The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, June 17, 1965, Image 1

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    a retirement or disability effective
Oldest Business Institution
Back of the Mountain
VE rm nn
Dallas Teacher
To Retire After
«ong Service
Summer Classes Are
Slated For Dallas
Beginning July 6th
Mrs. Antoinette Mason, teacher
of Second Grade at Dallas Elemen-
tary School for the past 25 years
will retire this year. Mrs. Mason
submitted her resignation to the
Dallas School Board prior to its
meeting Tuesday evening.
A graduate of Bloomsburg Teach-
er’s College, she received her B. S.
Degree from College Misercordia in
Elementary Education and studied
Special Education at Pennsylvania
State University and English at the
University of Penna. Other special
courses included Palmer and Zaner
Bloser , Writing.
Mrs. Mason came to Dallas Dis-
trict from Forty Fort, where she
was a member cf the faculty for 15
years before continuing her teaching
career in the Back Mountain,
Summer Schcol sessions will be-
gin July and continue until August
13 in ‘Dallas Schools. Appointed as
teachers of the summer classes were
ames Lois Krommes, Carol
"“Walermo, Arline Rood, Ann Saun-
ders and Joyce Youren, Reading
Program; Robert Dolbear, Driver
a Bettie = M. Sullivan,
S®¥glish; Robert Marr and John
Baur, Mathematics; Mary Jane
Jerista, Science; William Price,
Social Studies; Kenneth Kirk and
Mrs. Ruth Henwood, Typing.
Receives Scholarship
George McCutcheon, guidance
counselor, will leave June 28 for
West Chester State College to
attend a two week institute on
‘Mental and Emotional Aspects of
the Child”. He will study under
full scholarship awarded by the Wy-
oming Valley Tuberculosis and
Health Society.
Mrs. Dorothy Jones, Shavertown,
was appointed as a professional em-
ployee to teach Physical Education
and ' General Science at Dallas
Junior High School. She will replace
rs. Jewel Ruddy who has request-
June 12. Her Application for dis-
bility will be submitted to the re-
irement hoard following ' certifi-
cation by Dr. John Gibbons.
Ancther new member of the Dal-
las faculty was appointed at the
board meeting, Ronald Rybak, Nan-
ticoke, who will teach Biology and
General Science. He has previously
taught in Auburn, N. Y., and Free-
Miss Helen Sliker, teacher of
French was granted a Sabbatical
leave to spend the school year in
France where she will be enrolled
in French literature classes.
Regular contracts were approved
for John Baur, Robert Cicon, Mrs.
Nancy Geeringer, = Mrs. Frances
Kauffman, Mrs. Carol Palermo, Mrs.
Sylvia Price, Mrs. Mary Ann Sig-
worth and Mrs. Miriam Cooper, who
have completed two years of satis-
factory service in this district.
Mrs. Beulah Rothstein, guidance
(®ounselor, was granted permission
L\to attend a two week school place-
Ronent workshop at New Haven,
expenses to be paid by the school |
Lewis Lord was named full time
custodian and Ralph Ashburner to
the substitute custodian list. Mrs.
Ruth Valick was added to the teach-
er substitute file and Mrs. Josephine
Besecker to that of cafeteria sub-
William Price was voted head
coach of Junior High Football for
the 1965-66 year and Robert Cicon
as assistant coach. Susan Larish
for him last Thursday.
Dallas High School held commencement exercises for its sen-
iors at the high school on June 8.
A total of 198 students graduated at this time.
Local Protective Association Aids
Resident Submerged By New Taxes
Back Mountain Protective Asso-
ciation sponsored appeal of a Dallas
Township man whose property val- | E. V. Chadwick, president of the
uation had been upped to an un- | Protective Association, with Dr. F.
reasonable figure, obtaining relief | Budd Schooley and Rev. Robert BD.
Yost, past presidents, carried the
The man, who draws a pension | appeal through Atty. Francis Burns,
for the blind, and whose wife suf- | appearing before 'County Commis- |
fers from a chronic illness, owns 22 | sioner William Goss and the board |
acres of land. This, in the recent |of assessors.
blind, destroying his source of in-
reassessment of property, was es- bt Mr. Gass freely admitted that
timated at such a figure that the | many inequities existed. {
valuation brought his holdings .up | Residents, § Dr. Schooley, have
over the mark where he could le-
gally be granted a pension for the !
recourse through an appeal. Forms |
Continued on Page 6-4A)
Newsmen Present Trophy I
and Helen Dugan were named to!
work with the summer recreation |
A number of bids were opened |
and read with the contract for ceil-
ing installation at Dallas Elemen- |
tary and Westmoreland going to |
Johns Manville Corporation at low
bid of $446.50 and $550.80, respect-
ively. Ash and rubbish removal
contract was awarded to Berti and
Son on low bid of $950 per year.
Bid Controversy
> Some differences occured over the
bids for supply and delivery of coal
when Directors Richardson and
Kozemchak voted to give the con-
tract to Back Mountain Lumber and .
Coal Company. Five bids were sub-
mitted. J. B. Post and Company |
gave a firm bid of Buckwheat Coal,
$12 per ton; pea coal, $13.50¢and
rice, $12; Wilson Honeywell, buck-
wheat, $11.50, pea, $13, rice $11.50;
Back Mountain Coal Company, buck-
wheat, $11.75, pea, $13.25 and rice,
$11.75; Tom Flynn, buckwheat
$10.64, pea $12.14, rice $10. 64; Tom
Reese, buckwheat, $11.75, pea,
$13.25 and rice, $11.75.
Directors Vernon, Stanley, Stein-
hauer and W. Phillips voted against
the motion of Richardson and re-
ferred the bids to the Building and
Grounds Committee for further
Only one bid received for electtic
oven for the cafeteria was referred
to the cafeteria committee. Boiler
bids submitted by J. B. Post, R.
(Continued on Page 6 A) i
Dave Dodge, New Albany, shown day show will start at 10 a.m. and
here on his hunter, “Tivoli,” is be- continue all J On Monday the |
ing presented a trophy in the y of the Lehman Fire Com-
equitation class of last year’s Leh- pany will serve dinner on the show |
man Horse Show by Jones Evans, grounds.
Wilkes-Barre. Looking on arel —--
Leighton Scott of the Dallas Post; oi
Myron Baker and Gil Tough, show
Jones Evans, long time supporter
of the Lehman Horse Show, will
lend a hand again this year. On
| nue and Huntsville. Road corner.
| the car left the right side of the
Of this number, 115 intend to go on to further study, eighteen. .
are going into the service , eight
Dallas Holds Commencement Exercises For 198 At The High
are undecided about future plans. |
Going dir really to work, 57 seniors.
[Pas ssenger Hurt In
Huntsville Crack-up
Passenger in a Corvair was slight-
the road near Huntsville Reservoir |
in Dallas Township about 11:30 Fri-
day night.
Driver was Edward Gensel Jr.,
19, R D 4 Dallas, and passenger |
was Judy Welch, Mapelwood Ave-
She consulted. a doctor after the
Police Chief Frank Lange said |
road while westbound, then crossed
to the left side, striking a tree.
Front and right side were damaged,
and car was towed.
» Lehman Horse Show
John Hudak is general chairman
of the show, assisted by Joe Hardi- |
Lanceford Sutton is president
of the Lehman Volunteer Fire Com-
| pany, show sponsors.
Sunday evening, July 4, he will in-
terview the high school girls tak-
ing in the Rodeo Queen Contest.
Each high school in Luzerne Coun-
ty, plus those in adjoining coun-
ties, has been invited to send th:
school Queen or other representa-
tive. Winning girls will be award-
ed prizes and will reign over the
i July 5th show. All girls entering
‘the Rodeo Queen Contest are in-
vited to ride in the July 5th parade
but must make reservations in order
that transportaticn may be provid-
ed. Arrangements may be made
with Mrs. John Hudak.
The 21st annual Lehman Horse
Show will be held Saturday and
Sunday, July 4 and 5, with the
Sunday show starting at 1 p.m. and
the Monday parade at 9 a.m. Mon-
take lehman, High School
held commencement exercises
for 130 seniors on June 11.
At this time, presentation
was made to outstanding stu-
Shown here is the graduating
class. AS vf
For First Rotary Leadership Camp
| ly injured when the car swerved off |
| sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of | Sunday, June 20, from the Dallas |
Back Mountain Students Selected
Dallas Rotary’ Club has selected
Stanley D. Dorrance, Todd E. Rich- | Rut and the late Florence Ruff,
ards, Barry Ray and John Ruff to | Noxen. He is a member of the sen-
attend Leaders’
Camp Brooklyn, June 20- 25, ac-| [ous clubs. /
cording to Jack Stanley, President] John G.
of the Club. Leaders’ Rotary Camp | the Rotard
is a Vocational Service project | departure time will be 10:30 a. m.
Consavage, Chairman of |
{ Rotary International District 741 | Acme Parking Lot.
| which is made up of 39 clubs in |
nertheastern Pennsylvania.
This is the first year for this pro-
ject and Past District Governor Ed
Dieffenbach, Montrose, chairman of |
| Leaders’ « Camp reports that 34!
Among the many qualified camp |
(region is’ George McCutcheon of |
| Dallas Schoo] District.
| Twenty-four Rotarians will visit |
| pavement
John Ruff is the son of J. Weston | above Center Hill Road Friday after-
| Daring’s on the highway,
bike went 400 feet on its own, final-
staff members from all over the |ly striking a guard rail across from
VOL. 76, NO. 24. THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1965
Dr. Robert A. Mellman is superintendent of schools, and Frank
Trimble is principal of the high school.
' Fails To Faze Rider
| Motorcycle Crack-up
Thrown from his bike onto the
on Memorial
| noon, a Pringle motorcyclist dusted
hirnself off and
bitt Hospital
waived = hospital-
Rotary Camp at | ior band, the brass choir and vari- | ization after being taken to Nes-
in Dallas ambulance.
Joseph Napolesky told ambulance
| hurt.
Camp, announces that | attendants he was a hard man to
He hit the concrete after go-
ing out of control on a bump near
and the
Dr. Post’s veterinary office, about
i 3:55 p.m.
Dr. Post helped patch the rider
| Rotary Clubs ‘will be sending boys |
| to camp this month.
i This" is a program of leadership
| training and vocational guidance for
outstanding high school Juniors.
Camp delegates are boys who have
proven they have leadership ability
| and have been carefully selected by
{and Wednesday ewienings.
camp to lead Vocational Seminars -
8 each evening on Monday, Tuesday |
Rofaxy«Club will hold regular meet-
ing at Leaders’ Rotary Camp on |
Thursday evening, June 24th, and
Rotarians throughout the district |
are invited to meet with the Hawley |
up. Napolesky had a bad gash in
his forehead.
Kunkle Coin-Caxds
Coincards . will be distributed in
Kunkle from the Dallas Community
Ambulance ‘Association, starting this
Telephone Numbers
674-5656 674-7676
To Start RE
Up Grounds For
Library Auction
Dallas And Lehman
Key Clubs To Help
Friday, Saturday
Friday and Saturday, the
Library Auction grounds will begin
to take on their accustomed July
aspect, with tents and the various
stands taking shape.
Stefan Hellersperk, chisiPman of
grounds, reports that eighteen Key
Club boys will assist on Friday,
eighteen more on Saturday, both
Dallas and Lake-Lehman students
joining in ‘the effort.
Mr. Hellersperk and co- -chairman
Joseph Fenstermacher are dividing
up the work this year, with auction-
minded men responsible for the verde
ious booths.
Spencer Martin and P. H Arnaud
will be charge of erecting the re-
freshment tent and arranging the
Odds and Ends, Jack Stanley.
Fun booth, Archer Mohr.
Art stand, Arthur Ross.
Plants and produce, Dick Bingo-
Candy and baked goods, Tonics
Alexander. hi
Book Booth, Mr. McCartney, :
Antiques display table, sales table,
booth for display of the arrow-back
settle, Red Ambrose and Bruce
Slocum. 3
Local Kids 1st
Of 2000 oh yg
Get Enormous Trophy :
From Mustang Rally be
Four local young people whe had:
never before taken part in a sports
car rally won first place in their
division of the largest one of its
kind ever held.
Charlyn = Oatridge, Trucksville,
Eva Sue Szela, Kunkle, Bradley Ear],
Mount Zion, and Brent Smith, Dal-
las, in a red Mustang auspiciously
numbered: Car 54, won first plac
among the 140 cars which eft fro
near Blah'sly &orners - Saturday s
morning for a 150 mile drive to
the Concord Hotel, near Monticello,
N. Y. More than 2000 cars took |
part in the rally, leaving from 10
| ber of the band, the brass choir and
y t oF
the school faculty and/or Rotary Roary and visi cor !
Club committee.
The five day program is packed
full of challenging programs for the
boys. There will be talks on leader-
ship, Armed Service information,
college indoctrination with college
officials, Vocational Seminars con-
ducted by Rotary Club member
discussing their own business or
profession, and plenty of time for
fun and fellowship. There will be
sports activities, yearbook, band,
glee club, discussion sessions, and
“Skit Night” for the parents and
Rotary Club members on Thursday
night. June 24.
Activities listed after each mame
are qualification factors in addition |
to the high academic performance
of the individual.
Stanley D. Dorrance is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dorrance, R.
D. 1, Dallas, and a member of Dal-
las - Senior High School. He is a
member of both the football and
baseball teams.
Todd E. Richards is the son of |
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Richards, 90
Staub Road, Trucksville. He is a
member of the band and orchestra
“Here's To A
and is Vice-President of the stu-
dent council.
Barry Ray is the son of Mr. and
This is a traditi
| Mrs. Albert Ray, R. D. 1, Sweet
Valley, and is a member of Lake-
Lehman High School. He is a mem-
' the senior chor us.
Terrific Kid"
onal scene, not often immortalized by camera,
but nevertheless an important one in any high school senior’s life.
Students at Dallas High School and teacher Gerald Stinson auto-
graph yearbooks for one another. Photographer James Kozemchak
caught This candid shot on his way to another assignment
Lake-Lehman Joint Senior High School Graduates 130 Seniors
| on Ridge Street on Friday, but was
| beth Lewis, 18, Ashley, and Lucinda
| Gooday,
| car in which they were riding went
| Street, Idetown. {
{ wards, 19, Wilkes-Barre, and Bar-
| taken in. a ‘friend’s car to the hos-
different starting places.
This was not a race, but a test’ :
of efficiency, mileage accuracy, and
A small scavenger hunt was also
part of the event, with each car be-
ing required to bring in a live
healthy black ant (in a plastic bag 3
provided for the occasion) and a
boneless chicken. While some
teams bought an egg for the latter,
our group got a can of boned
chicken. i ii
It was a big thrill for the local
team when, before a crowd of 4000
people, drums rolling and spotlights
circling, Charlyn and Brad were
called to the stage to receive the
prizes and trophies, as driver and
official navigator of the car.
Brad and Brent are roommates
at Penn State.
Back Mountain Area
Ambulance Logbook
Dallas Community = ambulance
took Joe Napolsky, Pringle, from
motorcycle accident to Nesbitt Hos- ;
pital on Friday, Al Williams and
Robert Besecker attending.
Same day, Joseph Roskos, Kings-
ton, was taken from accident on
highway, Dallas, to Nesbitt .Hos-
pital, Besecker, Morris, and Ferber
| as crew. A rs
Stanley Capson, 73 Franklin St.
! was taken to Nesbitt Hospital Mon-
day, Besecker, Don Shaffer, and
Jim Davies attending.
On Tuesday Miss Mary Morton |
was taken from the Booker res-
idence, Machell Avenue, to Mercy
| Hospital, Besecker, Davies, Ed ha
| and Paul LaBar as crew.
Yesterday, Wednesday, Morris
| Feit, Kingston, was taken from Na- =
| tons Mills to General Hospital,
| Besecker and Richard Disque at-
Lake ambulance took Peter De-
| laney, Alderson, to Nesbitt Hos-
| pital on Friday, John Stenger, Jim
McCaffrey, and Lee Zimmerman as
Ambulance was called to accident
not needed.
Lehman ambulance took Eliza-
19 Kingston, to Nesbitt
Hospital Saturday night after the
cut of control and upset on Ridge
Driver Darlyn Ed-
bara Graham, 21, Ashley, were i
pital. Lee Wentzel and Pete Hos-
| podar were crew.
Kingston Township Hiilaney
(Continued id 6 os