The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, January 21, 1965, Image 7

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i &
= 0 0 Ss Ry
eat cacti cs
‘Steve: Kaschenbach,
i Betuidsy night at 7:30.
Lake-Lehman Cagers Score :
Victory Over Wyoming Sem.
. The Knights came home victori-
ous Wednesday night from a con-
test against Wyoming Seminary in
Sem’s gymnasium. The local cagers
featured five players with scores in
double figures.
Dallas Matmen
se To Coughlin
he Dallas varsity matmen met
a determined Coughlin team Satur-
day night in an exciting meet at
Coughlin High School. The contests
kept the fans on their feet, urging
their respective teams on to vic-
tory. Crusaders edged out the
Mountaineers, 30-24,
. After losing the first Yous with a
pin over John Lewis by Bartoletti
of Coughlin, the Mountaineers took
over the lead, winning all the
weights going, into the 138 “class.
By this time, Dallas had built up
a 24-5 lead but failed to win any
of remaining six matches, and
Coughlin took over the lead in the
180 class, 25-24. The Mounts’ Bob
Voelker led Chulada until the third
period in the unlimited bout, when
Coughlin’s man tied up the score
4-4, and with 45 seconds to go,
pinned Voelker and the Moun-
taineers' went down for a first loss
of the ‘season. Coughlin is now tied
with Kingston, two wins each.
Four of Dallas’ grapplers won by
pinning ‘their: opponents. Lee Isaac,
(103). pinned Straub, 2:46; Ander-
son (112) pinned Wintermute, 3:03;
(120) pinned’
Ln 28 sec; Tom Finn (127)
pitned Harkenreader, 3:10; Reese
Finn, (133) dec. R. Everott, 6-2.
, Walt Prokopchak, (138) lost dec.
Logue W. Everett, 12-5; Dick
'povich, (145) pinned by Kova
lick, 4:55; Carl Zimmerman, (154)
lost “dec. ‘to Lazarski, 9-2; Yarnel
(165) pinned by Herman 5 37; and
Higgs lost dec. to Koval, 5-1.
Dallas’ will. play host to GAR
The outcome of the game was
Lake-Lehman 67, Seminary 52.
The Knights led all the way, with
Sem trailing at the half; 28 to 33.
Sponseller topped scoring with 17
points; Jones had 13, Kunkle 12,
Whitesell 11, and Kern 10. Ells
worth scored 4.
Leading scorer for Semis was Bon-
ner with 17 .and Wilbur 10,
Lake-Lehman made 13 out of 22
fouls tried and Sem scored 12 out
of 22.
Big Game Exhibit
Special At Sports Show
The Pennsylvania Sports and Out-
door Show opens in Harrisburg at
the Farm Show Building on Feb-
ruary 8 for a six day run. The
show has expanded the North
American Big Game Exhibit. All
scoring for the trophy display will
be done according to the official
Boone and Crockett system.
Anyone may enter and. no entry
fee is required. Write to the show
office at 1718 North Second Street,
Harrisburg, and and entry blank
will be forwarded.
The following big game trophies
may be used for exhibit and com-
petition: Whitetail, Mule, and Black-
tail Deer, Caribou, Moose, Sheep,
Goat, Antelope, Bear, Cougar and
Jaguar. Awards will be given for
first and second place where there
are four or more entries. ‘There will
be two classes for Whitetail Deer,
one for deer taken in Pennsylvania
and one for deer taken outside the
state. i
Dallas Senior High varsity basket-.
ball team journeyed to Swoyersville
| Dallas I.V's
| Hilber,
Score Victory
Dallas Junior Varsity wrestlers
scored a 19-9 victory over Cough-
lin Saturday night as the two teams
met at Coughlin High ‘School.
Lewis Isaac (112) and Conrad
Gonzalas (h wt.) earned 10 points
for Dallas when they each pinned
their men, Isaac in second period
over Dominick and Gonzalas over
‘Giza in third.
Rusty Williams (D) decision over
4-2, in 103 class; Larry
Richards, (133) dec. Coughlin’s
White, 7-0 and Harry Cooper, Dal-
las, dec. Joyce, 7-0, 145 pounds.
Maxwell, Dallas, (120) lost dec.
to Spagnola, 4-2; Petrillo, (C), dec.
Mathers (133), 7-0; Skrepenack
(C) dec. Doug LaBar (145), 4-0.
Knights Lose First Game;
Swoyersville Win, 82-42
Lake-Lehman Knights went down
for its first loss Friday night when
a fired-up Swoyersville five defeated
them, 82-42. The ‘Sailors took home
their third consecutive victory and
moved into the lead by one game.
Sponseller was the top scorer for
the Lake-Lehman cagers with 18
points. Kunkle chalked up 10 and
Kern, 9. They made 10 out of 32
fouls tried.
At no time did the Knights have
the lead, falling behind in the first
quarter, 21-4 and finishing the half,
47-12. They - gained a little more,
steam. in the second half, making
12 baskets to the Sailors’ 20 -in
the third quarter and outscoring
them, 18-15 in the final period.
_Holop with 19, Domant 17 and
Poostary with 15 led Swoyersville’s
scoring. They made 16 out of 23
fouls tried. j
Lake-Lehman will travel to West
Wyoming tomorrow night. =:
Tuesday to meet the undefeated "+: :
Sailors. They will go to Crestwood
tomorrow night for a contest against
Crestwood and will be. back home
next Tuesday to greet Wilkes-Barre
Lake-Lehman will visit - Ashley-
Sugar Notch tomorrow night.
Power train warranted for 2.years or 24,000 miles. |.
: Nothing sticks to winter-slick surfaces like ~~~ 1’
an i iceboat. Or a Saab: front-wheel drive, up-front engine give 4
w- plow traction when the going gets rough or slick .
: Seay stability i in gusty winds. Just try giving a Saab the slips
ie 5 the longer, lovelier, livelier SAAB.
D. MEEKER, Prop.
..rock= 1
iat $ $1985
7 0. e. Ww. Ww. tires extrk,
| interest,
1 dyke,
[issues a cordial invitation to any
| games.
Advance In Industry And Business
' -Eighteen adults are registered in
the two ski classes being offered by
‘the Back Mountain Branch YMCA
at .the new Harvey's Lake Ski
Slope. .. Two more classes, will be
offered on Saturday afternoon —
one for adults and one for children.
The current classes meet on Satur-
‘day morning from 10:00-12:00 for
three sessions.
Ten boys attended = the Junior
High Splash: Party at the Central
YMCA from the Back Mountain
YMCA on Friday, January 15. The
swims - are ' held every first and
third Friday from: 8:00 to 10:00 p.m.
The. Girls’ Gymnastics Class di-
rected by Bill Baker, program as-
sistant, had an exciting morning of
exereises, relays and games, on
Saturday, January 16.. Later, in
thé program, the girls made clothes
fot Barbie Dolls, directed by Mus.
Richard Sheldon. All grade school
girls are invited to join this class
every ‘Saturday morning at 10:00.
For information about any. of
these programs, please call the Back
Mountain YMCA at 674-6901.
.The Archery Class now has a
total ‘registration of 14 boys, which
is the maximum. Another class
will be started if there is sufficient
: The class meets every
Thursday, 5-6 p.m, ' George Slinzer,
State Archery Champion, is the in-
A state meet will be held at the
Lancaster: YMCA in the early
spring. A team will be picked to
represent the Back Mt. YMCA.
The Retired Men's Club had 14
members attending = its weekly
meeting; at the Back Mt. YMCA on ! Buynak, Yankoski : Ste dry. D. Bol. |
Wednesday, January 13. Lee Up-
newly installed president,
retired men in the area to join.
The group meets every Wednes-
day at noon, for fellowship and
For further
674-6901 or Mr. Updyke.
| Sportsmen's.
information, |
i please call the Back Mt. YMCA at
Community Service
Dick Demmy led the scoring
Monday night when he spilled
203 pins in a single game and
rolled 5374 series for Orchard
Farm. His team took all 4 from
Besecker Real Estate.
Ambrose took honors for top
single game, however, when he scat-
tered 223 pins over lane 12 for
Guyette Communications as the
team split 2-2 with Boyd White.
Stanton T V took 3 from Ben Frank-
lin, :
George Shupp
Top scoring honors went to
Reese of Hill Top Inn as he pil-
ed up 221-199-213 games for a
big total of 633 pins as his team
took 3 from St. Therese’s.Team
mate Jim Traver tossed in a
220 (578) as the team took 3
from St. Therese’s. . Jack Trud-
nak scored.204 (586) and Kal-
afsky, 212 for = St. Therese’.
Suburban Dairy. took 4 from Mea-
de’s Garage with’ Kundrat leading
the way on 255 (604), Ben Kra-
jewski hitting 202, Bojarchek hitt-
ing 216 and Daylida rolling 211.
Hudak led the losers with 201 (568)
and Leo Yankoski hit 211.
Despite M. Shaw's 206-202 (591)
and - Steve .Bonomo's 560: series,
Cook’s - Excavating’ (first: half
champs). lost 3 to. Town House Rest-
aurant. Bob:Moore led the way for
Town House. with 201-222" (596)
with loads of help from Jim. Lohman
hitting 206 (572) and Andy. Matte
with ‘217 (563).
Kuehn’s Pharmacy took 4 froin
Sportsmen's Bar with Bonfig post-
ing. 227 (572). Kocher hit 201 for
‘Back Mt. Neighborhood Es .
Disque’s - Funeral - Home ‘team’ is
comparing itself to the .Yankees’
baseball team these days.’ The boys
figure . they're .tops!. Out of the
seven years ‘since the league was
organized, Disque’s has won five
championships. The team has been
in every: playoff. It lost the first
year to Hanson’s™ and ' the third
year, Payne Printery took total pins
in the playoff. This is a. champion-
ship team! And always on hand to
| cheer the boys. on, is “Dick Disque,
team sponsor.
- . Dodson’s- Market - featiived: top
scorer - last. week. when W.
Check piled up 630 pins includ-
ing 208-236 games. But Dod-
sen’s lost 4 to Robinson Ken-
nels as two bowlers chalked
up 600 series. Ted Henness
spilled 216-200-201 (617) and.
Hal Kocher, Jr. rolled 200-224
Havold Kocher led Bolton's
Dinner to a 4 point victory over
Stonehurst Cottages as he post-
ed 233 (593). Howard Hiedel
scored - 211- 202 (583).
Brothers 4 and Disque Funeral
met again after recently battling
it out'in playoffs. The teams split
2-2 with Joe Kravitz high for: the
Brothers on 214-203 (594) and Tony
"Bonomo ‘and "Fred Adams sharing
- honors for Disque’s.
Tony. hit 565
and Fred rolled 206 (561).
Henry's Jeweler with Code’s with
D. Brek hitting: 214 (577) for Hen-
with 224 (571) as the team took
4 from Payne Printery. . Phillips
Supply took 3 from Gordon's In-
surance. :
Games over 200 were posted by |
Pesek, Bonfig, Ide; Shupp, Zukoski, |
ton, Sr., Federici, Dodson, E. Heness. |
January 25 to. February 9.
an announced goal of 216 new
ie Avbounting ® Hlestronics
: = ® Production Management
9 Red Estate : ‘® Fundamentals of Design
® Business Management ® Machine and Tool Design
.® Marketing ® Electrical Machinery
® Mathematics ® Instrumentation and Control |
: “ "@ Technical Writing
For Additional Information and Catalog
{ship with 38 points.
‘C. Reese led Klass Motors |
It was opening night in the second
Enrollment is scheduled = from
Cam- |
paign manager is Earl Fritzges, with |
Ambitious and Dynamic People Who Are
| in Cultural,
Personal Growth Enhance The Stature
Of A Progressive Community.
half for the girls as they got to-
gether last Friday night. It start-
ed out with three teams taking 3
points from their opponents and
two splitting four.
Jean Agnew took top scoring
honors as she piled up 166-178
games and totalled 496 pins for
Delaney’s. Evelyn Kamont took
single game honors with a 184
for Goodman’s. Goodman’s
took 3 from Delaney’s.
Mac Tools took 3 from Elston’s
Dairy. Gloria Charnitski led Mac's
with 180 (460).
Marilyn Morris spilled 463 pins
for Joe's Men Shop but the team
lost 3 to Apex Auto Parts. O’Malia
Laundry and Garrity Realty split.
Games over 160 were posted by
Barbara Egliskis, Doris King, Ruth
Stair 2, Becky Casterline, Anne
Kardell, (Hi Annie) Flo Allabaugh,
Helen Bonomo, Ruth Bénriett, Doris
Amos, Carol Hadsel.
At the end of the second ak
Mac Tools is leading with 6 points
followed by Garrity and O’Malia
with 5 each.
The girls were down in their
scores Friday, with no one hitt-
ing over 460. Lillian Trudnak
piled up 207 pins in her third
game, taking honors for top
single. Liz Weale had one of
176. Next was Marilyn Morris
with 167.
Others with games in the 160’s
were Tooties Denmon 166, Terry
Morris 166, Helen Bonomo 160,
Gloria Charnitski 161, Jean Piech
160, Jean Miller 163, Theresa
Thompson 160, Jean Agnew 161.
Sunday Night Mixed
Twisters. took first half champion-
Gems were
second with 36. Next with Cripples,
Tangoes, Hoods and Hens.
Sherwood Wilson was tops
in Sunday night’s action as he
chalked un 192 (546) for the
Hoods and assisted by another
member of his gang, Marge
Milne hitting 165 (461), the
team took all 4 from Tangoes.
Leading the women’s scores
was Grace Wilson, hitting 181-
160 (464) for Tangoes.
Cripples took 3 from Twisters and
Hens took 3 from Gems.
Doris Maturi posted 161, and El-
eanor Moyer 166.
Terry Morton was the star of the
Thursday night girls’ league after
piling up 202 (498) for Monk
Plumbing and Heating.
Libby Cyphers of the same
team spilled 170-177 (491) and
they took 8 from Duke Issacs.
Betty Lu Risch led Whiting’s to
a 3 point win over Bolton's Dinner
as she piled up 178 (476); Ruth
Nygren hit 160 (462). '
Single game high were Marge
Hislop 169, Kay Kalafsky 179, Helen
Bolton 164, Ann Corbett 161.
Ladies’ Country
Mary Shook took league
honors ag she scattered 164-211
(520) pins over lane 18 and 14
for Meneguzzo’s setting the
pace for her team to take 8
from Joe’s Pizza. Team mate
Barbara Egliskis scored 190
(466). - Piling up pins against
| Meneguzzo’s were Ginger Gos-
| art hitting 170-160 (473) and
Arlene Hospodar with 201
Also posting series in the 500's
| | were Anita Pascavage for Forty-Fort
| Lumber and Helen Bonomo for Ber-
nie’ Pizza and Lila Lozo with 170-
| 180 (500) for Link’s Tavern. Anita
| chalked up 185-171 (512); Helen
{had 178-176 (510) and Lila rolled
170-180 (500).
Bernie's Pizza lost 3 to Forty-Fort
and Bocar Manufacturing took 3
from Link's.
Other girls scoring in the 400’s
were Flo Rosenberger 173 (468)
and Bev Evelyn Roberts 176-166
(472). Single games over 160 were
rolled by Mary Ann Considine,
Mona Dymond, Bev Roberts and
Eleanor Olenick.
Bocar is out in front with 9
points; Meneguzzo's have 8, Link's
6%, and Joe's 6.
St. Paul's Lutheran
With the second half well under-
way, the Long Horns and Tigers are
tied with 13 points each. Trojans
have 8 and Badgers and Mustangs,
7 each. Bull Dogs have 6 points and
Huskies ‘and Panthers, 5 ‘each.
Addy Ashalt took 2 from Don’s
Cities Service with Al Ciccarglli
leading way. on 257-2107(647).. Bob
Moore hit 202 (562): © Don -Purvin
led Don's with 206 (567). and ‘D.
Zimmerman posted a- 225 game.
Dallas Engineers lost 2 to
* Kaiers- Beer. ' Pete’ Hospodar
led ‘the. scoring with 218-202
. (588), - The Engineers took ‘2
from O’Connell’s as Jack Trud-
nak piled up 224-206 (592). and
‘Jim - Lohman - scored. 212-202
(5%0). Marty Panunti hit: 205.
‘C. Finarelli was high for 0’Con:
nell’s ‘with 201-202 (587) Roy
Stair rolled 201; : .
Addy Asphalt won-2 from Link’ s
Bar and Grill with Bob Moore sett-
ing the pace.. Bob toppled 203-214-
207 (624) for Addy’s. - Fréd Adams
had 220° (589) and” Leo Yankoski
had = 204.
with 224; Harold Bennett rolled 212
and H. Harris: chalked up 205;
Crown -.-Imperial - copped all :-3
points : from- Jimeals . Catering. "as
Evelyn. Roberts. took: honors with
184-194-212" (590). -~ Anita Pascav-
age rolled 174-195-188 (557); Rose
Novroski scored 169% 199-168" (536);
Ginger Gosart- toppled 185-2111 (528)
and Bernie Pape chalked -up 173-
169-163 505). The. girls totalled
2716 total ping ‘and rolled two
games of 942.
Kocher’s Boys were till out
in front with -41- points as the
first half ended last week. Con- -
- gratulations, - champs! - Steg-
maier Lads had 88 and Link's
Bar and Grill, 87. ;
Last week’s: honors went: to Ko:
cher’s Boys with 1028 (2854). Casey
Dimmick led the. boys’ with a 632
series and Bill Rittenhouse copped
high: single honors" with 245 (616).
Art ‘Blizzard. had 240; J... Seigal
(591). .C. Raklewicz had a 235.
Marie ' Ritts, was leading scorer for
the girls with, 214 (558); Eleanor
(519) and Helen Bonomo 201. (516):
Dallas Woman's Club bos
- Limeys took first half champion-
ship with 39, points. Aussies were
next with 35 and Swedes 34. ;
Yanks took team honors
~- with 568 and Finns had. 1607
total pins. Dot Huston and
Eleanor Mover shared honors
as Dot. hit: 182 ‘and ‘Eleanor. had 7
482. total pins.
Eleanor’s series included 179-162
for the Swedes. Theresa Graham
hit 173 and: Jeanne ‘Richards; 169.
Crown. Imperial Majors
As: the boys wound -up their secs
ond week of the second half, one
team ‘wag ‘out in ‘front, Dallas Shop-
ping Center, with7 points, after: tak
ing another 3 from Gosart’s Appl-
iances. Three: teams, Shavertown
Lumber; Michael's and Dallas Nur-
sery are tied with 5 ‘each.
There were four 600 series
chalked up with Bob Moore
way out in front when he
Spring Semester — 1965
Professional and
Accounting Hygiene
Biology Mathematics
Business Adm. Music
Economics Nursing Education
Education Philosophy
English Political Science
Geology Psychology
History Sociology
Languages (Spanish - Russian)
IN : :
Physics - Chemistry - Education
REGISTRATION: JAN. 21 - 22 - 25 NOON TO 3:00 P.M.
Catalogue and Information May Be Obtained
By MTelephoning 824-4651, or Writing To:
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
23 - 9 AM. TO NOON
Bill Weaver ‘led * Link’s | 1
‘| or ‘Rachel 'Coslett, 287-4218.
Olenick had 208; Ginger . Gosart |
day, saw the Badgers run roughshod |
over the Wolves by a score of 80- |
21. Ed Rome went wild in the sec- |
ond quarter for 20 points. This |
because the Wolves fell apart during |
the second quarter.
For the Wolves, no one could do |
anything — not even Russ Monte, |
their big man, who was held to 6
points. Scott Lefko played a good |
game, chipping in with 5 points.
In the final game of the night,
the Sooners won a close one from
the Kingsmen, 49-42. Kingsmen
held the lead until the last 30 sec- |
‘Action in the first game on Thurs- | onds,
crucial basket to break a 42-42 tie.
Back Mountain YMCA Begins
Basketball Games This Week
and Bob Griffith made a
A substitute — Donald Dennis, had
| 12 points, high man for the winners.
For the losers, Jim Balavage and
proved to be the margin of victory, | Kit Karuza were high scorers—
with 12 and 14 points respectively.
Ken Youngblood played a good
game, both offense and defense—
stealing the ball a number of times,
| and scoring 6 points.
Games this week:
Kingsmen vs. Wolves
Badgers vs. Sooners
Badgers vs. Kingsmen
Wolves vs. Sooners
Ashley - Sugar Notch handed the
Dallas Mountaineers their first de-
feat in the North League Friday |
evening at the local gym, 78-60.
Troiani and Gibloski put on an a- |
mazing exhibition of shooting for!
the Rockets. They accounted for |
67 points, hitting 27 goals in 54 |
shots while the Dallas team could |
not seem to put the ball in the |
- | basket, scoring ‘on only 23 of 87]
rather close shots.
Dallas seemed to be affected by |
‘| the cold wave warning, losing the |
| Herbert Downs was elected sub-
ball 27 times on faulty passes and
other miscues as compared to 3 mis-
takes in the previous game at West
Wyoming. :
Only Soran Roy Supulski was
able to keep Dallas on even terms
with ‘the. Rockets throughout the
Kingston High School
Class of 1950 Notice
:+The members of Kingston High
School class of 1950 are looking
for the following members: Nancy
Schutt, Ruth Williams, = Shirly
Swank, Madeline Yurkanin, Jane
Voight, ‘Mary Vivian, John Falkow-
ski, Robert ‘Genewski, Bruce Wil-
liams, * George ~Grobleski, William
‘Hart, and Ronald Williams. Anyone
knowing their whereabouts please
contact: Loretta Moran, 288-0423
There will be a meeting on Tues-
day evening Jan. 26 at O’Connells
Kingston House, 8:30. All class
members are invited to attend.
toppled ‘a big 646 for Birth’s
Esso, . Bob piled up games of
204-230-212. Al Ciccarelli spill-
ed 611 including 216-224 games
for West Side Novelty.
Michael's featured two with
Frank Michael's hitting 212-226
(605) and Steve Bonomo post-
ing 221-204 (604).
Also turning in big series were |
Pete: Hospodar with 229 (599) for
Monk Plumbing and Joe Merc with
222 (595) for Shopping Center.
Others chalking up series over
560 « were G. Thompson 203-221
(374), T. Henness 206 (578), Jack,
Trudnak 201 (567), Frank Kundrat
203 (572), Amby Vida 233 (584),
Mike Rudick (586), and Dan Gula
205 (570).
Going on ‘record with 200 games
were Wendell, Federicci, ‘Whiting,
Klass, Harris, T. Bonomo, Lozo,
Richards, Lohman, Matte.
Rockets Blast Mountaineers; !
Dallas Boys Suffer First Loss
second half ag he connected for 21
points in the third and fourth per-
iods, hitting 10 goals in 20 tries.
In the preliminary game; the
junior varsity squad of 20 sopho-
mores won a thriller in the closing
seconds; 40-38, to continue unbeat-
en in the North League.
Dairymen Meet
At a recent meeting of the Beau-
mont local Dairyman’s League held
at Walter's Restaurant, Beaumont,
district director. Also elected to
office were James DeRemer, Will-
iam Lapasky, Robert Grey and
Sheldon Mosier as directors.
Robert Grey was elected delegate
to the annual meeting with Lorraine
Grey as associate delegate.
i A directors meeting will be held
at ‘the home of Clarence and Robert
Grey on January 16 at 7 P.M.
THE “e=
“Weather-matic” deliveries
give you the security of a
constant, adequate fuel re-
serve. Call us today!
‘Home Fuel Co.
324 Dennison St.
Phone - 287-1117
Jan. 31
Only 10D
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What You Can Do, To-day”
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ays Left!
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Phone 823 51 12