SECTION B — PAGE 6 Dallas Ne by and The Last Cheer } High School Bruce Hopkins Linda Davies Senior WS 5 a Mr. Perry demonstrated the prin- ciple of Newton's laws concerning DALLAS Junior High by Tim Bauman, Barbe Kyle, Nancy Crispell Our Falcon basketball team was defeated by West Side Catholic 82 to 72. We came through with a 5 ' | NEWS | THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1965 Educational Secretaries, At Exeter High School Meeting of the Luzerne County Association of Educational Secre- taries was held on Thursday, Feb- ruary 18, at Exeter High School. Lucille Petrucci, Secretary of Ex- eter High School, introduced the speaker, Leo Kay, who presented a very interesting program on the life of our late President, John F. Kennedy. The following secretaries were by ~~ LAKE LEHMAN High School News Kay Keefer Junior Prom Preparations for the Junior Prom, to be held on April 29, are now underway. Miss Lameroux, class paign on March 1. The campaign will be extended until March 12. Profits from this campaign will go toward their trip to WashingtonD.C. in their senior year. Students have recently selected Bpply Now For Test The National Merit Scholarship Examination will be written on Sat- urday morning, March 13, at the Dallas Senior High School. The axamination will start promptly at 8:30 and will end at noon. Any in- terested Junior may apply for this examination with their homeroom representatives. There are a limit- ed number of examinations left and it will be first come, first served in handling any late requests. To date, sixty (60) juniors have applied ~~ , ? - DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Youth Rally A Youth Rally will be held Sat- urday Evening February 27, at 8 P.M., at Bowman's Creek Free Meth-- odist Church, junction of route 29 and 309. ' Special Music and mess- age will be brought by Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Faultz, of Johnson City, New York. Legal— : © The basketball and wrestling : : in ’ dvi in has Geroral chair. : action and reaction and the effects | 1...:11:. rather sloppy Spy tr Olsweary. Larks- | 2dvisor, is in charge. Ge a > Seasons have almost faded out for of the combustion of the fuel in x Pant pifnse a Lind a ey Si man for the prom is Mildred Case, their Jonas of i fo the school | for the test. NOTICE IS REANEY GIVEN that another year. The girls basket- {hese rockets. He used an alcohol a led us in points with | man, Forty-Fort Schools: Ida Mes. | with Chip Sorber as co-chairman. in ors adi hoi ha co the Dallas a a ball team will complete their sea- flame on which he poured a con- mn Harris had 15, Ed Rome | singer, Forty-Fort Schools: Eleanor | Chairman for the committees are: anomie al, yoo Local Bankers Attend mission has appr i son tomorrow afternoon when they | 19, Jim Harris : ger, ? decorations, Rita Zbick, invitations, Agriculture, General Agriculture, i Regulations and recommended their play host (or is it hostess) to Forty Fort High School. The boys’ team concluded their season Tuesday evening at Lake- Lehman High School. And, finally, the Dal-Hi grapplers completed their actual season last Saturday when they visited Hanover High - School. Officially, however, the season will not be ove: until the P.ILA.A. Districts, Regionals, and Finals which will take place during the next three consecutive week- ends. Best of luck tu all of those participating! The Amateur Hour Dept. Rehearsals have now started for the annual Student Council Varie- ty Show scheduled for March 5. This year’s chairman is Nadine Kuderka who is confident that we trolled amount of liquid oxygen to show how combustion occurs in a rocket. He explained the H2 - 02 fuel also. He described the launchings of each of our rockets and their pur- poses. He showed us how each rocket performs its own particular job; such as the method by which the Pegasus will study meteoroids, the method by which Telstar and its relatives operate to bring T.V. pictures to all parts of the globe, and he showed the benefits we have received from the satellites which study our weather. Already, thanks to information gathered from these satellites mill- ions of dollars worth of property and hundreds of lives have been saved as in Texas where the people were given a three day warning to came through with 18 and Rick Letts had 8. On Tuseday, February 16, we traveled to Plymouth only to be turned back 60-42. We could not do anything right od either of- fense or defense. The main cause of our defeat wag missing too many shots. High scorers were Jim Har- ris, Pete Wettstein, and Bob Parry, all with 8 points. Our record stands at 3-4. Miss Burke, Miss Maganella, and Miss Cinsullo, all from (College | Miseriacordia are our new student | teachers. Miss Burke is now a senior and is majoring in history. | She resides in New York and is | teaching with Mrs. Whitby’s Classes. Miss Maganella is teaching with Mr. Camp's music classes, and lives in ‘Wilkes-Barre. Miss Burke of New Jersey is teaching Mrs. Cathrall Smith, Kingston Borough Schools, Helen Melvin, Pittston High School; Annamarie Sewatsky, Pittston High School; Margaret D. Williams, West Pittston School; Jeanette Smiles, Wyoming Seminary; Ruth E. Evans, Myers High School; Betty Gensel, Dallas Area School; Bette Grose, Dallas Area School; Sharon Todd, West Pittston School; Lois J. Mor- row, West Pittston School; Lucille Petrucci, Exeter High School; and George M. Stolarick, Lake-Lehman Area Joint School. | Next meeting of the association will be held on May 20, at West Pittston High School. Hammond Organ Group Meets At Mingus Home Gail Kagan, refreshments, Pamela Hoyt, tables, Pat Marchakitus, re- ceiving line, Chip Sorber, band, Lin- da Minor, reservations, Donna Bry- ant, and clean-up, Ted Higgins. Band, On Television - The Lake-Lehman High Scchool Band, under the direction of Mr. Miliauskas, appeared ontelevision on Channel 28 on Sunday, February 21. Their appearance was spon- sored by Lee Vincent. They presented three songs, the the main song being ‘P-Double-N- SYL-VANIA” the new state song for Pennsylvania. Each band member recceived a certificate, with the government seal on it, stating that he is now an embassador to Pennsylvania. Mr. Miliauskas also received a | certificate which will be placed in Home-Economics, General and Voca- tional Technical. Dead Walk , The Junior Play entitled “Dead Walk’, a mystery-comedy written by Donald Payton, is now in prep- aration. A matinee and evening performance will be held on March 5: Mr. Francis Wilczewski is the faculty director with Beverly Bellas as student director and Chuck Quick as student co-director. The plot of the play centers around the funeral of a Mr. Quigley who was believed to be murdered. As time tells, he wasn't really mur- dered at all, but an atempt was made on his life. To catch the | guilty party, he stages a vhony fun- | eral. The fun begins when twn | young boys, visiting the home of the Clinic In Philadelphia William R. James, Kingston Nat- ional Bank, Fred Fowler, Herbert J. Morris and George Sowerby. First National Bank of Wikes-Barre, John B. Henning Jr., and Earl McCarty, Wyoming National Bank are among the nineteen Luzerne County bank- ers who are attending the two day bank operations clinic at the Bell- adoption by Dallas Township Super- visors. A public hearing in relation there- to, at which parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard, will be held in the library of the Dallas Senior High School, on Monday, March 1, 1965 at 7:30 p.m. The proposed regulations may be | inspected at the home of the secre- evue Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, | tary of the Planning Commission, today and tomorrow. The Dallas Post Uses The famous ATF Chief Offset Presses Marjorie R. Krimmel, Overbrook Road, Glenn M. Howell Demunds Road, Dallas, Pa. Copies may be purchased at a price of $1.00. will see some excellent talent in| exacuate. It is estimated that our and Mr. Domek’s classes of English. The Back Mountain Chapter of | irae ele Digi ally mortition, start out to solve the J the show. weather reports will be 200% more | We would like to wish them best | Hammond Organ Society met on ar in the lobby of the case, only to find the late Mr. Quig- | B { 2 “Green, Green” accurate for one month reports, as|of luck in their future teaching | February 10 at the home of Mr. and |~ 15% Sofont . ley alive and kicking. d ev e I 0 ll Sa The Future Homemaker f | compared to our present two week | careers. Mrs. Preston Mingus, Sweet Valley. The Lake Lehman wrestling 3 CNG : '.u auerE. 0 ou : ! i 3 squad will have twelve entries in The cast consists of: Mike Casey, \ - He is Carlyle “Buddy” Rogers who America will sponsor a dance on reports. This will benefit farmers ! On Monday, March 15th, the Fal- A valentine motif prevailed in the the wrestling P.LLA.A. District 77 Joe Stager, Donna Bryant, Linda fo he “Shams Shake’ will bs | ub many othr acta of our coon | ton 06 to. 51. Newly evervone | ements | | Himbations’ to be held in the | Beker J Hoole eas | A Miners National provided by the Royal Aces and |omy as well wrestled and all made out pretty| Plans are being formulated to runry Ith and 27th. The quarter | Toluba, Walt Ragukonis, Rita Zbick, | Mortgage Loan Is the Easiest And Quickest ; Way To (& Home Ownership. dancing will be from 8 - 11. Be sure to wear your green, bring your four-leaf clovers and we will see you in the gym. 3 College Roulette ~ Congratulations to the following | students who have been accepted Karl Scholl, King's College; Sharon Mr. Perry stated that the new materialg for Space Flights have re- sulted in better glassware for cook- ing, improved ceramics which can be heated or cooled to extreme tem- peratures (Corning Ware) and a new plastic, which although half as thick as a human hair, has one- how each of us can help the Space well. There is finally some light in the future for those of us who are mir- ed down in our algebra. The Stu- dent Council in conjuction with the | algebra teachers has set up classes held Thursday and Fridays after Pic. W. Javer Learns visit Valley Crest on March 17, a committee was appointed by Pres- endident R. Willard Reese to _recom- mend places available for the soc- iety’s second anniversary party in April. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Bunney, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Krimmel, Mr. and Mrs. R. Willard finals will be held on Friday eve- ning at 6:30. The semi-finals are scheduled for 1:30, Saturday eve- ning. Junior Class of “6”, under the direction of Miss Lameroux, will be- gin their annual Easter Candy Cam- Barry Ray, Jeanne Kern and Charles | Vanderhoff. A wrestling meet was held at Dal- las High School on February 17, IB Lake-Lehman won with a score of | 35 ‘to 15. | Crestwood was the scene for a | bv ol ; school. a or the Than lige oF their | third the tensile strength of steel. : Tritt. Mew John Goleloichrer, Med basketball game held on February choice: nn oolbert, rsinus; ht J : , ; A113 = — ee { 5 Willan Roberts. King's | College; Mr. Perry went on to point out Thomas P. Kane, Mrs. William | College To Bbolish — READ THE TRADING POST — | tered in Age. He said we need technicians, : Reese, Mr. and Mrs. Fred V. Swan- | Grades For Freshmen NF hg ay rr clerical workers, carpenters, space Copter Maintenance son, Mr. and Mrs. Burl Updyke,| \ : } - mmm mm EE mW mom gy ’4 xel; y B= [ hurdes and space doctors as well as Mr. and Mrs. James Yoder and the | California Institute of Technology strasser, Millersville. : A New Addition ~ We are happy to welcome a new student to the Sophomore Class. comes to us from Walt Whitman High School, New York City. We would like to wish Buddy the best of luck and we hope he enjoys his student associations here. : F. T. A. News . Under the direction of Miss Foley, twelve members of the F.T.A. took a trip last week to the School for ience. The courage displayed by the children in the school, and their eagerness to learn was heart- warming. Even though many had cular ailments they nevertheless | attempted to answer every question. It is a pity we who are sound in body don't try half as hard. Our thanks to those responsible for mak- ing this trip possible, to Miss Foley and to Mr. Trimble; who drove the students to the school. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 -Blast Off! Thursday's assembly program was by far the most informative we have had all year. Mr. Perry, Space Science Lecturer for the National Aeronautics and Space Adminin- stration, presented a most interest- Space Engineers and Scientists. Our Space Age industry employs more people than the Automobile Age. These changes made in our living are bringing two new jobs for every one they. take away. Awards For Agirbusiness Awards for students in the two- year agricultural business program of the College of Agiculture at The Pennsylvania State University have student who has completed three terms of work successfully and is in financial need. The second award of $100 will be given to a student who the highest scholastic average. Fifty-one students are, now en- rolled in the new two-year agricul- tural business training, all of them at the Altoona Campus for the first year's program. Award winners will be selected by the scholarship com- mittee of the College of Agriculture, | the faculty of the Altoona Campus, and by those in charge of the two- | year program, THE DALLAS POST For Beautiful BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Made To Your Design Pfc. William A. Javer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Javer, 117 Lakeside Drive, Harveys Lake, com- pleted a helicopter maintenance course at the Army Aviation School, Fort Rucker, Ala. February 19. During the five-week cours Javer received specialized instruction in the maintenance of single-rotor ob- servation helicopters. Stephen Welitchko, USCG Has Returned To Hawaii of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wielitchko, Route 3, Dallas, has returned to Honolulu, Hawaii aboard the U. S. Coast Guard Cutter Bering Strait, difficulty speaking because of mus- | has completed three terms and has | jr 5 three month cruise to the | Western Pacific, including a two week visit to Japan. | His ship maintains constant pa- trol on an ocean station in the Pacific. While on patrol the ship provides a navigational check point for trans-oceanic ships and aircraft, | and relays weather information to the U.S. Weather Bureau. The vessel is also prepared to ' conduct search and rescue missions | should the need arise. In addition to fulfilling these missions, while on patrol the Ber- | ing Strait rendered assistance to | two disabled merchant ships and | gave medical advice to two others host and hostess. Next meeting will be held on March 10 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Britt, Shavertown. Pfc. William J. Fielding Trains In Germany Army PFC William J. Fielding, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Field- ing, Route 5, Shavertown, Pa., participating in a two-week field training exercise being conducted | Feb. 28, Fielding is receiving ex- | tensive training in weapons firing land small unit tactics. Fielding, regularly assigned to i Company C, 2d Battalion of the di- vision’s 36th Infantry near Kirch | Gons, Germany, entered the Army in April 1964 and arrived overseas the following December he received basic training at Fort Jackson, S.C. Lake Louise's Bull Is Summarized Sire Lake Louise King's registered Guernsey bull, owned and bred by Raymond Goeringer, Dallas, has be- come a -Summarized Sire, according to The American Guernsey Cattle | Club. To attain this distinction a | bull must have at least 10 daughters | with official production records. “Ambition,” hag 10 tested daught- | has abolished grades for its fresh- | men and in New York City, the | influential Public Education Asso- | ciation has proposed that high schools should stop grading stu- dents. At California Tech., for a two year experimental period, freshmen semester that they have either passed or failed the course. The new policy was adopted because the transition work to a college level study is clarsses and competition for grades will be notified at the end of each from high school’ has been intensive. * In New York, the change to un- graded work is proposed because the present system is said to en- courage many students to avoid difficult subjects, choosing less de- manding courses in the search for top grades. HER TERY DEER Rm | WoOoobD | | | WORK? Let us make any item you might need — MALCOLM BIGGEST MONEY MAKER Get in Now on the Cigar Smok- ing Boom through Automatic Cigar Dispensers Cigar Sales Are Climbing (SKYROCKETING) Due To Cancer Scare We turn over Top Locations for you to service in your area bd Leading Restaurants, Hotels, Motels, Cocktail Lounges, The Physically Handicapped in Dn sulk by an anonymous by the 3rd Armored Division near | particularly difficult at Cal. Tech. Bus Terminals, Bowling Alleys, 2 Swoyersville. It was a very in: i ' Electrician's Mate Third Cl Grafenwohr, Germany All the students are from the top |f ete. Pwye : ; 4 "ge : an’s ! ass ’ ’ : 2 : ho resting and educational exper- One award of $200 will go to a Stephen E. Welitchko, USCG, son | = During the five week course Javer of their high school gaduating |} No selling or soliciting required. INTEREST Full or part time. (5 to 8 hours weekly) No previous experience necessary oie We train you. COULD NET UP TO $800.00 PER MONTH To qualify, you must have: 1. An Automobile 2. $3,495.00 cash available im- mediately 3. References For Interview, write: CIGARS 8703 ANTLER Richmond Heights, Mo. 63117 51% on all mortgage loans: of $5,000 or more. 8 AT THE FRIENDLY MINERS NATIONAL BANK MAIN STREET, DALLAS, PENNA, MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION oma N O X E N | with ill or critically injured per- ! | sons aboard. ers that have made 18 official pro- : | EY TT duction records. Their average pro- KITCHEN oA party was held at the home of Mrs. Calvin Strohl on Monday | evening. Present were: Mesdames Donald Meeker, Beverly Dougal, Guy Fritz, Cora Dougal, Raymond Kelly, Thelma Leach and the hostess. ~ Mrs. Richard Smith entertained the following at her home recently: Mrs. Joseph Luketic, Kathie, Gayle, Linette and Joyce, Mrs. Wallace Traver, Lillian Traver, Barbara Cun- diff," Bernice Hoyner, Mrs. Thomas Swire, Peggy and Linda, Mrs. Will- jam Belles and June, Yvonne and Paula Smith and Mrs. Warren Mon- tross. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meeker visited her father, Ellis Meeker, Herrickville, Pa., on Sunday. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Caldwell and Cw li 7 son, Jeffrey, of Jamestown, N. Y., | spent the week-end with the Don- ald Meekers. The family of the late George | Rowe, wish to thank everyone who | helped to relieve their burden at | the time of their bereavement, also | thanks for flowers, food and the | | serving the dinner on the day of | the funeral. The sympathy of the community |is extended to the *amilies of Mrs. | Minnie Nelson and Mrs. Druie. Tur- | ner, both of whom, were old neigh- | bors of ours. Peggy Cooke, North Plainfield, N. J., came home on Friday evening to | spend the week-end with Mr. and | Mrs.. Fred Cooke. (EEL INNA Catlctaiar © iil. Ladies -Auxiliary for preparing and! Trucksville PTA To ‘Honor Service Clubs Trucksville Elementary PTA will presiding. Honored at this time will be serv- ice clubs of the community: Ki- wanis, Rotary, American Legion, | Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Citi- | representatives | Committees, each organization speaking zens from briefly on its work and objectives. | From 7:30 to 8, teachers will be | in their rooms. Parents are asked to sign the register in their child's room. | Fourth grade mothers will serve. RN AY R meet Monday at 8, Hayden Evans | duction is 10,271 pounds of milk and 549 pounds of fat, when converted mature equivelent basis. | Coronation King and his dam was Lake Louise Anthracite’s Patsy. She has 5 official records including one | of 18,691 pounds of milk and 912 | pounds of fat. to a twice daily milking, 305-day. This bull's sire was Lake Louise | always has the answer to carpentry problems Back Mt. Lumber Co. MAIN STREET | | | | | { | | YY KE KF FN | | a ol Z | {ith A A 18 ANA) SHAVERTOWN | | our Sanitone drycleaning - process They say: recommends \ 2% Sl - i ibility with the 5 PX — ... due to its compatibility wi 7; HIGH STYLE % | finest yarns and materials used ~~ 254 Bi | in our Dalton knit creations, we take great ‘ & 8 2 pleasure in endorsing 3 : 2 g 0 | wl Te the Sanitone Drycleaning Process.” ' So 7 00 § 7 By Pi 7 = bet for 4 ! x 1 : : 2 ND We are gratified to have Dalton speak so 7%. Myr. Carlo Eo ; A smooth highly of our Sanitone drycleaning process. 3 2 % he We are dedicated to providing you with the . 2 Hair Stylist 4 % i © . best drycleaning in town. Call on us today. { 2, Li 4 % driving! best dryc g z | 7% Consultant 7 LB om RINE or SEE 7 0 A : ; “2; By Appointment : | ey — Br fa EREE PICKUP and DELIVERY Phone 288-1496 Enterprise 1-0843 | FN 7 J MAIN PLANT and NARROWS SHOPPING CENTER ] Burton Luster BIRTH % ¥ # bP SR 7 i A 1 i FO 2% x X A % ) .) \ 7 4 } Bes uw 7 To PHONE — 674-4571 LUZERNE-DALLAS HIGHWAY Hair Fashions Dallas Shopping Center DALLAS ESSO SERVICENTER OFFICIAL INSPECTION CENTER | | | : At The “Y” - - - Routes 118 and 309 1. .O'MALIA'S LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING