston. Stanley, Club President and one of Birmen George Shields, Serves On FDR Carrier Airman George ‘P.’ Shields, USN, Route 3, Dallas, is serving aboard the attack ‘aireraft carrier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, currently operating with the U.S. Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean. The Roosevelt, a principal deter- rent to aggression in the European, African and near Eastern areas, serves as a mobile, self-sustaining air base for supersonic fighter and attack aircraft of the Sixth Fleet. The trouble with modern life is that it takes too much time. advice. Sweetened pint CLOSE-OUT — SANDALS ; reg. $4.98 now | ® Hand-bags— 2 price ® ladies’ Summer shoes, first pair at regular price, second at 2 price ® Flats — reg. $5.98, now $2.98 and $3.98 ® Men's Summer Casuals — $3.98 — EXPERT SHOE REPAIR — FAIRVIEW SHOE STORE $1.49 Dallas | Shopping Center , DIRECTORS FRANK W. ANDERSON F. THOBURN ARMSTRONG » PAUL BEDFORD 4 GEORGE T. BELL FRANK BURNSIDE CHARLES F. BUSTIN J. B. CARR EDWARD DARLING EDWARD EYERMAN, JR. ALVIN G. FUNKE HARRY F. GOLRINGER ANDREW HOURIGAN; JR. “JOHN A. HOURIGAN, JR. WILLIAM A. LANK REUBEN H. LEVY I MAC LEWIS RALPH J. LISMAN JOHN MALINOWSKI HOMER B. MOYER WILLIAM J. PACK F. E. PARKHURST LOUIS SHAFFER ROY D. SNYDER WILLIAM O. SWORD W. GORDON WILLIAMS » ASSETS MINERS razovas save OF WILKES-BARRE Comparative Statement of Condition June 30, 1965 RUGGLES Mr. and Mrs. John Bronson and children of Springville, Pa. spent the holiday week-end with John’s mother, Mrs. Beulah Bronson. This past week-end her guests were her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huffman, Susan, Kay, Lorna, and Duane of Liberty, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heacock and family of Boothwyn, Pa., spent the hcliday week-end with her father Verne Kitchen and Mr. and Mrs Ralph Rood and family. Mr. D. Verne Kitchen and grand- son, Darrell Loomis Jr., left on Mon- day for a six-weeks vacation visit- ing relatives and all points- of in- terest on their drive to California, and Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kocher and ‘Allan visited Mr. and Mrs. William Vetter on ‘Sunday afternoon at their summer home at Blythburn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Traver, spent the week-end at the shore. Cynthia Lee Rood infant daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rood was . baptized during the Sunday Morn- ‘ing church services at Ruggles | Methodist Church. : The Adult Class met at the home of Mrs. Beulah Bronson on Tuesday Pictured above is Collette of Bar- thel and her daughter Teena-Me- Too of Barthel who will both be entered in = the Anthracite Dog Training Club Annual Obedience | ! Trial on Sunday, July 18 at Scand- | Collette and | | Bronson. : Present. were Mrs. ‘Donna ‘Bandish, | Teena are owned by Mrs, Bart Mrs. Lucy Traver; Mrs. Vera Loomis, | Collett of ‘Shavertown. Mrs. May Kocher, “Mr: D. Verne| : Collette "has been entered in the Kitchen and the hostess Mrs. Beulah | Utility class and Open class.” Teena | [ will bégin her Obedience career at | “Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Oberst and | this show in the Novice B class. daughter, Sara. ‘returned , from a! ghe will follow in the footsteps of week’s «vacation. where they spent her mother ‘who has’ been’ shown three = days, visiting = Mrs. Oberst’s | : : 7 x brother: and family, Mr. and Mis, | Extensively ih the Obedience ring. Dean Kocher at- their summer cot- | Mrs: Collett has. also used Collette tage in Hammondsport, N. Y., loeat- | 0 demonstrate before many local ed on the shore ‘of Lake Keuka, | Organizations this ever growing | where they “enjoyed - swimming ‘and ] competitive - sport. boating. They visited the Newton| The local Trial has received many | Battlefield, and State Reservation. out-of-town entries and the com- A cousin of the family, Mr. and petition will be keen. | Mrs. Raymond Obersts, at their cot-| Trophies: made entirely of an- | tage in Randolph, N. Y. On their return home they drove thru the Allegheny National Forest and State Game Lands of Pennsvl- vania ‘and took in the beautiful zua Dam which is now under con- struction and can be seen at sever: vantage points and when completed will be the largest man made body of water in the East. High in the Seneca Highlands of Kane, Pa. they stopped to see the only Lobo Wolves left in the world. > Take a tip from the Oberst family when they say “See PENNSYL- VANIA First”. It surely is a beauti- ful state. Fernbrook Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dymond, Mr. and Mrs. William Dymond and son Billv, 178 E. Overbrook Avenue. at- tended the New York Worlds Fair on Monday. : Mrs. Leona Belles, Harris Street, | { | June 30, 1964 Cash and. Due from Banks .i...........: $ 10,819,210.63 $ 7,530,942.95 U..S. Government Obligations ............. 20,258,497.64 12,881,045.89 U. S. Government Agency Obligations . ..... 5,674,073.20 3,252,401.48 State and Municipal Bonds ............... 25,535,935.48 19,703,303.83 Other Investment Securities .............. 448,487.32 258,251.00 Mortgage Loans: 01a. unas oh Ldn 35,400,329.80 27,657,356.48 Other Loans and Discounts .............. 32,299,033.25 28,444,064.93 Less: Reseftve 5. aid Nias eon oudey (2,069,009.80) (1,919,732.24) Bank Premises = ili Cones 2,525,643.24 2,509,181.15 Furniture and Fixtures... amen cowie 228,176.79 148,254.40 Other Asseltg’ ULL 7.0 0 Sonia ohn 1,025,920.17 743,801.99 Mothl Assetsic: nu vss $132,146,297.72 $102,208,871.86 LIABILITIES Deposits: U.S. Government.) ones vier $ 2,264,423.11 $$ 1,531,255.39 Bemand. ini ie re rR bine 34,723,284.97 25,745,993.43 Time 2. i n.a. ane Ee 81,362,707.53 62,904,734.33 Potala ool. eh vino ES 118,350,415.61 90,181,983.15 Dividend. Payable -. 56... 0.000 vo Susi 151,250.00 138,750.00 Other Liabilities .. i... . ..wdtese: opine 2,570,268.07 1,661,225.28 Total Liabilities .....«... 7000 $121,071,933.68 $ 91,981,958.43 Capital Funds: Capitabilcoo niin oo pnadaar Jods $ 3,025,000.00 $ 2,775,000.00 Surplus. -,..:. Erna sii Se Cl 6,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 Undivided Profits: . ..... ..o... .5 0 1,213,889.63 1,646,243.24 Reserves «svcava in ion So angen 835,474.41 805,670.19 otal i (ar. Join ses Gna snl hs $ 11,074,364.04 $ 10,226,913.43 Total Liabilities and Capital Funds $132,146,297.72 $102,208,871.86 INDIVIDUAL TRUSTS INERS NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation $ 61,444,673.37 $ 58,252,881.04 had as guest, Mrs. Mary Haas of Valley Crest. g Mrs. Leona Hunter, Demunds Road, has returned home from Nes- | bitt Hospital where she was a med- | , ical patient for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Robert William- | and children of Hatfield .are vaca- | tioning at Lake TeJa. Their son | Bobby had an unfortuate accident | and cut his foot quite severely re- | quiring a hospital stay of four days. Mrs. Alex . Cock, Maplewood Heights, is a patient in Nesbitt Hos- pital. f Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver, Jr., | and sons of E. Overbrook Avenue, have returned home after spending two weeks at North Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Randall of Maplewood Heights, had as. guests last week, Mr. and Mrs. John Leh- man, Elizabeth, New Jersey; Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Williams’ and. son Gregg, and Mrs. Padon; Sandwich, Illinois; Mr. ‘and “Mrs. Dewey Rood and son Danny, Williamsport; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford” Kraft, Havesport, New Jersey; Ted Muchler and Dave Nixon, Delair, New Jersey, and Mr. and Mrs. David Williams of Wilkes- Barre. ‘ Curtis Bynon, Main Road, entered Hahneman Hospital, Philadelphia, on Sunday for possible surgery on his heart. There was some heart damage due to rheumatic fever as a child. He recently was elected This Emblem Identifies Your Welcome Wagon SpONSOrS £7 << 9 Firms of presfige la fhe business and civic lite of your community. scenic views around Warren, Kin- | | thracite coal will be given to the high scoring dogs. Cash prizes will also be awarded. | |. Show chairman for the Trial will be Ray Bartow, Kingston. He has i been assisted by Mrs. Dale Carle, Dallas, Edgar May, Kingston, Mrs. Post Commander of the Dallas American Legion Post 672. Mr. and - Mrs. Robert Coleman and children, Bobby and Donna of | Lancaster have returned home after | spending a week visiting Mrs. Cath- erine Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Susaraba and family, Demunds Road. : Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson, E. [Overbrook Avenue, had as guests over the week-end, Mrs. Beryl Carey | and sons, Bennie and Bobby of Newark, Delaware. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reese and family, Demunds Road, are vaca- tioning at North Lake for a month. | Sandy Adelson, Forty-Fort, has returned home after spending a | week visiting his aunt and uncle, | Mr. and Mrs. Alex Covert, E. Over- brook Avenue. ; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lumley, Har- | ris Street, had as guests on Satur- | day, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Austin and - children, Virginia and Susan, | Meridan, Connecticut and Mr. and | Mrs. Walter 'Rinus and children, | Helen and Bucky Weaver, Perkasie, Penna. i Mr. ! mond Moore, Ransom Road. Collett, and Miss Hazle Price, Wilkes-Barre. Tickets for the Trial will be avail- able at the gate on the day of the show starting at 10 a.m. EAST DALLAS Boy scout and girl scout: camps are filled to capacity and from what I heard, are doing wonders for the children. One boy wrote | home, “Mother my feet get cold at night, will you please hurry and knit me a warm pair of socks?” She. did! - He then wrote sock.” Full of wonderment she phoned him — “why one sock”? | “Well mother” he answered, “You won't believe it, but I've grown an- { other foot.” Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nolf, Lower Demunds Road, have put their home up for sale and have moved to 27 Corlear Street, South Wilkes-Barre. Nolf has retired from his plumbing business, having resided in their home in East Dallas 24 years. We are sorry to lose such fine neighbors, but due to ill health they decided to locate in a smaller home, which will be easier for them to take care of. “Mr. and Mrs. John (Bud) Buchann and children Gail, Jr., Linda and Sandra, from Rhode Island spent last week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Mrs. Buchann is the former Geraldine Moore. They left for their home Satur- day when another daughter, Jean jal ed elle my NNEEREENEEEEESER IEEE EEE ENE EPEAT Graphic Arts Services * INCORPORATED = = oa = uo 5 = PHOTO-E © 5b Offset Negatives = - X Sereen Prin & | Phone ] wu Rear 29 North Main Street John ___SECTION A — PAGE 7 | NOTICE ‘Will the person who bought the two turkeys at the Library Auction kindly return the Risley kitten pen which was lent them. The kittens are still too small to run loose! and husband George (Huck) Salls- bury, arrived from Rhode Island also, to be here two weeks. Mrs. Moore’s sister, Musietta Montanye and son Ellwood, John- son City, were guests too, last week. Summer has arrived with all it's visitors. Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards arrived at her mother’s (Margaret Weiss) home Friday, July 2. with their three lovely daughters, Susan, 6, Judy, almost 5, and Sandra, 3, from Hyattsville, Md. She is the former Marian Weiss. They left for home Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weiss and daughter Patricia Lynn also spent the holidays with his mother, Margaret Weiss. The young folk have purchased a home in Allen- town which is just a nice drive for Margaret and Carol to visit them. | Mr. and Mrs.” Al Hoover, De- { munds Road, visited their daughter Jeanine and family, (Mr. and Mrs. | Theodore “Mike” Wood and daugh- | ter Gwyn, who is now 18 months | old, in Rochester, N. Y. Grandma ' and Grandpa Hoover enjoyed two days with them in the latter part of June. : Mary Hoover's mother, who had been living with them for some time, is now visiting with another daughter, Emma Maloney, in Hall- stead. Mary Hcover and her sister Mrs. De Groat, Binghamton, drove to Syracuse to visit their niece and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Archer, July 4. Police were needed that | day especially, so Al couldnt go | with them. Better luck next time, Al Mrs. Carl German, Demunds, has | returned to her home from Mercy | Hospital, where she was a surgical | patient eleven days. Her niece, | cal student in Women’s Medical | Mary Lane Jerista, who is a medi- | College, Philadelphia, was permitted | to witness the operation. | Melvina and Joseph Rushnock and their two children from Patter- | son, N. J., visited her parents, Roy The two children stayed for a and Caroline Moss, Demunds. week with their grandparents while Joe and Mel had a vacation in the Poconos. | Ruth Higgins has returned home | after a three week’s vacation at | Ocean City, Philadelphia and other places of interest. (Continued on Page 6 B) and | asked her, to “knit him. one more | NGRAVING and Platemaking ts, Art Work 825 2978 Wilkes-Barre, Pa. HEA NNER ENEENREES | PEREREREEEEEE EVSIEEENEEEE EEN EEE EEE EE EEE EY A and AA CHOICE GAVY'S SUF SIRLOIN STEAK 89m RUMP ROAST CANADIAN or SIRLOIN TIP ROAST Qc in. it BOY’S OR GIRL’'S NEW BIKE. LAST WEEK TO REGISTER FOR A DRAWN SATURDAY, JULY 17. CHANCE BOSCUL COFFEE f-Lb. Can CABBAGE 2 Ib. - .09c SHURFINE MAYONNAISE fo i | VERMA: © his, MARKE STEAK SALE A and AA GHOICE STEAK BACON QQ ib. oo ve 8 full quarts........ SE. CALIFORNIA HEAD LETTUCE GUND € Ib. all flavors SO DA LARGE SIZE SUNKIST LEMONS 39¢ | 2 doz. -99¢ GAVY’'S SUPERMARKET — Memorial Highway, Dallas — The Store That Offers You More: Top Value Stamps, Free Delivery, Every Shop All FRANCES IVES = 674-7671 Day Low Prices. Phone 675-2322. Your Needs and Save. Lhd LRA NER EL