DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA baby boy” in the baby parade con- Yes 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Morrow | and son, Keith; Glenville, W. Va., [test of Nesbitt Hospital. teaching in Glenville State College I'll “blow my horn.” ¢ and is going to school in Pittsburg | NINTH ANNIVERSARY His ST i Moron avi Frances and Mitch Cybulski cele- PpY: end Bown will spend the 'y...¥ their ninth wedding anniver- Summer with her Darents, taking sary Wednesday, June 16, also their il Mrs. Lipp who is recuperat- son John Paul's 2nd birthday. He ing. ¥rom a, caterach removal, : The | as fortunate to have two cakes, Morrows will return to Virginia in| one in the shape of a bunny and the fall where he will resume teach- Teoh i iy t. ] ing. I was glad to see Mary in| one an elephant. Guests were Mary church Sunday and visit with her pre : x Joey not seem and Hazel: Ockenhouse. hE 2 Ine I oi z ee ye Jean and Tommy Philips, Marian ore, fie ootiainly ds u-handsome 24. Mildebrant, Michell, and Marian OLD FRIENDS MEET ; pag : John Sholtis, son of Blanche | Sybulski, Frances, Mitch and John Sholtis, was pleasantly surprised re- | cently to have an unexpected ot I stoped at Newmans last week with Daniel Richards Jr. and wife | on. my way over to “The Post. of Dallas. John is a civil engineer | Art was sitting at the kitchen table and resides at 4107 Los Seliz | and had his same pleasant smile on Boulevard (Blvd.), Hollywood Calif. | as always, glad to be home and Zip Code 90027. He guided his making progress. The phone rang, guests to Disneyland and all places so I had no visit with Jenny, other of interest for the few days before than to say “hello” and “good by’, | they traveled on to San Francisco. |as I was in a hurry. : . He said it was just like having | BIBLE CLASS some one of his family with him — after all he has been working there | for four years — a long time with an exhibition and picnie lunch from home, and he and Danny had |. with parents and children. The en- been class mates in the Dallas area | rollment was. 31," not: counting school. | teachers and helpers, who were Last year John was happy t0 Carolyn Spudis, Beverly Dickson, spend his vacation entertaining his | Marilla Stanton, Florence Martin, | mother, Blanche, and sister Made- | Larry and Betty Kintzer, Lorraine line and her two sons, who motored | and Hilda Moore, Beatrice Ocken- ' to California for a few weeks Visit. | house and Myra Carlin, Ice cream ¥ vear he plans his vacation cones and cool ade were provided, ; for! visit in Hawaii, which sounds | along ‘with sandwiches brought by | It enjoyable. | parents. WSCS MEETING A soft ball game was enioyed by .C.S. of East Dallas Methodist Reba Cobleigh, Minnie Miller, Lor- met in the church parlor raine and Hilda Moore, against i Thursday afternoon. While , Roger Howell, Rhonda Moore, Tom- | | quilting in the morning, we were my Philips, Connie Miller, and Con- ~ treated to coolade and cookies by nie Edwards. The mothers won 20 | Moore, Keith, Patti | Beatrice 74-7671 | Betty Kintzer and Beatrice Ocken- to 12. i ~~ = house along with the children at! Mr. Gustave Ehrgot is visiting — Bible School. Betty said, she, his daughter Betty Helmer and ~ though ‘we looked ‘under nourished’ family, White Haven, after having | and that we needed the refresh- been with daughter Hilda Moore, \ ments. | the past few weeks. 443 ~ Betty also informed me, “she was| My sister, Mary Lind, returned . sending Larry to the World's Fair to her home in Bloomfield, N. J, on ~ Monday, as a Father's Day Gift.” | after a visit of two weeks with me, | © She’s some gal! Wilbur Houck &nd. family have © Members who attended the | returned to their summer home on ~ W.S.CS. meeting in the afternoon Ryman Road — much to the joy of were Florence Martin, Jule Wilson, | Jeannie Dickinson. to be reunited Betty and Dorothy Kintzer, Myra with her small girl friend Linda. . | Carlin, Jeanette Dickinson, Gladys | Thomas Dickinson, Jeannie’s dad Brace, Beatrice and Hazel Ocken- | is spending part of his vacation lay- house, Irene Moore. | ing the flooring in their new living | Jo beautiful quilts are being room. Some vacation Tom! ed pieced and. quilted for which two | COOK OUT young women have been anpointed | A cook out was held June 5th, to plicit for. They are Lorraine | at the home of Mr, and Mrs, | Moore and Hilda Moore, who have Thomas Dickinson in honor of Mrs. until fall to compete against one Dorothy Miketinas, R.N., and family , another. The one who collects the | who are moving South this month. (. most has the choice of the two Guests were Mrs. Mary Pries and ———— | quilts. children Pam and Judy, Mrs. Alice | i _ Betty Jane Cyphers, daughter of Holdsworth, children Karen and ® § i ployed. Good luck to you Betty and Eugene. Jean Marie, Susan Lynn, Karen with your new cars. Now if | grandma Jeanette Dickinson, ! some of the terrible speeders that | while driving up the road, a Ransom Road, | very young faun nosed its way could be caught and stopped. it glowly across, as if it had never would be a lot more safe for these | got foot n a road before. My sister, | irls and my grand children. | Mary, had to stop the car. Later MOST APPEALING BABY | in the evening a large deer crossed | Oh, talking of grand children, I|at the same place; could it be mama Libby and Corky Cyphers, is the Melody, Linda and Mark Houck. owner of a new Corvair Convertible, The guest of honor Mrs. Dorothy which she needed to take her to the | Miketinas and children Cecile, Commonwealth where she is em- Johnny, Skipper, Robert, Eliza, and | almost fly, on our ee Howard, | They both entered the brush an | [ Priscilla’s little fellow, : ! Bon a prize for “The most appealing ' the other side of my son Bob's, Sh ais i A ! home. | | Fred (Teddy) Dymond 3rd. left "in front of your home. It will only are visiting her parents, Mr. and realize he is “Howard Krum! from | Friday to return to his Marine Mrs. Charles Lipp. Bill has been Mt. Zion, but he is one of mine, so base at Camp Legeune, N. C. Teddy ' {drove his car back, picking up his | pal, Wilfred Anderson, Trucksville, both having had a twenty day leave. While telling my niece and! Nephew Bill and Betty Salmon, Johnson City, (who were having lunch with me Saturday) about the | three new cars right in the three red interior. land next | be called a “burro”. GRADUATION PARTY | (Lipp) Morrow, son : Keith, Hilda | neighboring houses, Bill said, “now | and Holly, | you can tell folks there is a “horse” at the very next house — as we have a “mustang” — white with a They come weekends | week are bringing a . > | wheelbarrow, so I suppose that will | along the Larksville Mountain Road A graduation party was held re- cently at the home of Albert Ma- | tukitis, who was a member of this | year’s graduating class at Dallas Senior High" School. Christine, . Mr: Moreck, Mary, and Mrs. Martha, Mr. and Bonnie,. Mr.. and Mrs. bie, Mr. Peter PFritsky, phers and Robert Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ambrose, Mr. Carl Hoch, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Velikis, Mr. Olin Harris, Mrs. Kay Mil] and Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Ben , Rasmark and Peggy, Mr. and Mrs. | Frank Zarnock and . Robert, Mr. Charles Shultz, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibbons, Mr. and Mrs. John Stack; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moss, Mr. and . Mrs. Frank Heder, and Fritz, Cathy, | Marie, Mr. Anthony Matukitis, Mr. Alex Matukitis and the and Mrs. guest of honor, Albert. Mrs. Alex Matukitis is quite ill at her home. . BALL GAME The boys: club ‘in Orange; under season.” They had a ball game last fire house. team 8 to 7 over Bob Cyphers team. double, skiewitz each had two hits. Hislops. The club consists wonderful. for 50 cents. Bob and Madge Snyder, New and Mrs. Thomas Smith, is recover- | € a Jersey, | “am proud to write that my daughter | was searching for her young stray? | brought her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth | formerly. from Orange, (Lizzie” to all in Orange) Dymond, back to her home in Orange for the summer. They spent the eve- ning visiting with Mr. Donald Hislop. Bob and Madge also visited his sister, Marie Pomeroy in Geisinger Hospital, who is seriously ill. Norton H. Newberry, formerly of and Mrs. | E. Dallas, brother of Beatrice] | Moore, is seriously ill, following an — 4 operation, in “Calhoun St. Hospital, i Franklin Square, Baltimore, Mary- | | land, Room 200B, 2nd. floor. i - I 1 3 . ’ { i 0 d | Charles Lipp was admitted to! ! ] ust ne Thing You | General Hospital with a broken hip, i ! sustained by a fall in his home, on \ i a K | Hildebrant Road. . | Like To eep | Mrs. Thomas Roberts, Mrs. Nancy | Davis, { i : | Boodeir from Great Brittain, Mr. J T Th | and Mrs. Reginald ‘Pritchard, New | 0 e York City, Mrs. Sue Williams, ; Muhlenburg, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Ryman. | As 1 1UN|| 1 LICENSE TO SELL | i WE NEED The National Moonshiners Association with 1 the unanimous consent of | HAMS BRIC-A-BRAC | keepers — makers — stirrers — bottlers and I} RrReEcorDs BAKED GOODS | revenooer lookouts — i il CANDY : v i FURNITIRE RM PRODUCE In recognition of the outstanding merchandis- 1 CHERRIES FARM ing abilities and techniques of | | PLANTS and FLOWERS BERRIES | Cursanss KUEHN'S PHARMACY, DALLAS } Picrures EGGS ih [] KITCHEN WARE PAINT does hereby confer the right to peddle 1 ANIMALS ! RUGS MOONSHINE, the elegant man’s Cologne: fp ELECTRICAL ARTICLES JEWELRY signed, Uncle Ben, (Workable) ANTIQUES § TOYS ACCESSORIES . FOOD BIRDS "PUPPIES MONEY ; f D. FINO, Prop. ANY The following | awarding * of a doctorate to Her friends and relatives attended: Mr. | nephew. Rev. Karl E. Keefer, Jr., | Stephen Solensky, Mr. and Mrs. | of Dayton, Tenn. by the Univer- | John Handley, Dr. and Mrs. John Daily Vacation Bible School at Handley. ‘and John" 3rd, Mr. and | 6 at Knoxville, Tenn.” Rev. Keefer, | East Dallas church ended Friday, Mrs. George Moreck, Barbara and | Dean of Bryan College, Dayton, Joseph | Tenn. was awarded with a dregree and | of ‘Doctor of Education Mrs. Hughes | Mrs. Henry Jiminski, John; Henry | also visited her son, Wayne, a teach- Jack | er in the Knox: County School Dis- { Watkins, Jack Jr., Linda and Deb- | trict, Knoxville, and spent a few Thomas days -at Gatlinburg, Tenn. a resort Bedisky, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cy- | town at. the foot of the Soni Mrs. Jule | Mountains. She wag accompanied by | emp ] Ripple, Mrs. Thomas Jibblets, Mrs. | her sister, Florence A. Keefer of Road are vacationing in Florida for Frances Alexis, Mr. Peter Mordis; Wilkes-Barre and her brother and | 2 | and Mrs. David Stag, Shirley and | Takoma David Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ful- | ler, Joey, Mike, Marty, Daniel and | | Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Staro- | &: Hughes who ay Gio honored lis, Paul and Ann, Mr. and Mrs, | guest at a birthday dinner given by Stanley Durtan and Stanley Ir oer Jathte dnd Sovhiow, Mr Howard Eustice and Dolores, Mrs. ' | Thomas Guilford, Carol, Dale, and | them off again. THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1965 EAST DALLAS Fernbrook sympathy Jackson Twp. Do not become alarmed this eve- ning when you hear the fire siren | and see our local fire truck pull up Sincere is on the death of her son, Clarence Lasher. | be our Volunteer Firemen soliciting | Monday. sugar, eggs or a cash donation Mr. .and Mrs. Ed Kester and daughter, of Delaware are spending the summer here visiting relatives. A welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Price of Dallas. They are re- siding on Terrace Street and are teachers in the Dallas schools. Mrs. Leona Belles, Harris Street, for their Annual Strawberry Fes- tival to be held at the Fire Hall, Saturday Evening, June 26. Bring | your friends and relatives and | patronize this festival which is held | each year by the firemen in order: | to raise money to purchase fire | fighting equipment. This will also | serve, as a notice to members of the department to report for duty at the fire hall Friday evening to help in turning the freezers to make the home-made ice cream which will be served at the festival. The laurel on the Johnson farm dinner. the centerpiece. Mr. cation visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schray, Harris Street. | is most beautiful this year. Words Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Belles and sons, Ricky and Gay, Roushey f cannot express the beauty of the | heavy blossoms, It will be worth | your while to take a drive to see it. Attends Graduation Mrs. William R. Hughes has re- | turned home after attending the Street, motored to Philadelphia on Sunday to wisit their and Mrs. Don Belles. children of Middlesex spent the weekend visiting the latter's -par- ents, ‘Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Rogers, Maple Street. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Perrego, De- munds Road had as guests on Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Perrego, Ruth Elaine and Mary Jane, Lu- zerne and ‘Mr. and Mrs. Elliott | sity of Tennessee on Sunday, June | Brett ‘of Trucksville. Mrs. Frances Morgan, Gwendolyn and Jimmy, children Demunds few weeks. | sister-in-law Karl E. Keefer, Sr. of | The Sutter family of Harris Street Park. Maryland. have taken up residence in New Birthday Dinner Jersey. Congratulations to Mrs. William A welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Giberson and son William of Chase. They have moved into a home on Harris Street. Timmy Adelson, Forty Fort has returned home week visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Covert, E. Over- brook Avenue. and Mrs. Robert F. Sherwood of Sherwood Forest on Sunday, June 20. It was combination birthday and father's day celebration. family have moved from Demunds Road to Beaumont. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dymond, 178 E. Overbrook Avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Street, Shavertown, attended the graduation exercises of the New Brunswick High School New Bruns- wick, ‘New Jersey, on Tuesday, when the former's grandson, Lauren Dy- mond, Jr., was a member of the Oak Hill Hi, folks! We're always sorry to see Spring leave and Summer begin. The heat of summer makes us lazier than ever, but we do enjoy not having to put on heavy snow- suits and then in five minutes take We enjoy being able to sit in the back yard, having cook-outs, seeing friends one leadership of Dick Hislop, is up in | action again after the winter “off up. | Friday on ‘the new ball diamond’ geven year old, is scheduled for a donated by the firemen of Frank-' tonsillectomy tomorrow morning at lin Township, in the rear of the | Nesbitt Hospital. Herb. Fehlinger led his, Jove hearing from all of his friends. | Herb had two tripples and one | mite sore for talking for a few days. while Bob and Al Che-| With luck and God’s will, he'll re- | They | turn {met Friday evening at Dick His-| rather close to home for lop’s and have planned a picnic to, week of recuperation. be held July 11, each member is| > While we're on the subject of re- | | asked to pay 50 cents toward the | cuperation, Leslie Sabo is doing just food which will be provided by the that at his home after being a sur- | I of | gical patient at Nesbitt Hospital. | twenty members which I.think is| We hope to see him about, fully Couldn't pack a lunch | recovered, soon. | { 1 1 doesn’t see during the winter, and | class. taking the children to places of 4 Mrs. Earl Henwood Jr., hag re- interest that make their eyes light Ts T yr S turned to her home on Franklin Street after a visit to Virginia. Mrs. Stella Novalkowski, ~Sweet Valley, has been confined to her home with illness. Mrs. Earl Henwood Sr., Main St., | Shavertown, is convalescing after an Jo at Nesbitt Hospital. ALLEN GILBERT Insurance Broker and Consultant “A Tax-Free Life Insurance Trust Estate for ; Your Family” is their best pro- tection against || the problems And Jeffrey Smith, son of Mr. |] created by infla- tion, and federal income and estate taxes. Speaking of health, our Paul, the We know he'd We imagine his throat will be a Saturday and stay 1 at least al home ing at his home after submitting to | surgery at the same hospital. Get | well soon, Jeff. after spending a | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lasher and | extended | Mrs. Arthur Cook, Shaver Street, | entertained Mrs. Blanche Crispell | gre now living on her birthday on Sunday at alyears ago. His wife (known around | to get off the dash, let them slide A lovely cake served as here as and Mrs. Martin Schray, ' first came to Mt. Zion 29 years ago. Philadelphia are spending their va- The other sisters have passed on. son and | Howard Lewis daughter-in-law, and daughter, Mr. | Mae are visiting their son Lowell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sorber and | Perrego, Richard, Kim, Jolene and | Sn Dy a | Connections must be still too adult auren mond; E. Center | prize-winning ‘baby is an outstand- | | | MT. ZION favorite saint. and Mrs. Ezra Rozelle of | ernment has been accused of ruling (and | prayer out of public schools. Know Mr. down - our - road - a - way He was laid to rest on currently getting ' their names on| what? A schoo] kid cdn make ef- | The Dallas Post subscription list) | fective prayers of his own in school | have been to East Brunswick, N. J. | now as well as ever. Outward | Visiting son Glenn and wife |saints, recited prayers, may be | Shirley. Joyce Rozelle was gradu-| barred from public show. But boy! | ated from High School and these | What a need there is vet for sound- [lovely grandparents were there for | less prayers, for unseen saints, for [the occasion. Let me tell you a|the law of God written in the | little bit about these people: Ezra| heart! Never forgot what a lec- | Rozelle was born in this house we | turer said once, “Even saints need in seventy-some | traffic laws”.! If the saints have “Aunt Merlie) was one of | under the steering wheel! the Hahn sisters we knew when we VALLEY CREST As of last week I had not come face to face with our Day Care | Center Director, Mrs. Spencer, to | hear what she says about my ques- tion to her in last week's Dallas Post. Let me quote what actually There is a brother Bob living up near Tunkhannock. The son Glenn married the former Shirley Fitzer who lived neighbor to our parson- age in Carverton years ago. | Clara Gonser is staying with Mrs. last week: “Mrs. Spe vied while Nelson and uid a good Catholic and I took the occa- sion to enlighten myself on a sub- ject she would know about: the Maronite Church. I have seen references to that church in the paper and I asked her. She says something.” !!! All kinds of things {can happen in a newspaper office when they are putting the paper | and family in California. MOST APPEALING BOY! | Yessir, that's “what: the ‘paper | says! “It was in the annual celebra- |‘tion of ‘everything. at Nesbitt Hos- | pital last week. - This is: a note- | worthy event from every angle. But | when I heard that Howard Krum, together. They speak of “putting | son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood | the paper to bed”. That is one | Krum, had: been named “most ap- operation. But when the paper | | pealing boy” I thought, those judges | knew what they were doing. This is the second — or third — year that this one who started out as a on the street, that is something | else! Well, anyway, Mrs. Spencer {did tell me that the Maronite { Church is an Eastern Rite Church, still good Catholic but with a dif- ferent order week I mentioned something abou Harold Raynor from Shavertown. Since then he has been taken to ing personality. All you have to do .is walk by his house, or his grandmother's house on the corner when young Howard is around and you know what “most appealing” means. “Hi yah”, he calls from the garage doorway where he is giving valuable scientific and me- chanical aid to his father working on the car. He is still a bit young for a driver's license but he is learning ‘a lot about everything. Busy as he is he takes time out to shout a frierdly greeting to me and Tuffy as we walk: by. His grand- mother Krum says when he is over at her house he frequently ealls up “Mr. Gilbert” on the telephone. His pastor, the Rev. Mr. Prater has visited him there. LOST SHEEP No, I didn't preach about lost sheep last Sunday down at the West Pittston Church of Christ. Glad I didn't! How embarrassed I would have been after church when I found that Mrs. T.M.B. Hicks of The Dallas Post had got lost while try- ing to find our church. But did My eyes don’t recognize too easily for his message to get over the the faces in my congregation and so wires to me. Someday it will! No good reason why he shouldn't be i 2 i the “most appealing”, considering white who came quietly, unob- | his ancestry and the kind of air he | trusively into a seat near the mid- | breathes. T'm anxious to read what | dle aisle was our associate editor! | his grandmother Moore will have to| Of Dallas Post, who had finally to | say about him in the East Dallas ask a garage man where the Con) column. ‘I don’t believe even a i grandmother can exaggerate that gregational Church was and he told | her. boy’s merits! : SAINTS MUST VACATE One more Sunday! MORE PEOPLE WE KNOW } THE CAR DASH When I got my car inspected re-| It's news to have news come to cently I found SYSyhing of bop me rather than to have to bestir | cleared off my rear deck and the fier Thy front dash. Box of paper tissues, ysl io gor Okt Hier I» Yere old cushion, old red blanket. “Can’t have. things there in the way any more”, said the man executing in- spection rules. My car didn’t hap- pen to have any statues of saints, nor baby shoes, nor striped tigers, elephants nor puppy dogs. One garage mechanic told me once that the statue of the saint who guards your car from harm jumps out when the car does more than sixty! Strange! TI still see saints riding the dash of cars ahead of me. Probably haven’t heard the new ruling yet! Wonder what drivers will really do Save oO roses wa 288-2378 We extend heartiest congratula- tiong to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mec- Dermott on the occasion of their | 30th wedding anniversary. The couple has five children, one of whom, Mark, is a 1965 graduate | of Lake-Lehman High School. | Brownies Have Dinner The Brownies of Oak Hill held a| at the Brothers dinner recently Four Restaurant. ceived their wings and were grad- uated to Girl Scouts: Donna Pearce, | Marilee Lavix and Patty Fritz. Those attending the dinner were: | Pamela Darling, Patty Fritz, Mar- | garet Ann Godek, Marilee Lavix, | Donna Pearce, Joyce Pimm, Kim Nancy Callahan, Theresa Zabinski, Mrs. James Darling and Mrs. Michael Godek, leaders. | Take care in driving, swimming | of whatever you do. Life is too | good to shorten it. The following re- | the Elegent Distiller its member still- blowing . . . even grading. if they have to get rid of their WITH THE MF 8E EXECUTIVE LAWN AND GARDEN TRACTOR There's more time for family fun when you own the fuxuri ous MF Executive Tractor. Zip through mowing and gar- dening chores in only a couple of hours a week. Then you will be free to enjoy the kind of easy living your family likes. With its many attachments, it handles ali your jobs in all seasons — plowing, planting, cultivating, mowing, snow Come in for a demonstration today! Find out for yourself? what easy living the Massey-Ferguson way meanss ___... Charles H. Long SWEET VALLEY : on ARABI Ee A EF Fr ER me ” b All you need is a good credit quickly « . . usually within twe J ’ ¥) tO) ea i” off bills . . . to take a vacation . . Check this chart and see just Our saintless gov- appeared in my column about her | gets up in the morning and goes out | General Hospital for an operation. | get there in time for the collection. | was not aware that the lady in: SECTION B — PAGE 5 Mount Zion came into our yard Si and Evelyn LaBar and daughter Marcia from | Bethlehem. Evelyn is the daughter | of Paul and Myrtle Smith from near | Bethlehem, and formerly of Mt. | Zion. The occasion for this gather- | ing of the clan (for Paul and Myrtle | were also on the hill) was the | graduation party being given for | Warren Smith at his parents’ home, the Mp/ and Mrs. Willard Smiths, | over on the Hicks River Road more or less parallel to our road and running down to become Schooley Avenue in Exeter. I had married | Si and Evelyn some years back and | they still come to see us when | they're around. And they are on { our mailing list. I should get digni- fied and say that Si’s real name is Leland! To Leave For Far East | Spec. 6, Alton R. Whittaker, son i of Mr. and Mrs. Alton B. Whittaker 258 Church Street, Dallas graduated | June 11 after a 20 week course from { the Instrument Calibration School, | Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Aber- | deen, Md. | This is the fourth credited school Alton has attended while serving as a member of the armed forces in the electronic field. He is married to the former San- {dra Hislop and they have three children; Douglas, Loree and Leslie. Spec. 6 Whittaker will leave the end of July for a tour of duty in | the Far East with Okinawa as his | home base. His wife and children [will join him when quarters have | been established at Naha. or something. Last | ‘| Tracy Leigh Is One Tracy Leigh Snowdon celebrated her first birthday with a party at | the home of her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. Harold Snowdon, Jr., 219 High- | land Avenue, Trucksville, on Sun- | ay, June 20. | Guests were Margaret Veitch, | Mrs. John Welker, John and Jane | Welker, Atty. and Mrs. Ben R. Jones | III, Mr. and Mrs. George Greene, { Linda Greene, Carol Greene, Mr. | and Mrs. G. Patrick Greene, Ricky, | Mark, and Kelly Greene, Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Snowdon, Richard Snowdon, and Dan Stenger. — FREE — P.F. Magic Ring with each purchase of P.F. Sneakers —Large selection of other Sneaker Styles for the whole family. FAIRVIEW SHOE STORE —Dallas Shopping Center— Borrowing Money ? 25% N ational EXAMPLE: If you borrow $1,000 on a 24-month repayment plan from Miners National Bank, you save approximately 30% compared to some other lenders. It's easier—and-—smarter to borrow money at Miners National. rating. You'll have the money nty-four hours. We'll arrange a convenient budget repayment plan for you at low bank rates. And you can take up to 3 years to repay! You can borrow the amount you need for any purpose: to pay . for education . . . to modernize your home. You supply the reason, we'll supply the money! . how much smart borrowing can mean to you. Then stop in at any Miners National Bank oXice, : and ask about a loan that can save you money, a v Ye es TOTAL CASH YO SAYE AT HIKERS NATIONAL SOME OTHER LENDERS | yueedymowm Cash You Get - $500 Cash You Get - $500 | 24 payments @ $24.00 |} 24 payments @ $27.23 $77.52 12 payments @ $44.61 | 12 payments @ $48.09 $41.76 Cash You Get - $1,000 Cash You Get - $1,000 ; 24 payments @ $48.00 | 24 payments @ $50.63 $63.12 12 payments @ $89.22 | 12 payments @ $92.17 $35.40 Cash You Get - $2,000 Cash You Get - $2,000 36 payments @ $69.27 | 36 payments @ $ 74.34 $182.52 24 payments @ $96.00 | 24 payments @ $100.50 $108.00 Cash You Get - $3,000 Cash You Get - $3,000 36 payments @ $103.91 | 36 payments @ $111.23 $263.52 24 payments @ $144.01 | 24 payments @ $150.42 $153.34 All the above payment figures include cost of life insurance on the Ioan. 4 Mh THE MINERS NOW NAS 9 me NERS, NATIONAL BANK { OFFICES TO SERVE ¥ a