ed on a morning 1ssisting , a tim- measur- 5. —— WO COp- ch year, een. He them in a —— ET ——— A x i ney | , cellist Casals. 7 ~ALLAS, PENNSVT.VANIA SHAVERTOWN Despite ‘heavy frosts several mornings last week, brush fires in ‘the N. Lehigh Street woodlands kept firemen on the jump over the weekend.. Underground flames flared up three times on Sunday across from the Monk and Martin homes. : rue Roast Beef Supper, which draws a good turnout each time the men serve, will be put on at St. Paul's Lutheran Church Saturday evening. A delicious menu is’ being prepared, and everyone is welcome. Wally Gosart has tickets at the store, and it is well to get yours early. BIRTHDAYS Greetings this week to Edwin M. | Marian | Stolarick, Nancy Brown, Roan, Rev. Robert D. Yost, Jacobs, William Pugh, Seaman, Katherine Edwards, Shar- Irma on Kay Frederick, William L: Cole, | John Lohmann, J. Traver Nobel, Joan Farley, Michele | Bariow, | John Clause, Swingle, Deborah Louise Myrtle H. Alling, Ruth E. Swingle, Josephine Watkins, Harriet T. Stahl. Frank Gelsleichter, Jr., Steven Lengel, Don Shafer,” Mrs. Ralph Ell, Arthur Zimmerman, Mrs Walter Gerlach, Sr., Lauren Wills, Anita ‘Rauseher, David Roberts, Marjorie = McCarty, . Robert Kem- merer. 7 HERE AND THERE . Mr. and Mrs. W. H: Morgan spent the weekend at Vernon, . Conn, !€ where they visited their daughter -Eidam, and son-in-law and family, Mr: and | Mrs. William Coates. Byron Kitchen is a patient in | ness. Nesbitt Hospital. Mrs. Herman LaBar has returned : friends in this area. home from Centermoreland, where | she stayed for several weeks fol- lowing her Hospital. Mrs. Robert Daniels and infant | daughter, Philadelphia, were guests over her new of her parents, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Andrew last week. Mrs. Ruth Houser, Mrs. Pearl | Robert Stair, Dallas. . Gosart, Mrs. Mae Ash, Mrs. Flor- | ence Kast, Mrs. Cordelia’ Hall and Bible Church Ladies Peg Powell will leave this | morning to spend the day in Hack- | Mrs. ensack, N. J., visiting Mrs. Hazeltine. : Miss Barbara Curtis, a teacher in East Brunswick, N. J. Schools, John spent the weekend with her par- | ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Curtis. Mrs. Joan Shrey is a patient :in | lyn, NY: Nesbitt Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. house had as weekend visitors, Mr. and Mrs. William Ockenhouse, Jr., Newark, N. J. Their grandson Al- len Ockenhouse, Jr. ris Island, N. C., and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ockenhouse, Rare Opportunity For Students Of Spanish Some: lucky person is going to be tutored by a woman who has all sorts of degrees from the University | of Havana. Professor Marie Casals, who ‘teaches Spanish at College Misericordia, will have time to take a few private pupils, partly as a means of improving her own Eng- | Eyet, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brobst, | : | Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Brobst, Clin- Casals, here in the United | lish. Dr. States on a two-year teaching ar- rangement, . arrived here with a book knowledge of English, but no practical application. Rooming ‘in the home of Lillian Kuehn on Church Street, she is fast learning from her hostess how to pronounce everyday English. When she came to Dallas at the beginning of the school year by taxi from Wilkes- Barre, she could write beautiful English, but pronunciation was: be- yound her. Mrs. Kuehn says: “When we bog down in our communication system, we write notes to each other.” Dr. Casals is niece of the famous Her brother is also in this country on a two-year teach- ing stint in Connécticut. See the classifed ads. SGA #OR BETTER COOKING DELANEY 674-4781 GAS SERVICE, Inc, Memorial Highway Dallas Williard | Allan Rogers, | James | release from, Nesbitt | long William Ocken- graduated Ide, Wednesday from Marine Base, Par- | czyk, Dayton Garnett, Jr.; "Char { | Binghamton, went down to see the ceremonies. Postmaster © and Mrs. Donald Rowlands, Slatington, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Pethick. i Our best wishes go with Airman Elmer P. Tamocreaux, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lamoreaux as he begins bas:c traiming at Lackiand Air Force Base in Texas. Elmer left last Wednesday for the south- ern training center. | Mr. and Mrs. Lester Schramm, Jr., and children, Langhorne, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. “Frank McGuire. Mrs. Schramm is i a granddaughter of the McGuires. Joey Allen after the second ma- jor surgery in recent weeks came home Sunday from Nesbitt Hispital. | He would enjoy hearing from his friends; as convalescence will take some time. : Also on the mend is Mrs. Seth Howell, who is making a nice re- COVETY home after recent sur- gery. ; The John Clauses, spending their | last weekend at Camp Bella Sylva for the season, reported real nippy weather on the top of Red Rock | over the weekend with: one and | . ~ , half inches of ice on the rain bar- rels. | Mrs. Cleora Chamberlain is home after recent hospitalization at Nes- bitt. : Mr. and Mrs. John Sterner, Al- | Jentown, parents of Mrs. Frederic will\ celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary ‘on October 98, a real. fine record of together- The couple who have visited frequently have made many at here Tony Moreck, up and about a little each day, is happy that those weeks of absolute bed rest | are over. 7 Mrs.. Lorraine Stair is delighted grandson, newly wel- home of son and Mr. and Mrs. ccmed into the | daughter-in-law, tenes Ladies of Shavertown Bible Church held their monthly Mission- | ary meeting Monday evening, Sep- | tember. 28, at the home of Mrs. | Mildred Rusmisel, Shaver Avenue. Speaker was Miss Ruth Detwiler from Bible Christian Union, Brook- who will be a missionary lin West Germany. Present were Mesdames Oscar | Culp, Grace Moore, Ira Button, Rus- sell Edmondson, Mildred Rusmisel, | Sampel Keast, James Brace, Ruth George Seelandt, Joseph Bur- : Misses | Ruth Detwiler and Erma Garnett. les Brobst Hosted At Birthday Party A surprise birthday party was held September 30 for . Charles | Brobst, E. Center Street, Shaver- town, given by his wife. A pleasant evening was spent as friends and relatives gathered. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph Kernag, Mr. and Mrs. Russell ton Brobst, Arthur Garinger and | the hostess. , oe woon | WORK? | Let us make any item you might need — MALCOLM KITCHEN always has the answer to carpentry problems 1 | | | | | ! | Back Mt. Lumber Co. MAIN STREET ! twin daughters, Donna and Dianne, sex; N. J. regular meeting on Saturday eve- ning “in the social . church at 7:45 P.M. honoring those the month of October. ' visited her aunt Verna Lamoreaux, “ment of Ralph Brown as custodian ! - fruit trees and numerous animals. | unteer | ter Stroudsburg State Teachers Col- ! lege upon graduation where he will THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1964 To Have Birthday Fernbrook Mrs. Catherine Coleman, Demunds Road and her sisters, Rose and Madeline, Wilkes-Barre attended the New York World's Fair last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schray, .Jr., and children, Fred, Francis, Marian, Phyliss ‘and Judy, Havertown, visif- ed Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schray, Sr., Harris Street, over the weekend | helping Mrs. Fred Schray, Sr., cele- | brate her birthday. } Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Rogers and | Maple Street, and Mr. ‘and Mrs. Robert Rogers and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Rogers and family, | White Birch Trailor Court, spent | last weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. | Robert Sorber and family, Middle- Adult Fellowship Group .of Glen- view P. M. Church will hold its rooms of the SGT. ROBERT O. NICELY | Recently advanced to Staff Ser- geant in the U. S. Air Force .is Robert 0. Nicely, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nicely, Sr., Main Street, i Shavertown. { Sgt. Nicely, is stationed at Truax Air Force Base, Madison Wis. He has been in the Air Force for five and a half years and is married to having birthdays or anniversaries in Mrs. Ivy Wilson, West Chester, Fern Street for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver, Jr., and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conklin, Sr.» and son David, | ‘and, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conklin, ' Jr., and infant, daughter, Tamar 2 pr “the former Kuni Hahakobe of Tokyo, in Bethlehem on Sunday. J h s i : Thomas Rogers, son of Mn and | SoPor hom, he met while, sta i ’ | tioned in the Far East. Mrs. E. H. Rogers, Maple Street, | i On expects to return home this week | Bob, who is a graduate of Dallas from India where he has been em. Area High School, class of 1958 will ployed since March. . When he ¢¢lebrate his 24th birthday on Oc- reaches home he will have made, tober 24. ] a trip around the world. Sea ——— + | Meeting Change YMCA NEWS | - Ladies Auxiliary of the 4. R. Davis | Fire Company announce that they will now hold their meetings on the third Monday of each month in- stead of the first Monday as in at Back Mountain YMCA’s. Mr. | PFEVIOUS years. Brown resides with his wife at 100 | , Officers for the 1964-65 term are: Parrish Street, Dallas, and has been | President, Mrs. Charles Casterline; retired for the past two years. He Vice President, Mrs. Lee Bicking: has lived in the Back Mountain ar- | Treasurer, Mrs. Roland Ritts; Sec- ea for 35 years, then served a retary, Mrs. Edward Kanasky. Next period of 8 years in Elmira, N.Y., | regular meeting will be held Mon- where he was employed by the day, October 16, at 8 p.m. Member- Board of Education. Before that,|ShiP is open to. all women of the he served as conductor for the 2re2- Wilkes-Barre Traction company for i Eo TR a 32 year period. The Brown's are Wizard At E&P members of the Dallas Methodist Little do people realize, when they shop at the Back Mountain Church and enjoy the hobbies of Gardening and pets, having several A&P, that there is a wizard in their presence. Mike Pesta, Exeter, who is a check-out ‘clerk at the A&P, has the amazing ability to add six columns across and ten . columns down, thereby totaling up an order, no matter what the size, correctly, in his head, while ringing up’ the order. : Robert Crosson, Executive of Back: Mountain Town & Country | YMCA, nas announced the appoint- Mr. Brown will be at the ‘Y’ Building Mondays thru Fridays from 1 to 5 pm. and 7 to 9 p.m. on Saturdays. ‘Mr. Crosson also announced that Gene Shelley will be a volunteer gym instructor at the ‘Y’ Branch. Gene, a senior at the. Dallas Sen- ior High School, is a member of the Basketball Team. He will be on vol- duty Tuesdays and Thurs- days from 7 to 9 p.m. when he will direct a gymnastic program, volley- ball and basketball. Gene is a member of East Dallas Methodist Church and plans to en- At Geisinger Mrs. Margaret F. Hughes, Dallas, R. Di 1, was admitted to Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, on Oe- tober 11. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS The Dallas Pgst NOXEN Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson, Clark Summit, visited the Willard Benders, on Saturday. Members cf Ladies Auxiliary, Noxen Fire Company, held their monthly meeting on Monday night at the fire hall. was conducted, plans were made for +he election day dinner at the fire hall and also for the annual Christmas party, which is to be a turkey dinner, served by the Methodist ladies, in the basement of their church in November. We were all invited to a Hallowe'en party at the home of Mrs. Stanley Harrison, Kunkle on October 29th. home of Mrs. Guy Fritz on Novem- ber 16th. The following enjoyed a Russell Newell, Elvin Bean, Stan- ley Harrison, James Traver, Guy Fritz, Ralph Lutes, Joseph Nalbone ‘and Ora Bean. Bruce ' Fritz, Pine Grove, Pa.; spent the weekend with his brother, George Fritz. Mrs. William ‘Munketchy enter- tained the: following in honor of her mother Mrs. Gabriel ‘Kalmar’s birthday on Sunday, Anna Kalmar, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kish and Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Kal- mar, Scranton, Mr. and Mrs. George Fleth, Maryann and Elizabeth Ellen, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Costanzo, Paul Jeffrey. and Patti Lynn, Donmore, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fleth of Madi- sonville, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Race, David and Christine, Noxen. She also entertained Mrs. Harold Bennett, Mrs. Sophia Hackling and Mrs. Elmer Race on Tuesday eve- ning in honor of Mrs. Lewis Lord's birthday. She entertained John Hollos, David and Christine Race on Saturday in honor of their son Roberts fifteenth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kelly were dinner guests at the home of Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Engelman Mrs. Jay Darr and. family at Seanor, Pa. They became the parents of a son on Sept. 29th. Mrs. Darr is the former Penelope Engelman.: This is their fourth child. Lewis Dungle, Glouster, N. J. wags the supply pastor at St. Lukes Church on Sunday, in the absence of Pastor Wesley Kimm. | Mr. and. Mrs. «Albert Ruff Sr. entertained at their home, at din- ner, on Sunday, in honor of the 16th. birthday of their granddaugh- ter Mildred Jane Case. Presear were: Mr. and Mrs. Loren Case, Lir and ‘Mrs: Fred Case, Mildred Janz. Ricky, Loren and Roger, Noxen, | Mr. and Mrs. Byron Cook and child- | ren,.Beaumont, Mr. and Mrs. Robert ! Shilanskis - and family, Trenton, ! N. J., and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ruff. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keiper, Buf- falo visited the Albert -Ruffs, Saturday. on | FOAM RUBBER: | | all sizes in stock for sofa eushe tons, seats, benches, station wagons, studio matiresses. DRAPERY FABRICS: largest selection in Pa, Solids, prints; as low as 49¢ a yard. © DRAPERY HARDWARE: | traverse rods, pins, hooks, ® I weights, pleater tape 15¢ yd. Solid State 0 'UPHOLSTERING FABRICS: ® tapestries, leathers, friezes, nylons as low as 89¢ a yard. UPHOLSTERING SUPPLIES: 2 webbing, tacks, gimp, felt, 8 burlap, braid, welts. si DECORATOR TOSS CUSHIONS: 5 foam 35¢ — 50¢ — $1.00. FOAM BED PILLOWS: $1 up. Mattresses Made & Expertly Reconditioned & Recovered : ‘Sunday Dinners Open Daily 6 am, to ({ p.m. From Noon sah ns > The Asks for Delicious, Refreshing ond Healthy Taste Treats... TAKE THEM TO LAKE STREET REFLEX RETRACTABLE CARTRIDGE ~Diamond stylus in- stantly retracts into tone arm on impact while simultaneously dropping a cushioned record guard to prevent groove damage. } + Town House Dallas | now at STAN TON ’S Tv the performance of custom components in.a custom-crafted decorator cabinet Du Mont | Stereophonic High Fidelity | Delibes — French Provincial solid state.stereophonic high fidelity pho- nograph in genuine Fruitwoods-- An outstanding value at the ultimate in sound reproduction and hand-crafted decorator styling Du Mont stereophonic high fidelity is like no other self-contained instru- ment available on the market today. For each component in the custom- crafted cabinet is precision matched to provide thrilling in-person concert hall realism. A 30-watt Solid State dual channel stereo amplifier transmits audio directly to the six speaker system. Cap- tures all the dimensions of today’s most advanced recordings. World famous Garrard record changer, with Reflex ou Mit the Ultimate in Sound Reproduction STANTONXR'S TV and APPLIANCES : DALLAS SHOPPING CENTER DALLAS, PA. ~ $429.95 Retractable dia- mond stylus. Stereo FM/AM radio re- ceives FM Multi- plex and standard FM/AM broad- casts. The authen- tically styled cabinets are 59” wide and made of genuine hardwoods. Business meeting | A Beeline party will be held at the, tasty lunch provided by Mrs. Ralph Lutes and Mrs. Guy Fritz: Mes- | dames — Raymond Kelly, Oscar | Fish, Jacob Miner, Bernard Dend- | ler Sr., Arba Dimmick, Earl Beahm, | Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bachman on | spent a week with their daughter | banded, the local members met with | | toursville. g i | BUILT - PAINTED { Elmer Dewald, Jersey Shore,’ visited Mrs. ph Hackling and , Carl, on Monday. Weekend visitors Jose were Mrs. Morty Goldberg, cf Wil- mington, Del. and Mr. and Mrs. William Mason, Endicott. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Patton and family, Newburg, N.Y., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Voyle Traver. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Shafer and family, Philadelphia spent the weekend at their summer home in Nozxen. Larry Case, North Carolina, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Loren Case, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Hess and Mrs. Rinaldo Sutliff attended the World’s Fair on Tuesday. They also visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Davis Smales, Spring Hill, one day, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams and family, of Lancaster, spent the weekend with Mrs. Chester Keiner. The following men from the Methodist Mens’ Club sang in the choir this morning: Elmer Race, | ¢ Charles Womer, Spencer Holmgren, Osmand Casterline, Warren Mon- tross, Bill Bates, Fred and Francis l.Schenck. Their monthly meeting] |. was held in the church basement | i on Wednesday evening. Warren Montross has been dis- | ‘charged from the Veterans’ hospital | ‘Wilkes Barre after several months 1 treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gunton will leave on Tuesday for a visit | with their son John and family at | Buffalo, N. Y. Tipperary Riding Club Enjoys Wayne County | , Tipperary Riding Club members | enjoyed a 150 mile ride on horse- | back from Thursday to Sunday last : week through Wayne County, north | or Equinunk, where they quartered !at Hemlock View Lodge on the i banks of the Delaware River. An offshoot of the former North | Mt. Trail Riders Association organiz- | | ed by John Blackman and now dis- | friends from other areas. Dr. Parks and Judge Rutherford, | Honesdale, arranged the ride | through pleasant territory and were joined by John Stahl, Shavertown, John Carey, Dallas, Edward Bris- lin, Elizabeth, N. J.; John Brislin, Lancaster and Paul Cooper, Mon- Carey, who served as trailmaster was assisted by a local guide. Win- ter time arrived early in Wayne County, according to John Stahl, who reported a good snowfall on Saturday and accompanying winds. The group will continue their travels this week, this time enjoying the region of the Endless Mountains | and quartering at Forkston. { SELINGO SIGNS, SIGNS OF ALL KIND | | | | | 8 | | | | | TRUCKS WINDOWS PLASTIC SHO-CARDS PAPER SIGNS SIGN CLOTH SCOTCHLITE ART WORK HUNTSVILLE 674-8126 | SECTION B — PAGE 5 East Dallas M+». and Mrs, Sharps celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary Wednesday, October 14. M-s. Cvrhers is the former Doris Shupn, daughter of the late George Shupp, on whose birthdav they chose to be wed. A The Cyvhers have two lovely daughters. Patti will rolehrate her 9th birthday on October 18. Gnieste of Mr. and Mrs. Cyphers for the weekend were Sharps’ sister and family. Alberta and Robert Jones, daughter Sharon. and her girl friend Connie, all from Oak Ridge, N. J. They also visited the Blnnmsburg Fair. Rrian. 6 vear old son of Bob and Libby Cvphers. Ransom Road. was retnrned to General Hosnital last Friday where he snbmitted to tests and treatments. Brian needs our prayers. Johw F-hr. Ransom Road. pur- chased two sheep last week. and only had them a couple days when a neighbor's dog scared them into the woods. An extensive search failed. to locate one of them, which headed toward the back road by Coons and Cybulskis. Anyone find- ing it, Cyphers | ( | | please phone 674-2395 or | 674-2399 and ask them to let Fehrs | know. Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Gross, 61 Parkin Street, Wilkes-Barre, cele- brated their Mrs. Gross is the former Emily Ehr- gott, daughter of Gustav Ehrgott, Fefnbrook. The couple have two children, Edward 14, and Nancy 12. A family dinner marked the occa- sion. Invited guests were Betty and Bob Helmer and son Bobby, White Haven; Mary Lou and Harry Thompson and sons, Tunkhannock Highway; Ann and Ralph Yeust and family, Fernbrook; Hilda and Bob Moore, and family, East Dallas; Gustave Ehrgott and Eleanor and Norman Gross. { the weekend 18th wedding anni- versary, Friday evening, October 9. | Albert is employed . Junior At School Miss Roseanne Smith has begun the Junior year at Emma Willard School, Troy, N. Y., this fall. Miss Smith is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison H. Smith, Shrine View, Dallas. This is her third year at the school. at Wilkes-Barre Post Office. Happy birthday to Florence Wil- son, Frances Cybulski, Sherry Lee Goble, Mary C. Baran, Richard Philips, Beth Dymond, Bonnie Mah- ler. Congratulations on your wedding anniversaries, Jessie and Thomas Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brace. Aijarman Lloyd Ryman; son of M:. and Mrs. Wilson Ryman and stationed at Shepherd Air Force Base, Texas, recently was promoted to. Airman First Class: Lloyd ex- pects to be home in East Dallas in November during hunting season for about 30 days. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Siley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Siley, and Mr. and Mrs. George Space are spending Sunday at Sileys’ hunting cabin to see his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Siley who are spending the week- end there. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Siley spent with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Siley. While here they at- tended the Bloomsburg Fair on Saturday. $ Mrs. Frances Cybulski was sur- prised Sunday afternoon when these people showed up to help her cele- brate her birthday: Mr. and Mrs. Niles Clark and family of Beaumont, Mrs. Russell Ockenhouse and Hazel Jane, Marion Hildebrant, Mrs. Jean Phillips, Tom and Richard Phillips, Hilda apd Patti Moore, Mitch, Mi- chelle, Marion and John Cybulski and the guest of honor. I George Snyder has returned to Nesbitt Hospital as a patient. — SUBSCRIBE TO THE POST — ice available in this area. today. For over 15 vears CHARLES H. LONG has supplied The Back Mt. with complete heating comfort It has been our special privilege to provide an adequate, depend- able supply of Gulf Solar Heat® — the world’s finest heating oil — to our friends and neighbors for many years. As a result, our cus- tomers look to us with confidence for all of their heating comfort requirements. We are taking this opportunity to thank ‘each of you for your valued business. We prom- ise to continue to supply you with the most modern and economical home heating serv- If you are not already enjoying the many extra advantages of using Gulf Solar Heat and our complete heating services, call us CHARLES fi. LONG SWEET VALLEY 477-2211 heating oil TIME" Winter- AoW, % only 4) FLEX-O-GLASS is the original and only window material that carries a 2 YEAR GUARANTEE. Look for the name FLEX-O-GLASS on the edge. Get Genuine FLEX-O-GLASS At Your Loc SQ. YD 28”, 36” & 48” Widths Your Home 03 | AND TACK ON | p=, = = JUST CUT _ OVER YQUR WINDOWS AND DOORS . - 1 He rd Sie ay fs Hdwr. or Lmbr. Dealer Spe ili —