The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, May 06, 1965, Image 13

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Recognition Banquet
The annual Spring Recognition
Banquet was held last evening in|
the heh school cafeteria. The din- |
ner Was served at 6:30 p.m. and the |
menu consisted of fruit cup, T-bone
steak, baked potato, buttered corn, |
tossed salad, hot rolls, ice cream,
and a choice of coffee, tea, or milk. |
the group |
The |
Following the dinner,
assembled in the auditorium.
speaker for the program was Pro-
fessor Francis W. Swingle, Pro-
fessor of English at King’s College. |
The letters and awards were then
given out to members of all sports
t@ams,. .band, cheerleading, and!
audiovisual aids. A great time was
had by all. :
The annual Spring Chorus Con-
cert will be held tonight and tomor-
row night in the high school audi-
torium. The concert, under the di-
rection of Mrs. Florence Sherwood,
- will present various groups of songs
such . as spirituals, popular songs,
patriotic - songs; etc.
assembly and it ig really excellent: |
Best wishes, chorus people!
Germany-Type Germans
The “German Class,” under ‘the di-
rection’ of Mr. Kozloski, -had the
privilege of meeting Mr. and Mrs.
Standtuer from Petersberg (near
Fuld; Germany. Mr. and Mrs.
Standtuer- are : the grandparents of
Shirley and Carl Stage and are pres- |,
ently visiting the Stage family. The
Standguers ‘observed the teaching
meth¥¥s and compared them with
those of Germany. They seemed!
very pleased and felt that our meth- |
ods were well advanced. Later,
there was a discussion period during
which the students ‘talked with the
Standtuers about their country, and
their impression of ours.
The Sporty Look
On our home baseball field today,
the Mountaineers will take on Ed- |
wardsville High School. On Mon-
day we will welcome Swoyersville
High and next Thursdav we will
travel to Luzerne High School.
Tomorrow they challenge Plymouth
High School and on Tuesday they :
Let's |
meet West Pittston High.
get ‘em on .the run!
On Tuesday afternoon the final
Antrim Bureau assembly of the year
willbe presented. The assembly
is on Yoga and is a demonstration
of physical fitness by Mr. Edward
Schetter. It should prove quite in-
Field Day
Hey. guys, it's about the fact that
next ‘Wednesday .is Field Day. 1
know how excited everyone is about
the whole affair
known reason it
Wednesday, then Field Day will be
held on Thursay. If it should rain
on Thursday, Mr. Brobst and Miss
Jenking will be very upset! (PS.
All of those participating ir in the rain !
did his parents
Because they want the best
for this little fella.
Right now his only need is a
savings account. But in the years
High School
Bruce Hopkins
Linda Davies
The: concert |
preview was presented yesterday in|
Track Team also has two |
home games coming up this week: |
but: I'd just like
to remind you that if for some un-|
should rain on |
dance will meet at the high school
parking lot Tuesday and Wednesday
| evenings at 7:00 p.m.).
| The Physically Fit
| The following are the results of
| the Wyoming Valley. Physical 'Fit-
ness Contest given recently by the
| Marines at Dal-Hi! Coughlin took
first place with 1762 points and
Dallas came in second with. 1679
points. Those participating in the
, contest were Robert Anderson, Lee
| Isaac, Tim Houlihan, Stephen Kas-
| chenbach, and Resse Finn. Congrats,
Future Persons Of America
Congratulations and best wishes
to the following seniors who have
been accepted at the colleges and
universities of. their choice: Philip
Heycock, Penn State University;
| William Banks and Merl Bigzslow,
| Industrial Management = Institute;
| Margaret Kasmark, Central Penna.
+ Business College; Patrick Reithoffer,
Broward Junior Colleze. Florida: and
Rosemary Sherman, Empire Beauty
College. ;
Honor Society
Thursday. morning the very im-
| pressive and stately induction cere-
| mony by the Honor Society took |
‘place. All of the members: took |
| part in: the program. The motto!
of the Honor Society was explained
'a. short discourse
{ =cholarship,
on character,
leadership and service. |
Qur warmest congratulations to
those new members of the Honor |
Society. = They are:’ Seniors:-Linda
Davies. Jacaueline Gruver. Gail
Lamoreux, Charles Miller. Jo Ann
| Norrie, Linda Parsons, William’ Roh- :
Lents. Jean Shalss, Marvbaula Stoner,
Helen . Yagloski'® Shirley Zawchta:
“Junior--Scoft Alexander, . Patricia
| Bauman, Stanlev Dorrance, Thomas
| Harris, David Hess, Joyce Hughes,
| Betty Lamoreanx. Fred Misizer.
Sally Otto. Carol King, Deborah Pen-
mnan; Todd Richards, Howard
Wienér, Karl Wormeck.
Assemby {
| Tuesday morning an excellent
and very interes‘ng demonstration
was put on by Mr. Coleman. His
| program, wnt on by a grant. from |
Philco and- Franklin Institute was:
concerned with exmeriments in the
| Prine inte of Inertia. - Thank you,
| Mr. Coleman; for a very informative
program. |
Senior Dance |
- May 8 — be sure to attend the
last greatest, swingingest senior
dance of the year! Everyone's fav- |
orites, the Comets, will be there
to entertain. The time is 7:30 to
10:30. Be see'ng vou there —a
night that can be nothing but tops! |
Display Cases
| Around our hallowed walls we
have been noting’ the excellent
projects in the display cases. We are
astounded by the time and though |
that has gone into some of these |
projects. Ome particularly intricate
{ and time consuming project was
done on The Hanging Gardens of
by several students who each gave |
| bly,
night ‘at ‘7 p.m. at! Trucksville Ed-
will be announced.
‘will “be a Mother’s Day tea. This
i light-footed Rainbow Girls. Refresh-
{ ments will follow.
Arrives In Germany
Officers And Board Of Dallas Elementary P. T. AR
These dre the retiring officers
and executive board of the Dallas
Elementary School PTA at a recent
Charles James Asnatly |
Rainbow Girls To Meet
Charles James Memorial Kosi |
International Order of Rain-
bow for: Girls, will meet Thursday
ucational Building. An election for
the office: of Faith will be held.
Final plans will be made for the
seafood supper which will be held
May 15 at the “Educational Build-
ing. Officers for the coming term
Following. a short meeting there
is’ a
and a
of the
will be a ‘special ceremony
mothers, a reading; “What
Mother”’ by Verna Miers,
dance specialty by some
Mrs. Leonard Laskowski, South
Pioneer Ave., Trucksville, has re-
ceived word from her son Sp/4 Don-
ald L. Andrews that he has arrived
| at his new base in Furth, Germany.
Don enjoyed a 30 day leave at
‘home after completing a tour of
duty in Korea. He is a 1963 Gradu-
ate of Dallas High School.
He would appreciate mail from
his friends in the Back Mountain
area. |
Sp/4 Donzld L. Andrews
R-A. 13 800 802
Co. B. 504th Aviation Bn. |
APO New. York 09696
Babylon. A very Sood job juniors. |
In the other display case is an |
excellent group of paintings done
by sons of Mr. Hukill's best art
The president announced the next
project for funds for ‘the 6th grade
field trip would be an: all colored
cartoon” movie to be shown next
Dallas Teacher Wins Honorary State. Membership
Miss Esther
J. Saxe, : teacher in
Junior High School, was
to come . .. he'll use all the services of *
this full service bank. Savings, checking,
lending, safe deposit, trust service.
He may even want to use the bank’s social rooms:
for a public meeting. Lots of people do.
Saturday May 8 at the Dallas Senior
High School agith features being
3:00 p. m.
honored Monday night by the Junior
High School P.T.A! where she was
| awarded Honorary State Life Mem-
bership in the ‘Pennsylvania Con-
To Hold Reunion
high alumni plus their families are
being invited to return to the Uni-
versity campus on June 4, 5 and 6
for the Lehigh Alumni Association’s
mammoth Centennial All-Class Re-
union. Lehigh alumni usually hold
The gigantic reunion program, to
be held in conjunction with the cel-
ebration of Lehigh’s 100th anniver-
sary observances, was announced
today by Robert A. Harrier, execu-
tive secretary of the Lehigh Alumni
serve its centennial with special
academic ‘and other events during |
the academic year of 1965-66.
An unusual feature of the cen-!
tennial reunion will be the con-
struction of a huge “tent city” on
the University’s new 500-acre ath-
litic campus in Saucon Valley. The
tents will serve as sites for social
events and individual class dinners,
for" entertainment and other
The program, which has Yequived
Hopple Gives Awards
To Cub Pack 281
#+The monthly meeting ‘of
Scout Pack’ 281,
at Dallas Elementary School Audi-
/ lowing:
The opening ceremony was pre- |
| sented by Den 2 under the leader-
‘ship of Mrs. Elaine Humphries.
Cubmaster James Hopple gave
achievement awards to the fol-
Gold Arrow under Wolf -
Peter ‘Eckman; Silver Arrow under
Wolf - Peter Eckman; Bear Badges -
Ernie Smith, Jack Cobleigh, Jackis
Coon,’ John Earl; Gold Arrow under
Bear -- Jack Cobleigh, Jackie Coon,
‘John Earl; Silver Arrow under Bear
s| ‘Ricky. Demmy,
gress of ‘Parents and Teachers. Life
Memberships are given to. persons
who are outstanding “in PTA work
through contributions’ to. the Han-
nah Kent Schaff Memorial Scholar-
ship ‘Fund. This Fund makes ‘28
a: year. available. to 4
students who wish to become teach- |
State Colleges. :
| ers by attending any. of the fourteen |
The award was made. by Mrs. El-
wood Swingle,
at. the ‘regular. PTA meeting.
New Officers were
Mr.. Jack Stanley,
Dallas ‘School :Board. They -are:
President: Mzrs. John Rogers
Vice-President: Mrs.
Secretary: Mrs. Harry Peiffer
Treasurer: Mrs. Donald Anthony
Refreshments were served by the
Ninth Grade mothers with Mrs.
Mary. Mitchell as Chairman,
outgoing. President, |
installed by: |
President ‘of the |
Adrian De- |
Samuel Shannon;
+ Lion Badge - Lloyd Parry.
«Two year service awards were
% given to John Humphries and Den
Mother Mrs. Elaine Humphries.
- The, closing ceremony was .con-
ducted ‘by Den 5 led by Mrs. Joan |
Louis W. Ayre's Pupils
To Present Recital
An Ensemble Recital will be given
| by Students of Louie W. Ayre, Sun-
| day May 9th at 3:00 p.m. in ‘the
Parish House of St. Clement's
Church, Wilkes-Barre.
Those taking part are: Ann
Barnes, Catherine and Diane Bau- |
mann, Cathy Cawley, Nancy Cov- |
ert,- Charline Demmy, Barbara Farr, |
Anne Graham, Glenda and Patti
Larson, Nancy Love, Katharine |
Loveland, Joan Nelson, Miriam Orf.
Sally Otto, Brenda, Paula and Todd
Richards, Thomas Rowett, Mary
Ann. Sabadish.
Friénds of the Students are cord- |
ially invited to attend.
More than 21,000 individual Le- |
class reunions once every five years. |
Association. Lehigh will further ob- |
with a huge “big top” tent set up.°
Cub |
Dallas Methodist |
shown at 1:00.°p. m. ‘and again at’! Church; was held Friday, April 23 |
21,000 Lehigh University Alumnae
This June
almost a full year in planning, will
include academic presentations in
each of the University's three col-
leges, campus and historic tours,
forums, centennial and class din-
ners, the annual business eter | GE
of the association, broadway enter-
tainment, a fashion show for wives,
a parade with 11 bands, intercol-
| legiate sports events, concerts, art,
| hobby and rare book exhibits, ded-
| ication of a mew student residence
| halls complex, family
| photographs, awards,
ous other special eve
picnics, class
and numer-
| Running In Township
Daniel Richards, of Goss Manor,
is running for re-election as tax
collector of Dallas Township, in the
May primaries.
Dan has been a resident of the
{ Back Mountain for 42 years; 29 of
| which he has resided in the town-
ship, and he graduated from: local
{ schools. He was ‘manager of Am-
| erican Stores in Dallas for ten years,
{ and then operated Richards’ Market
until ill health forced him to retire.
He was ten years an auditor for
| the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
| thr ee years as township tax collec-
| and nine years a school board
member. Activity in local emergency
| organizations includes 34 years ac-
tive membership of Dr. Henry M
| Laing Fire Company, serving in
many offices, including fire chief
and president, and he is now vice
| president and auditor. He has been |
a member of the Dallas Community
| Ambulance Association since its
| founding, and is presently on the
Board and auditing committee.
i Dan is a member of Dallas Meth-
i odist Church. He belongs to George
M. Dallas Lodge, F & AM, Caldwell
| Consistory, and Irem Temple. He
holds an honorable discharge from
| the U.S. Air Force. Married to the
| former Jeanne Keithline,. he is
| father of two children, both grad-
uates of Dallas Township Schools.
Vote For
“Pull Lever 16A
Your Vote and Support
will be appreciated.
Mother- Deserves A Special Dinner On
i MOTHER'S DAY — Bring Her To:
Paul Coran ~ Maitre d' hotel
On Dean's List
John J. Wormeck,
Elizabeth Wormeck,
crest, Trucksville, is
B — PAGE 5
son of Mrs.
55 Meadow-
included on
| the Dean’s List at Indiana Institute
of Technology, among a total of 166
students, in recognition of high
academic achievement during the
winter quarter.
Memorial Highway
674- 1781
Insurance Broker
and Consultant
“A' Tax-Free Life Insurance
Trust Estate for 7
Your Family” is
their best pro-
tection against
the . problems
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tion, and federal
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estate taxes.
Harry Lefko
Lever 18-A
Your Vote Will
Be Appreciated
$3.98 up
P-F Flyers
with exclusive
Posture Foundation
Now S amited”
The P-F on the heel stands for
rigid wedge that decreases foot
and leg strain . . . helps young-
sters run their fastest longer!
Bring in the children for P-E
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