The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, April 08, 1965, Image 1

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    Valley: as
em twice
(8 2-1 ven b #
Stolen the, same morning, this
car ‘was delib afi in a
Jackson To Be-
line road yard
and abandone
~ Piymo Hanover
wyio had car at her |
home at 2:30 a.m., Saturday morn- |
ing. The time it was seen |
V around when Mr.
Galak called f Robert |ig
Cooper and the car.
theft |
Oldest Business Institution
Back of the Mountain
Two Car Thefts Is Set Afi
Leonard “Pooch”
t-owner of the
Four Restaurant, Main
teacher in Dallas
vas stolen from behind
e Friday
was. working
vas recovered next
Lehman Township po-
had been crossed in the
o get the car ‘started.
thi andoned it
ne ille on the
Ch th took
1 complexion and curly hair. Sudden-
at 1:45 a.m.
Ross Towns!
Have 1
i, Lakz-Noxen |
to ‘have help, if |
present plans work out.
S. L
Dr. Rich
now in New
to move to
his family if
able, is now at
a week on
If the arrange
manent, the Dal
picture and
an -
Tw regis
5 herd
Motorists on slippery mornings
and nights have for this neglect
ed corner on. Overbrook Avenue
where ' it adjoins Pioneer in Dallas
Township, an unprotected. hazard.
Residents report that many a
driver has been unable to stop
while proceeding down the steep
hill from Huntsville and finds him-
self sliding over the embankment
i abruptly for
the high-
from" the
motorist crossed
ting the girls
imy act Ahn rowin
V to a
¢ h Hughey a
In and rushed
Agnes, k
chs arged.
Invest mn is ‘being ' conducted
by Stanley Karmosky of
| the Shek hi Barracks of the
State Police, and Ross/and Lehman
police officials.
Two Crash At Light
One Tries Stop
a tail-end
at. Dallas
9 am., March 31,
Nobody was in-
collided in
Two cars
Car driven by Timothy A. Grey,
D 1 Harveys Lake, stopped
the light,
a halt about thirty feet
intersection, and was struck by one
|| driven by James .G. Dunay, RD 1,
Harveys Lake.
ant. Police
) the 15-foot ditch which lies
the highway.
bent ard rails,
17 Sh
| tinue to result.
| Orerbioph Avenues are State main-
i A “Dallas Post Stalf Photo
a wide opening
Injuries and damaged vehicles con- This
Both Pioneer and | through the combined thinking: of
a ‘wallet full
| removed the radiator from mount- |
| ings
| usually
| weekend, as cars come and go.
{ reparable.
Plus Twelve
Page Tabldd
End Recommends
Lake Township Police Chief Edgar
Hughes resigned at the Board of
Supervisors meeting Saturday, and
reccmmended the board appoint
| Assistant Chief Walbridge Leinthall
| to the post.
The news hit the meeting like a
bombshell, and was totally unex-
pected by the supervisors. Letter
| of resignation simply said “due to
| conditions,” without stating the con-
ditions. Chief Hughes has directed
| the Lake police force for thirteen
years, and is presently 64 years old.
| He was appointed to replace Fred
| Swanson.
| The police chief told the Post:
yesterday that his resignation was
for “health” reasons, as much as
anything. It was definitely pre-
cipitated by any friction with any-
Supervisor Ed Crake said: “We'll
'miss you. You did a good job.”
Supervisors Sharon Whitesell and
Walter Hoover agreed, and all were
Resignation will be effective May
15, by which time the board will
have considered a replacement for
Chief Hughes.
Dump Business
of identification ‘and |
and stole it, as well.
Two boys were seen loitering in |
the vicinity | of the parking lot |
around 10 that night, but there is
activity ‘there during the
As a result of recent concern of
closing of Sgarlat Dump, Forty Fort,
and prospect of increased use of
| Lake Township dump, originally
Damage tc the Kozick car was
All burnable matter in
the Klein car \was pretty well con-
sumed by the time it was discover- |
ed, according to Chief Cooper.
fire truck was not. called.
| nounced for the dump,
| Saturday, April 10. Dump is open
| Saturdays, 10 to 6, Sunday 10 to 2,
| and Wednesdays 5 to 9.
| Whitesell noted that situations
| with the dump and the Health> De-
| partment would have been impos-
{ : Aig
| | sible if it were open to contract
Elected at the annual meeting of | haulers Irom. all ih and said
the Sweet Valley Improvement Com | there. was +5 misconception that
any were th i i
pany these officers: Alfred | there had ever been any intention
D. Bronson, president; Herbert Pi-
pr ny; {erbert Pi | to that effect.
fer, vice president; and S ty :
Rial Prosmeny Mrs, Bogty Whitesell also announced that the.
Kunkle, secretary-treasurer.
| board had received YODOIES,: that
The annual report shows that | eT
Jay Fashions, a community project,
is starting its sixth successful year,
with 55 employees, all drawn from j
Sweet Valley area. The an-
payroll is oll is $125,000 4
Of ers rs Landfill 1s
With Bulldozer
Supervisors and. Councilmen are
considering "a number of possible |
solutions to the rubbish dump prob- |
lem posed the Back Mountain by
Brushfires Crop Up
Over Back Mountain
It was another brushfire week
in the Back Mountain, as March-
| turned on the water by the my
4 of the-week "putting a tempor:
end tc dry conditions.
Four companies answered a call
on Montross’s hill, between Ide-
| town and Dallas near Forty-Second
| Street, March 31: Idetown, Dallas,
| Lehman, and Kunkle.
the closing of Sgarlat dump ‘in Dallas fire company put out a
| Forty Fort, which include contract- large 'grassfire at Burndale road,
|ing a local landfill. | off West Center Hill Road, Sunday
One intresting offer, the Dallas | afternoon.
Post learned, was that of Ignatius Tuesday morning, a grassfire on
Hozempa, of Lehman, who would | Midland Drive, near East Center
coming to |
into the,
Chief Alexanfler !¢
furnish land and bulldozer to cover | | Hill Road, was extinguished.
it, according tc state regulations, ‘Franklin Township
and charge the prevailing rate per Franklin company put out a
load to contract haulers. | brushfire below Centermoreland on
Borough Councilman Har old | Monday, and another large one on
Brobst reported Hozempa’s offer to | the Yatsko property, Beaumont-
the meeting of officials Monday Centermoreland Road, on Tuesday,
night, according to one official. The | assisted by Kunkle company.
plan Kunkle
¢ Kunkle firefighters also put out
| a brushfire at Harveys Lake Rod
and Gun Club on Sunday.
Jackson fire company put out a
subject to state approval,
imably Lehman Township
an authority |
for landfill purposes was figured to |
be at least ‘$40,000 to $50,000 for
| bulldozer, shed, and maintenance. | brushfire on the Carlos Rodriguez
Other costs and means of financ- | property, Hillside road, on Tues-
| ing were discussed. The problem | day morning.
{ which public officials continue to | Lehman
| now being used temporarily by the |
led when
| to get some kind of immediate ac-
i tion locally.
| resigned from the association.
run up against in their discussions | Lehman put out a grassfire on
is that of Da financing of pri- | the Kolodzej property, old route
hauling, which has |115, on Monday afternoon.
roned out if the dump
situaticn is to be ' publical
v * Writes Home of
Vietnam Bombs
which is
also considered
Side Landfill,
the West
Several haulers resigned member-
in Back Mountain Landfill
| Association, emergency group form-
the Sgarlat dump closed
It was known that their
ns included disagreement with
Andrew Gallagher, of
in his approach to pub-
in the Back Mountain
At the
end of the
Mr. himself also
zrmest Gay
e Meeting i
Nationwide Insurance Agent Er- |
nest “A. Gay, of Dallas, recently
attended the Agents Regional |:
| Roundtable meeting of Nationwide
| Insurance Companies at Treadway |
Inn, Lebanon, Pa. The Rourdtablo|
plainly reluctant tc see the chief
proposed by certain contract haul- |
| ers, the supervisors announced that
control of the township dump will |
be stepped up. New hours are an- |
effective |
type winds ushered in April, which
Lake Township Police Chiet Quits
(Hit On Main Street
After Up-Swing Tum
Twe cars collided at the
section of Main Street and Hunts-
ville Road on Saturday morning,
when one attempted to swing up
on the hill and around into the op-
posite lane of Main Street.
Patricia Reynolds, of Goodleigh
Farm, RD 1 Dallas, was traveling
| there was a number of new ones | west on Main Street around 9:15,
popping up on Sorber Mountain. It | turned her jeep into Huntsville
also was announced that another | | Road and prepared to reverse direc-
hall To Post
Kenneth Wcher, a hauler, had been
dumping property other than
his own, a 1 board agreed to send
him a letter.
Regarding junkyards, board said
check from Vito Pilosi, Loyalville, | tion on Main Street in order to
was received through J. P. Helen | pick up a passenger, Mrs. Lee Weir,
Sgarlat for junkyard permit, and |1g7 7 Sharp Street, Kingston.
permit was issued. Police will in- | — car hit the right rear of one
vestigate new junkyards up on the | driven by Willard Newberry, 1207,
mountain. They will also inspect | Park Street, damaging it badly. Her
old junkyards to see they are con- | jeep did not suffer damage.
forming to standards, and will make |
monthly Iopoms when necessary. McCulloch investigated.
by Joyce pipeline burned up.
Three repair shop employees
escaped the fire with their lives.
Firemen play out hose against |
the raging inferno in Lehman cen- |
| ter, |
in which two vehicles owned |e
Fire Levels Pipeline Repair Barn
Bs Four Companies Confine Flames
Fire totally destroyed a two-story | ed “their only danger during the
garage building at Lehman center | monumental’ blaze, which could
yesterday afternoon, as four fire easily be seen from West Dallas
the gas tank breather.
they .said, was not in peril.
from Idetown and Dallas
was from sparks flying near |
The station,
companies confined the blaze and
| held it away from neighboring
buildings—the Ross Williams Su-
noco station and Joseph Ellsworth’s
home. water on the building from the
Three employees of Joyce West- | West side and kept the near side of
ern Company, Andover, N. J., who the adjacent Ellsworth home wet.
| leased the building from Mr. Ells- Shavertown and Lehman directed
hose from the east side.
The Ellsworth home was occupied
only¥ by Mrs. Ellsworth at 12:30
whey fire broke out.
Tig 23X35 foot building was leas-
ed to Joyce Company about a year
and three months ago, Mr. Ells-
worth said. It was at about the
time the highway was put through
worth, were doing repair work in-
| side when there was an unidentified
explosion and fire.
i The men, Robert McAllister, Corey
Traver, and Al Stivers, escaped
without injury. They said at the
scene that they did not know what
could have exploded. Lehman had
two. trucks at the sccene, Idetown
| two, Shavertown two, and Dallas Lehman.
RT The fire spread to the entire
One oddity of the fire: A 1958 building practically immediately,
was consumed, but
short-circuited in ig-
nition during the height of the
flames and the starter motor turned
over while the truck was in gear.
Driverless, the truck smashed right
| through the closed garage doors and
pick-up truck and was completely out of control
| a welder-truck before anything could be done to
stop it.
| rolled right at the Lehman fire
| tanker, which Lanceford Sutton
drove out of the way just in time.
Mr. Ellsworth said the building The handsome Highland Acres
was partially insured. Downstairs home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
was maintenance equipment and West | Dallas, one of the
shop of the Joyce pipeline. Upstairs places of the Back Mountain
| was about 1000 feet of cherry lum- £00N ‘Pass 10, &\ NOW (OWREL. ||
Richard Pearzall, Kingston ana
v Craft Associates, has. purchased the
Ross Williams gas station report- big home with its pleasant roll
| moves from temporary quarters into | past two years.
| its own edifice,
Assistant Police Chief Alexander |
Telephone Numbers ;
674-7676 oi
VOL. 76, NO. 14. THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1965
| Presbyterians Plan Procession
we 10 New Church On Easter Sunday
When a newly established church {home of the congregation for the
the entire commu-
The Call to Wor-
ship, to be voiced for the last time
nity is enlarged and strengthened |in this auditorium, will be enunciat-
| by this evidence of faith.
On Easter Sunday, the congrega-
tion of Trinity United Presbyterian
Church will move, in solemn pro-
cession, from the auditorium of
Dallas Junior High School,
nearby church building which raises
its white spire toward the blue, a Longmore and Calvin
ed by ‘the pastor, Rev. Andrew
Pillarella. ;
There will be a» hymn, and a
prayer. ?
The procession will form in this
to the order: oA
The standard - bearers, Robert
symbol of the outreach of mankind | carrying the (Christian flag and the
| toward a Living God.
Services will start at 10:30 in
the auditorium which has been the
Firemen Fight Lehman Garage Inferno
| Four fire companies with seven ve-
of the affair and it
1 sl : fields where well bred Hamps
WET. i 2 itiwas a. com- 3 . =
lt x on ira Sheep and their lambs roamed the
1 Ss se. S 1 every | 1.:11
| 3 k 2 hilltop.
one who was killed or wounded
never made it out of the hooches. Tl
| Think there were four who - Pern
: : enng
still asleep and probably never id
. . and
| what hit them. The fire las } a
5 ~ : . a ¢
| 5 or 10 minutes. But it seemed a hut tho! pet iT of Mrs
| heck of ‘alct longer than that. I]. ! rk
was really snared hen. 1 woke will accompany ‘their masters to!
’ ORE thei Sh oll Ave-
(up I knew what was happening their new home on Machell
| but} T' conldn’s. believe it and. in| 20 where the family will reside in |
‘ , TIERS a TEE Tatkins res-
| away, Tstill don’t. We stayed in the te former Ernest Watkins res
| fox holes the rest of ‘the night. We oe ’s
| did some work yesterday and then as. and his wife pur-
the old Husted hom ad
we stayed in the fox holes all last
| night, and because of the bombings
| which took place in N.V. ,I gt
| we will probably be staying i
| tonight and probably
| nights. I didn’t hear any
| the bombing in N.V.
yd chu
| 8 o'clock this morning and I was |
| quite surprised. 1 really hope and |
and as
a special
their friends.
ment center
i | | pray that nothing more serious | he
| from oe the! 263 Nationwide | SP/4 Michael F. Bean, son of Mr. than what has happened happens. | Rev. Robert Yost
agents in Eastern Pennsylvania. |and Mrs. Elvin Bsan and grandson oa Bon who has been Use| Senate: Chapl ain
The Agents’ Regional Roundtable, | of Ora Miller Bean, was among the or 2 ir Base on Pleiku, Vietnam,
| established. as an advisory group, | soldiers attacked in Vietnam area | Ot Be past Sinfoen months) was| Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost, pastor
| provides an opportunity for the | recently. Daly named ‘soldier of the|of Ghavertown Methodist Church,
Communication of. ideas: between |. He writes: *Have a little time so month” and elected to the Board | js serving as Senaté Chaplain this
agents and regional management. | will tog, ©
enables the Companies,
| thie sales organization, to more ei- heard over the radio.
| fectively ‘attain development ob-"
jectives. .
7 to give you a picture of | of Governors for his platoon.
| what happened here Sunday morn- |
ing although you have probably |
1 guess it was around two o "clock | | where he will terminate his enlist-
in the morning when is started. We | ment eleven months later
week at the State Capitol in Harris-
| burg
Senator Harold Flack made the
arrangements following a plan of
He has received his orders to re-
turn to the states and will leav
| shortly for New Cumberland, i
| said
| to
| defendant
a gun
| rotating pastors from various areas |
| to serve in hs capacity each week. | was prejudged by his superiors.
hicles responded.
ntain Area
¢ lgpgbook
ance took Tom Mine
Hill, to General Hospital, on on
Friday, William Boyes and Harold |
Davenpor t
Same day, Morris = King,
Orange, was taken to General Hos- |
pital, Rev. William Watson and Bill
Race attending.
Sunday, Michael
lersburg, was brought home’ from
the hospital, George Zarychta and
Mickey Koscelansky as crew.
Township ambulance took
Arthur Wampole, Outlet section,
Harveys Lake, to Nesbitt Hospital
after accident, Saturday,
Zarychta, Kee-
Jim Me-
Caffrey, John Stenger, and Lee Zim- |
merman attending.
On Wednesday morning, Kings-
ton Tow Kis Tk ance took Em-
ily Berg Pioneer
eral al
removal of a cast. Attendants
Hig fighland Acres Sold To New Owner
an Will Remain In Dallas
Consistent and dedicated contri-
butors to ‘the Back Mountain Li-
brary Auction, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
have each year donated a cuddly
lamb, complete with red neck bow
to serve as one of the highlights
has also been
customary over ‘the years for Mr.
Thomas to purchase the first item
offered over the block.
The Pearsalls have three young
children, who will probably find
hours of delight in their new
quarters and their new found animal
friends {0
Coslett Found
Not Guilty
Ass’'t Chief of
ingston Towns}
found not
threats preferred by his
lay before Judge James
Police of
lett was
charge of
= on Frid
Police .of
hip Jesse
inal Court.
out after
was thrown
move the
be dismissed.
Mrs. Coslett stated her husband
had threatened bodily harm and
since as a police officer he carried
> was afraid he would use
in. Wise, Edwardsville |
advised Mrs. Coslett
after he heard her
Coslett resigned from his position
following the ch The ‘ couple
are ‘estranged. With the dismissal
of the charge he may seek rein-
statement on the grounds that he
5. or Culver |
Avenue to Gen- |
for x-rays and partial |
William Bradbury and Paul
guilty of a
d ‘in Luzerne County Crim- |
re presenting |
| flag of the United States of America.
The choir, directed by Mrs. Vir-
ginia’ Swanson.
The Sunday School, with its
teachers. 7
The congregation and friends. f
Members of the Board of Deacons,
George Hamm, president with the
old offertory plates; Mrs. Windsor
Davis, the guest-book; Mrs. Jack 0
| Dungey, Mrs. Thomas Bobo, and
Mrs. Robert Clayton, the Paraments.
| Members of the Session, with the
Clerk, George Davis, carrying the
| Pulpit Bible.
. | The Baptismal Bowl will be car-
|ried by LeRoy Roberts; the com-
munion trays by Jim Harris, and
| John Marsh; ‘the cross from the
| auditorium, by William Cooper.
The old offertory plates, by Rich-
| ard Gedon and Josef Reese. :
| Ronald Woolcock will bear the
new offertory plates.
| The pastor, Rev. Andrew Pilla-
rella, the last member of the pro-
cession to enter the new church,
| will bring the ‘Chalice.
In charge of the ushers is Willard v
Smith. Robert Jones and Lester
Hauck, members of the Session,
will march with the choir. C. War-
ren Koehl, another member, will
be absent, of necessity.
| “Praise God From Whom All
Blessings Flow,” will inaugurate
| services in the mew building.
Lake To Canvass
‘On Planning Law
Lake Township will circulate a
petition among taxpayers in the
near future to determine if the
township’ wants to form its own
planning commission to deal with
{ zoning, matters, or: torabide ‘by the |,
-. cGunty.erdinance which -is ‘now err
| fective.
Lake is one
of the Back Mountain
| municipalities which is governed by
county zoning law, not having form-
ed its own zoning ordinance.
Under county law, the bulk of
| Lake Township is zoned “A-1", pri-
marily agricultural, but with leeway
for practically any enterprise. There
is extensive residential area at the
| lake itself, as well as business and
| commercial, set aside on the coun-
| ty's zoning map. Areas termed ‘S-
1”, suburban residential, permitting -
one-family ‘dwellings, most agri-
* | culture except kennels and com-
mercial chicken farms, and a host |
| of other things requiring board ap-
| proval, include Outlet Village, small |
| sections built-up near the Lehman |
line, and the area around Vito
Pilosi’s. Loyalville Corners is term-
ed a business district. And that is
that for zoning in Lake Township,
as far as the county is concerned.
Lake supervisors are interested
in forming their own planning com-
| mission cad o rdinance, which would
then supercede county law, for bet- J
| ter control. Lake Township has
problems which: would be better |
handled on the local level, as do
| most municipalities. Many Back |
Mountain communities, dissatisfied
with county law on zoning, have in-
troduced their own law in this field.
Supervisor Sharon Whitesell,
Loyalville, said. that while the town-
ship was at it, they might consider =
introducing legislation for subdi-
| vision regulations as well. This has |
been common practice among the
various communities.
Whitesell also observed that many
people in Lake Township did not
even know they were presently reg- oo
ulated by county zoning. ‘Constable
Jasper Kocher suggested that a pub-
lic meeting on zoning prospects be
called, to inform the taxpayers di~
rectly. :
Along the same lines, discussion
was: held at the Supervisors’ meet-
ing on Saturday on various local
| problems at the Lake. It was an-
nounced ‘that the Health Depart-
ment had not released the names
or number of violators who had
complied with state orders to clean
up or replaced ‘their septic systems
| which were found defective and
pclluting Harveys Lake. LaaE
| Supervisor Whitesell said Lake
i health officer Henry Stefanowicz
had been going around and inspect=
ing many systems, accompanied by
a state health officer.
Supervisor Ed Crake moved the: #
| secretary contact the Health De-
partment to get an idea of “what's
going on.’ :
It. was again noted that here
will ‘have to be some changes in
the new septic tank ordinance to
conform to present practices. There
are some places in Lake Township
where a simple sump would work
adequately, without contamination,