7 SECTION B. — PAGE 6 Dallas Return of the Natives Well, we've been back in school for over a week now and everyone seems to have recuperated from Christmas vacation. to recuperate from! At any rate, we're all pretty well calmed down | and are anxiously looking forward to that next great event, Mid- Years! The Sporty Look The first conference basketball game was held Friday night at Dal- las. Dallas High School played host to Wyoming Seminary and on Tuesday to West Wyoming High School. host Ashley-Sugar Notch tomorrow night and will travel to Swoyer- ville Tuesday. Grapplin! Last Saturday, ‘the Matmen showed their skill as they met Forty Fort High at home. The next meet, is at Coughlin High School en Saturday. Delicate Dribblin The girls’ basketball team, under the coaching of Miss Jenkins, will kick into full swing on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m., when they meet Lake- Lehman High, away. Best wishes, girls, for a successful season. Senior Announcements are reminded that orders for announcements ' and name cards must be made with their homeroom representative by tomorrow. Payment will not be due until the announcements ar- rive. Those people collecting orders All Seniors ' for name cards and graduation an- nouncements are: Cynthia Galletly- Rm. 1, Rosemary Sherman-Rm. 2, Carolyn Dendler-Rm. 4, Ann Wool- Back Mountain Organ Society Enjoys Music At Spa Restaurant The Back Mountain Hammond Organ Society held its second an- nual Christmas party at the Spa Restaurant, Wilkes-Barre, = where members and guests were entertain- ed by Tom Politis at the console of the Hammond plus: vocal selec- tions by Mrs. John Dungey. . The following were in attendance: ‘Mr, and Mrs. Donald Bunney, Mr. and Mrs. John Dungey, Mrs. John Gelsleichter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Kane, Misses Johanna and Mary Ann Laskowski, Mr. and Mrs. Pres- ton Mingus, Mr. ‘and Mrs. R. Willard Reese, Mr. and Mrs. Fred V. Swan- son, Mr. Timothy Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. James F. Yoder. The next regular meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. High School News by Bruce Hopkins and Linda Davies Actually, 1: guess it was New Years we all had "Looking ahead, we will} Senior be paid in full or in monthly pay- ments and receipts will be given. In order to make matters easier please try not to loose receipt forms. ! bert-Rm. 6, and Pat Smith-Rm. 8. | Also, Mr. Evans is now taking orders for yearbooks. = Orders can i Congratuiations to Pamela Congratulations to Pamela Baler | | on winning a $25 Saving Bond in | the Voice of Democracy contest which was sponsored by the Veter- l'ans of Foreign Wars. Pam's essay entitled, ‘The Challenge of Citizen- ship”, was chosen from over 100 Sophomore essays from Dallas High “School. It was then judged by a committee from other essays sub- mitted from schools and students in this area. Attention! Mid-term examinations start January 26 and continue up to January 29. Study Hard! Congrats! Congratulations to the members of the basketball team for taking third prize in the holiday "basket- ball tournament at Susquehanna. Congratulations also to Reese Finn and Mark Dymond who both took third prize honors ‘at the Wrestling tournament at ‘Williams- port. Incidentally, Mark's present condition ig not due’ to ‘the: wrestl- ing tournament but rather to an automobile accident. . Speedy re- covery, Mark. It was an actident A speedy recovery also: to Bob Stanton who was injured in a slid- ing accident over the holidays.: Hey |, Bob, aren’t you glad it wasn't an electric fence Burl Updyke, Sweet Valley, on Jan- i uary ‘13. Louie W. Ayre Is Hostess To Pupils Louie W. Ayre of Trucksville, en- tertained her Pupils at her home,’ recently. Present were, = Ann Barnes, Cathy Cawley, Lorene and Raelene Daring, Carolyn Edwards, | Judy Fielding, Nancy Gordan, Glen- da Larson, Helen Macarof, Alda Maturi, Mary Miller, Megan Moore, | David and Diane Morgan, Debbie Moskaluk, Brenda and Paula: Rich- ards, Gloria and Mary Ann 'Sab- adish, Annette, Donna and Douglas Schultz, Janelle Selecky, Lee Strum- ski. 288-1496 FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY MAIN PLANT and NARROWS SHOPPING CENTER BRANCH STORE / : of O Malia's Laundry & Dry Cleaning Luzerne-Dallas Highway Enterprise. 1 0843 .| language study in California. § Local Residents Head Chamber Of Commerce | Shrine Acres, ‘Booker Brothers, Inc., a resident of -L. Dumbauld, "THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1865 Dallas Seniors To Participate In Northeast District Concert Two Dallas Senior musicians, ! Kenneth Higgins and David Kopet- chne, will be among the seventy five musicians to take part in the three day festival and concert to be given by the Northeastern District Orches- tra at Forty Fort High School Jan- uary 14 through January 16. Ken- neth plays the trumpet, David, the French horn. The selected’ orchestra of which 45 are performers on string in- struments, will offer its public con- cert on Saturday ‘evening, January 16, at 8 P.M. in the Forty Fort | auditorium. Dr. Benjamin Husted of Mans- | field State College has been en- gaged as guest conductor for the festival. “He is a former first clar- inetist with the U.S. Army Band, a fine cellist, and recent winner of a national award for an original orchestra composition. Some 17 Studying Arabic In California A Dallas High School 1964 grad- uate is studying Arabic at the Pre- sidio, California. “A 3c Norman D. Nicol, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles |. Nicol, Shavertown, took his basic training at San. Antonio, Texas. He spent Christmas with his family on leave, ‘and this ' Monday: started : Norman was interested in lang- uages while in High School, taking evening courses in, Germen before the subject was offered in day ses- sions. | Promoted December 1 ,h ; aah, : ; Marine Sergeant Raymond T. Bid- ding, son of Mrs. Dorothy M. Bidd- ing of Harveys Lake, and husband of the former Miss Geraldine D. Bobeck of Edwardsville, was pro-. ‘moted to his present. rank Decem- | ‘ber 1, while ‘serving with Head-' quarters and Headquarters - Squad- | ‘ron Two, a unit of the Second Ma-, ‘tine Aircrafe ‘Wing 'at the Marine | Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, N:: C. Sergeant Bidding entered the ser- vice in October 1958, and was em- | ‘ployed by Roddy Buick, Kingston. Four of the new directors elected to the board of the Greater Wilkes Barre Chamber of Commerce are Party, was held at Irem Temple ' and universities. residents of ‘the 'Back : Mountain. | ‘Prince Igor’ by Borodin. ‘els, hours of work together await the selected personnel, but there will be a party and student concert plus individual auditions and other eve- nts also on their schedule. Among concert compositions be- ing prepared in advance of the group rehearsals for the perfor- mance on Saturday evening are such diverse compositions as the Bach ‘Fugue in G minor,’ the score of ‘West Side Story,” a fantasy on Appalachian folksongs titled ‘Stony Hollow,” a descriptive work ‘Metro- politan Portratis’ and excerpts of Festivals in band, orchestra, and chorus, on district and regional lev- are sponsored each year by the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association, professional organizat- ion of state music teachers. Host for the festival at Forty Fort is Reese E. Pelton, instrumental super- visor, and a resident of Goss Manor. Completes Training JAMES W. HUNSINGER ! Marine Sergeant James W. Hun- singer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos J. Hunsinger :of Harveys Lake, completed four weeks of individual combat training December 10 at the First Infantry Training Reg- | iment, Marine Corps Base, Camp! | Lejeune; N.C. While with the regiment all new | Matte are trained in tactical and | combat skills needed for battle. Em- | phasis was placed on the small unit tactic--the four-man fire team and {the 14-man squad. | EASTERN STAR OFFICERS | AND CHOIR HOLD PARTY | Dallas Chapter No. 396, Order of Eastern Star's annual Christmas Country Club honoring its Worthy | Dramatics DALLAS Junior High | NEWS Everybody is back at school now wearing his new madras skirt and shaker and studying harder than or- School was resumed at Lake-| | Lehman - High School on Monday, | January 4, 1965, from the Christ- mas and New Year's vacation | which began on Wednesday, | December 23, 1964. | dinary diligence, of course for the mid year exams; beginning January. twenty sixth and report cards which will be issued on February fifth. The Jets tests, open to ninth’ through twelfth grades, will be giv- en January fifteenth. Rehearsals for the play, Twelve O'clock Murder, “put on by the Club under Mrs. Cat- hrall’s direction are now in full’ swing. The play is comedy mystery: and will be produced on January twentieth. The cast is Mollie Town- send, Debbie Tanner, Sandy Smith, Suzanne Moxen, Jane Gilmartin, Scott Lefko, and Charles LaBarge. Everyone around the school is: dribbling and bouncing, even the girls. By this, I mean. that the girls’ intramural basketball program is really moving. Practice is held every Saturday morning from 8-12 under the direction of Mrs. Dorothy Jones. Guidance News The following article , is, taken from the monthly: newsletter pub- lished at Harcum Junior College: COLLEGE FRESHMEN MUST BE EARLY BIRDS College freshmen should consider themselves lucky to "be on ‘the various campuses this year. There are many applicants who never, made it to the halls of ivy. : The student who is rejected from a college or university is not al- ways turned down because of his i academic standing or: low College Board scores. Applicants who have had good marks and high College Board scores have been turned away simply because they have not listened to the old adage, “It's the early bird who gets the worm;” in this case the worm meaning ‘a col-: i lege or university. There have. been cases where the candidate has ap- plied only to one college or has | procrastinated until = the semester of his senior high ‘school . year before thinking about college: and then it is too late. Students who their junior year of high school. ‘Instead of By doing this the prospective student sees what these Elected to three year terms as | Matron, Mrs. Bethia King; the Wor- | institutions are like and what they chamber directors were Harold Snowdon, Jr., vice president, Snow- don Funeral Homes, resident of 219 Highland = Avenue, Trucksville; Harry Carson, . division manager, Acme Markets, Inc. a resident of Dallas; Fletcher C. Booker, Jr., secretary - treasurer, Machell Avenue, Dallas; and George resident manager, Sears, Roebuck and Company, a resident of James St. at’ Applewood Manor. thy Patron, Dennis Bonning; and | the Grand Chapter Appointment * Mrs. Betty Meeker. | Following the invocation by the | Chaplain, Mrs. Layiah Martin, Ms | Ruth Bennett, the chairman, 'ex tended greetings, thanked her com- mittee, and presented the honored | guests with gifts from the officers. | Mrs. Madaline LaBarre presented the gifts from the choir. Tables were seasonably decorated | with red poinsettias and white can- dle centerpieces banked with white will expect of him in the future. ily of Mrs. Layiah Martin, Tochatr man. : The program consisted of solos by: Madaline LaBarre and Mrs. Mrs | Marie Troxell accompanied by Mrs: Virginia Swanson, plus a reading | “Keeping Christmas” by Mrs. Betty’ Meeker. After carols were sung, Secret Pals exchanged gifts. Lowest Prices OFFSET PRINTING The Dallas Post birch log favors made by the fam- STOCKS, Every resident Tax Rate Four Mills. holder subjected to penalty o ROOM 3 COURT HOUS individual, ments, public loans or bonds, notes, etc. mutual funds and investment trust, and artic les of agreement, etc. Notice To Residents Of Luzerne County Who Are Owners Of BONDS, MORTGAGES AND OT 1965 Personal Property Tax Returns FOR COUKTY PURPOSES All" mortgages owned, promissory, judgement notes or bonds given by individuals, judge- issued by corporations, shares of stock, If you did not receive a return blank, one may be obtained at the office of Personal Property, Room, Court House, Wilkes-Barre. ties or other personalty held, or desire assistance in the preparation of your return, communicate with the Personal Tax Office. If you are in doubt Any person who willfully refuses to file a Return as required by law shall be guilty of the misdemeanor and may be subject to fine or imprisonment, as set forth in the aforesaid acts. In the absence of a Return, taxes may be assessed upon estimate of holdings and security f 12 per cent tax, LAST DAY FOR FILING — FEB. 15TH, 1965 LAST APPEAL DAY —-— FEBRUARY 27, Personal Property Tax E co-partnership, company or corporation, including executors, administrators, trustees and guardians, in the county of Luzerne, holding personal property taxable under various acts of the Pennsylvania Legislature is required to file return thereof to the Personal Property Tax Department between January 15th and February 15th, 1965. HER SECURITIES shares in - as to the taxability of securi- 1965 Department WILKES-BARRE, PA. ome | Heights. 1 Lehman gymnasium. | Lehman wrestlers accompanied by | ‘1 Mr. Jenkins, ventured to Williams- | ‘{ 1b. division and Joseph Simon plac- second | are entertaining: the thought of gaining a formal education must start planning in! frittering away their ! weekends they should visit colleges | Preparations are now being made | at ,Lake-Lehman for a “Hooten- anny’, which will be presented by the Crusader (school newspaper) | staff. Entertainment will be pro- | vided by singing and musical groups from the school, colleges, and professional folk singers. Lake-Lehman’s first girls’ basket- ball game of the season took place on January 8, 1965, at 4 o'clock in the Lake-Lehman gymnasium. The opposing team was from Abington Coughlin High School will be the , scene for the second girls’ game of the season which will be plaved on ‘January 12, 1965, at 4 o'clock. A basketball game. was held on | January 8, 1965, in the Lalse-Leh- | man gymnasium. The Knights were | opposed by Wilkes-Barre Township | i High School. | Kingston High School opposed | Lake-Lehman in a wrestling meet on January 7, 1965, in the Laie | On December 29, 1964, the Lake- | Mr. Roszkowski and | the coaches, | port -to . compete against 16 other schools in the largest tournament in the state of Pennsylvania. Lake- Lehman had 22 points with Mark McDermott placing third in the 127 | ing ‘fourth in the 120 lb. division. Both boys received silver medals as a reward. The medals will be .displayed in the trophy case in the lobby of the high school. The schools with the highest team hon- ors ‘were Lower Dauphin, 1st and Hughsville, 2nd place. The tourna- ment ‘lasted until December 30, | 1964. | The Future Teachers of America ' will hold their annual initiation of new members on January 14, 1965, | at six o'clock. Faculty advisors for | this event will ba Miss Thomas and | Miss Billings. | A radio broadcast by Lake-Leh- man High School may now be heard several times a day on radio sta- tion WBAK. This broadcast is edited by Miss Huttenstine and narrated by Mr. Davenport. It ex- presses views on education on the local, national, and state levels. Evaluation in the Middle States | was the topic of discussion for an assembly held on January. 8, 1965. Speakers. for the event were Miss Thomas, Mr. Hohnson, Miss Huttenstine, and Mr. Gulbish. : Thirty-eight students from the F.F.A. and the FH.A, will attend a “Farm Show” . in the Agricultureg | two other children, DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Crash Victim LAKE LEHMAN ‘High School News Building at Harrisburg on January 13, 1965. Mr. John Sidler will be supervisor. While there, students will view poultry, farm animals, farm machinery, farm produce, dairy products, forestry exhibits, arts and = crafts, handiwork, and j many others. Christmas Program Delights L-L PTA Lake-Lehman PTA staged its an- nual Christmas party at the High School December 21. Myron Baker, program chairman, arranged a three-part presentation: The Brass Choir, directed by John Miliauskas, played Christmas music; elementary students of fifth and sixth grades from Lehman, sang, led by Regina Greskieawicz; and a pan- tomime of the Nativity, directed by Florence Worth, closed the pro- gram. There was a large attendance. Willis Gentile presided, and first and second grade, mothers served refreshments. Margaret C. Lilly A six pound, nine ounce daugh- ter, Margaret Catherine, was born ! to Mr. and Mrs. Cline Lilly, Midway Manor, Shavertown, R. D. 5, Dec. 21 at Nesbitt Hospital. There are Suzanne and Mrs. Lilly is the Wolfe, South John Richard. former Barbara Charleston, W. Va. Sharon Lee Staurt, Poplar Street, Fernbrook, suffered lacera- tions of the right leg Thursday after- noon in a two car collision i in Kings- ton. Last dispatch on Saturday will be at 5:30 p.m., and on Sunday night HATES TEARS! ...lets you pay the easy way! Our Easy Payment Plan slices large amounts from mid-winter bills . adds a little to Spring and Fall bills . and allows you to pay the way you're paid—in regular, equal amounts. Call us today! Mobil AE HOBILEIERT Home Fuel Co. - 324 Dennison St. Swoyersville Phone - 287-1117 NOW Leach Beauty S Muehlenburg H Thelma Do OPEN / 5 Hunlock Creek ighway Across from Methodist Church Sharon Dougal hop ugal Leach © Props. OPENING SPECIAL Permanent Wave MONTH OF JANUARY ONLY $3. REGULAR $7.50 Caryl Richards 542- 1515 HEAVY DUTY BLACK PLASTIC ° YOUR INITIALS IN WHITE "WHEN YOU FINANCE YOUR NEW CAR at a Wyoming National Office Compare Own Rates! soreowen | TOTALNOTE | TLullioy $1500. | $1728.36 | $48.01 2000, 2304.36 64.01 2500. 2880.36 80.01 * Life Insurance Included F.D.LC. THE WYOMING NATIONAL BANK OF WILKES-BARRE AREA OFFICES: PLYMOUTH ® GATEWAY SHOPPING CENTER SHAVERTOWN ® EXETER ® TUNKHANNOCK MAIN HIGHWAY Back Mountain Office SHAVERTOWN TEL. 674-1861 Since 1829