The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 18, 1965, Image 1

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Oldest Business Institution TWO EASY TO REMEMBER
A Back of the Mountain Telephone Numbers
| 75 YEARS A NEWSPAPER 674-5656 674-7676
‘Local ] Boy Scholarship Finalist; | mash bons on Better Lighting For Kingston New Concrete Retaining Wall Cracks
Beaumont-Lake Road
In Half Of Top One Percent, USA coon snus « numer « Township. Honor Roll May Move
| rural on on the Beaumont- | |
Douglas Ide, son of Mr. and Mrs. artist for the Bandbol. has attend- | lake road, in Beaumont at an un-| x Kingston Township Supervisors Building be placed on new build- |
Willis Ide of Oak Hill, has been ed Rotary Leaders’ Camp, president ! i determined hour on Tuesday night. | voted to look into the replacement ing property. Supervisors agreed |
named a finalist in the National of National Honor Society, and | |J. W. Rusinko, one of those vic- | of present lights in the community to consider it. It was the donation |
gr Scholarship Program. { chairman of Senior dance commit- | timized, notified the mail carrier, | at a meeting of the group Wednes- | of the former Veteran's building on
: ; tce. He has been accepted at | ohit of Harveys Lake postoffice, War- | day evening. Memorial Highway sale of which to |
Michigan State University and | ré¢n Johnson, that the damage was | Philip Van Blarcom, a Shayer- | the State aided in furnishing funds |
Pennsylvania State University. | done. He lives about 500 feet from | town resident and official of the | for the municipal building now com- |
Based on a screening process, | that road on another road. | uGt Electric Company will study | pleted. |
Doug now enters the select group of Others known to have suffered | | the problem and report his findings Difficulty in control of lights at |
about 14,000. These finalists repre- | ddmage are the Algert Kliamovich ‘to the Board. The move was made | Center Street led supervisors to |
sent less than half of one percent hdme, those of Harry Zacharias and | in an effort to furnish better light- | approve no parking signs on the |
of the total graduating secondary | Tom Traver, and the Barbose home. ing, perhaps at a savings to the side of Hall's Drug Store from the
school population. From the finalist M M 4 township. The new type mercury corner to the bridge. Motorists |
group, ten to fifteen percent will | ore ail Boxes lights have become -very popular | turning right off highway had to |
receive Merit Scholarship. tach A number of ‘mail boxes ‘in the | in: the Back Mountain. | swing out into Center Street, trip- |
finalist is considered fully qualified Calverton area were smashed and Russell Lahr asked what plans ping on the stop lights for the south |
to receive an award, but the num- (qi, from their posts on Tuesday were made for dedication of the north traffic when such was not
ber of Scholarships offered is limit- avhning. The damage began along . new township building and suggest- | nccessary.
g g g g I g
od by the funds available. Candi- gGickler Road and continued down . ed that the Honor Roll which once | Elwood Dungey reported a very |
dates are informed prior to May 1. to the corners above Carverton stood near Hall's Drug Store and muddy condition on Lawn Street
i The National Merit Scholarship Grange. now was at Westmoreland School since gas company had dug up areca |
Corporation is an independent non- ———————— and stated the natural barrier which |
profit organization which adrini- |
sters a nationwide independently | Lehman Tap. Home Burns
supported scholarship program for |
high school seniors. |
Established with several purposes
in mind, it attempts to identify stu-
dents of unusual intellectual attain-
A ment and promise; to honor the
Doug is a member of the Senior | selected through public recognition
class at Lake-Lehman where he is | and, to provide ‘financial assistance.
president’ of the “marching band, tM
student director of the dance band, Springtime Sweeping
Whittaker Leads The Dallas Streets
Ordinarily at this time of year,
Gun Ceremonies the borough street crew would be
: 45 Cond digging wus all through’ tons of
Y . fallen snow. = That would be ‘in an
W William Whittaker, 258 . Church | ordinary year. This year the-alma-
& Street, senior at Pennsylvania Mil- | nacs had us buried under something
itary College, whose picture appears | like forty inches.
on page Bl of this paper as a dis- Yes, well anyway, ‘the almanac
had prevented cars going over em-
bankment had been removed, thus |
offering no protection. He also said |
| that street lights would be appre- |
| ciated. Supervisors replied that |
' they would get in touch with Gas |
| Company and that a petition was |
needed for lights.
In preparing. for the spring sea- |
| son when drainage problems can
| be rectified and hoping for an early : ; or, :
Fei the rod BER program. The: Foaling wall -on Toby. C.eck somé question’ about how “it and - when the highway was widened for
} Supervisor Shaver asked that Board has split in a. number of directions | cther concrete laid on this job the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
immediately. order 50 lengths each at: Birch Grove, as seen by this Post | would hold up in normally bad | by the H. J. “Williams Company.
of 12 and 15 inch pipe. staff iphoto. « iv: weather. : | (So yow can tell where you are in
4% NEW Note Was injected into the Since r we ‘have not 15d a oa Concrete bridges and creek chan- ‘ this. phdto,. that's: Harter’s in the
TY Labs gueshion when Matthew harsh winter, this year, this raises | neling were Jaid' in. the last year, -upper ean
I Gillis, representing Back Mountain | No ]
| Telecable Company asked. if any ac- ; a 1 . f=
tion would be taken by the board. | Boost Scouting Dallas Post Office |B, b A d M Iba’
Chairman + LaRoy Ziegler replied : : Closed February 22 0 Il e a S
that he had thought about ‘the
supervisors installing - their own In L.ehman-Chase Postmaster,» Edward Buckley an- Restaurant Sold
J inguished military student, has re-| writers are probably ‘out looki : !
| He e oi ayy Sen $ i Yyitors gre probably out looking cable as a service to the community. | : nounces that Dallas Post Oifice will
[ ceived still another. honor, jee - | for new jobs, and the Dallas. street Since the other board members had ¥ k 7 F D i be closed on Monday, Fabruary: 22 | .
| ing to release received at the Post | crew was sweeping cinder dust # = Te e - a : SRE Ve Ae 23 y
J ns week. of al RL a lo re not been told of this idea previously G 1CX-0 or rvnve | Washington's Birthday. / Wilkes-Barre Owner
| 1 Cados Captain, 1s comme i a rw | there was no action taken.. Dan | For Bdults Support However there will be a pick-up . .
A ; Bill, 2 det Copun is Soman, the Post considered a true sign oi } Sever Soll Gillle that: the. colle s BE Saath from alll collection boxes | Occupies This Week
der "of an honor commemorative | spring. : a 4 ” on Sia . a ony re
. ntter ‘hic ill ak i 3 aa | company attorney ad een ad- | {ec ruary . 1 as been selected in the city elivery area for S- i
pia a = S b a 3 was 20 degreps off the é | vised of a 60 day period in which! as the Kickoff date for the Annual patch at 6 p.m. to Wilkes- Barre. | Bob and Ne Te Solon |
Friday Fobrary 19 : Bak. fhermommen So : 5 | they would. consider. a decision on | Sustaining . Membership Enrollment _ of ® AR en a gis |
pritiichege brag : the Dallas Post sh d iy : he Con . i ; s sold |
Dallas: Post Staff Photo told the Dallas Post she had no the: matter. in Lehman-Chase area. Solicitors Rotarians Schedule
Ceremony marks the acquisition
; es ee | Back Mountain Area 1
i a ney Ambulance Logbook ters were home when fire broke blaze. She had been downstairs | would string the cable and answer- | afternoon and report. the initial re- | I QIOUS Turkey Feast
Military College alumnus. | out in this house yesterday on Rt. baking in the kitchen, and Rose- j= that a contract with Common- | sults of their effort. ; :
The picce, a four-pound cannon, Dallas Community 506, Marchakitus Road; in Lehman mary, 5, was watching television. | wealth Telephone Company - was | . Heading the Enrollment is Jack
will: be fired at 4:15 pm. by Lt. Dallas Community ambulance Township; about a mile below Pikes Someone called the Silkworth : pending. Mr. Lahr sugested . the | Landis, assisted by Bob Disque,
Gen. William W. Dick, Jr., honoring took Mrs. Louise Wall, Mountain A Creek. company, had difficulty getting | people vote on the TV issue. | Special Vl Choi
the exploits of Henry C. Robinett, | View Drive, Shrine Actes, to Gen- | Lake Silkworth and Lehman fire- ‘through at first, and called the | Mr. Shaver also reported . there | Be Yeas 5, Vote |
Peas of 1860. Lt. Robinett, a Union | cral Hospital, Friday, Al Williams, | trucks ‘are seen in use fighting the Lehman volunteers as well. Lehman | had been a little trouble with the | $ >» iu 0 1 i Fo
Army officer, distinguished himself | Hayden Richards, and Leighton fire which gutted the second floor also brought a tank truck, and was | traffic lights at Haris Hill Road, | mo on An 5 Ds par
! 2a the Battle of Corinth, Mississippi, | Scott as crew. | of the Clifford Gray home, owned led by chief Lee Wentzel. | that Mr. Rowlands, contractor, had | a pus ; pon a er, 5 u jie
on Oct. 4, 1862. Shortly after the Saturday night, Carl Speaser, Ide- | by the Simon Marchokitus estate. is Daumns ins of the thomg iulso sti. come out immediately. . Shaver ad- | oal o members has been
this wizekend tc Frank Carmen, of
| Wilkes. Barre, ‘who took over oper-
| ation immediately.
| -- Mr.” Carmen, who has been in the:
. restaurant business for over thirty
! years, says he plans:to do the cook-
| ing himself, but: otherwise will re-
| tain the same staff of two waitresses
{ and has hired another. He, and his
{ family: now live in Wilkes-Barre,
but the new restaurant owner says
| he would like to find an. apar tment
A mother and two small daugh- idea what could have caused ‘the | My, Gillis was asked where he | will visit their prospects the. same
: : head for 4 h h 2
battle, the War Department des- | town, Dallas RD 1, was taken from | about I p.m. tered damage, Anthony’ Marchal vised motgrists to keep-on the. left oe Lohman a lout here in Dallas.
ignated a light battery or artillery | an’ accident on west Country Club | At the scene, Mrs. Gray, holding kitus, ‘principal of = Lake-Lehman when coming out of Harris Hill | ollvids program to. enlist: 2.500 t os plans to renovate the interior
: ; oe # wh | of * the restaurant, shortly.
as Battery Robinett. Road to Nesbitt Hospital, Gilbert | little Brenda Lee, 4, who was still
ri oft esecker i ing the fire break
In 1963, a group of PMC cadets Morris, Robert Besecker, and Les | In tears after seeing
oe | out near her on the second floor, was also at the scene.
friends of ‘Scouting to support the
Tins] tteudi work of the Boy Scout Movement
organized’ a campus organization t1nsiey, attending. : | throcughout the Wyoming Valley.
named Battery Robinett, further Lake Township Lake Legion Slates Parents of Scouts, former Scout
their knowledge of artillery. After Lake Township ambulance took Nat King Cole Rumor Judge Finds Deer Spaghetti Supper | leaders, and friends are urged to
two years of solicitation, the artill- Bertha Smith, Loyalville, to General In Dallas Danville | supnort this worthy program.
ho I
Road in order to trigger the treadles.
high school, and owner of the house,
Bob Grose says he nas no im-
| mediate plans for- the future, but
[they will, take some time off for a
vacation. “He said the hours in-
| volved in running the restaurant
ery piece replica was purchased. Hospital on Thursday, Fred Javer S it G lt Harveys Lake American Legion One major purpose of Scouting [were « too ‘long, especially = consid-
Ten cadets participating in the and John Stenger attending. | ' The rumor which had it that sing- Po er ul Y Post 967 Yl ane spaghetti din- ig to build moral among its hov= [oe hat his, wife is expecting a
ceremony, representing a portion of Kingston Township | er Nat King Cole, who died this 3k ner at Bur i s Bar-B-Q on February During the past 50 years more than | baby 1n LL :
the 25-man battery, will wear Union : i ; week, had been at Geisinger Medi- : Game Commission 27, from 5:30 to 10p.m. 30 million members have been | Restaurant is housed in the Gre-
Army uniforms. friday Mrs. L. Philo, Bunker Hill, ..] Center, Danville, was current eg Chairman is Kenneth Carey, €o- | associated with the scout movement, | gory Building, - purchaséd in the
a to Nesbitt Hospital. Crew, Harry not only there, but here. It was Charge Holds Firm chairman Howard “Jones. Ticket and Scout ideals such as the Oath | past year by, Andrew Morgus, con-
Smith and Walter Davis.
On Monday, Emily Berger, Pioneer
| valescent home operator from Har- |
| veys Lake.
Re, committee is Arthur Finan, Wal-l and *Eawz have: become. household
Harry Cragle, 312 Carver Street, ter Osko, and Leo Wodaski. Decor- words” in the homes of our com-
Don’t forget the Lake Altar and Avenue, home from General Hos- known woman along the road, and Plymouth, was found guilty of fail- | ations: Guy Siglin, Isen Do munity
Rosary Society Bingo Party, 8 p.m, pital. Harry Smith and Walter gh jater turned out to be both a ing to stop for a Pennsylvania Food: Art Gosart, Howard Engel- Assisting: the committee in mak-
February 24, at Sunset, publicity | Davis attending. berielactor. andiMrs. Nat King Colo. Game Commission Officer last | man, Donald Chamberlain, Joe Kra- ing visits to the prospects: Edward | Dallas Rotary Club will conduct Fire Chief's Mother
for which was late but which we On Monday, Mrs. Carol Turak, 58 No. sald Geisinger aed by Thursday in a hearing before Judge | vitz. Serving: Leo Rowlands. C#v- Powell, Oak Hill, Sterling Barnes, its annual -Dinner, Saturday even- vy * ken H
are making an exception and sncak- | Vonderheid Street, Trucksville, to Post vostorday, Nat had never Gates of Lebanon County in Luzerne | in Smith, Cal Strohl. Proceeds 20 Lehman’ “Royal Culp: Huntsville ing: February. "77, at the’ Dallas | Is Stric en At ome
believed that a Dallas resident had
given aid some time ago to an un-
Joseph Sekera
ing in here, because the publicity | Nesbitt Hospital. Crew, Davis, C. b tient there. but it had | County Courthouse and fined i building fund. : Harold Kittle: Chase, and. Jonathan Senior High School. Serving time | : wi ? i 1 a]
ichief, Mrs. John Stenger, was be- Miers and Marvin Yeust. Dee there, i Ta as. and costs. Valantine, Sutton Road. will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Chairman | iid Nomis Faget ok Ww, Co
Kia herself all last week after son Tuesday, Mrs. Beatrice Williams, | ? Cragle who had been charged by | Joseph Sekera announces that the Sy WEY a oq to |
Ro suffered a freak accident at ' 193 Hill Street, Trucksville to Nes- ™ d Bulls man had b . Officer Edward Gdosky had appear- Cable Perm: tted Gummer includes "all the ‘trimmings a es 2 a her |
home i spital. Iter is : SApnaies bplias man had been i heari bef 4 : for ‘which Rotary is famous. when she 'was® found lying on the §
school, passed out at home more bitt Hospital. Walter Davis and robe tl Te Tod he woman ed at an earlier hearing before | Legion Elects Officers is
times than they could count because Harry Smith attending. : : y Justice of the Peace Robert Culp,’ Tickets may be obtained from any of
7 bd flat * tire “in Danville, refused an hk: . esr) oe
of a stomach muscle spasm, and Tuesday, Mrs. M. Fredericks, West '2v Ure 2 Y | Huntsville, and appealed the verdict | Y e man oar Home Association of Harveys member of Rotary and the following Telephone’ repairmen’ investigat-
was rushed to the hospital. He's Center Street to General Hospital. money, and later received a color | to a higher court. | Lake American Legion Post 967 Ticket’ -Chairman: = Bruce ‘Slocum, |ing a loss of service and Mrs. Leslie |
okay now. Crew, Smith, Davis and Roan. TV set compliments of Mrs. NKC. Cragle: who was spotlighting deer | ; . elected the following officers at the Jim Besecker, Daniel Chapman, Hoover; landlord, found: the ill wo-
— — — in the vicinity of Moon Lake on | Silkworth Resident last. meeting: Kenneth Carey, Wal- | Francis Ambrose and Carl Hender- | man, The .telephone lay on the |
Plant Tank pope | Valve, Leaks Cloud % Carbon Dioside December 14 at: 12:30 a.m, ai Wants Water Rccess ter Osko, and Isen Pennyton to the son. { floor and whether she had tried to
accompanied by Edward Gensel, board ‘of directors for three years; rE | AR | call for help could not be determin-
| Lehman, ‘failed to stop” when he | TLchman Townships Bodrd of Sup- At Gosat, pesident, Cal Strohl, vice FIREMEN MEET | ed nor how long she had lain help-
: president, Don Chamberlin, s=cre- | less.
was flagged down by Game Com- | orvisors gave cable television a neg-
mission Officers Gdosky and Dennis | ative okay at their meeting Satur-
| Bohning. | day, but declined to put it in writ-
ais e Ashi OR Dallas and .Shavertown fire com- ; : :
ii Dt Wario pany officials and officets of Dallas! Dr. ilo Baie id op
| ! ! King and Art Wagner. y and" Kingston Township ambulance moned and ordere oo auheral i
Both Cragle and’ Gensel had lost | ing. 7 met Tussday night to air t:oir dif- | Hospital! where she was removed
their licenses previously for posses- President supervisor William Couples Club of Trucksvilla: Met- | ferences on recent distribution: ‘of | by Kingston : Township ambulange.
sion’ of illegal deer. Paul Orson | Samuel said the board-did not feel hoedist Church will held an old fas-: Kingston Towns sh’p and: Shavertown She ‘was reported in serious cons
was attorney for the defendant it could stop a legitimate business hioned Box Supper on Saturday ev- | coincards in lower Dallas Townshpi, | dition‘at press time. Mrs. Frederick
and Ass't. District Atty. Anthony | from operating in Lehman area. but ening, March 3 at the Educationa area previously serviced only by is the mother of Shavertown’s fire
Panaway represented the Common- | the board did not issue a letter Building. ‘Dallas emergency groups. Groups chief.
wealth. | saying it had “no objection”, . as :
was requested in other arens. | Dallas High Students Guests At Bustos’ School
Renresenting Back Mountain Tel-
| ccable Inc. at the meeting was Mat-
thew Gillis, Shavertown. thz com-
pany’s president. Mr. Gillis has
Two Boards
i . attended municipal meetings in Le- |
Cul Millage | hman, Dallas Borough, Dallas Town-
L |
ship, and Kingston Township to 7e-
quest permission to operate a cable
Both Dallas Township and Leh- | television relay service. The com-
man Township cut back millage last | pany’s attornev, Theodore Krohn,
week, so that property tax would| has said previously that hz is: not
not rise by double or triple because | at all certain that municipal con-
of the new county-wide valuation | sent ds necessary to - do- ordinary
on rtieal ‘estate. competitive business, but that the
The’ cut-backs, of 9 to 4 and 14 | Telecable would prefer te have
to 5 respectively, stood in stark] township and borough blessing
contrast to the token: reduction by | James Davenport, of Lake Silk-|
the Luzerne County structure itself, | worth, attended the meeting to, ask
from 16.4 to 11.2. ‘Tha county came | about tha possibility cf having a
out very ‘well indeed. | right of way through lakeside prom-
Other township expected to make | erty for access to the water. His
| millage cut-backs in the mear fut-|own property lies back from the |
ure, as scon as permanent budgets | lake somewhat.
: i ay a , ? for 1965 are established, are Lake | Board told him to consult alawy- |
A Linear Chrparation official and behind the fire engine and shut off order to be able to see anything. and Kingston. Lake is. expecting er. Prior to this, .Mr. Davenport | ¢ ;
two Dallas firemen elverl: the car- the main valve on the tank. Across the way, at Forty Fort Ice a cut.-back from 11 to 4.1, as soon | has been passing over land owned! Fifteen Dallas Senior high school Business college officials spoke to| Charles Stevens, Gary H
bon dioxide tank alongside the plant Neighbor Mike Shiskowski turn- Cream Store, no one was aware |as budgeting is complete, the latter | by someone else. students: and - two advisors visited the droup and a question "and an- | Wayne Casterlin: 4th Row: Jud
on Old aMin Road, Fernbrook, after ed in the alarm when he looked out ' there was anything wrong until | awaiting word of anticipated re- Four bids were received on a | Wilkes-Barre - Business Collega ey ad as held. Wileh Sandra Andes Jo Hn Nore:
an expansion valve gave way spew- of his home next to Linear and saw they saw the flashing lights of the | ceipts of state funds. new truck, and were studied after Saturday morning: “The stents The follow-up of this visit was | 5th Rov: Cheryl Parsons Don
ing.2 Sond of Sorin a the (eniire od covered with Zn Hretiuek ‘ 1 : In both the case of Lehman and the meeting. were given ‘an extensive tour and a general discussion of the oppor-| Henninger, Elizabeth Barkers,
= sey Me : ie ny The Eo oy a 2a Ey oe iE Chief | Si Is mone oe Bills and ‘payroll business vere Zinianmen of the Business College tunities available at the Bushioss Standing: Mr, William Marl
A siotant Fire: Chict Don Sehattor. | vliat wns om itive. Proii. ‘Lange. Dalles. Townels ece pt ? Ie pert attended to. acilities and entrance requirements. college during classes at the high’ Mr. Kenneth Kirk, Kathryn Bor
: : er, il . : | 2 : 1p | will be lower this year than last, eee.» 1 Dr. Ellis Roberts, President of the school on the following Monday. berger, Maryann Baloga, Mr. Georg
whose job at Air Products puts him Firemen barreled into the area, police, investigated, as did Linear which may be safety valve to allow Important anicipaed receipts are in | college, and Mr. William Marley, Seated: 1st Row: Thomas a MeCatchoom Sandra: Durham, Ds
. in the expert category as far as found themselves obscured in ceil- engineers. | for appeals,” which are said to be state aid and real estate transfer | instructor, at the college. conduct. Edward Gensel; nd Row: Edvard Ellis Robeits. :
gasses are concerned, arrived righting zero, and had ‘to pull back in. "flooding the assessor's office. Other tax, and per capita, I'ed the tour. After the tour, the! McDade, John’ Phillips; 3rd Row:i’