The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, January 21, 1965, Image 5

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Mrs. Gertrude Lindsley, Gerry
Homes, N.Y. is visiting her daught-
er and son in law, Rev. and Mrs.
Herbert Olver, Dallas. She is 8
years of age. Her husband, the
late A. K. Lindsley was pastor o.
Dallas Free Methodist Church anc
igatrict Superintendent for 5 num
; of years.
Mr. and Mrs. James Waters
James, Richard and Betsy, Stat.
College and Mr. William Waters
Ford City, recently visited Mr. ant
Mrs. Dan Waters, Huntsville Street
Mrs. Gershom Hoyt, Roushey Plot.
has been on the sick list since Oct
ober and is still under her physi
cian’s care. Her friends are wish
ing her a speedy recorvery. :
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roese, Frank
lin and Betsy Sue, Strongville, O.
visited their respective parents
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ide, Idetown
“and other relatives and friends i
the area.
Mr. and Mrs. William Whipp an:
children, Peggy and Billy, York
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs
Ernest Whipp on Sunday.
Lee Roese, Sweet Valley, has re
turned home, after ‘spnding the
holidays with her sister and family
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cowart, an<
children at Jacksonville, Florida.
Mrs. Calvin Crane, 36 Meadow-
crest, entertained at her home or
Wednesday night Mesdames Mar-
jorie Stevenson, Lynn Reese, Jear
~ Carey, Ann Schoell, Frances Shook
Marie Rudicks, and June Plummer
.® and Mrs. Gilbert Shook and
family, Kingston, have moved to 37
; ly. King, daughter of Mr. and
. Ernest King, Huntsville-Cease-
town Road, has returned home from
Nesbitt Hospital where she under-
Neighborhood News And Notes Of Persona
Classes of Back Mountain YWCA children.
Schilling, Mrs. Robert Soeder, Mrs.
Back Mt. YMCA Homemakers Holiday Classes Prepare For Open House : |
Next session of classes will begin
Homemakers Holiday complete their |
projects before the end of this ses-
sion’s instruction.
An Open House is planned for
Tuesday morning, January 26 at
Shavertown Methodist Church soc-
ial rooms, beginning at 10 when a
Coffee Klatch will be held and class
displays will be shown. A regis-
tration booth wil be set up and a|
playroom available for pre school
Mrs. Arthur Hontz, of Pioneer
Avenue, will give a working demo-
stration of Tri Khem Liquid Em-
broidery, a fascinating new craft.
Since the Open House will con-!
there will be no
in the afternoon
tinue until 12,
working session
on this date.
Pictured in the above scene are
seated left to right: Mrs. William
Bar Association
Invitations have been issued by |
Luzerne County Association of |
Dinner Dance
Mrs. Joseph Reynolds 3rd, of
Trucksville, is general chairman.
George Thomas, Mrs. Leonard Cow- Tuesday, February 2 from 10 to 12
Mrs. Joseph Reynolds To Head
ett, Mrs. Lewis Anesi, Mrs. August
Walters, Mrs. Leonard Adamshick,
Mrs. John Michaels, Mrs. Frank
Standing, Mrs. George Tatters-
field, Mrs. Joseph Brennan, Mrs.
Donald Johns, Mrs. Harry Daven-
port, Mrs. Carl Hontz, Mrs. Hans
Dreher, Mrs. Sanford Kellogg, Mrs.
Leon Emmanuel.
Kathryn Leslie Evans
| ton, Kentucky, announce the birth |
| of a daughter, Kathryn Leslie on |
January 7 at St. Joseph's Maternity
and will feature the following cour-
ses; Sewing, Millinery, Easter Dec-
crat'ons, Bridge, Knitting, Art, Slip |
Cover Making, Slimnastics, Pierced |
Paper Lamp Shades, Paper Mache |
Sculpturing, Party Cooking. etre)
tion will continue for eight weeks |
and a nursery school will be pro- |
Little Lori Lutsey
Has Birthday Party
Lori Lutsey, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Lutsey, Main Street,
Dallas, observed her 3rd birthday
anniversary with a party or Satur-
Decorations were in pink and
white with a large cake embossed
with flowers and the celebrants
Present: Edward Jewell, Carl Stan
ton, Melanie Morris, Sharon Morris
and Leza Cochrane.
Also in attendance were Mr:
Robert Jewell, Mrs. Warren Sta:
ton, Mrs. David Morris, Mrs. Wi
liam Morris, Mrs. David Cochran:
and the guest of honor’'s parents
‘hristopher Hall Heads
{7H Honor Societ
Christopher Hall, son of Mr. a
Mrs. Theodore Hall, Pittsfield, Mass.,
and a 9th grader at Pittsfield Junior
High School was elected presiden
of the North Junior Honor Society
The N. J. H. Chapter was in
itiated last year and is open to 9th
graders who maintain a B or better
average in all five major subjec’:
The group meets twice a
discuss ways of improving
Christopher is the grandson of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hall, Shaver-
town, and Wilbur G. Nichols, Truck-
At Geisinger
Paul Daily, Shavertown, entered
| Geisinger Medical Center for tests
| on Tuesday.
| Dr. and Mrs. Carl Evans, Lexing- | Va nce B. Dwye r. Shavertown
Weds Miss Linda Augustine
| The little one joins two brothers, | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Augus-
| Miss Linda J. Augustine, daugh-|the ceremony. ‘
Mrs. Martin Boyle, sister of the
Receives Degree
Miss Janet L. Fielding
Janet Lucinda Fielding, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Fielding, Sutt-
on Road, R.D. 5, Shavertown, was
one of ninety-five candidates for
degrees in the mid-year commen-
cement at Kutztown State College
The degree of Bacheler of Scien
in Education with a major in L.s
ary Science was granted her at ex-
ercises held on January 17 in the
college auditorium.
Janet did her student teach n
during the fall semester at Sout
Mountain Junior High School, Al-
lentown, Fleetwood Junior-Senior
| High School, Fleetwood, and as ro-
{ tating librarian at four Allentown
| elementary schools. She has accep
ted a position with the Montrose
Consolidated Schools as elementary
| school librarian where she will as-
| sume her duties on January 22.
| While a student. at Kutztown
| Janet was a member of the Student
| Pennsylvania State Education Asso-
| ciation, vice-president of the Met™
| odist Student Movement, and tre-
| asurer of the ‘Alpha Beta Alpha
National Undergraduate -Library
Fraternity. During’ the past sum-
mer she was one of three student
ts from went a tonsillectomy last week
member Sally got home on Saturday just
an Dis- in time to help celebrate her sis-
: { ter Barbara’s 10th birthday.
of City | Merrill Faegenburg, Applewood
oyed by | Manor and Edwin Thompson, Per-
or Shop rin Avenue, spent several days in
PA New York City last week where
planned. . they attended the Rug Market
— Show. :
Lo ~ Mrs. Leighton Scott, Easton,
; visited her sister, Mrs. Howard
Risley, Huntsville Road, several days
last week.
Miss Joyce Hilbert is now sta-
tioned at the WAVE Barracks in
Norfolk. ?
+ Mr. and Mrs. Hamer Mainwaring,
Isston, have moved to a lovely
new home at Huntsville.
afr. and Mrs. Louis Jackubowski,
lis, Mary Jean and twins, Sharon
and Susan, Lancaster, recently
bowski’s sister and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Ragukonis and sons,
Walter and Frank, Huntsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Machell, Ma-
chell. Avenue, celebrated their
eighth wedding anniversary on
Monday, January 18.
Miss Callie Bemesderfer, was
transferred from Nesbitt Hospital to
Carpenters’ Nursing Home on Satur-
day. She had been residing with
the Charles Hoslers, Parrish Street,
until three weeks ago, when she
was taken to Nesbitt by Dallas
ambulance. .
- Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Daubert,
Jimmy and Linda, Jackson Street,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Girard Stoner and Donald,
Foleroft.: ©. + \ 5
2B and Mrs. Robert Schalm,
lanooga, Tenn., have moved to
Maghell Avenue, Dallas. Bey
i and Mrs. John Bishop,
Collegeville, were recent guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hunter,
Davenport Street.
“Miss Sally Moyer, student at
Stroudsburg State College, will ar-
rive home shortly to spend the mid
#emester recess with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moyer, Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. George Shorts,
Wilmington, Ohio, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Arja Brown, Ferguson Avenue
gver New Year's.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis LaBar, Hunts-
ville, had as holiday guests, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Bender, Jennifer
and David, Palmyra, N. Y., Mr. and
Mrs. Jack LaBar, Beth, Jackie and
Lou Ann, Nashville, Tenn., Mrs. Al-
bert Simmons, Mike and Laurie
Ann, Mrs. Bill Simmons, Debbie,
Billie and Teddy, Exeter and Mrs.
Ann Snyder, Scranton.
John Fried
ven pound, twelve ounce son,
Jof® was born to Mr. and Mrs.
William Fried, Dallas, R. D. 4, Jan-
vary 3 at General Hospital.
There are four daughters: Lucy,
Regina, Mary and Patricia.
Mrs. Fried is the former Lucy
Anstett, Wilkes-Barre.
Newcomers Club To
Hold Pot Luck Supper
Welcome Wagon Newcomers Club
will hold its next meeting on Mon-
day, January 25th at the Acme Aud-
‘iborium in Kingston.
. There will be a spot luck supper
beginning at 7:00 p.m. Everyone
i# asked to bring their favorite dish
and own place setting. Dr. W. R.
i’ A. Boben will show slides on his
four of India.
- Plans are being made for a Val-
e Dinner Dance to be held at
#he Towne House, Kingston, Feb-
rary 13th. .
~All newcomers to the area are
ted to join ‘the group. Call
s, Richard Lindsley, membership
4 chairman, 675-2178 for more infor-
% mation,
y | house.
epent the weekend with Mrs. Jacku- |
Lawyers’ Wives to all members of | Wives of other lawyers living in
the Luzerne County Bar Association | the area are assisting.
to attend the annual dinner-dance | Mrs. James Lenahan Brown is
February 6 at Fox Hill Country | chairman of reservations, Mrs. Jon-
the group was organized. committee, and. Mrs. Mitchell
The dinner, scheduled for 8 p.m. | Jenkins is on the publicity: com-
will be preceded by a cocktail hour. | mittee headed by Mrs. George
~The invitation, designed by Mrs. | Ritchie of Wilkes-Barre.
John G. Thain of Thornhurst, re-| Mrs. Brown sets January 30 as
sembles an etching ‘of “the Court- the final date for making reserva-
| tions.
Mrs. Thomas Hillyer Rh sis
Lehman Woman's Club recently | sisted by Mrs. Robert Thompson, |
held their January meeting at the | refreshments, Mrs. William Cole, |
Lehman Fire Hall. | music, Mrs. Willis Gentile, tickets |
Mrs. Paul Henritzy, Vice-prosid. and Mrs. James Tarasavage, dec- |
ent, presided, in the absence of Mrs. | Orations.
Thomas Hillyer who has resigned.| Speaker for the evening, Tom E. |
Mrs. Willis Gentile, Finance Chair- | Williams, was introduced by Mrs. |
man, - reported on the budget and | Mark Grimm, Program chairman. |
recent revisions. Mrs. Russell Cool- | Mr. Williams, District Administrator |
baugh, Welfare Chairman, was di- | for the Bureau of Vocational Re- |
rected to investigate the purchase of | habilitation, spoke about the work |
a new walker which will be loaned of the bureau and the services which |
to people, in the area. Program |are available. |
Chairman, Mrs.. Mark Grimm an-
nounced that Janet Miller, Home | Mesdames Charles Ely, Robert Dis-
Economist, Luzeine County, will | que, Eston Adelman and Russell’
present a program at the February Coolbaugh. Hospitality chairman is |
meeting. A final report on the |Mys. Leon Bartz.
Christmas Tea was given by Mrs.| Members attending: Mesdames |
William - Cole. | Louis’ Laning, Richard Sloan, James |
Board members are urged to at- Tarasavage, Willis Gentile, William |
tend a special board meeting to be |
held February 1 at Mrs. William | tal, Robert Thompson, Mark Grimm, |
Cole’s, when a successor for the |Edward Mickey, Charles Ely, Rob-|
post of president will be elected. | ert Disque, Eston Adelman, Paul
Plans were announced for a Val- | Henritzy,
entine Dance to be held February |Kanasky and Russell Collbaugh.
Club, the third such occasion since | athan Valentine is a member of ‘he |
Thomas and William and a sister,
Mary Ann.
tine, Ridge Street, Tunkhannock,
| bride, was matron of honor and
| became the bride of Vance Bell | Martin Boyle served as best man
| Mother is the former Mary Por- | Dwyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas | for Mr. Dwyer.
| who is the son of Mr.
| with Lexington Clinic and
| associate in obstertrics at a number
i of area hospitals.
Oak Hill Couple Mark
13th Anniversary
They were married in the First | ter,
| Methodist Church, Wellsboro.
| ter; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- | Dp w yer,
| tmx Porter, Shavertcwn. Dr. Evaus, I'Shavertown. on January 9 at 11 |
and Mrs. | |
| L. E. Evans, Trucksville, is affiliated | Shavertown. |
is an]
132 E. Center Street,
a.m. - at St. = Therese’s : Church, |
| Rev. Francis Brennan performed |
A reception was held at the home
of the bridegroom’s ‘parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Dwyer.
The couple are residing on E.
Center Street, Shavertown.
‘Miss Patricia Louise Bombick
January 20: | proaching marriage of their daugh- |
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Bom-,
Chase, announce the ap-
Patricia Louise, to Robert
Charles Cigarski, son of Mr. and
There are three children, Cindy. | Mrs. Charles Cigarski, also of Chase, |
nine, Pamela, seven, and Karen, | on Saturday morning,
Mrs. Darling is the former Beulah
Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Riley Campbell, Wellsboro.
Mr. Darling is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Theodore Darling, Wells- |
boro. He is employed as manager
of Nationwide Insurance.
They are active members of the
Dallas Methodist Church.
The Darlings spent the weekend
Hostesses for the evening were in Wellsboro, where they attended |
the wedding of Mr. Darling’s sister, |
On Dance Committee
Mrs. Charles Mahler is chairman
of poster committee for the Senior |
Irem Temple Country Club on
Saturday evening, February 13 .
She is being assisted by Mrs. |
Edward Jones, Sova) Ralph Fitch and Mrs. Edwin C.|
19 at the Idetown Fire Hall, Mrs.
Noxen, who was 76 years old Janu-
ary 12 was pleasantly surprised
when some of his friends came by
with a large birthday cake and ice
cream to help him observe the
special occasion.
Mr. Montross, who was born in
Beaumont, the son of Dora and
Charles Montross, moved at an ear-
ly age to Monroe Township. For
many years he resided in Buck-
Raymond Udall is chairman, as- |
Friends Drop In On / :
Birthday Celebrant Z OK 9
Floyd Montross, Lake Road, |f —— MM A -
Mrs. Charles Hosler, Dallas, yawn-
ed Sunday morning and dislocated
her jaw. Dr. Allison Miller released
it at Nesbitt Hospital.
Mrs. Hosler returned home on
Cole, John Chesnovitch, Francis Fer- | Women's Club Dance to be held at|
January 23
at 10 in Gate of Heaven Church,
Rev. Michael Rafferty will per-|
form the nuptial ceremony.
Miss Bombick has selected as her |
attendants, Miss Rita Bombick, sis- |
ter of the bride elect as maid of
honor; Miss Marilyn Cigarski, sister |
of the bridegroom elect, and Miss |
Mary Anne Baloga as bridesmaid.
James Driscoll will serve as best
man for Mr. Cigarski and ushers
To Wed Robert Cigarski, Chase
| Mr. and Mrs. James Darling, Oak |
| Hill, observed their 13th wedding | bick
anniversary, yesterday, { ’
As Head Of Lehman Women. |
will be Tony Austin and James
A reception will follow at 6 p.m.
in the American Legion Home in |
Swoyersville, after which the couple
will leave on a honeymoon.
Miss Bombick attended Kingston
High School. Mr. Cigarski is a grad- |
| uate of Lake-Lehman High School |
and is associated in business with
| his father.
The couple will reside in Chase.
Joint Birthdays
Mrs. T.M.B. Hicks and Mrs. Doris |
'Mallin of the Dallas Post staff cele-
brated their birthdays on Sunday,
IRIG’'S Market
January 17.
Pork Butts
Sliced -
Sirloin and Rib Steaks - 8§5¢
By the piece 2G:
- 43¢c Lh.
Pork Sausage
- 39.
Italian Sausage
- 39%
Ground Beef
3 Ibs. 51-29
wheat Hollow, moving with his wife | j : LIBBY’S WHOLE KERNEL
fo the Lake Road addres 22 seas Gay Murray Houseware Dept. Corn - - 9 4303 cane 35°¢
Mr. Montross was employed at
Noxen Tannery for a long period, “PYREX” “MIRRO” “TEFLON” LIBBY'’S
retiring nine years ago. Now crip- 3 rei oc ai +303 C
pled by arthritis, it is difficult for | “O'CEDAR” “RUBBERMAID” “JOHNSON” F i C ki | so E can
him to get around and he greatly | oe !
enjoys the visitors who drop by. | » « i » YZ
Attending his birthday party | 2 LIBBY’S . 4 ¢
were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Montross, be » vr ” T i J %
Noxen; Mr. and Mrs. Loren Sayre WESTCLOX TAYLOR THERMOMETERS oma 0 Uice 46-0z.
and son George, Kunkle; Mr. and
Mrs. Nate Straley, Beaumont; Mr. ALSO SHURFINE : ;
and Mrs. Arthur Kibbler, Noxen; 0 BEE Cc
Mrs. Montross and the guest of 25 A OFF On All TOYS Milk - 6 tall cans 790°
Open Mon., Tues.,, Wed. 9 to 6 — Thurs., Fri, Sat. 9 to 9
| and Mrs. Charles Williams.
hostesses for six visiting teachers
| from Italy who were observing cul-
ture and education in the United
States. :
Janet was a member of the 1961
graduating class of Lake-Lehman
| High School.
Entertains On
| Baniversaries
Mrs. Ruth Anstee of Pikes Creek,
| entertained on Sunday afternoon
celebrating two occasions, the birth-
| days of her daughter, Mrs. Janis |
Williams, Ricky Britt, Thomas Davi- |
son, and Kenny Williams, Jr.; also |
of the moving back of the Williams
family. The following were present:
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Williams,
Kathy, Elaine, and Kenny Jr., Mr. |
and Mrs. Thomas Davison, Thomas,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Britt, Doris,
Debbie, Donna, and Ricky, and Mr.
and Gary of Hunlock Creek;
| Feted On Birthday
Mrs. Sophia Welitchko, who cele-
brated her 74th birthday om Jan-
vary 13 was feted at a surprise ||
party on Sunday. >
Attending the affair were Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen Welitchko, M#. and
Mrs. Donald Kocher, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Strazdus, August Strazdus, 3
Sandra, Karen and Ray. ;
This is the professional- |
formula hair-spray you
couldgetonlyintop beauty
salons, until now! A giant
I} $1.50 value—at just 98¢!
(Don’taskushowit’s possi-
Main Highway
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STORE HOURS 10:00 to 5:25 — THURS. 10:00 to 8:45
that becomes six r
It's as simple as refilling a lipstick!
case cover and strap to blend with your outfit
(or mood!). This exquisitely petite 17-jewel
timepiece fits six different case covers an¢- «
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Payments may be arranged
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