The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, March 18, 1965, Image 9

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Dallas Senior
High School
tt SY
~ Bruce Hopkins
S and
t Linda Davies
e nd Jus pene egg da i i ie
: Hail And Farewell | from Little Meadows, Pennsylvania.
She has taught sophomore English
| while here at Dallas. In Misericordia,
| Miss Conley majored in English and
minored in speech and drama. Miss
Today we bid goodbye to the four
student teachers from College
Misgndordia who have been with us |
for the past six weeks. We would
now, therefore, like to tell you a Conley said she enjoys teaching
little about each of them: very much and hopes to teach
7 senior high students. We would
Miss Inez Ryman was familiar to
some Dal-Hi students before this
year as she, herself, is a graduate.
of Westmoreland High School. Busi-
ness was Miss Ryman’s major at
Misericordia and her minor was ed-
. ucation. Miss Ryman told us that
she is enjoying her student teach-
; ing very much and is looking for-
1 ward to it as a career. If she should
like to conclude by wishing each of
these four the best of luck.
Coming Events
Here is the senior schedule of
events: May 28 (Friday) - Class
Day; June 2 (Wednesday) - Senior
Banquet; June 3 (Thursday) - Class
Trip; June 6 (Sunday) - Baccala-
ureate; June 8 (Tuesday) - Com-
The Merry Music Makers
CE mde A S
not receive immediate occupation in
the fall, Miss Ryman plans to work
toward her Master's Degree. She! The Dal-Hi band, under the di-
; is especially interested in teaching rection of Mr. Lester Lewis, pre-
at college level. | sented its band concert preview
; Miss Mary Ann Chiampi, who is yesterday in assembly. The annual
{i teaching Chemistry and analytical concert will be presented to the
geometry, is a graduate of West public tomorrow evening at 8:00
p.m. Among the numbers in this
year's concert are: Thundercrest,
major and a minor in mathematics. The Student Prince, The Nutcracker
Pittston High School. At Misericor-
dia, Miss Chiampi took a chemistry
YMCA Day Campers Enjoy Reunion Party
‘Supervisor William A. Austin
Shows Parents 1970 School
| Westmoreland PTA
met in the. shades for the auditorium.
!'school auditorium on Tuesday,; Mrs. George Shaver, Jr., Ways
| March 9th with Mrs. A. Curtis Ed-| and Means Chairman, reported on
| wards presiding. | the Christmas Candy sales, report-
The program chairman, Del ing a profit made of $1051.58. This
| Breakstone introduced William A. | will defray the cost of sending the
Austin, curriculum supervisor of |two sixth grades to the World's
Dallas Area Schools, who presented | Fair in May.
{ a film, “Schools of the 70's”. Mrs. Harry Sickler reported the
| A nominating committee was]| Bloodmobile make its semi-an-
| chosen as follows; Mrs. A. Curtis | nual collection in April at the Back
| Edwards, Mrs. Tex Wilson and Mrs. | Mountain Y.M.C A.
| Manta Steele. They will make| ‘Mrs. Fred Stevens, Hospitality
their report at the next regular | Chairman and ti ird grade mo-
meeting in April. It was decided | thers served re hments with a
to buy a new T.V. and black out | St. Patrick's Day theme.
Misericordia Music Students
To Present All Bach Program
The Music Department of College Sonata in C Major for 2 violins.
Misericordia will present an All- Voice: Arie with violin obbligato:
Bach Program on Sunday, March | “Ich bin vernugt in meinem Leiden”
21, at 3:30 p.m., in Walsh Audi- from Cantata No. 58.
torium. The public is invited to Students who will participate:
attend the concert. | Joanne Bailey, Karen Boyek, Karen
Commemorating the 280th ann-| Carter, Rosalyn Cresko, Carolyn
iversary of the composer's birth, Dipinto, Carol Doran, Ann Giacal-
the program will include works for | one, Mary Kozak, Lorraine Leonard,
organ, clavier, violin, and voice Letan Mary Patricia
A | Patricia
r- . Manganella, Sister M. Margaret Ann,
RSM, Magdalena Piller, Mary Carol
Vincenti, Paulyna Voveris, and Mary
special feature will be the Miser
dia Chamber Orchestra under
rection of Martin Friedmann,
Miss Chiampi, too, is interested in | Suite, Drummer’s Delight (featuring
working towards her Master's De- | the percussion section), Themes
gree. She commented that she en- | from the “Music Man,” Deep Purple,
joys teaching at Dal-Hi and she likes | and many others. Tickets for the
the atmosphere and finds the | concert may be purchased at the
students very friendly. | door.
Miss Carol Ann Bolcavich comes |
from Fynon, Pa. while she has been |
her®fs a student teacher she has | the Navy Aptitude Test will be ad-
taught sophomore biology and ministered to those studénts who | the Harmonica.
senior human biology. She majored | have expressed a desire to take it. | Kitchen told some amusing in-
Se eR ad stl
Day Camp Committee ‘held a Re-
union party for
6 at the “Y” on W. Center Street.
Eighty campers, their parents and
friends attended.
The group sang several
Navy Aptitude Test
On Tuesday afternoon, March 23,
Back Mountain Branch YMCA |
all of the 1964 |
Day Campers on Saturday, March |
songs, |
accompanied by Trica Young on |
cidents that happened last summer |
their wonderful: assistance and co-
| will begin on Monday, June 21. | ductor and Assistant Professor at Ann Wozniak.
| at Day Camp. Charlie Wilson told | operation. + We also ‘would like "to | | Any boy or girl, 16 and over, with | College Misericordia. |
a funny story too. | express our appreciation to Karen | at least’'a B average in high school | Selections for organ will be: Fan- i John Bebey Home
Members of the committee pro- | Kitchen, Linda Kocher ard Ronald | is eligible to apply for a counselor's | tasio: Fugue in 5-Flat Major (St. | John Bebey, son of Mr. and Mrs.
vided : refreshments, “ice cream; | Mahler for lending ‘such a- generous | position. Interviews begin ‘Friday, | Anne) pro organo from the closing John Bebey, Sr., Dallas, R." D. 4,
cookies, ‘cup cakes and ‘the YMCA | hand -in ‘preparations for the party. | March 12 at the ‘Back Mountain | section of Part III of the Clavieru- was discharged February 11, from
| furnished the soda. We wish to | 1965 Day Camp dates are: Sunt Branch YMCA. For further infor- | bung. |the U.S. Navy, where he had
EE Hk on 28 - "August 6—three, two week | mation, pledse call 674-6901. The Wid Jn Leela Fi ge Ssvved I i ore oH
Young, Clayton Stetson, Dr. How- periods. Again this year, ‘a one | Back Mountain YMCA is-a member te ah Peonch eo SS. REY 866. ; Bobey,
Trica and Jack |
ard Swain, and Byron Kitchen for | weeks training session for counselors
in bialogy and minored in general | The test will begin at 3:00 P.M. -
3 while studying at Misercor- | College Bound
dia. Miss Bolcavich hopes to teach | .
¥ | More and more seniors are re-
senior. high biology classes. i 4 .
Miss” Ruthorine ~ Conley | ceiving word concerning their accep-
} | tance at the college of their choice.
| Here are the latest results: Reese
BU RTON ' Finn, Penn State and Worcester
| Polytechnic Institute; Linda Davies,
Penn State; Patricia Dimmick, Joan
Willis Gentile, presided at a re-
cent meeting of Lake-Lehman. Joint
| Meyers, Jacqueline Stanley, Cynthia | PTA held recently at the high
| Galletly, Carole Rosnick, Wilkes- | school. Myron Baker, program |
. . Barre Business College; Majorie
Hair Fashions | Glahn, Millersville State . College; | prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Dallas Shopping Center | and Jack WMallin, Kutztown State
Lake- Lehman PTA Executive Board
Opposes Private School Bus Bill
chairman, led the group in the PTA | | Elementary, Wednesday, March 21st;
ow College. Best wishes, guys.
645-2222 the treasurer's report by Mrs. Ed- |
Call for q | [ A communication from the Penn-
3 | Daddow Isaacs .Post, American | : 3
Appointment | 3 G ’ | sylvania Congress of Parents and |
pp Legion, will hold its monthly meet- | mi. hers congerning no support’ for
ing tonight at 8
128 North SHAVERTOWN 675-
Main St. 6157
See Our New FREEZER!
| buses for private
| schools was read by Mrs.
| Mr.
record as being unanimously oppos-
ed to any support for these buses
and informed those present that
they could write to their senator
or congressman to express their vote
for or against the issue.
vention in Wilkes-Barre on October
10th, 11th and 12th. Workers from
all local PTA’s are needed. Those
from Lehman area wishing to help
should contact William Frey of Oak
The following were elected to the
nominating committee and ‘will give
their report at the next meeting:
Mrs. Grace Martin for the Executive
C Board, Mrs. Avis Kocher and Wil-
CENTER CUTS 3s ninnid hs ei isirsiiwimis tiene 55. hy vis Kocher an i
Mr. Robert Z. Belles, assistant
supervising pr incipal,
Tepor ted that
and parochial |
De Barry. |
Gentile informed the group that |
the Executive Board had gone on |
Gentile also announced that |
District 14 will host the PTA con- |
Hill. The Lake-Lehman Band has
9 been asked to perform at this]
| Open House will be for the visitation
the following dates had been set
for Open House at the Elementary
Schools: Lake Elementary, Thurs-
day, March 25th; Lehman-Jackson
' Ross Elementary, Monday March
The secretary's report was read | 29th; Noxen Elementary, Thursday, !
by Mrs. Stephen L. De Barry and | April 8th, Times will be announced |
at a later date. ,The purpose of the
{of rooms and not for conferences. |
Other arrangements. should be made ; :
for consultations with. teachers.
principal, . introduced the;
on “English. Linguistics”.
Refreshments were served by: the:
following: Mrs. Edward ‘Jones, hos-
pitality . chairman,” Mrs. Roger Phil-
lips, co-chairman, Mrs. William Frey,
Mrs. Willis Gentile, Mrs. John Keat- |
ing and Mrs. Helen Rood of the |
cafeteria staff. x
Prayer Meetings Held
Prayer Meeting Week ‘was ob-
served by the Women of St. Paul's |
Lutheran Church last week. On
Thursday morning, the group met
at the home of Mrs. Paul Priebe
with Mrs. Stanley: Wills in charge
and the theme being,
Our Father In His Worship.”
On Friday evening, Mrs. Newton
Ness led the program -with the
theme, “We Meet Our Father In
His Will.” Mrs. Br ed. Eck presided,
REG. 43c Stouffer's
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“We Meet |
October. and compléted basic train-
| ing at Fort Jackson, S. C.
21 - year - old
gr aduated from Westmoreland High
i School, Trucksville,
Anthony Marchakitus, high | to) Jed Newark College of Engineer-
Pvt. Richard A. Brace
Completes Course
Pvt. Richard A. Brace, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Allen K. Brace, Route 1,
|-Dallas,. completed a Little John and
H t Joh ssi] 3 | Developments: in Agriculture, is
ones onn Ji, MISSL 0 sCTOWITAN | being held at Pennsylvania State
course at the Army. Artillery and | University on’ Saturdsy, April 3.
Vall a Fort: Sill, ' Okla., | This session is of interest to stu- 1 730
jis oy “th 4 ved dents with a desire to study in the : ON
j surmg the course Brace receved | ficlds of biological sciences and YOUR
instiuciion, mn the loading, prepara- | oviculfune. Open House lectures, voun
bon and firing. of these troop mis- | demonstrations, and exhibits will DIAL
siles. 3 |
® : h: 1
. Dick entered the Army last emphasise sthe oy Serving 12 Counties
Miss Marian Huttenstine, | aq
who gave a very interesting talk: Electric
of United Fund. Suite No. 2. | twenty, is a 1962 graduate of Lake-
Before entering the Army he |
employed . by
a EA Te as Violin: Sonta No. 1 in b minor; Lehman High School.
"Penn State University
‘To Hold An Open House
An “Open House”, on Scientific |
The Best of Music For Your Listening Enjoyment /
plant and anima] life.
| the importance of education, busi-
|'ness, and mechanization in the pro-
One Hour of Broadway Music every Sunday
at 1:00 P.M. on “Encore”
Broadway Album.
soldier was
| duction, processing, and distribution
| of food will be discussed.
Parents are urged to visit with
| students if possible. - Additional in-
| formation ig available in the guid-
“ance office or on the bulletin houd
in 1961 and at- | — featuring a
complete “‘original cast”
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