went of this munity r, wife, ate Al- shes to sted in Ss”. by forward in the aughter 1er par t week, led ‘to Jougalls 1e Gene olonged le Blue incaster at the » Victor r home Sunday d with Ir. and Te rned to a three se ‘near EE ee mE DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA MT. ZION The annual Mt. Zion venison and roast beef supper came on one of the worst nights of the year so far as weather is mentioned. It was last Saturday night. What a time getting enough crystallized water taken off the windshield and rear window to be able to drive! People tell me I should put a piece of card- board under the windshield wiper MOUNT ZION the gang to subscribe for the Dal- las Post and see their names in the paper next week!): Leon Emanuel, William J. Bell, John Lewis, Ben Daniels, Howard Perry, Wlliam Hughes, Bob Krum, Mark L. Eby, W. I. Hawkins, Harold J. Harris, Jim Sweitzer, Roland Sweitzer, David A. Perry Jr., Jerry McDonald, William Alling, M. B. Mostoller, G. Wesley Lewis, Nelson Y. Lewis, Roy W. Thomas, Richard E. King. Thomas W. Earl, Edward H. Miles, Elwood Lord, Richard Dymond, El- wood Gross, Willard Smith, Richard Lewis, C. Marcy, Alden Earl, Thom- as Miles and Ira Kivler of Nutlev, N. J. David Burgess, Ralph F. Swan, Gerald Shaffer, Thomas C. Lloyd, Cornelius Hastie, Walter Renosky. Theron Lamoreaux, Alex Smith. Larry Smith. Ralph Scull, Tim Earl. Larrv Earl, Rav Earl, Rilly Miles, Mark Yanchunas, blades. But it ig too late for that after they are already frozen over. In spite of all that there were 54 mez at that supper. Of course 748 y Lloyd was there — in a wheel chair. He even had shoes on! Not for walking or standing, that will come later. But to make his feet more comfortable on the step of the wheel chair. You could tell that everyone was tickled pink to have him there. by such en- dearmentg as, “Well look what the cat brought in!” He seemed happy | Wayne Seal, Maleolm Harris, Wav.) to be there, too, and in his own words expressed his gratitude for all the kindnesses shown him dur- ing the worst part of his invalidism. Such kindnesses could not have been shown to a nicer guy. Well, about this supper and busi- ness meeting following. The sunper was smackingly good. I don’t know who made the brown gravy, shot the deer, nor roasted both meats. It was done as Mt. Zion people know how—up brown. Jerry Shaf- fer was elected president, Harold Harris vice-president, John Lewis, secretary, and Robert Krum treas- urer. Class teacher Nelson Lewis in welcoming everybody commented on the fact that wheras this venscn- cow supper was officially handled by the young men’s Sunday School | class it has broadened its base and glaglly welcomes men from all arctnd whether in the Sunday School or not. In passing I could comment that the few times I've walled through the kitchen class rcee¥ing room it always has seemed stimulatingly interesting. It is not a lecture course offered by Nelson Lewis! It is diversified opinions from both sides of whatever fence can be temporarily erected for the purpose. Those present were: (and T toid [mon Smith, Russell T.ewis, Rev. | Cecil I. Allmon. Rev. William Reid, | Rev. Charles Gilbert. BITS OF COMMENT “leading tablet detergent” ‘f you please. He hadn't been brain- washed by the man dropping down from the sky to tell what to buy. So he had to go back and do it over! I asked Roy W. Thomas how his father was. He's home from the hospital but didn't come out to the supper for fear he might be tempted to eat-something too good to be good. He would've and so he stayed home. But we are all giad he’s better. We did hesr that Jimmy McDonald was in the hos- pital and had an overation. His son Jerry represented him at the sup- per. Jerry is a lad of nromise, quiet and loyal. Ed Miles was ini‘roducing his cousin Thomas Miles and snn-in-. aw, Ira Kivler who were up from | Nutley, New Jersey. Thomas Miles |is the one who hought the place | we used to have next to Ed Miles. | He already has the frame of his | dwelling erected and is dning some l electrical work. He uses +he former voultry house as a» workshon at Leon Emanuel told me how when | nvecent. His new house iz being he takes the family for a ride | bnilt to hove a nicture window fons sometimes, and Grandma - Luce | the geenic Bald Mountain that (from my church in West Pittston) | Catherine used to paint. Thomas Miles’ wife is auite a hand with flowers, especially African sn he’s going tn make ‘a vlace for rides ‘along, the Emanuel children want her to retell the story she heard the minister tell down at her church in West Pittston. Then |them in his building plans. 4 when she tells it they want her to| In the time for introducing tell it again! You know it is one| guests, Cornelius Hastie presented thing to tell a child a storv once. but when you re-tell it woe be unto von if ven don’t eet it the same the second time over! his neighbor Walter Reposky. And someone else presented the Rev. Cecil Allmon, pastor of the Church of Christ down in Harding. violets,’ And I told Roland Sweitzer (he says I married him and her 27 years ago!) that my family wanted me to tell him to be sure +o grow ancther Christmas tree exactly lke the one we bought of him this re- cent Christmas. It just fit the room, the trimmings, the gifts, and didn’t start raining needles! Ben Daniels came around grinning his pleasure at my recent explosion on detergent commercials. He said that Lucy sent him to town for “soap powder” and he didn’t bether | to check to see what the laboratory had come out with, so home he When I have been passing Dick Lewis’ barn while walking the dog I've been hearing the breakfast calls of young calves. So 1 asked Dick how many had been born. He said 17 or 18 since last October but he wasn’t keeping many. Hz had five heifers in a special lot along the highway last summer and now they are a part of the producing herd. He tells me the silo with the fringe on top of plastic covering is now used up. There's another silo right behind that. Seems good to have a farm or two yet in our lovely rural territory to give the air a bit of familiar pungency. 3 {came with a detergent tablet, the N OXEN Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Narsavage, Kingston, were guests at the Wil- liam Munkatchys on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Updahl and son of Williamsport are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Phoce- nix, for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Boone and .- of Eyersville, visited Mrs. liam Engelman, on Sunday. r. and Mrs. David Coole, Deb- bi 1d Vicky, Spencerville, N. Y., spent Saturday at the home of his parents, the Fred Cooles. Carl Hackling brought down a bob cat, weighing about twenty five pounds, near the Noxen tan- nery, on Wednesday. : Mr. and Mrs. Pat Costanzo, Paul Jeffrey and Pattilynn, Dunmore, spent the weekend at the William Munkatchy home. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Barry Engelman and family, Waverly, N. Y., spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. William Engelman. Ralph Space returned from Gen- eral Hospital, on Monday. He is at the home of his daughter Mrs. Charles Weaver. this area: Miss Mariel Lutes, Mrs. Charles Womer, and Mrs. Raymond Gunton. Mrs. Harry Ney and Mrs. Doro- Thursday. Kern Dibble, Meshoppen. tend at the Patients in General Hospital from | stay with the Vilasis. Dawn Mulligan spent the week- home of her friend, Roberta Gay, Noxen, R.D. A family get-together was held thy Eveland, Tunkhannock, called | at the Albert Ruff home today in on Mr. and Mrs. Richard Traver, on honor of Albert's birthday. | Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miner spent | Mildred Jane, Ricky, Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Roger, Noxen and Mr. | Byron Cook and family. Beaumont. Pres- ent were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Case, Loren and and Mrs. " Carl Siglin Jr. spent the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Harry Layaou and | : | : family, of Mehoopany, visited the | With his brother Roy Swingle and William Crossmans, on Sunday. family, Orange. Mrs. Harry Freeman enteriainedi Ronald Swingle entertained his at a party at her home on Saturday | Sunday school class at a skating evening. Present were: Mrs. Jack | party and Wigner Joast.on Hodnes Winters, Mrs. William Munkatchy, | day night at the pond at the home Mrs. James Sanderson, Mrs. Robert | of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swingle. Those Crispell, Mrs. Jerry Traver, Mys, | Present were: Karen and Kathy Harvey Patton, Mrs. Guy Fritz, | Hathaway, David and Diane Johns. Miss Betty Kovolick and Chester | Patty Traver, Chester, John and Crispell. Mr. ‘and Mrs. Jeddier MacMillan and son John spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vilasi daughter Joan MacMillan returned home with them after a month's Visneski, Robert Bennett, and Cart} Nancy Smith, Thelma Sue Engel- man, Charles and Alan Siglin, Con- nie Sue and Donnalee Murphy, Carl Leroy Weaver, Richard Engel- man, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Weaver and family at Binghamton. Their | 97 Mrs. Thelma Siglin, Mr, and | Mrs. Ronald Swingle. A fashion show was held at the x AS HS Cay . “- ¥ Bea wad TEN 3 Ea + Bar 2 Tor 2 Ra seep, Se ST AL cnr Cu] “POSTIE" Says: Save SEY MALE TRS Tp vy mn ep a Se Tar 2 Fy 3 2 PAYS BE ni Rd 5 3 ant 4 C ev 4 z et rte dy 05.050 1 8 RAGA AE RR UR EN Time, Money, Worry with an... OIL BURNER SERVICE CONTRACT ONLY AVAILABLE THROUGH J.B. POST CO. ~ 10-MONTH FUEL OIL BUDGET PLAN J.B.POST CO. 66 Oxford Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Phone 825-3401 or Dallas 674-7781 Re ST AON SETH ain Sh Pa DAA PE Lhd Em “ne Sa Dia ERE % %, oak wat 4% NOR RIES 2 RR SOAS SY | | Jackson Twp. Jackson Township Supervisors held a re-organization meeting Jan- uary 4, and elected the following officers for the year: Elmer Laskow- ski, president; Wesley Lamoreaux, vice president; Harold Bertram, road foreman; Edward Jeffery, sec- retary-treasurer, and Jonathan C. Valentine, solicitor. Mr. and Mrs. Hinnegan, Carol ‘THR DALLAS POST, MHURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1965 SHAVERTOWN No matter what you do there is brated her 92nd anniversary last someone to criticize. We have our week. How gracefully Mrs. Ander- traffic lights to make the intersec- son approaches a century of good tion safer, and as I said last week living. She holds the admiration | the East-West timing will be set up. of all. : | | Now out of town residents are| Sorry I missed the birth of little complaining that they have to wait. Lawrence McClure, Jr. Connie tells {Are we all in such a hurry these me their first son was born on I days that there is no concern for November 21, just four days before | the other fellow? | his Daddy's birthday. Proud as | There was a big hue and cry Punch of the new arrival are his i weekend. and Dianne, of Norristown, are! spending a week visiting with Mrs. when a tragedy occurred and acci- Hinnegan’s aunt and uncle, Mr, and dents happened aplenty before the Mrs. Durland Splitt and Sandra of installation. The community is en- | Jackson. titled to protection for its citizens | | Congratulations to Ruth Tre-' and those who would barrel it right mayne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. through will have to learn to slow Arthur Tremayne, Chase Road, who down. received word January 16 that she Four have lost their lives since had passed the State Board exami- the new road was dedicated, and nation and has become a registered in each case it was the older | nurse. Miss Tremayne is a grad- citizenry. In the most recent sorry uate of Wyoming Valley School of accident, poor lighting may have Nursing and is at present doing Played a significant part, but it is General Duty in the Intensive Care not the fault of the supervisors, for Department of that hospital. I several meetings back a request Mrs. Clarence Elston has been Was placed with the light company confined to her home for the past t0 move the beam left standing at older sisters, week due to illness. men’s Association have elected the following officers for the year: John Krupa, president; Jeff Wagner, vice president; Dale. Wright, secretary; Henry Zbick, ‘treasurer and Carl Aston, fire chief. * All male citizens of the township 18 years and older are invited to join the Association, either as active members of the fire department or members. The Department for the past ‘several years has averaged ap- proximately eighteen calls per year, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hughes, of Chase Manor, had as dinner guests Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zweier, Mr. and Mrs. John Roskos, Mr. and Mrs. James Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ide, all “of Kingston. Billy Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gimble of Chase Manor, celebrated * his fifteenth birthday January 16 and was honored at a dinner. Billy, a student at Lake- Lehman High School, plays. guitar, and is at present taking lessons from instructor Jack Melton. WSCS of Huntsville Methodist Church will meet in the church par- lors on Thursday, February 11. The Two-Fold Class of that church will meet at the church on February 5. Auxiliary of Jackson Township Volunteer Firemen's Association has elected the following officers for the year: Millie Yanchik, president; Rose Klaiber, vice president; ‘Marion Holodick, secretary and Carol Mo- skaluk, “treasurer. Auxiliary @ will meet at the fire hall on February 10, and they extend an invitation to all women of the township to join. ; This correspondent will welcome any news items of interest from any resident of Jackson Township. Please call 696-1005. home of Mrs. Carl Siglin. Present were: Mrs. Chester Keiper, Mrs. Alan Wilson, Mrs. Guy Fritz, Mrs. Joseph Nalbone, Mrs. William Mun- katchy, Betty Kovolick, Pat Newell Sandra Swingle; Mrs. Bernard Mul- ligan, Mrs. Charles Engelman, Betty Weaver, Teresa Mulligan, Siglin and the hostess Mrs. Carl Siglin. Doris Calvin M. Keller, 88 Dies At General Resident of Shavertown for the past two years, Calvin M. Keller died Saturday morning, aged 88, in General Hospital, where he had been admitted January 16. Native of Parsons, he spent most of his life ‘in Ashley, operated a meat market. He was also employed at Luzerne County Court House for several years. Services were held Tuesday mor- ning from the Harold C. Snowdon Funeral Home in Kingston, Rev. Charles Bombov officiating. Burial was at Maple Hill. : Surviving are . daughters = Mrs. John Ichter, with whom he made his’ ‘home; Mrs. ‘Paul; Koons; New" Brunswick, N.J.; a son Donald, Ash- ville, N.C.; nine grandchildren, nine greatgrandchildren. His wife, the former Ellen John- son, died eight years ago. THE DALLAS POST OFFSET PRINTING Lowest Prices “a now non-existent turnoff. Jackson Township Volunteer Fire- | Joyce Sidorek coming home that same evening on a bus from Wilkes-Barre heard the driver cau- tion Mrs. Evans to be very careful when crossing this dangerous strip to get over to the Hillside entrance. A word of warning had also been given another elderly victim before she too met her death on the wide expanse at another location. as associate | The annual : Ambulance * meeting “at Trucksville Fire Hall on Sunday at 2 p.m., should find a good group attending. This is the time to offer Brenda and Becky. His mother is the former Connie Chapple, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chapple. ‘His father is sta- tioned at Newport, R. I., with the Navy. George Jacobs has been ill at his home with a persistently stubborn virus and unable to return to Am- rerst. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stroh left for | Michigan, Friday morning to at- tend funeral services for his sister, the late Madeline Stroh Beagle. On the way out they encountered eight inches of snowfall. Mrs. Beagle was well known in this area and our sincere sympathy is extended, to members of her family. 3 It was nice ‘to chat with Mrs. George Bednar, the former Frances Lenahan, who is home from Missouri with” her husband until training season starts again for him in the summer. William Eicke is a patient in Nes- bitt Hospital, mitted Saturday evening. It was nice to see Mrs. Frederic Eidam out on Sunday after having where he was ad- | been ill for several weeks. Word from Marjorie Davis who is enjoying a sojourn in Australia tells of the warm and lovely wea- ther there, just the opposite season i from ours. ; Clifford Parker returned home last weekend after being a patient in Nesbitt Hospital. We were certainly sorry to hear that Austin Line was admitted to the Veterans Hospital on Sunday HERE AND THERE morning and hope he will saon im- Mr. and’ Mrs. Robert Reid, Wyo- | prove - sufficiently to return home j ming, R.D. 3 have purchased and t, cur good little community. ‘moved into the former. Al Shafer home in Druid gl The Shafers. Mrs. John Ichter and Mrs. Janet 2g mow in San Francisco, 1 Beech in their recent bereavement. The gondition of Mrs, Mary Cap | Although we are having real ple continues about the same at the! winter, the youngsters have not home of her daughter, Mrs. R. B. beeh able. to ‘enjoy good sleighing praise or constructive criticism and the boys who go out on amazing short notice to bring help to your loved ones would appreciate your interest. Martin Porter will pre- side. | Mal Kitchen’s Boy Scouts will: ob- | serve Boy Scout Sunday on Febru- ary 7 and will take part in the serv- ‘ice in Shavertown Methodist Church that morning. Sincere. sympathy is extended to Hammond, Philadelphia. Mrs. Char- . les Howe has been staying there weather. The snowmen. are shrink- since her mother suffered a weak spell and Mrs. Edith Coslett also came up from Florida to be with her parent. : ing down far from their original form and thoughts are turning to | springtime when the baseball lots | call to the young sportsmen and | the barren ground blossoms with its first coat of green. It can not come too soon for many of us after this PAs 2 RE 288-1496 FREE PICK-U? AND DELIVERY MAIN PLANT and NARROWS SHOPPING CENTER BRANCH STORE Laundry & Dry Cleaning Luzerne-Dallas Highway SECTION B — PAGES New Patrol Leaders At a recent meeting of Girl Scout Troop 645, Gate of Heaven School, the following patrol leaders were elected, Kathleen Menapace, Maur- een Borto, Kathleen Zelasky, Lisa Schleich, Aine McDowell. SERVICE s ld Enterprise 1-0843 & Birgitta Vigborg who has been living in our community sinc early fall, will leave over the werl-~nd RE 4 for a short visit with Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Davies ‘at Tucson. Arizona. Upon her return. she will go to Trucksville to be the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Les Jordan. Jimmy Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Smith has returned heme after being a hospital pa- tient. Susan Kitchen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Kitchen will leave Monday to enter Ferrum Junior College in Virginia. Best of where he = with FLAMELESS ELECTRIC HEAT Harveys Lake Light Co. “Serving the Back Mountain Area Since 1922" CHURCH STREET, DALLAS - luck in your new endeavor, Susie. Marsha Sowden is spending the mid-semester recess at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gran- ville Sowden. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Yeust left Friday morning to attend the fun- i eral of her brother, Alfred Lamore- aux in Norfolk, Va. They returned home Tuesday. Our sincere sym-’ pathy goes out to Mrs. Yeust. Airman 2nd Class Stuart Stahl left for Wurtsmith Air Force Base, Michigan, on Monday after spend- ing several days at the home of "his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John: Stahl. Janet Crossen is busy these days with her new art classes for the ! children. ! ROUTE 29 R. Dining Qut? It's Only A Short Drive To Such Superb Food! GREENBRIAR LODGE TELEPHONE 639-5539 D. HARVEYS LAKE, PA. « Paul Coran - Maitre d' hotel Belated birthday greetings to] Mrs. Bertha Anderson, who cele- BUSINESS | ® Accounting | ® Real Estate | | { { | ® Marketing ® Mathematics CERTIFICATES ® Dusiness Management SPRING EVENING CLASSES START FEBRUARY 1 1 REGISTRATION: JANUARY 26, 27, AND 28 — 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. : PROGRAMS OFFERED ENGINEERING 3 ‘® Electronics ® Production Management ® Fundamentals of Design ® Machine and Tool Design @® Electrical Machinery ® Instrumentation and Control ‘® Technical Writing ===PENN STATE CONTINUING EDUCATION | : ~ For Additional Information and Catalog THE PENN STATE UNIVERSITY CENTER 669 N. Washington Street, Wilkes-Barre Phone 823-5112