The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 27, 1964, Image 10

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    TOR Ne
a ' inn AR
BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin NE 9-2544 @ MT. ZION, Rev. Charles Gilbert Harding 388-2270
DALLAS, Caro} Ann Williams 674-4109 @ NOXEN, Mrs. Elida Beahm Kelly NE 9-8522
FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver 674-5460 @ SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. F. W. Anderson 675-2001
HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage NE 9-9531 e SWEET VALLEY, Mrs. Albert Ray GR 7-3271
IDETOWN, Bess Cooke NE 9-5137 ° TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert 696-1689
JACKSON TWP., William Hughes 696-1005 eo EAST DALLAS, Mrs. Irene Moore 674-2392
LEHMAN, Mrs. Morton Connelly 674-2488 ®
Mr. and Mrs. William Morrow K Garry, returned with them to spend
and four year old son, vacationed a week, his first visit away from
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. his parents. He was told not to
Charles Lipp for the past week. 80 near the road (Demunds) so
Mr. Morrow just received his Mas- when Grandma Gries went to get
ter’s degree in Ohio and has ac- | her mail he excitedly told her,
cepted a position to teach in West | “don’t go on the road, Grandma.”
Virginia where they will move next Mrs. Mildred Gries entertained
week. Mrs. Morrow is the former | the Wyoming Valley Navy Mo-
Mary Lipp. ther’s Club, at her cottage at Syl-
Mrs. Charles Parrish, Beaumont, !| van Lake, last Wednesday. Twenty
and Mrs. Morrow, called on George | nine enjoyed a cook out weenie
Snyder. and Myrtle Miller last| and corn roast, after which they
Saturday. Mrs. Parrish has been | Played a lively game of Bingo.
a close friend since school days| The Ladies Aid and familes of
when all three lived in Beaumont. | St. Mark's Lutheran Church en-
Mr. and; Mrs. Alfred Miller also | joved a covered dish, all day
called on George and Myrtle and | Picnic, at the Carl Gries cottage,
brought a bouquet of their own | Sylvan Lake, last Tuesday.
grown gorgeous gladiolas, to Carol ‘Ann, Mark and Susan
George who has been seriously ill. | Russ, children of Dorothy Gries
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gries visited | Russ, spent the month of July with
son Carl and family, at Hershey ' grandparents, Carl and Mildred
recently, ' Grandson, three year old Gries at Sylvan: Lake.
§ Barto, Dora Montigny, Rev. Robert
| Mordt, Stella Lancio, Mathew Hig-
Kills rats and
the easy way - -
RBRaT Kalkes
® The aroma attracts
® The flavor appeals
The cosumption kills
'® Rats are eliminated
“3 Mrs.
Designed for easy “carry home” qualities.
Male rat takes it back to the nest for female
and the young - - - you get rid of whole
Rat Family. |
Your Rexall Pharmacy
rn Shavertown
Ryman, Priscilla and Cathy Lee
Coolbaugh, Kenneth Miller, Char-
les Coolbaugh, Mrs. Elias Miller,
| Bmily Weaver, Agnes Sidorek,
also: hosts to the; Richard Clemow, Myra Carlin,
Shultz Hildebrand Reunion, July | | Douglas Dymond, Rebecca Rozelle,
26 at their Sylvan Lake cottage. . . Mark Dymond, Vivian Dymond,
This was there forty ninth reunion | Elaine Dymond, Howard Dymond,
and had ninty members present. | Dale Rozelle, Glenna Rozelle, and
Carl and Mildred were the oldest | H. G. Clemow.
married couple, their niece Mrs. | Ted Wilson was really surprised
Herman Baumn and
family, | when the group sang happy birth-
Chicago, came the farthest. day and presented him with a
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hobbs and | candle-lit- cake. He remarked to
family from Lemon; and Mrs. Net- | Howard “They just couldn’t honor
tie Mokychic, Bast Dallas, visited {wo nicer guys.’
Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Dymond for a Myra Carlin Spept the - weekend
week at Huntington, Long Island. with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bailey at
The Hobbs children Sherry, Char-| Guaguago, N. Y. While there she
lene, Kevan and Sue Ellen: aceom- | sttended a get-together on Sunday
panied them all to the World's of Paul Carlins family. Attending
Fair. Also Fuller children Marsha, wore Mr. and Mes. Fred Keankles
Donnie, Debbie and Loretta. Susan of Dee Ray Beach, Fla. Mr.
They were
Mrs. Herbert Nicholas, Conklin, | yng Mrs. Paul Carlin, family, End-
N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lumley, | well, Mr. and Mrs. Vince, baby,
Andrew, Mrs. = Nettie Mokychic, | Mr, and Mrs. Lance Carlin, baby,
visited Ricketts Glen recently. Mr. | Binghamton, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
and Mrs. Walter Rinus Perkasie| momas baby, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
also John Mokychic attended the | Bajley Bobby, Jeff, Mark of
, outing. Guagnago.
Birthday greetings to Debby Lee Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krunkle are
spending the month of August in
Guaguago and Binghamton.
Krunkle, is a former resident of Ry-
man Road, East Dallas.
| gins, Tom Moore, Mary Jo Atkin-
son, George J. Moore, Dean Adams,
Lawrence Robbins, Sammy Perry,
Priscilla Perry, Barry Reese, Paul |
Brace, Donna Gordon, Kristie Bed-
ford, Jack Prebola.
| Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Krum, Mr.
po Mrs. Robert M. Moore visited
Mrs. Abe Lind, Bloomfield, N. J,
Tuesday evening in the East Dallas
Methodist Church parlor honoring
Howard Dymond, our former or-
ganist, who is leaving in Septem-
ber to enter college. Prayer was
given by Richard Clemow, followed
by group singing. A purse was
presented to Howard from the
congregation, also the choir gave
him an alarm clock. Dale Rozelle |
wag introduced to the group as.
our new organist. Present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wilson, Pamela
Albert Gross and family of Par-
sons. “ye
Leo B. Stout Retires
From Printing Business
Leo B. Stout, for forty-nine
years a printer with the Wilkes-
Bamre newspapers, retires next
week on pension. He expects to
enjoy himself—spending all or part
of his time in Florida.
. Hunter, Dorothy Mason, Diana d ;
Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. Russell A native of Wilkes-Barre, he was
Ockenhouse and Hazel Jane, Mr. |.educated in the public schools. He
and Mrs. Larry Kintzer, Lauren |is married to the former Thelma
and Dorothy; Patty, Johnny Cool, | Husted. The couple celebrated
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Howell, Mrs.
Jack Cook, Linda, Johnny, Mr. and
Tex Wilson, Texie, Cathy,
Teddy, Melvin Morris Sr., Sharon,
Gary, Kenny, Melvin Morris Jr. !
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin Sr., Mr
and Mrs. Ted Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert M. Moore, Keith, Patti,
in December.
A lover of good music, Mr. Stout
could most always be seen at the
community concerts.
Many Designs
| Holly, Inez Ryman, Mrs. Wilson |
Septic Tanks Drain Fields
Screened Top Soil
| amass NE 9-497
i %
It covers vital engine and drive train parts, including both
No other imparted economy car offers a warranty on these parts
chronizers; a 50-hp rear engine; 4 wide-opening doors, And more,
Simca 1000 j joins
in carrying a
replacement parts and labor. You don’t pay a penny for it, It's
for even half as long.
Great performer, best protected: Chrysler's all-new economy car,
S-year/50,000-mile warranty”
standard equipment on Chrysler's all-new economy car, Simca 1000,
More good reasons to own a 1000: 4 forward speeds; Porsche syne
Simca 1000. Get behind the wheel! Only
ration warrants all of the following vital parts of the Simca 1000 for § years or
80,000 miles, whichever comes first, during which time any such parts that prove
defective in material or workmanship will be replaced or repaired at an Authorized
Simcs Dealer's place of business without charge for such parts or labor: engine
block, head and internal parts, water pump, intake manifold, Trans-Axle parts
and rear wheel bearings.
HERE'S ALL YOU MUST DO: Give your car this normal care—change engine oll
and retorque the cylinder head at first 600 miles, and thereafter change engine
1 oil every 3 months or every 4,000 miles; whichever comes first; clean oil separator
every 8 months (spring and fall); clean carburetor air filter every 6 months and
replace it every 2 years; and clean the crankcase ventilator ‘valve oil filler cap
and change Trans-Axle fubricant every 6 months, or 8,000 miles, whichever comes
first; AND every 8 months furnish evidence of this required service to an Authonized
Simca Dealer or other Chrysler Motors Corporsgtion Authorized Dealer and request
him to certify receipt of such evidence and your car's mileage. Simple provi
for such important protection, :
Howard ‘Duke’ Isaacs. Ine.
Main Highway — Trucksville
avyear — 1100-01
at the MINERS"
| entertained their
Mrs. |
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dymond Jr. :
HONOR ORGANIST cently ler aay. SE
. Keith, Patti an Holly oore
A covered dish supper wag held spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs.
their fortieth wedding anniversary |
1 Luncneon
Mr. and Mrs. . Ralph Johnson
and Mrs. Richard Johnson)
Carol and Junior, Liberty, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs.
are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Estes in New Jersey.
stay for the week.
son and family, from a
Harveys Lake
Eleanor Humphrey has returned
weeks vacation at the |
"Thousand Islands. |
Mr. and Mrs.
Western trip. They’
| family in North Dakota, and re-
Mrs. Louis Miller, Upper Darby, | | turned home ‘ through Canada.
spent the week with Mr. and Mrs.
Morton Connelly. She is
Connelly’s sister-in-law.
"He will stay there 8 weeks, and |
then go on to Germany.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoover are |
entertaining their son and family, |
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hoover, Terry
and Jerry, from Wilmington, Del.
Mrs. Mildred Parent, from Valley
Crest, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. EA-
really enjoy having her with them. |
Jacky Ruggles is improving, but
he is still in the Harrisburg Hos-
pital and would love to hear from |
some of his friends. Please write.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Oncay Jr.,
and family made a visit to the
Harrisburg Hospital to call on
Jacky Ruggles. Then they stopped
at Eddy’s parents in Cherry Hill,
New Jersey for a week's vacation
and had a wonderful time.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stolarick
entertained at a birthday dinner,
in honor of Mrs. Kenneth Stolarick.
The following were there: Mr. and
Shellhimer, Mr. Obed
The Kenneth
Kenny, Mrs.
Sutliff, and hostess.
adelphia. \
Don’t forget the Friendship Class
of the Methodist Church is having
an ice cream social on Saturday
from 2 to 9 p.m. in the basement.
They are also serving barbecues
and hot dogs and baked beans.
Happy birthday to all: Susan
Masters, Alan S. Major, William
Drabick, Vicla Moss, Mrs. A. M.
Major and Alberta Foss.
Happy anniversary to Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Ide Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Oncay Jr.
“entertained the American Legion
Auxiliary Thursday evening at
their home. Present: Mr, and Mus.
E. Buckley, Mr. and Mrs. G. Cave,
Mr. and Mrs. B. McDermott, Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Harvey, Mr. ‘and
Mrs. H. Brocks and family, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Reese and children, Mr. and
Mrs. F. Templin and children. Mrs.
Hazel Carkhuff ‘and daughter,
Helen Anderson, and Mrs. Florence
Dallas Union of W.C.T.U. enter-
tained at the home of Mrs. Morton
Connelly with Mrs. Arthur Hoover
| assisting hostess. Mrs. Russell
Hoover presided. Plans were made
to have a covered dish dinner at the
home of Mrs. Amelia Anderson,
Harvey's Lake, at our next meet-
| ing Tuesday, September 15, at
noon. All members are welcome.
W.C.T.U. sent a donation to Penn-
| sylvania Temperance League, also
| some literature for Sunday Schools
| to pass on to the children.
was scved to the
following members and visitors:
Mrs. Florence Murro, Mrs. Winfield
. Kelly, Mrs. Grace Knupp, Amelia
! Anderson, Mrs. Daniel Brown, Mrs.
Kathleen Brown, Mrs. Z. E. Garing-
er, Mrs. Lillian Hildebrant, Mrs.
Arthur Hoover,
| over, Mrs. Ellis Hoover, Mrs. Jen-
nie Grey, Mrs. Ethel Johnson, Ms.
Arthur Kocher, Mrs. Elizabeth Mil-
brodt, Sadie Rossman, Mrs. F. R.
Searfoss, Mrs. Walter Shaver, Mrs.
William Sorber, Mrs. Letha Spauld-
ing, Mrs. Grace Whitesell, and Miss
Letha Wolfe.
Mrs. B. A. Brown had a surprise
last weekend, her two sons and
grandson, Emerson and Reid, from
Arlington, Virginia, and Harold A.
Brown, San Diego, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shipmen and
family, Spencerport, N. Y., are
visiting Mrs. Shipman’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Marks
Campers and counselors from
Girl Scout Camp Lycogis enjoyed
a 4-day cance trip down the Sus-
quehanna River stopping at Camp
Onawanda over night where they
were made very welcome by the
staff. They arrived in Wilkes-
Barre and were met by their direc-
tor, Ruby Steel, and taken to the
‘Ledges’ home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Rossman. Mrs. Rossman is
Assistant Director at Camp Ly-
ward Oncay, Jr. for a week. They |
Mrs. Kenneth Stolarick, Cathy and |
Stolaricks “spent a week in Phil- |
Mrs. Russell Ho-.
ing a few weeks at Stonehurst. Mrs. '
Billy Oncay is visiting his mo-| Payne is a sister of Tom Garrity.
ther and dad in Cherry Hill, N. J. Mrs. Payne and family spent sever-
al days with Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
| Payne at Loyalville, ‘and also
| visited Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clark
one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lecknoe
of Springfield, Pa., spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garinger
and Aunt Lina recently enjoyed a
three day visit of their granddaugh-
ters Tracy, Wendy, and Amy of
| Berwyn, while their parents Mr.
and Mrs. Arnold Garinger and son
Robert vacationed at Eagles Mere.
Mr, and Mrs. John Cowan of
Snow Hill Maryland visited Mr. and’,
Mrs. Howard Higgins last week.
Sincere sympathy is extended.
Mrs. E. R. Marley, E. Overbrook
Avenue, on the death of her hus- |
band last week. ;
Mary Alice Lumley, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lumley, Harris
Street spent a week visiting her |
Thomas Garrity | their recent bereavement.
George Stolarick | and children have returned from a help was deeply appreciated.
Thomas © delightful
They will | visited Toms’
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Her- |
bert Jones in Catasauqua.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sidorek,
Susan and Joseph, Jr.
Macina, N. Y., spent several days
visiting the former's brother and
family, Mr.
and Mrs. Nick ‘Susaraba and
Lh Nicky, Timmy and Johnny
and Mrs. Catherine Coleman, De-
munds Road, spent a few days
| liam Butler,
i Mrs.
and Mrs. Edward Si-
dorek, Harris Street.
visiting Mr, and Mrs. Robert Cole- |
man and family in Lancaster. They
also visited. Dutch Wonderland, and
President Buchanans home. On
Sunday they celebrated Nicky's 4th’
birthday by visiting Hershey Park.
Mrs. Leona Belles, Harris Street,
has returned home after visiting
her sister, Mrs. Chester Culver,
Huntington Mills.
Pvt. James Seward, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Seward, Maple-
wood Heights, has completed nine
weeks training at Fort Knox, Ky.,
and has been spending a leave with
his parents. He will leave on Thurs-
day for Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
brook Avenue, is still a patient in
Nesbitt Hospital where he under-
went emergency surgery nearly two
weeks ago. His condition is much
improved. His grandmother, Mrs.
| Jennie Shaver, 243 ‘Mathers, Drive,
Trucksville is ‘a surgical patient in
General Hospital,
Pvt. Douglas Shelley, son of Mr.
and Mrs. ‘Arthur Shelley, Poplar
Street, has completed a nine week
course at Fort Knox, Ky. and will
report to Fort JacksomS, Gc,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar ‘Dymond, E.
Overbrook Avenue, spent. a few
days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Price |
Knarr in Upper. Greenwood. Lake,
N. Y.-
Boe " Dimond, EB. “Overbrook h
Avenue, was guest’ of Honor at’ a
birthday dinner ont Monday ‘evening |
given by his son and daughter-in-:
| law, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dymond,
E. Franklin Street, Shavertown;
Enjoying the dinner were, ‘Bobby, |
Kenneth and Paul Dymond; Mrs.
Oscar Dymond, the guest of honor
and the host ‘dnd hostess.
cagis. They spent the weekend at
‘the Ledges cooking out and- sleep-
ing in sleeping bags, enjoyed horse:
back riding ‘and boating at Har-
vey's Lake. Some of the girls and
counselors’ homes are from many
parts of ‘the state, Harrisburg, Wil-
liamsport, Pittsburgh, Muncy, = Le-
magne, Coatsville, Coudersport,
Belmont, Mass., ‘Pepper | Pike, Ohio.
Also one girl is an exchange coun-
selor from Switzerland and one.
from Hungary. All 19 enjoyed the
weekend, although, they were
dirty, tired, and 15 pounds heavier.
Ra te lr rr LP
and you reach
The Friendly “Miners in Dallas”
Harveys Lake, Sweet Valley and
Centermoreland Dial 674-1181
In Wilkes-Barre — NO TOLL
“Skip” Shaver, E. Ower- |
after |
spending a leave with his parents. |"
The family of the late Carl
Brobst wishes to thank everyone
who assisted in any way during
The following ladies attended a
Joe and Juncheon and card party at Irem
"Mr. and Mrs. Robert Payne, and’ ling,
Mrs. | | family former residents are spend-| Lutes, Mrs.
| Temple Country Club on Thursday:
| Mrs. Guy Fritz, Mrs. Sophia Hack-
Stella Shook, Mrs. Ralph
Gomer Thomas, Mrs.
Robert Timko, Mrs. Albert May,
Mrs. Robert May, Mrs. Elvin Bean,
Ora Bean, and Mrs. Lambert Trav-
er, Mrs. Earl Crispell.
Mrs. Guy Fritz and Mrs. Sophia
Hackling visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kelly,
Kingston, on Friday.
Weekend visitors at the Elmer
Race home were Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Henning and Mathew, Tim
Van Campen, Endicott and Mrs.
Lawrence Race and William, who
also attended the Race reunion at
Centermoretand on Saturday.
Mrs. Sterlyn May, Mrs. William
Engelman, Sheila and Sharon
visited Mr. and Mrs. Dale Engel-
man, Sayre, one day this week.
Dinner guests "at the
Munkatchys Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Walsh and Mary Ann,
Belleville, N. J., Mrs. Anne Geor-
galis and Jerry Ann Davis, Scran-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. George Katona,
Kingston, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward Katona, Levittown.
Recent guests at the Harry Keip- |
* ers’ were Roy Root, Fla. and Al-
fred Root, Dallas, Mrs. Gerald
~Rittenhouse, Plymouth.
Classmates met at the home of |
Lutes on Friday evening. |
Wil- |
Elwood Patton, |
Present: Stella Shook, Mrs.
Oscar Fish, Mrs. Elsworth
Field, Mrs. Alpha Dymond, Mrs.
Jacob Miner, Mrs. Harold Bennett,
Mrs. Harry Wells, Mrs. Oscar Fish, |
| Mrs. Dorothy French,, Mrs,
Patton, Mary Patton, Mrs.
Gunton, Mrs. William Munkatchy.
Next meeting at Mrs. Munkatchy’s |
Reverend and Mrs. Fred Eister, |
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fish,
Shook, Mrs. William Butler, Mrs.
Klwood Patton recently spent an
enjoyable day at the summer home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gunton at
Lake Nuangola.
Bowman's Creek Lions
sponsoring the circus to be held on
the Noxen grounds, on Wednésday,
September 2, afternoon and eve-
ning’s performance. Help the Lions
by purchasing your tickets in ad-
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis, Hun-
lock Creek, called on the Harry
Recent visitors at the home of |
Christine and Delbert Blizzard
were Mrs. Alton Field and son
Dana, Jamestown, N. Y. Mr. and
Mrs. Ward Vanderhoff and family
and Affie Blizzard, Metuchen, N. J.
Mrs. Oscar Fish visited Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Williams, Tunkhannock,
William |
on Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Coole and Peggy are
spending several days at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pease and
family and Mr. and Mrs. James
Berger and family Buffalo.
Mr. and Mrs. William Manning
and family of Iselin, N. J., spent
the weekend at the Paul Spaces.
Mr. and Mrs. James Patton and
son William and Carl Hackling, at-
tended a picnic dinner at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Patton,
Athens, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Joe Shalata and
Judy and Mrs. Albert Jones, and
Mrs. Donald Meeker spent the
weekend at the home of Mrs. Al
Field, Jamestown, N. Y., and
and Mrs. Shalata and Mrs. Jones
went on to Tonawanda where they
visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hobbs
and family.
Miss Peggy Coole returned on
Wednesday from a trip to Cal-
came back by car.
Mr. and Mrs; Joseph Vilasi and
family, Binghamton, spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jeddie MacMillan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Boone and
children of Eyersville, spent Sun-
day with Mrs. William Engelman
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keiper,
Ray |
Stella |
Club is |
Lynn, Pa., spent Sunday with the
| Clayton Keipers.
Mrs. Carl Brobst and Martin, Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Moyer and children,
| Mrs. Harry Miller, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. David Brobst
and family, Lynn, Pa. ia
Howard Shook, song Terry 1d
Carl, are visiting their aunt Mrs.
Lillie Mercilliot, who is a patient
in a hospital at Clinton Corners,
N..¥Y. NF
| Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Bean spent
the weekend at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Berne, Linden,
N. J.
| Mrs. Kate Root entertained at
dinner her daughter Mrs. Walter
| Winnie and family, Susquehanna,
Pa., Mrs. Jack Redmond and Bill
Anderson, Binghamton, on Sunday.
The wedding of John Gunton,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gunton,
took place at the Methodist
Church, at Clarence,, N. Y., on
August 4th. He married Miss
Juanita Andres of Buffalo, and the
couple will reside in Buffalo.
Mrs. Ruth Long, Pittsburgh,
spent Monday at the home of the
Loren Cases. On Tuesday they
took Mrs. Long to visit her brother
John Hoppes, a guest at Valley
Guests at the Harry Bigelows on
Sunday were Reverend and Mrs.
Russell Buchanon, of Endicott, also
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lane, Tunkhan-
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fritz, ard
George Fritz visited Mr. Brjjpe
Fritz, Pine Grove, Dave and Nik
Fritz attended the Worlds Fair on
driveway !
drippings! !!
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DON'T BE FOOLED into having
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VV vv
of Forty Fort
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She went out by jet and
Debates besetting hecibcgleidziusipeaiciticsliezfucifhodiibedhzdbefassibe fiddle
H )
Ruin bucsierlibcstneaedialibcaliantdebe fhe ciated a
. LW
a —