The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, November 19, 1964, Image 4

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    ] pital
‘Tea and home-made cookies will
} 5 Christmas gifts.
parate booth at the Fair.
d from the Center
| Woman's Auxiliary has under
written the furnishings for the new
building, a mammoth undertaking.
On sale will be Christmas dec- |
Setting for the Fair and Tea of
Womens Auxiliary of Nesbitt Hos-
sponsored by Shavertown
: iid Ye The Spfgim of | the three remaining pre holiday! beginners with Mrs. Ward Jacquish
he new Nurse's Home in Ringston. | 1, ces at the Back Mountain YWCA | and advances sessions with Mrs. Leo
' © Date is December 2, 11 to 9 p. m..
3 i . .
orations as well as a great variety
rating in the project will have a
| Many local women belong to the |
Moreland |
{ from ee
3 Holidays are such gay days—
‘and it is such fun to browse
‘through the Gift Shop in Back
| § preparing for the happy days
ff ahead.
TURKEY—huge, golden brown,
| bursting with rich dressing—
§ demands a large, attractive pot-
tery platter, such as you will
| see displayed in front of the
# store. You'll never believe the
‘handsome design and size would
§ bear a mere $5.00 price tag.
| Methinks these platters will find
‘homes fast!
s# & *
| HALLMARK is a name that
| truly makes holidays special oc-
‘casions! Wait until you see the
§ clever decorations they have
come up with this year! Nap-
kins, place mats, cards, tallies—
fall bursting with color to en-
§ hance your table!
§ Ask to see the Hallmark POP-
UP PILGRIM decoration called
“The First Thanksgiving.” It
| opens like a book there’s
{ nothing to assemble. A seasonal
{ decoration children will love—
only $1.25. Turkey Party favors
— 8 for $1.00.
* +®
—snowy White
I If you don’t own a Cornucopia
} now is the time to get one. They
| are so attractive on a table—
and what fun to fill with arti-
§ ficial fruit or flowers.
9 # # *
Christmas being just around
| that well known corner, you
must ask to see the PUPPETS
that have just arrived and live
near the wrapping desk! Char-
| acter PUPPETS — lifelike ones
| with soft faces are only $1.98.
i Dragons and clowns of fabric
[and felt are priced at $4.98.
All children will appreciate the
HALLMARK Book of Prayers
for Thanksgiving — the selection
is perfect and the book is only
50 cents.
* # *
Just after Thanksgiving the
rush will begin, so hurry in to
choose your wrappings, ‘trims,
‘cards, and gifts from our special
Christmas Corner. Prices are
made to suit your purse—Do
shop early!
Memorial Highway
p. aad
Mt. Lumber and Coal Company:
'Homemaker Holiday Classes
Gif: Items
Offer Christmas
No one will want to miss any of
ed in Bridge there is a class for
| Holiday program, held each Tuesday Nauroth.
served, and a silver offering will be |
There will be |
unusual display of arts and
both from the Shavertown
at Shavertown Methodist Church.
All homemakers will want to take
advantage of the Christmas Work-
shop under the able direction of Mrs.
Leonard Adamshick. At the millin-
ery class, taught by Mrs. sGeorge
Thomas, you can design and make
a holiday chapeau which is a must
for the budget minded homemaker.
Mrs. Lawrence Ide will be on hand
to teach sewing and give you the
Tgooues | opportunity to make a blouse skirt
| Each of the eight branches co-|or dress for the
coming festive
season. If you want to have fun,
join the Slimnastics Class under di-
rection of Mrs. Leo Novy and sport
a new figure if you are interest-
Karen Brace Was Two
On Sunday, Dinner Held
Karen Brace, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Elton Brace, East Dallas, cele-
brated her second birthday on No-
vember 17. A birthday dinner was
held at the home of her parents on
Attending the affair were Grand-
ma Mrs. Ruth Houser, Mr. and Mrs.
Dean Johnson,
Sandra, Barbara,
Russell, and Dean, Mrs. Florence
Kast, sister Ruth and brother Bert
Brace, the little birthday girl and
her parents.
The Dallas. Post
Uses . The famous
ATF Chief
Offset. Presses
Lanning and Eddie, Jr.
Water colors and sketching, ever
l enchanting will be offered by Mrs.
| Sanford Kellogg who request her
| pupils to bring sketching pads or
water colors along.
| With coffee served at 9:30 and a
| play school for the youngsters pro-
| vided, mothers can relax and enjoy
|a creative craft. This year there
are two play schools, one for infants
[up to two years and the other for
| youngsters from three to school age,
| completely .supervised by experienc-
| ed nursery -aides.
If you can stay for afternoon class.
| bring along a sandwich. Coffee will
| be served in the luncheon period
| from 12 to 12:45 p.m.
| Valerie Kocher Feted
| On First Birthday
Little Valerie Ann Kocher, daugh-
| ter of Mr. and Mrs, Luther D. Koch-
er, Ruggles, celebrated her first
birthday anniversary on Sunday,
| November 8 with a party at her
Present. were grandparents Mr.
and Mrs. Sterling Kocher, Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Phares, Dale, Sharon
and Grace; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Langston, Timmy, Teresa and Tony;
John Rusenko and Lois Williams!
and -her parents. ATT
Cake, and ice cream were enjoyed
by all. Valerie received many love-
ly gifts. Other invited guests un-
able to attend, Mr. and Mrs. Ron-
ald Phares, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
’ Good Through
One to a
A ———— eee ee ee. ree es me
money back.
looks neat.
S&H Green Stamps
Store — and This Coupon
OEE Wm om Im OE OE OW mmm Wm EW Ww
ora JO exe
On Cash Purchase Over $5.50 & Coupon
For All Merchandise
Throughout Store
reasons why (na new
Van Heusen Century Vanaplus
IS (he greatest all-cotion
‘Wash & wear shirt! =
long as other cotton wash & wear shirts.
2 WHITER — starts out whiter and stays whiter
— wash after wash after wash.
3 PERMANENT WASH & WEAR — guaranteed
wash & wear for the life of the shirt or your
i SOFTER — will not feel stiff or scratchy. It's
a softer shirt—a more comfortable shirt.
5 NO-WRINKLE COLLAR — the patented Cen-
tury collar that “‘won’t wrinkle ever’. ..always
- Century Vanaplus —“Contour- Crafted”
~~ for the neat tailored look. $h00 A
Be Wise - - - LAYAWAY NOW for
Christmas — Stocks deplete quickly
and there will be no REORDERS on
these Shirts before Christmas.
| courox i
In Addition To |
Regular Stamps
Wed., Nov. 18
vee 100
wears up to twice as
The guest of honor, sister Karen’
anniversary on November 8.
Announcement ‘has been made of
the . engagement and approaching’
marriage of Miss ;Joyce Anderson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Anderson, 207 Holly Street, Trucks
ville, .to.John J. Brady, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Brady; 73 Courtright
Avenué, Wilkes-Barre.
Miss > Anderson is a graduate of
Dallas, ‘Senior ‘High School class of
1962 and is employed by Common-
wealth Telephone Company, Dallas.
Her fiance is :
Coughlin High School; class of 1961
and is ‘also employed by Common-
wealth Telephone Company at its:
| Bangor office as Storeroom
| visor.
The wedding will take place in St.
an alumnus of |
The marriage of Miss, Dorothy
Ellen Burns, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence F. Burns, 56 Wash-
ington Avenue, East Hartford, Conn.,
to Charles Joseph Natitus, Jr. son
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Natitus,
Sr., Harris Hill Road, Trucksville,
took place at Saint Christopher
Church East Hartford on October 10.
Rev. Henry J. Murphy performed
the double ring ceremony and cele-
brated the Nuptial Mass before an
altar adorned with vases of white
i The bride given in marriage by
{her father wore a floor length gown
‘of white alencon lace trimmed with
taffeta and, styled with a bateau
neckline, fitted bodice; long tapered
sleeves and ' controlled bell shaped
skirt. Her veil of French illusion
_ fell from a crown of seed pearls and
sequins. She carried a bouquet of
white pompons.
| Miss Ruth Natitus, sister of the
bridegroom, maid of honor was
gowned ina gold peau de soie street
length sheath, fashioned with a
bateau neckline and elbow shy
sleeves; A short bouffant veil and
crown formed her headpiece and
she carried a cascade bouquet of
bronze and. yellow pompons.
| Miss Joan Marie Natitus, another
sister of the groom and Miss Laurie
Ann Burns, sister of the bride, were
_ attired in street length sheaths of
Charles J. Natitus Jr, Toke:
Dorothy Ellen Burns As Bride
green peau de soie with matching
headpieces and were identical to
that of the maid of honor. Their
cascade bouquets were of bronze
pompons. !
John Isbitsky,New Brunswick, N.J.
served as best man and ushers were
Wayne Long and Robert Spare, both
of Trucksville.
The mother of the bride chose a
teal blue brocade sheath and match-
ing accessories with a white gar-
denia corsage. Mrs. Natitus, mother
of the bridegroom selected a beige
brocade sheath with matching acc-
essories and white gardenia corsage.
A reception followed at the V.F.W.
Post Home after which the couple
left on a honeymoon to New York
and Canada.
The bride is a graduate of East
Hartford High School and is em-
ployed by Beneficial Finance Co.
in East Hartford.
The bridegroom, a graduate of
Westmoreland High School, served
two years with the U.S. Navy and
'is a member of the Hartford Police
| Department. i
The couple are residing in East
Hartford. y
The bride was feted at prenuptial
showers given by Misses Ruth Ann
and Joan Marie Natitus and by
Misses Laurie Ann Brown and Mrs.
Alice ‘Champ. The bride’s parents
entertained at a rehearsal party.
‘Norwegian Exchange Student Is
Guest Of Lehman Woman's Club
Miss . Mette Larsen, Rotary Ex-
change Student from Norway was
guest speaker at the November
‘meeting of Lehman Woman's Club
and fascinated the ladies with slides
| of her native land and her descript-
-ion of her home life. She was in-
troduced by Mrs. Paul Henritzy;
[ yohn's Church, Wilkes-Barre on | education chairman. Miss Larsen
| December 3 at 10 a. m.
Shavertown Couple Observe
23rd Anniversary Af Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Ignatius Parduski,
Hillcrest Avenue, Shavertown, ob.
served their twenty-third wedding
There are two children, Pfc. Stan- |
ley Parduski, stationed in Okinawa |
with: the Marines; and Mrs. Wayne
Webb, Chicago, Ill.
The . couple were married by
Father S. Drier,
Church, Plymouth.
Mrs. Parduski’ is the former So-
phia Wozneik, Wilkes-Barre. Her
husband is a partner in the Grove
Accoustics, Inc. 3 :
Mr. and Mrs. Arja Brown ‘enter-:
tained the couple at dinner in cele-
bration of the occasion.
in St. Mary's
Charlie Gosarts
Take Prize Tour
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gosart,
Sweet, Valley, returned last Thurs-
day from a whirlwind tour of Italy,
an eight-day trip sponsored by the
Norge Company for winning dealers
in its recent contest.
On the jet flight were 154 dealers
and wives from the North and
the new
Now vou don’t have to p
humpback in a2 European
Here's the surprise of the
SAAB 1965 with taut, sl
nliveller.. in
The tour took in Rome, Naples,
Capri, Salerno, and Vesuvius, with
a chance to load up on knicnaks for
the folks at home. Charlie was par-
ticularly — impressed with tthe
The Dallas Post
For Beautiful :
is residing with the Robert Steele
family and attending Lake Lehman
High School. t
Mrs. Thomas Hillyer presided.
Mrs. Mark Grimm, program chair-
man announced that Gertrude
McGlynn Anker will present Our
American Christmas Heritage acco-
mpanied by Margaret. Tremayne at
fhe Christmas Tea. to be held on
| December 9. Mrs. William Cole will
be refreshment chairman. New
members who apply ‘by December
3, which is Diamond Jubilee Day,
will be initiated at the tea.
Mrs.” Russell Coolbaugh, Welfare
chairman, gave cost estimates for
the purchase of a new wheelchair.
The Lehman Woman's Club has
| crutches. walkers and a wheelchair
which are available to people in the
area. Co-finance chairman, Mrs.
50 club will be held in February.
Mrs. Paul Henritzy read the letter
which she sent to the Xerox Corp-
oration in “support of their recent
donation to educational TV pro-
grams. ;
.An interesting’ review of the
earliest inhabitants of the Wyoming
Valley was presented by Mrs. Ar-
thur Solomon, Cultural Heritage
chairman. Members were asked to
bring a gift to the December meet-
ing for a patient at the Retreat’
Hospital. :
Mrs. Edward Mickey, Home and
Fine Arts chairman, - announced
that the Hallmark Sewing Contest
is now in progress. There will be
two divisions, one for area high
school students and one for mem-
bers. Outfits should be of the" type
appropriate for meetings, and will
be judged at the March meeting:
Hostesses for the evening were Mrs.
Mrs. George Elley and Mrs. Arthur
! Grandma Diehm Feted
Mrs. Sallie Diehm,
Diehm,” who resides with her son
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hosler, Parrish Street, Dallas, was
{honored at a little neighborhood
gathering, celebrating her eighty-
ninth birthday, on-Monday, Novem-
ber 16th.
bert, G. S. Williams, Donald Pae-
glow, Charles Hosler, James LaBar,
Ralph Brown, Miss Callie Bemes-
derfer, and the guest of honor.
ut up with the snub-nose, fhe
economy car.
low cost import cars—the new
im, long lines and fashionable
fastback styling. And with it you still get all of the ex-
clusives you've come fo expect from SAAB:
Economy — it just begins with the
price. About 30 miles
to the gallon. Minimum maintenance costs. No valves to
unstick, grind, or replace.
Roadability — front wheel drive, up-front engine pulls
through curves, snowdrifts, up hillsides, even on raine
slick surfaces.
Coen sms
Test Drive It At: Eid
Just Off Route 309 — North of Dall
and just ¥1985
Reliability — world’s only car engineered to aircraft
standards. Two-stroke engine acts like one twice its
size—because every stroke is a
Qure-fire starts at the first tu
never a pudding of congealed oil
power stroke.
rn of the key — there's
in the crankcase. Positive
stops with dual diagonal brake systems.
Power train warranted for two years or 24,000 miles.
What else? A cavernous trunk, lots of leg and head room,
front and back. Hot-shot heater
scaled to Swedish winters.
That's the new SAAB 1965. The new car for you.
he 7 passenger station wagon=
William Cole, announced that a 50-"
Edward Mickey, Mrs. E. J. McGrath, I
Present were Mesdames Carl Dau- |
Jane Linda Cornell
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Cornell, 14
Lake Avenue, Auburn, N. Y., 4n-
| nounce the birth of a daughter,
{Jane Linda, on November 6 at Au-
burn Memorial Hospital.
Mother is the former Barbara
Cheney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Cheney, Dallas. Mr. Cornell
is the son of Mrs. Alden Cornell,
Tunkhanock, and the late Mr.
1, Gallon
24 wivons
“Vanilla: +
Orange Pineapple
Cherry Almond
Carmel Fudge
Chocolate Chip
French Vanilla
Butterscotch Revel
Maple Walnut
Chocolate Mint
Vanilla Fudge
Vanilla and Chocolate
Vanilla and Raspberry
Vanilla and Strawberry
Vanilla and Orange Sherbet
BOX of 24
Only : S 1 10
; box
Colorful, Flavorful
Orange — Lemon
Lime — Red Raspberry
Cake Rolls
Nut Rolls
Sliced Brick
Highest quality ice cream
in area made with sweet
cream & pure fruit flavors
“Freezer Fresh” made bet-
ter tastes better.
We cannot always
guarantee ALL flavors
only $2375* :
2,05, whit sidendlh eptienal af exire oh. i:
\LE! |