The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, October 29, 1964, Image 16

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Stephen Spender, Poet Marine L. Cpl. Faulls | ¥¢: s Wadd: Kenneth P. Jenes Laid 0.E.S. Turkey Dinner
To Lecture At College © |On Steel Pike Operation Kiwanis Wedding To Rest On Saturday Set For November 7 PN) © For
- .
~ Stephen Spender, English poet, : HE D B C d Services for Kenneth P. Jones, ; Sin
Bitar: tr ahd a of P Marine Lance Corporal William E. Iaws 1g IOW 52, Cliffside Avenue,’ Trucksville, | The public is invited to enjoy a . i Prompt, Efficient, Clean
y Faulls, son of Mr. and Mrs. William ; 1 who died of a fatal and sudden | ‘Country Style Turkey Supper” at : :
COUNTER, will give a lecture at H. Faull AY py i, 0
A BR ry ; : oT s of Route 1, Noxen, hi ¢ ; Bo ? R (PE > 4
Colles Mista Yuh Ave sailed trom the east doast. of Re Repeat Performance pea TR iy ome oy Terk oy ol Soldny; 7x 8 NENT &é BRBAGE & TRASH
orium, Sunday evening, November : : : Peri] ENN 1: Dy y Matron, 5 LA y
1 Mr Spender will discuss WHAT Usied SE ¥en in or At Plymouth Nov. 4 Hany afternoon from an Edwardsville | Mrs. Bethia King, who claims the OD NSE
' IS MODERN IN MODERN ART. pa Tne Funeral Home. members of the Dallas Chapter No. ; be S E RVI C E
combat training exercise will be | Well over a thousand s i
i Re 3 pectators | Rev. Charles Thomas officiated |396 Order of th
As lecturer Stephen Spender is a | the largest amphibious operation thoroughly enjoyed the Womanless | and interment was in Cedar Crest | gil; : Tr of the Eastern Star are
well-known and highly respected d d i he i 3 : > iligently working on items for the
y Pp conducted in the Atlantic since | Wedding sponsored by Dallas Ki- | Cemetery, Trucksville :
figure at American universities. | World War II : y ne : : Christmas Booth and the Bazaar
! ar IL wanis Club last week at Dallas Sen- | ' A lifelong resident of the Back
Since 1947, when he taught for a He i b f Fo T ; : : : 20% also. :
) € 1s a member of Force 1roops| jor High School. Mountain, the Trucksville native r : aiv
year at Sarah Lawrence College, he | Atlantic, which is normally based at | Much practice had gone into the | was the son of David and Edna Members of the Charles E. James To be popular, suggests a ¥ Kr ee ein av &
To fremenly yisiies nites States. | Camp Lejeune, Nc comedy offering and Leo Nauroth, | Titus Jones. He served as a serge- Memoria] Assembly of the Order of | public relations consultant for
Be was Ellison Professor at the In the practice landing, 28,000 one of the directors never revealed | ant in World War II in the Army Rainbow for Girls will sell home- Gillette, remember the other Call
niversity of California in 1959. In | Marines of the Second Marine Divi- his inner turmoil when he e a | Division ‘and sa ction in Afri made candy. \ ’ : “oa
1962 he gave three public lectures | si d Marine Ai i : gay W jeeiipn, In Alten ; - guy’s likes and dislikes, and
% the Lib fC th sion, Secon arine Aircraft Wing | quiet welcome to the audience on !Italy and Germany. The same week Mrs. Shirley Gensel, general Wim ith li of A SON
5 d s id of lg °3 Ie and Force Troops, Fleet Marine | Thursday evening. A real trooper | as he died his record was men- |chairman of the dinner, will meet | pay. mm ithe” .comp Net. of &
odren Tiyan In 1008 e Force, Atlantic, along with 2 bat- | he told no one. that his son at |tioned in the Dallas Post column, |in the dining room with (chairmen good grooming. A two-second
was visiting lecturer in a modern | talion of Spanish Marines will take | that very moment was getting ready | “20 Years Ago.” : : ..| spray of Right Guard deodor-
poetry course at Northwestern Uni- art in a ck It b h and the kitchen committees this 674-5731
> p mock assault on beaches | for emergency surgery in a local | He was an employee of the Ger- ant gives 24-hour protection.
ru 7 in Southern Spain on October 25 hospital. man Vault Company and had work- SS or g Li EH I~
In 1962 Stephen Spender was | from landing craft and helicopters. The cast made up of members |ed the day before his death, com- "
made Commander of the British | The combined Marine Landing'and community friends presented | plaining of no illness.
~ Empire, in the Honours’ List on the | force will be carried and protected | three performances in hilarious | He is survived by his wife, the
Queen's birthday. He was given |by a U. S. Spanish fleet of 94 ves-| fashion and Joe Burns, a newcomer | former Elizabeth Fielding, three
f +
: SHOP :
Hon. D. Litt, at the University of | sels, including ships of the United | did a magnificent job as Bad Boy. ' children, Mrs. Edith Pirie, Delaware 5 Shop Everyday 9 : Use Your Credit
Montpelier. States’ Military Sea ‘Transport Sherm Harter, as Liz Taylor and | Water Gap; Mrs. Ruth Federici, |
Mr. Spender was educated at Uni- | Service and chartered ships of the | escorted by Harold Brobst, an atten- | Shavertown, and Thomas, at home. " ] 8 r Take Many
OU a.m: to J p.m. E Eqs i
versity College School, London, and U. S. merchant fleet. : : tive Richard Burton, brought down | Also seven grandchildren. re
University College, Oxford. While Operation STEEL PIKE is being | the house. Robed in the most ee IRST Months fo Pay :
at Oxford, he became the friend of | conducted to: show the ability of | sparce and colorful costume he did :
W. H. Auden, who was also an |U- S. and Allied amphibious forces ig jitterbug which would have arous- Easter Is Rpril 18
‘undergraduate at that time. Later to rapidly place large ‘numbers of ed the envy of the glamorous star For those who are already be- [8 ; 3 : ; - :
Auden, Cecil Day Lewis and Stephen oops Sthon and magn them herself. : 3 : sieging the Dallas Post for informa- \ | 3
Spender all published volumes of | OF 8S long as necessary. eon Dick Oliver adding mirth and | tion about Easter, 1965, Easter ‘ Bd ;
verse within a few years, and their eration will also train the forces energy to the high stepping chorus | comes on April 18 and Ash Wednes-
works and names became associated of both ooy ntries in conducting | line proved as usual one of the day is March 4. | 3
in the public mind. Tous i 2 a applause getters of the evening, IE
: hil Spanish Air Force units will fly | = Surprise "of the night was Robert READ THE TRADING POST 3 ;
During World War TL Stephen | i054 i support of the landing | Dolbear in platinum wig who sang a :
Spender was a fire fighter in the force along with U. S. Navy and | th ddi . ith
London National Fire Service. He wayne aircraft operating from fast A gusto, ; ii ;
also co-edited the Review HORIZON. | i 6k carriers and from: the Mar- how tadked ipl 8 e Aa 10 MINUTES z SHOP! COMPARE! No |.OWER PRICES THAN POMEROY'S ON FAMOUS BRAND Toys! CY
with Cyril Connolly from 1939-45. | ios chort airfield for tactical sup- Wright as the cute and bubble (FROM DALLAS) Hi u . he Bo
Bre the or the travelled in Ger, port. (SATS). blowing trainbearer, John Hennin- : bi ;
many as a civilian military officer, SATS is, in effect, a carrier flight | ger Sr. as the lovely and tearful and you can be ; 1 08 building blocks
2 Be Joter 2 Paoane an | deck, including catapults and arrest- mother of the groom, Jim Huston
s oe gection of letters In : | ing gear, moved ashore. It was as the wronged woman, Jerry Gard-
developed by the Marine Corps: to | ner, ‘Dave Kunkle and Ed Thowp- 1 STRAUSER'S | 56 panels
SCREENED llow air Sai to go mb quickly son ‘as the lovely bridesmaids -all |
; O suppor arine ground iorces In. formed a perfect foil for little Walt . :
TOP SOIL amphibious operations. | Phillips ro amorous suitor i Linoleum and Tile
Crushed Stone | Most ‘of the United States units | wooed Clyde Birth. = =: = w= f- CENTER
taking part in operation STEEL Bert: Fennel as chipper and witty 18 6 M . St L rne
Red Shale PIKE will return to the U. S. during | as usual received a fine hand and ain ., LUZE
the first week in December. Don Williams as the Bespectacled 288-4827
) for rr Beetle accompanist added finesse to
® Dri 2ublic Notice the comedy offering. LARGEST SELECTION
riveways » oe. a Hotely oi h A repeat performance will be Linoleum Paint
Notice, is:hierehy: given thet Let: given at Plymouth High School J
® 1 t Testamentary have been grant- ; ? = =
arking Area ers Testamentary g 2 3
P aq A eas od to Mrs. Emily £1. Pliker: iin sponsored by the Plymouth Kiwanis Trims Tile
® Drainfields the estate of Mrs. Louise W. How- Uhh on Wodnepday svening, No- Plaster Board
Plant & Quarry Lehinan att, late .of - Hanover Township, f : ;
> i A t. 28, 1964), All - }
indebted t id estat
675-1276 DE Gate of Heaven Altar-Rosary So- SAVE MONEY
requested to make payment, those
J Yatsko having claims or demands, to pre-|ciety will meet Sunday morning SAVE ENERGY
sent same without delay to the | for communion at the 9 a.m. Mass.
Lexecutrix, P. O.. Box 163, R.D. 4: The regular meeting will take OPEN DAILY 9 - 5:30
EXCAVATING Mountain Top, Luzerne County, { place Monday evening in the audi- THURS. and FRL 9 to 9
i"Penna. : " torium.
MATTEL'S “Chatty Cathy” DOLL | 5) oor" pe BUILDER
Regular List Price 16.00
The worlds most famous talking Regular 5.00
17 ! HE don .. . pull the chatty ring and ~\ Here comes jolly Blippe. Complete
4" #7 8 | chatty will say one of 16 different with 108 building blocks, 56 panels
fl | sounds. Her rooted saran hair is ° and Mr. Blippo himself. They're °
tied into twin pony tails. Her hair : made of sturdy plastic and snap
, y . . r
can be brushed and combed. She’s Romeray'é together quickly and easily. Busy Pomereys
20” tall, has movable head, arms Price young builders can make anything Price)
and legs. from robots to bridges to towers.
Charge It At Pomeroy’s Toy Department — LOWER LEVEL Charge It At Pomeroy’s Toy Department — LOWER LEVEL
No Lower Prices Than At Pomeroy’s On Famous Brand Toys
Reg. Everyday Low Price | Reg. Everyday Low Price
20.00 Aurora Plastics Road Race Set 17.99 | 20.00 Mattel’s Charming Chatty Doll 513.99
25.00 Aurora Plastics Road Race Set 21.99 | 7.10 Mattel’s Talking Hand Puppets 3.99
2.70 Child Guidance Magnetic ABC Board 1.99] 4.00 Ohio Art's Etch-A-Sketch 1.88
8.00 Emenee Formex 7 6.99 .00 Parker Monopoly 3.99
14.00 Emenee Pro Football Game 9.99 .25 Remco Machete and Knife 958
3.00 Ideal Tammy Doll 19% 1.80 Remco Short Range Bazooka 1.12
5.00 Ideal Pos’n Tammy Doll 3.97 .00 Remco Monkey Helmet 1.99
10.00 Ideal Baby Pebbles Doll 8.99 .50 Remco Okinawa Pistol and Holster 2.67
6.00 Ideal Tiny Pebbles Doll 4.99 .50 Remco Wrist Radio 2.97
6.00 Ideal Tiny Bam Bam Doll 4.99] 5.00 Remco Field Tent 3.99
~ 6.00 Remco Monkey Gun 3.99
\ 1 4 / : .
To each and w | 18.00 Ideal Big Press 12.99
: i 7.00 Ideal Crazy Clock Game 3.57 6.00 Remco Battle Jacket 3.99
® Fi § \ | 23.00 Louis Marx Big Job Truck 15.99
ve Y Cl zen O .00 Mattel Double Fanner Holster Set 3.99 | 4.00 Remco Fascination Game 2.19
0 Mattel Guerilla Gun Set 4.99] 5.00 Remco Magnetic Turnpike Garage 3.37
: Remco Small Bulldog Tank 3.99
.00 Mattel Winchester Saddle Gun 2.99
S il 6.6
rine Cou nt ® ti | 16.00 Mattel’s Vac-U-Form 9.99 | 10.00 Remco Mr. Kelly’s Car Wash 6.99
Ye : 4 2.75 Mattel’s Jack in the Box 1.77 | 14.00 Remco Automobile Factory 9.99
0 Remco Combat Field Phones 5.27
3.10 Mattel Fanner Holster Set 1.99 0 Remco Torpedo Tank Set 4.99
0 Mattel’s Barbie’s New Dream House 4.99 | 12.00 Topper’s Johnny Seven Gun 5.17
0 Topper’s Penny Brite Doll 1.47 9.00 Remco Express Phones 5.99
One of the most gratifying experiences of my life is the great prog- 4 12.00 Mattel’s Tiny Chatty Cathy Doll 799] 9.00 Topper Toy Johnny 7 Micro Helmet 5.99
ress the people of Luzerne County are making in achieving an economic A : Charge It At Pomeroy’s Toy Department — LOWER LEVEL
comeback. To be part of this, helping you by “carrying the ball” as your i si Se Seip os : fi MEET
representative in Congress over a period of 20 years, is the high point in 3 : oo a 8 0
my career of serving my fellowmen.
We have come a long way together, but there is still much to do.
I want to keep on serving you in Congress in every way possible, both
individually and collectively. Your support will permit me to continue my
your behalf. Together we can make our mark for both the present and
the future, : = 2 | RE Gi
Barbie's’ Best Friend
She’s| 11%," ‘tall
made of sturdy
Sa EH SE : Sena Gd plastic with
a a La i aa i ha movable arms,
Sen SE SE od. nd head,
110 POUND BARBELL SET and has rooted
hair in different
FOR CONG ESS | for better health and appearance coors. *”
= bk
I 0 Me eR SY OE le Eo A OA SRR A Aa
& > 5 Regular 24.99 bie’s best friend,
wir cs ck i i ; , § she fits perfect]
) ; . - “apn, # | Here's a set for your own home fitness program. Have a gym In your 4 i into “all re
(Political advertisement paid for and inserted by Daniel J, Flood Campaign Committee.) B | home for scientific body building. Consists of barbell, 2 dumbbells and oy Barbie's clothes
b fl | weights. 4 : ; [ i ;
Be Pomeroy’s
Aled om whaed wale
Charge It At Pomeroy’s Toy Department — LOWER LEVEL
ise x 3 Bali y
NL \