The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 04, 1965, Image 11

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st water,
1gs that
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the hill.
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of spring
a long
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| Purely
Wayne King, Meeker, was stricken
at at home last week.
[r. and Mrs. Frederick Hons anid)
son, Oa Trenton, N. J.,
& spent the weekend with his parents, |
and Mrs. Chester Hons, Trucks- |
ville. |
Mrs. Harding and son, Chuck, |
g spent several days with her mother,
© drove iw from Herndon, Va.,
ing the storm Thursday, hitting the |
big ©
rer bear |
& over
Michael Culver, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Culver, Lehman Avenue,
® underwent a tonsillectomy last
+ week.
E Mr. and Mrs. Donald Roberts,
. han, Huntsville Road.
Airy Road, who has been quite ill
% Philadelphia,
L .. .the
e Road, is a patient at General Hos-
. there she .attended the Ice Follies
* turned home Saturday after being
M M. B. Hicks, Dallas. They |
dur- |
worst driving conditions in our area.
Miss Flora Sue Anderson, Pioneer
Avenue, spent several days in Mary-
land last week, visiting friends in
Glen Burnie and Annapolis. While |
the U.S. Naval academy, and rode
the new Chesapeake Bay
Raymond Kuderko,
Orange, re-
a patient several days in Nesbitt
Mrs. John Duda, Dallas, has been
ill at her home.
Horsham, were weekend guests of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Kozemchak, Huntsville, coming up
to help celebrate their wedding an-
Mrs. Faith Edwards White, Levit-
town, and her son, Todd, visited
her brother and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Barry Edwards, Idetown, for
sevamal days last week.
dith ~ Wright, Orchard View
Terrace, returned to classes at Har-
cim Junior College on Sunday after
sperAling ‘the mid-semester recess
wither parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Wright.
Jimmy Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Davis, Parrish Street, re-
turned to classes this week after
being quite ill at his home.
Lynn Sheehan, who is stationed
with the Coast Guard at Cape May,
N. J., spent the weekend with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shee-
Tommy Ash, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Ash, Shavertown, has been
ill at his home.
Improvement has been noted in
the condition of Austin Line, Mt.
at Wilkes-Barre Veteran's Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Swanson,
have moved _to
werest. Mr. Swanson is with
S. Navy Veteran's Admini-
strat jon.
“Neighborhood News
Mrs. Alfred Ackerson
Heals Kiwanis Women
Mrs. Alfred Ackerson was in-
| stalled as president of Dallas Wo-
men of Kiwanis at a dinner meeting
of that organization held Wednes-
| day evening.
Other officers installed by Mrs.
| Robert Guyette, past president: Mrs.
| Thomas Kreidler, 1st vice president;
| Mrs. John Blase, 2nd vice president;
| Mrs. Leo Corbett, secretary; Mrs
| George Thomas, treasurer; Mrs.
| Frank Mathers, corresponding sec-
| retary.
Mrs. Frank Mathers, Mrs. James
Huston and Mrs. Robert Matur’
served on abhangements committee
Charles Siegel Guest
At Birthday Party
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Siege!
61 Carverton Road, entertained ¢
a party honoring the eighth birth
day of their son; Charles J. ©
Saturday, January 22.
Guests were: Richard Crompto
Thomas Duffy, Jean Gilmarton, Jo
seph Gaughan, David Morgan, Kevi-
Rose, Paul Shaver, George Siege’
Mrs. Mary Siegel, Mrs. Patric’
Doran, the parents, and the gue
of honor.
Dallas Women's Club
To Hold Smorgashord
Dallas Senior Woman's Club wi
meet Wednesday, February 10th, -
6:30 at the Brothers Four
Dallas where a Smorgasbord w'’
precede the meeting.
February theme of the Womar
Club is Internationalism ' and i
keeping with this, Edwin J. Co!
leigh of the Staff GAR High Schor
will give an illustrated talk, Par
II of the Cultures of Russia, dwel
ling mainly on the Hinterland.
Mr. Cobleigh has travelled ex
tensively. He has made two trip
to the Soviet Union and has visitec
Eastern and Western Europe, North
ern Africa, and the Middle East.
The members of the Club ar
looking forward to the program a
Mr. Cobleigh has already given Par
I of this subject at a previous meet.
ing, and ‘such was the interest the 1
members requested his return.
Wrights Entertain
Dallas Post Staff
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wrigh
entertained the Dallas Post staff =
a party held recently at their home
Orchard View Drive, Dallas.
14 ).. Walter Boehme, Center Hill
pital. :
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bechtold, West
Pittston and Bonnie Bechtold,
Harding, visited Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Root, Clara and Gloria, Franklin
Street, through the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stookey,
Parrish Street, and Bill Stookey,
spent the day and evening, Sun-
day, with Mr. and Mrs. Carlton
Rogers, Vernon.
Mr. and Mrs. Arja Brown, Nancy
and Bob, Ferguson Avenue, recent-
ly had as visitors, Mr. and Mrs,
John Tirpak and daughter, Jean,
Exeter, and Miss Gail Shorts, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Shorts,
Wilmington, Ohio. Gail is a student
nurse at Nesbitt Hospital.
Fred Hennebaul, Parrish Street, l
had visitors, Sunday, Misses Nora
ry nd Mary Ann Broody, nurses
“¥ Hospital, Philadelphia.
¥ss Nancy Brown, Ferguson
Avenue, is ill at her home. This
is the first she has missed school
in nine years.
Mrs. Elsie Brenkworth, - Silver
Springs, . Md., and Mrs. Dorothy
Banta and daughter Dianne, Wash-
ington, D. C., returned home on
Sunday after coming here to attend
the funeral of their mother, the
late Mrs. Levi Updyke.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garry, Shav- |
ertown, spent the weekend with
their son, Robert and his family
in Yardley.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Poynton,
Shavertown, were dinner guests
January 24 of Mr. and Mrs. Mal-
vern Wagner, Chase Corners.
Mrs. Richard Ostrum, New Bruns-
wick, N. J, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
"Poynton and Miss Vida Lewis were
guests at the Wagner home on
Sunday. .
Mrs. Ralph Brown, Parrish St.
is a@nding some time in Elmira,
N.Y with friends.
Johnny Yenason, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Yenason, Dallas, has
been confined to his home due to
illness. :
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Derby,
Shickshinny, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Keiper on Friday.
Alan Root, Jr. Is Two
Alan Root, Jr., son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alan Root, Carverton Road,
Trucksville, was entertained Sunday,
at a party, celebrating his second
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Franklin and Lee, Mrs. Merrill Aus-
tin and son, Darren, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Root, Clara and Gloria, great-
A buffet luncheon was served ’
the following: Mr. and Mrs. Chest
Hons, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Selin~
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Davis, M
and Mrs. Leon Harenza, Mr. a-
Mrs. Peter Duda, Mrs. T. M.
Hicks, Mrs. Doris Mallin, Leightc
Scott, Sandra Strazdus, Willia
Also present were William Whit
taker, Judith Wright, Clinton Bro
bst and Teddy Wright.
Mrs. Sheldon Evens
Committee Head
Mrs. Sheldon Evans, wife of thr
well known Shavertown pharma
cist, wag appointed to the standing
committee of Luzerne County Phar-
maceutical Auxiliary at a meeting
of that group last week.
Mrs. Evans will serve as co-chair-
man of the floral and sick com-
Get Reservations In
Guests planning to attend tha
Dallas Senior Women’s Club Val-
entine Dance on Saturday, February
13, at Irem Temple Country Club
are reminded to call in their reser-
vations and send admission fee to
Mrs. L. L. Richardson and Mrs
Sherman Harter by February 8.
A gala time is scheduled with 2
cocktail hour from 8 to 9 p.m. and
danccing to the music of Bobby
Baird’s Orchestra from 9 to 1 a.m
Decorations in charge of Mrs
Peter Kaye promise to be most de-
lightful and appropriate.
Mrs. Robert Moore and Mrs. How-
ard Wiley head the affair.
Terome M. Hernebaul
Infant, Is Christened
Jerome Michael Hennebaul, in-
fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Hennebaul, Jr., Meadowcrest, was
recently christened at the Gate of
Heaven Church, Dallas. God-par-
ents were Barbara Hennebaul and
Leonard Engle. Following the
christening, a family dinner was
held at the home.
Attending were: Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Hennebaul, Sr., Barbara,
Freddie, Peggy and Mary Jean, Mr,
and Mrs. Robert Roushey, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Engle, Leonard, June
Ann and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
ter Hennebaul, Buddy, Terry, Patty,
and Jerome.
Miss Barbara Butry
'Weds M. Soltischick N
Miss Barbara Butry, Noxen and
Michael Soltischick, Dallas, were
grandfather, Mr. George Bechtold,
Mrs. Ruby Coolbaugh, and Lisa, Mr.
and Mrs. Root and the guest of
honor. Dwight Cummins was in-
vited but was unable to come, due
united in marriage January 16 at
the home of Justice of the Peace
Leonard Harvey, Dallas.
Attendants were Miss Barbara
Engelman, Noxen and Charles Pie-
kanski, Dallas.
aneTioN B «= PACET7.
Wed In Dallas Methodist Church
Miss Barbara Evans, daughter of
fr. and Mrs. Clayton Evans, R.D. 1,
dallas, became the bride of Charles
dward Small, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Zenneth Small, Montrose, R.D. 2,
n November 28 in Dallas Methodist
The double ring ceremony was
serformed by Rev. Robert Sheehan |
ofore an altar decorated with’
rases of large white chrysanthe-
wums. Fern Coldren played the
redding music. |
The bride who was given in mar-
iage by her father, wore a floor
sngth gown of Rochelle lace styled
vith a princess panel, Sabrina neck-
‘ne and long tapered sleeves. The |
kirt featured tier upon tier of lace
shich terminated in a cathedral
rain. Her fingertip veil of English
lusion was attached to a crown of
rystals and pearls. She wore a
tring of pearls belonging to her
‘randmother and carried a colonial
ouquet of gardinias and orchids.
Miss Patricia Evans was maid of
honor for her sister and bridesmaids
vere Misses Barbara = Hennebaul
ind Nancy Potts, niece of the bride-
zroom. . They were attired in tur-
quoise satin floor length gowns
featuring a pleated dome skirt with
a fringed bow at the center front
waistline, ' three quarter length
sleeves and matching headpieces en-
hanced with a cluster of leaves and
of yellow mums.
Sylvester Janoski, Montrose, ser-
ved as best man and ushers were
Robert Arnold and Burt Everett.
A reception followed at Irem
Temple Country Club after whicl
the couple left on a honeymoon to
the Smoky Mountains.
They are residing at Montros
i R.D.2.
The bride is a graduate of West-
vorstond High School and Wilkes-
Barre Business College. Mr. Small
graduated from Montrose Consoli- |
Their swing bouquets were’
5 |
dated Schools and operates a dairy |
The bride ‘was feted ‘at a number
of pre-nuptial showers .given by thet
staff of Aldino’s Manor, Carol Ar-
nold, by her bridesmaids at trem]
Temple Country Club and Ellen
Daniels at the D. A. R. Building in
‘West Pittston.
ise Newcomb
Surprise Party
A surprise birthday party was
‘ecently held for Louise Carol New-
jomb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
>d Newcomb, School Street,
Jhavertown, at the home of ‘Mrs.
{enneth Raphael, Franklin Street,
Jhavertown, to celebrate her sixth
Color TV was enjoyed following
ce cream and cake. .
Those present were Mr, and Mrs.
Ken Raphael, Nancy Fink, Ronnie
Fink, Dale Major, Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Newcomb, Clarence, Susan, Donna
and the guest of honor.
Kevin Lynn Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Butler, Noxen,
RD 1, announce the birth of a nine
pound, thirteen ounce son, Kevin
Lynn, January 21, at General Hos-
pital. There are three other sons,
Dale, Kenneth and David. Mrs.
Butler is the former Virginia Patton,
Noxen. Mr. Butler is employed as
a machinist with Kanarr Corp.
McDougalls Have Son
A seven pound, eight ounce son,
Thomas Allan, was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Carl McDougall, Harveys Lake,
RD 1, January 21, at General Hos-
pital. There is ‘also a brother,
James, nineteen months. Mrs. Mec-
Dougall is the former Carole Shard,
Swoyerville. Mr. McDougall is em-
ployed by the state.
Marsha Lynne Crook
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crook, Stan-
hope. N.J., announce the birth of a
daughter, Marsha Lynne, weighing
seven pound, three and a half
ounces on January 29.
This is their second child, the
first being a son, William, aged two.
Mother is the former Mary Lou
ton, Lehman. Mr. Crook is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. William Crook,
Edward Perry Coolbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. George Coolbaugh,
Dallas RD 3, announce the birth of
a four pound, one and a half ounce
Elston, daughter of Mrs. Alice Els-
To Be Honored
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Marks, Le-
hman, will = entertain 40 guests
Friday evening at Lehman Fire Hall
in honor of their niece, Miss Audrey
Hunt, who will celebrate her 16th
birthday on February 8.
Valentine Charms
earrings ~
son, Edward Perry, January 21 at
Wyoming Valley Hospital.
Williams, Wilkes-Barre.
to illness, EA
The couple will live in Dallas.
with Sullivan Trail.
are five children, Arthur, Robert,
Mary Jo, Nancy and Perry Alan.
Mrs. Coolbaugh is the former Betty
Mr. Cool-
‘baugh - is a tractor trailer driver
63 South Main St.,
Mr. and Mrs.
Huntsville, celebrated
wedding anniversary
February 2.
They were married in St. Peter
and Paul’s Church, Wilkes-Barre by
the late Rev. John Kutzky. Atten-
dants were Miss Helen Wasnick,
sister of the bride, and Joseph Cap-
itola, cousin of the groom.
Mrs. Kozemchak is the former
Ann Wasnick, daughter of Mrs. Lil-
lian Wasnick and the late Will’'am
Wasnick Wilkes-Barre. Mr. Koz-
emchak is son of Mrs. Rose
Kozemchak, Qverbrook Avenue, and
the late Roman Xozemchak.
The couple moved to their present
home- 24 vears ago, purchasing the
former Wallo property. - Over the
James Kozemchak,
their 24t
on Tuesday,
Christine Blizzard
Hostess To Friends
Mi=s Christine Blizzard entertain- |
ed the ing friends at a party |
at her he yme on Monday evening.
were played and refresh- |
ments serv ed to the following: Mrs.
Russell Traver, Mrs. Warren Hatha-
way. Mrs. Francis Thompson, Mrs. |
William Belles, Mrs. Raymond Kelly,
Mrs. William Evans, Mrs. Arthur
Blizzard, Mrs. William Munkatchy, I
Mrs. William Engelman, Sharon |
nd Sheila, Linda Evans, Marie Bliz-
zard, Mrs. Clayton Keiper, Dorothy |
Keiper, Mrs. Lee Mentser, Mrs. |
Gabriel! Kalmar, Mrs. Warren Mon- |
tross, Nancy Thompson and Mes.)
Pat Costanzo. |
Dallas Lions To Hear
Probation Officer
Dallas Lion’s Club will meet Toes.)
day evening, February 9 at the |
Brothers Four Cocktail Lounge at
I pm,
Louis Shupnik, Probation Officer
retired |
for Luzerne County and
Lieutenant of the State Police, will |
be guest speaker.
By |
Many New
ready now |
or :
To Suit |
for Valentine’s Day that she will love forever.
Palpitating with sentiment, they will please a
favorite pin-up - or charm a charm collector.
We have a complete selection of Solid Gold and Sterling Silver,
also heart shape diamond rings—
colored swone rings — brooches — braclets — necklaces and
. see our window displays.
Payments may be arranged
STORE HOURS 10:00 to 5:25 — THURS. 10:00 to 8:45
‘Mrs Cairns Opens
New Coffee Shop
Mrs, Madeline Cairns, former pro-
prietor Cairng Store, formerly
Gregory's on Carverton Road, has
moved to her new place of business
on Memorial Highway, Shavertown.
Mrs. Cairns who
cook has opened a coffee
years they have added many im- ol
Dee to make it a delightful
Mrs. Kozemchak is devoted to her
home and family and has gained
quite a reputation as an excellant
is an excellent
shop next
eonk and baker. Her hushanid. who 30 Males Garage end is serving
zer.- Ii \3DanNad, who
has been employed by American from 7 am. io 5pm. each day,
Chain and Cable for many vears, | €¥¢ept Sundays.
is also a well known pho*ogranh-r, Featured on her menu will be
whose charming scenes throughout |
And Notes Of Personal Interest
‘Mr. And Mrs. James Kozemchak
Mark 24th Annive rsary Feb. 2
Brett Edward Raspen
Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Raspen, R.
D. 1, Hunlock’s Creek, announce
the birth of a seven pound, 13 ounce
son, Brett Edward, on January 24.
Mrs. Raspen is the former Gladys
McDermott, Oak Hill. The new
baby is their first child.
homemade spec’zlities and Mrs.
Cairns reports no substitutes used.
“My food will be exactly as I would
make it for my family,” reports the
newest Shavertowh proprietor.
the years have decorated the pages |
of this paper.
There are three children. Mrs. | ZA bd
Elaine Roberts, Horsham Pa. a fiat Tawi
teacher; James, Jr., attend'ns
Wilkes College. and David, a student | LOCAT
at Dallas Senior High School.
A family dinner was held at the
home on Sunday.
‘To Hold Banquet
Annual Banquet of Kunkle Fire |
Company will be held at Twin Lakes |
on February 20. Serving will be- |
gin at 7 p.m.
Reservations may be made with |
Fred Dodson, Warren Johnson, |
| Russell Transue, Jr., or William |
Open 7 to 5
Serving Breakfast and Lunch
Delicious Homemade Soups and Pie!
| Brace. |
... now going on! the
...more than 70% of
original low prices!
discover how little it costs to give your home an
. . ‘Drexel’ . . . ‘Heritage’ . ‘Thomasville’
. ‘Lee’s’—and many, many others!
French and Italian Provincial,
room suites, livingroom and dining room furniture . .
carpeting and accessories—everything imaginable for the
opportunity to furnish your home with the very best —
‘certified’ savings ever offered!
"TIL 8:30 P. M. !
mid-winter clearance ever held in
the history of Town and Country!
$500,000 Stock of America’s finest
name furniture, carpeting, bedding
and accessories— now impressively
reducad 10% to 40% off the
Our five huge floors are teeming with ‘certified’ savings on such famous names as
Choose from Early American,
Contempo ry and Modern stylings . .
. dinettes, sofas, chairs,
expensive, quality look!
Cushman”. . .
. there are bed-
home. Don’t miss this
at the most impressive
253-257 S. MAIN ST.,