The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, July 15, 1965, Image 14

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a . With a dash of rain thrown in to
| dampen proceedings, the 19th Li-
| : brary Auction came to a close
Saturday evening with goods and
antiques left over for mext year’s
: : . Although there was much to do
at home, it was impossible to stay
away evenings from the fascinating
chant of the auctioneers and John
Vivian’s unique quips and humor.
So we joined many others to watch
the bidding. Friends came by to
attend and it was indeed a pleasant
time to greet old friends and
| sy acquaintances who were in town for
i the event. As a result of the Auc-
TE tion a new pet hag joined our
1 menagerie. Myra suggested I give
a baby ducks for the Childrens Auc-
| i tion and of course, we just had to
18 buy one of the cute little critters.
HS All the youngsters who visit us
and some of the older generation
have cuddled the soft downy quack-
er, whom we have named Donna
i and hope it doesn’t turn out to be
£ i Donald. When the youngsters were
§ growing up, we had another Don-
ald who gave us many hours of de-
lightful amusement. He was al-
ways full of antics, meeting the bus
when it arrived from town and
wrestling with the young hound.
i Yes, a duck is a choice pet for the
! young fry and little Freddie will
surely have some pets to enjoy as
did hig father and Aunt Susie.
1 have been asked to urge cau-
1 tion among young cyclists who
~~ clutter up the roads during fire
x alarms. One boy narrowly missed
being hit last week and the driver
of the car was some minuteg re-
gaining his composure. The fire
o£ truck must get out and speed to
2 the scene of the blaze and it is not
: ‘right for these youngsters to gather
around the fire hall when volunteers
are driving in from all directions.
al Superintendent of Mails Richard
Griffith and” Mrs. Griffith have re-
turned home after attending the
Postal Supervisors Convention at
Chambersburg and visiting his
sister, Mrs. Carl Bolin, Toledo, Ohio.
Mrs. Bolin returned here with
them for a short visit. Other
guests at the Griffith home included
Mrs. John Griffith and son, Mark,
~ Sherman, Oaks, Cal.
~ Mr. and Mrs. William Spaulding
had as recent weekend guests, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Mitchell, and
children, Ellen and Robbie, Syra-
cuse, N. Y. They also visited her
mother, Mrs. Sheldon Jones, Trucks-
Sincere sympathy is extended to
Joseph and James Borton in their
recent bereavement.
Jeannie Merolla is vacationing at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. P. Merolla during summer
recess from Bloomsburg State Col-
Mr. and Mrs. William Reniska
and family, Florida, are visiting her
father, R. J. Love, E. Center Street.
Also guests at the Love home are
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Swabey, Tar-
rytown, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardner and
children, New Cumberland, were
holiday weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Laux. Also home for a
brief visit was their son, Jerome, of
New Rochelle, N. Y.
Mrs. John Kritchen and Mrs. Jo-
| seph Oravic found the missing girl
| in our area on Thursday. The ladies
had searched with others for many
Mrs. Lawrence Newhart is a pa-
tient in General Hospital, where she
underwent surgery on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Honeywell
spent last weekend in Aberdeen,
Md., where they visited Mr. and
Mrs. Norton Newberry and family.
‘It was good to see Sheila Bona-
witz out again after being so ill for
several weeks.
Barbara Honeywell returned
home on Sunday after accompany-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallace
and family to Wildwood, N. J., for
a week's stay.
Mrs. Cecil Poynton told me she
saw a lovely deer in her back yard
one morning last week and what a
‘beautiful sight it was. The dog's
barking called her attention to the
visitor, who might have come down
from the woodlands on the hill for
a drink in the creek. She has
watched every morning for a re-
appearance but the handsome crea-
ture has not returned.
Little David Ell is home again
after submitting to surgery at Nes-
bitt Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Denton Updyke had
as recent guests, her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James
McDyer of Kearney, N. J.
David Wood, son of Mrs. Gladys
Wood has been visiting relatives in
Mt. Holly, N. J. for two weeks.
We hear that Pauline Ferguson
may be coming home in a week or
so, and all her friends certainly
hope this news is accurate.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Waldow
and Larry recently visited Hershey
| Legal Notice —
.. NOTICE is hereby given to
Gaetano Angilella and Marianna
|B ~ Angilella, his wife; Kate Shitraskes
| or sherkoskas or shekroskas; Sal-
vatore Bonito and Rosina Bonito,
his wife; William Yakalavich and
Veronika Yakalavich, his wife; Mike
Elko; John Minewicz; Joseph Maggi
ho and Abigaille Maggi, his wife; Mary
Yatso; Serafino Stuccio and Rosa
Stuccio, his wife; Jim Penzetta;
; Salvatore Rantazzo and Concetta
1 ‘Rantazzo his wife; George Karosa;
2 Mary Pilnick; Michael Pilnick and
3 Mary Pilnick, his wife; Luigi Vergari
i and Maria Vergari, his wife; Sam
‘Guerra; Francesco Lucarini; Antonio
Colcara and Antonina Colcara, his
bb wife; Steve Yatso, Jr., and Mary
Yatso, his wife; John Bartashunas
.and Anna Bartashunas, his wife;
1 Jan Bartasiunas and Anna Bar-
i fasiunas, his wife; Andrew Schultz
sand Josephine Schultz, his wife;
«John Matiskiel and Victoria Matis-
‘kiel, his wife; Joseph A. Mickewicz,
a/k/a Mickere, a/k/a Mickevicius;
William Mickewicz, a/k/a Mickere,
<a/k/a’ Mickevicius; Sam Galleta;
Thomas Galleta; Peter Cortegerone
cand Josephine Cortegerone, his
wife; Rocco Romano; James Yashin-
ski and Virgie Yashinski, his wife;
i Mary Dominuco; Jan Tirpack and
i (Anna Tirpack, his wife; Vito Gillis;
Angelo Lanardi and Emma Lanardi,
his wife; Felix Stepanitis and Aggie
Stepanitis, his wife; Pawel Strawin-
-ski; Walter Stolena; Mike Serbin;
Salvatore Cappizzi and Mary Cap-
pizzi, his wife; Serafino Stuccio;
. William Andzewicz, a/k/a Audze-
: wicz; Michael Audzewicz;
3 Mitchell Walenti and const-
‘ance Walenti, his wife; Constance
~Walenti and Mitchell Walenti, her
‘gon, Anthony Romanowski; Adam
.Gilewski and Amilia Gilewski, his
[I wife; John Banul, a/k/a Banal;
“Frank Alaimo and Mary Alaimo,
“his wife; Philip Latone, John Banul,
‘a/k/a Banal; Mike Panzetta and
Mary Panzetta, his wife; Bronislae
Meszcynski and / Josephine Meszcyn-
ski, - his wife; Mike Galati and
Josephine Galati, his wife; Sophia
Pinarowicz; Salvatore Lombardo
and Guiseppino Lombardo, his wife;
Antoni Klosienski; Mike Pisano;
Michael Hudick; John Gillis and
Anna Gillis, his wife; Joseph Tom-
ashunes, their personal nepresent-
atives or their heirs and assigns;
that on June 24, 1965, George L.
Ruckno, Inc., commenced an action
against you to No. 336, October
Term, 1965, which you are required
to defend to quiet title to lands in
the Borough of Exeter, County of
Luzerne and State of Pennsylvania,
as set forth on plot of lots surveyed
by Freedman andDattner, and re-
corded in the Office of the Recorder
of Deeds in and for Luzerne County
in Map Book 2, page 211, as follows:
On Roosevelt Avenue: Lots Nos. 253,
262, 239, and 241, 222, 250, 308,
259 and 261, 183 - 185, 197 - 199,
187, 255, 184, 224, 226; On Mec-
Kinley Avenue: Lots Nos. 456, 457,
and 453, 470 and 472, 450 and 452,
481 and 483, 484 - 485 - 486, 462 -
464, 443, 449; On Anthracite Ave-
nue: Lots Nos. 370 ~ 372, 354 - 356
- 358 - 360, 353 - 355, 350, 333,
328, 330, On Wilson Avenue: Lots
Nos. 78, 103 - 105, 50, 80, 48, 54,
100, 102; On Whitlock Avenue: Lots
Nos. 138, 140, 126, 144; On Jackson
Avenue: Lots Nos. 20, 28, 27, 29,
21, 30; On Lehigh Avenue: Lots
Nos. 291, 301; On Miner Avenue:
Lots Nos. 327, 326; On Union Ave-
nue: Lots Nos. 402, 397, 396, 415,
427, 399 - 401, 393, 392, 403, 394,
382, 384, 387; and more fully de-
scribed in the aforesaid Complaint
The Court has fixed the 19th day
of August, 1965, at 10 A. M,,
ED.S.T., as the date for hearing
on said Complaint, in Court Room
No. 2, Luzerne County Court House,
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Paul R. Orrson, Attorney
1200 Miners Nat'l Bank Bldg.
The new Sergeant's Sentry Collar
is guaranteed to kill fleas all over
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Park and Larry was entranced with
the big fish in the creek, wishing
that he might be able to cast his
line thereabouts.
Mr. and Mrs.
drove to New York on Saturday to
meet Mary Ruth Daniels and little
Eden after their tour of European
art centers.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mahoney
and son, Ronald, West Hempstead,
Long Island, N. Y., spent the holi-
day weekend visiting Mrs. Ma-
honey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Malkemes, Ferguson Avenue.
Congratulations ‘to Dave Jones |-
and Bob Merithew on their selec-
tion to the All Star roster.
‘Candy Poad, Lancaster, is visit-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Evans. |
Candy was glimpsed clutching a
new puppy purchased at the Auc-
tion. She is a real pet lover.
Mr. and Mrs. Arja Brown, Nancy |
and Bob, Ferguson Avenue, enter-
tained the following last week at
a dinner, Mrs. Hattie Jumper and'
Mrs. Edith Phillips, Kingston and |
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones, Baltimore.
Mrs. Brad Blaine and Brad, Fhe
are visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Algert Antainitis. Last week |
Nancy Jackson, Levittown, was a
guset at the Blaine home in Schuyl-
kill Haven. She
Well, soon we will meet that!
new grand child. Fred and Dottie
and infant son will arrive within a
few weeks to settle in this area for
a while. It will be good to have
them closer again and the new
baby will help to make up for the
void which will exist in our house-
hold when Susie leaves to make a
new home in Maryland.
Jackson Twp.
Boy Scout Troop 225 will leave
Sunday for a week at Camp Acahela.
Congratulations to Billy Lozo who
made the All Stars. First game is
scheduled for Wednesday at Dallas.
The Two Fold Club of Huntsville
Methodist Church will hold its an-
nual pienic at the summer camp of
Wesley Lamoreaux at Mehoopany.
Sharon Kittle is spending a week
with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Kittle at Moorestown.
Football Mothers
Potential] Lake Lehman Football
Mothers will meet Monday evening,
July 19 at the High School at 8.
This is urgent and all interested
‘family spent the holiday weekend
mothers are asked to be present.
Sweet Valley
Mrs. William Post, daughter Lois,
Forty-Fort and Mrs. Leslie Lewis
spent Thursday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. William George and Mrs.
| Vida Kitchen.
Thomas Andrew |
A reception and party was held
on Friday evening at the Maple
Grove Church Hall for the Rev.
Rosser family.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Remley and
in Parsippany, N. J., visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Brumback.
Maple Grove Sunday School will
hold a roller skating party on
Saturday night, July 17 at 7:30 p.m.,
Wolf’s Grove.
Don’t forget the farmer dance at
Lucas Lakeside Park, Lake Silk-
worth on Friday night, starting at
9 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sayre and
Mr. and Mrs. William Sayre, Sr.
spent a few days last week at
Niagara Falls and Canada.
Bess Klinetob” who celebrated her
birthday recently was entertained
by her friends at dinner at Hunts-
ville Methodist Church. Hostesses
were: Mrs. Bertha Anderson, Miss
Ruth Lamoreaux, Mrs. Letha
Spaulding and Mrs. Lillian Hilde-
brandt. After dinner the group
was entertained by Mrs. Hildebrant
at her home Dallas where cake and
returned with tea was served.
them on Saturday evening. |
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Gay, Center-
moreland and Mr. and Mrs. George
Grant, Berwick, called on Bess
Klinetob recently.
Mrs. William Naugle, Sr. is
spending a few days with her
daughter, Mrs. Thomas Kuczawa
and family at Reading.
Children In Old School
Picture Are Identified
Mrs. Edith Templin furnishes
solid identification for all the chil-
dren in a recently published school
Her son Ralph, resident of Denver
Colorado for the past nine years,
was in that class when a sprat. The
names were all written on the back
of his copy of the picture.
And here they are, by rows:
Max Dreher, Victor McCarty,
Charles Finn, Bill Gevanis and Ralph
Mrs. Louise Colwell; Bill Blessing,
Tom Brown, Jack Nelson, Barbara
Phillips, Marie , Polvchick, Elva
Swire, Ruth Drake, Lydia Gailey,
Peter Roushey, Betty VanHorn,
Teddy Sheppleman, Elizabeth Trud-
geon, Kenneth Worrell, Edna Faulk-
ner, Alvin Shaffer.
Bobby Allen, Beatrice Garnett,
Pauline Ide, Wanda Culp, Hester
Jeter, Doris Monk, Lucille Disque,
Wilma Gay, Martha Swire.
Paul Clemow, Dicky Oliver, Bobby
Roberts, Bruce Atkinson.
of Serbin dresses.”
ED i Hort st Focormendod Dyokaniy
first in fashion recommends
first in Drycleaning
They say: “We find Sanitone drycleaning provides
the finest care for prolonging the life and good looks
Serbin knows our careful Sanitone process with exclu
sive Soft-Set® fabric finish restores life and color
while retaining original shape and fit. Try our Sani-
tone drycleaning for your garments today!
Mr. and Mrs. Sharps (Chubby)
Cyphers and daughters ‘Sally and
Patti returned to their home in
Carverton last Friday evening,
after a week's vacation, visiting
Chubby’s father; Car] Cyphers and
wife, in Homestead, Florida.
They enjoyed many places of
interest but the “Parrot Jungle”
reigned supreme. I agree with
them, as I too roamed through the
parrot jungle and was amazed to
see how gorgeous and how well
trained they were.
Having the freedom of the jungle,
they still came to their arena when
called and performed extraordinary
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Williams and
family, Hatboro, have spent a week
in the Wilson cottage at Lake T. J.
Mrs. Williams is the former Daisy
Belles. While scouring the sur-
rounding woods, Bobby Jr. some-
how severed an artery in his leg,
which required four days in Nesbitt
Hospital. Some vacation!
Pete Wilson, brother of Ted and
Giles Wilson, was released from
Veteran's Hospital, where he has
been a patient for the past month
or more, to spend the holiday week-
end at his home in New Milford,
but had to return to the hospital
for more tests and treatments.
Fred W. Dymond III and Wilfred
A. Anderson, Marines from Camp
Lejeune, were fortunate to have
leaves, to enjoy the holiday week-
end at their homes in Orange and
They had to be back on their
base Tuesday, July 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Moore
entertained July 4 at a picnic
luncheon and supper guests were
Betty, son Bobby Helmer and
Grandpa Ehrgott, White Haven.
Al and Emily Gross, children Ed-
ward and Nancy, Wilkes-Barre;
Keith, Patti, and Holly Moore,
Grandma Irene Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. David Moore, David,
Jr., Kimberley, Ricky and five-
week-old Pamela Jean, Pasaaic,
N. J. spent the holiday with par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Grant Croman,
Shavertown and Irene Moore.
Mr. and Mrs.. Raymond Rozelle,
Orange, entertained at a chicken
barbeque, Sunday afternoon, July
4. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Dymond Sr., and Vivian, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Dymond Jr., and chil-
dren Cindy, Sherry, Kathy, Teddy
and Timmy, Norman Weaver, Carl
Sickler, Elaine Dymond and sons
Howard, Mark, and Douglas, young
Howard Krum, who I'm told was
the life of the party; Connie Sue,
Dale, Becky Rozelle and the host
and hostess, Ray and Glenna
Bob and Julia Pickett, Diana and
John, witnessed the canoe race
held in East Haddam on the
Connecticut River. Race was five
miles long and Bob Pickett and
Tom Pavlick from Plymouth came
in third. John himself came in
second in the Kayak race. Each
received trophies in the races held
Sunday July 4th.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown and
family, Clifton Heights, Pa., were
Sunday guests of Ada’s mother,
Lucy Morgan, and sister Diana
Newberry and family, Ransom Road.
Priscilla Krum and son Howard,
for this little fella.
Because they want the best
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shutt,
Donald Jr., and Ricky, and myself,
attended the Shutt reunion at my
sister Ethel Krick’s home, in Read-
ing, Monday July 5.
Due to Keith, Patti and Holly
Moore “hatching” the chicken pox,
Bob, Hilda and children were un-
able to attend. David and family
from New Jersey, brother Bill's
family from Lancaster and Ray's
family from Philadelphia. It turned
out to be a rainy day, which no one
griped about, as we made sunshine
inside. Sister Mary was visiting
Ethel for the week.
Hazel Morgan was home for the
weekend. She has been visiting
and helping her aunt Frances
(Siley) Harrison in Stroudsburg,
who had recently been a hospital
surgical patient. Mr. and Mrs.
Steve Siley, Philadelphia, and Wil-
lard Siley, Plainfield, N. J., also
spent the holiday weekend with
parents Russell and Helen Siley.
Guests whe enjoyed the 4th at
Siley’s hunting cabin were Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Siley, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Siley, Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Siley, Willard Siley, Mary Morgan
and family, Mr. and Mrs. George
Space, Noren.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Irvin Lamoreaux, on the birth of
a beautiful baby girl, born on her
sister Susan’s birthday, July 2, in
Nesbitt Hospital.
Mrs. Ernest (Mary) Dymond,
West Pittston, is back in her home
after staying almost a year with
her sister in Long Island. She
spent a week recently with her
sister-in-law and husband, Bernice
and Harry Howell, E. Dallas, and
sister-in-law Gladys Brace.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Souder,
and children, Old Bridge, N. J,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Lester Moss
July 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brace,
Betty Lou, Wendy and Kennth Jr.,
visited his mother Mrs. Bert
(Gladys) Brace and other relatives
over the holiday weekend. Kenneth
lives in Rockville, Maryland. Ken-
Pamela and Lynn Greenly from
Tunkhannock, R. D. 2, visited their
cousins Connie and Gail Edwards,
for a few days vacation.
Now 1 have to concentrate on
Centermoreland Auction, which E.
Dallas Church is a part of. So if
anyone has anything left to donate
to it, we would appreciate it. Just
call either Robert M. Moore, Russell
Ockenhouse, Larry Kintzer or Myna
Peter Roushey Reunion! The 17th
annual Reunion of Peter B. Roushey
family will be held Saturday, July
24, at Rummage Grove, Hunlock’s
Creek. Dinner will be served at
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bloomer and
children, have returned to their
home in West Chester after having
vacationed a week with the latter's
parents, Florence and Harry Mar-
tin. Jay and daughter Brenda
both spent a couple days in bed,
quite ill. i
Mrs. Leona Hunter has returned
to her home after being a patient
in Nesbitt Hospital.
Mrs. Fred (Clara) Shupp, Ryman
Road, is carrying her arm in a sling
since she fell at her home, Sunday
did his parents choose
your dog for three full months
Just buckle it on your dog—and forget
flea remedies for three full months.
a national service
Enterprise 1-0843
Right now his only need is a
savings account. But in the years
o Extensive tests by veterinarians
prove that Sergeant’s® Sentry Collar
works. ' Also aids in tick control,
especially in the neck area.
® Registered with the U.S. Dept. of
Agriculture (No. 778-21).
e Only $1.98. If not completely satisfied, your money will
be returned by Sergeant's. Get the new Sentry Collar here.
Harveys Lake Highway, Shavertown
Laundry & Dry Cleaning
Luzerne-Dallas Highway
to come . . . he'll use all the services of
this full service bank. Savings, checking,
lending, safe deposit, trust service.
He may even want to use the bank's social rooms
for a public meeting. Lots of people do.
July 4, and broke her shoulder.
She was hospitalized for X-rays
and setting, but is back in her
home again.
East Dallas is shocked over the
terrible ‘head-on accident
Saturday on the curve above East
Dallas Church. Such needless acci-
dents, all on account of alcoholic
Bear in mind the strawberry and
ice cream social, Saturday July 17,
at 7 p.m. on East Dallas church
Michael J. Purcell Is
Commissioned An Ensign
Navy Ensign Michael J. Purcell,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard H.
Purcell of Route 5, Shavertown, has
completed Pre-Flight School at the
Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla.,
and commissioned an ensign in the
U. S. Naval Reserve.
During the 14-week training, he
studied aerodynamics, mathematics,
physics, naval orientation, naviga-
tion, engineering, leadership and
other subjects essential to becoming
a Naval officer.
Upon completion of the course,
he began flight training at Pensa-
Reunion Set
The 28th Reunion of the Caster-
line Family will be held Sunday,
July 18 at Ross Park, Binghamton,
Public Notice
Bids will be received by Glenn
M. Howell, Secretary of the Board
of Supervisors of Dallas Township
not later than 7:30 P.M. DST., Wed-
nesday, August 4, 1965, and publicly
opened and read at the regular
meeting at Dallas Junior High
School 7:30 P.M. DST August 4,
1965, to furnish and deliver with-
in two weeks of receiving order,
ONE FORD TRUCK, with the fol-
lowing specifications:
Ford Truck Model F-750, 144”
wheel base, Heavy Duty V-8 engine,
7000 lb. front axle, 16,000 1b. rear 2
speed axle, 7 amp. battery, heavy
duty fan, haevy duty frame, x2
clutch, heavy duty rear springs,
power steering, 5 speed transmis-
sion, 900 x 20 tires 10 ply with mud
and snow type rear dual tires, west-
ern mirrors, all legal flaps, heater
and defroster, said unit to be equip-
ped with hydraulic dump body 7 x
9’ with 12” sides and 30” ends, 8
gauge bottom with heavy duty
hoist. Capacity ‘W license, turn sig-
nals and flasher light mounted on
cab. |
Bid to contain allowance for
tradein of one 1956 International
S-175 Dump Truck.
All bids must be sealed, addressed
to the Board, and plainly marked
“TRUCK BID”. The successful bid-
der, at the Boards discretion, when
awarded the contract, shall furnish
bond with suitable reasonable re-
quirements, guaranteeing perform-
ance of the contract, (or delivery
to be made) with surety in the
amount of $200.00. The Dallas
Township Board of Supervisors, re-
serves the right to accept any bid
and to reject any and all bids.
Glenn M. Howell Sec.-Treas.
R. D. 3 Dallas, Penna.
last |
Pairs And Spares Plan
Strawberry Social
The Pairs and [Spares Class of the
Carverton Methodist Church will
sponsor an old fashioned strawberry
and homemade ice cream social. It
will be held at the church grounds
on Saturday July 17, 4 p.m. on.
There will be ice cream, pies, short-
cake, hot dogs, hamburgs, pizza,
chips, soda and coffee for sale.
Out Df Season Lily Blooms
Mrs. Edith Templin, Woodlawn
Drive, has an Easter lily in bloom in
her garden. :
New & Used Cars and Trucks
All Years and Models
651 Wyoming Ave.
Kingston, Pa.
Corner Rt. 11 & 309
Call Coll. 288-6426
New Dallas
Center i
Centermoreland 333-4500
DALLAS 675-1176
eu ——————